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Academic Vocabulary

Construct = build = set up = found

Hold = host = organize = create/set up

Take place = happen = to be launched = to be implemented

Feature = show = represent = illustrate = reflect

Dismantle = destroy = damage = break = wreck /injure/ do harm

On purpose = deliberately = purposefully = intentionally

Regardless = not depending = independent = irrespective of

Initially = at first/firstly = naturally / by nature = genetically

Return = go back = come again = go to …/ visit …anew/once again

Deep = depth = far under the ground/floor = be beneath/underneath …

Focus = centre = heart = emphasis =core

Influence = affect = impact = have effect on = decide to do because of/since/ as …/for … = pressurize = control /
monitor = change (all with the meaning of influencing)

Not possible / impossible = have been tried once /already tried = were ineffective = impractical = illogical = not
sound = not reasonable = not appropriate / not convenient

Low figure = just / only = tiny/insignificant/slight = the example of a small figure

High figure = very much/ a great deal of/ a lot of = a multitude of =significant / considerable = the example of a
big figure

Low-cost = budget = inexpensive = cheap = low-coster = just a fraction of (small)

Facilities = amenities = premises = options/opportunities = examples of facilities (café, restaurants etc)

Use for … purposes (other/business) = reconstructed = converted = apply X as … = renewed/rebuilt into … =


Living = waiting = dwelling = inhabiting = expecting = spending time …. Somewhere

Appeal = attraction = be encouraged/ stimulated to do / motivated

Be more / better … than = in comparison with/compared with

Proportion = percentage = percentage points = share/portion = figure with %

To be provided with = to have = to own = to to be supplied with = to be given

Majority = most = main … = predominantly / mainly X … = example of a figure more than 50 %+

To be the part of = to fit in with = to be introduced as … = to become one of … = to be considered/regarded as …

Stature = achievement = success = successful profile = good reputation / image

Dangerous sign = forebode = foretell = foreshadow = effort/attempt to prevent/save = expect / predict something
bad …

Elite = top groups = the most educated = luxury = specific groups influencing the society

Inferior = low-quality = poor/inadequate technology = was worse/ not of that quality

Superior = high-quality = top = reputable / advanced

Called = according to = named = labelled = identified = referred = (better) known as = recognised = detected

Unpleasant = bad = savour / bitter = disgusting

Link = connect = draw together = tie

Visual = relating to eyes / vision = seeing / observing = face / physical appearance

People = humans = participant/actor = faces = different professions (teacher, driver)/ positions (student,
disadvantaged ones)

Enjoyment = amusement = joy = happiness

Food = meal = nutrition = feeding = substances eaten/ ingested / swallowed = example of food = prey

Curb = control = limit = curtail

Positive = welcome = beneficial = advantageous

Seem to be = appear to be = be similar/like = be in the occasion

Machines = robots =AI = robotics = technology – equipment (humanoids = human machines)

Following = finding the way / in much the same way

Alternative = different = option = another = different choice = various = a wide range = second one

Scare = frightening = afraid = fear = panic

No longer = stop = not to do anymore = not to … once again

Recreate = copy = perceive/do as … does = mimick = imitate

It will take time = it take … to do = time-consuming = will last longer than … = long-lasting = exist /do for a long
period = occupy /capture much time

Catch up with = match = meet the same … = fit = comply with = correspond … = be suitable …

Freely = independently = not depending on / not bumping / not being influenced/affected / not being beaten by /
forced by
Emit = send out = transmit = provide = … out (to go out) = release … = output

Own = possess = have = take

Information = data = input/output material = evidence/knowledge / facts / proof

To be accustomed to = able to = can/may/might = manage to

Criminal = legal (trial/proceeding) = sue = trials = judge = jail = imprisonment = accused =put behind bars (words
relating to crime)

Implications = effects = results = outcomes = affect/influence

Disturbance = problem = change in (something bad – change in the bad meaning) = worry/worrisome = issue =

Carry = transport = change direction = move

Collection = put … in … = gather = organize in one place

Alter = change = provide with different / new / not chosen … = replace…=adjust

-point scale = grade / assess = choose from … to = evaluate whether…

Damning = not positive = not favourable = negative = with bad … = destroying = doing harm = dismantling

Simile = identical = like /alike = similar = akin = with common … = can be compared

Leadership = make decisions/get responsibility of groups = manage / lead = have a reputable… = organize … the
work …

