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BlackBerry PLUS

Satrio Puji Sesuluh

Merk BlackBerry yang masih sama sampai
saat ini.

Saat ini nama BlackBerry sudah jarang kita

dengar lagi karena revolusi teknologi ponsel
yang semakin canggih
rk e t Smartphone in Ev ovement
n a l Ma ery A
ati o spec
t e rn t

Mental Map

Aff e r
ab T e
le P
e Quality
Core Brands Value

POP (Point Of Parity) POD (Point of Difference)

Harga yang bersahabat Mudah digunakan oleh segala usia
Keyboard fisik yang terintegritas Software yang berbeda dari lainnya
Desain yang futuristik
Fokus pada keamanan ponsel
The Future of
+62 82114611858 |
Solo, Jawa Tengah 57793
I'm an undergraduate Management student of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur. I'm
majoring in Marketing Management. As a person I'm someone who follows technological developments and I like
to explore and learn about new things, especially in business marketing. I'm seeking for opportunity to develop
myself through an internship program that i've never been experienced before.

Work Experiences
Senja Jingga - Solo, Jawa Tengah Apr 2021 - Jul 2021
Part Timer as Barista
Make a beverages for customer with machine and manual method
Operate and maintain the coffee machine
Communicate with the customers in friendly manner

Education Level
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur - Surabaya, Jawa Timur Aug 2020 - Jun 2024 (Expected)
Undergraduate in Management, 3.55/4.00

SMA Negeri 71 - DKI Jakarta Jul 2017 - May 2020

Social Science

Organisational Experience
Economy Cup - Surabaya Sep 2022 - Dec 2022
Department of Security
Make security regulation for the commitee, participants, and supporters
Managed to maintain the continuity of the event so that the event can be heid smoothly
Coordinate with security forces such as security guards and police to guard the event location

Sevone 12 - Jakarta Jul 2019 - Aug 2019

Departement of Security
Cooperate with the local police so the event can run well
Ask permission from the management and local residents

Skills, Achievements & Other Experience

Hard Skills: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Canva, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premier
Soft Skills: Teamwork, Great Communication, Time Management, Problem Solving, Easy to Adapting, Technology Use

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