Basics of Acoustic Positioning

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PHJ205-5 Ph JUNG 11 Oct 2019

This document is for information only. It is an attempts to summarize our knowledge of the acoustic
system from our experience and various information recovered from Sonardyne and other suppliers. It
is not an operational manual and it must always be used in parallel with the official documents as it is
sometime my interpretation of the documentation. As in acoustic, situation are changing function of the
conditions you may deviate from the instruction listed in this document.
Do not hesitate to send me your commends.

1) Acoustic sound.
2) Acoustic transmission loss.
3) Acoustic noise.
4) Sound velocity.
5) Acoustic path.
6) Basic architecture.
7) Basic vocabulary.

In the water or in the air, the acoustic waves can be seen as a variation of the local pressure
following the signal transmitted by the vibration of a mechanical transducer.
The characteristics of a pure sound wave are: The speed, frequency and wavelength.
Waves are cumulative and add displacement when at the same position at the same time.
Plane wave

Spherical wave

Wave on the surface of a liquid V=λ*f

Velocity (m/s) =
Wavelength (m) *
Frequency (Hz)

Other acoustic systems

Machinery noise
Pressure Changed by
Come from
Temperature Sound Speed
Other noise
Modified by
Ambient noise Fish
Disturbed by Come from
Sound treatment Noise Reverberation of surfaces

Other ships

Disturbed by Drilling operations

Come from

Scatter Affected by Bubbles

Modified by
Come from
Distance Sound level Electronic noise
Internal noise
Spreading Transducer vibration

Dependant of

Reverberation Gain
System parameters


Pulse length
Acoustic transmission power is expressed in dB (DeciBel). It is the result of the calculation with the following formula:
dB = 20 * log10( P / P0 )
P is the pressure of the source measured in Pascal.
P0 is the reference pressure of 1 µPascal in the water. The reference of intensity is 6.67 x 10-19 W/m2.
1 Pascal = 1 Newton/m2. And 0db = 1µPa at a distance of 1 meter.

The intensity I = P2 / ( ∗ ), I is expressed in W/m2,  is the water density in kg/m3, c the speed of sound in water m/s.

The sound is transmitted by a transducer at a Source Level SL, the Transmission Lost is called TL, the Noise Level NL
and the Directivity Index DI (directional or not, specific to hardware). S/N is the ratio Signal level / Noise level.
We can express the ratio S/N at the receiver by the simplified SONAR equation (SOund NAvigation & Ranging):
S/N = SL - (TL + NL) + DI all levels are in dB
If you want to increase S/N, you can increase the source level, reduce the noise, decrease the loss or change the
directivity. In all cases, the S/N must always be superior to the Detection Threshold DT which is the minimum S/N required
to receive the signal. If we want to reduce the probability of error, we need to increase it.

In the water, the precision of the measure is increasing with the frequency. At approximately 22kHz, the ratio
Absorption/Lost is optimal. That’s why the frequencies used for the positioning are between 19 to 36kHz in the MF band.


Noise NL

Transmission level TL
0 Frequency 2MHz
Beacon source level SL
Noise Absorbtion

Transmission losses are of different nature:

There is no lost of energy but it spread over a wider area and independently of the frequency.
The pressure of the sound is decreasing with the square of the distance to the source.
The surface of the wave is increasing with the square of the distance to the source. The losses are
called spherical when they can propagate freely in all directions.
Estimate of spherical spreading TL=20 Log10(range in meters) for a radius <1000m.

It is caused by the conversion of acoustic energy in heat due to the friction, by the molecular structure
changes (relaxation) and by the viscosity. It is increasing with the frequency. It is proportional to the
intensity and distance. It is evaluated to 1dB/km at 12kHz, 7dB/km at 30kHz, 32dB/km at 95kHz
(3dB/km in fresh water). The formula is Log10(I/I0)=-2αR.

Scattering and reverberation:

The reverberation caused by the in-homogeneities of the water is evaluated to 0.0033dB/km. The other
sources must be evaluated independently.


Introduction to physical oceanography R.Stewart 2006

Typical effect of the bandwidth on the acoustic positioning
For deep water positioning we are usually limited to MF bandwidth but when systems are dialoging at the seabed
we have less limitations. These two pages will give samples of limitations of the systems linked to the frequency
but also of the requirements.

The resolution is directly linked to the frequency as indicated in the table b).

The choice of the frequency will depend of the following parameters but not only:
1) The measured accuracy required:
These measured values is a mix of the accuracy of the system and of the repeatability. The accuracy is also
linked all errors at all level of the string of measurements: Turn around time, delays, relative movements,
resolution, sound velocity… The table a) gives a sample of typical accuracy taking into account all of these
parameters. The table d) gives some example of acoustic timings required to obtain the best accuracy.
2) The maximum range required:
The maximum range obtained function of the frequency is given in the table c). These ranges are also limited by
the ray bending cause the thermoclines in the water column but also of the positioning method used (LBL, USBL).
3) The possibilities of interferences:
In standard tone mode, lower frequencies are limiting the possibility of sharing the acoustic spare with other
systems without clashes. The wide-band is expanding the possibilities as we can share a bandwidth with another
equipment if the discrimination is possible by means of a code. These factors must be taken into account to plan
the installation of a system.
4) The size of the systems:
The directivity of an acoustic can be expressed by the following simplified equation:
DI = 20 * Log10(πdλ) where d is the diameter of the transducer and λ is the acoustic wavelength.
This parameter is directly affecting the sonar equation is a part of the attenuation factor. That's why we must
adapt the size to the frequency and compensate all the other attenuation to avoid having too big equipment.

Note: The baud rate of a transmission is dependent also of the coding. Only simulations or test can give the
effective rate.

Typical effect of the bandwidth on the acoustic positioning
a) Typical accuracy for different frequencies b) Typical resolution function of the bandwidth
Frequency Accuracy Band Frequency band Resolution
(ppt = part per thousand of the baseline)
Low frequency (LF) 8-15 kHz 0.5m
LF – 12 kHz 0.05% Slant Range (SBL)
Low frequency (LF) (WB) 8-15 kHz 0.05m
MF – 22 kHz 0.03% Slant Range(SBL, USBL)
Medium frequency (MF) 18-36 kHz 0.25m
HF 0.02% Slant Range (USBL)
Medium frequency (MF) (WB) 18-36 kHz 0.03m
LF ± 0.5m + 1 ppt (LBL)
High frequency (HF) 30-64 kHz 0.05m
MF ± 0.25m + 0.5 ppt
Extended high frequency (EHF) 50-110 kHz 0.03m
HF ± 0.05m + 0.25 ppt
EHF – 96 kHz ± 0.03m + 0.05 ppt

c) Typical maximum ranges for different frequencies

Classification Frequency (kHz) Max range (km)

Low frequency (LF) 8-16 >10

Medium frequency (MF) 18-36 2-3.5
High frequency (HF) 30-64 1.2
Extra high frequency (EHF) 50-110 <0.7

d_) Samples of internal frequency related signal timings

Frequency Channel Channel No. of Pulse Detection Validation
band Frequency (kHz) Bandwidth (Hz) Channels Length (ms) Time (ms) Time (ms)
LF 12 120 10 8 2.0 6.0
MF 22 200 12 4 0.8 3.2
EHF 96 800 14 1 0.2 0.8

From IMCA & Sonardyne

Noise is coming from many sources:
- The ambient noise is mainly caused by waves, rain,
fishes or medusa, ship activities, machinery…
- The inherent noise of the engines, propellers or Machinery Wind
thrusters. These noises are caused by the circulation of Rig activity
the fluids or by the bubbles that are absorbing the sound
because they contain air. Waves
- The reverberation on the seabed or on the surface of the
sea, on the structures or volumes around.
Reverberation Thrusters
- The inherent noise of the electronic. on surface
- The noise interference of the other acoustic systems on Risers
other ships.
- The noise of the other ships around.
Bubbles Fish
Solutions for the reverberation.
1. Reduce the surface receiving sensitivity. Acoustic
2. Reduce the transmitted power from the
transponder and the surface equipment.
3. Change the relative geometry of the equipment, by Reverberation

moving the transducer attached to the transceiver. on seabed

Water LPR
Solutions for high noise.
1. Reduce the surface receiving sensitivity. Wellhead
2. Increase the subsea transmission power.
3. Use a directional transducer at the surface.


CW Continuous wave, H Horizontal, V Vertical

John A. Hildebrand 2009


Noise and the Effect

on Marine Mammals
Jasco, Christine Erbe

The sound velocity is dependant of the pressure (depth), of the density (salinity) and of the
temperature. The formulas below can be used to calculate the sound velocity but they are only valid
in a certain environment. The average sound velocity in the water is ~1485m/s.
Because of the temperature and salinity gradient in the sea layers, the sound is not is traveling a
straight line. This may imply reflections and ray bending leading to shadow zones.
The SVP (Sound Velocity Profile) can be measured by special beacons deployed at different depth.

Coppens formula: (0 ≤ T ≤ 35°C, 0 ≤S ≤ 45ppt, 0 ≤ D ≤ 1000m), 45Deg lat


Mackenzie formula: (0 ≤T≤30°C, 30 ≤ T ≤ 40ppt, 0 ≤D ≤ 8000m)


V is the sound velocity in water.

T is the temperature in Degrees Celsius.
D is the depth in meters.
S is the salinity in parts per thousand.

And also: Air Water Steel

Bulk Modulus 1.4 x 105 Pa 2.2 x 109 Pa ~2.5 x 1011 Pa

Bulk modulus B
c= = Density 1.21 kg/m3 1000 kg/m3 ~104 kg/m3
density ρ
Speed 343 m/s 1500 m/s 5000 m/s


Introduction to physical oceanography R.Stewart 2006

Refraction and Snell’s law:
If V = the sound velocity.
If V1 > V2 the sound is moving towards the vertical separation zone.
If V1 <V2 it is the opposite.
These laws are similar to optic laws.
p 2  m sin θi − n sin θ t 
Incident R (θ i ,θ t ) = r2 =  
Wave Reflected pi  m sin θ i + n sin θ t 
ρ c
where m = 2 & n = 1
θi θr ρ1 c2
cos (θ1 ) cos (θ 2 )
High c1 c1 c2
V=Velocity B
V1 BD = c1∆t

V2 θ1 θ1
V1<V2 A θ2 D
AE = c2 ∆t
V1>V2 Low c2

Shadow zones:
The signal can be lost if the temperature is increasing with the water depth or when have layers of different
temperature or density. This kind of effect is dependant of the thermoclines that can vary on along the weeks,
years or seasons.

Source US Army
Acoustic transducers are using piezoelectric
elements to detect or transmit sound.

Typical piezoelectric materials

- Quartz.
- PZT -Lead zirconate titanate.
- Barium Titanate.

Vibrations are generating a voltage.

Voltage is generating a deformation.

Ed Tucholski, US Navy
Omnidirectional element:

SL = 10 log ( Pwr ) + 10 log

(1000 kg/m ) (1500 m/s )

= 10 log ( Pwr ) + 171.5 dB

4π (1 yd ) ( 0.9144 m1 yd ) (1x10
Pa )
2 −6

The acoustic positioning system consists in surface equipment, sub sea equipment and test
The surface equipment consist in:
- A human machine interface to display the positioning information and configure the system.
- A real time system of acquisition of the date from the transceivers.
- One or more surface transceivers that communicate with the subsea transponders.
- A connection to one or more gyro compass.
- A connection to one or more VRU (Vertical Reference Unit).
- Optional connection to a GPS or DGPS.
- Optional connection to an inertial system.
Some part of the equipment can be redundant to give a higher level of reliability.

The subs ea equipment may consists in:

- One to several (minimum 4) seabed transponders depending of the method of positioning used.
- One ROV transponder.
- On the drilling rigs, a Riser and a BOP Inclinometer installed on the BOP.

Transponders can be installed on existing frames positioned and precisely localized on the
seabed of dropped at unknown position and localized by a calibration.
Before the deployment of the transponders, they are configured and tested by means of a
portable unit.
The batteries of the transponders must be checked and replaced when there lifetime is less than
the period of the planned operations.
The system is usually connected to a Dynamic Positioning system that will use the positioning
information to correct the position of the ship.


Redundant consoles



Transceivers Port Stbd Subsea




Transponder: It is a device that can be interrogated acoustically on one frequency and will reply on a second frequency
after a programmable delay called turn around time. The device is usually powered by means of batteries and can be
used during long period without being recovered.

Transceiver: It is the complete assembly of an acoustic transmitter and receiver that can communicate with the
transponders by means of the acoustic transducers. It is capable of measuring the time between the interrogation and
the reply of a specific transponder.

Transducer: It is usually a piezoelectric crystal device that is converting an electric signal to an acoustic signal and the
reverse. In some cases, the term is used in place of transceiver wich is the complete unit.

Hydrophones: They are transceivers but work only as receivers.

Responder: It is similar to a transponder but the interrogation is done electrically and the reply acoustically.

Beacon: It is an acoustic device that communicate acoustically. Transponders and Responders are a category of

Range: It is the distance between two objects. We can also speak of horizontal or vertical range.

Base line: It is the distance between two transponders in a LBL configuration.

Slant range: Direct distance between the seabed transponder and the surface transducer head.

Vertical Reference Unit (VRU): It is a device that give an inclination on two axis (pitch and roll) relative to given
reference. It is also giving the height of the heave in some cases.

PME: Position Measuring Equipment. PMEs provide the essential position feedback signal for the closed loop position
control system, usually a Dynamic Positioning System.

1) Acoustic positioning methods: LBL, USBL, SBL, (L)USBL.
2) Communication protocols.
3) Frequencies: summary, tone, Simrad, wide-band.
4) Wide-band principle.
5) Interrogation modes: individual, common, inclinometers, responder, ROVNAV.
6) Telemetry: basic tone telemetry, other telemetry, signal description and sample messages.
7) Heading and attitude sensors: sensors, reference system and corrections.
8) Transceiver: description and deployment machine.
9) MK5 transponder: description, battery life, deck test unit.
10) Transponder deployment.
11) WSM ROV beacon.
12) Sonardyne Dimona console: description, software menus and basic configurations.
13) Casius calibration.
14) MRAMS system.
15) Marksman system.

Acoustic positioning methods
Depending of the configuration of the ship and of the applications, different positioning methods
can be used.
- The aim of these methods is to track mobile or fix beacons situated in the water by means of
acoustic communication.
- The configurations include a certain number of surface transducers, the seabed transponders
and the way they are positioned relative to each other.
- The calculation is always done in relative as they are measured by means of simple distance
calculation when the positions are known or by distance and angles calculation. The conversion to
an absolute positioning implies to get at least one absolute reference like a GPS or the absolute
position of one element part of the array or relative to the array.
- Methods are independent of the protocol of communication between the surface and the seabed.
- Each method offers different characteristics in term of precision and repeatability.
- Some methods are implying a calibration to define the geometry of the system and its orientation
on a geodetic map. Calibration may take more or less time and one must decide of the best
method to optimize the timing.
- The selection of a specific method is also dependant of the water depth and other environmental
parameters but only at the time of the design concerning the selection of the surface transducers
and their position as they will be fixed to the hull.
- The system must give information concerning the quality of the signals and of the positioning.
- Noise and other acoustic interferences will be mitigated by hardware or software methods.

A combination of methods can also be used and some additional devices can be added like inertial
or Doppler devices to improve the availability. We will try to cover some configuration in this

Long Base Line (LBL) method
The LBL method uses the measurement of the
distance of three or four transponders relative to the
ship (the range) to calculate its position (the fix), it is
called trilateration. The fourth transponder is not
necessary but can be used as a backup. The
baselines is the distance between two seabed
transponders. Optimal distance are selected
dependant of the water depth (WD) seabed
topography but also of the characteristics of the
transponders and transceiver. Usually for Mk5 MF
directional transponders, we place them on a circle of
diameter WD*TAN(22.5Deg).
This method works only if we know the position of the
transponders and the geometry on the seabed. This T2 T3
was originally done by a long calibration. The
calibration time can be reduced by using a mix of LBL
and USBL called (L)USBL.
The position calculated can be relative but also T1 T4
absolute if the system is linked to a DGPS.
The method provide a high level of accuracy
independent of the distance and close to the meter
and a high repeatability. Knowing the positions of the Base Line
beacons, the system can provide a figure of the quality
of the fixes.

Long Base Line (LBL) positioning
The calculation of the position is done by measuring the distance between each transponder and the
transceiver. If we know the geometry of the array, the position of the transceiver is at the intersection of the four
spheres of distance of radius equal to the individual calculated ranges. The final position is situated in an area
of uncertainties. You need at least three transponders to calculate your position and the uncertainties area in
this case is a 3D triangle. It is a 3D square with four transponders. In the reality, the system is making statistical
calculation at the intersection of a cloud of fixes to give the final position. In some cases, the final result is more
or less smoothed by a Kalman filter calculation.
The uncertainties are coming mainly from: The geometry of the array and the calculation of the distances. The
accuracy of the geometry is dependant of the method of calibration and of its limitations. The measure of
distance is mainly affected by the changes of sound velocity in the path between the transponder and the
transceiver but also by the movements of the ship.

Rx = Acoustic But measurements have uncertainties and estimations

Tx = Transponders
Range measured are situated in a zone rather than on a dot

R4 R1-σ R1 R1+σ
Calculated position
of the transceiver R3+σ
R1 T4 relative to the array
of transponders R3


R2 Zone of
uncertainty R2-σ R2 R2+σ

Ultra Short Base line (USBL) or Super Short Base Line (SSBL) methods
The USBL method is originally built with 3 or 4
surface transceiver situated at different places on
the hull of the ship. Nowadays, it is implemented in
one more complex single device containing Gyro
multiple receivers and one transmitter. The position
of the transponder is calculated by measuring the
time and angle (Range and Bearing) of the signal
in vertical and horizontal plane. It is implemented
by comparison of the phase at arrival on the
difference receivers. This method is implying high
accuracy sensors to correct the calculated angles
from the movement of the ship relative to the
horizontal but also from the rotations by means of
VRU (Vertical Reference Unit) and Gyro. It is ROV
sometimes called interferometer. This method is
also used to track mobile targets like ROV.
The accuracy is evaluated to 0.3% to 0.5% of the
slant range. It is also linked to the angle of view. d
Wide angles a requiring a good S/N ratio which is
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
more difficult with the increasing of the depth. R2
R3 Ship
The repeatability is mainly linked to the accuracy Tx R4 a
b TR
R1 R5
of the corrections by the environmental sensors.
Transponder Transponder

- For small angles the position error attributable to the VRU is directly proportional to the angle. The
roll error is ∆XB = D*δσ, the pitch error is ∆YB = D*δθ.
- For small angles the position error attributable to the Gyro is directly proportional to the angle. The
roll error is ∆XB = y'*δψ, the pitch error is ∆YB = x'*δψ.
- The figure gives a typical position error arising at the seabed (XB or YB) for an error of 0.1Deg
(0.5Deg and 1Deg) in any attitude sensor (pitch, roll or heading) for a range D or a distance (x' or y').

Gyro errors
VRU errors

From Sonardyne Casius manual

Short Base Line (SBL) method
In the SBL method, at the opposite of the LBL,
the baselines frame is created with three or four
hydrophones situated at a distance of tenth of
meters on the ship. The well known geometry of
the array is the frame of reference. As the ship is
moving, the calculations must be corrected of it’s
vertical movement, translations and rotation by
means of VRU and Gyro. The depth may also be Gyro
used in some cases.
The maximum range is around 2km.
The accuracy decreases with the water depth
and the offset relative to the center of the frame.
The repeatability is dependant of the accuracy of
the correction of the ship movements.
Nowadays, it is replaced by the USBL.


Long and Ultra Short Base Line (LUSBL) method
LUSBL method is a combination of LBL and
USBL. Like on the LBL method, three or four
transponders are deployed on the seabed.
Each transponder is positioned in USBL by
means of the range and bearing measurement.
The statistical analysis of the USBL fixes is
providing a frame of reference to the LBL Gyro
system and thus an additional level of
redundancy in case of degraded transmission.
The precision and repeatability is the same as VRU
for the LBL.
The system will return to a USBL mode if there
is less than three transponders available.

