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The Legend of Rice (Ang Alamat ng Palay)

Rice fields (Philippines)

When the world was still new, the rice plant has no value. It was just a mere grass. It
has no grain or fruit. It doesn’t do anything but to kiss the wind all day long.

One day, it happened that the Chinese goddess Kuan-yin went down to visit the Earth.
In her excursion, she saw that everywhere in the four corners of China are people dying
of hunger. Her soft heart cannot endure the pain and poverty that she sees and it
seems as though her heart will melt with pity. She took a deep breath and said, “Aiya,
Ai-ya, I need to act and help these people.”

She silently observed her surroundings. She took interest in a worthless rice plant which
sprouted in the alley. She approached it and said, “I will use this humble plant to help
my poor people.”

She opened her robe and exposed her white bosom. She squeezed her right breast
with her hand and let out drops of milk of life to the rice plant’s panicle. She also
squeezed her other breast and let the milk drop on the plant’s empty hulls.
milled rice

She squeezed her breasts until there’s no milk coming out anymore. She prayed, “Oh
merciful heaven, bless me with a little more drops of milk.” She massaged and
squeezed her breasts again until she saw that some drops are coming out but it is
mixed with blood. The goddess gave all that she can. She was glad to see that all the
panicles became full of rich rice grains.

“Oh noble plant, may your panicle overflow. May we harvest a lot to eliminate hunger in
this land.” After she has done her duty, she happily came back to the heavens.


This is how the rice plant yielded its first rice grains. There are varieties which produce
white rice as white as Kuan-yin’s milk, and there are also some which yields reddish rice
as a reminder of the blood mixed with the last drops of the merciful goddess’ milk.

The Legend and the Short History of Pila, Laguna

Once upon a time, before the Spaniards came to the Philippines, in the northwest part
of Laguna, which is now the town of Victoria, you will see the original location of the
town of Pila. It was known then as “Pagalangan”.

Pila, Laguna at present


57 years after Magellan discovered the Philippines, Reverend P. Juan de Florencia was
appointed as the first Parish Priest of the town under the Royal Decree. It was at that
year too when the first church in the town was established and San Antonio de Padua
was chosen as the town’s Patron Saint.

In the year 1606, the first printing press in the Philippines was established in this town.
This was led by Don Tomas Pinpin and Domingo Laog. In 1618, through the efforts of
Franciscan priests, the first hospital for Spanish officials, soldiers, and priests was
Since then, the town of Pagalangan has been the stopping destination of prominent
Spanish officials. Don Antonio Maglilo was appointed as the first town Executive and
served for 18 years since 1696.

Based on another book of legends, Laguna Bay was so narrow that the crowing of the
rooster from the other side of the lake shall be clearly heard from the other side.
Because of its narrowness, it has a tendency to overflow during the rainy season and
flood the nearby places. Due to the frequent flooding since the 17 th century, the parish
priest was forced to relocate the church to a much higher place.

A heated dispute about the relocation site of the church has arisen between the two
most prominent dynasties of the town, the Rivera and the Relova. Don Regino Relova y
San Antonio wants the church to be relocated to his Barrio San Francisco for the reason
that it is the town’s center based on the map. Don Felizardo Rivera, on the other hand,
insists that it should be moved to his hacienda in Barrio Bulacan, Sta. Clara on the
condition that the residential lands around the plaza will stay under his name. He
offered the parish priest an agreement that if the church shall be relocated to his site, he
and his family, up to the last generation, will take charge of the renovation and
maintenance of the church. The parish priest agreed to this and signed a contract.

Through the leadership of Don Rivera together with the clans of Oca, Ruiz, and de
Castro, the planning of the reestablishment of the town of Pagalangan was organized.

One very hot day, while the Franciscan priests were inspecting the relocation site of the
church, they discovered that the new site is called Villa de Pila. From then on, the town
was named as Pila.

The Legend of Liliw, Laguna (Ang Alamat ng Liliw)

The town of Liliw was known before as “Magguap”. It was established in 1571, 50 years
after the Spaniards had set foot on the archipelago. Liliw’s location is relatively high,
standing about 1,200 foot above the ground. Gat Tayaw was the one who established
the town of Liliw. He has a monument now at the heart of the town.


