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Module 2 A.

THE DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC FINANCE 1) Protection of the people, the territory and sovereignty from outside
INTRODUCTION aggression. As the state was undergoing its initial state of formation under
The development of the state was a product of developing public finance the slave empires, it was subjected to constant aggression within and from
institution. Changes in concepts of what should be the functions and outside. At the same time, it had to do evil aggression to eliminate its
responsibilities of the state have to a large extent shaped concepts of what neighbors expand its frontiers and consolidate its territories. Ancient public
the goals of public finance ought to be. For after all, public finance raises finance was, therefore, characterized by enormous public expenditure for
and spends revenue for the functions of the state. These functions have defense and aggression. The provision and maintenance of armies and
been changing with the development of society. Thus, tracing the navies were basic allocations of the public purse. As a matter of fact,
development of public finance institutions necessitates an examination of writers claim that public finance started with war activities. This was the
the development of organized society itself. largest single item of expenditures in ancient times. Regimes were literally
The history of public finance in the Philippine setting is traced from the driven into bankruptcy because of war expenditures. War was such a
primitive period, that is, prior to the arrival of the Spaniards in 1521. The frequent preoccupation that peace has been defined as “an uneasy period
era of the Spanish administration which lasted for nearly four countries, between two wars.”
traces the developments under a colonial ruler. The coming of the
Americans, by virtue of the Treaty of Paris of 2898, relates the start of 2) The preservation of internal peace and order and security and the
United States influence on Philippine public finance. The development is administration of justice. Considering the fact that a vast majority of the
then seen through the Commonwealth, the Japanese occupation, the early population might rebel any time, peace and order for the ruling minority
period of the Republic, and contemporary developmental strides. As in the was a primary concern. The administration of justice, of course, was for
case in the worldwide development of public finance, Philippine public the free citizens and not for the slaves. Security, within and without, can
finance started from simple tributes to finance personal expenses of the therefore be considered as the main function of ancient governments; it
ruler and has since developed into the complex instrument designed to therefore followed that much of public finance was poured in its activity.
attain accelerated economic development that it is today.
3) The maintenance of a state religion. Religion helped stabilize and
PRIMITIVE SOCIETIES rationalize the ruling order in slave empires. It therefore played a major role
in justifying the slave system. In slave empires, as in Egypt, the rulers were
The origin of public finance institutions was probably start with the considered gods and goddesses; they were looked upon as human
beginnings of the state under the slave societies. During the primitive manifestation of deities and were considered religious as well as temporal
stage, there was no public finance. People were living by acquiring foods leaders.
through hunting or fishing, indicating they are living on a subsistence basis,
with hardly any surplus. Whatever was acquired from hunting and fishing 4) The maintenance of the king and his household was deemed the
was immediately consumed. Battle over territories, the capture of defeated inalienable right of the sovereign. It was the people’s obligation to
tribes who were turned into slaves, the development of settled agriculture provide him with revenues and he, to spend such (as a divine obligation),
and rudimentary advances in the production of goods led to the great slave for anything he deemed good for the public welfare.
empires of Asia, Africa and Europe.
The early public finance institutions of these slave societies served as 5) The state concerns included limited goods and services like the
foundations for modern institutions and practices. distribution of free grain in times of famine as in Rome, public recreation,
The role of public finance, became linked with function of government. To and physical education.
protect and maintain the state system, the government had to perform B. Revenues
several vital functions. Among the most basic of these functions: To finance its public functions: the state imposes and collect revenues
1) to the slave ordinarily limited to lootings and tributes from conquered Spain imposed tributes or taxes upon Filipinos for its survival and
peoples, war chests, fines, and direct taxes imposed on non-citizens of the benefit. In year 1569, the fist Spanish Governor-General to the Philippines,
State or on conquered peoples. The vassalage taxes imposed on Miguel Lopez de Legaspi commenced the strict collection of tributes from
conquered provinces and donations or gifts from the wealthy citizens of the the Filipinos. The tribute was payable in kind or produce of the soil at the
state. official price. Several years, they levied a low duty of 3 percent on goods
2) Imposes taxes in times of emergency. from the orient and 2 percent on goods from Mexico purely for revenue
3) Gifts of some citizens purpose.
