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SECURITIES REGULATION CODE • Other instruments as may in the future be

determined by the commission (Catch all)

A. Establish a socially conscious free market that INVESTMENT CONTRACTS
regulates itself • Investment contract is a contract, transaction, or
B. Encourage the widest participation of ownership in scheme whereby a person invests his money in a
the enterprises common enterprise and is led to expect profits
C. Enhance the democratization of wealth primarily from the efforts of others.
D. Promote the development of the capital market • Turner Test: Used to determine whether a contract
E. Protect investors is an investment contract within the definition of
F. Ensure full and fair disclosure about securities securities
G. Minimize, if not totally eliminate fraudulent or • Under this test, an investment contract may be a
manipulative devices transaction, contract, or scheme whereby a person:
• Makes an investment of money
OBJECTIVE • In a common enterprise
• To protect the investing public primarily through a • With the expectation of profits
system of disclosure and provide punishment for • To be derived primarily from the efforts of others
fraudulent practices.
• Howey vs Turner test: Derived “primarily” vs Derived
• Overriding objective is investor protection through “solely”
full and fair disclosure about securities to be offered
to the public and by minimizing fraudulent and (Power Homes Unlimited Corporation v. SEC,
manipulative activities for public companies G.R. No. 164182, February 26, 2008,
• Note that the SRC does not apply to a non-public
company The business scheme of Power Homes Unlimited
• Public company: Defined as either publicly listed Corporation (Power Homes) is that an investor will enrol
company, or a company with total assets of at least lunder its program, and the latter would be entitled to
50M pesos with at least 200 shareholders each recruit other investors and receive commissions from the
holding 100 shares of the same class. investments of those directly recruited by him. Is Power
• Protects public from worthless ventures that have Homes engaged in the sale of securities which must
no basis at all, and the sale of securities therein to be registered?
investor who are then holding certificates • Yes. A corporation allowing a principal investor to
representing nothing more than a claim to a square enroll in its program by paying a certain amount,
of the blue sky. which in turn entitles him to be paid a certain amount
• Note: Public offering for purposes of registration if the recruit was able to get a minimum recruitment
means random or indiscriminate offering of of four (4) investors, is engaged in the sale or
securities in general to more than 19 persons, distribution of an investment contract. It must be
whether solicited or unsolicited. registered with the SEC before its sale or offer for
sale or distribution to the public, otherwise, the SEC
DEFINITION OF SECURITIES (Per Se) cannot protect the investing public from fraudulent
• Securities are SHARES, PARTICIPATION, OR securities is founded on the premise that the capital
INTEREST in a corporation, commercial enterprise, markets depend on the investing public’s level of
or profit making venture evidenced by a certificate, confidence in the system.
contract, instrument, whether written or electronic in
character. The definition includes investment Securities and Exchange Commission vs Prosperity
contracts. Com, Inc. G.R. No. 164197,January 25, 2012,

They include:, Inc. (PCI) sold computer software and

• Shares of stocks, bonds, debentures, notes hosted websites without providing internet service. It
evidences of indebtedness, asset backed securities devised a scheme in which a buyer could acquire from it
• Investment contracts, certificates of interest or an internet website with 15-MB capacity. At the same
participation in a profit sharing agreement, time, by referring to PCI his own down-line buyers, a first-
certificates of deposit for future subscription time buyer could earn commissions, interest in real estate
• Fractional undivided interests in oil, gas, or other and insurance coverage. Is PCI’s scheme considered
mineral rights an investment contract which requires registration?
• Derivatives like options and warrants • No. For an investment contract to exist, the following
• Derivatives like options and warrants elements, referred to as the Howey test must concur:
• Certificates of assignments, certificates of (1) a contract, transaction, or scheme; (2) an
participation, trust certificates, voting trust investment of money; (3) investment is made in a
certificates or similar instruments common enterprise; (4)expectation of profits; (5)
• Proprietary or nonproprietary membership profits arising primarily from the efforts of others.
certificates in corporations Network marketing, a scheme adopted by
companies for getting people to buy their products but the SEC is also concerned with the merit of the
outside the usual retail system where products are securities themselves and the issuer,
bought from the store's shelf and where the buyer
can become a down-line seller, earning EXEMPT SECURITIES
commissions from purchases made by new buyers • Refers to those which the registration requirement
whom he refers to the person who sold the product generally does not apply
to him, is not an investment contract. – Any security issued or guaranteed by the
Government of the Philippines, or by any political
(Gabionza v. CA, 565 SCRA 38, 2008) subdivision or agency thereof, or by any person
• Checks constitute mere substitutes for cash if so controlled or supervised by, and acting as an
issued in payment of obligations in the ordinary instrumentality of said government
course of business transactions. But when they are • The reason why Government should not be
issued in exchange for a big number of individual required to furnish a bond is that the State is
non-personalized loans solicited from the public, undoubtedly always solvent
numbering about 700 in this case, the checks
ceased to be such. In such a circumstance, the – Any security issued or guaranteed by the
checks assume the character of evidence of government of any country with which the
indebtedness. Philippines maintains diplomatic relations, or by
any state, province or political subdivision thereof
SECURITIES MARKET PARTICIPANTS on the basis of reprocity: Provided that the
• Issuer – originator, maker, obligor or creator of the commission may require compliance with the
security form and content for disclosures the Commission
may prescribe.
