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IK5218 Signal and Image Processing

question submitted : 22 Februari 2023
due date Solution : 3 Maret 2023 time : 23.59
Noted : files speech.dat and vbrdata.dat avaiable on MSTeam

MS Team Courses

Problem 1: Given an analog signal

a. sketch the spectrum of the sampled signal up to 20 kHz

b. sketch the recovered analog signal spectrum if an ideal lowpass filter with a cutoff frequency
of 4 kHz is used to filter the sampled signal in order to recover the original signal

Problem 2 : Given :


a. y(n)=h(n)*x(n)
b. y(n)=h(n)*x(-n)

Problem 3 : Performance evaluation of speech quantization:

Given an original speech segment “speech.dat” sampled at 8000 Hz with each sample encoded in
16 bits, use Programs 2.3–2.5 and modify Program 2.2 ( see on Text Book Lizhe Tan, Jean
Jiang , Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals and Applications 3rd Edition, Elsevier 2019)
to quantize the speech segment using 8 and 15 bits, respectively. The SNR in dB must be
measured for each quantization.

In this project, create a plot of the measured SNR (dB) versus the number of bits and discuss the
effect of the sound quality. For comparisons, plot the original speech and the quantized one using
8, and 15 bits.

Problem 4. Given three sinusoids with the following amplitudes and phases:
a. Create a MATLAB program to sample each sinusoid and generate a sum of three sinusoids,
that is, x(n) = x1(n) + x2(n) + x3(n), using a sampling rate of 8000Hz, and plot the sum x(n)
over a range of time that will exhibit approximately 0.1s.
b. Use the MATLAB function fft() to compute DFT coefficients, and plot and examine the
spectrum of the signal x(n)

Problem 5. Vibration signal of the acceleration response from a simple supported beam
(“vbrdata.dat”), sampling rate = 1000Hz

a. compute their one-sided spectra and create their time domain plots and spectral plots
b. From the spectral plot, determine the four dominant frequencies (modes).

Problem 6. Given two sequences.

(a) Determine the z-transform of convolution of the two sequences using the convolution
property of z-transform

(b). Determine convolution by the inverse z-transform from the result in (a)

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