4) Public domain particularly from agriculture and mines With the beginning of the era of mercantilism, the direct trade with Spain
5) Poll tax levied on Egyptians male populations and non-Roma citizens was curtailed, the volume was restricted and all goods had to be sent to
engaged in business Mexico. Other trade restriction was enforced locally in the Philippine and
6) Tax on inheritance the result was that the Spanish treasury was obliged to make good serious
7) Higher tax rate for childless couples and unmarried individuals deficits in the Philippine government budget, Spain annual contribution to
the Philippine treasury was accelerated.
Budgeting was exercised because of the need to allocate public revenues Prior to the coming of American in 1898, the taxes imposed and collected
for specific purposes. Since the public budget was emerged with the king’s during the Spanish regime were:
purse, there was no distinction between the public and the king’s private 1. Specific duties on all imports
expenditures. 2. Surtaxes for harbor improvements
D. BORROWINGS 3. Ad valorem taxes on imports
Public borrowings and debt management were unheard of. Although there 4. Consumption taxes on certain imports
was already a form of money lending, the ancient state did not borrow 5. Miscellaneous charges, and
money even in emergencies. It only solicited gifts or levied limited taxes. 6. Export duties.
The ancient state was relatively self-sufficient and public expenditures Internal revenue derived from the following sources:
were usually borne by the citizens and non-citizens without recourse to 1. Industrial taxes
loans. 2. Urbana taxes
3. Stamp taxes
PRE-SPANISH PERIOD 4. The sale of certificates of registration (cedula)
The monarchial form of government during the early period is known as 5. The public domain
The barangays were independent and governed by rulers, called datus or 1. Tariff duties and internal taxes imposed by the Spanish
rajahs who enjoyed the unconditional loyalty of the people. The Government were continued for some time.
relationship between the datu and his subjects was direct. The subjects 2. The enactment of a United States income tax law in 1913 brought
paid a tribute, called buiz, from the crops that they gathered or raised. They forth income taxation in the Philippines.
also rendered personal services to the ruler by assisting him with his wars, 3. Phil. Income Tax Law, Act No. 2833 dated March 7, 1919,
exploits, and various miscellaneous services, such as cultivating the ruler’s embodied the rates and exemptions of the 1916 US income tax
land. In return the ruler-maintained peace and order and assisted his law.
subjects in obtaining the necessities of life. Some members of the 4. June 15, 1939, comprehensive taxation came into the Phil. With
barangay, like the nobles and freemen were exempt from paying tributes the enactment of the National Internal Revenue Code,
and from rendering services to the ruler except in case of war Commonwealth Act. No. 466., which contribute much to the
SPANISH PERIOD general fund of the national government even up to present.
JAPANESE PERIOD (1) receiving deposits from all government offices – national,
1. While, the Japanese authorities imposed various new or radically provincial, city, and municipal,
increased sales and luxury taxes and license fees, the printing of (2) It paid all government obligation by cashing treasury
Japanese war note, was resorted to for running the government. warrants drawn by the various bureaus, offices,
2. Before the Japanese occupation, total Philippine money supply, instrumentalities and subdivisions of the government
currency and demand deposits, never exceeded P300 million, less (3) in charged with the receiving deposits from the government
than 1/20th of the amount the Japanese placed in circulation, using offices – national, provincial, city, and municipal, and
the lowest estimate. (4) receipt and custody of all funds pertaining to national
3. It is of the interest to note that the National Assembly of the collections, including legal including legal disbursements,
Japanese-sponsored Philippine Republic authorized the creation cash management and forecasting with a view to avoiding
of a Central Bank which did not actually come into being. deficits and enabling the treasury to obtain cash under
favorable terms and conditions, and the provision of funds
EARLY YEARS OF THE REPUBLIC for pensions, retirements and gratuities, loan repayments
