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DZQC, a radio broadcasting company with 8M annual receipt, generated a total revenue of 1M out f which of 800,000 was
of 1M out f which of 800,000 was collected. A. O 6. A Vat- taxpayer had the following data during the month. Regular sale 3M export sale
onth. Regular sale 3M export sale 1.5 M input vat o reg sale 240k input vat on export sale 100k. compute the VAT payable B. 100,000 7. A
e the VAT payable B. 100,000 7. An insurer had the ff receipt and input Vat data during the month. Compute the VAT payable. D. 195,000
pute the VAT payable. D. 195,000 8. A lessor of commercial spaces had the ff receipts and input VAT data for the month. Compute for VAT
a for the month. Compute for VAT Payable B. 270,000 9. a domestic airliner had the following transaction during the month B. 192,000 10
on during the month B. 192,000 10. A seller of goods had the ff. sale C. 48,800

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