Rush = quick = fast = without delay = rapid

Prey = prowl = sneak onto = jump to attack = create dangerous situation

Indirect = without direct = not face-to-face = not personally

Repair = mend = correct = go and do better = fix

Insect communities = colonies = groups = societies

Support = back up = provide proof/evidence/ cues / evidence = advocate

Stranger = others = aliens = those who are not known

Explore = investigate = research = study = examine = evaluate

Vigor = enthusiasm = interest = force/energy

Build up = increase = rise = create = construct

Decision = way = final choice = option they take

Way = process = technology = approach

First = without analogy / as no one like = initial = the former

Course = direction = way = route

At each = above and below = from both sides / beginning and ending = every = in all = top and bottom

Floor = section = segment = part/portion

Hold back = be obstacle = hinder = prevent = impede = limit = confine = inhibit

Overhead = cost = expenses = expenditure = load

Ease = reduce = relieve = alleviate = soften = facilitate = make/enable

Fluency = easiness/ease = readiness to do = do without problems/obstacles

Judgement = evaluation = assessment = consideration

Integration = assimilation = natural communication/contact = be the part of

Synchronize = coordinate= organize = do together = make it work together= be in harmony

So that=so as to = in order to = for

Achieve = make … able = enable = reach = do/complete …

Simultaneous = at the same time = together = do it in harmony

Need = intention = desire = want = wish = ambition = dream

Disruption = silence = stop = not continuing

Elementary = basic = main = key

Access = find way to = provide access/way/ opportunities = suck up = enter = penetrate – and other word with (in,
up, into, on) meaning to enter or go somewhere

Down = below = under = deep – deep below (under the depth of )

People = locals = local inhabitants = those living/inhabiting/ dwelling in = city dwellers

Withstand = tolerate = survive = bear = survive = stick (able to stick and survive)

Become = turn into= be = transform into = be converted into

Fuel = source = resource = some example of fuel (charcoal, coal, gas, oil etc)

Remedy = medicine = drug = treatment = pills = substances for feeling better (recovering)

Provide with sources for living = not able to survive = not making money/profit = not suitable conditions for living /
life/ existance
Expansion = over a big area = extend to long distances = present in many places = widespread = almost
omnipresent = expand over /across big / large territories

Message = command = direction = requirement = information from …

Simple = short (=brief) = primitive = not overdetailed = monolithic (consisting of one or few elements)

Lobe = part = hemisphere = side

Different = not similar = opposite = polar = X did … while Y did (refering to differences) = X and Y (different options,

Introduce = bring = teach = transport = import = provide … with

Conquer = capture = take = seize = occupy = invade

Learn = teach = study = are provided with the knowledge of … = classes of …

Represent = recode = record = show = rewrite = retype

Control = monitor = supervise = manage = action to do to change something (touch the thing/ fix it / use fingers

Speed up = expand = accelerate = move faster/quickly / do more …/ rapid(ly)

Daily = everyday = typical = common = characteristic of … = something must/should be done often/frequently

Communicate/ion= transmit /ssion = transfer = socialize = link = tie = connect/ed = relationship

Relay = transmit = broadcast = miss = send = communicate/ion

Threaten = under the threat/risk/ danger of … = can be fatal / too … to exist

Try = hope = attempt = try out/over = wish to get something

Receive = get = obtain = acquire

Damage = harm = have no moral principles/standards = destroy = dismantle = make it suffer

Make money = maximize profits = focus on commercial … = think of income / revenue

Lack = absence = shortage = deficit/deficiency = stress = absence of something (uncontrolled, unmanaged,

ineffective, and other words with un -, il -, ir -, im -, or not - - not available, not perfect etc)

Use / overuse of … = destruction = damage = exploitation (has both positive and negative meanings) = employing

Not involved/involvement = participation = worry = aware = care = be interested in

Reverse = opposite = polar = different / distinct / differ

Public = people = community = ordinary people = society

Influence = affect = make changes = force to change = do some action to limit / allow something (sue, limit,
impede, organize conditions, make demands, demand, require etc.)

