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Hello : nǐhǎo
My name is A : Wǒ jiào A
I’m from China : Wǒ láizì zhōngguó
America : měiguó
Britain : yīngguó
Canada :jiānádà
I’m a teacher : wǒ shì lǎoshī
Student : xuéshēng
Doctor : yīshēng
Nice to meet you :hěn gāoxìng rènshi nǐ
NUMBER (1-10)
Zero : líng
One : yī
Two : èr
Three : sān
Four : sì
Five : wǔ
Six : liù
Seven : qī
Eight : bā
Nine : jiǔ
Ten : shí
Hello : nǐhǎo
How are you ? : nǐ hǎo ma ?
a. Very well : hěn hǎo
b. Not so good : bú tài hǎo
Long time no see : hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn
Good morning : zàoshang hǎo
Good evening: wǎnshang hǎo
Good bye : zài jiàn

I/Me : wǒ

You : nǐ
She/her,he/him,it : tā
We/us : wǒmen
You(all) : nǐmen
They/them : tāmen
Monday : xīngqī yī
Tuesday : xīngqī èr
Wednesday : xīngqī sān
Thursday : xīngqī sì
Friday : xīngqī wǔ
Saturday : xīngqī liù
Sunday : xīngqī rì/tiān
What day is today ? : jīntiān shì xīngqī jǐ ?
Today is…. : xīngqī shì …..
What day is tomorow ? : míngtiān shì xīngqī jǐ ?
What day was yesterday ? : zuótiān shì xīngqī jǐ ?
Shì Hěn
I am a teacher She is beautiful
Wǒ shì lǎoshī Tā hěn piàoliang

You are a student They are kind

Nǐ shì xuésheng Tāmen hěn shànliáng

They are Americans You are smart

Tāmen shì měiguórén Nǐ hěn cōngming

NUMBER (11-99)

11 – 19 : shí + ( 1 to 9)

20 – 90 : ( 2 to 9) + shí
21 : èrshí yī
23 : èrshí sān
35 : sānshí wǔ
42: sìshí èr
99 : jiǔshí jiǔ
Month : yuè
January: yī yuè February : èr yuè March : sān yuè April : sí yuè

May : wǔ yuè June : liù yuè July: qī yuè August : bā yuè

September : jiǔ yuè October : shí yuè November : shī yī December : shī èr
yuè yuè

The 1st : yī hào

The 2nd : èr hào
The 3rd : sān hào
The 20th : èrshí hào
January 1st : yī yuè yī hào

February 14th : èr yuè shí sì hào

What is the date today ? : jīntiān shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào ?
Today is april 4 : jīntiān shì sì yuè sì hào
What is the date yesterday ? : zuótiān shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào ?
Yesterday was february 3 : zuótiān shì èr yuè sān hào
What is the date tomorrow ? : míngtiān shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào ?
Tomorrow is may 12 : míngtiān shì wǔ yuè shí èr hào
• Telling time on the hour

(1 to 12) + diǎn

• Adding minutes

(01 to 59) + fēn

7:05 : qī diǎn líng wǔ fēn

8:17 : bā diǎn shí qī fēn
10:30 : shí diǎn bàn
8:30 : bā diǎn bàn
10:15 : shí diǎn yī kè
10:45 : shí diǎn sān kè
3:50 : chà shí fēn sì diǎn

What time is it (now) ? : xiàn zài jǐ diǎn ?