T2 T3

T1 T4

Base Line

There are different protocols of communication to interrogate or configure the transponders and to communicate for
the positioning also called Navigation. There are also different protocols of communication used to send commands,
get information or to set parameters in transponders. They are called Telemetry. The telemetry is sending Compatt
commands (COMPuting And Telemetring Transponder).
Each protocol specifies the type and characteristics of the signal (frequency, bandwidth, coding…) and the way they
are used to communicate (dialogue). The protocol is almost the same even if the ways to transmit the signals are
different. The different protocols of communication of Sonardyne are: Tone mode, Wide-band (version 1 and 2) mode
and HPR.

Tone mode:
14 frequencies or channels can be used to transmit a certain number of pulses (~100) used for the navigation. Three
other frequencies called CIF, CCF, DRF and CRF are used for special purposes. The default IRF is corresponding to
the two last numbers of the Compatt address of the beacon but it can be changed.
The telemetry is transmitted in FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) or in PPM (Pulse Position Modulation).

Wide-band mode (version 1):

We are not speaking of frequency but of a signal as it is a combination of a signal, a code and an address specific to
each beacon. There are 14 interrogation channels (IIS/CIS), 14 reply channels (IRS/CRS) plus channel 0 doing both.
The telemetry is transmitted in FSK or in Robust telemetry code.
The address of the beacon (or Compatt Address) is the assembly of a code/family for the two first numbers and a
channel for the two last. Each family represents a set of 14 channels for the replies and interrogations. The address of
the beacon fix the IRS as indicated in the drawing next page.

HPR mode:
In the Mk5 Compatt, the HPR mode is an emulation of a Kongsberg Simrad protocols HPR300, HPR400 or HiPAP.
The Mk 5 can emulate the 56 frequencies of the HPR400 mode. This mode will be described in the Simrad chapter.

The Telemetry will stop the navigation messages during the time of the communication with the beacon.


Bottom Up ROVNav
BOP acoustic Acoustic signal Calibration


Out of navigation

Telemetry Navigation
Range test Noise test

Tone Wide-band Tone Wide-band

Tone Wide-band Mixed
Uplink Uplink Downlink Downlink


Fast Normal
Normal Normal X2
Slow Fast Inclinometer Inclinometer
Fast X2
E Fast X2 Responder Responder
V Fast
V Fast X2



Frequency CH #
19230 1
19841 2
20491 3
21186 4
21929 5
22522 6
23148 7
23810 8
26882 0
27472 9
28735 10
29411 11
30120 12
30864 13
31645 14
25510 CCF
26042 CRF
24752 CIF
35714 TEL0
34722 TEL1
32894 TELUP
33784 TELDN
19531 AltTEL0 BOP
20161 AltTEL1 BOP BOP
20833 AltDN BOP alternate
22321 AltUP BOP

Bandwidth of the channels +-200Hz


HPR Ch Symbol Int Freq 1st reply Pulse 2nd reply Pulse 3rd reply Pulse
Freq. HPR Ch Freq. HPR Ch Freq. HPR Ch
1 1 20492 29762 1 32468 5 31847 4*
2 2 21552 30488 2 29762 1 32468 5
3 3 22124 31250 3 30488 2 29762 1
4 4 22727 31847 4* 31250 3 30488 2
5 5 23364 32468 5 31847 4* 31250 3
6 6 24038 27173 6 29070 9 28409 8
7 7 24510 27778 7 27173 6 29070 9
8 8 25000 28409 8 27778 7 27173 11
9 9 26042 29070 9 28409 8 27778 7
11  21552 27173 11 32467 55 31250 44
22  22727 28409 22 27173 11 32467 55
33 ∆ 23923 29762 33 28409 22 27173 6
44 X 25126 31250 44 29762 33 28409 8
55 Y 26455 32467 55 31250 44 29762 33

* Sonardyne USBL can not receive this channel/frequency

Compatt addess:
Code/Familly 01 12 Channel
Wide band primary last two digits first two digits
Bandwidth +-2000Hz Alternate (w/wo leading 0)
Frequency WB CH1 WB CH2 CIS Interrogation IIS Default
19250 CIS0001 IIS0001 Code xx01 xx02 xx03 xx04 xx05 xx06 xx07 xx08 xx09 xx10 xx11 xx12 xx13 xx14 CIS
19750 CIS0002 IIS0002 01 0001 1502 1403 1304 1205 1106 1007 0908 0809 0710 0611 0512 0413 0314 0000
20250 CIS0003 IIS0003 02 0101 0002 1503 1404 1305 1206 1107 1008 0909 0810 0711 0612 0513 0414 0100
20750 CIS0004 IIS0004 03 0201 0102 0003 1504 1405 1306 1008 1108 1009 0910 0811 0712 0613 0514 0200
21250 CIS0005 IIS0005 04 0301 0202 0103 0004 1505 1406 1108 1208 1109 1010 0911 0812 0713 0614 0300
21750 CIS0006 IIS0006 05 0401 0302 0203 0104 0005 1506 1009 1308 1209 1110 1011 0912 0813 0714 0400
22250 CIS0007 IIS0007 06 0501 0402 0303 0204 0105 0006 1109 1408 1309 1210 1111 1012 0913 0814 0500
22750 CIS0008 IIS0008 07 0601 0502 0403 0304 0205 0106 0007 1508 1409 1310 1211 1112 1013 0914 0600
23250 CIS0009 IIS0009 08 0701 0602 0503 0404 0305 0206 0107 0008 1509 1410 1311 1212 1113 1014 0700
23750 CIS0010 IIS0010 09 0801 0702 0603 0504 0405 0306 0207 0108 0009 1510 1411 1312 1213 1114 0800
24250 CIS0011 IIS0011 10 0901 0802 0703 0604 0505 0406 0307 0208 0109 0010 1511 1412 1313 1214 0900
24750 CIS0012 IIS0012 11 1001 0902 0803 0704 0605 0506 0407 0308 0209 0110 0011 1512 1413 1314 1000
25250 CIS0013 IIS0013 12 1101 1002 0903 0804 0705 0606 0507 0408 0309 0210 0111 0012 1513 1414 1100
25750 CIS0014 IIS0014 13 1201 1102 1003 0904 0805 0706 0607 0508 0409 0310 0211 0112 0013 1514 1200
26500 CIS0000 CRSxx00 14 1301 1202 1103 1004 0905 0806 0707 0608 0509 0410 0311 0212 0113 0014 1300
27000 IRSxx14 15 1401 1302 1203 1104 1005 0906 0807 0708 0609 0510 0411 0312 0213 0114 1400
27500 IRSxx13 16 1501 1402 1303 1204 1105 1006 0907 0808 0709 0610 0511 0412 0313 0214 1500
28000 IRSxx12 CRS
28500 IRSxx11 DCF
29000 IRSxx10 Replies IRS xx00
29500 IRSxx09 Code xx14 xx13 xx12 xx11 xx10 xx09 xx08 xx07 xx06 xx05 xx04 xx03 xx02 xx01
30000 IRSxx08 01 0314 0413 0512 0611 0710 0809 0908 1007 1106 1205 1304 1403 1502
30500 IRSxx07 02 0414 0513 0612 0711 0810 0909 1008 1107 1206 1305 1404 1503 0101
31000 IRSxx06 03 0514 0613 0712 0811 0910 1009 1108 1207 1306 1405 1504 0102 0201
31500 IRSxx05 04 0614 0713 0812 0911 1010 1109 1208 1307 1406 1505 0103 0202 0301
32000 IRSxx04 05 0714 0813 0912 1011 1110 1209 1308 1407 1506 0104 0203 0302 0401
32500 IRSxx03 06 0814 0913 1012 1111 1210 1309 1408 1507 0105 0204 0303 0402 0501
33000 IRSxx02 07 0914 1013 1112 1211 1310 1409 1508 0106 0205 0304 0403 0502 0601
33500 IRSxx01 08 1014 1113 1212 1311 1410 1509 0107 0206 0305 0404 0503 0602 0701
23xxx RPSK robust 09 1114 1213 1312 1411 1510 0108 0207 0306 0405 0504 0603 0702 0801
27xxx telemetry 10 1214 1313 1412 1511 0109 0208 0307 0406 0505 0604 0703 0802 0901
335xx FSK telemetry 11 1314 1413 1512 0110 0209 0308 0407 0506 0605 0704 0803 0902 1001
36xxx down 12 1414 1513 0111 0210 0309 0408 0507 0606 0705 0804 0903 1002 1101
13 1514 0112 0211 0310 0409 0508 0607 0706 0805 0904 1003 1102 1201
14 0113 0212 0311 0410 0509 0608 0707 0806 0905 1004 1103 1202 1301
FREQS TO BE CONFIRMED 20JAN06 15 0114 0213 0312 0411 0510 0609 0708 0807 0906 1005 1104 1203 1302 1401
16 0214 0313 0412 0511 0610 0709 0808 0907 1006 1105 1204 1303 1402 1501

The chirp is a pseudo periodic signal
modulated in amplitude and frequency around
a carrier frequency. The linear chirp is a
particular case with a linear ramp of increase
of the frequency.
This signal is often used in sonar to realize a Compared autocorrelation between tone a chirp signal
compression of the impulsion of finite size. The
aim of this technique is to improve the
autocorrelation of the signal compared to a
normal tone sin wave signal when measuring
the TOA (Time of Arrival) or TDOA (time
difference of arrivals) used for range
The synchronization is done by shifting a
window of the replicate of the message in the
time and compare to the current message. The
result is dependent of the type of coding but
the detection of a chirp will lead to a clear peak
easier to identify than in the normal tone
signal. This coding is also more immune to
reverberations than a normal tone signal as
one can identifies the beginning and the end.

Note: I am not sure if Sonardyne uses this


The wide-band or Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) is a technique of transmission where the energy of
the message to transmit is spread over a larger bandwidth by means of a pseudo random noise code and better
than it could be by the message itself. At the receiver, the message is de-spread by using a synchronized replicate
of the pseudo random noise code (PN or Orange Code). The bandwidth of the new message is much higher than
the one of the original message and its determined by the both the spreading code and the original message.
The characteristic of the signal is a low power density as it is spread over the bandwidth and leading to less
disturbance on the other signals. The signal is not detectable by other if they have not the same PN code. In
addition and because of the spreading, it is more immune to noise.
This message can be used for the navigation or to transmit command or messages (telemetry).

The message to transmit dt is coded in BPSK or QPSK and multiplied by the PN code pnt and tx=dt*pnt. The
effect is to spread the bandwidth around the central frequency. At the receiver, we have two cases: the PN code is
synchronized or not. If the signal received is synchronized with the pnt code, it is de-spread. If the signal is not
synchronized or if the PN code is different, the receiver cannot de-spread the signal and obtain a unusable pseudo
noise signal.

In case of noise, the transmitted signal tx is the same but the received signal is rx=dt*pnt+ns as the noise is
added to the transmitted signal. Without noise, at the receiver, the received signal is multiplied with the PN code
dr=rx*pnr=(dt*pnt)*pnr. The property of the PN code is that when they are synchronzed is that if they are
multiplied by themselves, the result is one. If we are synchronized, dr=rx*pnr=dt*pnt*pnr=dt.
In case of noise, rx=pnr(dt*pnt+ns)=(pnr*dt*pnt)+(ns*pnt). If the signals are synchronized and the PN codes
identical, rx=dt+(ns*pnr). As the noise do not contain the PN code, the result is a spreading of the noise and thus
an increase of its bandwidth and reduction of it’s power density. If a pass band filter is applied, we reduce the effect
of the noise.


P Transmitter Receiver P
01101010 01101010
F ns F
dt Modulator Demodulator dr
Message tx Noise rx Message

pnt pnr
001001001 P Wide-band signal
F PN Code P PN Code

1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1

1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
Replicat code

t Code synchronized

Note: The technology of Sonardyne is proprietary and may

differ of our description but the principle is similar.

Noise Noise and multipath
8ms tone plus noise and no multipath
8ms tone plus noise and multipath 1.0176ms delay
1 1

0.9 0.9

Timing 0.8

0.7 Resoluti 0.7

on 0.6
Tone 0.6






450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

8ms wideband plus noise and no multipath 8ms wideband plus noise and 1.0176ms multipath
1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8
0.7 Resolut 0.7

ion 0.6

Wide-band 0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

Time of arrival is more accurate in wide-band The tone signal is destroyed and cannot
than in tone. It is improving the range be detected. Wide-band is still accurate
measurement. and detected even if we can see the
reflection. Multipath can be detected and
DRAFT From Sonardyne presentation
The mode IIF/IRF or IIS/IRS is used for the positioning
and mainly but not only in USBL. The CRF or CRS is Interrogation on:
mainly used for baseline measurement in LBL. The IIF or IIS
beacons are considered as Reference by the system.
This is meaning at fixed positions.

In Tone mode:
Each individual beacon is interrogated on an IIF
(Individual Interrogation Frequency) and replies on an IRF
(Individual Response Frequency) or on a CRF (Common
Reply Frequency) but in this case after timing called TAT Reply on:
(Turn Around Time) calculated to avoid a clash between IRF or IRS
replies. The IIF must be different for each beacon of the
array and can be selected among the 14 available. The
Interrogation on:
default IRF corresponds to the two last numbers of the
transponder address (1 for 1201) or any of the other free
frequencies. TAT

In Wide-band mode:
The principle is the same but with the IIS, IRS or CRS.
The IRS is fixed to the two last numbers of the
transponder address (01 for 1201).
Reply on:
When working in close proximity of another ship, one CRF or CRS
must select the channels in order to avoid the clashes.

In the CIF/IRF or CIS/IRS mode, the transponders
are interrogated with a common interrogation and Interrogation:
each of them replies on an individual response after CIF or CIS
a timing called TAT (Turn Around Time). The TAT is
Reply ON:
calculated to avoid clash between the responses. It
is dependant of the sound velocity and of the
position of the beacons in the array. The beacons
are considered as Reference by the system. This is
meaning at fixed positions.
This method is mainly used when interrogating
multiple transponders in an array like in LBL. IRS1 IRS2 IRS3 IRS4
In Tone default CIF can be replaced by a free CISx CISx CISx CISx
alternate frequency.
The CIS can be replaced another free alternate TAT1 TAT2 TAT3 TAT4
signal in Wide-band among the alternate CIS list.
The IRF/IRF must be unique in the array. In Tone it
can be selected among any free frequency. In Wide-
band, it is linked to the address of the transponder.
When working in close proximity of another ship,
one must select the channels in order to avoid the

There are two ways to interrogate the DPTi inclinometers: By means of the telemetry (AN5, AN7
commands) or in navigation by means of the default or alternate CIS signal. The value given by
these commands are a voltage, the conversion is:
Angle = V/0.0768 (Bow Down=Pitch +ve, Port Up=Roll +ve)

Usually we have two beacons, one DPTi is installed on the BOP side and interrogated in
Compatt command at a low rate of ~60 minutes because it is supposed fixed. The other is
installed over the flex joint and interrogated in an alternate CIS usually different of the one of the
array with a lower rate of ~30s as it is the moving part.
In the CIS mode and if the downlink is Wide-band (not PPM or FSK in the Riser Angle
Configuration menu), the transponder will reply with three signals. The first signal is the default
IRS of the beacon linked to the last two number of the address (5 for 4305). The second and
third are the two next channels (6 and 7 for 4305). The difference of timing between the first and
the second gives the roll, the difference of timing between the second and the third gives the
In PPM, the interrogation is the CIF and the reply is three tones F1=TELUP, F2=TEL0 and
F3=TEL1. See the timing described in the drawing next page. The difference of time between
the pulses gives the roll and pitch angles. The Simrad mode is similar but with different
frequencies and timings.
The address of the beacon will be preferably selected after 33XX because of the robustness of
the signal. In this case, the IRS will be the address minus 32XX (IRS will be 1105 for 4305).
Remind that you have three wide band addresses by DPTi transponder and that they need to
be unique (4305 will use IRS 1105, 1106 and 1107, that could be the same than another beacon
like 1105).

PPM or Simrad mode:


F1 F2 F3

Dead time Dead time T1 & T2 2.56ms per degree in

Sonardyne T1 = Roll T2 = Pitch
32.5ms 32.5ms The range -15 to +15 degrees
Dead time Dead time T1 & T2 4ms per degree in
Simrad T1 = Roll T2 = Pitch
180ms 180ms The range -15 to +15 degrees

Wide-band mode:



T1 = Roll T2 = Pitch

In normal mode the transponder of the ROV is
interrogated like any beacon by means of an
acoustic signal (CIF on the WSM model but full
Wide-band on the WMT model) and replies on ROV
a wide-band IRS linked to the address of the umbilical
beacon. It is considered as a Mobile object and
is using the USBL mode to be positioned TAT
(Range and Angles). The total transit time is IRS Electrical
the addition of the interrogation time, of the Interrogation
TAT and the reply time. In noisy environment, if pulse
we want to save a channel or if we need faster
interrogations, we can interrogate the beacon
by means of an electrical pulse. The pulse is
sent by the Master console on the RPDR port,
goes to the ROV container and is transmitted
to the ROV beacon via the umbilical by means TMS
of fiber optic. When the trigger pulse is sent,
the beacon replies on it’s IRS frequency after a
programmed TAT (default value is the
minimum of 62.5ms). Most of the time, the
ROV supply the beacon with 24VDC in order
to avoid problems of battery life (4 hours
charge, 20hours lifetime for a WSM).

The main use of a ROVNAV system is to position accurately a mobile subsea vehicle relative to
a set of transponders. It is used independently of the may positioning system to position objects
on the sea bed (most of the time the well head) relative to an array of transponders of well know
positions. The interrogation is done electrically like for the responder and the response is
received from the transponders to the ROV transducers and sent back to surface by means of
the umbilical. The configuration of the array is done acoustically by mean of the navigation


Transponders Transponders

In Tone mode or PPM (Pulse Position Modulation), the transponders is interrogated (downlink) by
means of a unique sequence of three tone described in the graphic below. The IIF is determined by
the two last numbers of the transponder address (f.ex 1502, IIF =02). The reply is done by means of a
dedicated sequence of tone containing the message. The timing can time from 2.8s to 6.7s
depending of the code.

MK4 Sequence of TEL0/TEL1/TSU/TSD


t2:=command t1=address1


Beacon address: 3 02

The other modes are tone based digital telemetry or Wide-band digital telemetry.
In digital telemetry, the transponders is interrogated (downlink) by means of a sequence of
messages coded in the FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) format. The interrogation message begins with
a CCF followed by a DCF and is followed with a fixed number of bits. The timing between the CCF
and DCF determines the speed.
The response (uplink) is using the same way to communicate the result. It is always including an
acknowledge of the command (18 bits long) and one or more optional sequences of bits of
information when it is requested (status, sensor value, configuration…). The message is usually 48
bits long but some are longer like the TS (Transponder Status) that sends two times 48 bits.
The downlink has three different baud rates: Slow 25bps, Normal 50bps and Fast 100bps. The uplink
has eight baud rates.

The Wide-band telemetry is a proprietary format message preceded by the IIS for the downlink and
by the IRS for the uplink. The baud rate is 1464bps (760bps usable). It is also called Robust telemetry
or RPSK (Robust Phase Shift Keying).

The different values of Uplink and Downlink are:

Uplink: Fast, Normal, Slow, Wide-band. The first three are in FSK format with different baud rate. The
last in Wide-band format or Robust Telemetry.

Downlink: PPM, Normal, Normal X2, Fast, Fast X2, E Fast, E Fast X2, V Fast, V Fast X2, Wide-
band. The PPM is a Tone mode, Wide-band format is a Robust Telemetry and the other are all in

Error checking are included in the reply messages of all modes. As the message are proprietary,
there is no detail concerning the formats used and timings.
FSK is the acronym for Frequency Shift
0 1 0
Keying. It is used for telemetry other than
wide-band or PPM.
- A sinusoid signal of one frequency is
transmitted for bit 1 and another for bit 0.
- The frequencies are kept constant during the
bit period.
- There is no phase change as we have a
continuity of signal.
- There is no clock included in the signal.
- The power of the signal is concentrated
around the central frequency.