• Broker – person engaged in the business of buying
and selling securities for the account of others – Certificates issued by a receiver or by a trustee
• Dealer – person who buys and sells securities for his in bankruptcy duly approved by the proper
own account in the ordinary course of business. A adjudicatory body.
dealer transacts using the dealer’s own resources – Any security issued by a bank except its own
and not for third parties, unlike a broker shares of stock.
• Prospectus – document made by or on behalf on an – Any security or its derivatives the sale or transfer
issuer, underwriter or dealer to sell or offer securities of which, by law, is under the supervision and
for sale to the public through a registration statement regulation of the
filed with the SEC. This is the offering circular • Office of the insurance commission
containing all material information about the issuer
• Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
and the securities sought to be offered to the public.
• Bureau of Internal Revenue.
REGISTRATION • When a bank issues securities other than its own
shares of stock, common or preferred, it does not
• General Rule: Securities are prohibited to be sold
need to register the said securities with the SEC as
or offered for sale or distribution within the
long as the BSP consents thereto. If, however, the
security to be issued by a bank is a share of stock,
– Without registration statement duly filed with and then those shares need to be registered with the
approved by SEC SEC prior to any public offering.

Prior to such sale, information on the securities
in such form and such substance as the SEC may EXEMPT TRANSACTIONS
prescribe, must be made available to each • Enumerations under Sec. 10 are exclusive and
prospective purchaser. specific
• Exception: • Hence, the exemption is transaction specific unlike
– Exempt securities exempt securities which will always be exempt from
registration regardless of the underlying transaction
– Exempt transactions or offering.
• Judicial sale of securities: Any judicial sale, or sale
• Registration is required whenever securities are by an executor, administrator, guardian or receiver
sold or offered to be sold to the public. At the end of or trustee in insolvency or bankruptcy
the registration process, the registration statement
will be rendered effective by the SEC and a permit – Note: As distinguished from exempt securities
to sell will be issued. Registration allows the SEC to specially issued by the receiver or trustee in a
ensure that there is full and fair disclosure of all bankruptcy proceeding mentioned above, the
material information in connection with the public shares covered under exempt transactions are
offering. ordinary shares; however the owner of the shares
is bankrupt and so the shares are sold.
● In approving the registration of the securities, the
• Sale of foreclosed securities
SEC is not only concerned with the requirement that
full disclosure of information is given to the public
– By or on account of a pledge holder or mortgagee the securities exchanged are not from the same
or any other similar lien holder, selling or offering issuer;
for sale or delivery in the ordinary course of • Private placements:
business, not for the purpose of avoiding the – Sale of securities by an issuer to fewer than 20
provisions of the SRC, to liquidate a bona fide persons during any twelve-month period
debt, a security pledged in good faith as security – Note: This exempt transaction which requires as
for such debt; a precondition the offering to fewer than 20
• Isolated transaction: persons over a 12-month period is the very
– An isolated transaction in which any security is essence of what constitutes an offering that is not
sold, offered for sale, subscription or delivery by public. If, however, the offering is made to
the owner thereof, or for his account, not being qualified institutional buyers or qualified individual
made in the course of repeated and successive buyers, the number of persons becomes
transaction of a like character, and such owner or irrelevant as you can see in the subsequent
representative not being the underwriter of such exemption for qualified buyers
security • Sale to qualified buyers:
• Stock dividends – Sale of securities to any of the following qualified
– Distribution by a corporation of securities to its buyers:
stockholders or other security holders as stock o Bank
dividend or other distribution out of surplus o Registered investment house
• Sale of shares to stockholders not underwritten o Insurance company
– Sale of capital stock of a corporation to its own
stockholders exclusively stock which has already • Pension fund or retirement plan maintained by the
been issued government or managed by a bank or other persons
• Issuance of bonds to a single purchaser: authorized by the BSP to engage in trust functions
• Investment company
– Issuance of bonds or notes secured by mortgage • Such other person at the Commission may determine
upon real estate or tangible personal property;
as qualified.
• Transaction pursuant to the right of conversion:
• REMEMBER THIS: The parties to the offering may
– Issuance and delivery of any security in exchange seek a confirmation of exempt transaction status from
for any other security of the same issuer pursuant the SEC, but this step is optional. Note that the
to a right of conversion, provided that the: burden of proving entitlement to an exemption rests
• Surrendered security has been registered under the with the claimant. Only a notice of exempt transaction
SRC or was, exempt, when sold is required under the 2015 IRR of the SRC.
