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MC- Problem Part 2 1. A realty dealer disposed two residential units during the month.

Unit 141-B 2,500,000 Unit 142-C 3,500

141-B 2,500,000 Unit 142-C 3,500,000 Total sales, Exclusive of VAT 6,000,000 Total input Vat During the month 210,000 Compute the VA
e month 210,000 Compute the VAT payable. C. 297,500 2. A vat registered restaurant had the following transaction during the month: Re
transaction during the month: Receipt from foods served 600,000 Receipts from soft drink 200,000 Purchase of rice,meat and vegetable
chase of rice,meat and vegetable 200,000 Purchase of vegetable 100,000 Purchase of soft drink 120,000 Purchase of food condiments 80
Purchase of food condiments 80,000 Assuming all amounts are exclusive of VAT, compute the vat Payable D. 72,000 3. A Vat-registered
ble D. 72,000 3. A Vat-registered tax practitioner who uses the cash basis of accounting disclosed the ff results of operation (exclusive of
results of operation (exclusive of Vat) d. 654,000 4. A manufacturing subcontractor generated the ff receipt from various clients. Compute
eipt from various clients. Compute the VAT payable D. 0

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