RPSK is the acronym for Robust Phase Shift

Keying or Robust Telemetry. It is used by the 0 1 0

- Uses phase changes at the beginning of a
symbol period depending of the message to
- Data rate is fast and reliable.
- Good spectral efficiency.
- 1500bps data rate (760bps usable) in our

C:1105 RF8/125 LSPJEOBV7.11 E: 0, C:1105 F1 T2.5 / 5.5 / 0.25 WDD E:0

1st part C:1105 RF8/125 LSPJEOBV7.11 E: 0

Transponder is on IRS 8 with a TAT of 125ms.
L is for Lithium batteries.
S is for simultaneous receiver fitted.
P for low power.
J indicates an inclination of more than 45Deg.
E Long Base Line interrogation mode enabled.
O battery override mode.
B battery count exceed.
7.11 is the software version.
E:0 indicates no transmission error.

2nd part C:1105 F1 T2.5 / 5.5 / 0.25 WDD E:0

F1 is the CIS channel.
T2.5 Wait before transmit (for CI and SI)
5.5 Wait While Receiving (Range Window)
0.25 CWC Wait during Cycle (between CY and Telem)
EDD indicate CIF reply enabled (EP command).
DED indicates IIF reply enabled.
DDE indicates HPR reply enabled.
WDD wide-band interrogation on CIS enabled (WD command).
DWD wide-and interrogation on IIS enabled.
E:0 indicates no transmission error.
Transponder power:
TS1105 C:1105 Ln Sn Tn Jn Un Gm E:0 (The default is L1 S2 T1 J5 U2 G3)

L LBL channels, n=1 Low or 2 High power.

S Telemetry start pulse.
T Telemetry data pulse.
J Not used.
U HPR reply.
G Receiver Gain, m=1 Very low to 4 High power.
E:0 indicated no transmission error.

Commands associated: CPLn, CPSn, CPTn, CPUn, CGn.

Battery count:
BC1105 C:1105 BC=158 V=28.7 E:0

BC 950 maximum for L1 batteries.

V for L1 batteries, initial 14.4V, minimum 13V.
E:0 indicated no transmission error.

Commands associated: OV to override the battery limit but only in case of problem as the unit
may not work or being released.

For the Lithium batteries, the voltage is decreasing slowly and then quickly at the end of life at
the opposite of the other types. That’s why a good record is significant.

In the Compatt command replies, the last field E is the error code. The value is the sum of three
types of errors.
0 indicates no error.
1 acknowledge address error. Address of the reply do not match the interrogation.
2 acknowledge command error. The command do not match the interrogation.
10 error in checksum. The calculated checksum of the data is not correct.
13 may indicates a baud rate problem.

The limitation of the telemetry is linked to:

Noise, range limits, reverberation, baud rate mismatch.

The way to troubleshoot is to:

- Check the transponder address and frequency.
- Check if transponder is Enable and in the correct mode.
- Reduce noise or change the shape of the array.
- Check for other systems in the vicinity and manage frequencies.
- Check the battery life and if the transponder is still vertical (J flag).
- Check the baud rate of the transponder.
- In case of high noise increase the transmission power.
- Check the gain and increase if necessary.

When is beacon is Disable, it will answer to the Compatt commands but not to the navigation
interrogation frequencies. Disable is different of Offline which means not included in the
calculation but always answering to the navigation interrogation frequencies. A beacon marked
Ready in the PME will answer to all messages.
The main sensors used by the by the acoustic system are the VRU (Vertical Reference Unit) and the
The external VRU gives the real time inclination of the ships relative to the vertical on the X and Y
axis. This information is used to correct the acoustic angles measured by the transducers from the
movements of the ship. It is used mainly when measuring range and bearings. One internal VRU is
also available in the surface transceiver but it is not used for the positioning unless we have a
problem with the external VRU.
The gyrocompass is used to align measurement of the acoustic frame with the geodetic map.
The INS is an inertial reference unit. It’s usage will be explained in the new generation systems.
All references must be calibrated and the offsets corrected in the systems. The horizontal alignment
of the VRU is done preferably in dry dock. The Gyro can be aligned in dry dock or at sea with a
bearing measurement on a known reference or the sun. The final offsets will be calculated by using
a statistical tool called CASIUS.



Each system has its own reference and there are parameters in the consoles to set the orientation
of the axis. This setting is usually done during the initial setting of the system and should not be
changed afterward unless you change one of the systems. Some parameters may be in the
installation files of the system. If it is the case, exit from navigation and save your configurations
file, modify the corresponding parameter and reload it from the diskette.

DP references BOP references Acoustic references

N + Z Yaw
Bow Bow Bow
East Moon pool Moon pool
POD Portside
Z Z Aft/Stern Fore/Bow
Surge Starboard
Stern Stern Stern Datum Y
Marine conventions Sway
Angles positive up Angles positive up Roll (Y) + starboard down
Pitch (X) + bow up

Alstom Cameron Sonardyne


Pitch Axis Correction Roll Axis Correction

Transceiver center line Transceiver center line
Observed pitch (VRU) Observed roll (VRU)

True transceiver pitch True transceiver roll

Transceiver pitch correction Transceiver roll correction

Angles are positive Angles are positive

anti-clockwise anti-clockwise

Observed transponder Observed transponder

elevation in Y direction elevation in X direction
(transceiver) (transceiver)
True Transceiver Pitch = True Transceiver Roll =
Observed Pitch Observed Roll
– Transceiver Pitch Correction Range – Transceiver Roll Correction Range
True Beacon Elevation = True Beacon Elevation =
Observed Beacon Elevation Observed Beacon Elevation
+ True Transceiver Pitch + True Transceiver Roll
True transceiver pitch True transceiver roll
Z = Range * COS (True Beacon Elevation) Z = Range * COS (True Beacon Elevation)
Y = Range * SIN (True Beacon Elevation) Y = Range * SIN (True Beacon Elevation)

True vertical Beacon True vertical Beacon

From Sonardyne manuals


True North Transceiver

Heading Y X

E (Easting)
Range Beacon
True Transceiver Heading = Heading
Observed Heading - Transceiver Heading Correction (Gyro)
N Observed Beacon
(Northing) Azimuth (Transceiver)
Relative Beacon Azimuth =
Observed Beacon Azimuth - Transceiver Heading Correction True Beacon
True Beacon Azimuth =
Observed Beacon Azimuth + True Transceiver Heading

Y = Range * COS (Relative Beacon Azimuth)

X = Range * SIN (Relative Beacon Azimuth)
N = Range * COS (True Beacon Azimuth)
E = Range * SIN (True Beacon Azimuth)

The Range is the horizontal

component of range

From Sonardyne manuals

Drill floor


Upper Flex-Joint Tensionners

Surge Diverter
Inner barrel
Outer barrel KT ring

Optionnal intermediate
Note: Angles are exagerated on purpose. Flex-Joint

Pitch Risers

Surge Roll Float risers Water depth

FLEX inclinometer
Lower Flex-Joint X
BOP BOP inclinometer



Inclinometer and DP system
The DP system is receiving the riser angles of the BOP from three pairs of sources situated on the BOP
Stack and the other on the LMRP above the Flex joint:
- The acoustic riser angles are recovered from the DPTi.
- The electrical angles Blue and Yellow of the Stack and of the Riser are received by means of the
umbilical and the Tool pusher's panel (Cameron BOP).
- The third source of information are the Bull Eyes situated on the Stack (one 2Deg) and LMRP (one
2Deg, one 5Deg). They are recovered by means of the ROV.

The limits of the angles are usually:

- BOP latching must not be done with an angle of more than 0.75Deg.
- In normal operation, the differential angle must not exceed 0.5Deg.
Umbilical Blue


9 2 3
Riser Bull Eye
Blue 5Deg Toolpusher's
Stack 12

Bull Eye Blue POD panel A

5Deg 9 2 3


Stack Riser Bull Eye
Yellow Yellow 2Deg

2 3

Umbilical Yellow PME B

DPTi DPTi Acoustic Riser angle
Stack Riser

Acoustic Stack angle

Stack LMRP Riser DP System

Inclinometer and DP system (Alstom)
The different angles received by the DP system are
visible in a special window. The offsets can be
modified to adjust the horizontal before the connection
of the BOP.
The limits of the Riser angle alarms are be set to
values calculated depending of the water depth and
the working conditions. They will work in parallel with
the Position alarms.
The vessel position is expressed by the E/N
coordinates and the angles are referenced with the
corresponding P/Q differential angles relative to the
vertical. The most important being the VERT angle
(the combination of P/Q) that defines the angle of the
riser string used for the Riser angle alarms.

Alarm limits:

Angles viewed from the DP system

The transceiver is a device containing the acoustic
Electric connector
transducers, a CPU, a PSU, a receiving and
transmission electronic and a connector to the
Sonardyne consoles. It contains also two
Identification label:
inclinometers for the X and Y axis. They are used Part number
mainly during calibration but also in some cases as Address
a backup of the external VRU. Mounting offsets
The transceiver must be mounted aligned with the
forward of the ship as indicated by the marking on alignment marking
the body. This alignment is necessary mainly for
bearing measurement. Transducers
The address and factory offsets of the transceiver
must be recorded and set in the Sonardyne
console. The offsets are mainly used by phase
measurement in association with the VRU to
correct the bearing measurement of the
transponders. The address is essential to
communicate with the transducer.
The transceiver is designed to reject the noise
from the side and above it. This is limiting the
effect of the surface noise. The operating envelop
is 80Deg from the vertical for a 8021 but the
optimal angle in LBL is 22.5Deg.
The accuracy is around 1% of the range and the
repeatability <0.5% of the range with a S/N of 180Deg

25dB, 0.2% at 35dB. 45Deg

The transceiver is a complex unit with numerous functions:
- Transmission of messages or navigation signals in the MF band (19.2 to 31.6kHz). In wide-band,
the band is separated in 29 central frequencies. The pulse and power of the signal can be adjusted.
- Reception of the signal.
- Decoding of the telemetry messages in different formats (tone, FSK and wide-band).
- Measure of the time and phase of the signal and transmission of the result to the surface

The electronic comprises:

- Five ceramic receivers arranged evenly around a central ceramic transmitter. The ceramic
elements are encapsulated into a high grade plastic to form a strong interface to the water.
- One power supply, one CPU, the samplers and DAC circuits.
- One receiver equipped with six pre-amplifiers associated with mixers and conditioning circuits.
- One transmitter controlled by the CPU.

The maintenance of the units consists mainly in cleaning the head with a soft tool every six months
or more depending of the environmental conditions.

Before After



The parameters to enter for a transducer are the ID and the factory offsets. They are situated
on the label of the transducer and need to be recorder before installation. The other
parameters will be explained later.

In case of problem in a transceiver, you can test it and see if one of the ceramic receiver is
damaged by using the test situated in Top -> System Setup -> Test Manu -> TCVR ->
Calibration test. You must be done outside of navigation to make it. Any value in red will
indicate a possible problem on the corresponding ceramic.

The Poleflap gives the possibility to verify if there are not to much vibrations on the transceivers.
The test will stop after a few minutes and display a graphic showing the movements of the pole.
You have then the possibility to save an Excel CSV file on the floppy disk of the system. You can
analyze the file later on a PC.
You can find this test in Top -> System Setup -> Test Menu -> Poleflap Test.

The deployment machine is a device used to retract or extend a piston where the transceiver is attached
though the hull of the ship. When it is retracted, one can close a hull gate valve and service the
transceiver after the box is empty of water. When it is deployed, the transducer is in the water and can
communicate with the seabed transponders. It is installed in the lower part of the ship. The piston is
moved by means of a control panel and an hydraulic compressor. There are remote and local controls
with indication lights giving the position of the piston and the status of the gate valve.
The gate valve can be operated manually or hydraulically on recent models. One must be able to close
the valve even in case of its flooding. Bilges must be installed where the valve is installed.
The transducer has a marking on the body indicating the forward of the ship and it must be oriented in
that direction.

Piston Transceiver
Gate valve



Power Top Open Piston

Fault Bottom Close

La mp Test Up Dow n

control Sonardyne
console Up/Down sensor
Open/Close sensor

Gate valve
Power Top Open

Fault Bottom Close

La mp Test Up Down

Hydraulic pump
Local unit Deployment


Piston extented

Piston retracted

Note: the system is normally vertical.

From Sonardyne
Physically a MK5 80XX Compatt (COMPuting And Telemetring Transponder) transponder consists in the following

The head: It is a transducer placed in a pressure balanced rubber boot and protected by guards. A recovery rope is
attached to the guard. The transmission power is around 202dB directional.
The release system: it is used to release the shackle attached to the rope of the weight when we are not using the
seabed supports. This side is equipped with a programming connector, one vent plug to release the pressure in the
body before opening in case of pressure trapped because of a leak or because of a battery problem. To be used each
time you open a beacon.
The electronic: it is connected to the transducer head, to the batteries, the sensors and the release. It is build of a
CPU, a transmitter, a receiver, a DAS card for the various options of sensors and the release, a wide-band card.
The batteries: they can be of different kinds but the most common is the Lithium for its capacity. The electronic
calculate the estimated battery live in a counter called battery count saved in the battery pack. The maximum value for
the Lithium is 950. It can be interrogated by the BC command.
The sensors: The depth and temperature are measures but other sensors can us used like sound velocity sensors,
salinity, inclination... They are used during calibration but also in navigation to improve the positioning with the depth
aiding option when it is required.
The anodes: all metallic parts of the transponder are protected against corrosion by means of anodes. They must be
replaced when they are too damaged or if they will be consumed before the end of the next run. Never use metallic
tools to clean or remove the powder.
The clamps: They are not part of the beacon. The clamp for support is used to install properly the beacons on the
seabed supports. The clamp for release is often used to avoid the rope to be trapped by the screws when using the
beacon with weights.
The body: It is rated to 3000m and up to 7000m depending of the model.


Rope* Rubber boot Screw Bolds Clamp for Clamp for release* Anode Vent plug

Guard Anode Bolds Guard Connector Release

* Items in blue are not part of the transponder

Insert a screw driver into the hole while you put in place the shackle. Block the hook with the pin of the shackle.
Send the release command acoustically or with the DTR box. While the mechanism is turning ensure that the
shackle is kept in place and free to move. Once the command is completed, remove the pin and reinstall it on the
shackle and install the rope attached to the weights.


Transceiver side CPU Earthing spring O-rings Blind plug Release mechanism

Tx / Pre Amp Wide-band card DAS card

Battery Sensors


Serial #: Should be use when communicating with the support.

Type: The first code is the model and the second indicates the depth
rating, the housing length, the battery type and the sensor type. This
is described in the beacon documentation.
Example: WM is MF directional, 31 is 3000m, L for lithium and 103
means release, temperature and depth sensors strain gauge 3000m.
Housing limit: indicates the maximum water depth of the body. Check
on the lower part of the beacon and select the lowest as the sensors
may have a different rating.

Physical address of the beacon:

It is unique and may be used to dialogue with a beacon when the
address is lost or during firmware upgrade. It cannot be changed.

Default address of the beacon:

It can be changed by software. The label must reflect the changes.
The first two numbers are the code and the two right are the channel
number. It is used to define the IRS.

The Sonardyne beacons can use different sorts of batteries, rechargeable or not. The life time of
these batteries is estimated by a calculation in the beacons dependant of the number and
duration of the signal transmitted. The result is a "Battery count". This value associated to your
daily consumption will give you the life time of the battery.
This value can be interrogated by the surface equipment by means of the BC command or in the
beacon configuration page. The "Battery count" is stored in a component of the battery so that
you can disconnect it without losing the information.
Special attention must be paid when manipulating Lithium batteries are they contain a lot of
energy and can burn in case of overheat. They are internally protected against short cut.
The transportation is also subject to restrictions in sea fret and even more for air freight. See the
MSDS for more information.
When opening a beacon containing such battery, and in particular if you have pulled the beacon
because it is not answering, you must first release the pressure of the beacon by means of the
vent port. In all cases, when opening, never stay in front of the part that can be ejected by the
The maximum battery count for L1 Lithium batteries is 950 and the voltage 14.5V at the start of
life and 13V at the end of life. The voltage information is less significant as it is decreasing
sharply at the end of life.


From Sonardyne manuals

- Transducer design defines resonant frequency, bandwidth, beam width and source level
- Beam width can be used to focus energy in a particular direction
- A single element transducer will exhibit a more directional response when operated at higher frequencies

Beam plot of an ultrasonic

transducer showing
Omni directional Directional
secondary lobes
Freq: 24kHz Freq: 25kHz
Directivity Index at 0°: -0.8dB Directivity Index at 0°: 7.9dB
0°Response is 2.6dB 0°Response is 0.8dB below
below max. of 7mV @ 43° max. of 41mV @ 353°

From Sonardyne course

For the functional test of the transponders if you have no test unit, you need a PC with the
software "C5TestTerminal" installed and two Fusion MK5 beacons, one to be tested (BTBT) and
one for testing (BUFT). The beacons need to be protected against noise with plastic foam or
equivalent. Then follow the sample form of the next page and Archive the files of the C5test
directory for reference.

Beacon to be tested Beacon used for the test


Cable ref: 8000-157 Protection against noise

Cable ref: 8000-157

C5TestTerminal software

Type: ID: Address: Serial#:

0 Create a text file and name it with ID of the beacon and the date. It will be used to record the results of the tests.
1 Connect the PC to the BUFT using the CPU connector and run the software "C5TestTerminal".
2 Initialize transponder
3 Set as test transponder Select wide-band and record the address in the left window
4 Connect the PC to the BTBT using the CPU connector and run the software "C5TestTerminal".
5 Initialize transponder
6 Hardware self test Record results in text file
7 Set time
8 Set depth reading to zero Enter the current pressure got from the bridge weather station (QNH in hPa
plus 2hPA for sea level). Record results in text file
9 Set address and channel Check address of the transponder. Addr:………….
10 Initialize transponder
11 General status Record results in text file
12 Produce test report See results in "C5status" directory, this is running a Release test
13 Release test To be done if the hook is in a wrong position only
14 Acoustic test Select wide-band and enter the address saved in 3. Record results in text file.
15 Initialize transponder To exit from the test mode
16 Connect the PC to the BUFT using the CPU connector and run the software "C5TestTerminal".
17 Initialize transponder To exit from the test mode unless you have other transponders to test
18 Check results of the tests Send Battery count, voltage to DPO with all the results of the tests
BC:……………… Voltage:………….

Before the deployment of the beacons, you need to test and check the configuration with the DTU (Deck Test
Unit). This unit can be used for all kinds of beacons and can also test the responder if it is connected to the
beacon. The DTU can be used with only the acoustic test probe or with the test probe and an electrical
connection. The first method can be used by any operator to test the acoustic communication of the beacon. The
second method gives more options of configuration and more status information. It will be used by the electronic
technician only. For the Compatt beacons, best method is to use the Auto Test mode once connected to the
beacon and if you hold the probe on the head. There are also manual interrogations and settings available.
The information recovered are: The transponder status, the beacon address and mode of communication, the
battery count and voltage, the TAT. It is checking the transmit and receive communication.
When used with a responder, it must be connected electrically and it is testing if the trigger is working fine.
All information and test reports are recoded in the DTU and can be recovered by connecting it to a PC like a
memory stick or external hard drive to recover the data. All pre-deployment data and test must be archived.


Acoustic test probe

Type 8000 ME Omni Wideband - Record the association of the address of the
Unit ID 00016C(hex) Serial No 247951-008 physical ID of the beacon beacon and it's physical ID.
Address 602 HPR 21 the address of the beacon
Batt 13.8V 47 used
- Calculate the remaining lifetime of the battery
Lithium 1 stacks Count 71 the battery count from the battery count and evaluate if you need
Firmware V10.08u Mar 30 2009, 11:22:20 to replace the battery depending of the
Interrogate CIF Reply 7 operations planned.
TAT 125.00 ms Rx gain 4 the programmed TAT - The TAT must be adapted to the geometry of
CWT 5 CWR 6 CWC 1 Block 1
the array and of the position of the beacon in
Function level 3f the array.
Daughter card 8000-070-01 CS fitted - All test must pass before the deployment.
Firmware V10.08.g - The Depth may be used in the PME console
Detect threshold 15.0 but you need to adjust the offset by comparing
Linear gain 240
Linear gain linked to CG
the pressured with the actual pressure QNH.
Hardware self test passed all test passed This adjustment can be done by using the
RX 1,2,3,4,5,6 OK C5TestTerminal software.
TX OK - The remaining information may be used by
Wideband RX test OK Sonardyne for the diagnostics.
Wideband acoustics passed
Tone acoustics passed
- Record and archive the test reports prior to
No Release mechanism found each deployment of the beacons.
Endcap serial number 241738-005
Das firmware V3.06
Pressure = +14.75 psia
Depth = +0.16 m may be entered into the PME page
Offset = -0.34 m must be adjusted if used in the PME
Range = +2981.52 m
Accuracy = +/-2.98 m
Temp. = +20.86 degC
Data stored at 31-MAR-2011 08:49:54

Depending of the situation, the field where the transponders will be deployed may be equipped
with supports or not.