• Security issued and delivered in exchange would, at • Notes
the time of conversion, fall into the class entitled to • The SEC may exempt other transactions, if it finds
registration; that the requirements of registration under the SRC is
• Broker’s transactions: not necessary in the public interest or for the
– Broker’s transactions, executed upon customer’s protection of the investors such as by the reason of
orders, on any registered Exchange or trading the small amount involved or the limited character of
market; the public offering. (SRC, Sec. 10.2)An example of
• Pre-incorporation subscription or subscription to a this provision is a stock option plan or an employee
capital increase: stock purchase plan which is commonly offered by
publicly-listed companies to their executives and
– Subscriptions to shares of capital stock (1) prior employees.
to incorporation or (2) pursuant to an increase in
• Issuance from authorized but previously unissued
authorized capital stock – both to comply with the
capital stock may be granted exemption
requirements of the law for minimum
• Exchange of securities with existing security holders:
• All transactions involving securities which are offered
– Exchange of securities by the issuer exclusively to the public, unless it is an exempt security or an
with its existing security holders exclusively, exempt transaction subject to the provisions of the
where no commission or other remuneration is SRC, needs to be registered as such with the
paid or given directly or indirectly for soliciting Securities and Exchange Commission, unless
such exchange otherwise provided by law or the Rules, and as such
– The difference between broker’s transaction an are non-exempt transactions.
exchange of securities with existing security • Securities shall not be sold or offered for sale or
holders is that broker’s transaction is for any other distribution within the Philippines, without a
security of the issuer while exchange of security registration statement duly filed with and approved by
with existing security holders is between the the Securities and Exchange Commission. (SRC,
issuer and its existing security holders wherein Sec. 8)
• The Securities and Exchange Commission may which are necessary or incidental to the carrying out
conditionally approve registration statements of of, the express powers granted the Commission to
securities, subject under terms it may deem achieve the objectives and purposes of these laws.
necessary, and may specify the terms and conditions
under which a written communication, including any PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION OF
summary prospectus, shall be deemed not to SECURITIES
constitute an offer for sale. FILING
• The issuer must file in the main office of the SEC:
POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE SECURITIES – Sworn registration statement with respect to
AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION such securities; and
A. Have jurisdiction and supervision over all – Registration statement must include any
corporations, partnership or associations who are the prospectus required
grantees of primary franchises and/or a license or a • NOTE: A registration statement may be withdrawn
permit issued by the Government; by the issuer only with SEC’s consent. This is called
B. Formulate policies and recommendations on issues a voluntary revocation.
concerning the securities market, advise Congress
and other government agencies on all aspect of the SIGNATURE
securities market and propose legislation and • The registration statement shall be signed by the
amendments thereto issuer’s executive officer, its principal operating
C. Approve, reject, suspend, revoke or require officer, its principal financial officer, its comptroller, its
amendments to registration statements, and principal accounting officer, its corporate secretary or
registration and licensing applications persons performing similar functions accompanied by
D. Regulate, investigate or supervise the activities of a duly verified resolution of the board of directors of
persons to ensure compliance; the issuer corporation and accompanied by
E. Supervise, monitor, suspend or take over the – A duly verified resolution of the board of directors;
activities of exchanges, clearing agencies and other – The written consent of the expert, who certified
SROs; any part of the registration statement; and
F. Impose sanctions for the violation of laws and rules,
regulations and orders, and issued pursuant thereto; – If the registration statement includes shares to be
G. Prepare, approve, amend or repeal rules, regulations sold by selling shareholders. A written
and orders, and issue opinions and provide guidance certification by the selling stockholders as to the
on and supervise compliance with such rules, accuracy of the information of any part of the
regulation and orders; registration statement.
H. Enlist the aid and support of and/or deputized any and
all enforcement agencies of the Government, civil or PAYMENT OF FILING FEE
military as well as any private institution corporation, • Not more than one-tenth (1/10) of one per centum
firm, association or person in the implementation of (1%) of the maximum aggregate price of the
its powers and function under its Code; securities
I. Issue cease and desist orders to prevent fraud or
injury to the investing public; PUBLICATION
J. Punish for the contempt of the Commission, both • Notice of the filing of the registration statement shall
direct and indirect, in accordance with the pertinent be immediately published by the issuer, at its own
provisions of and penalties prescribed by the Rules of expense, in two (2) newspapers of general circulation
Court; in the Philippines, once a week for two (2)
K. Compel the officers of any registered corporation or consecutive weeks, reciting that:
association to call meetings of stockholders or – A registration statement for the sale of such
members thereof under its supervision; security has been filed,
L. Issue subpoena duces tecum and summon witnesses – The registration statement, and its attachments,
to appear in any proceedings of the Commission and are open to inspection; and
in appropriate cases, order the examination, search
and seizure of all documents, papers, files and – Copies shall be furnished to interested parties at
records, tax returns and books of accounts of any such reasonable charge as the SEC may
entity or person under investigation as may be prescribe.
necessary for the proper disposition of the cases • NOTE: As part of its registration statement, the Issuer
before it, subject to the provisions of existing laws shall submit to the SEC an affidavit of publication with
M. Suspend, or revoke, after proper notice and hearing a copy of the notice that was published or a copy of
the franchise or certificate of registration of the pro-forma notice to be published, with the
corporations, partnership or associations, upon any of attestation that the publication has been or will be
the grounds provided by law; and immediately undertaken.(2015 IRR of R.A. 8799 Rule
N. Exercise such other powers as may be provided by 12.5(b).2)
law as well as those which may be implied from, or
ORDER – Upon filing of an RS, the total filing fee shall be
• Within forty-five (45) days after the date of filing, the computed based on Section 12.5 (a) of the SRC,
SEC shall declare the registration statement effective payable per tranche of issuance and proportional
or rejected. (SRC. Sec. 12.6) to the issued value.