Now it’s 7:05 : xiàn zài qī diǎn líng wǔ fēn

• Time periods
Early morning (5am-9am) :zǎo shāng
Before noon (9am-11am) : shāng wǔ
Mid-day (11am-1pm) : zhōng wǔ
Afternoon (1pm-6pm) : xià wǔ
Evening (6pm-midnight) : wǎn shāng
The wee hours (midnight-5am) : líng chén
• More than : bǐ
X is (a little/ somewthat/ a lot) more +<adj>+ than Y : X bǐ Y + <adj> + (yì diǎnr/ yì xiē/

VD: He is taller than me : tā bǐ wǒ gāo

He is a little shorter than me : tā bǐ wǒ ǎi yì diǎnr

Today is hotter than yesterday : jīntiān bǐ zuótiān rè

Today is somewhat colder than yesterday : jīntiān bǐ zuótiān lěng yì xiē

• Not more than : bù bǐ

X is not more + <adj>+ than Y : X bù bǐ Y + <adj>

VD: Today is not hotter than yesterday : jīntiān bù bǐ zuótiān rè

Bananas are not more expensive than apples : xiāng jiāo bù bǐ píng guǒ guì
Bananas are not cheaper than apples : xiāng jiāo bù bǐ píng guǒ pián yi

• Not as : méi yǒu

X is not as <adj> as Y : X méi yǒu Y + <adj>

VD: Today is not as hot as yesterday : jīntiān méi yǒu zuótiān rè

Rich : yǒuqián
Busy : máng
Smart : cōngming
Beautiful : piàoliang
Famous : yǒumíng
Handsome : shuài
Cute : kě ài
Big : dà
• The same :

X is (not) as <adj> as Y : X +gēn/hé+ Y + (bù) yí yàng+ <adj>

VD: He is (not) as tall as his dad : tā gēn tā bàba (bù) yí yàng gāo

His car is the same as yours: Tā de chē gēn nǐ de yí yàng

His cellphone is not the same as nime: Tā de shǒu jī gēn wǒ de bù yí yàngphrase

S + yǒudiǎnr (một chút) + adj

VD: I’m a little tired : wǒ yǒu diǎnr lèi

S + yǒuxiè (hơi hơi) + adj
VD: She is somewhat angry : tā yǒu xiè shēng qì
S + tǐng (khá) + adj + de
VD: I’m fairly good : wǒ tǐng hǎo de
S + bǐjiào (tương đối) + adj
VD: That restaurant is relatively close : nà ge fàndiàn bǐ jiào jìn
S + hěn + adj
VD: I’m happy : wǒ hěn gāo xìng.
S + fēicháng (rất) + adj

VD: He is very smart : tā fēi cháng cōng ming

I love him very much: wǒ fēi cháng ài tā

S + tèbié (đặc biệt) + adj

VD: He is especially tall : tā tè bié gāo

S + zhēn (thật sự) + adj

VD: You are really beautiful : nǐ zhēn piào liang

S + hǎo + adj
VD: you are so great : Nǐ hǎo bàng
S + tài (quá) + adj + le
VD: This movie is so interesting: zhè ge diànyǐng tài yǒu yì si le

Doctor : yī shēng

Nurse : hùshi
Student : xuésheng
Teacher : lǎoshī
Engineer : gōngchéngshī
Driver : sījī
Scientist : kèxuéjiā
Police officer : jǐngchá
Actor : yǎnyuán
Athlete : yùndòngyuán
Chef : chúshī
Waiter/ waitress : fúwùyuán
Lawyer : lùyshī
Photographer : shèyǐngshī

VD: He is a doctor : tā shì yīshēng

Is she a student ma ? : tā shì xuésheng ma ?

What work does he do ? : tā zuò shénme gōngzuò ?
Her boyfriend is a lawer : tā de nánpéngyou shì lǔyshī
His girlfriend is a waitress : tā de nǔypéngyou shì fúwùyuán

What color do you like ? : nǐ xǐhuan shénme yánsè ?