When supports are available and localized precisely on the seabed, the transponders are
deployed by the ROV by means of different methods that will be described later. Transponders
must be equipped with a positioning clamp that will fit to the receptacle of the support. One must
also install a rope on the transponder head to help the deployment and recovery. If the support has
several position, one must record the position.

When no supports are available on the sea bed, the transponders are equipped with floats and
they are usually dropped from surface to the seabed or they are recovered by the ROV from a
specific place and laid on the seabed close to an ideal position. Some methods described may be
common with or without seabed supports.
Transponders will be recovered or by the ROV or by means of the acoustic release system and the
float that will pull them to the surface. In this case, they will be recovered by a supply boat.
The weight for the deployment when transponders are dropped from surface to the seabed can be
either gravel bags in a net or a trash bin filled with concrete with a lifting ring. The total weight must
be around 100kg. For concrete of density 1.8, with a cylinder of 450*400 we have a weight of

At sea, the environment is changing rapidly and all parameters may deviate from the original
predictions. In order to mitigate all aspects that could interfere with the acoustic communication,
with the deployment and recovery of the beacons, one must select the equipment adapted to
the operational requirements. Both aspects will interfere reciprocally.
The planning of the deployment is mainly used for the LBL but not only.
By the use of different information recovered during a survey, one may define the sound velocity
profile of the field at different periods. This profile and the application of the sonar equation will
determine the maximum ranges application. A survey or estimation of the noise may lead to the
additional limitations.
The shape of the seabed may also affect the communication between the beacons and in
particular if they are communicating in a network during normal or calibration operations. At the
seabed, the sound may not communicate at a distance of more than 1500m.
The accuracy and coverage of LBL array is dependant of the water depth. Some applications
require a relative positioning and some an absolute positioning. In this case the acoustic is
linked to a DGPS source with all the limitations of such configuration.
The geometry must be defined so that all beacons have the same accuracy and that it is not
increasing the incertitude. One will avoid for example having two beacon in the same quarter of
a circle. A good geometry will also help to reject errors or biases of measurement (maximum
range f.ex).
The seabed is generally not flat and may have undulations or holes. It may also be soft and sink
the beacon with its weight. The supports or weights need to be designed to cover this case.



Transponders lowered by Transponders Transponders

a crane on a support lowered by ROV lowered on ROV
cage or TMS



Lowered on a drill
string and recovered
by the ROV

when acoustic Auto
is received release

2-3m rope 2-3m rope

2-3m rope 100Kg

100Kg weight



Pushed from the deck

of a supply boat
Lowered Transponder
by the ROV 2-3m on seabed
100Kg weight



Clump Weights of approximately 72kg or more are

required for a C5 Transponder.

This is calculated as follows:

- Weight of C5 Transponder in water: 11.6kg.
- Weight of Flotation inserts: 0.5kg.
- Total weight in water per Transponder: 12.1kg.
- Up thrust of Flotation Collar: 30kg.

Therefore, the net up thrust:

30kg - 12.1kg = 17.9kg 400mm
Density 1.8
Min Recommended Clump Weight: Weight ~100Kg
4 x Nett Up thrust = 71.6kg

For interest only:

- Weight of C5 Transponder in air: 22.8kg. 450mm
- Weight of Flotation Collar in air: 34.5kg.
- Total weight in air: 57.3kg

The weight can be also gravel bags in a net.

The WSM ROV beacon is a small beacon used to
track an ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle). Its
weight and size is adapted to the ROV limitations of
size and floatability. The beacon can be
interrogated by means of an acoustic signal or by
an electric signal when it is used as a responder.
The transponder is equipped with an ON/OFF
switch that must not be forgotten in operation. Of an
electric plug that can be used for the configuration
to supply 24V power and/or to connect the electrical
signal of the responder from the console to the
In acoustic mode, the interrogations can use
Sonardyne, HPR and Scout frequencies. In
Sonardyne mode, the interrogation frequency is in
tone. The default interrogation is the CIS but you
can use any of the frequencies among the 14. The
reply can be in wide-band or tone. The IRS is
defined by the address of the beacon. The address
of the beacon will be preferably selected after 33XX
because of the robustness of the signal. In this
case, the IRS will be the address minus 32XX (IRS
will be 1305 for 4505). You can set these values by
means the WSM Terminal software.

The Dimona system is equipped with two navigation processors called PME (Position Measuring
Equipment) used in Master/Slave. The configurations are common making the swap between the
Slave to Master possible. Both transducers can communicate and being powered by both
navigation processors. The change over can be manual or linked to the lose of a watchdog
communication between the two consoles.



Dimona console

User’s keyboard


Gyro selection



The Syn I/O card: contains the inputs for the Gyros and VRU. The VRU used mainly in USBL is a
real time analog signal. The gyro is received in synchro format. The selection of the VRU is done
by selecting one ion the software. The gyro is selected externally by means of switches.

The Serial card: contains several input and in particular for the DGPS with an absolute positioning
is required. There are also four outputs for the 5V responders interrogation pulse signals.

The Graphic card: contains the Keyboard and mouse input and the Video output. The Video can
be RGB or VGA depending of straps inside on the card.

The CPU card: Is only used to manage all the other cards. The reset button on the front will restart
the unit if it is pressed shortly. If you push it more than 5 seconds, this will reinitialize the system
and clear all programs.

The lower connectors: they are connected to the two transceivers (PORT /STBD) and to the
second console on redundant systems.

Other: The supply voltage is 220V and the system is cooled by a fan that needs to be cleaned

The maintenance of this unit consists mainly in cleaning the filters of the fans and checking the
connections. There is no need to remove all cards frequently to clean them if the filters are
installed correctly.





Keyboard & mouse
Sync IO / Nav IF Spreader

Serial Spreader
To DP system

Optional GPS
Graphics Spreader
CPU Spreader

Transceiver To second PME

Responder DRAFT










RS232 TO RS422





When you start the system, you get the following page after a few minutes. This page gives you information
concerning the most important peripherals: The VRU, the gyro, the transponders, the optional DGPS and the
software versions. When VRU or Gyro are fixed or zero, check the system. If you have a bad fix on the DGPS, check
it. If you have communication with the transceivers, it is written "Polled by the Master system", otherwise, you have a
problem. In this case check the connections and the transceivers.
When you are in navigation, you can come back outside of navigation and to this window by pressing ARM+EXIT
NAV but you will lose the positioning.
This information may be useful for the technical support. From here, you enter the navigation by pressing 1 ->

1. Navigate
2. Job SETUP
2. Job 1. Navigation Setup 3. Chart DISPLAY
Setup 4. Monitor BRIGHT
Beacon Setup page
Object Setup page 5. blank
2. Define Watch Circles 6. Chart CENTRE
3. Sound Velocity 7. Chart SCALE
4. Display Units 8. Chart Co-ord FRAME
5. Compatt Commands 9. TRAIL Controls
6. Object Reference Points 10. Data BOXES
7. Waypoints
8. Riser Angle Monitoring Setup
9. Array Baseline Measurements
10. Incremental Baseline Meas’ment

3. File
Management 1. Acoustic Transceivers
2. Geodetic Parameter
3. Attitude Sensors
4. Installation 4. I/O Port Allocation & Setup
5. Set/Change Installation
6. Calibrate Transceiver Timing
5. System
1. Set Time and Date 7. Advanced Options
2. Set Display Brightness 8. Download GDT firmware
3. System Test Programs
4. Create PC Utils Disc
6. Simulate

Menu Option 1. Navigate
1.Nav Set-up 2. Job Set-Up (online) 3. Chart Display
Mobile Beacon Properties 2. Define Watch Circles 1. Circles and Grid Off
Lock Compatt 1/2 Watch Circle Radius 2. Range Circles only
Acoustic Test (offline) 3/4 Centre Watch Circle 3. Grid Only
Read Battery Volts 5/6 Enable Disable Watch Circle 4. Range Circles and Grid
Read Temp 3. Sound Velocity 5.Chart Outline Colour
Read Depth Snd Velocity at Transceiver 6 Display Riser Angles
Enable Beacon Snd Velocity Through Water Column 4. Monitor brightness
Release Compatt Snd Velocity at Seabed 6. Chart Centre
Set Battery Override Load Velocity Profile 1/2. Object Centred Chart Display
Read Power Status Min, Max range, Water Depth, 3/4. Mobile Beacon Chart Display
Read Status 4. Display Units 5/6. Ref Beacon Centred Chart Display
Reference beacon Properties Metre, Feet 7/8. Object Ref Point Centred Display
Vessel/Object Config & Set up 5. Compatt Commands 9/0. Waypoint Centred Chart Display
Shapes and Offsets 6. Object Reference Points 7. Chart Scale
DGPS Antenna Fixed Offsets Screen Graphics 1 Zoom In
Transceiver Fixed Offsets 7. WayPoints 2. Zoom Out
Fixed bearing option if no Gyro WayPoint Calculator 3. 1:10
Active VRU & Gyro Configuration 8. Riser Angle Monitoring Setup 4. 1:100
Start Top Down Calibration RAC 5. 1:500
Stop Top Down Calibration BOP 6. 1:1000
9. Archive Log Files to Disk 7. 1:5000
0. Quit
8. Chart Coordinate Frame
1. archive new log to PC disk
1. Vessel Frame
2. Re-Archive to PC disk
1/2. Gyro North Up
3. Delete archive logs from hard drive
3/4. Seabed Grid North Up
4. Delete all logs from hard disk
5/6. Bows Up
5. Archive system logs to pc disk
7/8. Stern Up
2. Seabed Frame
1/2. Gyro North Up
3/4. Seabed North Up
9. Trail Controls
1/2. Trails Off
3/4. Line Trails
5/6. Dot Trails
7/8. Clear Trial Histories
0. Data Boxes
1. Box 1 Position data
2. Box 2 Position data
3 Box 3 Position data
4 Box 4 Position data
5. From /To data Box
1/2. Cartesian Coords
3/4. Range and Bearing

Menus Job Setup, Installation, File mgmt and System Setup
Menu Option 2. Job Setup Menu Option 3. File management Menu Option 4. Installation

1.Navigation Setup ( Offline) 1. Select Job 1. Acoustic Transceivers

Mobile Beacon Properties 2. Create New Job Find Acoustic Transceivers
Lock Compatt 3. Delete Job 2. Geodetic Parameters
Acoustic Test (offline) 4. Copy Job Auto configure convergence and grid
Read Battery Volts 5. Archive Job coordinates
Read Temp 6. Restore Job 3. Attitude Sensors
Read Depth 7. Archive Install files to PC disc Transceiver Factory Corrections
Enable Beacon 8. Restore Install files to PC disc Transceiver to Ship Corrections
Release Compatt 9. Archive logging files from disc VRU to Ship Corrections
Set Battery Override 0. Quit Align All VRUs
Read Power Status 1. Archive new log to PC disk Gyro correction input
Read Status 2. Re-Archive to PC disk Analogue VRU configuration
Reference beacon Properties 3. Delete archive logs from hard drive 4. I/O Port Allocation
Vessel / Object Config & Set up 4. Delete all logs from hard disk 5. Set/ Change Installation Password
Shapes and Offsets 5. Archive system logs to pc disk Access to a locked system can be controlled by
DGPS Antenna Fixed Offsets 0. Duplicate Installation Discs copying the install.db onto a floppy drive and
Transceiver Fixed Offsets then deleting the password. Copy the new
Fixed bearing option if no Gyro install.db back onto the system.
Active VRU & Gyro Configuration 6. Calibrate Transceiver Timing Offsets
Start Top Down Calibration Menu Option 5. System Setup Run Calibration-
Stop Top Down Calibration 7. Advanced Options
2. Define Watch Circles 1 Set Time and Date protected by super user mode Multi-fix Internal
3. Sound Velocity 2. Set Display Brightness or External Compatt Command Mode PAN or G
4. Display 3. System Test Programs Transceiver Common Transmit offset delay
5. Compatt Commands 1. Transceiver Calibration Test Beacon Set up Time In Nav / Anytime
6. Object Reference Points 2. DP Telegram Test Transmit Window (ms)
7. Waypoints 3. Keypad Test Receive Window (ms)
8. Riser Angle Monitoring 4. Transceiver Test Utilities Reverb Delay (ms)
9. Array Baseline Measurements 5. Graphics Display Test Kalman Filter Stability Time (ms)
Collect Baselines 6. Hard Disc Test Enable GDT Recognition
Process Baselines 7. Serial Port Test Utilities Snail Trail Length
Erase Baselines 8. Pole flap Test 8. Download GDT firmware
0. Incremental Baseline Measurement 9. RovNav Range Test
Collect Baselines 4. Create PC Utils Disc
Process Baselines
Erase Baselines

Top -> Installation -> I/O Port Allocation and Setup
At the initialization of the system, one must assign the function to each specific input and output ports. The
setting are done outside of navigation. Take a picture of your configuration as it may be used in the future.
Normally you should not have to modify this page.

Top -> Installation –> Attitude Sensors
The transceivers are installed in this page. They are identified by a unique ID number that needs to be changed if
they are replaced. The value of the ID is situated on the label of the transceiver with the TCVR factory correction
offsets. The "Tcvr/Ship Grid Correction" and "Tcvr/Ship Grid Heading" are obtained after a Casius calibration and
applying a "Tcvr to Ship corrections". The three different options to calculate the corrections are described in the
following pages.
The VRU and Gyro are installed in this window. The offsets are obtained from the Casius.
The "Align All VRU" option aligns the VRU relative to a master VRU that needs to be calibrated by a Casius.

Top -> Installation –> Attitude Sensors
It is important to note that the CASIUS difference is a new correction that can only be seen in the install.db. It is
the difference between the acoustic face and the physical face (as read by the inclinometers). The transceiver to
ship grid correction calculator provides three different options that will be reviewed in the next pages.

Option 1:

Internally Derived Transceiver to Ship Correction.

(change tcvr to ship corrections and zero
Tcvr to Ship Grid Correction = VRU mean -
Inclinometer mean
CASIUS Difference = 0;

This option is used when no CASIUS

calibration has been entered and the attitude of
the transceiver is to be determined through the
inclinometers alone. Using this option after a
CASIUS has been entered will erase all
evidence of the CASIUS calibration.
Selecting option 1 is equivalent to the old
transceiver to ship grid correction calculator. First,
the CASIUS difference will be set to zero. Then the
Transceiver to Ship Correction field will be set to be
the difference between the VRU and the
inclinometers (factory offsets already applied).

Top -> Installation –> Attitude Sensors
Option 2: Option 3:

Difference Between Externally and Internally Modify Externally Derived Corrections

Derived (change tcvr to ship corrections)
(change difference) CASIUS Tcvr to Ship Grid Correction = VRU mean –
CASIUS Difference = Inclinometer mean - (VRU (Inclinometer mean - CASIUS Difference)
mean – CASIUS Tcvr to Ship Grid Correction)
This option is used when the transceiver pole is raised
This option is used to enter the results of a and lowered. It would only be used after a CASIUS
CASIUS calibration. First the user enters the calibration had been entered into the system. If there
CASIUS transceiver to ship grid correction had been no CASIUS then the user would use option 1
into the Attitude Sensors Page Transceiver to after raising and lowering the pole. When this option is
Ship Corrections Field. Then the user runs selected, the system modifies the CASIUS corrections
the transceiver to ship grid correction to account for the shift in the poles attitude.
calculator. Upon completion, selecting this
option will cause the system to determine the If the difference between the acoustic face and the physical
difference between the CASIUS correction face is known then it is possible to move between the two.
(acoustic face) and the inclinometer readings This option calculates the transceiver to ship grid correction
(physical face). as in option 1 but then converts from the physical face to the
acoustic face. The result is a modification of the CASIUS
It will compare the attitude of the physical face of corrections. This allows the system to correct for the change
the transceiver and the attitude of the acoustic in attitude of the transceiver deployment pole when it is
face and store the difference. This difference will raised and lowered.
allow the system to continue to use the It should, however, be noted that the resulting attitude is only
inclinometers for VRU failure detection despite as good as the quality of the inclinometers, and so some
the Transceiver To Ship Grid Correction now precision of the CASIUS calibration may be lost. Ideally, the
holding the CASIUS value. CASIUS calibration should be repeated to maintain this

Top -> Installation -> Acoustic Transceivers
In this menu you confirm the parameters of the transceivers.
You can also set the parameters of communication used to send (Downlink) Compatt commands and receive
the replies (Uplink) from the beacons. The best configuration is W'band. The Power and Sensitivity can be
adjusted function of the water depth. The telemetry band is always High. This can be set as well in the
Compatt command page.

Unique transceiver
Address written on the body

Uplink configuration for the telemetry

Downlink configuration for the telemetry

Top -> Installation -> Geodetic parameters
This page is only used if you are using the DGPS (Differential Global Positioning System). This can be the
case during the Casius calibration or if you want an absolute positioning. The default geodetic parameters
are for the WGS84 geodetic system (the parameters of the corresponding geoids) but you can change it to
another local datum.
In normal situation, the DGPS is OFF in the Object Setup page.
The convergence must be set to 0 if you do not want your Gyro to be corrected.

Top -> Job Setup -> Nav Setup -> Object Setup
You reach this menu by means of the Nav Setup menu. At the initialization of the system, the position of the
transducers, of the DGPS and dimensions of the ship must be entered. In the same page, you can select one of
your VRU directly in the software. The Gyro is selected here but needs to be selected manually on external switch
as well as it is only a selection of the specific parameters. The fact to select one VRU or one gyro will apply
different calibration offset to the calculations. These offsets are determined by the Casius calibration for the attitude
sensors (transducers, gyro, VRU and GPS).

Ship representation
on the screen

Port and Stbd

DGPS transceivers offsets
Gyro selection
antenna position

VRU selection

Top -> Job Setup -> Sound Velocity
The sound velocity measured in surface, though the water column and at seabed must be entered here. These
values will affect the accuracy of the positioning.
- The first value is important for the positioning of mobiles like ROV.
- The second is important for the DP positioning. The value con be adjusted by changing the value and
comparing with the one given by a read depth (RD) of one beacon.
- The third if you are making baseline calibrations. The value can be calculated from the temperature reed by the
transponder and provided you have the salinity and the pressure.
The Maximum range must be entered here. This will reject the measured length higher than this value. But you
must not forget to change it when your water depth changes otherwise you may reject all measurements.

Job Setup -> Navigation Setup
Your transponders must be entered in the Mobile beacons of this page. You will be asked to give a name,
an address and a transponders type. Initially the Status is Offline. The channels are assigned
automatically. The outputs are by default Off. The index is assigned in the order. The Gain and the update
rates and the TAT may be adjusted. The Depth Aiding is Off. You will have to enter in the Beacon Setup
of each beacon to adjust the other parameters.
The Object has already been created in Object setup. The status must be Ready, the Output to DP ON
and the IDX set to 10 (for Alstom) if you want to send your position to the DP system.

Zone of messages Job name

Master system

Must be ON
for DP systems

ON for absolute
Top down
calibration Must be adapted
to the configuration

Job Setup -> Navigation Setup
Mobile beacon:
The beacons will be positioned by means of the USBL technique. In this part you have usually the ROV, the DPTi
inclinometers or any beacon not part of the LBL array.
The Status of the beacon can be Offline, Ready, Ref Bcn or Not Set.
- Offline means that it will not be seen by the system as an object to display but it doesn't mean that he will not
answer to the interrogation unless it is Disabled (in CIS mode f.ex).
- Ready means that it is used by the system. This is the final status of a Not Set configuration.
- Not Set means that the system will send the necessary Compatt commands to configure the beacon like it is set in
the configuration page. This will start by a Reset Default to erase all previous configuration.
- Ref Bcn means that the beacon will be moved from the zone of the mobile beacon to the zone of the reference
beacon. In this case they will participate to the LBL array.

The interrogation Channel INT will be set to the IIS or to the CIS. The channel must correspond to the setting of the
beacon. The reply channel REP is by default liked to the address of the beacon. For the Responder, the INT can to the
port were the pulse is sent (1,2 or 3,4).