• The filing fees of the subsequent tranches shall be
ENTRY OF ORDER payable within seven (7) business days prior to
• The SEC will enter an order declaring the registration commencement of the offer/sale of the said
statement to be effective. (SRC. Sec. 12.6) securities.
• The registrant shall execute an Undertaking to pay
OATH OF AN ISSUER the remaining registration fees no later than thirty (30)
• Upon effectivity of the registration statement, the business days prior to the expiry of the
issuer shall state under oath in every prospectus that • Three (3) year period reckoned from the date of
all registration requirements have been met and that effectivity of the RS.
all information are true and correct as represented by
the issuer or the one making the statement REJECTION AND REVOCATION OF
• NOTE: The order of the Commission rendering REGISTRATION STATEMENT
effective the registration statement shall, at the
expense of the Issuer, be published in a national • Grounds for Rejection and Revocation of Registration
newspaper of general circulation and uploaded in its Statement
website within two (2) business days from its • When the issuer:
issuance. (2015 IRR of R.A. 8799 Rule 12.5(b).3)
– Has been judicially declared insolvent;
OFFER PERIOD OF SECURITIES – Has violated any of the provision of the SRC, the
• The sale of the securities subject of the registration rules promulgate pursuant thereto, or any order
statement shall commence within ten (10) business of the Commission of which the issuer has notice
days from the date of the effectivity of the registration in connection with the offering for which a
statement' and shall continue until the end of the registration statement has been filed
offering period or until the sale is terminated by the – Has been or is engaged or is about to engage in
Issuer. If the sale is not commenced within ten (10) fraudulent transactions;
business days, the RS shall be cancelled and all fees
paid thereon forfeited. (2015 of R.A. 8799 Rule
– Has made any false or misleading representation
of material facts in any prospectus concerning the
issuer or its securities;
TERMINATION OR COMPLETION OF OFFERING – Has failed to comply with any requirements that
• A written notification of completion or termination of the Commission may impose as a condition for
the offering shall be filed by the Issuer with the registration of the security for which the
Commission within three (3) business days from such registration statement has been filed;
completion or termination, and the notice shall state • The registration statement is on its face incomplete or
the number of securities sold. (2015 IRR of R.A. 8799 inaccurate in any material respect or includes any
Rule untrue statements of a material fact required to be
stated therein or necessary to make the statement
PROCEDURE FOR DELAYED AND CONTINOUS therein not misleading; or
OFFERING AND SALE OF SECURITIES • The issuer, any officer, director or controlling person
(Shelf Registration) performing similar functions, or any underwriter has
been convicted, by a competent judicial or
• Securities, which are intended to be issued in administrative body, upon plea of guilty, or otherwise,
tranches at more than one instance after the of an offense involving moral turpitude and or fraud or
registration statement has been rendered effective by is enjoined or restrained by the Commission or other
the Commission, may be registered for an offering to competent or administrative body for violations of
be made on a continuous or delayed basis in the securities, commodities, and other related laws
future, for a period not exceeding three (3) years from • Where the issuer refused to comply with the order of
the effective date of the registration statement under SEC for the production of all books and papers,
which they are being offered and sold. (2015 IRR of administration of oath, or examination of its officers,
R.A. 8799 Rule 8.1.2) or any other person connected to its business affairs
• Securities offered after the initial tranche shall comply • NOTE: the term “competent judicial or administrative
with the following requirements: body” shall include a foreign court of competent
– At least five (5) business days prior to the offering jurisdiction as provided for under the Rules of Court.
or sale of the securities, it shall disclose to the
Commission the required Information using SEC
Form 12-I-SR;
– Filing Fees
REQUIREMENTS FOR VOLUNTARY REVOCATION have been completed for sale to date, without
making any deduction and wait for thirty (30) days
• An Application for Voluntary Revocation of for purchasers to respond to the rescission offer
Registration of Securities shall include the following before initiation of the amended offering.
documents: (2015 IRR of R.A.8799 Rule 13.2.1): • Purchasers may, within thirty (30) days from the date
– Verified Petition for Revocation of Registration; of such notification, renounce their purchase of
– Board Resolution approving therevocation,
• The issuer, or any person acting on behalf of the
certified under oath by thecorporate secretary
issuer in connection with the distribution of said
and attested toby the president or
securities, shall, within ten (10) days from receipt of
anyoneperforming a similar function;
notification of such election, return the contributions
– List of stockholders indicating theirrespective paid by such purchasers without making any
shareholdings as of the latest date; deduction
– All relevant books and papers of the issuer, as • Purchasers who decide not to renounce their
may be determined by the Commission; purchase of securities shall be subject to the terms of
– Proposed Notice of Filing of Petition for Voluntary the amended offering. (SRC, Sec. 14)
Revocation of Registration of Securities, reciting
the facts supporting the said petition which shall GROUND FOR SUSPENSION OF THE
be subject to the approval of the Commission; REGISTRATION OF A SECURITY
• If at any time, the information contained in the
– Copy of the official receipt representing payment registration statement filed is or has become
of the prescribed filing fees. misleading, incorrect, inadequate or incomplete in
• NOTE: The Commission may impose such other any material respect
requirements or conditions it may deem necessary.