Comply with = follow = abide = respect = do in accordance with … / following /regarding = stick to rules

Be prepared = accept = acknowledge = understand = perceive = get to know

Fund = sponsor = cover = use high amounts (higher) to do/realize/cover smth = donate = share = allocate

Sound = effective = perfect = efficient = workable = good

Distinction = divide people by = clearly decide = be moralistic about = share people … = understand what is … and
what is …

Discover = reveal = become aware of = know = find

Focus on = turn to = emphasize on = highlight = stress = underline

Employ = offer something = use = exploit

Make it possible = realize = enable = come true = start existing / doing

Clean = purify = filter = make it clean = distill

Require = necessitate = make it necessary = need

Device = unit = vehicle = type/kind

Different = unlike = dissimilar = not similar/alike = not looking like = variation / variety = diverse = a wide range of
…/ a great number /amount of … = a set of …

Users = customers = consumers = buyers = clients = those interested in …

Finance = finding = fund = money = financial resources

Catch = trap = seize = grip

Develop = devise = create = improve = work on creating = create = make it exist

Factual basis = knowlegde = information from science/research

Development = evolvement = evolution = change

Change = difference = alteration = dissimilarity

Spoken = oral = conversation = speaking = communication

Event = incident = action =situation = occurrence = happenstance

Story = tale = narration

Unimportant = trivial = common = typical = not key

Horror = fear = dread = terror = fright = awe

Significance = matter = importance = role

Past = medieval = ancient = long ago = before = in (year, century, decade) = in previous …

Technique = way = method = technology = mechanism = route

Objective = aim = goal = purpose

Take into account = consider =take into consideration = point out / note ….

Fail to = ignore = neglect = cannot do = be unable to do

Unforeseen = unexpected = unpredictable = not awaited/expected

Remove = get rid of = reverse = get out of = delete = uproot = limit/impede the progress of

Flow = movement = direction = way to go…

Carriageway = road crossroad = highway

Unintended = unintentional = inadvertent = involuntary = affecting / doing something spontaneously without


Difficulty = barrier = hurdle = issue = problem

Separate = divide = share = limit one group from … = border = break … into

Reproduce = clone = copy = mimick = reintroduce

Avoid = prevent = avert = impede = hinder

Habitat = natural conditions/wildlife = ecosystem = area inhabited by

Become extinct = come to an end/stop spreading/breeding = disappear

Identify = pinpoint = find out = reveal = uncover = match = clarify = be similar because of = have the common
characteristic/trait / feature / character

Live = inhabit = survive = continue existing

Minimise = reduce = decrease = cut = be smaller than / less = mitigate (like solving and minimising)

More = extra = additional = also be …

Return = be back = bring back = come again = reappear =resurface = reemerge

Reason = cause = .. why … = factors underlying = lie in … = drivers

Today = current = modern-day = modern = present = existing = now/nowaday(nowadays)

Group = social = referring to society = community = people/public

Setting = situation = surrounding factor = environment = conditions

Generate = create = produce = elicit = make = found = bring up

Emotion = feeling = (examples of emotions – fun, anxiety, worry, disgust)

Reduce = ease = relieve = alleviate = make it smaller/easier/ shorter (bad things) = last shorter = disappear = drop

Stimulate = energise = encourage = motivate = enable … to do good = help to be… = contribute … = favour … =
benefit …

Fixed = fixated = specific = at exact point

Not fixed = at any point = not depending on … = not automated / manual

Established = traditional = conventional = orthodoxy = convention = typical = relating to the previous study =
commonly accepted / acknowledged/compromised long before/ago

View = notion = stance = point = position

Surround = be around = encase = capture / be circled

Exclusive = only they = not shared the secret = keep it private/confidential

Trading = commercial = profit-making = company = business

Secure = under the control = be managed = protect = safeguard

Grow = breed = produce = cultivate

Smuggle = secretly take = steal = contraband

Destroy = wipe out = dismantle = run down

Appropriate = best-suit = suitable = convenient = favourable

Each trip = every = in any

Advantage = benefit = upside = positive side = how something positively affected something …= solve/prevent

Overcome = win = defeat = conquer

Motor = relating to road/cars = vehicles

Accident = collision

Workable = viable = effective = efficient

Scheme = initiative = plan = goal

Yearly = annual = 12 months = a year long

Double = twice as high = two times more = increase two times

Halve = twice as low = two times less = decrease two times

Independently = self =autonomy = not specific / following some rules

Various = numerous = infinite = very much = different

Confidence = trust = belief = accept = credence = reliance

Explore = find = quest

Puzzle = riddle = quest = enigma = jigsaw

Intrinsic = natural = real = not fake

Artificial = synthetic = not real = man-made = factitious = made up = artful = manufactured

Urge = force = impel = compel = require = be an instinct

People = general public = community = human kind = humanity

Necessary = important = crucial = need to do something limited/unexplored

Interest = worry = endeavour = try = will

Cast/shed light on = give new insight

Self-discovery = learning about oneself = self-exploring

Useful = of value = of benefit = beneficial = bringing positive …

No need to explore = we know now = we are informed = have enough evidence/information