Red : hóngsè

Orange : chéngsè
Yellow : huángsè
Green : lùysè
Blue : lánsè
Purple : zǐsè
Pink : fěnsè
Gray : huīsè
Black : hēisè
White : báisè
Brown : zōngsè
I like red : wǒ xǐhuan hóngsè
She loves to wear orange clothes : tā ài chuān chéngsè de yīfù
Yellow is very eye-catching : huángsè fēicháng xǐngmù
Frogs are green : qīngwā shì lùysè de
Her eyes are blue : tā de yǎnjing shì lánsè de
I want to buy that purple dress : wǒ xiǎng mǎi nà jiàn zǐsè de liányīqún
That pink sweater is very cute : nà jiàn fěnsè de máoyī fēicháng kěài
Today the sky is gray : jīntiān tiānkōng shì huìsè de
That black dress is sexy : nà jiàn hēisè de liányīqún hěn xìnggǎn
I rarely wear white pants : wǒ hěnshǎo chuān báisè de kùzi
How much is that brown wallet : nà ge zōngsè de qiánbāo duōshǎo qián ?
Bus : gōngjiāochē
Bus stop : gōngjiāozhàn
Subway : dìtiě
Subway station : dìtiězhàn
Train : huǒchē
Train station : huǒchēzhàn
Airplane : fēijī
Airport : jīchǎng
Car : qìchē
Taxi : chūzūchē
Bicycle : zìxíngchē
Motorcycle : mótuōchē
Boat : chuán
I take the bus to work every day : wǒ měitiān zuò gōngjiāochē shàngbān
Where is the bus stop ? : gōngjiāozhàn zài nǎr ?
The bus stop is there : gōngjiāozhàn zài nàr
She takes the subway to work every day : tā měitiān zuò dìtiě shàngbān
I want to go to the subway station : wǒ xiǎng qù dìtiězhàn
Tomorrow i will take the train the Beijing : míngtiān wǒ zuò hǔchē qù Běijīng
Is that the train station ? : nà shì huǒchēzhàn ma ?
Yes, that is the train station : shì de, nà shì huǒchēzhàn
Tomorrow we will take the airplane ti India : míngtiān wǒmen zuò fēijī qù Yìndù
This airport is very big : zhè ge jīchǎng fēicháng dà
I drive to work every day : wǒ měitiān kāichē shàngbān
I want to take a taxi : wǒ xiǎng zuò chūzūchē
I like to ride bicycles : wǒ xǐhuan qí zìxíngchē
He often rides a motocycle : tā jīngcháng qí mótuōchē
They don’t want to take a boat : tāmen bù xiǎng zuò chuán
Watch TV : kàndiànshì
He likes to watch TV : tā xǐhuan kàndiǎnshì
Watch movies : kàntiànyǐng
I like to watch movies very much : wǒ fēicháng xǐhuan kàndiànyǐng
Singing : chànggē
My younger sister likes to sing : wǒ mèimei xǐhuan chànggē
Listen to music : tīng yīnyuè
She often to music : tā jīngcháng tīng yīnyuè
Dancing : tiàowǔ
They want to do dancing tonight : tāmen jīnwǎn qù tiàowǔ
Play video game : dǎyóuxì
My younger brothe always play video game : wǒ dìdi zǒngshì dǎyóuxì
Surf the Internet : shàngwǎng
Do you often surf the Internet ? : nǐ jīngcháng shàngwǎng ma ?
Photography : shèyǐng
Her hobby is photography : tā de àihào shì shèyǐng
Reading : dúshū
My older sister doesn’t like reading : wǒ jiějie bù xǐhuan dúshū
Drawing : huàhuà
She wants to learn to draw : tā xiǎng xué huàhuà
Fishing : diàoyú
My dad likes fishing : wǒ bàba xǐhuan diàoyú
Travel : lǔyyǒu
I want to travel in Spain : wǒ xiǎng qù Xībānyá lǔyyóu
Sports : yùndòng
What sports do you like ? : nǐ xǐhuan shénme yùndòng ?
Lean Chinese : xué hànyǔ
I kie learning Chinese : wǒ xǐhuan xué hànyǔ
Hobby : àihào
What hobbies do you have ? : nǐ yǒu shénme àihào ?
I like traveling and sports : wǒ xǐhuan lǔyyóu hé yùndòng
Kind : shànliáng (tốt bụng)
Friendly : yǒuhǎo (thân thiện)
Honest : chéngshī (thật thà)
Polite : yǒulǐmào (lịch sự)
Patient : yǒunàixīn (kiên nhẫn)
Rude : wúlǐ
She is kind : tǎ hǎn shànliáng
They are very friendly : tāmen fēicháng yǒuhǎo
His son is not honest : tā érzi bù chéngshí
This child is very polite : zhě ge háizi fēicháng yǒulǐmào
That teacher is very patient : nà ge lǎoshī fēicháng yǒunàixīn
She is so rude : tā tài wúlǐ le