(2015 IRR of R.A. 8799 Rule 13.2.2) – The sale or offering for sale of the security
registered thereunder may work or tend to work a
REGISTRATION OF SECURITIES – Pending further investigation of the security
registered to ascertain whether the registration of
• If, after fifteen (15) business days from the such security should be revoked on any ground
publication of the Notice of Filing of Petition for specified in the SRC; or
Voluntary Revocation, the Commission finds that the • Refusal to furnish information required by the
petition together with all other papers and documents Commission.
attached to it, is on its face complete and that no party
stands to suffer any damage from the revocation, it PROCEDURE FOR SUSPENSION OF THE SALE OF
shall prepare an order revoking the registration. SECURITIES (SRC, Sec.15)
• The Order of Revocation shall exempt the Issuer from
its reporting obligations under Section 17.2 of the • SEC may order the suspension of the offer and sale
SRC unless it still qualifies as a public company of securities pending any investigation, stating the
grounds for taking such action.
CONSEQUENCES OF AN INCOMPLETE OR FALSE • Such order, although binding upon persons notified
AND INACCURATE STATEMENT IN A MATERIAL thereof, shall be deemed confidential, and shall not
• If the registration statement is on its face incomplete • Notice of such order shall be given to the issuer and
or inaccurate in any material respect: every dealer and broker known as participating in
– The Commission shall issue anorder directing the such offering.
amendment of a registration statement; upon • Upon issuance of suspension order, no further offer
compliance with such order, the amended or sale of such security shall be made until lifted or
registration statement shall become effective; set aside by the SEC; otherwise, such sale is void.
• Upon issuance of an order of suspension, the SEC
– But if such registration statement has already
shall conduct a hearing.
become effective, the issuer needs to publish a
• If it determines that the sale of any security should be
notice of the proposed amendments in 2
revoked, it shall issue an order prohibiting the sale of
newspapers of general circulation in the
such security. (SRC, Sec. 15)
Philippines stating that the offering in its current
form has been cancelled.
• If the changes shall result to a derogation of rights of
existing security holders or purchasers of subject
securities who have paid a portion of the selling price:
• If during a public offering, the Commission, after due
– The issuer shall include in the above-mentioned notice and hearing, revokes the effectivity of a
publication an offer to rescind all transactions that
registration statement under Section 13, or suspends – Significant or ten percent (10%) or more change
registration under Section 15 in the financial condition or results of operation of
• Such order shall be published in: the registrant unless a report to that effect is filed
– A newspaper of general circulation in the with the Commission and furnished the
Philippines; and/or prospective purchaser;
– Post(ed) on the Commission’s website along with • Classification, de-classification or reclassification of
a statement that the– securities, which results to derogation of rights of
▪ Offering in its current form has been existing security holders, as may be determined by
cancelled; and the Commission.
▪ Issuer subject to such order, or any • REMEMBER THIS: Material information pertains to
person, acting on behalf of such issuer in any and all information that are “marketmoving” in that
the distribution of the subject securities a reasonable investor will consider the information in
and has in his possession any payment for the investment decision. Hence, these are what we
the purchase of securities, has the duty to call “pricesensitive” information which, for publicly
return any and all payments made by listed companies, need to be fully and promptly
purchasers of the subject securities within disclosed for the benefit of the investing public.
