"Low Carbon and Energy Conservation": in The Name of God

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In the Name of God

“Low carbon and energy conservation”

Name of the team: Green Peace team

Group members: Aysan Jam’ee, Zahra Javaheri Tafti,
Reyhaneh Sharafkhan
Country: Iran
School: Farzanegan 5 Secondary School
Name of Supervisor: MS. Marzieh Abedi

In this article, our team has tried to find a way to reduce carbon in the earth and prevent global
warming climate change.

First, we will give you a general definition of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that has caused many
problems for humans.

Carbon dioxide is an essential gas for the earth and maintains its temperature, but the excessive
consumption of fossil fuels by humans has led to an increase in the earth's temperature, which will
have catastrophic effects.

There are several ways to prevent this from happening. According to the research that we did, and
among the methods of carbon-capturing (in which carbon produced from fossil fuels is absorbed
before being released into nature to reduce carbon emissions), the biological method is one of the
best options. This method uses organisms to absorb carbon.

Another method proposed by our team is the use of biomass, which is obtained by photosynthesis
through the reaction between atmospheric carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight. Biomass has many
benefits, and we will make the most of harmful waste by using it, although it has disadvantages that
can be solved and it looks like it helps carbon dioxide increase in the earth like fossil fuels, it doesn’t.

In addition, social, economic, and political solutions can prevent this from happening. Because
society and people have the greatest impact on this.

Keywords :Carbon dioxide, global warming, climate change, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS),
biomass, community
Table of Contents:

Work process

What is carbon dioxide?

Global warming and climate change

What is carbon-capturing?

Carbon capture and storage steps

Renewable energy

Introducing biomass

Economic solutions

Social solutions

Political solutions

Work process:

The work process of the team started with online meetings and continued with face-to-face
meetings. We first started with research on basic and effective topics related to the carbon issue and
its reduction, and then shared these issues in meetings and we studied the files and content placed
on the site, we planned. The files were distributed among the team members so that each person
could read and understand the file and the content assigned to her and send the summary of the
stated contents as a file to the other team members. In the meantime, we wrote the questions for
ourselves in a file and also designed some good and appropriate questions. We wrote the questions
asked in the contents of the site and the questions that came up and were designed, and by dividing
them, we found the answers to the questions according to the summaries of the studied files and
conducted research in reputable articles and sites. After the work was done, we shared our ideas
and opinions about the final project with the members in a meeting.

Then, for 8 days, we participated in online group meetings for 2 hours a day and advanced the idea
of the final task, and answered the questions that each member had during the project. Finally, in a
face-to-face meeting, we developed PowerPoint and the article, and finally, work was done to
prepare the film and complete the article as a group.

What is carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. This gas is ineffective in small
amounts but is very dangerous when in increases by human activities.

Carbon dioxide is an important gas because it is used by plants in the process of photosynthesis and
is converted to oxygen and carbohydrates.

But what are the properties of greenhouse gases? These gases make it habitable by increasing the
thermal efficiency and keeping the earth’s temperature constant. Sunlight enters the atmosphere as
ultraviolet and visible light, and some of the solar energy is emitted into space as infrared or
heat. Nitrogen and oxygen, which are large parts of the atmosphere, do not absorb much
heat. But greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor) capture a good
amount of longwave radiation (heat).

Carbon dioxide is also the body's main hormone and maintains blood pH and provides oxygen to the
body's cells.

Therefore, carbon dioxide is a vital gas and without it, life is not possible. But the human activities
that increase it cause big problems such as global warming, air pollution, and climate change.
Global warming and climate change:

As mentioned, greenhouse gases stabilize the earth's temperature and prevent heat from escaping
from the earth. Global warming and climate change are now being created by increasing human
activities and creating a greenhouse effect and the weather patterns are falling apart.

But what are the consequences of this?

As the Earth's temperature rises, so do the ocean and the water level rises, and glaciers and ice
sheets melt.

With the bad weather conditions that are created, droughts, floods and high temperatures are
created, which leads to damage to agricultural products, habitat destruction, economic issues, food
problems, diseases, and so on.