The SVY can be set to On if you want to send the survey information to one of the serial port.
The DP must be set to ON if you want to send the position of this individual beacon. The Alstom DP900 recognize the
IDX values 11 and 12 (Circle and Triangle) for the USBL mobiles and 10 for the LBL (Square).

The Gain must be adapted to the configuration. It is initially Medium.

The Update rate must be adapter to your application. It must be short for fast objects and long for the other.
The Depth Aiding is initially Off and not used. In manual you can specify the water depth of the object. In Auto, the
water depth is coming from the internal sensor of the beacon.

The TAT must be calculated so that there is no clash between the answers in CIS mode. Automatic or manual
spreadsheets of calculation are available. Some beacons like the WSM have fixed TAT. Having the depth of the
beacon may in some cases help the system to calculate the position of the object.
All remaining parameters can be set in the Beacon setup page.

Job Setup -> Navigation Setup -> Beacon Setup
This page give the possibility to set the parameters of the beacon and surface transceiver not available in
the Navigation setup page. There is also a possibility to send commands and recover information from the
beacon without being obliged to know the syntax. All parameters not described in the Navigation setup
page will be detailed in the following pages.
The Acoustic test can be performed only outside of navigation.

Job Setup -> Navigation Setup -> Beacon Setup
The parameters can be set to the following values but the final values will depend of the operating conditions.

Parameter Water depth Values Comment

<1000m >1000m

Transponder Power Low Low Low Keep as low as possible to reduce the level of signal in the water.
High Reduce battery life.
Transponder Gain Medium Medium VLow A lower gain is more accurate. Reduce to the minimum above the
Low reception level.
Transceiver Power Low High Low Keep as low as possible to reduce the level of signal in the water.
Transceiver 10dB 0dB 0, 10, 20, The higher it is the better it is.
Attenuation 30dB Start with 0 and increase till you have still a message.
Detect 13dB 13dB 13dB Do not change unless high noise or reverberation (min10dB)

Validate 15dB 15dB 15dB Do not change unless high noise or reverberation

Samples 6 6 6 Change Pulse width first. Reduce to keep the beginning of the
message first.
Pulse Width 8ms 8ms 8ms No Effect in WB. Reduce the value mainly in shallow water to limit

Job Setup -> Navigation Setup -> Beacon Setup
The following commands can be sent to the beacons. They are used to get an information or a status or to
send a command.
Read battery voltage:
This information should be taken at regular intervals to follow up the battery consumption and voltage.
Read temperature and Read depth:
The information may be used during calibration to calculate the sound velocity.
Disable beacon:
A disabled beacon will stop the navigation mode and not answer to the IIS or IRS. The beacon will go in sleep
mode and only answer to Compatt commands. This mode is different of the Ready/Offline status where the
beacon where only the surface part is concerned. In some cases, the status written will not correspond to the
status of the beacon in the window as it is memorizing only the actions done here. You can confirm here or in
the Compatt Command window.
Release Compatt:
This command will activate the release mechanism of the beacon. Three commands are send to confirm the
command and you will see the count on the display. This may be used with an initial Read depth and some
other at intervals to confirm the ascending of the beacon.
Set battery override:
This may be used at your own risk to allow the system to work even with a battery detected flat. This is
usually used to release the beacon but it may not work if the battery has not enough energy.
Read power status:
Used to verify the power status only.
Read status:
The main important information in the status is the value of the TAT, the interrogation frequency and the WDD
mode confirming that you are in wide band.
Lock beacon:
In Lock mode, the beacon will refuse any setting sent by a Compatt command unless it is Unlocked. This
mode will avoid uncontrolled changing of parameters by another system in the vicinity with the same settings.

Job Setup -> Navigation Setup
In this part, you will set some parameters of the surface calculation.
The first parameter is the Object name. It is set at the initialization of the system, usually to the name of the
The Status is Ready if you want the calculation to take place.
The Mode is usually Mobile for a DP vessel.

The SVY can be set to On if you want to send the survey information to one of the serial port.
The DP must be set to ON if you want to send the position of this individual beacon. The Alstom DP900
recognize only an IDX of 10 for the LBL object (Square).

The APS update it the frequency of interrogation of the Reference Beacons. Is it usually set to 5s. The value
must be adapted to the time required by your DP otherwise the object will be rejected.

Tx & Rx settings is usually set to Rx/Tx and both transceiver are receiving and transmitting. The way each
transducer will work can also be set individually in the Object Setup page. This may be used for diagnostic or if
some problems arise on one transceiver.

DGPS is usually set to Off. In this case, the positioning is done in relative. If it is On, the positioning is in
absolute coordinates references in the geoids' specified in the Geodetic parameters. It is usually the case if you
want to position an object geographically with a Box-In or a Casius calibration.

The Depth Sensor Offset may be used if it is recovered from the beacon during the pre-deployment checks. It
is the offset of the sensors when the value is read in surface at sea level and compared to the current
atmospheric pressure (QNH at sea level, QFE if you are at the level of the helideck or where it taken the
measurement). The offset at the level of the beacon must be also adjusted.

Job Setup -> Navigation Setup
Reference beacons:
All beacons with a Status of Ref Bcn will move into this part of the page. The term reference beacon means a
beacon at a fixed position and being part of the LBL positioning.
The Status of the beacon can be Offline, Ready, Ref Bcn or Not Set.
Offline means that it will not be seen by the system as an object to display but it doesn't mean that he will not
answer to the interrogation unless it is Disabled (in CIS mode f.ex).
Ready means that it is used by the system.
Not Set means that the system will send the necessary Compatt commands to configure the beacon like it is set
in the Beacon Setup page. This will start by a Reset Default to erase all previous configuration. The navigation
can be disturbed during this period as it will stop during the time of the settings.
Mobile means that the beacon will be removed from the zone of the reference beacon to the zone of the mobile
beacons and return to the USBL mode..

The interrogation Channel INT will be set to the IIS or to the CIS. The channel must correspond to the setting of
the beacon. The reply channel REP is by default liked to the address of the beacon. For the Responder, the INT
can to the port were the pulse is sent (1,2 or 3,4).

The SVY can be set to On if you want to send the survey information to one of the serial port.
The DP must be set to ON if you want to send the position of this individual beacon. The Alstom DP900
recognize the IDX values 11 and 12 (Circle and Triangle) for the USBL mobiles and 10 for the LBL (Square).

The first beacon to be move to Reference Beacon will be set with a position error said Fixed as all the other will
be references relatively to this one.
All reference beacon coordinates are relative unless you have set the DGPS On. In this case you will have the
beacons referenced geographically in the geoids selected in the Geodetic parameters.

The DP_REF Waypoint
This way point is automatically set close to directly beneath the vessel when the first Beacon is moved from the
mobile beacon area of the USBL data base to the Reference beacon area of the data base.
This way point is not required in systems that are using telegram formats that support Vessel telegram
messages, e.g. Simrad 418 and Simrad 418B0D.
For the Simrad 309 telegram there is no vessel telegram, only beacon telegrams. To overcome this problem
Sonardyne originally sent a beacon telegram relative to the first beacon that was made a reference beacon.
This telegram would be derived from USBL positioning if only one or two beacons are reference beacons or
LUSBL derived if 3 or more beacons are reference beacons. This produced a further problem, in that if the first
beacon to be made a reference beacon was turned back to a mobile beacon, put to off line or deleted from the
job file the DP signal would become relative to the next beacon in the data base and a considerable position
jump would occur. To over come this problem the software now automatically sets a Waypoint called ‘DP REF
when the first Reference beacon is available. The DP telegram is then sent relative to this waypoint. In this way
if more beacons are in the reference part of the data base and the original beacon is put off-line, to be a mobile
beacon or deleted the Vessel position will still be relative to the same point and there fore no position jump will
The co-ordinates of the way point ‘DP REF will be in the local frame and will be close to the zero point of the
array if the vessel is near the centre of the array when the first reference beacon is set. The co-ordinates of the
waypoint may be altered from those set by the system to any desired point, but the acoustics should be
deselected on the ‘DP Desk’ prior to doing this.

The DP telegram is sent with respect to the DP_REF waypoint – it is an arbitrary co-ordinate that ideally should
be at, or near the wellhead. Having the DP_REF waypoint a long way from the wellhead can cause the
acoustic position appear to be less stable on the DP screen than on the acoustic system screen. If the vessel
has an opportunity to quit navigation, delete the DP_REF waypoint, and re-start tracking then a new DP_REF
waypoint will be automatically generated below the vessel. This would take a couple of minutes at most. There
should be no reason to recalibrate the array if you follow these instructions.

From Sonardyne support

The objective of the TOP-DOWN calibration is to get the position of the beacons of the array
as precisely as possible in order to use them in LBL without the need for a precise positioning
of each of them.
The positioning of the beacon will be done initially in mobile in USBL and then refined to a
point that it can be used by the LBL mode.

1) Create and configure your beacons in the Mobile beacons.

2) One the configuration and the correct settings are entered, enter in navigation by setting
them to Ready.
3) Return to the navigation page and wait until the Qual values are stabilized on all beacons
and select the best. This will be the first beacon to be moved as a Reference Beacon.

204 is the

4) Move the better beacon to the Reference Beacon by changing it's status to Ref Bcn. The Pos Error is marked
Fixed as it is becoming the reference for all other beacons.

204 moved to Reference beacons

5) Immediately after, move the other beacons in the Reference beacons. The Pos Error will decrease
slowly and will be stabilized after roughly one hour. If it is not the case, check your configuration and the

6) Once the Pos Error is stabilized, you can change the value to Fixed by using the Stop Calibration
button. Your array is ready to be used.
7) If you are sure of your configuration, Archive your Job.

- If a beacon is removed from the array and replaced by another, you can reinstall it and proceed to a new
calibration without removing all beacons from the Reference beacons. Simply create your beacon, wait
until the Qual is stabilized. Move it to Reference Beacon. Start a calibration and Stop it when the Pos Error
is stabilized.
- If your Qual or Pos error cannot stabilize, make a Noise test and a Range test of your beacons to verify
if your configuration is correct. Function of these tests, adjust your parameters.
- Check also the possibility of TAT clashes with the CSV_PLOT tool.

This page is the main navigation page where you will be all the time. The right side contains four Boxes that can
display different information selectable in the Data boxes menu. On the right side, you have the menu to set the
different configuration of the navigation and of the display. You can also save you configuration and the record of
the navigation. On the top right, You have displayed the Job name but also the status of the PME (Master or
Slave) and the transceiver in use.
Message zone
Job name
Master system
Orientation transceiver
of the picture


Scale Waypoints Ship representation Beacons

Box menus in the Navigation page
You can select different type of boxes in the Box menu. We have already seen
one type in the Top-Down calibration.

Box 1: Object position data

The first value of this box is the age of the last position calculated.
The three last are the positions relative to the DP_REF.
Box 1 The Qual indicate the quality of the position. It must be below 1% in a normal

Box 2: Range Diags (ms)

This is indicating the response time of the beacons in ms. It is usually below 0.3s
Box 2 but depending of the geometry of your array or of the position of the object. You
can calculate this time.

Box 3: Signal to Noise (dB)

This is indicating the signal to noise ratio for each beacon. It is usually higher than
Box 3 25dB. The higher it is the better it is. You can play on the surface or subsea
power, attenuation and gain to change this value. A + behind the value indicates
an overload of the system at that we require to add attenuation (see Noise Test).

Box 4: Attitude Sensors

This box is giving the values given by the Gyro and the VRU.
Box 4

From to Box:
This box indicates the age of the last information of position and the distance and
direction to go from the waypoint 0/0 to the position of the vessel (or the

Inclinometer Box in the navigation page

When using the DPTi on a BOP, the configuration of the beacons must be set
as follow:
- BOP Offline, Disable, interrogation rate 60min. The beacon is interrogated by
Compatt commands an do not reply to interrogations of the navigation
because it is Disabled.
- FLEX Ready, Enable, interrogation rate 30s. The beacons is interrogated
during the navigation with the other beacons (CIS).
The calibration and setting of the beacons must be set and calibrated out of
navigation in the Job setup -> Riser Angle Monitoring page outside of
navigation. The Riser angles limits must also be set in the same page.

In the screen, the BOP has been Enabled and is ready to position the beacon
on the screen. In normal situation it should not be visible.

In the FLEX box, You can see the angles measured by the FLEX and the BOP
beacons (RR Riser Roll, RP Riser Pitch, BR BOP Roll, BP BOP Pitch). The
value TI is the inclination relative to the vertical. CRS is the direction or course
to steer if you want to reduce TI to 0. The information is repeated in the
message box on the top of the screen (Steer 40.0 to correct).

On the Navigation page, you can also select the Display Riser Angle in the 3.
Chart display menu.

Top -> File Management
Job management:
Each time you change or site you will have a new array and a new calibration will be done. In each case, you had
better to save the existing configuration after the calibration and to save it with a significant name. If you come
back at the same configuration, you may be able to reuse the Job file. You may also copy an existing Job and
proceed by difference with what you have. It may be useful also if you want to analyze your configuration

Installation file management:

The archive or restore installation file menu allows you to same the actual configuration in the floppy of the system.
It is not only an archive but also a possibility to modify some parameters of the system in the diskette and to
restore them as all are not available in the menus. These file cannot be saved during navigation.
You have also a possibility to duplicate the original installation disk. You must remember that the format of the first
disk is different of a DOS format and that it is a bootable disk. This method is the only way to get an image of this
You can find the PC tools utilities in one of these diskettes.
PLOT_CSV is reading the archives of the Logs and create some useful graphics in particular to see the clashes in
case of bad TAT.
Sound Depth Calculator will calculate the sound velocity function of the pressure, salinity and temperature.
Convergence calculator calculates the convergence adapted to the geographis position.

Log file management:

The Logging files are the record of the fixes during a certain time. The system keeps a record of the last few hours
and this menu allows you to save these files on the floppy disk in CSV format. This format can be read by Excel
but you had better to use the PLOT_CSV utility to create the graphics associated.

Transceiver test utilities -> Noise Test
This test may be used to diagnostic noise problems. It is displaying the level of noise over the complete
Sonardyne bandwidth. The main page displays the average and peak noise and the current noise.
The interpretation is different if we consider the tone or narrow band signals and the wide-band.

Transceiver test utilities -> Noise Test
In Tone or Narrow band:
In case of a peak in the curve, you had better not to use this frequency on one of your
beacons unless they are using Wide-band. By this way, you can also detect the transmissions
of the other ships around or a lost beacon. You can also diagnostic the case of the message
Reply detected Early as it may indicate another transponder answering on the same
frequency in the vicinity.

The Narrow band Att is selected so that the signal is in the linear part of the receiver. This
value may be used in the setting of the actual system. An overload of the receiver is also
indicated by a + being the values in the Signal to Noise box of the navigation page. In this
case, increase the attenuation.

The Narrow Band RSSI must be kept below 0.5V by setting the attenuation. If you cannot
reduce the value by adjusting the attenuation and if you reach the maximum of 30dB, you will
have an Overload message.

In Wide-band:
The information of the Narrow band are not applicable for the Wide-band. The wide-band
signal is not seen as a peak but more like a broad bump over a 4kHz bandwidth.

The Wide-band Att must be within 20dB (Max Gain, Min Att) to 80-dB (Min Gain, Max Att).
Over 80dB you are overloaded.

The Wide-band RSSI range must be kept lower than 2.7V by setting the attenuation.

Job Setup -> Navigation Setup -> Beacon Setup -> Range test
You can access this test page in each Beacon setup page or in the Transceiver Test Utilities.

Job Setup -> Navigation Setup -> Beacon Setup -> Range test

In this page, the values l, m, n are the measured angles and x, y and z are the calculated distance from
the measured acoustic time of transmission (Raw range) and the sound velocity. The Distance is valid only
of the TAT is correct and that we do not receive the reply from several beacons at the same time.

In tone mode:
The Q1 to Q8 representing the quality of the 8 samples at different intervals in the pulse. In addition the
Wght Qb factors must be <<0.025 to be valid otherwise, they are in red. If these factors are low, the
calculated positions Kx & Ky will be superposed on the corresponding plot. Higher values will increase the
ambiguity and may be rejected. A minimum of 6 good samples (meaning 6 used on the 8 measured) is
necessary to validate the position. In case of multipath, the end of the signal can be corrupted. In case of
multi path, you can reduce the number of good sample to use only the beginning of the pulse.

In wide-band:
The above information is no more valid and the only the Good Sample information is significant. You can
play with the Detect and Validate parameters to improve the results. Increase them in case of noise and
reduce them in case of multipath. The Good sample is good if >=6, bad if lower, 0 indicated no reception.
The maximum Peak Modulus or Pk Mod which is the measure of the envelop must be 2048.

Job Setup -> Navigation Setup -> Beacon Setup -> Range test

This graph displays the Real and Imaginary For a signal to be valid, you must have a
phases of the signal received on each of the distinctive peak at the same place of each
five receiver. The signal must be higher that signal and centered around the middle of the
the two yellow lines in the envelope to be valid. graph. Off axis signals will be displayed with a
Otherwise, increase the level of the beacon or noticeable time difference.
reduce the attenuation in surface. Other
shapes indicate a bad reception.

The default validation levels is 15dB and the detection level is 13dB. The validation of the signal starts when the
level of the signal increases from the detection level to the validation level before the detection time (delay preset
in the system). The lower is the frequency, the higher is the detection time. Then the system takes a certain
numbers a samples (default 6). of a certain length (~wave length?) during the validation time (default 8ms).
If we increase the level of the signal, the signal will be detected earlier. If we increase the gain, the signal and the
noise will increase together and the noise may reach the detection level. If we decrease the attenuation, the
signal may not be enough to be detected. In case of multipath when direct and reflected signal are overlapping
(constructive or destructive waves), we may decrease the number of good samples (among the 8 measured) or
the validation time to limit the detection of the second reflected pulse. Reducing the number decreases the false
detection or ambiguity but increases the rejection.
Minimum distance from structure to avoid multipath problems must be 0.6m for the detection and 2.4m for the
validation in MF band (D>2.4*Validation or Detection time).


2 Detection Validation
time time
Samples Validation level

Detection level
Noise level

0.00 5000.00 10000.00 15000.00 20000.00





Four pictures taken using MF equipment illustrating pulse overlap effects. (a), clearly demonstrate the effect
of constructive and destructive interference. The top is the wide band signal received by the transducer
(bandwidth of 18 - 36 kHz) and the bottom the narrow band signal of a particular transponder channel
(bandwidth 400 Hz). Additionally, the narrow band channel shows the response of the integrator used to
validate the reply. (a) shows the direct signal free from multi-path interference - note the clear wide-band
transponder pulse and narrow band response. (b) illustrates constructive interference between the direct
and multi-path signal with no effect on the narrow band detection and validation. (c) demonstrates
destructive interference, but without affecting the detection and validation of the direct signal, whereas (d)
illustrates miss-validation of the direct pulse and detection and validation of the multi-path signal instead.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

From Sonardyne course

The CASIUS calibration is the acronym for Calibration of Attitude
Sensor in the USBL acoustic System. The CASIUS requires to deploy a
beacon on the seabed and recording simultaneously the positioning
information of the acoustic and of a DGPS at different positions. The
result of such measurement is:
- The Absolute position of the beacon (Box-In).
- The sound velocity though the water column. 2
- The transceiver offsets relative to the DGPS antenna. North
- The pitch, roll and heading corrections to be applied to the system.
The weather must be calm to make the calibration. The Casius will
need the measurements from 5 fixed DP points situated around one 3
beacon. For each point let us say for the 4 cardinal points and just West East
above the beacon, we need 100 measurements with the ship oriented 5 1 9
in two directions at 180°(F.ex: 0°and 180°). The original heading willl
depend of the environmental conditions. This is meaning almost 5 min
(at a 3s rate) for each measurement and for each pole. For each point
we will measure a set of fixes on PORT and STBD transceivers and for 4 0 8
both heading orientation and then move to the next point. The order of
the measurements has no importance and you can select your own way 6
until you do all the cases. The record of data will be done with the ship
stopped at the five positions.
Once you have got the data, they will be entered into the CASIUS South
spreadsheet and the corrections will be calculated. 7
The timing of such operation is estimated between 12 to 16h in the best Sample movements of the ship
conditions. If data are corrupted, one must redo the faulty measurement
and move to the corresponding point. That's why one must ensure that
the condition are ideal before starting. New systems can calculate the
way points for you.