10 days of such publication, and
simultaneously furnish the issuer a copy of PROHIBITIONS ON FRAUD, MANIPULATION, AND
this notice. INSIDER TRADING
• Upon receipt of a notice, the issuer and all persons
acting on its behalf in the distribution of the subject MANIPULATION OF SECURITY PRICE
securities shall immediately terminate the offering and • It shall be unlawful for any person, for himself or
return any and all payments received from purchasers through a dealer or broker, directly and indirectly to
within 10 days after the notice is first published. a. Create a false or misleading appearance of
• If the public offering is already terminated and the active trading in any listed security traded in
Commission, after due notice and hearing, revokes an Exchange;
the effectivity of the registration statement under b. Effect along, or with others, a series of
Section 13, or suspends registration under Section transactions in securities that:
15, the Commission shall publish a notice of the order – Raises their price to induce purchase;
of revocation or suspension in a newspaper of
general circulation int he Philippines and/or post in the – Depresses their price to induce their sale
Commission’s website. – Creates active trading to induce purchase
• NOTE: If the public offering has already terminated, or sale through manipulative devices
there is no more return of payments. • Circulation or dissemination of information to the
effect that the price of any such security will or is likely
to rise or fall because of market operations;
• Generally, it is any fact or omission, which is material
• Make, regarding any security registered on an
to the investor in making his decision whether he
should invest in the security or not. However, the exchange, any statement which is false or misleading
Rules provide for an enumeration of matters with respect to any material fact, and which he knew
considered as material information. With regard to or had reasonable ground to believe is false or
those specifically included in the enumeration, the misleading;
issuer cannot argue otherwise to say that those are • Effect series of transactions for the purpose of
immaterial: pegging, fixing or stabilizing the price of security trade
– Any event or transaction which creates or in an Exchange, unless otherwise allowed by the SRC
increases a risk on the investments or on the or the SEC rules. (SRC, Sec. 24)
securities covered by the registration; • Examples of manipulative practices:
– Increase/decrease in the volume of the securities a. Painting the tape - engaging in a series of
being offered at an issue price higher/lower than transactions in securities that are reported
the range set and disclosed in the registration publicly to give the impression of activity or
statement and which results to a derogation of the price movement in a security;
rights of existing security holders, as may be b. Marking the close - buying and selling
determined by the Commission; securities at the close of the market in an effort
– Major change in the primary business of the to alter the closing price of the security;
registrant; c. Improper Matched Orders – engaging in
– Reorganization of the company; transaction where both the buy and sell orders
– Change in the work program or use of proceeds; are entered at the same time with the same
price and quantity by different but colluding
– Loss, deterioration or substitution of the property
parties, who have knowledge that such orders
underlying the securities;
would create an appearance of active trading insiders. NOTE: In securities parlance, this is
of the shares; called “tippee”. This tippee must know that the
d. Hype And Dump – engaging in buying activity tipper is an insider” (SRC Sec. 3.8)
at increasingly higher prices and then selling
securities in the market at the higher prices PRESUMPTION OF INSIDER TRADING
after announcing a glossy picture of a particular • Purchase or sale By
security as good investment and thus lure
investors to trade. – Insider
e. Wash Sales – engaging in stock trading where – Insider’s spouse or relatives by affinity or
there is no genuine change in actual beneficial consanguinity within the second (2nd) degree,
ownership of a security but makes it appear legitimate or common-law, under the following
that the stocks are actively traded. conditions
f. Squeezing The Float – taking advantage of a • Transacted after the information came into existence;
shortage of securities in the market by but
controlling the demand side and exploiting • Prior to dissemination of the information to the public
market congestion during such shortages in a and a lapse of a reasonable time for the market to
way as to create artificial prices absorb such information. (2015 IRR of R.A. 8799,
g. Disseminating false or misleading market Rule 27.1)
information through media, including the • NOTE: This is a rebuttable presumption of insider
internet. trading.

• Short sales are any sale of a security which the seller • Defenses against insider trading
does not own or any sale which is consummated by o Proof that information was not gained from
the delivery of a security borrowed by, or for the such relationship or
account of the seller. (SRC, Sec. 24) o If the other party buying or selling is
• No person shall, directly or indirectly, by the use of identified, insider proves that:
any facility of a securities exchange, effect a short • They disclosed the information to the other party; or
sale in a security registered or listed on any securities • Had reason to believe that the other party already
exchange, where the seller does not intend or is knew of the information. (2015 IRR of R.A. 8799, Rule
unable to make delivery of the securities within the 27.1)
prescribed settlement period. Failure on the part of
the seller to make delivery on such date will be OPTION TRADING
construed by the Commission as prima facie
• No member of an Exchange shall, directly or
evidence of the lack of intention on his part to make
indirectly, endorse or guarantee the performance of
such delivery. (2015 IRR of R.A. 8799, Rule
any put, call, straddle, option or privilege in relation to
INSIDER TRADING any security registered on a securities exchange.
(SRC, Sec. 25)
• It is unlawful for an insider to sell or buy a security of
the issuer, while in possession of material information FRAUDULENT TRANSACTIONS
with respect to the issuer that is not generally
• It is unlawful, with respect to the purchase or sale of
available to the public – does not require taking
advantage of information, mere possession is enough
a. To employ any device, scheme, or artifice to
(SRC, Sec. 27.4)
• Who is an insider?
b. Obtain money or property by means of any
a. Issuer
untrue statement of a material fact or any
b. Director or Officer of issuer
omission to state a material fact, that is
c. Person whose Relationship or former
necessary in order to make the statements
relationship with issuer gives him access to
made, in the light of the circumstances under
material information not generally available to
which they were made, not misleading
the public;
c. Engage in any act, transaction, practice, or
d. Government employee or director or officer of
course of business which would operate as a
an exchange, clearing agency and/or self-
fraud or deceit upon a person – actual intent to
regulatory organization who has access to
deceive not necessary. (SRC, Sec. 26)
material information; or
e. A person who learns such information by
communication from any of the foregoing
• Fraud or deceit is required, not mere negligence, on company, i.e., one listed on an exchange,
the part of offender (SEC v. CA, 246 SCRA 738 among others.
