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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Pampanga
San Matias National High School
San Matias, Santo Tomas, Pampanga


A Senior High School Research 
Presented to 
San Matias National High School – Senior High School Department 
San Matias, Sto. Tomas, Pampanga 
In Partial Fulfillment 
Of the Requirements for the Subject 
Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion  
S.Y. 2022-2023 
Bonus, Gerald Karl B. 
Garcia, John Michael G. 
Pasion, Reyjeff S. 
Batas, Julliana Reign C. 
Canlas, Rheazalyn Y. 
De Leon, Shynenha Mei B.  
Napule, Irish M. 
Romasanta, Mary Ann 
June 2023 

Address: L. Gomez Subdivision, San Matias, Santo Tomas, Pampanga

Email Address:




Peer Pressure is a social pressure from peers to do something, embrace specific

values, or otherwise adapt to be accepted.  For instance, inside the school, students think

that they are required to belong to a group. Peer influence has a direct or indirect impact

on academic performance accomplishment. (Orillana, 2018) The development of

emotional and social skills, as well as educational goals, are both important. It influences

educational choices strongly and whether students make significant investments to

improve academic performance or achievement (Anwanane et al., 2019). 

The people you interact with every day have a profound effect on each other, and

peer pressure is a social dynamic that people have experienced. According to Martin et al.

(2017), all children are exposed to somewhat stressful situations. Still, many children are

also exposed to severely stressful experiences such as violent victimization (As cited by

Sutherland, 2018). Tripathy (2018) described peer pressure as a factor that influences

adolescent behavior. It can produce positive and negative outcomes. Furthermore, the

researcher stated that adolescents have a place in one companion group or alternate as a

source of character and motivation. They adjust to the associate gathering's opinions,

convictions, and judgments, and they invest. Peer pressure is also known to be

synonymous with the teenage years of a person. Peer pressure may also have a positive

aspect in such a way that the youth conform to safe and healthy behaviors influencing their

academic achievements. On the other hand, it could also be associated with negativity

such as related to bullying behaviors, drinking alcohol, illegal drug intake, and negative

body image, which is known to be harmful to the well-being of a child or a young person.

Such effects of this kind of behavior can decrease the self-confidence and self-worth of a

youth which leads them to distancing themselves from their family members and even

friends. A study by Makinde, et al. (2020) states that the rates of young people who tend to
get depressed are the highest among all psychological disorders in the age group and

these kinds of disorders affect millions of youngsters. The research they have conducted

showed that there is a direct and positive correlation between peer pressure and

depression among young people. Depression, also at its highest peak, may lead to suicidal

ideation, self-harm, and other negative and harmful behaviors. On the other hand, a study

by Anniko, et al. (2019) showed that the presence of peer pressure is a possible predictor

for increased stress levels, anxiety, and sleep issues of the youth. Another study by

Cleofas (2019) looked at the link between student involvement, mental health, and quality

of life among college students, finding that all types of social connections with school

entities were linked to quality of life, and mental health was linked to quality of life. This

research presented the possible relationship between peer pressure and well-being but

there are still underlying factors that are yet to be discovered on what makes them related

to each other. Peers are the people whom others socialize with, and they are often similar

in age, interests, or some other factors that bind them together. Peers may include the

people you are friends with, work with, go to school with, or just the people you interact

with. Well-being, on the other hand, is focused on assets in functioning, including positive

emotions and psychological resources as their key components. 

As explained by Smith (2021) Students live with the expectation of doing well

academically. Going through phases wherein they compare ourselves to others causes

stress, resulting in the deterioration of their academic performance. Social or peer

pressure occurs among students mainly because they want to fit their group’s standards.

Students are afraid of failure and getting bullied. Peer pressure has a lot of significant

negative impacts on students.  They are developing unhealthy habits like using drugs,

alcohol consumption, and more.  As the author said, it directly affects their academic

performance since they feel like they need their peer’s approval more than anything, which

means their academics get less prioritized. The author also stated that group pressure

reduces confidence and self-esteem due to their belief that they need to reach a certain

level to blend with the rest. It can also cause the students to develop severe depression

and anxiety.  