Gat Tayaw is the eldest son of Gat Tapaya. He led the town for 34 years. In that span,
he has divided the town into 4 barangays. He has appointed Bansalan to take charge of
Ilaya, Barangay Oples to Mandig, and Little Liliw to Pascual Humanda and Liliw Grande
to Don Juan Masulong.
Gat Tayaw's Monument

When the town was first established, Gat Tayaw has called for an assembly for the
selection of the name of the town. The townspeople placed a bamboo pole at the center
of the municipality and posted guards around. People can come to this outpost and
suggest names. On the 7th day, a bird perched at the bamboo pole and sang “ILIW,
ILIW, ILIW”.  The oldest one among the guards shouted “Liliw, Liliw, Liliw”. The other
guards repeated after him. And so, from then on, the town became known as Liliw.

The Legend of Gapan in Nueva Ecija (Alamat ng Gapan, Nueva Ecija)

(Gapan, Nueva Ecija)

Long ago, there was a very stubborn kid named Dodoy. He doesn’t follow his mother’s orders. Instead,
he does the things that annoy her most.
One morning, Dodoy decided to have a trip in the rice fields. He kept on walking until he doesn’t know
where he is already. He got lost to the point that he has no idea of how to come home. Due to
exhaustion, he fell asleep under a tree.

Meanwhile, Dodoy’s mother is sick with worry. Someone told her that he saw Dodoy circling the rice
fields near a large tree and is seemed to be caught under an enchanted spell.
Dodoy was awakened by a loud cry of a naked infant with a bulging stomach. The baby was lying on a
banana leaf on the ground. Dodoy took the baby in his arms and attempted to stop him from crying. It
didn’t stop from wailing and this greatly annoyed Dodoy. He was about to slap the baby when it
mysteriously transformed into a filthy old man with very long hair and beard. Dodoy was so shocked
that he dropped what he was holding and scrammed off his feet.

When he turned his head back, his fear increased for the old man disappeared. He ran and ran but he
seemed to be stuck in the same spot. He was trapped in that situation until the sun set down.
Exhaustion brought him down to his knees. With his remaining energy, he crawled just to get away from
that bamboo grove.

Dodoy’s mother waited and waited until she saw Dodoy crawling towards their yard. Dodoy was
extremely dissipated since he crawled all the way home. It turned out that dwarves jested on him.
“That’s what stubborn kids get,” his mother scolded him. Yet, she was glad that her son was back.

From then on, it has become a saying amongst the townspeople that “You might end up like Dodoy,
gapang ng gapang (always crawling).” That is why the place near the bamboo grove where Dodoy
crawled was named Gapan (from gapang, meaning to crawl). Until now, that town in Nueva Ecija, in the
island of Luzon, is still called Gapan.

Ang Alamat ng Ilog Pasig (The Legend of Pasig River)

(Pasig, Manila)

Pasig River, Manila Philippines

Ilog Pasig is one of the most famous rivers in the Philippines. It can be found in the
city of Manila. At present, this river is notorious for being filthy and murky, but
there was a time when Pasig River is pristine and is a romantic place for lovers…
Long ago, there were two young lovers. The girl was a Filipina named Paz and the
gentleman was Spanish.  One night, they decided to boat along a quiet and deep
river. The boy was the one paddling the boat while Paz was calmly seated in front of
him. The two romantically sailed the length of the river under the moonlight and
along the cool breeze.

As they passed along floating water lilies, Paz extended her am and reached for a
flower. The guy, not noticing what Paz was up to, got off-balanced and fell into the
waters. The guy doesn’t know how to swim so every time his head will pop above the
water, he shouts, “Paz, sigueme! Paz, sigueme!” which means, “Paz, rescue me!” Paz
tried hard to reach for her lover but she did not succeed. At the last time the boy
emerged, all he managed to say was, “Paz, sig…”

The tragic incident spread among the people and from then on, this river was called

Ang Alamat ng Lawa ng Sampalok (The Legend of Sampalok Lake)

 (San Pablo, Laguna)

In the province of Laguna in the Philippines, there is a lake called Sampalok

(tamarind) Lake. It is said that this lake does not exist during the early times. This is
how the lake emerged:

In the time that Magellan has just discovered the Philippines, a wealthy couple from
San Pablo, Laguna owns many land, fruit-bearing trees, and a very beautiful house.
One of the trees that they possess is a sampalok (tamarind) tree that bears very sweet
fruits. This tree is the main source of their fortune.
Though this couple is famous for their wealth, they are more famous for their bad
attitude. They are selfish and greedy, and all they think about is getting money by
selling their properties. Because of this, the townspeople despise them. However,
they still come to them to buy the extraordinarily sweet tamarind fruits.

