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C stands for currency.

R stands for relevancy.

A stand for authority.

A stand for accuracy.

P stands for purpose.

Have to least have 8 references.

1. Exploring the Role of Carbon Taxation Policies on

CO2 Emissions Article
C This article have resources of the past 3 years 8

R More than half of the article are relevant 6

A Assaad Ghazouani , Wanjun Xia , Mehdi Ben Jebli , and 10

Umer Shahzad
A This information comes from Carbon tax policy in 7
P The purpose of this information to exist is to have a 9
better understanding of the Carbon taxation policies
2. Comprehensive Assessment of Carbon Tax Policy in
C This article has resources of the past 5 years 8
R Around 20% of the article is useful 3
A Weijiang Liu, Yangyang Li ,Tingting Liu , 10
Min Liu and Hai Wei
A This information comes from
P The purpose of this information to exist is to
have a better understanding of the

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