Clothes : yīfu

I want to buy some clothes : wǒ xiǎng mǎi yìxiē yīfu

T-shirt : shān
Pants : kùzi
Jean : niúzǎikù
Shorts : duǎnkù
Skirt : qúnzi
Dress : liányīqún
Coat : wàitào
Uniform : zhìfú
Hat : màozi

He likes to wear T-shirt : tā xǐhuan chuān shān
I like to wear black pants : wǒ xǐhuan chuān hēise de kùzi
She often wears jeans : tā jīngcháng chuān niúzǎikù
My older brother rarely wears shorts : wǒ gēge hěnshǎo chuān duǎnkù
I have many skirts : wǒ yǒu hěnduo qúnzi
I don’t have a red dress : wō méiyǒu hóngse de liányīqún
That coat is not cheap : nà jiàn wàitào bù piányi
That uniform is very expensive : nà tào zhìfú fēicháng guì
That hat is cute : nà dǐng màozi hěn kěài
Sports : yùndòng
Swimming : yóuyǒng
Basketball : lánqiú
Volleyball : páiqiú
Tennis : wǎngqiú
Badminton : yǔmáoqiú
Running : pǎobù
Soccer : zúqiú

I like swimming : wǒ xǐhuan yóuyǒng
He likes to play basketball : tā xǐhuan dǎ lánqiú
She doesn’t like to play volleyball : tā bù xǐhuan dǎ páiqiú
She often plays tennis : tā jīngcháng dǎ wǎngqiú
We want to play badminton : wǒmen xiǎng dǎ yǔmáoqiú
They are running : tāmen zài pǎobù
They are playing soccer : tāmen zài tī zúqiú
What sports do you like ? : nǐ xǐhuan shénme yùndǒng
Store : shāngdiàn
Bank : yíngháng
Restaurant : fàndiàn
Gas station : jiāyóuzhàn
Supermarket : chāoshì
Police station : jǐngchájú
Pharmacy : yàodiàn
Hospital : yīyuàn
Hotel : lǔydiàn
Coffee shop : kāfēi guǎnr
Bakery : miànbāo diàn
Bar : jiǔbā
Post office : yóujú
Barbershop : lǐfàdiàn
Library : túshūguǎn
School : xuéxiào
I want to go to the store : wǒ xiǎng qù shāngdiàn
We want to go to the bank : wǒmen xiǎng qù yíngháng
Is there a restaurant nearby ? : fùjìn yǒu fàndiàn ma ?
There isn’t a gas station nearby : fùjìn méiyǒu jiāyóuzhàn
Is that a supermarket ? : nà shì chāoshì ma ?
Where is the police station ? : jǐngchájú zài nǎr ?
The pharmacy is here : yàodiàn zài zhèr
I need to go to the hospital : wǒ xūyào qù yīyuàn
That hotel is good : nà ge lǔydiàn hěn hǎo
I often go to that coffee shop : wǒ jīngcháng qù nà kāfēi guǎnr
My friend works at that bakery : wó péngyou zài nà gè miànbaodiàn gōngzuò
That bar is lively : nà ge jiǔbā hěn rè nao
I will go to post office tomorrow : wǒ míngtiān qù yóujú
I will go to the babershop in the afternoon : wǒ xiàwǔ qù lǐfàdiàn
This library is really big : zhè ge túshūguǎn zhēn dà
This is my daughter’s school : zhè shì wō nǔyér de xuéxiào
Room : fángjiān
Restroom : xǐshǒujiān
Bedroom : wòshì
Kitchen : chúfáng
Garden : huāyuán
Living room : kètīng
I need to clean the room : wǒ xūyào dǎsǎo fángjiān
Where is the restroom ? : xǐshǒujiān zǎi nǎr ?
My home has three bedroom : wō jiā yǒu sān ge wòshì
My mom is in the kitchen :wō māma zài chúfáng
My home doesn’t have a garden : wō jiā méiyǒu huāyuán
Your home’s living room is really big : nǐ jiā de kètīng zhēn dà
Dog : gǒu
Cat : māo
Bird : niǎo
Turtle : wūguī
Rabbit : tùzi
Snake : shé
Fish : yú
Pet : chǒngwù
I like dogs : wǒ xǐhuan gǒu
Do you like cats ? : nǐ xǐhuan māo ma ?
My dad likes to raise birds : wǒ bāba xǐhuan yǎng niǎo
My daughter is afraid of turtle : wō nǔyér hàipà wūguī
My rabbit likes to eat carrots : wō de tùzi xǐhuan chī húluóbo
I’m afraid of snakes : wǒ hàipà shé
He has three fish : tā yǎngle sān tiáo yú
Do you have a pet ? : nǐ yǎng chǒngwù ma ?
I have a dog : wō yǎngle yī tiáo gǒu
Fruit : shuǐguǒ
Apple : píngguǒ
Orange : chéngzi
Banana : xiāngjiāo
Strawberry :cǎoméi
Cherry : yīngtao
Mango : mángguǒ
Watermolon : xīgua
Lemon : níngméng
Grapes : pútao
What fruits do you like to eat ? : nǐ xǐhuan chī shénme shuǐguǒ ?
This apple is sweet : zhè ge píngguǒ hěn tián
I like to eat oranges : wǒ xǐhuan chī chéngzi

