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rs Pssyoment - 2 4) xian bréefiy what the need ‘for wourty ve rerutieyis ie Bremer % laitol Computer application had no, oF ery OF doto was not realized then . % When computer appti@tione were developed © Made FiNAMeal personal aro | he need for Fecurity aroge «With The realyation . eecuntry began ~ gain. prominene & eecuriny -Mechameme began to evolve x «Examples: of eecuriny Mechainieme: — Provide a Veer Id & password ‘To every Ueer, & uee that Tnformarim to Outhenticate a deer —» Encocte information stord in the databaeer, go tat rie nor virile fo urere who do not have the right pemiecrone * Organi zanone s employed their own Returity — mechanieme 70 provide basic Fecunity. ag fechnology improved + Newer ‘apprcati ong & the basic ecurity . Meaeuree wae not PufFiCiont ® Former with the the ned for deny tances * Example of tnformation troverite, began 10 be develcped SvoruWon of the” biggeet compuRr network. tenes, TOM Pecurtty policy, technology implementations became FROM cent +0 weer cyey te tnkernet Cuetomer Ta 8919 Orders Go Hem 1a: 156 CRait cord NO. 123056369 0 TPeUe by. visa Vata tin + an d0og 'ofOrrmaK on HOVetling rom @ chiens 10 @ gener OveH “he inemet % Form the upere Computer, the uper dletatte uch ae Ueer Id. ode damiie uch 09 Orley sd & fern id & payment detaile fur ae Cait forct infra wend. Difeerenier in Computer bO%ed rysrem ore mmotnly Gue 40 the | HF epeed oF Which +thinge happen & the Ocuraey thot Wwe ger, as Compared 40 1h 4traditona) world Couete Korres of the modern narure of Atiacke .at rellow | 2. thutom ating ortacke +> he epeed of Cormpuitre Make several tacke worthunile in the wal World . tuppore that foMeone manager that GN produce count ereret COINE. WOUId thot MOF Kxther OWRCHCy | 1 certoiniy woud. Mowever j producing ro Many coms of 2 Maen eats | may nor ve thot Muth Konornicol toMPOrd 10 the rer oO that fnveenem) tous Many euch Coing twould the attackers be able de ger int he Master FO rapidly? .Thie ie Quite Offeranr wih Compder They ore que efferer4 = & happy in acing routine, mundane & Tepennve tagkg. for erarmpie, they would exe) 1 FoMmehcu: Praling Oo verg tow amount Caeod) fom 0 millon bonk occurme in a Tattr of a ky Minutes Thre woud uve the GHtocter a hale milion pouibly — without any mayor Complante» —> Humane aidite mundane & repetihve tose | futomarng hem (on Guec AterrucHon er nuteance ‘quite 'apdly . ~ crop, | #0 Creare 0 Machine cone uting fOmE Machinery & bring them inh cmeaiarirn ‘na Fw Modern atvace: extol half a dollar, from milton artounte “no Minute: Hire arontally. Collecting information bon" the people & lorr “Crelueing it iP sanedd our fo be a huge problem . there cays # The so calied data minfng apprations, gother mrecem & t0bWOr oo}! Sorts OF — detaile about individuaig. % Peopte con then illegally Fell thie information £4» companies mee @xper'an , FONFUMON Gg aQUTX Manan credit history of fodfvtauale in The UsA Similar trtnde are teen in The Tees of we world %X There companity ove | YLume of information aboot O majtriny 6) CinzENe 0, the county % These compane, on collect . Collate , poleh & forme ol) parry (formation ty (whore ever. it Tady "0 Poy for rhe! dora: | Exampier of information that Can cme Cur of hie OM Gn tomey | Store the perton buys More fram — whitch teturenn che foe in Where rhe qoce for VOlatone frequenny & Soon) * Prery company (#g — Mhapreepere, bankg. airlines rpeurce) A Colle: | <19G & Proerting a mind bogging amount oF (NIMaIM abr 44 | WiMOLI ae reangiNg when & how ++ 1# GOOG 10 be Led *b 3 ne docsnot matter: x Teves would eorller otiacke banxe » beraure boner hod mum, Banks do not hove Money today: Money is 1M aIgiIOl