Uncontacted = isolated = not meeting people = separated

Contacted = popular = in communication = linked to communities

Unwarranted = unjustified = without evidence/proof = not backed up = not reasonable/appropriate/necessary

Sign = sense = symbol = token

Slight = brief = short = concise

Well-known = famous = popular = was interesting / attractive

Small = tiny = low-size = miniature = midget = pocket-sized

No smaller than X = X was the smallest one

Worthless = pointless = illogical = impractical

Money = fund = resources (financial) = cost / expenses = budget

Astonished = impressed =stunned = appreciated = preferred

Bravery = determination = daring = courage = mettle

Craft = skill = remarkable knowledge / art/ abilities = his talent …

Capacity = ability = be able to develop / improve/ form

Scientists = researchers = scholars = research from /studies / investigations

Non-scientists = others = not professional/amateur / laypersons = parents/ teachers/ relatives / ordinary


Clarity = clear vision = everyone can see = obvious

Implicit = hidden = not clear /obvious = implied by someone = concealed

Explicit = obvious = revealed = clear = uncovered

Curtail = limit = cut = reduce = halt = impede

Fear = risk = danger of risk

School = academic environment = classroom = when teachers are …

New policies = create policies = brand-new = creative = innovative = develop /development

Need to study = lack = scarcity = further studies are needed = insufficient = almost absent/absent =no one

Doing well = key factor = positive influence = favour/benefit /contribute = to be regarded/considered as …


Control = regulate = monitor = review = supervise

Provide information = give hints/evidence/clues

Think up = create = finally know what … = devise = make up = come up with

Misuse = wrong use (bad examples) = do damage/harm

Reject = refuse = turn down = dismiss = deny = repudiate = take away

Scheme = plan = layout = program

Potential = possible = eventual = likely = would + (Future in the past)

Intend = plan = to be an answer to = set out = to be designed for

Support = interest = motivation = assistance = backing = endorsement = increase motivation /retention /
satisfaction = involvement = engagement

Fit with = align with = match = correspond

Lose = withdraw = remove = move out

Distribute = spread = hand out = provided all with … = leave around

Condemn = criticize = talk about dangers / bad sides = rebuke = rebut

Actions = acts = steps = decisions = exact examples of actions (doing , planning …)

Shouldn`t = be obliged to = obligated to = forced to = cannot = unable to = have no other way/option but

Help = enable = create opportunities = provide room for = open doors = empower = allow

Change jobs = turnover = switching from one … to another = not having stable …(jobs/employment)

Dissatisfaction = discouraged = demotivated = not agreeing with low …/poor

Poor = bad = weak = little = loss = compromised (low) = reducing = cutting = limiting /curtailing = toxic

Tendency = trend = predisposition = preponderance = proclivity

Carry out = conduct = start = set up

Company = organizational = commercial = manufacturer

Childhood = early ages = young = during his first years of life

Pursue = decide to become = choose = opt for = start

Give up = drop = leave = stop going = not to take part in /participate in

Landscape = scenery = nice views of nature = picturesque views

Time-consuming = take much time = required much time = it took him (long period – 300 years)

Heavy = the weight was … (much weight) = it was much more than we expected

Prestige = status = privilege = top-ranked = highly-ranked

Tall building = skyscrapers = multi-storey builings = with several floors/storeys

Circulation (ventilation= fresh air) = change = rotation = turn

Advertise = marketed = promote = sponsor

Widespread = large in use = largely used = very popular = spread among many = outbreak

Good = strong = favourable = positive = beneficial = supporting = backing

Not harming = protecting = preventing = harmless

Area = site = ward = place

At a fraction of = low = small = insignificant / inconsiderable

Clamour = vow = demand = cry = claim

Disease = epidemic = pandemic = disorder = illnesses = infection

Claim = complaint = dissatisfaction = discontent = don`t prefer/like

Fundamental = basic = key = basis = foundation

Assumption = principle = point = rules

Misguide = wrongly given/incorrect = not properly sent/guided /shown = not appropriate direction

Diminishing = weak = more advantages than disadvantages = lose more than gain

Never reached = not possible = not accepted / believed

Embrace = accept = adopt = put into practice = experience = test = probe

Numerous = manifold = countless = multitude = a great/growing number

Training = workshop = preparations = extra classes

Self-proclaimed = regard/ accept / call/ name/ label oneself as

Be organised = get everything right / appropriately / in order = organization = structured

Chaos = absence of order = tumult = turmoil = uncontrolled / not ordered

The way something is done = how … = aspects = impacts (the possible words replacing it) = methods =