How much is a half kilo of banana ? : xiāngjiāo duōshǎo qián yì jīn ?

His girlfriend wants to eat strawberry : tā nǔypéngyou xiǎng chī cǎoméi

I want to buy a hafl kilo cherries : wǒ xiǎng mǎi yì jīn yīngtao
Mangoes are in season now : mángguǒ xiànzài yìngjì
I often eat watermelon in the summer : xiàtiān wǒ jīngcháng chī xīgua
Lemons are so sour : níngméng tài suān le
These grapes are really cheap : zhè xiè pútao zhēn piányi
Head : tóu
Hair : tóufa
Face : liǎn
Eye : yànjing
Ear : ěrdou
Nose : bízi
Mouth : zuǐba
Teeth : yá
Neck : bózi
Shoulder : jiānbǎng
Arm : gēbo
Hand : shǒu
Finger : shǒuzhǐ
Leg : tuǐ
Foot : jiǎo
I have a headache : wǒ tóu téng
Her hair is long : tā de tóufa hěn cháng
Her face is very good-looking : tā de liǎn fēicháng hǎo kàn
Your eyes are really beautiful : nǐ de yǎnjing zhēn piàoliang
His ears are very cute : tā de ěrdou fēicháng kěài
Her nose is small : tā de bízi hěn xiǎo
Her mouth is big : tā de zuǐba hěn dà
I brush teeth every day : wǒ tiāntiān shuā yá
My neck hurts : wó de bózī téng
His shoulders are broad : tā de jiānbáng hěn kuān
His arm are strong : tā de gēbo hěn qiángzhuàng
Her hands are very beautiful : tā de shǒu fēicháng piàoliang
My fingers are long : wǒ de shǒuzhǐ hěn cháng
Her legs are really beautiful : tā de tuǐ zhēn piàoliang
That baby’s feet are small : nà ge bǎobao de jiǎo hěn xiǎo
Vegetables : shūcài
Potato : tǔdòu
Tomato : xīhóngshì
Carrot : húluóbo
Onion : yángcōng
Sweet potatoes : dìguā
Chili : làjiāo
Celery : qíncài
Garlic : dàsuàn
What vegetables do you like to eat ? : nǐ xǐhuan shénme shūcài ?
I like to eat pototoes : wǒ xǐhuan chī tǔdòu
These tomatoes are delicious : zhè xiē xīhóngshì hěn hǎochī
These carrots are very sweet : zhè xiē húlóubo fēicháng tián
I don’t eat onions : wǒ bù chī yángcōng
I want to buy a half kilo of sweet potatoes : wǒ xiǎng mǎi yì jīn dìguā
This chili is so spicy : zhè ge làjiāo tài là le
Celery is low in calories : qíncài de rèliàng hěn dī
Please don’t put garlic in this dish : zhè dào cài qǐng bié fàng dàsuàn
Water : shuǐ
Ice water : bīngshuǐ
Tea : chá
Milk : niúnǎi
Coffee : kāfēi
Cola : kělè
Fruit juice : guǒzhī
Beer : píjiǔ
Alcohol : jiǔ
I would like to have a glass of water : wǒ xiǎng yào yì bēi shuǐ
I never drink ice water : wǒ cóngbù hē bīngshuǐ
Would you like to drink tea ? : nǐ xiǎng hē chá ma ?
She drinks milk every day : tā tiāntiān hē niúnǎi
I drink coffee every day : wǒ tiāntiān hē kāfēi
I want to buy a bottle of coca : wǒ xiǎng mǎi yī píng kělè
He rarely drinks fruit juice : tā hěnshǎo hē guǒzhī
I would like to have a glass of beer : wǒ xiàng yào yì bēi píjiǔ
What kind of alcohol do you like to drink ? : nǐ xǐhuan hē shénme jiǔ ?
