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Safety Protocol during Physical

Activity Participation -

Overexertion Improper posture

This refers to the detrimental cause Over exertion can occur when you
of excessive training. Some individuals push yourself too hard physically. It is
engage in too much physical activity. the third most common cause of
accidental injuries in the united states.
Some exercise and athlete often push
themselves too hard in their pursuit in
high-level performance. Thus, they are
susceptible to variety of hyperkenetic Carrying too much weight
conditions known as overload syndrome.
This condition is characterized by Be mindful if you are not used to
fatigue,irritability and sleep problems as carrying heavy loads. When you carry
well as increase risk of injuries. something that is over your capacity, you
are risk of overexertion.

Using worn out tools

If you don’t have enough room to
move properly for the task at hand.

Working in an improper place

When tools became worn out, you

How overexertion happens may have to hold them improperly or
There are few different ways you can use more force.
overexert your muscles. Overexertion
can happen at home or at work. Any
time you are lifting something or doing
an unusual physical activity, you should Repetitive motion
pay attention to how you are moving
your body. Doing the same movement over and
over without enough break time puts you
at a higher risk of.

There are few different ways you can

overexert your muscles. Overexertion can
happen at home or at work. Any time Preventing overexertion
you are lifting something or doing an
There are many things you can do
unusual physical activity, you should pay
both at home, at play, and at work to
attention to how you are moving your
prevent overexertion.
Warm up
• When putting down a heavy object,
Before doing physical activity, stretch bend with your knees so you squat to
and move your body to warm up your put it down instead of hinging at the hips

Ask for help

When dealing with a bulky or heavy

item, ask someone to help you or, if no
one is available, try to take multiple
trips to carry heavy items instead of
trying to carry them all at once.

Take small breaths Raised work tables to

waist height
When doing repetitive motion or a lot
of lifting, take a lot o small breaks. Even a • If you work table is too low, you may
break of 20 seconds to stretch the put yourself at risk of over-exertion from
muscles you are using can be helpful. bending over too much

• Raise your work table to the height to

avoid this
Lift properly
When lifting anything, it is
important to have proper posture and
form. Follow these steps to avoid

• Stand close to what you are lifting.

• Place your feet wide apart to give

yourself a solid base.

• Bend your knees instead of your hips

and back.
Maintain your tools or get
• Tighten your core muscles to help you a new ones
lift the object.
Use tools in good condition to
• Use your muscles to lift, not your back avoid overexerting yourself.

• Don’t twist your body while holding

something heavy. Turn your whole
body, including your feet. Your nose and
toes should always be pointing in the
same direction while lifting.
Use available equipment
to move heavy objects

If available, use tools meant for

lifting assistance. this could be anything
from a lifting belt that gives you more
core support, to machinery that lifts
items for you and carries them where
they need to go.

Avoid carrying things that

are too heavy
Everyone’s limit for how much they
can carry is different. if you do not
regularly carry heavy objects or work
out, what you can safely carry may be
less than someone else. listen to your
body, and ask for help when needed.

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