Best = most = highest = number one = top

Behaviour = conduct = congitive = behavioural = regarding their actions/deeds

Unconscious = unaware = lack of understanding/knowledge

Different = diverse = some = changing = disparate = differing = not similar = to be unique/universal = not
to look same = various/variation = divided = unlike
Educational = intellectual = academic = enlightening = didactic = school/classroom …

Understand = comprehend = understand the point of …/position of = know = be familiar/acquainted with

Possibilities = opportunities = chances = options

Equal = not having special privileges/preferences

Benefit = reward = award = gain = contribution = favour = for their sake = use = potential = robust

Achieve = accomplish = reach = get = obtain

Responsibility = in position of power = accountability = duties = activities delegated by … to

Many = frequently = often = much = widespread = variety = wide/enormous range …

Prompt = drive = cause X to do = lead = direct = navigate = provide X with …

Renew = happen again / anew = once again = back (coming back)

Substances = toxins = ingredients = tools = parts = elements = compounds

Challenging = bad = problematic = daunting/boring/exhausting = severe

Research = prospect of = study of = investigation of = exploration

Genetic = inherited = sources = background = genes = inborn / ingrained

Expertise = knowledge = intelligence

Overpower = subdue = exercise control / exert influence = be controlled by

Preserve = keep it safe/fresh = untouched = save = protect

To exert = produce = to secrete = to get out/take out

Separate = discreet = alone = not pertaining/belonging to a group = dichotomy

Intended = goals = purpose = aim = plan = target = oriented = directed

Combine = mix = midpoint between = maintain the balance

Range = classified = grouped = rank = divided into

Scale of = 0 to 100 = ascending/descending order = measure/evaluate / assess …

Mistake = fault = err = error = problem = bug = confusion

Agree = reach consensus = accept = find / reach a conclusion = harmonize = reconcile = negotiate = make a
deal = arrange = sign a …
Game = fun = activity = play = actions

Alternatively = other = different form = second

In essence = intrinsically = inherently = by its nature =essentially = mainly

True = real = factual = observed

Look after = take care of = care about = nurture / pamper

Respond = react = influence = affect = be vulnerable/ weak = not to be resistant = not tolerant

Come together = meet = face = encounter

`X` = something called = labelled = named = identified as X

One of two = either of them = one of this dual/ duplex = either X or Y

To be associated with = to be related to = to be linked to = coincide with = happen because of = occur

because of

Active = working / workable = fit = proactive = non-stopping

Precise = exact = accurate = just

Perform = conduct = behave = act = do

Predict =expect = forecast = to be likely to = possible

Become extinct = die out = disappear = vanish

Be endangered = be under the risk/danger of extinction = under the danger of becoming extinct = almost
no species =almost disappeared

Quickly = fast = rapidly = increasingly + …

Undertake = do = conduct = carry out

Visit = see = come to observe = find out= travel = trip

Live longer = have a great life expectancy = lifespan is longer = duration of life is long

Caged animal = animal in captivity = animals inhabiting zoos/… = not existing/living in the wild

Some = many / few (both can be synonyms) = a bunch of / a set of / a range of … = (some figures) = bits
of/ pieces of …

raise awareness = inform = provide information = communication with public/ outreach = propaganda =
travel = trip = send abroad = go to (place) = move from X to Y = migrate from X to Y

teach = educate = enlighten = instruct = train

to be involved in/with = engage in = participate in = work in / be the part of … = be in the team of

increase = rise = grow = escalate = rocket = skyrocket = be more… = to be X and then Y (Y is more than X)

raise = breed = grow = help to form

problem = situation = state = position

trash = remain = remnant = debris = litter

analyse = examine = research = do experiments with …

badly = weakness = drawback = problem = negative

harmful/harm = injury = destroy = weaken = exacerbate = paralyse

fibres = clothing = dressing = fabric (not synonyms – words with close meanings)

focus = emphasize = put emphasis on = underline = look at = specialize in = take X in the centre of

entire = whole = including all = every single/ each / every

reduce = negative = cut = die out / disappear

more + is needed = need extra / additional / more X to do

e.g = such as = namely = for example = one of them was …

to be designed to - is expected to

more quickly than any other ship - the fastest ship

suffer from something - to be damaged by something

Plan remains - decomposing plants

an ally against climate change - a significant effect on climate change

lock in-holding- store

Hold - store

damage to buildings, roads and bridges - damage to property and infrastructure

The biggest problem - the main factor

Soil degradation - soil gradually becomes less fertile

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