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Grade Pre-School Date 09.02.

Level Beginner Time 30 min
Topic Greetings and Meetings
Aims To be aware of alphabet, words and phrases connected with Greetings and Meetings;
focus on writing letters.

Objective To learn alphabet’s letters, practice in writing them and words.

Outcomes Look at the pictures. Write the missing letters and color the pictures.

Timing Activities Notes Materials
10 min Task 1. Read phrases and Good day, children! My name is Book, p. 6-7
their translation. Maria. I am your English
Task 2. Listen the rhyme teacher. Today we are beginning Cards with words
and repeat. an interesting journey so called
Task 3. Look at the cards. English Language. We are
Match words with their going to learn how to greet our
translation. friends and make new ones.

The first thing is greetings…

15 min Task 1. Look at the Now, you know how greet your Alphabet Chart
pictures in the Alphabet friends, how to ask their names
Chart. Listen and repeat. and age. Worksheet
Task 2. Listen to the ABC The next step of our journey is
song and complete the to learn English letters. Every
line. language has their own
Alphabet. Do you know what
Task 3. Trace the the word Alphabet means? (It is
alphabets letters. chart or line where letters
standing in the special order).
Task 4. Look at the
pictures. Write the missing Learning Alphabet helps you to
letters and color the read and write English words.

5 min Task 1. Watch the video. Now we are going to watch the Worksheet for song
Put in missing words and video and listen to the song…

H/W Practice in writing cursive letters. Write phrases which we are learning.

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