form wns COmpukre = =& Mor OTOUNS by using hore @) place ¢) wore eee ta Lpenctaae. fnedern, ~ orgital_rranal Analog *'gnab { + - modern —— 3 | Wiig mht Short corer On Tuered Gyereme. * # trusied sysem 1S 9 compurtr FYB “that tan’ be ured 10 0 specited extent fovenfore a pected Recuniry polity were foitally | of primary imeress to the military # Trusted gyereme concept has epanned — acrese VYorour orar However , shece’ days , the most praminenrty fn the baneing & financial Community, bot ce conepd Never, COughE ON. x Trused fyetem« OFM ue ‘the fer reference MOD ITER, Fe QR ery thor ie at the togiCat heart Of the compult eyerin | which i¢ tmoiniy Te ePonefble for all the clecétiong mMatd +0 acceew conneig Nonnally 1 folowing ore the eepecttong from the reference moniter — It Phould be tamperpicot —* th enould erway. be invored a, — It thovla be moll. enough eo thar IF Gon be. Mdependenty pested % The bigheet tevele -of aesurane were provided’ by 4/QNiFicon efforts recited towards Beducton of the size of the hurttd computing bass or Tep, # TCB ueae defined ax a combinotton of harctuare, FofWoe & Amwon Teeponeible for entrrcing the eypiem’s fecunry poircey #1 their 193 argone aronge Boon ( Tcsec) . the NaHonal fecunthy © Agency Cwm) of the Us Government depined a eet Of evalugron Classes. me Kawa v AtUANCee Mat Me ger’ COUld eypece form ‘A Muted’ eyorem. ’ vs m Mohemat cl ‘eusolim Tuned FyeRme ae peyied oy 4s independent yer OKLA WOKE “tn Ytoy ida, “6 rechnique catied OF Gell- Lopadula, model UM deVeer. devited abich Wa* G hiny Hruetworthy computer eyttm detraned at D COttection of sigecte & pubjects. 4) her aecurty Models implemenred at Organisation evel G brieF Cabe Fecuriky - Management practies > % FM aiganiza¥oM can take - eeveral approaches 40° impemer s+ | Pecurity model. The varrous Approachee ave |G NO Recunfty.. This. ie the simplest motel with 00 reundty at all b. Securtry' through obscurity, In hid Model, @ Syrtern iF fecure 7 Simply becouse Nobody KNOWS about its crietence & Conrenre This Approach . Cannot work for, too long, OS there Ome Many Wye on awactey can Come. to Kcnow about fF | | i | 7 le ont | C Host security: In this scheme, the recurTry rach hot ice Inatyfduaiy, This is a@ sofe approach . but the Complexiny °c," divereily OF modern — sinel organizations maker the fast harder & cifeury | fo scale d. Network eecurPty) Hore Fecunt ty te tough 40 achievo ax OF gon lather, Grows & becomes Mare averse, tn thie tehnique, the Facue Pe fe contro) Alu Qtece fo varioue hoere & Their eervicer , vamer | . vO) | Than individual hoger fecuvity, Thre if @ very efficient e, ecolabie | moder Securtty Management — Practices » | Good’ “recnity “Management pratices gtwoye howe a gud teuriky Policy which toree core of 4 teey aapects | 4. Afeordactitty: tiow much Monery Fmplementotion Cost... | t 2. FoncHonatity Whar i¢ he mechaniem of Rrovicting recunitty | 3. Cultura) \ .'$gues: Doce the potrey get weit Worting siyle & beuiers) 4. Legality: Does the Pole meet the legal requiremenis : one a Cecurihy Policy if in place, the Following, points chad be eneurd fxplanaHon of the Poly to all concerneg OUtINe everybody's — reepone: biliks use Simple language ia on Communicottan Accountability — khoutd P€ estabiithed Provide for exceptOng = & peroate & efforts dou thre pecuniey WI pecpler expec tion ¢ Te Views, 5. | oiscuss briefly “the “prcwerpies “oF eecuniey with — echermonie « cagrarme | & The four chief principles of recurity aan» 4. Confrdentarity 2 Ruthenticanon 2 inregiry. * 4 Non repudiation 4 Two ‘more princtpieés that ore tinted 10 the owmall syctem* ar ® Access conmol 6 Avot topinty 4 Gon Fidentioni+y —> Te principle of Confrctentaltey Species thot only