Before the CASIUS corrections, the fixes are spread on a large distance and it is difficult to give
a defined position. The DP system may compensate with the Kalman filters settings but not
always completely and your repeatability will be affected. After having applied the corrections,
the density of fixes is much concentrated around a center point. The calibration leads to a
~0.3% USBL accuracy. IMCA S017 recommends making a calibration when one of the
reference systems are modified: Transceiver pole, position of the VRU or GPS if used.

Before` After

This page is the result of the CASIUS calculation. The values highlighted will be entered into the system to
correct the offsets. The sound velocity is only valid for the site of measurement and during a period.

A Ranger USBL system comprises the following components:
- A Navigation Controller Unit (NCU) which is the interface
between the acoustic transceiver, the external sensors and the
navigation computer.
- A Navigation computer with a Ranger software which is the
users interface running the Ranger software.
- The surface transceivers.
- The subsea transponders.

The Ranger software supports a lot of functions like:

- Tools and utilities: They are used to optimized the acoustic
positioning by changing the parameters of the surface or subsea
- They support the input and outputs. Inputs are the VRU and
Gyro information to improve the positioning. Outputs are the
responder interrogation pulses but also the fix to the DP
- They offer a monitoring system to control and analyze the
performances of the system.

The MRAMS is a software option of the Ranger software

dedicated to the riser angle monitoring used many on semi
submersible anchored units. The software is not only recovering
the riser angle from the DPTi beacons but also from the ERA
(Electrical Riser Angles) from the BOP. This system will give:
- The position of the rig relative to the BOP.
- The acoustic and electric riser angles and differential angles.
- The direction to steer to reduce the angle.
-The position of another object like a ROV.
It is mainly used in anchored semi-submersible platforms.
MRAMS Acoustic Riser Angle Calibration
To calibrate the BOP and Riser attitudes, the BOP should be hanging in the water under the vessel at a depth where
there is a clear line of sight between the transceiver and the transponders. Usually we can make the calibration half
way. It is unnecessary to do it many times unless you are reaching the alarms after it. Ensure that the risers are
landed on the spider and the movements are stabilized before making the calibration. The page will become Red
when the angles are out of the alarm limits.
The system may then be calibrated as follows:
Press the Configure… button on the Riser Angle Monitoring dialog to open the Riser Angle Monitoring
Configuration dialog as shown below

MRAMS Acoustic Riser Angle Calibration

Press the Calibrate… button to calibrate the acoustic riser angle. A message box like the one
below will appear.
Press the OK button to begin the process of calibration. A dialog box will be displayed whilst the
Riser and BOP angles are measured.
A message box will be displayed once data collection is complete. Press OK to continue.
The Pitch and Roll offsets for the BOP and the Riser will now have been updated to give
measured angles of 0 degrees. The system returns to the Riser Angle Monitoring
Configuration window.

MRAMS Electric Riser Angle (ERA) Calibration

Press the ERA Config… button to open the ERA Configuration dialog.
Press the Calibrate button of the Yellow electrical riser angle.
Press the Calibrate button of the Blue electrical riser angle.
Press the OK button to close the EAR configuration dialog.
Press the OK button to close the Riser Angle Monitoring configuration dialog.


The BOP can now be lowered to the sea-bed and connected to the well head. Once the BOP is connected it
is necessary to enter the BOP heading into the Ranger so that it can correctly calculate the "course to steer"
for the vessel.
Note: Failure to enter the heading of the BOP once it is latched on the sea-bed will cause Ranger to
report an incorrect course to steer to minimize the differential angle.
The BOP heading should be entered as follows:
Press the Configure… button on the Riser Angle Monitoring dialog to open the Riser Angle Monitoring
Configuration dialog as shown below.
Enter the heading of the BOP into the BOP Heading field.
Press the OK button to close the Riser Angle Monitoring configuration dialog.

Ranger positioning page
This page gives the position of the transponders relative of to the vessel. Different parameters of
display can be selected in the display. It is most of the time not used on an anchored semi-
submersible vessel.

Ranger transponder settings
This windows gives the possibility to configure the transponder setting and to recover status information.
The transponder settings are mainly: The power and the gain.
The status information are: Battery count, depth and temperature, power status and general status.

In the Riser Angle application you had better to configure the beacons like follows:
- BOP Offline (button released on main navigation page), Disable, Update rate in the beacon page 3600s,
telemetry mode 3600s in the Riser configuration page.
- Riser Online (button page pressed on main navigation page), Enable, Update rate 30s in the beacon page
and Pulse Position ranging selected in the Riser configuration page.


6G MARKSMAN System description
Marskman is the 6G (sixth generation) system of Sonardyne systems using Wideband 2 digital ultra wide-
band signal offering fast transmission, robust signal and a high immunity to noise and interferences of other
systems. When used with lst generation of Compatt 6 transponders, the system combines the advantages
of the USBL and LBL methods to calculate robust and stable positions. This factor is very important in
particular in regions where the DGPS is affected by scintillation. The user's interface is a more intuitive
Windows based system with a 17' TFT color monitor, a keyboard and a mouse. Most of the parameters of
the system are similar but some facilities exist to help the user to set the parameters.
The system can be used in dual independent computers sending a separate solution to the DP system by
using the same or a different array. In dual redundancy mode, we keep the same configuration but the
failure of one system or part of the system will not affect the complete system that will continue to provide
one solutions to the DP system.
In addition, the system can be completed with a DP-INS (DP Inertial Navigation System) that provides an
independent solution to the DP system. This system has the ability to provide a solution at a rate of 5Hz
during a certain period even in case of failure of the main source of positioning. The DP-INS is based on a
Lodestar platform whish is an AHRS (Attitude and Heading Reference System) unit used to correct the
movements of the ships (Pitch, Roll, Heave and Heading) at the transceiver level where it is mounted and
making a AAINS (Acoustically Aided Inertial Navigation System). The Lodestar is aided by the acoustic
position and an initial DGPS positioning of one or more beacons to correct its drifts. The combination of the
short term calculation of the INS and of the stability of the Ultra Wide-band acoustic has an accuracy around
0.05% of the slant range. The system offers a high level of precision, an resistance to the perturbations and
a high update rate.
In addition to this system, the MRAMS (Marine Riser Angle Monitoring System) and the RPS (Riser Profiling
System) can be integrated in the Marksman system.

DP-AAINS USBL Predicted Performance

USBL Performance Prediction - Standard Head

MARKSMAN Surface Equipment

The NSH (Network Sensor Hub) provides power and RS232/485 and serial communication interface for the
external transceivers, the GPS, VRU, Gyro and other. It is also providing responder beacon trigger and a time
synchronization with external 1PPS GPS signal. It is also providing time stamp to signals coming from VRU, Gyro
and GPS. Various interfaces are provided by Sonardyne to accommodate various situations.
The front panel includes a reset button and various LED giving the status of the I/O, of the internal power and the
status of the power of the transceivers.
On the rear, you will find the connectors of the various interfaces, the plugs of the power supply and the On/Off

The Navigation PC is equipped with a floppy disk, USB ports and a CD-RW. Two fans are cooling the system. It
is connected to the NSH by means of a serial link. It is connected to a TFT 17' color monitor, a keyboard and a
mouse. It is a Windows based PC with the Marksman software installed. I will not reproduce here the copies of
the screen as the system parameters are similar but the interface is more intuitive.

Main Screen of the Marksman software


Ucost GBP Qty T Cost USD

Marksman system dual redundant 110674 1 178185

Lodestar AHRS 57783 1 93031

Lodestar AAINS 35000 1 56350
Lodestar bracket 403 1 649

HTP USBL Transceivers 44898 2 144572

C6 beacon 24890 9 360656

C6 DPTi 24890 2 80146

Spare parts:
HTP USBL Transceivers 44898 1 72286
Marksman 30000 1 48300

LCD Class C screen 4525 2 14571

LCD screen frame 908 2 2924

TOTAL 1051668


A Simple Explanation
The equipment, and hence the ship, knows where it is at all times.
It knows this because it knows where it isn’t. By subtracting where
it is from where it isn’t (or where it isn’t from where it is, depending
on which is the greater), it obtains a difference or deviation. The
DP system uses deviation to generate corrective commands to
steer the ship from a position where it is to a position where it isn’t.
The ship arrives at the position where it wasn’t; consequently, the
position where it was is now the position where it wasn’t. In the
event that the position where it is now is not the same as the
position where it originally wasn’t, the ship will acquire a variation.
The variation is the difference between where the ship is and where
the ship wasn’t. If the variation is considered to be a significant
factor, it too may be corrected by the DP. The ship must not know
where it was. The “thought process” of the DP is as follows:-
because the variation has modified some of the navigation
information, it is not sure where it is. However, it is sure where isn’t
and knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from
where it wasn’t (or vice - versa) and by differentiating this from the
algebraic difference from where it shouldn’t be and where it was, it
is now able to obtain the difference between its variation, this
difference is called the error .................

From Sonardyne manuals

1. Historic
2. Positioning methods: SSBL, LBL and MULBL.
3. HiPAP systems.
4. APC unit.
5. APOS software.
6. Transceiver units: x21, x81.
7. HiPAP transceivers: HiPAP 501, 451, 351.
8. Hull units.
9. Navigation frequencies: HPR300, HPR400.
10. Telemetry.
11. SPT and MPT beacons.
12. Battery lifetime.
13. Inclinometers option.
14. ROV Beacon.
15. cNode transponders.
16. Test units: TTC-400 and TTC-30.


SSBL method of positioning

The SSBL methods uses the calculation of range and directions

(bearing) to give a 3D position of the transponder relative to the
ship. Only one transceiver is required for this measurement. A
maximum of 56 transponders can be followed by the method. The
surface transceiver sends an interrogation pulse to the subsea
transponders which replies with a response pulse. The first
element of the transceiver that receive the signal is the reference
of time for the measure of phase of the other to evaluate the
bearing. The range is using the sound velocity and the time for the
When using a responder, the interrogation is send electrically via
an umbilical liked to the transponder (ROV).
The precision of the measure can be increased by using the depth
sensors of the transponder and include this value in the
calculation. The value is recovered by an acoustic telemetry or a
serial link.
Several transponders can be interrogated by using individual
interrogation and reply frequency.
The system determines the position of the transponders by
pointing a narrow reception beam toward the target. The beam is
digitally formed by using the input from all transducers. The
systems controls the beam dynamically so that it is always
pointing toward the target. The movements of the ship are
compensated by means of VRU and Gyro.

SSBL range calculation

SSBL phase calculation

LBL method of positioning
The LBL method requires at least one surface
transceiver and 4 to 8 subsea transponders. The
geometry and orientation of the transponders must be
know to get a position. This is done by a calibration
that's giving the relative position of each of them.
There are two methods of calibration:
- Baseline measurement: This method initiate an
automatic dialog between the seabed transponders
and a recovery of the ranges by means of the
- The online calibration: The method uses the SSBL
calculation to determine the position of the
transponders from the logs done by the system. Once
the positioning of the beacon is done, the system can
compute a LBL position and refine the positioning.
Once the calibration is done, the transponders will be
interrogated with a common frequency an reply on an
individual frequency after a turn around time delay.
From the calculation of the ranges and the result of the
calibration, the system can position the ship or any
other object relative to the frame.

Multi-Users LBL method

In the MULBL configuration, several vessels or ROV can

be positioned simultaneously and use the same array of
seabed transponders. This system has an high position
update of 2s and avoids frequency clashes.
An array of 5 beacons (maxi 8) is deployed on the seabed.
One will be the Master and the other the slaves. The
sequence of interrogation is as follows:
- At a regular interval defined by one of the vessel, the
Master interrogate the Slaves with the common
interrogation frequency.
- After a turn around delay the Master transmit the
individual reply channel of the transponders to be received
by vessel or ROV.
- The Slaves receive the interrogation of the Master and
reply on their individual frequency after a turn around time.
The systems will receive the response of the Master and
Slaves and compute a position from the range calculation
and the information of the calibration but it must also
compute the start of the interrogation to the start of
reception of the pulses. The vessels or ROV are just
If one interrogation is missed by a Slave it will answer
anyway as it knows the timing of the interrogation. The
timing will be resynchronized by the next interrogation.
This method can be used also to save the batteries of the
Master by sending interrogation a slower rate.

Typical HiPAP in drilling operations

Typical HiPAP redundant system

APCxx Unit
The APCxx PC is the users interface of the HiPAP systems. The
xx represents the version number of the unit. The PC is
communicating with the Transceiver unit by means of fibber optics
to receive information and set parameters in the system.
It is comprising the main CPU, a 19" LCD display, a keyboard and
a trackball.

The main functions of the system are:

- This unit is the interface to the DP unit. The calculated positions
are sent by means of HPR 300 or 400 telegrams.
- The LBL calculation is done on the APC whereas the SSBL
calculation is done in the transceiver unit.
- Ray bending calculation.
- Riser angle calculations.
- Position and angles alarms.
- Interface to survey computer.

Network from APC12 to

HIPAP Mk2 through
MOXA 510A Fiber switch

APOS software
All HiPAP systems (High Precision Acoustic Positioning) are operated by the APOS (Acoustic Positioning Operator
System) windows based software. The APOS can be organized with a single station or a network of stations and
integrated into the Kongsberg DP systems. It is the basic man machine interface software for running the applications
and making the interface for the positioning data and the transceiver. It is also including a DGPS input to get an
absolute positioning used during calibration or for time synchronization. The software is also including position and
angle audible alarms.
To this basic package, you need to add the specific software for the transceivers connected in order to be able to get
transponders and responders SSBL positioning, interface to the VRU and Gyro and give a possibility of simulation.
LBL and MULBL are other options and include the telemetry, the array calibration.
There also many other options available including the BOP riser angle option and BOP acoustic system allowing to run
hydraulic functions .

Transceiver unit x21
The HiPAP x21 transceiver unit can be connected to HiPAP 351 and HiPAP 101 transceivers only. It is the
interface between the APC user's interface, the acoustic transceivers, the optional synchronization signals
and the attitude sensors. But also:
- Electronic circuitry for the transmission of (acoustic) pulses to the transceiver.
- Amplifiers and filters for the reception of (acoustic) signals from the transceiver.
- Interfaces to external sensors, VRU (roll, pitch), gyro, course and heave.
- Serial line or ethernet link for communication with the APCxx Operator Station.

Mk2 Transceiver unit x81
The HiPAP x81 transceiver unit can be connected to any HiPAP transducers and can be used in redundant


HiPAP 501 HiPAP 451 HiPAP 351

- 241 transducers on 360Deg. - Same specs as HiPAP 351. - 46 transducers on 360Deg.
- View on +-100Deg from vertical. - View +-60Deg from vertical. - View on +-60Deg from vertical.
- Sectors of 10Deg. - Sectors of 15Deg. - Sectors of 15Deg.
- 500mm Gate valve. - 500mm Gate Valve. - 350 or 500mm Gate valve.
-Typical operating range ~4000m - Convertible to 501.
- Range detection accuracy ~0.01m
- Angle accuracy ≤0.12º ≤0.2%

Note: Old HPR418 transceivers a beam of +-22.5Deg in narrow beam and +-80Deg in wide-beam.


Narrow beam implies longer rand

and better noise suppression and
better accuracy.

This graphic summarize the performances of the HiPAP system depending the configuration. The HAIN is an inertial

LBL accuracy


The transceiver is by itself passive and do not contain any electronic but only the number of ceramics
associated to its model and linked to the transceiver unit x81 or x21 by 241 pairs of cables.
In the transceiver unit, the TRB (Transmitter and Receiver board) transfer the signals to the HTC (HiPAP
Transceiver Computer). The HTC includes a TMC (Transceiver Memory Control) that controls the
transmit/receive from the TRB cards by means of a DSP (Digital Signal Processor), collect all sample data
and communicate with a PC used for the signal digital signal processing and the communication with the
APC user's interface.

Transceiver unit

TRB and TMC Block diagram

From transducer



From TRB

The aluminum head is the part that creates the low and high
pressure waves in the water via a rubber coating. The head
is very light and transmits the vibrations very easily. Transmit Receive
There are a number of materials having the ability to convert
electric energy to acoustic energy and vice versa. Today
piezoelectric ceramics is the most widely used material. An
alternating voltage, applied to the electrodes on opposite
sides of a piezoelectric disc, causes the disk to vibrate and
thus radiate sound waves.
Vice versa if the piezoelectric disk is placed in a sound field,
the pressure waves set the piezoelectric disk into vibrations
and it generates an electric voltage across the disk.
The ceramic is selected with a resonance frequency similar,
or very close to, the frequency we want to transmit in the
water. In that way it takes smaller energy to maintain the

241 transceiver elements

Source Kongsberg
The hull unit allows to deploy the transceiver or retract it over the hull of the vessel. There are different models
fully motorized or not with a diameter of 350mm or 500mm depending of the transceiver used.

Source Kongsberg
HiPAP 500 Hull Unit details

The purpose of the hull unit is to enable the transducer to

be lowered out through the vessel’s hull to a depth below
aerated water and other sources of acoustic noise. If the
transducer head is deployed, the maximum speed of the
ship must be between 6 to 10Kn depending of the model.
Water depth must also be checked closely.
Source Kongsberg


- Clean the transducer heads depending the

- Grease the piston.
- Grease the seals.
Clean - Grease the motors.
- Check for leaks.
- Tighten electrical connections.
- Visual inspection.

Transceiver alignment
After the installation of the transceiver, it is necessary to determine the offsets relative to the reference axis
as it will affect the positioning. One must evaluate the offsets of:
- The transducer Roll/Pitch relative to axis,
- the Roll/Pitch sensors relative to the axis,
- the heading of the transducer relative to the reference heading
- and the transducer position.
The method of alignment is based on the record of the vessel position relative to a fixed seabed transponders
at the four cardinal points and at different headings. The result is supplied automatically by the system and
the correction applied. The picture is an example of result of such calibration.

HPR 300 and 400 navigation timings
There HPR 400 uses 24 frequencies and 56 combinations available, 8 are used for the interrogation and 16 for the
replies. The system interrogates the transponders by transmitting two pulses with frequencies representing the first and
second digit of the channel number. The addressed beacon replies with a single pulse whose frequency represents the
second digit of the channel number and the odd or even status of the first digit.. When the first interrogation pulse is an
odd number, the reply is 250 Hz higher than it is when the pulse is an even number. The system is interrogating the
transponders one by one and wait for the reply or a time out in case of no answer.
- Rx frequencies used are: 21000-24500 kHz.
- Tx frequencies used are: 27000-31500 kHz.
One must pay a particular attention to avoid frequency clashes between the vessel itself but also with other vessels to
avoid positioning problems.
In LBL, the Turn-around Delay (TAD) are programmed different in each beacons. This is the time between the beginning
of the first interrogation pulse and the reply. This timing is dependent of the geometry of the subsea array and of the
water depth. It is avoiding receiving the answers at the same time in the surface transceiver.

Example: B25 use 21500 (2) and 23000 (5) to interrogate and the beacons replies at the intersection of the second digit
(5) and the Even number of the first digit 30500.

The HPR 300 uses only one interrogation and one reply channel as per table in the next page.

