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THESIS: My entire life was spent living amongst my fellow countrymen. Their weird
pleasantries, their bizarre lifestyles, and the unending commotion that pervades the cluttered
streets. Although my understanding of local everyday life is somewhat limited, I have grown
accustomed to it over time. But when viewed by someone who came from lands beyond the
horizon, who really are we?

Paragraph 1:
 I had barely wrestled with the idea of trying to find a foreigner to involve with my studies
when my friend informed us of their neighbor who owned a popular landmark in their
 Their establishment, the Mirisbiris Garden, which was a rural tropical garden, boasted
advocacy for the local wilderness.
 Their noble demeanor and the envisioned scenery of their pristine palace were more than
enough to gauge my enthusiasm.
 I carefully composed a letter expressing our interest in striking up a conversation with him
regarding our assigned topic in hopes of being scheduled a reasonable meeting time.

Paragraph 2:
 As if time was a whirlwind juggling us among our test papers, several days passed
without much thought into our looming scheduled interview.
 Before I knew it, I was making last-minute scrambles in an effort to finally board the 40-
minute trip to Santo Domingo.
 ---Expand--- ---This was the trip to Santo Domingo---

Bicol University | College of Engineering

Paragraph 3:
Entracnce to House

 As we step out of the car we were whipped with the cool and damp air as the quiet road
was pervaded by the rhythmic cadence of distant waves crashing against the shore.
 As I walked through the dense forest, the trees towered above me, their branches
reaching out and interlocking overhead to create a natural canopy.
 Their humble abode wrestled among the branches of neighboring trees. The exterior of
the house was made entirely of rich, warm-toned wood, giving it a natural and organic
 The front entrance was a set of tall glass windows that sandwiched a mostly transparent
door that offered a view of the stunning interior. And inside, a warm smile beamed at us
from across the room.

Paragraph 4
Interview Proper

Paragraph 5
A visit to Mirisbiris Garden

 We wrapped up our documentation by taking a group picture that includes everyone from
our group as well as the interviewee.
 We bid our farewells and there only one more thing left to do in order to make the 40-
minute trip more worthwhile.
 A good 5-minutes was spent walking along the highway while engrossing ourselves in
loud and silly banter before hitching a short ride to the entrance of the garden.
 Similar to the residency of our interviewee, wandering deeper into the garden, I was
captivated by the stunning array of flora that surrounded me.

Bicol University | College of Engineering

 The garden also housed a restaurant as well as some common areas in which we
stumbled upon our friend who we rode with earlier as well as their mother.
 We had a casual conversation while enjoying ourselves over a cup of vegetable shake.

 From the experience, my biggest takeaway was that there is still a lot to like about my
own culture than I previously thought.
 There are a lot of things I take for granted that is otherwise very perceivable to people
who have not grown up the same place as I.
 It allowed me to see ourselves in a different light.

Bicol University | College of Engineering

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