1. During the Spanish period, the government had a centralized and sinking fund contributions and interest payment.
budget. The annual budget was prepared in Manila and was sent 7. One of the landmarks in the Philippine monetary setup and public
to Spain for approval by the Minister of the Colonies. It included the finance is the establishment of the Central Bank on June 15, 1948,
estimated receipt and expenditures of the central, provincial, and Section 115 of Republic Act No. 265 which states that Central Bank
municipal governments for the year. shall act as the fiscal agent and banker of the Government, its
2. During the early years of American sovereignty, the Philippines pollical subdivision and instrumentalities.
Commission approved the annual budget of the government. 8. The period 1949-1951, various developments happened, namely,
Under the Phil. Bill of 1902, the Phil. Assembly and the Philippine a) Imposition of import controls to check the drain
Commission exercised this power jointly. This law provided that in on the international reserve and to shift the
case the 2 houses (the Senate and Congress) should disagree and pattern of imports from consumer to capital
no budget was approved for a given year, the budget of the goods,
preceding year was to be followed. This budgetary system was b) Licensing of all imports,
patterned largely after the English System and was introduced in c) Imposition of selective credit controls, and
the Philippines, 1917. d) Adoption of a flexible system of exchange
3. Under the Jones Law, the Governor General was required to control.
submit to the Philippine Legislature, within 10 days after the 9. The government sector was a major factor in the maintenance of
opening of its regular session, a budget of receipts and economic
expenditures to be used as the basis of the annual appropriation (5) stability in 1952-1954. Changes are as follows:
bill for the national government. • 1952, a surplus was realized
4. The budgetary system of the national government is governed by • 1953, Government had opportunities to
the Constitution. prosecute development projects:
5. The contents and procedures in the preparation of the budget are a) Tax exemptions law, amending Republic Act No. 35,
provided for in the Budget Act of 1937, Commonwealth Act No. providing more
246, and the Revised Budget Act of 1954, Republic Act. No. 992. (6) Effective instrument for accelerating industrial
6. The Bureau of the Treasury is one of the oldest bureaus of the development.
national government. From 1901 until the creation of the Central b) Creation of Tariff Commission was enacted.
Bank in 1948, The National Treasury was the depository of all the c) Republic Act No. 1000 authorizing the issuance of bonds
funds of the government. It was charged with the: up to
(7) P1billion to finance public works and economic
development projects, launching a 3-yearperiod of heavy
deficit spending.
* 1954, large expenditure outlays for economic development were
a) Retail Trade Nationalization Law was passed on June 19, 1954,
allowing the Filipino to engage in retail trade, except those who were
already in the business at the time the law was passed

* 1955, the Laurel-Langley Agreement which revised the 1946 Trade

Agreement with the US, known as Bell Trade Act was formalized. Under
this revised agreement, Philippine tariffs on US goods beginning January
1956 willrise rapidly than US tariffs on goods coming from the
* 1957 saw the adoption of various measures to curtail inflationary
pressures as well the adoption of austerity measures in the government
sector. The ceiling for domestic bond issues were reduced and the
government cut expenditures to bring down the level of total
spending to more manageable proportions
9. To consolidate the overall stabilization program was drawn up in March
1959. The most important features of the plan which subsequently
authorized by Congress was the imposition of a margin levy of not more
than 40% on the sale of foreign exchange by the Central Bank. The law
came into effect in July, 1959 with the rate set at 25%.
The tax was expected to achieve three objectives:
(1) to act on the excessive aggregate demand by reducing the disposable
income of individuals and business firms.,
(2) to stabilize fiscal operations by making available a portion of the tax
revenue to reduce the deficit, and
(3) to reduce the pressure on the international reserve by raising the cost
of imports and services purchased abroad.

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