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The Earliest Americans Early Mesoamerican Societies Early South American Societies

Hunted big game and later The Olmec designed & build The Chavins established
fished and gathered berries and pyramids, plazas, and powerful religious centers &
plants monumental sculptures created influential artistic styles
Lived in small groups, as they They developed ceremonial The Nazca & Moche developed
had to move continually in centers, ritual ball games and a extensive irrigation systems for
search of food ruling class farming
Eventually developed farming Olmecs directed a large trade They crafted intricate ceramics
and settled down into large network throughout and textiles and other
communities Mesoamerica decorative art
Developed various new skills, The Zapotec built a magnificent
including arts and crafts, urban center at Monte Alban
architecture, and social and and developed early forms of
political organization hieroglyphic writing and a
calendar system
Gradually forged more complex

Source: World History: Patterns of Interaction by Beck et. al, HMH. p.250.

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