TV : diànshì
Refrigerator : bīngxiāng
Air conditioner : kōngtiáo
Electric fan : diànfēngshàn
Washing machine : xǐyījī
Rice cooker : diànfànbāo
I want to buy a TV : wǒ xiǎng mǎi yí ge diànshì
How much is this refrigerator ? : zhè ge bīng xiāng duōshǎo qián ?
That air conditioner is so expensive : nà ge cōngtiáo tài guì le
My electric fan is broken : wǒ de diàndēngshàn huài le
Is this washing machine good quality ? : zhè ge xǐyījī zhìliàng hǎo ma ?
I need a rice cooker : wǒ xūyào yí ge diànfànbāo
Happy : gāoxìng
Excited : xìngfēn
Sad : nánguò
Angry : shēngqì
Shy : hàixiū
Lonely : gūdú
Bored : wúliáo
Nervous : jǐnzhāng
Scared :hàipà
Surprised :jīngyà
Shocked : zhènjīng
Worried : dānxīn
I am very happy today : jīntiān wǒ fēicháng gāoxìng
He is so excited : tā tài xīngfèn le
She is extremely sad : tā shífēn nánguò
His dad got angry : tā bàba shēngqì le
My colleague is shy : wō tóngshì hěn hàixiū
Sometime he feels very lonely : yǒushíhou tā gǎndào fēicháng gūdú
He often feels bored : tā chángcháng gǎndào wúliáo
I am extremely nervous : wǒ shífēn jǐnzhāng
She is scared of ghosts : tā hàipà guǐ
They got married. I was so surprised : tāmen jiéhūn le. Wǒ tài jīngyà le.
They got divorced. I was shocked : tāmen líhūn le. Wǒ hěn zhènjīng.
His mom is extremely worried about him : tā māma shífēn dānxīn tā
Spring : chūntiān
Summer : xiàtiān
Fall : qiūtiān
Winter : dōngtiān
Season : jìjié
Beijing’s spring is beautiful : Běijīng de chūntiān hěn měi
Shanghai’s spring is very warm : Shànghǎi de chūntiān fēicháng nuǎnhuo
This summer is so hot : jiānnián xiàtiān tài rè le
Where will you do this summer ? : nǐ jīnnián xiàtiān qù nǎr ?
It often rains here in the fall : zhèr qiūtiān chángcháng xiàyǔ
He will go back to Japan next fall : tā míngnián qiūtiān huí Rǐběn
Harbin’s winter is very cold : Hāěrbīn de dōngtiān fēicháng lěng
She didn’t go to Europe last winter : tā qùnián dōngtiān mēiqù Ōuzhōu
Which season do you like the most ? : nǐ zuì xǐhuān nǎ ge jìjié ?
I like winter the most : wǒ zuì xǐhuān dōngtiān
Bed : chuáng
Chair : yǐzi
Sofa : shāfā
Table : zhuōzi
Desk : shūzhuō
Mirror : jìngzi
Bookshelf : shūjià
Furniture : jiājù
This bed is comfortable : zhè zhāng chuāng hěn shūfu
I want to buy several chairs : wǒ xiǎng mǎi jǐ bǎ yǐzi
This sofa is very soft : zhè ge shāfā fēicháng ruǎn
This table is not big enough : zhè zhāng zhuōzi bú gòu dà
There are several books on the desk : shūzhuō shāng yǒu jǐ běn shū
This mirror is a bit dirty :zhè ge jìngzi yǒu diǎnr zāng
There are many books on the bookshelf : shūjià shang yǒu hěn duō shū
I need to buy some furniture : wǒ xūyào mǎi yìxiè jiājù
I will go to the furniture store tomorrow : wo míngtiān qù jiājù diàn