the sender & the fnrended recipient(s) should be able to Akeee the conknr oO Meseage — Confidentialfey gere commomised iF oN > Unouthorized person +f able to Aaeses a Message | ts —_____ _ | | - | 7 7 eee 6q. loss oF 74 len nara, ; — Here tne user of compultr A genase O Meecage to eu famnule B. Another Urer © gere ace to thie Mecege oer Gesind, & therefore . clefabe the purpore of a nen s Be. FR coneiaentign emo message ‘¢ by © withook “the peer SENT “By A 10. Gahich F Orerced NSS Or KNowleed 4, type oF OHack "© Yalleg "tnrerceprion® ne Ph a THe tnteeeption Gur lose of message conerdentratigg * 2 Pu tmentication’ — Authenti@tion establishes proof oF identites: sp on wun + The guihenti@ton process eneurer that the org er document is corre ty — fdenwried sume teumeny + Fo jnpiance , cuppose that user C rend é the interner 40 user 8, posing of user A thot frow would Ue B FDO the message hae come om Ucer mc, who 1@ Porting ax Oey Fy a OF authentiaton User C Posing acl Chom A'r accounr to cle transfer the funde from pe thor use A hoe Porene — &xampie veer A, rende Q funar honeger reget accoum) to bonk B. me account requested foy Bonk will 1e cared ae pbricaton. 10 Ce ateduns, thinking TE onde haneler hie ype 04 oft. — Rabriatton se poreible fo the. abtence Spree leaenienes mechanigms been 3. Integrity « , . | TP When the ntente oy a mercage it, bur before i reaches Fe Changed ter the . the (Olnaed cod: OF the mercage ie’ lore cot, reecipient , the integrity _ -+ Prample . PUppose YoU writ a Cheque for two 70 pay for the qoodtr bihught «from me stove ,, buh 4% PE O Tere ave eilovOne: Wheres a teer “Ken oO Meeeage © torr | retuger, that the [MeCCAG Woe rent.. THIF et repudraien ( ree $0 orcept) (> brampie: Urer A Could kerct a func! trancier reQueet 40 tank a ‘« ; ver fhe Tovemer . Pficy the bank performer the funde hanter a, F . per pie vequees fr Could » elaimn zhor he Never rent the Far nanapr equat $o the “Bonk. —> Thus. & repudioity or denies the fund Hanger inemuctD “TRe inciole oF , i . i Brinciple of non TePUICQHON' deteaH Cuch poceibilitee Of denying comet ing, having done tt. . — Non. repudiation dda not altow the Lender 24 @ Mecage fo reftes the claim of nor fending mor meerage [" Never eer that menage l: Which you claim to have | | veecived {| cos fig Establishing oN - repudiation | 5. Access conwor: |—> Me princtpie of access control determines Who chould e abie to access What > For inotonce, wet phould be oble to Ppecify that User Ph Can view “the Teco 1D A databace , but connor updae therm, HowkVer . ammibey Uger B mMIght be allowed to Moke Upto: au WRN, AN OCCeRD Connol Mechaniem Con be fet up to eMeUTeE shis. — Reese Conmol !S broadiy reOKd ty two Grae. role manogemen Tule Management . —» Role management copcentroks on the | ueey eae Cuhich Levey Can do We — Rule Managerneor focurer of the reeaunel Rice Cevmich resource ie accessible, & under what circum etancer). — Based on the decirions taten here, OM arcens (Onreal Mone te Prepored , which 'Stt the Utere againet O I'@+ of (Heme they con accese (ik CaM FOY thot Urer A (ON write to file x, bot an why updo fle y & 2) An acces Control «tet (Ac) te @ eubrep Of en acre combo) matrix | | « Accees’ (OnHoy epecifiey’ a ‘COnnole who can alceu Wihot? le. “Avotlabs ing a The, prind pies of Availability §— FOF that” Keaurees Cin maken a hwld lee aAlailable to aulnorized partes OF all tHmeg. ad Example: Due to the imenional weHone of Gnotner unoutored User co, aM authorized » Urer A may” “be able +o Compuier 1 ak ehown In fq FOntacE Oo cer er +The would ele feat — the 8g? Attack on avatiabtiiny PUEK IP Ie of AvallObiNhy - Pach ae offack Fe Caltech Os * interrUpHin’ : —INeTLUpHAA = pu the Avarlabilircy OF —aCeOurcey to danger iss aircuss Eimear g legal 1eeuer- / —rMany ethical & tegol recur in compu Fecuniby eye eeeme, to be rn the area OF jhe indivieluale - ght td privacy Verrur the Qerory Good | Oo larger entry 3 Te ethicol’ ieeuey | ib recurtty eycleme abi clatsiyed 19% Y coreg Privacy cleats with the wight 0, 02 iAdIviduol to Conn! per conc! iOformotion Aeuracy-deate vith abouk the FERPONFBIIIKY fay The fidelity & AccuTOcty % Inform estim Property tolks about the owner of the - Controls —Gereay authenticity, faformation ts about cho A@essibiity- deals with thé issue Oh type 84 in'tormanm an argan.johin hae the righ+ TO Collect . ANd im that PTIOHM, it O1eO PY Roe + do know the Meqeures , CUhICR wilt f0FeQuaTd — Againe> Ony Un force eventualfties, . X Rtvaay, se ine protectin ) pereonal or seneitive itorrMoMM™ . Inaividual Priva re Me Aerire FO be ters Alone MW "OM CKieReIA, Of Our perrana) FPO EL May oY May MOF be “EUppinkd "PY [0 reguiotime Ge JOWe. Privacy iti) eubyee Hye, - oe | % While deating with legal feeuer , ere fo brerorchey 4 QCM, basi, thar govern the legality ef mforrrotan Security eaprch COP lot Closertred as follower interMotonal: eg. Internatonal —(yberlrime = Hoty Federal. eg. FERPA, Patriot Act Sto eg. ucrrA , st 1386 exc Orgonizaim - eg, Compuky ure Polity 2 dasstty different typee % Ottacks from, 0 kchnicol point a, view Explain in detati; | @, Meorencol concepts behind these artocne (2) Pro etreal appraacha Ured by the artackes @ Teoretol conceprs : Te principles of Cecunihy ce thetm+ from oroug ataces Ore ctacerfred into four Cargower @) menvoned —> Interception Treee amet rome ty * Thee otace Yeeutte rom Wlolowng contictensvarity w oI Meane thor an anouthorized Party har goined atten 40 0 Yerource. THe party can be System, * Exampies. @ Person mogmam or Compule - bated Copying of dota or programe & MeENING 4p ntw ater + fabrication: “This ottace repute from Violating Quihenti ation X Thiet “invoiver creation oF Tegal abjecte On a cempurer eyeiem Frompie:. the attacker may add fore records to 0 database — Modi cation % The attack reeulte From vidlaving modify the value in ao darabare — Interruption - * Tig Ottack, regults;, From. vialatt Ova! obit x» The rerource. becomes - UOavalbie , leet on unusable * fxompie. Cauring — prablems toa hardware device, Cragin Boge . er operating eye" © components loegity Te “attacer may ] : These attacks Gre furthers Grouped. into tuo types a. Passive ottacks Q. Active attacee (a. Ragstve attacke: | Passtva attacks ait thore , Uhein the Attacker induiges in @ cavers - dropping or monttor’o g dota nanem:ssian 4 The atiacker ale to obtain thformaton that «ie ia tronet The tem pareve indidtes “thot the attacker doce Not Qttempr- to poten] any modifi@tione to The carte x Passive attacks are horder 40 detect hy to deal with pareve ONaCke iF 10 dhink Qbovt a The General approac |< Prevention, rother ‘then deren 9 corrective actong Lx arrive ottacre de not fvolve, ony modifications 10 the contents 4, | original Message Paestve attack Releare of mi . [rave ont] |: eae Trarfic analyers Contents Wy | Tm Release of message contents a When a confrdentiol ernail Mereage FF rent, it If Clepired that ony | the recipient 1 Oble to accece tt. Otherwike « he sconknie ©4 the | message mre releated agoinei ou wishes TO Romeone cise | 4 Using certain tewitty mechonione , ewe Con mevent reieaee ators | Contenis - for exarmpe, we can encode mertages (uri -a cade language fo thar only the desire) postion — underetand the contentt of 0 ' Fe Message bez only They KNOW The code language | ® However, 1 Many cuch MCeeages ore PaseINg threugh, 9 peri | Poeewe oftocker Could tty to figure out Kimilaritfer bias thea to Come up’ Wilh come gort) of Pate: thor provider. the atacke tome ‘ciuee regoiding’ “the comMMUNI@HOn' thar #okIng place “such otkmple 01° Onokyting Cencaded) Mereage 70 COME UP with Wkety ponerne Orc me work q rhe Hage Gnakyer® O!FaCK a. fictive attacks: |x The active attacke are bared om modFiCavOn ef the Original mata | frseome. manner ov the craton oj 0 Falke Meerage . Teer arta Cannot be prevented Corily * Mey can be: detected with. eome efiort & atempH on be mode to recover fram them. There -attacre Con be 7 HC form gy ToterupHon . Mmodfctim §& fabricatim | Fim active atacee . the conenre gq the driginal mecease are reaps ba FO) rome way * Trying #2 pore ar. andthey Qtacks OR ModiAtaoM! attacks CoN be Clatyed further iO replay “ottacke & areratin 4 meceages % fehrcovrM use Denral enitiey, envolver: morquerade Goren | fervite (dos) artack > | Rettye Hace Town aHory Meniot OF _servite — Masperade, is coured when an Unauthorized = enrity pretends to Re another enti . % Erampre: eer co ment Pore ar uUrer a & FINE a merge + Urer Beer B -ThIght be led 40: believe thot the message Endteed ame - ROM "Uren IN marqu erade Qhacne , entity poree ax another © ) on | ® frompie , the atack may inoive Sequence ( tg. Leer It & password) captining the Uters authenticator, later tnore detaile COM be ured the cemputtr eytte to gain illegal access TO ee Replay attack 1¢ caused When 9 citer captuTy a eequenre o events or frome dota UNI Gg reFrende them, & for ineronce, suppore urer A wontr tO honger some amount to Urer cjg Bonk Account a Bom vurerte Ru G hove Account With Manké. urer A mignt #1 On elecentc Merrage ty bank B. requesting for the funde horepy 4 Userc could Capture thif Mecmage S cenca second cepy & The fame to wont B Bank & would have © 'deq thot tit eis or UNaumorzed meccage & would Hrcot “hit at @ tecond's gifter « finds Franejer “Tequeet fom = urer A. % Thertiore , vter c would get the benefit & the fonds hongpe tore Onct authoed « once trough 9 reply citacy , Ft Rternaton of Meeragee mereage ® for Inelance fovolvee seme change +o the Orginal 1» eUppere Ueer Aedes on Blo to De aceunt to bank R. & chong it Tanger $1000 etetront. Meerage Tronig Uker Co Might Copture thre tec account + Both the pene fitio & the amount hove Been Changed - ine te ng} Omg one | Mere uid hove oleo Carey alteration s, she Merrager — Denial 6, . b Sewice Coo aonaclr Make «an onempt te mevent HwMK UFere fom Cucceeeeng some eek eervicee . Conth Steg. ore elrotbte for . # for. Ingionce on tunaumorzed 'Ogin requerte to GO kerver the Other ger MIQE Kena! ¢eo mony tung fandam = user de one afer in quite rucectiM, roo 40 ftood tre Niw & Gteny other reat legitimnax. . utere: From euetng the Atty Fact im CD) pracvel appeach Crem Quem aor) st cee Sy unre’ o hot poe an Faecal aide of AMocke ‘The teenthy atiocee Con happen of the Applicat level ov 7h, Penvore level & ON be Cloreiitd nts fread forgone | Security attack. in proctical Uvt PepirtcaHm level atiatue \ Mere oNocee athens oF an dnpitolim level, 8 Ahe coher the attempt to atete, modity. 7 ATEN’ Stee to Inforatn OF 9 Porttulor application or the applitoxm Teel, + Frome» Fiytng to oblan- romeone’e Cregit cord -infoImoattin op the Intemner er Chonging the contente Ga meccage 4 Chonge | the amtouns 1A. Q Hraneactim , ete (> Network level attacks: | ; Thee aHocte geneoily Gin feat reduting the conobili%te 4 a Network by a AUMber oy poreible Meant. Mere ctiane gene “roy make on here to ehet Clow down Gri complete, foring 10! halt. a tormpubr Nt . 4 The con ead te Oppltrotim , ew! orate, 3 one comeone ; abie gain ocw wma nw, TY ON dor (medtty ot ‘Heart seme eeneitive informaiton 1 caning hover. 