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I like to do this job because my technics & skills can help to Growth And Expansion your Hawkins

company. I also see an opportunity for me to learn and grow my Engineering Professional skills, so
we both would benefit personally, professionally, and financially. If I can come to Hawkins Cookers
Limited and solve problems and accomplish your Targets.

In this step explain you are a personal fit for this job because the company atmosphere is good for
you based on your knowledge and skill. also, this company gives more opportunities to grow a bright
future and expand knowledge with the best accommodation and facilities.

1 hope Now you can understand how to write the answer to "Why I am interested in this job in 200
words Hawkins". You Can Copy the above Paragraph and change some interested and suitable words
& thins as per your Professional and ability. For a Good First Impression of You in Company Write
Best Answer by your side.

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