Pen : bǐ
Pencil : qiānbǐ
Paper : zhǐ
Eraser : xiàngpí
Notebook : bǐjìběn
Ruler : géchǐ
Do you have a pen ? : nǐ yǒu bǐ ma ?
Is this your pencil ? : zhè shì nǐ de qiānbǐ ma ?
I need a sheet of paper : wǒ xūyào yì zhāng zhǐ
Where is the eraser ? : xiàngpí zài nǎr ?
Is this your notebook ? : zhè shì nǐ de bǐjìběn ma ?
This ruler is mine : zhè ge géchǐ shì wǒ de
Get up : qǐchuáng
Take a shower : xǐzǎo
Get dressed : chuān yīfu
Wash hands : xǐ shǒu
Wash face : xǐliǎn
Brush teeth : shuāyá
Watch the news : kàn xīwén
Eating breakfast :chī zǎofàn
Go to work : shàngbān
Eat lunch : chī wǔfàn
Leave work : xiàbān
Eat dinner : chī wǎnfàn
Wash dishes : xǐwǎn
Watch TV : kàn diànshì
Sleep : shuìjiào
I get up at 6:00 in the morning : wǒ zǎoshang liù diǎn qǐchuáng
She takes a shower every morning : tā tiāntiān zǎoshang xǐzǎo
He is getting dressed : tā zài chuān yīfu
You should wash your hands before eating : nǐ chīfàn qián yīnggāi xǐshǒu
She likes to wash her face using facial cleanser : tā xǐhuan yòng xǐmiànnǎi xǐliǎn
That little boy is brushing his teeth : nà gè xiǎonánháir zài shuāyá
I watch the news every morning : wǒ tiāntiān zǎoshang kàn xīnwén
I have not yet eaten breakfast : wǒ háiméi chī zǎofàn
He doesn’t go to work on weekends : tā zhōumò bú shàngbān
Have you eaten lunch ? : nǐ chī wǔfàn le ma ?
I leave work at 6:00 every day : wǒ měitiān liù diǎn xiàbān
I want to eat dinner at home : wǒ xiǎng zài jiā chī wǎnfàn
I hate to wash dishes : wǒ tǎo yàn xǐwǎn
I love to watch TV with family : wǒ ài gēn jiārén kàn diànshì
It’s time to sleep : gài shuìjiào le
Plates : pánzi
Knife : dāo
Fork : chāzi
Chopsticks : kuàizi
Spoon : sháozi
Cup/glass : bēizi
Bowls : wǎn
Bottle : píng
Sink : shuǐchí
We need four plates : wǒmen xūyào sì ge pánzi
This knife is dull : zhè ge dāo hěn dùn
Chinese people rarely use forks : zhōngguó rén hěnshǎo yòng zhāzi
Do you know how to use chopsticks ? : nǐ huì yòng kuàizi ma ?
Please give me a spoon : qǐng gěi wǒ yí ge sháozi
These cups are not enough : zhè xiē bēizi bú gòu
I ate three bowls of rice yesterday : wǒ zuótiān chīle sān wǎn fàn
I want to buy a bottle of water : wǒ xiǎng mǎi yì píng shuǐ
The sink is clogged : shuǐchí dǔ le
Toothpaste : yágāo
Toothbrush : yáshuā
Toilet paper : wèishēngzhǐ
Soap : xiāngzào
Razor : tìxūdāo
The toothpaste is almost used up : yágāo chàbùduō yòngwán le
That blue toothbrush is mine : nà ge lánsè de yáshuā shì wǒ de
We need to buy some toilet paper : wǒmen xūyào mǎi yìxiē wèishēngzhǐ
I like this brand’s soap : wǒ xǐhuan zhè ge páizi de xiāngzào
This razor is sharp : zhè bǎ tìxūdāo hěn fēnglì
Milk : niúnǎi
Cheese : nǎilào
Ice cream : bīngjīlíng
Butter : huángyóu
Scream : nǎiyóu