The study conducted by Admin (2021) believes that the quality of your friend

groups is relevant since it will depend on the outcome of yourself as a student, and that is

why they should choose our peers wisely. Peer pressure happens to students when they

feel the sudden need to be recognized and accepted. It is why they develop anxiety and

tension, which can cause them to cram their schoolwork and feel anxious about the

results. They will prioritize fitting into a particular group because it will make them feel

superior, which leads to not prioritizing their studies. This research states how

adolescence is a period wherein they are unstable due to social, physical, and emotional

changes.  It is the perfect time for more parental guidance. The Peer group effect is a

factor in what outcomes the students have. Individuals learn from each other by

conversing and seeing what others do, directly affecting their academic performance.  As

much as peers working together can motivate, peers can also negatively affect our studies

and future. Academic competence refers to a student's ability to write or precisely speak

effectively or substance (Deepika and Prema, 2017). This also indicates the extent to

which the educational system has met its goals. It also reflects the extent to which

students understand the topic.  The researcher believed there is a relationship between

academic achievement and peer pressure. Suppose students' behavior is influenced by

their peers unconsciously. In that case, their academic achievement will not be their

priority. Students involved in antisocial behavior, that is, when they deviate from their

normal behavior. They may also encourage their friends to do inappropriate activities,

affecting academic achievement. This concludes how peer pressure highly affects

students' academic performance and how peers impact their character. 

Adolescence is a stage of instability. Every student's academic performance

depends on the quality of their friend group and how they will choose to handle them

because some get motivated by their peers to strive harder academically.

Statement of The Problem  

          This study aims to determine the Impact of Peer Pressure to the Academic

Performance of GAS-HUMSS Students at San Matias National High School. 

Specifically, it intends to answer the following question: 

1. What are the effects of peer pressure on the student’s academic performance? 

2. How do peers affect a student’s decision-making regarding education? 

3. What are the positive and negative effects of peer pressure on academic performance? 

Conceptual Framework 

Figure 1. The figure shows the study’s conceptual framework, indicating the independent,

dependent, and mediating variables. 

In Figure 1, the independent variable pertains to the cause of student social

belongingness, curiosity, parenting orientation and education of academically competent

Grade-12 GAS-HUMSS students in San Matias National High School. For example, the

pressure from their family, friends, classmates, peer group around them can cause them to

develop behavior or habits that may affect their academic performance. 

The dependent variable in figure 1 pertains to peer pressure on academically competent

senior high students that may result in their showing positive and negative effects on their

academic performance. For example, having good friends who can help them share their

own vision or capacity gives them a positive effect but having bad friends may have a

negative effect on their academic performance. 

 In figure 1, the mediating variable refers to what gets affected by the cause, their

competence, and academic performance, and why it results in student social

belongingness, curiosity, cultural-parenting orientation, and education caused by peer

pressure. This explains the relation of both independent and dependent variables. 

Scope and Delimitation 

           This study focuses on Impacts of Peer Pressure on Academic Performance of GAS-

HUMSS Students at San Matias National High School throughout the 2022–2023

academic year. consists of six sections of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS).

Purposive sampling would be used in this study, with populations that are likely to have

traits or experiences being selected. The study covers how Peer pressure affects the

student, how their peers influence them and the how habit-forming behavior they

experience due to peer pressure. 


Significance of The Study 

The researchers are interested in exploring how peer pressure affects the academic

performance of grade 12 students in San Matias National High School, Sto. Tomas

Pampanga. The result will be beneficial to the following; 

Students. The students will have an awareness of the effects of peer pressure on their

academic performance. It will be enlightened and be beneficial to the students. 

Teachers. The result of the study will give them ideas on what are the effects of peer

pressure to made in the academic performance of the students. 

Parents. This study benefits the parents of the students. As a parent they have the right to

know what is affecting the Academic Performance of their children, with the help of this

study parents will be aware of the effects of peer pressure on the Academic Performance

of the students. 

Future Researchers. The findings of the study will serve as reference material or guide

for the future researchers who will conduct this topic. 

Definition of Terms 

Peer Pressure - Peer pressure is the direct or indirect influence on peers, i.e., members of

social groups with similar interests, experiences, or social statuses. 

Positive Peer Pressure - prove to be beneficial. In this specific type of peer pressure,

individuals can and may adopt good traits from their social circles, leading to success and


Negative Peer Pressure - usually involves influence that sways people toward risky

activity such as criminal behavior, underage drinking, drug use, and an overall unhealthy


Academic Performance - Academic achievement or academic performance is the extent

to which a student, teacher or institution has attained their short or long-term educational


Influence - The capacity to influence the character, development, or behavior of someone

or something, or the effect itself.  