[1995]) o The term is also defined as “an offer by the
acquiring person to stockholders of a public
MATERIAL NONPUBLIC INFORMATION company for the latter to tender their shares
therein on the terms specified in the offer.”
• Information is “material nonpublic” if:
(Morales, The Philippine Securities Regulation
a. It has not been generally disclosed to the
public and would likely affect the market price Code, 2005 ed., p. 153, as cited in Osmeña, 533
of the security after being disseminated to the SCRA 313).
public and the lapse of a reasonable time for • Tender offer is in place to protect the interests of
the market to absorb the information; or minority stockholders of a target company against any
b. Would be considered by a reasonable scheme that dilutes the share value of their
person important under the circumstances in investments. It affords such minority shareholders the
determining his course of action whether to opportunity to withdraw or exit from the company
buy, sell or hold a security (SRS. Sec 27.2) under reasonable terms, a chance to sell their shares
at the same price as those of the majority
PROTECTION OF INVESTORS stockholders (Cemco Holdings, Inc. v. National Life
Insurance Co., G.R. No. 171815, 2007, as cited in
• Tender Offer Rule Osmeña, 533 SCRA 313).
o Publicly announced intention by a person, acting • It is done by filing with the SEC a declaration to that
alone or in concert with other persons to acquire effect, furnishing the issuer with a statement with the
equity securities of a public company (SRC, Sec. facts required by the SEC, and the publication of all
19) requests or invitations for tender.
• It also means: a publicly announced intention by a
person acting alone or in concert with other persons Mandatory Tender Offer Rule
(hereinafter referred to as "person") to acquire
outstanding equity securities of a public company as • Any person or group of person intends to acquire 35%
defined in SRC Rule 3, or outstanding equity or more of equity shares in a public company, in one
securities of an associate or related company of such or more transactions within a period of 12 months.
public company which controls the said public (2015 IRR of R.A. 8799 Rule 19.2.1)
company. (2015 IRR of R.A. 8799 Rule 19.1.8) • Acquisition of even less than 35% but would result in
• NOTE: The 2015 IRR of the Securities Regulation ownership of more than 51% of the total outstanding
Code has expanded the tender offer rule to intended equity securities of a public company (2015 IRR of
acquisitions of not just the target public company but R.A. 8799 Rule 19.2.5)
also to associate company of the target company, • NOTE: If any acquisition that would result in
where the associate company controls said target ownership of over fifty percent (50%) of the total
company to incorporate the doctrine in Cemco outstanding equity securities of a public company, the
Holdings, Inc. v. national Life Insurance. acquirer shall be required to make a tender offer
• In the Cemco case, the coverage of the mandatory under this Rule for all the outstanding equity
tender offer rule was clarified by the SC to cover not securities to all remaining stockholders of the said
only direct acquisition but also indirect acquisition or company at a price supported by a fairness opinion
‘any type of acquisition. The legislative intent behind provided by an independent financial advisor or
the tender offer rule makes clear that the type of equivalent third party. The acquirer in such a tender
activity intended to be regulated is the acquisition of offer shall be required to accept all securities
control of the listed company through the purchase of tendered. (2015 IRR of R.A. 8799 Rule 19.2.5)
shares. Control may [be] effected through a direct and • Exemptions to the Mandatory Tender Offer Rule
indirect acquisition of stock, and when this takes under the 2015 IRR of the SRC:’
place, irrespective of the means, a tender offer must a. From unissued capital stock, provided that
occur(Cemco Holdings, Inc. v. National Life Insurance the acquisition will not result in a 50% or more
Co., G.R. No. 171815, 2007, as cited in Osmeña, 533 ownership;
SCRA 313) b. Increase in authorized capital stock;
• Target company means any Issuer whose equity c. Foreclosure proceedings;
securities are sought by an Offeror pursuant to a d. Privatization by the government;
tender offer. (2015 IRR of R.A. 8799 Rule 19.1.7) e. Rehabilitation under court supervision;
f. Through an open market at the prevailing
• Cases
o A “tender offer” is a publicly announced intention market price;
by a person acting alone or in concert with other g. Merger or consolidation; and
persons to acquire equity securities of a public
h. By any person or group of persons who • Insider trading where information relates to a
intends to acquire 35% through an exchange tender offer
trading system. o If the information is relative to a tender offer,
• NOTE: Any person or group of persons acting in it is unlawful for any person (other than the
concert, who intends to acquire thirty five percent tender offeror) who is in possession of
(35%) of the outstanding voting shares or such material nonpublic information relating to
outstanding voting shares that are sufficient to gain such tender offer, to buy, or sell the securities
control of the board in a public company through the of the issuer that are sought or to be sought
Exchange trading system shall not be required to by such tender offer if such person knows or
make a tender offer even if such person or group of has reason to believe that the information is
persons acting in concert acquire the remainder nonpublic and has been acquired directly or
through a block sale if, after acquisition through the indirectly from the tender offeror, those acting
Exchange trading system, they fail to acquire their on its behalf, the issuer of the securities
target of thirty five percent (35%) or such outstanding sought or to be sought by such tender offer or
voting shares that is sufficient to gain control of the any insider of such issuer.