I drink milk every day : wǒ tiāntiān hē niúnǎi
French cheese is famous : fǎguó nǎilào hěn yǒumíng
In the winter i rarely eat ice scream : dōngtiān wǒ hěnshǎo chī bīngjīlíng
The butter has already expried : huángyóu yǐjīng guòqī le
The scream has gone bad : nǎiyóu huài le
Cheese : nǎiláo
Potato chips : shǔpiàn
Nuts : jiānguǒ
Popcorn : bàomǐhuā
Snacks : língshí
French cheese is very delicious : fǎguó nǎiláo fēicháng hǎochī
Would you like to eat potato chips ? : nǐ xiǎng chī shǔpiàn ma ?
Nuts are healthy : jiānguǒ hěn jiànkǎng
Do you want to eat popcorn ? : nǐ xiǎng chī bàomǐhuā ma ?
What snack do you like to eat ? : nǐ xǐhuan chī shénme língshí ?
Meat : ròu
Chicken : jīròu
Pork : zhūròu
Beef : niúròu
Mutton : yángròu
Fish : yú
Bacon : péigēn
Do you eat meat ? : nǐ chī ròu ma ?
Chicken is both cheap and delicious : jīròu yòu piányi yòu hǎochī
How much is a half kilo of pork ? : zhūròu dōushǎo qián yì jīn ?
This beef is very tender : zhè niúròu fēicháng nèn
Have you eaten mutton ? : nǐ chī gòu yángròu ma ?
These fish are fresh : zhè xiē yú hěn xīnxiān
This bacon is burnt : zhè péigēn hú le
Cake : dàngāo
Donut : tiántiánquān
Pudding : bùdīng
Chocolate : qiǎokèlì
Candy : táng
This piece of cake is too sweet : zhè kuàir dàngāo tài tián le
This donut is so delicious :zhè ge tiānquān tài hǎochī le
Children love to eat pudding : háizi ài chī bùdīng
The chocolate melted : qiǎokèlì huà le
Eating candy is not good for your teeth : chī táng duì yá bù hǎo
Asia : yàzhōu
Europe : ōuzhōu
North America : běi měizhōu
South America : nán měizhōu
Africa : fēizhōu
Oceania : dàyángzhōu
Continent : zhōu
I love to eat Asian food : wǒ ài chī yàzhōu cài
Have you been to Europe ? : nǐ qù gòu ōuzhōu ma ?
Is Mexico in North America ? : mòxīgē zài běi měizhōu ma ?
I want to go to South America to travel : wǒ xiǎng qù nán měizhōu lǔyyou
There is a lot of wildlife in Africa : fēizhōu yǒu hěndōu yě shēng dòng wù
Australia is in Oceania : àodàlìyà zài dàyángzhōu
Which continent is France in ? : fǎgóu zài nǎ ge zhōu
France is in Europe : fǎgóu zài ōuzhōu

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