Chapter II 

Review of Related Literature 

Relationship of Peer Pressure to Academic Performance 

Moldes et al. (2019), students are expected to face the effects of peer pressure to

cope with the negative impact of peer pressure on their studies. Peer pressure can lead to

risky behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse, skipping classes, and engaging in

bullying. Therefore, it is important for schools to provide support systems and resources for

students to resist peer pressure and make positive choices. 

Te Wang et al. (2018), peers become increasingly important socializing agents for

academic behaviors and attitudes during adolescence During this stage, adolescents tend

to rely more on their peers for social support and validation, which can influence their

academic motivation and engagement. Therefore, positive peer relationships can

contribute to academic success, while negative peer influences can lead to academic


Sarkar et al. (2022), peer pressure can have a positive or negative impact. It is

positive when youth are pressured by their peers to engage in positive behavior such as

higher academic achievement, increased social skills, companionship, support, and so on. 

Singh (2020), Academic performance is regarded as one of the most important

achievements in a student's life. It is one of several factors that contribute to academic

success. It determines and contributes to an individual's happiness, satisfaction, comfort,

and well-being. Several factors, such as socioeconomic peer pressure are one of the
important factors influencing a child's academic performance, along with status, anxiety,

motivation, and parental support. 

Sarkar (2022), some students find that having relationships with their peers

increases their academic engagement. Others form peer groups, which leads to

disengagement from school and has an impact on academic practices. Negative peer

pressure can cause problems in school such as lower school attendance and even drop

grades, among other things. 

Adeyemi et al., (2018), peer pressure is not always negative; it can inspire people

to develop new hobbies, habits, attitudes, health awareness, or a strong desire to succeed.

Positive peer pressure can motivate people to strive for personal growth and development,

which can lead to higher self-esteem and confidence. It can also foster a supportive

environment in which people are encouraged to pursue their dreams and goals. 

Nwangburuka (2019), in social situations, peer group is extremely important

Understanding the prospects and challenges of one's peer group is thus critical for the

productivity of educational processes and the organizational design of students' school

systems in order to improve students' academic performance. 

Escobido et al. (2020), peer pressure causes the student to fail the exam. In the

meantime, tardiness is the result of students succumbing to peer pressure when it comes

to attendance. Peer pressure can be a powerful force that influences students to make

poor decisions. It is important for educators and parents to teach students how to resist

negative peer pressure and make choices that align with their values and goals. 

Segun (2021), peer pressure does not always imply a negative influence; it can

also be beneficial influence, the type of peers a student keeps or moves with can also

influence his attitude, learning, and academic performance. Parents should encourage

their children to make friends who will help them learn at home and at school, according to

the recommendations. Peer pressure does not always imply a negative influence; it can

also be beneficial. 

influence, the type of peers a student keeps or moves with can also influence him Attitude,

learning, and academic performance are all important factors. 

Salija (2018), the influence of peer groups on students can increase their anxiety,

particularly regarding their academic performance This can be attributed to the pressure of

fitting in and meeting the expectations of their peers, which can lead to a fear of failure and

a constant need for validation. Salija (2018), the influence of peer groups on students can

increase their anxiety, particularly regarding their academic performance This can be

attributed to the pressure of fitting in and meeting the expectations of their peers, which

can lead to a fear of failure and a constant need for validation. 

Salija (2018), the influence of peer groups on students can increase their anxiety,

particularly regarding their academic performance This can be attributed to the pressure of

fitting in and meeting the expectations of their peers, which can lead to a fear of failure and

a constant need for validation. 

Types and Sources of Peer Pressure 

Being pressured by our peers causes not having the freedom to make our own

decisions in life, because if you go against what they want, maybe they will treat you as not

belonging to the group, causing you to have pressure that you have to agree with what

they want. (Rosenqvist, 2018). 

To achieve success and fairness in school, you must provide clear guidance on

what is required to lead to success. And the voice to speak for justice to avoid having

competition with each other that causes pressure on our own. (Wiley,2022). 

According to (Mtemeri, 2020), students experiencing pressure with their peers

usually it's because they always share important information on their career choices and

also, they're always spending their time with their peers. So instead of deciding for their

own growth they're all dependent on what's their friends want from them. 

