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Carinna, you have carried out some basic research into how you would appeal to your ambient loop
audience. I would have liked to have seen some more in-depth discussion as to why you feel these
are suitable examples and why you feel that certain characters would be more suitable than others for
inclusion in this project. 
You have shown good planning and development for this project. You have discussed technical skills
that you will use and appropriate methods of animation that will help you meet the brief. You have
documented your progress of designing your backgrounds and foregrounds clearly and shown off
your artistic development here. 
The animation itself has been completed to your usual excellent standard. Music choice is suitable,
and I particularly liked the way that you used two separate scenes for your animation. You have used
all the techniques required to very high proficiency and hopefully as we move into the final major
project animation will be the direction that you choose to take. 
Your evaluation has been carried out to a good standard, and you have answered the provided
questions thoughtfully. You have paid extra attention to the audience feedback and answering any of
their criticisms in a mature manner. as we move into the final major project it is important to remember
that this level of self-evaluation is important for a good grade. 

WWW: Excellent practical work and display of artistic development.

EBI: Need to go in depth in to research and design.

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