board. (2015 IRR of R.A. 8799 Rule 19.2.3)
• Transactions exempt from the mandatory tender offer • RULES ON PROXY SOLICITATION
requirement: o This only refers to solicited proxies. (SRC,
o Any purchase of shares from the unissued Sec. 20)
capital stock provided that the acquisition will • Requirements
not result to a 50% or more ownership of a. In writing; signed by the stockholder or duly
shares by the purchaser authorized representative; and
o Any purchase of shares from an increase in b. b. Filed before the scheduled meeting with
authorized capital stock the corporate secretary
o Purchase in connection with foreclosure c. c. Valid only for the meeting for which it is
proceedings involving a duly constituted intended.
pledge or security arrangement where the • Cannot be valid for a period longer than five years at
acquisition is made by the debtor or creditor\ one time (Maximum effectivity period: 5 years)
o Purchases in connection with privatization • Broker or dealer who holds or acquires the proxy for
undertaken by the government of the at least 10% of the outstanding shares of the issuer
Philippines shall submit a report identifying the beneficial owner
o Purchases in connection with corporate within 10 days after such acquisition to the:
rehabilitation under court supervision o Issuer of the security;
o Purchases through an open market at the o The Exchange where the security is traded;
prevailing market price and the
o Merger or consolidation o SEC.


o Offeror will make an announcement in a o This rule only applies to issuer corporations
newspaper of general circulation prior to the that satisfy the any of the following conditions
commencement of the offer (SRC Sec. 17):
o At least 2 business days prior to the date of
the commencement of the tender offer – Has sold a class of its securities
• File sec form 19-1 with the SEC including all exhibits pursuant to a registration;
thereto and pay the prescribed filing fees
– Has a class of securities listed for
• Hand deliver a copy of such form including all exhibits trading on an Exchange; or
to the target company at its principal executive office
and to each exchange where such class of the target – With assets of at least ₱50 Million (or
company’s securities are listed for trading such other amount as SEC shall
• Report the results of the tender offer by filing with the prescribe), and having 200 or more
commission, not later than 10 calendar days after the holders each holding at least 100
termination of the tender offer, copies of the final shares of a class of its equity
amendments to the form. securities (“Public company”)

• Reportorial Requirements
A. Annual Report – for fiscal year in which
registration statement became effective and
every fiscal year thereafter, within 135 days after ▪ 2. Non-stock – date of annual members
the end of the fiscal year meeting
• Contains a Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss ▪ Foreign corporations – anniversary date
Statement, and a statement of Cash of the SEC license.
Flows certified by a CPA and a
management discussion and analysis of • Filing of annual financial statement
results operation. o 1. corporations using the calendar year:
B. Quarterly Report – within 45 days after the end of depending on the last numerical digit of their
each of the first three quarters of the fiscal year SEC registration or license number in
C. Current Report – whenever necessary to make a accordance with the schedule set by the SEC
full, fair and accurate disclosure to the public of o However, any corporation may file their AFS
every material fact or event that occurs, which regardless of the last numerical digit or license
would reasonable be expected to affect investors’ number on or before the last day stated in the
decisions in relation to those securities coding schedule
D. Monthly Report (for issuers of registered
commercial papers) –regarding commercial • For corporations using the fiscal year
paper total issuances outstanding at the end of o General rule: 120 calendar days from the end
each month, within 10 business days following of the fiscal year
the end of the month o Exceptions
▪ Brokers dealers -110 calendar days
• REMEMBER THIS: The reportorial obligations of from the end of the fiscal year
public companies under the SRC pertain to Sections ▪ Listed companies and public
17 (Annual and quarterly reports), 18 (5% beneficial companies – 105 from the end of the
owners), 20 (Information Statement), and 23 (change fiscal year
in beneficial ownership), among others.
• Note: Reports Filed By 5% Beneficial Owners -any • The AFS other than the consolidated financial
person who directly or indirectly acquires the statements, shall have the stamped “received by the
beneficial ownership of more than five percent (5%) Bureau of Internal Revenue” or its authorized banks,
or such lesser per centum as the Commission may unless the BIR allows an alternative proof of
prescribe, of any class of equity securities of an submission for its authorized banks
Issuer, covered by the Disclosure Rule, shall file a
report within five (5) business days after such
acquisition submit to the Issuer, the Exchange where
the security is traded, and to the Commission a sworn
statement prescribed by the SEC (SRC, Sec. 18)

• Reportorial requirements shall apply to an issuer:

o Which has sold a class of its securities
pursuant to a registration
o With a class of securities listed for trading in
an exchange
o With assets of at least 50,000,000 pesos or
such other amounts as the SEC shall
prescribe and having 200 or more share
holders each holding at least 100 share of a
class of its equity securities provided
however that the obligation of such issuer to
file report shall be terminated nintey days
after notification to the SEC by the issuer that
the number of its holders holding at least one
hundred share reduced to less than 100.

• Filing of General Information Sheet

o All corporations shall file their GIS within 30
calendar days from
▪ 1. Stock corporations – date of annual
stockholders meetinG

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