Wang et al., (2018), adolescences have the desire to fit in with their peers. And to

fit in, youth may begin to adopt the academic values and behaviors of their peers to avoid

embarrassment and rejection. 

As mentioned by (Cheru et al., 2019), some students attending higher education

just practice cigarette smoking for particular reasons, such to cope with stress. And,

cigarette smoking causes countless diseases, and it impacts the health of the smokers and

those interacting with the smokers. It also increases the risk of stroke, lung cancer, and

cause of early death.  

Depression, anxiety, behavioral problems are the examples that students are

currently dealing with. Another reason for a student to have stress and experience

pressure is the expectations parents have for their children, parents are not aware of the

burden that their child is experiencing. (Jayasankara et. al., 2018). 

According to (Yun, 2019),feeling of pressure because you are not sure if you will be

able to graduate or pass, usually when graduation is near, the students get a little

confused because of projects that are late to be passed, so sometimes it comes to the

point that all the students cannot bare to handle it probably, they may bad words. 

As mentioned by (Mo, 2021), teaching all the language as teacher is not easy,

sometimes the time it's not enough for a teacher to create an information of all the

students that he/she handled and also at school we have our own responsibility that

sometimes everything is need to be done as much as possible, that's way teacher can also

feel pressure. 

Many children experience pressure early in life that sometimes they forget to be a

kid due to so much responsibility. (Li, 2021). 

Academic Performance 
As cited by Anwanane, (2019), the purpose of education is to achieve

academic performance or success. Education is important to students because it greatly

influences students in their choice of education and whether students will be meaningful


According to Admin, (2021), one of the factors of peer group effect is what is the

outcome of what students learn individually from each other and what others do that really

affects their academic performance. 

Park & Bauer, (2018), the adolescents who perceived their parents authoritatively

engaged in more effective learning and studying strategies. Explanation: According to Park

& Bauer, (2018), Adolescent minority students found that their parents had authority

engaged in more effective study and learning strategies in fact authoritarianism was a

negative relate of academic performance. 

The parenting style of a child is a key factor in determining academic performance,

with better parenting linked to higher levels of academic performance and poorer parenting

leading to lower levels. According to Bradley and Corwyn (2018). 

According to Correlating, (2018), it is appreciated from the results obtained that

student with a higher level of self-esteem had a higher academic performance. in fact, you

indirectly significantly stated that there is a high correlation between students' self-esteem

and their academic performance.  

According to Ezike, (2018), investigated that there's a significant impact on

academic achievement in the classroom environment and academic interest. Reference:

YD Usman, CG Madudili, (2019), Evaluation of the effect of learning environment on

student’s academic performance. 

As mentioned by the study of Bradley and Corwyn, (2018), shows that a parent has

low academic performance which is often cyclical and may have influenced the child's low

academic performance due to the lack of encouragement from parents. 

As cited by the study of Nadeem et al, (2018), that the effects of anxiety on female

students are greater than on male students, but it also has a negative effect on their

academic achievements. 

According to Dantov, (2020), the two causes of laziness are capability deficiency

and lack of interest. These characteristics or traits may affect a student’s academic

performance in school. 

As mentioned by Najeeb Ullah, (2021), that the teachers are the driving force

to the progress of the student’s academic performance in school. Logically, teachers are

the facilitators in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, the effectiveness of

teaching strategies can lead to positive academic performance of the student, but poor

teaching strategy has negative outcome to the student academic performance. 

Peer Pressure 

Close friends should have effects on adolescents because they have strong effects

even if it's beneficial or harmful. (Fujiyama, 2021) 

Emotional intelligence and social media usage are connected and have positive

peer pressure effect on students' academic performance because getting both will affect

not only the academic performance but also on other stuff. (Saka, 2022) 

Individuals that are influenced by positive peer pressure have higher academic

performance and those who have lower academic performance are influenced by negative

peer pressure. (Naga, 2019) 

Girls who experienced high peer pressure before will have more pressure in future.

Compared to boys, girls are getting more emotions easily than boys, they are easily getting

cried, pressure, etc. and that affects their peer pressure. 

Cybervictimization, depressive symptoms and peer pressure have a relation to

each other. Cybervictimization is one of the reasons why adolescents are getting

depressive symptoms and that will lead to having a peer pressure that affects the mental

health of adolescents. (Ling Gao, 2021) 

Drinking during adolescence is influenced by relatives' peer pressure cause

sometimes it's the way of the adolescence to remove stress and bond with each other.