HPR 300 and other Frequencies
HPR channel Interrogation freq Reply frequency Frequency Channel Frequency Channel
H1 1 20492 29762 21000 SSBL 1 IF 29000 SSBL 5 RF Even
H2 2 21552 30488 21500 SSBL 2 IF 29250 SSBL 5 RF Odd
H3 3 22124 31250 22000 SSBL 3 IF 29500 SSBL 6 RF Even
H4 4 22727 31847 22500 SSBL 4 IF 29750 SSBL 6 RF Odd
H5 5 23364 32468 23000 SSBL 5 IF 30000 SSBL 7 RF Even
H6 6 24038 27173 23500 SSBL 6 IF 30250 SSBL 7 RF Odd
H7 7 24510 27777 24000 SSBL 7 IF 30500 SSBL 8 RF Even
H8 8 25000 28409 24500 SSBL 8 IF 30750 SSBL 8 RF Odd
H9 9 26042 29070 27000 SSBL 1 RF Even
H10 11 square 21552 27173 27250 SSBL 1 RF Odd
H11 22 O circle 22727 28409 27500 SSBL 2 RF Even
H12 33 Delta 23923 29762 27750 SSBL 2 RF Odd
H13 44 X 25126 31250 28000 SSBL 3 RF Even
H14 55 Y 26455 32468 28250 SSBL 3 RF Odd
CCF 20000 20000 28500 SSBL 4 RF Even
Channels bandwidth: +-100Hz 28750 SSBL 4 RF Odd
Channel bandwidth +-100Hz

Frequency Channel
24300 LBL 1
24600 LBL 2
24900 LBL 3
25200 LBL 4
25500 LBL 5
25800 LBL 6
26100 LBL 7
26400 LBL 8
26700 LBL 9 CIF
Channel bandwidth +-100Hz

HPR 400 Frequencies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Interrogation 21000 21500 22000 22500 23000 23500 24000 24500

Second Digit
First Digit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Replies Odd 28750 29250 29750 30250 30750 27250 27750 28250
Even 28500 29000 29500 30000 30500 27000 27500 28000

First Rx Snd Rx 1st Rep First Rx Snd Rx 1st Rep

B12 21000 21500 29250 B51 23000 21000 28750
B13 21000 22000 29750 B52 23000 21500 29250
B14 21000 22500 30250 B53 23000 22000 29750
B15 21000 23000 30750 B54 23000 22500 30250
B16 21000 23500 27250 B56 23000 23500 27250
B17 21000 24000 27750 B57 23000 24000 27750
B18 21000 24500 28250 B58 23000 24500 28250
B21 21500 21000 28500 B61 23500 21000 28500
B23 21500 22000 29500 B62 23500 21500 29000 Note:
B24 21500 22500 30000 B63 23500 22000 29500 HiPAP system is not
B25 21500 23000 30500 B64 23500 22500 30000
B26 21500 23500 27000 B65 23500 23000 30500 compatible with HPR 300
B27 21500 24000 27500 B67 23500 24000 27500 channels:
B28 21500 24500 28000 B68 23500 24500 28000
B31 22000 21000 28750 B71 24000 21000 28750 B01 - B09, B11, B22, B33,
B32 22000 21500 29250 B72 24000 21500 29250 B44, B55.
B34 22000 22500 30250 B73 24000 22000 29750
B35 22000 23000 30750 B74 24000 22500 30250
B36 22000 23500 27250 B75 24000 23000 30750
B37 22000 24000 27750 B76 24000 23500 27250
B38 22000 24500 28250 B78 24000 24500 28250
B41 22500 21000 28500 B81 24500 21000 28500
B42 22500 21500 29000 B82 24500 21500 29000
B43 22500 22000 29500 B83 24500 22000 29500
B45 22500 23000 30500 B84 24500 22500 30000
B46 22500 23500 27000 B85 24500 23000 30500
B47 22500 24000 27500 B86 24500 23500 27000
B48 22500 24500 28000 B87 24500 24000 27500
Channels bandwidth: +-100Hz
In a HPR 300 system, the command system uses a combination of FSK and PPM. The commands are transmitted as a
series of tone bursts, two frequencies being required to transmit the range of commands to each transponder. These are:
- A Common Command Frequency (CCF) common to all transponders. The CCF is 20000kHz.
- An Individual Interrogation Frequency (IIF) specific to the particular transponder.
The command address information is contained in the delay between the CCF and the IIF signals. The command is
coded in the timing between the first CCF and the second CCF. Interrogation and command address are selected by
switches situated in the transponders units.

HPR 400 or HiPAP system are using the same method to send telemetry. The telemetry link uses a burst of seven
pulses, all with different frequencies (see table below), transmitted in a sequence to make up a message. Bursts are
310ms long and they are separated by a 1s delay. Telemetry frequencies used are: 25.000-26500kHz, at 250Hz
intervals. The first message of two pulses in the Bxx/Axx channels is the wake up. After 1s, the second burst is the
address of the transponder. It is followed after 1s by the command sent to the transponder (setting or request to answer).
The transponder answers with an Ok message. If the Ok is not received by the surface a time out error is displayed.
The coding principle is called “Factorial coding”, and has a total of 5040 combinations. Only 4096 of these are used for
defining a12bit message, while the remaining; 4097 to 5040, are spare. The spare combinations may be used for other
messages such as ASCII transmissions and special single messages. A complete telegram is constructed by sending
several messages in sequence.

Frequency Channel
25000 T1
25250 T2
25500 T3
25750 T4
26000 T5
26250 T6
26500 T7

CYMBAL protocol
In the cNode transponders can use the traditional signal modulated on to a center frequency of 25.6 kHz using QPSK
(Phase Shift Keying) mapping and a symbol rate of 4 kHz offering a resulting burst rate of up to 1710 bps. In addition
there are two low speed transport formats being part of the proprietary Cymbal protocol utilizing DSSS (Direct Sequence
Spread Spectrum) coding with burst rates on 200 and 470 bps. Interrogation and reply is done by a coded pulse of 35ms
duration. More than 100 channels are available.

The Cymbal Transponder channels are all unique.

- M01 – M52 are used for normal Transponder positioning.
- M53 and M54 are dedicated for ACS500 system only.
- M55 - M57 are used for special options.
- M57 – M64 are used as LIC-channels in LBL operation.

Source Kongsberg
CYMBAL protocol
Interleaved Positioning and modem function:
The HiPAP Transparent Modem is a software function in HiPAP that enables the user to make use of the HiPAP system for two-
way acoustic communication between the user’s top-side computer and the user’s subsea system. A cNODE Modem is
connected to the user’s subsea system. The central part of this function is to interleave acoustic data communication between
the positioning signals to avoid overlapping signals in the receivers.

General Functions:
• Interleaving positioning and communication
• Single topside system for positioning and data transfer
• Continuously transmission
• Applies a beam forming antenna for data communication
If the HiPAP has no positioning tasks ongoing, it will use all available time to perform the modem function. If positioning is
ongoing, (SSBL or LBL) the time will be shared between positioning and communication. The user can configure the time period
the HiPAP shall use for positioning.
Ex: If the time period is set to 10 seconds, the HiPAP will then perform positioning for 10 seconds and then allow one data
message to be sent and received; this may last for up to 2 seconds in addition to the two way travel time in water.
HiPAP is often used for position reference in DP application, and will maintain the position update rate to the DP while performing
acoustic communication.
HiPAP will act as a master and it will always send a request for data to the cNODE and wait for the reply. The cNODE cannot
transmit data without receiving a request first; the HiPAP will not listen for messages without sending the request first.
The user can control the modem for various communication profiles, power, serial number and channel for the subsea cNODE
Modem. This can be done via menu in APOS or via Ethernet.

Multi Sub Band:

The Cymbal acoustic protocol includes operation in several frequency sub-bands. Telemetry executes in the same sub-band as
the selected transponder interrogation and reply occurs. This simplifies the frequency management of the system and eases
multi vessel operations.
Each sub-band consist of 56 positioning channels and 6 LBL interrogation channels. A total of 560 unique channels for
positioning along with 60 unique LBL interrogation channels are available.
In a modem application, the interrogation channel is used to wake up the mode from sleep mode.

CYMBAL acoustic data communication protocol overview
Communication Profiles:
A acoustic communication system must handle the above limiting factors in the optimal way. The
problem is that there exists no optimal solution for all conditions. It is necessary to have different
communication profiles that can be selected for various scenarios. The various communication
profiles uses different signal processing algorithms.
The below table shows an overview of the present available profiles used in HiPAP and cNODE

APOS Application PC



CYMBAL frequencies

STP & MTP transponders
All transponders can work with its own battery or being supplied by an external source. They can also be
interrogated acoustically or electrically when they are connected via a cable to the surface.

SPTxxx (SSBL Positioning Transponder)

This model is usable only in SSBL and supports a limited capacity of telemetry.
The following applications can be used with the STP only:
- Inclination (marking / I - St).
- Differential inclination (marking / II - St).
The following basic options are available: /R indicates a release, St a stainless steel body.

MPTxxx (Multipurpose Positioning Transponder)

This model can be used in SSBL and LBL methods.
MPT 319 transponder is to be used if the ambient noise level on the vessel is low. If the noise level is high, a MPT
331/DuB might be used.
The opening angle (cone) of the MPT 319/MPT 339 transponders is ± 90°(hemispherical).
The transponder type MPT 331/DuB has got dual beams (DuB). One beam pointing upwards during positioning,
while there is a horizontal beam during base line measurements. The opening angle (cone) for the vertical beam
is ± 15°. The horizontal cone (doughnut) is ± 15°.

The following applications can be used with the MPT only:

- LBL positioning.
- Self positioning.
- Range measuring.
The following basic options are available: /R for release, /DTR indicates depth, temperature measurement and a
release system, St indicates an stainless steel body. DuB indicates a double beam.

The first number of the xxx indicates the frequency band 3=30 kHz, the second the maximum depth 3=3000 m,
the third the beam angle. 1=+-15Deg, 3=+-30Deg, 9 =+-90Deg.

STP & MTP transponders and beam pattern

Source Kongsberg

Approx Ø178 mm
1140 Approx
mm 1630

Ø178 mm

Ø125 mm Ø125 mm
RspSx 110 Vac

Ø178 mm
SPT 331/II

225 mm ~9 m cable


STP & MTP transponders block diagrams
Receiver circuit board Transmitter circuit board


Rx amplifier matching board

Source Kongsberg
Each HPR transponder is identified by a ring specifying a code BXY giving the interrogation and reply
addresses. X is the number on the top of the ring and Y is the lower number (I) in the drawing. The
battery is also specified with a dot in front of the type (II). The switches S2 and S3 of the CPU board are
setting the interrogation and reply frequencies.
The references of the transponders (name, registration number and serial number) are also written on
this ring. They may be useful to report problems and for the diagnostic.

Source Kongsberg
Battery data Lithium:
- Battery Type no. L10/36 (15/40).
- Maximum continuous on-time 180 days.
- Quiescent time 930 days.
- Number of replies, low source level 6.4 million.
- Number of replies, max source level 1.6 million.

Battery type Transponder type

L 10/36 (15/40) SPT 331
MPT 331
L 10/40 (3/11) MPT 139/DTRspSx 110 Vac
MPT 339/DTRspSx 110 Vac
SPT 331/RspSx 110 Vac
L 10/40 (3/11) special cabling SPT 133/RspSx 110 Vac SU
L 10/50 - (12/42) MPT 139 series
MPT 339 series

Example: L10/36 (15/40)

The example given L10/36 (15/40), therefore indicates that this is a Lithium battery, with Rx voltage = 10 V / Tx
voltage = 36 V. The Rx section comprises 15 battery cells, and the Tx section comprises 40 battery cells.

Note: Battery status is lost when battery is disconnected. Mark it before disconnecting.

Shelf lifetime:
The batteries may be stored for up to 10 years with little loss of capacity. The losses are approximately: 1st year -
3%, Next 9 years - 1.5% per year.


Battery lifetime in operation Battery lifetime in quiescent state

Source Kongsberg
Battery lifetime dependent factors
- How often you interrogate the transponder.
- One ping when only positioning.
- Two or three pings when pulse positioning mode used.
- Seven pings for each telegram burst when frequency shift keying used.
Source level:
- The higher source level the more battery power is used.
- The source level can be set in 4 different steps from the operator station.
Pulse length:
- The longer pulse length the more battery power is used.
- The pulse length can be set from the operator station.

Source Kongsberg
Transponder battery lifetime depends on Tx- and Rx- usage as they have separated battery. Select the lowest of both
values to find the lifetime. You can read the battery status from the operator station. Kongsberg has a spreadsheet to
calculate the battery lifetime.
Tx Battery Lifetime:
Battery capacity given as reply pulses, referred to high source level.
Ping count reading from APOS, show consumed battery.
Source Level Factor: Max:0,5, High:1, Low:2 , Min:4.
Update rate as read in position overview in APOS.
Total reply pulses sent at each position update.

(Battery capacity − ping count reading) x S.L.Factor x ( Update Rate )

Reply Pulses
Tx Battery Lifetime =
24 hours x 60 min x 60 sec
Rx Battery Lifetime:
Check capacity – Rx % used.
Rx capacity (days) as in transponder manual and APOS help.

(100% − Rx% used) x Rx capacity (days)

Rx Battery Lifetime 

SPT and MPT Transponder Release system
The release function of the stainless steel bodies is described below. It is initiated in the APOS
software of the HiPAP system. When activated, power is applied to the DC motor within the unit. This
rotates the locking shaft one turn, and is stopped by a micro-switch when it has completed the
revolution. One revolution takes 15 seconds, and within this time the hook will have been released.
You must ensure that the shackle is at the right position during the rotation. Once released, the
transponder will be lift and float at the surface by means of the buoyancy.
The length between the transponder and the weight must be 2m minimum to avoid it to hit the weight
when reaching the seabed, longer if the seabed is bumpy to ensure line of sight. D-shackles must be
used on the release system and not directly soft ropes to avoid blocking the system. When dropping
overboard take into account the current as transponder may drift.

DRAFT Source Kongsberg

Example of transponder deployment methods

Buoy + beacon
17 to 23Kg in air

70Kg 1000m
100Kg 3000m

Source Kongsberg
SPT Remote inclinometer
The remote inclinometer is connected to a SPT transponder by means of a 9m cable. Both
must be oriented to the forward of the ship. Use the FWD marking on the body to do so. TOP
The top of the remote inclinometer is the connector side.
If used on a BOP, the remote inclinometer will be situated above the flex joint and the SPT
situated on the LMRP. If the SPT is mounted above the flex joint and the remote below,
there is an option to set in the APOS system. The handles must always be oriented up.
The APOS software must have the Riser Angle monitoring option installed to be able to
display the angles and differential angle values and to initiate the alarms. The electrical
riser angle of the BOP is usually associated with this option. In this case the values are
coming from one of the BOP panel by means of a RS232/422 serial link. The system can
handle a Cameron, Hydril or NL format.
Cameron format:
$RIY,,e,bb.bbb,e,cc.ccc,e,dd.ddd,e*ff<CR><LF> +X
Hydril format:
Maximum detectable angles:
HPR 300 channels +-15 deg.
HPR 400 channels +-60 deg.

HPR 300 channels - pulse position telemetry 0.25 deg.
HPR 400 channels - pulse position telemetry 0.1 deg.
HPR 400 channels - full telemetry 0.02 deg.
Accuracy, standard sensors 0.25 deg.

Source Kongsberg
Riser Angle Calibration in DP system

Before using the angles, you must first select what you want in the ERA
(Electric Riser Angle) settings window (select all) and tick the Activate
check box.
Then select the ERA display.
URI is the Upper Riser Angle,
Blue & Yellow R & S are the electrical Roll & Pitch angles.
DIFF is the vertical differential between the URI and the lower beacon
of the LMRP or Stack angle.

APOS Riser Angle monitoring option

Riser Angle Calibration in DP system
You must calibrate and zero the electrical angles Blue and Yellow angles and the URI before the connection of the
BOP in the following menus of the DP console. The calibration is done usually a few hundreds of meters from the
surface where the BOP is hanging and stable. Verify the accuracy of the values before validating.

All MST (Mini SSBL Transponder) transponders can be supplied by there internal NiMH rechargeable battery
or by an external source. They can also be interrogated acoustically or by means of a cable connected to the
surface equipment. Unless other specification they have all an aluminum body. They can work with all
channels of the HPR400 and 300.
The battery life is 840Hours in quiescent state and 18Hours at a rate of 1 interrogation/s. The recharge time
is around 180min. The transponder will enter the slip mode if there is no interrogation after 65s.
The channel selection is selected by two switches on the top of the transponder.

1 External trigger/ LED 1

2 Ground 2
3 Charger power 3
4 External power/charger LED 2
5 On/Off 5

cNODE transponders for HiPAP and HPR
cNODE is a new family of transponders for underwater acoustic positioning and data link.
They have more than 100 channels available, and can all be positioned by HiPAP underwater
positioning systems. Each underwater target to be positioned must have a transponder or a
responder installed. The transponder operates acoustically while the responder requires a
cable for triggering. The new cNODE range of transponders are backwards compatible with
the older FSK channels and telemetry protocols and can therefore be used by any HPR400
and HiPAP systems.
Key features
The various cNODE models have either 4000m or 7000m depth rating. They have different
source levels, dependant on the beam pattern, lifetime, and functions. The new cNODE
transponder family can use both traditional frequency shift (FSK) modulation technique and
the new Cymbal acoustic protocol which utilizes wideband Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
(DSSS) signals.
Cymbal and compatibility
The new cNODE range of transponders are compatible with the older HPR400 and HiPAP
FSK channels and telemetry protocols. The new HiPAP 501/451/351/351P/101 systems can
also optionally work with the Cymbal acoustic protocol for more accurate positioning and high
speed data link (up to 8000 bits/second). Ranges can be measured with 0,01m accuracy and
over longer distances due to more energy in the signals.
The cNODE concept has a modular construction such that the transducer, transponder
electronics, battery pack and optional add-on’s can be replaced individually. The Floating
collars have been redesigned and are very user friendly and secure in use. The HiPAP MF
systems (not HiPAP 101) may also position Diver Emergency Channels A and B, but at a
reduced range, typical max. range 1000m.

Picture cNODE Family from left: Maxi 34-30V30H-R, Midi 34-180 and Mini 34-180

From Kongsberg documentation

Transponder range capabilities

TTC-400 and TTC-30 TEST UNIT
Both the TTC-400 and the TTC-30 test give the possibility to check and configure the transponders in
surface before the deployment.
The TTC-400 is for HPR and HiPAP system only.
The TT-30 is for all systems including the latest Cymbal technology and the cNODE transponders.

Source Kongsberg
APOS main display
Menu bar

Mobil positioning

Toolbar Alarm bar

Positioning view 1 menu

(Polar view) 2 toolbars
Numeric view 3 selectable views
Positioning 1 status bar
toolbar 1 alarm bar

View 1
Status bar
Normal navigation status bar

Inclination view Downloading configuration

to transceiver

Problem on HiPAP transceiver

View 2 View 3
You have also Training mode
APOS main display contextual menus
In each zone of the screen you can select the contextual menu by using the right click. The top part of the menu
corresponds to the options of the particular view and the bottom to the selection of the view in the three corresponding

APOS main views
While right clicking on one of the three zones of the main screen, you can select any option proposed in the lower section
of the menu. The options specific of the options will appear in the contextual menu when you right click in the section.
Usually, the three first are used in zone 3 and the two last for 1 and 2.
The trends view is used mainly or the diagnostics.

Contextual menu

1 3
Numerical view

Trends view

Inclination view
Polar view UTM view Cart view

APOS display menus

APOS events and alarms
View -> Alarms
We have Dynamic and Static alarms depending of the
timing of occurrence. You can have Warnings, Info or Alarms Events
Alarm status. The right click allow the validation of the
- Position timeout.
- Outside wanted position. Alarm circles (usually set in DP
- Transponder sensor missing data. No answer since a
- Geographic position time difference . GPS and station
have different time.
- Uncontrolled group Main_HPR. Check your network.
- Network error Net A/B.

View -> Events

In this view, the Blue icons are for information and the
Yellow must be check with attention.
Several events can happened. The best is to check in the
Help of the APOS to identify the causes of the Yellow
icons and find a solution.
- Noise: check the origin of noise. Improve S/N.
- Attitude or Att, VRU or Gyro: check the Gyro or VRU.
- Convergence: means a problem to calculate the LBL
- TMC or Fifo: check your transceiver.
- Filter deviation, no or few replies, missing pulse,
ambiguity: indication problems of communication.

APOS create Markers
View -> Markers
This menu allow to place markers directly on the screen
to identify all kind of things useful for your operations:
pipe lines, cables, structures, well head etc…
The marks can be drawn by points, circles and triangles.
The points allow to draw any kind of structure by hand by
clicking on the screen and finishing by a double click.
Circles and triangles are defined by the origin of the
point on the screen and a diameter.
The position can be local (USBL range) or
Easting/Northing position.
Different colors can be assigned.
You can also import a definition files from a CAD or
formatted text format.