Deforestation, using fossil fuels, overusing air conditioning and refrigeration, increasing agriculture
increase greenhouse gas emissions, leading to global warming and climate change.

What is carbon-capturing?

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a set of technologies that can reduce emissions of carbon
dioxide (CO2) prevent climate change. The main idea of CCS is to capture CO2 which is produced by
burning fossil fuels before being released into the atmosphere.

1. Biological methods of carbon capture:

The basis of this method is to use microorganisms to capture carbon dioxide and produce
renewable fuels such as biofuels, food production, and medicine .Eukaryotic and prokaryotic
bacteria are organisms that can be useful in absorbing this substance. The benefits of
biological capture of biotech products such as bioplastics, pharmaceuticals, and biofuels
and ... can be named.

This removal method CO2 occurs in chlorophyll, known as the process of photosynthesis.
Chlorophyll is a photosynthetic pigment that converts CO2 in the presence of natural light
(sunlight) or artificial light to glucose.

Benefits of using microorganisms to capture carbon dioxide:

• Fast production
• High photosynthetic conversion rate

• High capability for environmental treatment purification, such as bio-stabilization of CO2

• High capability for producing a wide range of products

• An easy way to improve genetics

• The potential for industrialization

2. Capture and storage process (capture and storage of CO2):

• Carbon dioxide-capturing

• Carbon dioxide transferring

The availability of infrastructure for the safe and reliable transfer of CO2 is essential for
CCUS to establish. The two main options for large-scale shipping CO2 are by pipeline and
ship; however for short distances and small volumes of CO2 It can also be transported by
truck or rail but at a higher cost per ton CO2.

Pipelines are the cheapest way to transport CO2 in large quantities on land and they are at
sea depending on distance and volume. Transportation by pipeline has been done for many

• Storage circle of carbon dioxide

3. Conversion and using of captured carbon dioxide in various materials:

But what happens after carbon-capturing and storage? Carbon dioxide can be used as input
for a wide range of products and services. In some areas, using CO2 in products requires
chemical and biological transformations, but some areas do not.

Today about 232 million tons of CO2 is used worldwide every year, mainly to produce
chemical fertilizers (about 525 million tons per year) and to increase oil recycling (about 72
to 82 million tons per year). Other commercial usages of CO2 are the production of food and
beverages, cooling, water purification, and greenhouses. New routes for using CO2 include
fuel (using carbon in CO2 to convert hydrogen to synthetic hydrocarbon fuel), chemicals (use
of carbon in CO2 as an alternative to fossil fuels in the production of some chemicals), and
building materials (use of CO2 in the production of building materials to replace the water in
concrete or as a raw material in its component.
Usage of carbon dioxide

Renewable energy

Renewable energy is energy that is generated from natural processes that are continuously
replenished. This includes sunlight, geothermal heat, wind, tides, water, and various forms of
biomass. This energy cannot be exhausted and is constantly renewed .So why don’t we use
renewable energy instead of fossil fuels? Well, the price of renewable energy is high and
governments don’t have the infrastructure to do this. But we tried to introduce renewable energy
which its price is lower than others and also it can more easily be used.

Introducing Biomass:

Biomass is a biological substance originally obtained from photosynthesis through reactions

between atmospheric carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight, while its stability as a raw material is an
excellent source for the production of biofuels and Or chemicals without carbon emissions. Through
the process of photosynthesis, the chlorophyll in plants absorbs the sun's energy by converting
carbon dioxide in the air and water from the earth into carbohydrates. When these plants burn, the
same energy is released into the air they receive from the sun.
So when these plants and animals burn, they are converted back to carbon dioxide and water and
release the sun's energy that they have gotten. Thus, it can be said that biomass is a renewable
energy source because we can always produce more crops and plants and there will always be a
waste. This source of renewable energy will last forever as long as biomass is produced. Examples of
biomass include plants, crop residues, wood chips, corn, and some types of waste.
Biomass itself contains chemical energy. Therefore, when you burn wood, which a biomass fuel, the
chemical energy inside, is released in the form of heat. It can also be used to generate steam, which
can be used to provide electricity. Using biomass for energy can reduce waste and can also help
reduce landfills. As costs increase, people are trying to turn to more biomass and fewer fossil fuels.