9. Dettne Virdie, hor te it tole Gaming te Iiehne of ei phorey jx Virus Con be uted 4 lounch on pp atop O Nw level ottoek Vue, % A vius (0 Compurr legit more Program. cede ‘WM COUR! damage 1 “lel attack op PrOgIOM troy’ GMa chet © 7Un8 hen the legit mo} ME Compuis eytem op {tHel, 40 the programe © ihe oom, ait can art in other -Add x toy | Peiformn Print Job Perform clore~ Job end. j —SEE -! (0) original “ese - code 4oteck other PTOgIaMs in that Add ¥ 10 | Perform Print-Job | Perform vMUs Job “Perform Clow. Job" I end Oh) wireue «Infected Code compulrs m1 programme tha? The, same ntus Ow chown pepo compuleye but On " —), "Delete at tire, rend o cop Myre, so ai BONG AME Crea addreen boo k Retin @) wie code. During te lifetime ,a views goes traugh four Gomes - @) Dormont Phage, Here, he. virus t# feller it gett. cHvored bated on certatn acHon or event £q. the Urer tuping @ certain ‘Key or certorn déte or Hme ie yeached>, ete), Mie. re Qn optional phare { &® Propagation phare: in this phace a virue’ Copier | Copy lorre creating More copier. o, Ken; the virus treed, '& each | thse! Propagating ;” Priggering phate: downant vest virur Mover {Nt thie phare When the acton / event for which ft woe Waiting 16 in triord, (@) Frecution Phare: ThA 1€ the Octugl WOK Of he viru ¢ Gobrch | Could be hormlere Caieplay rome mMeceage 9M the ecreen) | de mructfve Cdelete a file on the, disk) “ 9, Cloreiny Aitferens cotegorien 2 virueet & aracute showy @ Pororite virds: thie re the mort Common Form of ViTUrer Puc O Virog attaches Meu to execiiabie - filer & keepe #€plico ting, Cuhenever the infected » File ie eveculed , the viru 1ooKe gor other executobie filer te giach sfheelk 16, prod. | | | ‘0 embry -rendent Mirus: Tite type “OL wirue -frret Hache fteey to an area o ‘the main memor “ble program that fF executed. @ Root Rector virus. Thre | Yecard oy | the E then necks VEY ereaiig type of Whur ingetr te Marky bot disk eprtade’-on the olrex When the Operating | *F cycler tare booting «the Computer () Steatth) virus: Thre. views par foklhigence burt in QOH wyue fom detecHag it. @ Polymorphic virus: A virur thar keep. changing ihe kignotere Cre retenttrg) on every execution , Making + Veug aiffculs 70 detea : |) Metamorphic virug | Poly morphic virue {i which prevens| software progiame | In QdBrHON fo changing ite eignare ike a , thee type se] virtue keeps rewriting — iteerg Cuerg Hime, moking sre detectron even hardier | (marr | I OVINUS: Thre virus oftecte epecic Oppticaton eqytwore, euch a | | MICO RO\t Word gy, Microeo(t . Exe. Thece Viv pes dotumente Ctateg by urerg & ¢preag easily sing ; Ore very commoniy.. exchanged: over email. There | && Macro: there — applicorron { the Utms #0 White email Atgect+ The euch datumeny fe @ feature cated eqptwore pragromr work, whch oles Capt uHling Programe wihin the Gocumenm . Virures attack these mMacrog & hence the mame Maco “Virup - Detine worm .& .Trojon ‘horre, Write short notes ary each) Worm ‘ . —+ A Gorm iF cimilor to Q) virue , but Aiffereny in implement ation. A Virue Modifree Q program Cie it GHachee itret, to the progrom under Attack). Gherae & GYM dow mak modi Fy program . !nrtad i+ repcotp ites again & again. —* The epiitaton grows go Much that “the compury oy the Nw ON which: the. Worm reRicles, becomes very plow 1 Pinatiy coming 0a halt, Me the. katie purpore ay 0 Virue . AL. worm attack onemp oy towing all ire y Worm .ONACK, 1f ae t. from thar aa to Mane the compu cr The Nie resources . Unde ovack Uowtable Pettorm Terource - eo #ng fake, bor ne erect mn Tievrn, Rrom YEwOUre - eo Temurge - eaHng fark e- but o FORKR; bot ro cher hetctrm | Repo. dashuctim ha —> Per ker srteomrte tating foeke, bot no des ructin Per fore) Yeource- eating taser , bot no | cee nUcton, Rien YeAOU - COHN | Gorm code forke, bul ng Aeohuctivm, Ory deuce oenene + A worm doa not perform down inettad ,aniy coneumea eyerem Feedurca to bring + dew | Tojon Horse Rieti oe eerie noe lee code, ine o Virue. The mon | Punpore oj 0 viru Tf %0 imate ewe rome roi % Modéiamn, +5 | the feuger compurr or Nis wthercae a 41QjON pore alemprs | fO eval. canfrdentol iNfOrMaHaA 1, on artacrer Be mame Creqan horse) if due tO the Erten wdlaere | who hid ine © Worge hollow horee. j which WU prutled by troy erriene, Leoware { OL ih comente . Once the Greek codtierp enrred tne city 4 My They opened the goty fOr the reet Of Greek sOldiere sy j+ TA the rome way, a Tejon horee Mmuld eileniy Bir IN he ¢, fr a login Frreen by Otlaching (Hel, to. When the ene the uter id & pariuird . The Trojan horee Could copter Thee denile & fend thir INfoIMMOHGN fo mo artacker GaFhout ae knowledge gy the Wuee Uho had eniered the Oh ter Id & pasiward +A BB Tojan horse Allows an attacker to Obra Porn ce grater Hors infermation about @ COMPUT OF A Nw, The aitocuer con fren uu the Uder td & pauwatd 10 gan tice, to the eysern, 7 eypern, / * login Program, | | User Uperid ) KKK f09I0 code ; | i ; Pauwoud Vy | ; ; ome * Trojan horee | oo . login code . | | , eer id xxx Poucvard «Vy y . . Hockey \ = 12 i Rum morize the key Characreri etree 4 the fut geneationg Antvirge —.fOHWore; * | POetecHOns Of virtieal Mnvotver” locating the inrus a virur har aHacked « » havin, unoun That Then Ge neey to 9 Virue » thot hap Tdentrey te epecihe attacked . Finaliy ‘we Meed tO remove’ jt fy hue 1s We Need to remove AN toce the wirue & reerore th OFtecrd programe files fa their i Oviginol: Alover, Thre re done by antivirus FOfWwaLe. . [| 2" entiation fs! teuniene econnere 4h. kenerotion |= PS yi. Feoured Prot cHen | Ptan RE NCSHOR Ty He virtue Koflwore 4% Generotion: Theee ont virue coftwore pogroms were cali Qt" eM pe rancor’ Tey Peeded o virus eignature 0 fdentity o virus FF Vorionon » fuch progrome kept ia watch an the lengh oe pogilome & Kok &r chongu 50 w 10 portibly idenrhty @ Mut aHacy Pt Generation There anti- virus . Bottwore, progrome dit not Yay an sitmpe vnus Signotura . Rother , They Ured, eure co FUH 7 lOOK for porribie VWirur otfotre. the ‘dea war to 100k for code bIOcke thoy core Commonty av'eociord with virwer, mother voriarn 24 sheer ary! - Virur. programs umd fo Flore rome denHACoMM bor spe we 4g . 0 mermage digert), 7 dete changa "7 Pe coke 4 the (ie 34 GeneraHon There onti-virup eofttvore Progam, were (Menor rardans . Tm WOiched for vVirusey bared of ACHON®. rather thoN ther ruc hue Thds re age” peceste fo marnroin a tage aarobay 4 Vireas gignoturet . tneteag, the Focus FEIF IO keop wareh on a matt number A) cutpe, acione 4 Bercrovion TRere anv-virw cortuau pregome package many 9AM -WI) the “Quer togemner Cg. &camnere , activity mowitoring). Taey ale ronan Ace contrat Rotury «Thue otternply ©) vinmes virtntey PO INARI Fes \ "3. outline the following colth examples. hc Snifting & Rpoofing \ | -20n the friernes , compukre erchange mMmeuage with each other Th, | the, form of .pmon locke 0, data, called au Packers» FF Pacnes, tear to | Nike a portal envelope that containe the actual Aare to be Fens A the addheting — "AAimaHiry > Htactors forget there pockere + Gt thety havel from the rox | Computer 10 the datinatron Computer Over the InierMet, Meee Atacur yeke +O Man forme. @ Packer pooling focker enreing Cenooping) a Cp c PI 7 Since me protecal eed mm tne COMMURITAHM Te ote) CHS : tntemes PrOrotal C=P),obher Mores for Iheee +O attacks Aes > ap pniteing Ge) ap epooting. (@) Packer sniffing: —> Pacer enifeing '¢ 0 pareve attack om an ongeing CON vero Hon

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