Grade 2-Unit2-Lesson 4

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2.4 plants' habitats

Plants live in different places called habitat
Each habitat has its own special conditions that suit each plant
And each plant has special feature that help it to adapt and survive in its habitat
Examples of different habitats:

Desert habitat
--Desert is very hot habitat with very little water
-Cactus is a plant that live in desert that has a thick stem to store large amount of
water and very long deep roots to reach the water in the deep ground


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Science Department

Water habitats
We have different water habitat like (river side – ponds – sea)
The plants that live in these habitats have:
- Flexible stems move with water
- Floating seeds and leaves

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River side habitat:

Reeds is a plant that live on the side of the river and has flexible stem

Pond habitat
Pond is like a small lake that has different plants live in it like pondweed

-Pond weed has flexible stem goes with water so it won't break

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Sea habitat:
Some plants live in the sea like sea weed it has flexible stem to go with the water
and it doesn't have roots in order to have a free movement with the water

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2.4 Questions :

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