APOS positioning overview
Positioning -> Positioning overview
In this view you will see all the transponders available
with their type, status channels.
You have the possibility to do the same thing than on the
three last menus by clicking on the right buttons.
By clicking on each transponders, you can make the
following actions:
- Display the position windows. The display will
corresponds to the coordinate of the view selected
(E/N, R/B, X/Y).
- Properties of the transceiver and transponders.
- Position Box-in to locate the transponder in
geographic coordinates.
- Center the display around the transponder. Graphic symbol
- Set name.
- Filter to predict the position of the transponder. Low
values for a fast object and high for slow or heavy
- Set the history track duration and number of
- Set the position alarms that will be triggered if the
transponders goes outside of limits. Colored circles
will be displayed on the screen. History track
- Graphic symbol will allow selecting the symbol of the
object (ship or beacon).

APOS positioning cont'd
Filter settings Position alarms


Polar Cartesian UTM

APOS initial System settings
System -> Default parameters
The changes in this page are common to all transponders. It is easier
to change them here that in each transponder.
The maximum range is used to reject signal received too late. It must
be higher than the highest slant ranges to the beacons. This is a way
to eliminate reflected signal as they are received late and the range
calculated is above the maximum range.
The power of transmission and telemetry are mainly dependent of the
water depth.

Note: the slant range is the direct distance between the seabed
transponder and the surface transceiver head.

System -> Sound velocity

The sound velocity is important for the calculation of the positions. In
see water, it is around 1500m/s. If you have a sound profile, you can
use it but it is requiring measurement tools.
You can use formulas to calculate the value at this level with the
temperature, salinity and water depth for the pressure.

- Transducer is used to calculation the angles of reception near the

- Mean is used for the calculation of the range to the transponder.
- Seabed is used for the calculation of the LBL array at the seabed.

APOS initial Configuration settings
Configure -> Output…
This page defines the output format or directories.
You can configure each line by selecting the tabs and
use the right click to see the options.
All formats must be adapted to the setting of the
peripheral that will use it.

APOS select System geographic positioning
System -> Geographic Positioning Setup
This menu allow the correction of the WGS84 GPS to
the local geodetic zone. The selection of the UTM zone
can be manual or automatic. You can create your own
datum by pressing the right click of the mouse.

The Input datum is usually WGS84 (GPS).

The Presentation datum or output is the one used to
send telegrams to the DP system. Ensure that you
have not a double correction when sending to the DP
The position of your GPS antenna relative to the
reference of the ship must entered here.

APOS transceiver settings

APOS create new positioning transponder
Positioning -> New SSBL positioning wizard
- Enter the serial number of the transponder.
This number is necessary for the telemetry.
- Enter the channel.
- Select the transponder type:
HPR400 MPT for LBL
- Select option of transponder: release,
responder or beacon.
- Select the sensor if any.
- Click Next when finished.

APOS create new transponder Cont'd
- Select the transceiver to use. Default is the preferred
- Click Next.
- Select the maximum distance. Use default if it set
correctly. This value must be higher than the slant
range from the surface transceiver to the beacon
(direct distance between the transceiver and the
- Select if you want to activate the transponder now.
- Select the interrogation interval. Never select update
rates quicker than the 2-way travel time of the signal.
- Select if the transponder is fixed or mobile (ROV).
- Select Finish to save.
- A new Icon with the channel of the transponder Bxx
will appear in the position toolbar on the left of the

To deactivate a transponders, right click on the icon and

select delete. The icon will disappear.
To remove a transponders, select Configure ->
Transponder, right click on the transponder and select
Always save you job in the File menu.

APOS create new transponder Cont'd
If your transponder is including a sensor, the function may be activated or not by answering to the following questions.

SSBL settings
Positioning -> SSBL Positioning
The basic page is most of the time enough for the majority of Limited mode
the case. You can select if the transponder is active and the
interrogation interval.

In the advanced page, this page you need select:

- The channel and serial number of the transponder to
- The transponder type. Advanced mode
- Remove the Default check mark and select the transmit
transducer if required.
- The Max range must be higher than slant range.
- The interrogation rate must never be quicker than the two
travel time.
- Select if the transponder is fixed or not. The elements of
the positioning array used for the DP are fixed. A riser
angle can be fixed. All other mobiles like ROV, TMS, lines
are mobile.
- The transponder can be activated or not.
- The transmission power can stay to default.
- Position Offset is used only if you want to see a position
relative to the beacon on the screen. This is the case if you
want to see the well head and your transponder is on the
side of the structure.
- Heading indicate a direction arrow on the transponder if the
information is available from an external source.
- If Z locked is selected, a manual depth or a depth coming
from a sensor can be used to improve the positioning.
- Deskew can be select to compensate for the ship to
transponder relative movements by using a Kalman filter.

APOS inclinometers

LBL settings
Positioning -> LBL positioning
- Select the positioning object.
- Select Activate to start the LBL positioning.
- Select the Interrogation interval. It is in the best
case as the timing is affected by the distance, by
the turn around time and the SSBL interrogations
that take place between the LBL.
- Select the interrogation and reply transducer.
Usually Default.
- Select the Default transmission power.
- Select the Max Range. Use the default already set
in System -> Default parameters. Must be higher
than the greater slant range of the array.
- Select the shape of the beam depending of the
geometry of the array.
- Select Auto Exclude to let the system work for you.
- Deselect Deskew in DP mode if the ship is not
moving. Select if you follow a ROV.
- Select All available ranges and Angles.

Loc 1 to 5 correspond to the different transponders

selected to be part of the array. When range and
angles are selected, there is a combination of
LBL/SSBL to calculate the position. Angles are
affected by the slant range but not the ranges.
Angles are more useful in shallow water if you have a
good MRU.


USBL/SSBL is commonly used down to 600m and operates with a minimum of one transducer (which transmits and
receives) and one transponder which receives and transmits ). Normally two of each are used for redundancy. Accuracy
is around 0.25 to 0.5% of water depth.
USBL/SSBL measure the distance to the transducer and the angle at which the signal is received using the relative
phase of the signal.

SBL currently operates down to 3700m, and requires a minimum of three hydrophones (receive only) and one
transponder (in pinger mode). Normally 4 to 6 hydrophones are used and two transponders for redundancy. Accuracy is
0.15% of water depth.
SBL measures the relative time difference of signal arrival at the hydrophones from three beacons.
For both SBL and LBL the calculation is essentially a three dimensional distance calculation which requires what
surveyors call three Lines of Position (LOP). If you know the Depth or Z value of all beacons and transducers
accurately, then you can calculate in two dimensions and with two LOP's.

LBL is currently used up to 3700m and requires a minimum of one transducer (transmit and receive) ad three
transponders (receive and transmit). Normally two transducers and 4/5 transponders are deployed for redundancy.
Accuracy depends on calibration but is generally sub meter <1m, irrespective of depth.
LBL measures distances from three transponders.
For both SBL and LBL the calculation is essentially a three dimensional distance calculation which requires what
surveyors call three Lines of Position (LOP).
If you know the Depth or Z value of all beacons and transducers accurately, then you can calculate in two dimensions
and with two LOP's.

NASNet the latest generation system synchronizes the clocks in the transponders and requires one hydrophone and
three transponders (in pinger mode). Accuracy is less than 2m at the surface irrespective of depth.

Since both NASNet and in fact RS925 SBL in pinger mode are "listen" only systems, they are in fact multi-user and
avoid acoustic SiMOPS issues.

Typical Nautronix redundant system

Display Control Unit (DCU)
The Display Control Unit (DCU) is the touch
screen operator's control unit for the RS925
system. The is were are performed the setup of
the system and the daily operations. It is
processing the data of the surface transducers
coming from the SPU via the RS485 link. The
DCU compute the information to give the position
of the beacons and of the ship. The riser angle is
also calculated in this unit.
The positions and riser angles values are
displayed on the screen and sent to the DP
The unit is connected to a Gyro and to a VRU.
The VRU is used to compensate the pitch and roll
movement of the ship. It is connect via a RS422
NMEA 0183 input. A 100ms update rate is
The Gyro is connected to the DCU via a NMEA
0183 serial link. It is allowing to correct the
position calculated and give an absolute
orientation of the ship.
Any VRU or Gyro may be used but they must be
adapted if different of those recommended. Three
of each can be connected to the unit but there are
not used at the same time.

Surface components
Display Control Unit (DCU):
It is the touch screen operator's control unit for the RS925. See explanations in the previous page.

Signal Processor Unit (SPU):

The function of the SPU is to detect and condition the signal received from the surface
transducers. The signal are processed and send directly to the DCU to calculate the positions.

Hydrophone switching box:

This unit is used to share the acoustic transducers of the NASDrill RS925 acoustic positioning with
the NASeBOP BOP acoustic control system without disruption.
In this configuration of the next page, you can perform a BOP function test or activate the ADS
from the topside unit. The Hull transducers must be selected manually to EBOP on the Switch box.
In this case the positioning is stopped on the selected hydrophone. In normal operation the
selectors must be in SPU1 or SPU2, but not both in the same position.

Power amplifier:
The power amplifier convert a signal send from the SPU into a high level signal that is transmitted
to the surface transceiver where it is converted into acoustic frequencies.

Signal Processor Unit (SPU)

SPU modules

Timing & Control Unit (TCU)

or Multiplexer card

Analog and digital IO card


Signal Conditioner Unit (SPU)

Digital Signal Processor (DSP)

Digital Signal Processor


Digital Signal Processor


Digital Signal Processor

Hydrophone switching box

Hydrophone switching box

Power amplifier

EBOP operations from topside unit

Switch box

Riser Riser

Profiler Profiler


Alarms T


Hydrophone 1 Hydrophone 6

Bridge topside unit Note: Never select the same

position on both switches.
One of the switches must be
RS925 Hull positioned on EBOP, the other
transducers stays on SPUx to continue the
Acoustic path positioning.

Split head Split head

transducer Acoustic POD


Surface transducers

Receiver hydrophone

Interrogation hydrophone
Directional or Omni directional interrogation hydrophones

FLEXI Maxi beacons assembly

ARM battery

FLEXI beacon hardware

FLEXI beacon battery pack
The battery pack contains two sets of batteries: Tx 24V and Rx 12V. The beacon is operating at
16V for the Tx and 8V for the Rx.
FLEXI beacon can use different types of batteries but the Nautronix uses only Alkaline batteries.
The minimum cell voltage is 1V. There are different options of batteries:
- 10 layer, 1/9 Configuration: 1 Rx Layers, 9 Tx Layers.
- 10 layer, 2/8 Configuration: 2 Rx Layers, 8Tx Layers.
- 6 layer, 1/5 Configuration: 1 Rx Layer, 5 Tx Layer.
- 6 layer, 2/4 Configuration: 2 Rx Layers, 4 Tx Layers.
Battery life is around 200days for one Rx pack (400 for two). The lifetime is also very dependent of
the way we use the beacons and of the following parameters:
- Power: high, low or medium.
- Range: long or short.
- Transit rate: response interrogation rate, pinger period.
- Frequency: omnidirectional beacons use more power to transmit at high frequency. Use the
lowest frequencies.
- Temperature: beacons are made to work at 4DegC which the average value at seabed. At
24DegC, the life time is decreased of 14%.
- Self discharge of the battery during storage will affect the lifetime.
- The age of the battery is affecting the lifetime. They must be replaced every 1 year.

A battery pack for an ARM equipped beacon is fitted with lithium batteries to power the ARM
actuation (release system). There are two sets of lithium batteries; each set has a connection plug.

FLEXI beacons deployment methods

ADS2 technology
Nautronix acoustic system uses a proprietary Acoustic Digital Spread Spectrum (ADS2) signal to
communicate. This technology improve the performances if we compare with the Analogue Tone
system or the FSK or Chirp system that were already an improvement. This technology is used in
the electromagnetic domain of among other the cell telephone to improve the power of the
transmission, the immunity to noise, the multipath rejection and the discrimination of the signals.

ADS2 Signaling Techniques ADS2 Benefits Over

Traditional Signaling Techniques
Quadrature modulation/correlation Improved Accuracy for positioning systems

Unique M-sequence spreading codes for signal Improved robustness of telemetry for control and
integrity monitoring
Matched filter output energy is concentrated in a Ideal for both shallow and deep water applications
interval much smaller than pulse duration (pulse
Low frequency (centered around 10 kHz) enables Highly robust in multipath environments
maximum range to be achieved
Payload data rates are kept low, as majority of data Reduced interference
rate is used to ensure integrity
Improved range capability

Interrogation frequencies 0.92 to 13.1kHz

Interrogate Freq (Hz) Type Beacon Ident

9200 CIF 4A -4F
9500 CIF 5A-5F
9800 CIF 6A-6F
10100 IIF2 1A-1H,2A-2H,3A-3H,4A-4F,5A-5F,6A-6F
10400 CIF 1A-1F
10700 CF1 1A-1H,2A-2H,3A-3H,4A-4F,5A-5F,6A-6F
11000 CIF 2A-2F
11300 CIF2 1A-1H,2A-2H,3A-3H,4A-4F,5A-5F,6A-6F
11600 CIF 3A-3F
11900 IIF1 1A-1H
12200 IIF1 2A-2H
12500 IIF1 3A-3H
12800 IIF1 4A-4F, 6A-6B
13100 IIF1 5A-5F, 6C-6D

CIF = Common Interrogation Frequency

IIF = Individual Interrogation Frequency
CF =Command Frequency

Reply frequencies 22 to 27Khz
Reply Frequency (Hz) Type Beacon Ident
22000 IRF ROV
22200 TRF1 ROV
22400 IRF ROV
22600 IRF 1G,2G,3G
22800 IRF 1B,2B,3B
23000 TRF1 ROV
23200 IRF 1C,2C,3C
23400 IRF 1H,2H,3H
23600 IRF 1D,2D,3D
23800 TRF1 1H,2H,3H
24000 TRF2 1G,2G,3G
24200 TRF2 1H,2H,3H
24400 IRF 1E,2E,3E
24600 TRF1 1G,2G,3G
24800 IRF 1F,2F,3F
25000 IRF 1A,2A,3A
25200 TRF1 1A-1F,2A-2F,3A-3F,4A-4F,5A-5F,6A-6F
25400 IRF 4A,5A,6A
25600 IRF 4B,5B,6B
25800 IRF 4C,5C,6C
26000 IRF 4D,5D,6D
26200 IRF 4E,5E,6E
26400 IRF 4F,4F,6F

IRF = Individual Reply Frequency

TRF =Telemetry Reply Frequency
Telemetry signals
Single telemetry: The t1 and t2 time delays will be between 20 and 60 ms.

Telemetry signals

Differential sensors telemetry:

1 Opening subsea containers.
2 Lithium batteries.
3 High voltage and EDS protection.

As a general rule, always be careful when opening a subsea container where pressure has possibly build
up or is trapped inside. Never open the container in front of the part that can be ejected by the pressure.
You must also wear safety glasses and preferably gloves.
In the case of a transponder, a failure on a Lithium battery may lead to an important pressure inside the
container and to the spreading of corrosive material.
You may also have trapped pressure in case of leak on the container that has compressed the air inside.
Pay a particular attention when the beacon has failed, has been shocked or after a long storage with
battery connected. Do not transport the equipment in this conditions. When a Vent port exists use it to
release the pressure in a ventilated area with all necessary precautions (Lithium extinguisher Class D).
Check also the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet). In all cases follow the instructions of the supplier.

Lithium based battery becomes hazardous when exposed to water or air (explosion or
corrosion). When exposed to these conditions, they can liberate thionyl chloride. You must
always have the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) available when manipulating such
batteries. The main information is following but in all cases consult your MSDS for full
instruction in case of problem:

Do not short circuit, recharge, puncture, incinerate, crush, immerse, force discharge,
charged or expose to temperatures above the declared operating temperature range of the
product (70DegC operating, 20DegC storage). Risk of fire or explosion. The Lithium-Thionyl
chloride batteries described in this Safety Data Sheet are sealed units which are not
hazardous when used according to the recommendations of the manufacturer.

Accidental release:
Remove personnel from area until fumes dissipate. Do not breathe vapours or touch liquid
with bare hands. If the skin has come into contact with the electrolyte, it should be washed
thoroughly with water. Sand or earth should be used to absorb any exuded material. Seal
leaking battery and contaminated absorbent material in plastic bag and dispose of as
Special Waste in accordance with local regulations.

In case of fire, use only metal (Class D) extinguishers.
The transport of Lithium batteries is restricted and must follow the specific regulations.
The disposal of Lithium batteries must also the specific regulations. Do not burn Lithium

Some part of the electronic of the beacons may contain high voltage during operation or stored
in the capacitors in particular in the PCB linked to the transducer.
You must take the necessary precautions to cover these cases and avoid the inadvertent
discharge of the capacitor during the dismantling.

All electronic components of the beacons and in particular CMOS are sensible to ESD
(Electrostatic Discharge) and may be destroyed if precautions are not taken to avoid them.
This is including a specific grounding, special ESD working carpets, do not wear static closes
but cotton or other special material, use special ESD shoes, no latex gloves allowed, do not
use plastic bags but antistatic bags, do not use tools with plastic handles and be carefull to dry
environment where voltage can rise quickly.
The "IEEE Std C62.47-1992 IEEE Guide on Electrostatic Discharge: Characterization of the
ESD Environment" may help to protect your environment against ESD.


Document Date Creator Comment

PHJ205-0 22 Oct 2011 JUNG Ph Initial
PHJ205-1 19 Dec 2011 JUNG Ph Sound diagram, reorganization, menus, diagrams
PHJ205-2 23 Dec 2011 JUNG Ph Ranger MRams, Started Kongsberg but missing information
PHJ205-3 1 Jan 2012 JUNG Ph Marksman, safety
PHJ205-5 11Oct2019 JUNG Ph Cymbal frequencies

ACC Acoustic control command unit INS Inertial Navigation System
ACS Acoustic control system IRF Individual Response Frequency
AHRS Attitude and Heading Reference System IRS Individual Response Signal
AiL Acoustic interface logger LBL Long Base Line
APC Acoustic Positioning Computer LF Low frequency
APOS Acoustic Positioning Operator Station MF Medium frequency
BOP Blow out preventer MRU Motion reference unit
CH Channel MULBL Multi user long base line
CIF Common Interrogation Frequency MULBL Multi-User Long Base Line
CIS Common Interrogation Signal OLS Offshore loading system
Compatt COMPuting And Telemetring Transponder PME Position Measuring Equipment
COS Common Operator Station ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
CRF Common Response Frequency RSP Responder
CRS Common Response Signal SAL Single anchor loading
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System SBL Short base line
DP Dynamic Positioning SDP Simrad dynamic positioning
DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum SDV Shut down valve
DVL Doppler Velocity Log SONAR SOund NAvigation & Ranging
ERA Electric Riser Angle SPM Single point mooring
FLP Floating loading platform SSB Sub sea buoy
FPSO Floating production, storage and off-take SSBL Super Short Base Line
FSK Frequency Shift Keying SSLBL Super Short and Long Base Line
FSU Floating storage unit STL Submerged turret loading
GPS Global Positioning System TAT Turn Around Time
HAIN Hydro acoustic Aided Inertial Navigation TD Transducer
HiPAP® High precision Acoustic Positioning TMS Tether Management system for ROV
HPR Hydro acoustic Position Reference TP Transponder
IIF Individual Interrogation Frequency TRC Transceiver
IIS Individual Interrogation Signal VRU Vertical reference unit
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
- Sonardyne acoustic course.
- Kongsberg acoustic courses.
- Nautronix acoustic courses.
- Introduction to physical oceanography, R. Stewart 2006.
- M395P005 source of noise in water, John A. Hildebrand 2009.
- Submarine Acoustic Imaging Methods, OMG, Hughes Clarke 2010.
- Regional oceanography an introduction, Matthias Tomczac, Elsvier, 2005.
- Introduction to physical oceanography, R.H. Stewart, Texas A&M, 2004.
- Sonar equation, Bernard Guillée, 2010.
- Underwater Acoustics and Sonar, J. Tucholski, 2006, US Navy.
- Acoustic Positioning, IMCA S013.
- Spread Spectrum, ir J. Meel, 1999, De Nayer Institute.
- FHSS versus DSSS, Sorin M. Schwartz.
- The PSK & FSK modulation, 1999, Boca, CLUJ-NAPOCA University.
- IHO Hydrographic manual C-13, 2011, IHO.
- PHJ229-0 Introduction to positioning, 2012, JUNG Philippe.
- PHJ091-6 GPS an introduction, 2012, JUNG Philippe.
- PHJ211-5 Introduction to DP systems. JUNG Philippe.



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