(Laghi, 2019) 

Peer pressure influences young people's behavior to act differently and friends,

family, etc. is the one that can influence the adolescent to have peer pressure by cheering

them up either its good or bad. (Trógolo, 2022) 

Parents and schools need to pay attention to teenagers' peer pressure. Having less

attention to the students can lead the students having a peer pressure by the bullies,

having a lot of tasks to do, and other school problems, but getting more attention to the

students can less the negative peer pressure and start getting positive peer pressure. (Liu,


Adolescents become introverts because of strict parents cause some strict parents

don't let the adolescents to have communication to other person and that lead getting peer

pressure. (Bansal, 2022) 

Adolescents reporting that SNS or Social Networking site addiction have more peer

pressure. Having SNS addiction can lead the adolescents having good or bad peer

pressure. (Kim, 2021) 

Effects of Peer Pressure to the Academic Performance 

According to the study of Escobio et al., (2020) some students were undecided

whether peer pressure is affecting their academic performance and class participation.

They used the Likert scale questionnaire to gather all the information they needed. Peer

pressure has a great impact on the students' academic performance and class

participation because it can cause tardiness and laziness.  

Based on Moldes et al., (2019) peer pressure often seems to have various effects

toward the students' academic performance. Peer pressure has a big influence on the

students' academic achievement. Peer pressure has negative and positive effects

but mostly it is negative.

In the study of Damm (2018), peer pressure is the influence from members of one's

peer group. Peer pressure can result in a change in behavior. It can influence someone to

drink, smoke or skipping classes which can lead them too mentally unstable.  

According to Mainit et al., (2022), adolescents have a higher tendency to experience peer

pressure in school. Peer pressure can affect all people but mostly adolescents are the

main targets. Because they can easily be influenced.  

As cited by AACAP (2018), kids often give in to peer pressure because they want

to fit in. To the world that's new, everyone wants to fit in the trend. Just like students who

don't want to feel lonely. In result, they're finding peer groups that can have an effect to

their academic performance.  

Based on the study of Sarkar et al., (2022), peer pressure has a positive impact

too. Peer pressure is not all negative. It can be positive because it can improve interactive

skills, new hobbies etc. Peer pressure has an important role in the students' life because of


Based on Project House (2020), students who don't manage their time well

because of peer pressure can get lower grades. Students prioritize their friends before

their studies and because of that, it can lead to lower scores and have a failing grades.  

According to Singh (2020), academic performance is considered as one of the

major achievements in students' lives. One of the reasons why students are not focusing

on their academics is because of peer pressure. Peer pressure can influence us positively

but mostly negatively. Peer pressure can cause students to smoke, to cheat on a test and

to drink. Resulting them to have failing grades.  

As cited by Maqsood et al., (2022), college students experienced more direct peer

pressure and academic stress. College students are prone to peer pressure because they

are stressed in academic, so they want to relieve themselves by the influence of their

friends. It can influence them to drink alcohol and sometimes do drugs.  

In the study of Sangma et al. (2018), pressure can have positive and negative

effects. Peer pressure can influence students positively by improving their social skills and

finding out new habits. While in the other hand, it can also influence students negatively by

teaching them to cheat on an exam, drink liquor and sometimes try drugs.  

Studies about effects of Peer pressure 

According to Moldes et al., (2019), teenagers are more likely than adults to give up

to peer pressure, since they are too young, and their mind is not mature enough to think

properly every time they struggle when they have a difficult problem it causes them to give


In the study of Tesema et al., (2019), cigarette smoking has the potential to harm

nearly every organ of the human body, that cause diseases, and have an impact on the

health of smokers and those who interact with smokers. Peer pressure is a major factor in

student cigarette smoking. As a result, this systematic review and analysis investigated the

effect of peer pressure on cigarette smoking among high school students. 

Based on Ding et al., (2018), students perceived more peer pressure and had

lower self-efficacy for alcohol self-regulation, both of which contributed directly to drinking

frequency. Path analysis revealed that peer pressure and self-efficacy for alcohol self-

regulation indirectly affected the relationship between peer group membership and drinking

frequency. This suggested that skills training to increase self-efficacy for alcohol self-

regulation in culturally specific settings can, directly and indirectly, lower drinking rates in

peer groups with high peer pressure and higher than normal drinking. 