Impact of biomass on global warming:

Biomass may appear to be contributing to global warming, but actually, it’s not. Plants receive
carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air. When these plants rot, they burn and release carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere. When these crops are replanted, new plants of the same CO2 Used to
be produced by burnt plants. In this way, biomass does not contribute to global warming. However,
if the plants are not replanted, the biomass may be release carbon dioxide and it helps to cause
global warming.

Biomass is the only carbon-neutral electricity from waste organic produce, which you could be
burned in the landfill or dumped in the woods just relieved to make the fire burn out.

5. Energy from the sun is transferred and stored as chemical energy in plants. When plants
are cut or die, wood chips, straw, and other plant materials are delivered to the biogas plant.

2. When biomass burns, it releases energy in the form of heat. If you have a fireplace in
your home, then you are currently using biomass because burning wood is a type of
biomass fuel.

3. Plants or other forms of biomass wood waste to generate steam burn.

4. The steam energy is directed to the turbines through pipes.

5. Steam rises to power turbines that eventually generate electricity or heat for homes and

Advantages of biomass fuel:

5. Biomass is a clean energy source:

Because biomass is a source of clean energy, it is excellent for the mother of nature and

2. Of one of the great benefits of biomass energy is to convert harmful waste into useful

3. Biomass propagation is not harmful.

4. It is a renewable and supply-rich resource

Since biomass products originate from living sources and their life cycle is complete, as long
as living creatures are available on earth and someone is available to convert living elements
and waste into energy, they won’t be finished.

5. It is versatile.

Disadvantages of biomass fuel:

5. It is relatively inefficient compared to fossil fuels:

Some biomass fuels are inefficient for consumptions such as fuelling cars and generating
electricity. For example, ethanol can’t be used alone for car’s fuel. And because of this
percentages of it are always mixed with gasoline and then used.

2. Biomass combustion requires a lot of space:

Burning biomass products requires a large plot of land for easy incineration. Because it emits
gases such as methane into the environment, it is usually produced in remote areas of
human habitation.

Our solution: To solve this problem, you can use dry and desert areas, or areas that are

3. Using trees and their products is an inefficient way to power cars.

Biomass not only uses a lot of fuel to perform tasks similar to traditional fuels but also
damage the environment. The of timber needed company for the collection of the amount
to meet the energy needs of a country or setting up a power plant should be a significant
part of forest clearing. This habit eventually leads to huge changes in the topography of an
area and interferes with the natural habitats of most plants and animals.

Our solutions: Two solutions can be offered to solve this issue:

5. Biomass is not just supplied by sources such as wood. It is supplied from the wastes of
factories, houses, and materials like them. Therefore, in order not to speed up the
process of cutting down trees and prevent deforestation, a percentage of the required
fuel can be provided from sources such as factories and houses, and another percentage
from wood and plants.
2. Pollution caused by biomass burning can be eliminated using technologies CCUS, And use
the program we presented in the same project to absorb carbon dioxide and use carbon
dioxide .

Economic solutions
Ways to fund

 Development of tourism in the country to obtain funding

 Using biomass to supply organic matter for agricultural lands and creating agricultural
prosperity through this and finally food trade
 Creating employment in connection with environmental protection
 Some of the technologies produced for using biomass and carbon–capturing and
environmental protection can be exported to other countries.

Social solutions

How to influence the community:

 Compilation of official books by the government for schools to teach lessons on the
environment and carbon emissions in the educational years. (The level of content presented
varies from year to year and becomes more advanced over time .)
 Forming a series of organizations to work in social media and real-life to create values about
environmental protection among ordinary people in the community and promoting these
values and creating a series of motivational factors among people to care about
environmental protection. ( In general, influencing people through the media )

Political solutions

 Our solution is that each country establishes a basic organization to monitor environmental
affairs and activities, and these organizations should be governmental so that both the
government is coordinated with these organizations and the affairs of the country are not
harmed and the people will better be able to communicate with these organizations.
 Enact laws to support active environmental protection organizations.
 Laws should be enacted to monitor the use of fossil fuels to control the consumption of this
type of fuel.

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