As cited by Gao et al., (2022), when a person who experiences peer pressure does

not listen to what they say, he will experience more bullying to force him to follow them,

peer pressure acted as a moderator in the relationship between deviant peer affiliation and

bullying perpetration, 

According to Tang, (2022), students struggle with this pressure, and peer pressure

is a big problem for us, a certain amount of stress can help students improve their studies

or work and get experience and therefore the next time they got a problem like that you'll

automatically overcome it, but too much stress can affect both physical and mental health

and there is a chance that it will become a serious illness like depression. 

Based on Boechnke (2018), when students are influenced and motivated by their

peers, their potential will show, and they will achieve good grades in various subjects. Peer

influence can be positive or negative, so it is important for students to surround themselves

with peers who have a positive impact on their academic performance.  

According to Atmowasdoyo et al., (2018), the effect of peer pressure on students

can increase stress that can lead to anxiety, especially while studying since students are

pressured by their peers to do something and are forced to do it even if they don't want to

do something.    

As cited by Anwanane et al., (2019), developing emotional and social skills is

important for students especially in our studies, to increase our self-confidence, having

strong emotional and social skills can also help students build positive relationships with

their peers and teachers, which can create a supportive learning environment and lead to

better academic outcomes. It is important for schools to prioritize the development of these

skills alongside traditional academic subjects.   

In the study of Damm (2018), peer pressure can result in psychological problems

that hinder the development of students, as students reach adolescence, they are likely to

experience similar peer relationships, peer pressure, and compliance levels It is important

for parents to teach students how to navigate peer pressure, so that they can form

meaningful relationships and avoid negative psychological consequences. This can involve

promoting self-confidence, communication skills, and critical thinking abilities.    

Based on Harrel (2020), not all peer pressure is negative. Peer pressure is only

negative when our decisions and beliefs are set aside in order for students to be accepted

in a specific peer group. Positive peer pressure can also exist when peers encourage and

motivate each other to make good choices and pursue healthy behaviors. 

Teenagers are more likely to be a fragile glass that needs guidance because they

are overly sensitive in terms of psychological and emotional ways. This means that they

are still lacking in self-control, which can have an impact on their daily lives, including their

academic performance and a reduction in their quality of life. (Zou' et, al., 2022)   

One of the problems of adolescence is uncertainty about the future. Many students

are still indecisive about their career plans, which can increase the stress they already

experience as students. (Agnihotri, 2018) 

Parents and teachers can also add to teenage psychological stress since they want

their kids to do their best immediately on, which can make them feel under pressure.

(Karlgaard, 2019, p. 1). 

Adolescents experience mixed emotions because of hormone overload, peer

pressure, and how their social beliefs have affected how they interact with others. They

frequently feel misunderstood as well as treated as worthless outcasts. (Maluschka, 2021) 

Being an adolescent involves setting high expectations for themselves since that is

how they choose to see their future, and when they feel like they've failed to meet those

expectations, they get stressed. (Greer and Gatland, 2018) 

Although teenage years are when adolescents can express themselves and create

wonderful memories they can keep, adolescent years also include working so hard for

development in terms of school, work, sports, extracurriculars, and other activities, which

can put pressure on them. (Hicks, 2022) 

Teenagers keep worrying about what is or is not happening since constant change

is a natural part of the developing adolescent body.  (Hicks, 2023) 

According to Smith (2021), the author also said this group Pressure lowers self-

confidence and self-esteem. it can cause severe depression and anxiety 

Damm (2018), peer pressure defined as the actual experience of feeling forced to

do something that young people do not want to do. 

According to Mah and ifender (2018), Students often set higher goals. for

excessive beliefs and expectations such as gifted students, about their academic ability for


According to Sutherland (2018), All children experience somewhat stressful

situations. However, there are many children are also under great stress.

According to Kudek et al. (2021), The mentality of the students is at risk about

being susceptible to peer pressure resulted that there is a difference in evaluating some

characteristics of pressure sensitivity as a prospective concern for students' minds.



This chapter presents the methods and techniques to be used, study design, sample

sampling size, inclusion and exclusion, research instrument, specific procedure based on

study objectives, ethical considerations, and data analysis. Reseach is guided by the

question; “What are the effects of peer pressure on the student’s academic performance?” 


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