One day, an old beggar with torn clothes went to the couple and begged for food. She
was shivering from hunger. The two just scornfully stared at the old woman and then
ignored her. The beggar continued to beg for food but the couple just kept on
ignoring her.
“Your wickedness is unbelievable!” exclaimed the old beggar. “Punishment from the
heavens must be brought upon you!” then the beggar’s face suddenly lifted up.
The couple’s faces turned pale. They wanted to scream but they couldn’t. “All you
wealth will disappear!” the old lady declared as she tapped her cane against the
sampalok tree. The old lady disappeared and water sprung from near the sampalok
tree and drowned all the couple’s properties. The couple were not seen after that
incident and the people assumed that they too were drowned by the water along with
their wealth.

The water that sprung from the sampalok tree eventually became a lake and was
called Sampalok Lake.

Ang Alamat ng Malate (The Legend of Malate)

 (Malate, Manila)

Malate is a place that can be found in Manila, Philippines. This extends from Mabini and
Harrison near Roxas Boulevard, beside the sea. This is how it got its name:

There were two sibling named Maria and Jose who used to bathe in the sea shore. One day, while
they were bathing, some Spanish passed them. These foreigners ask people about their place as a
part of their probe. That time, the two children were about to eat their packed food when they
noticed that they forgot to bring drinking water. “Maybe it would be better if we just drink the
sea water,” suggested the younger Jose. He then ran to the sea to taste the water.

Meanwhile, the Spaniards approached Maria and asked her about the place’s name in Spanish
language. Maria didn’t understand them, and called for her brother instead who was tasting the
sea water. He shouted the taste to Maria, “MAALAT ATE! MAALAT ATE! (salty sister!)”

The Spanish men heard this and they thought that it was the answer to their question regarding
the name of the place. Since then, the Spaniards named the place Malate, from the salty waters
of the sea.

The Legend of Mayon Volcano (Ang Alamat ng Bulkang Mayon)

(Albay, Bicol)
Mayon volcano, Albay

In the town of Daraga, in the province of Albay in the Bicol Region, lays the most beautiful volcano in the P
hilippines-  Mayon volcano.  Its picturesque view may have been what inspired the natives to come up with 
one of the most exceptional Philippine alamats - the legend of "Daragang Magayon" of the Bicolanos, or "
Dalagang Maganda" (beautiful maiden) in Tagalog.

Long ago, along the streams of Yawa river lays  a kingdom named Rawis. It is reigned by a very generous an
d intelligent king - King  Makusog.  His only daughter was called "Daragang Magayon" (beautiful maiden) 
because of the exceptional beauty that she possesses. Because of this beauty, all the men in their kingdom, 
as well as in the neighboring kingdoms, dream to have her heart.

It has been a hobby of Daragang Magayon  to secretly  take a bath in the Yawa River  every morning at the 
break of dawn. It was one morning when a traveler from the faraway kingdom of Laguna accidentally saw h
er secret ritual. He was a young lad named Ulap (cloud). Upon seeing the beautiful maiden, Ulap was insta
ntly hypnotized by her beauty. 

In the many journeys of Ulap, it was only then that a maiden has  successfully captured his heart. Every mor
ning since then, he would secretly watch behind the bamboo groves as Daragang Magayon takes a bath in t
he Yawa River. He was not contented in being a secret admirer so he eventually decided to come out of his 
hiding place and introduce himself to the maiden. 

Daragang Magayon, startled by this revelation , started to come to her feet and run away, but as fate may h
ave dictated it, she was tripped by a mossy stone and was about to be drawn away by the river current when 
Ulap grabbed her arm.  In that instant, she too was hypnotized by the lad's stance and charming eyes that s
he failed to turn her back from him and run away. 

Not for long, the two became  inseparable lovers and their relationship was happily blessed by King  Makus
og. Ulap asked permission from his lady love to go home to Laguna and fetch his relatives for the pamaman
hikan (prenuptial get together).  He was away for two months.

Meanwhile, the news of the soon-to-be wedding spread like fire in the nearby kingdoms including the King
dom of Iraya which is reigned by Patugo. This news enraged him and brought back the pain incurred by Dar
agang Magayon's refusal of his love proposal. 
He convinced his people to set a battle against the Kingdom of Rawin by telling them that Daragang Maga
yon's marriage to a foreign man is an insult to their maleness.  They agreed to capture King Makusog and as
k for Daragang Magayon as a ransom. 

Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Rawis is busy in the preparation for the arrival of the people from Laguna. This  
was used by Patugo and his army as an opportunity to attack them. The people of Rawis was so stunned by t
his sudden attack that the king was effortlessly captured. The festive mood was instantly replaced with doo
m. Daragang Magayon offered herself as a ransom for the freedom of his father even if this was against her 
will. Just then, their expecting visitors, Ulap and his clan from Laguna, arrived and helped in fighting the en
emies. "If you are real men, fight with men! Do not waste your power in terrorizing ladies and old men!", Ul
ap exclaimed. With this, the battle heated up and  there was bloodshed.  Under the heat of the sun, behind 
the dusty wind, swords and bolos were ravagely swished against each other. Daragang Magayon's heart be
ated outrageously because of the suspense brought about by the battle. A bloody body fell on the ground, 
and the maiden's heart skipped a beat thinking that this might be his lover's. She ran closer and reveled wh
en she saw that instead of Ulap, the lifeless body belongs to Patugo.  She turned around and saw Ulap with 
his arms wide open. She joyfully ran towards the waiting arms of her lover. As the two passionately embrace
d each other, a deadly arrow came flying from one of the enemies and struck their entwined bodies. The sk
y was covered with gloom as the two lovers slowly fell on the ground.

The whole Kingdom of Rawis grieved upon their loss. King Makusog proclaimed that the two shall be burie
d together since it is not right to separate what death has united as one. 

As they say, true love is hard to bury. Like a strong current, it will eventually struggle and resurface. Daraga
ng Magayon's love is as such. It is said that because of the strong love of Daragang Magayon for Ulap,  her 
grave mounted into a towering mass of volcano as if an emblem of her undying love. Raging lava even cam
e out of it as a symbol of her overflowing affection. This volcano which surfaced from the grave of Daragan
g Magayon is now known as the Mayon volcano. Daragang Magayon is what they claim as the Mayon.

They say that if you want to see the best of Mt. Mayon, you should wake up very early in the morning jus
t about the crack of dawn. By then, you will see clearly the perfect shape of the volcano but as the time p
asses, clouds will then cover the slopes from the view. These clouds are represented by the jealous Ulap 
who is not comfortable with the numerous eyes laying upon his beloved Magayon.

The Legend of Olongapo (Ang Alamat ng Olongapo)

(Olongapo, Central Luzon)

Olongapo is a city located in the province of Zambales. It is one of the most cheerful cities in Central
Luzon. It is near the Subic bay and is also one of the places which have been largely affected by the
eruption of Mt. Pinatubo. This is how it got the name Olongapo:
There was a lad named Dodong. He is a farmer with a wide rice field. Because of his generosity, he was
well-loved by the people in his barrio. He was labeled as APO (term used for a respectable old man) and
he became well-known to both the youth and the old.

In the neighboring town, there was a very beautiful maiden who is very demure. Her name is Nene.
Nene and Apo became very close friends though their age gap is large. One day, Nene’s family decided
to relocate. This is the reason why Apo and Nene got separated.

Days passed into months. One day, Apo accidentally ran into Nene in one of the town’s public places.
Time only enhanced Nene’s beauty. He noticed that Nene has transformed into a full-blown lady. He
offered to take her home. This was happily accepted by the maiden.

“Father, mother, Apo is here. He wants to visit you,” Nene happily told her parents upon arriving home.
“Dodong! How are you? We’re glad that you came here to visit us!,” exclaimed Nene’s father.
After updating one another, Dodong promised to visit them more often so that he can help them with
their chores. True enough, Dodong went there every Saturday and he and Nene became closer. Not for
long, they became lovers. This was not opposed by Nene’s parents.

One morning, a large vessel ridden by drunk Spaniards came ashore. They caught sight of Nene and so
they approached her. They asked something to the maiden which she did not understand. She just
nodded her head. The Spaniards, thinking that Nene agrees to what they want, started to kiss and hug
her. Nene screamed and asked for help.

In an instant, the people called Apo and informed him of Nene’s situation. Apo was enraged and he
attacked the Spaniards. The armed foreigners struck Apo and killed him. They slashed their head and
hanged it on a bamboo pole to serve as a warning to other natives.

"Ulo ng Apo! Ulo ng Apo!" (head of Apo) the children repeatedly shouted. The Spaniards thought that
this is the name of the place. Time passed by and "ULO ng APO" became OLONGAPO. This is now one of
the most controversial cities in Zambales, Central Luzon.

The Legend of Chocolate Hills (Ang Alamat ng mga Bundok ng Tsokolate )

(Tagbilaran Bohol – Visayas)

It is said that in the early times, the island of Bohol in the Visayas is a vast mass of dry land.  Rice fields te
nd to crack under the heat of the sun. During the rainy season, the dusty land turns into a stream of mud. 
It is only during the  rice season that the fields turn into a refreshing sea of green.

It was one day during the rainy season that two giants came into the land of Bohol. One of them was fro
m the north and the other was from the south. Not for long, the two giants met eye to eye. The tension 
between the two rivals filled the air.
"Hey! You ugly giant! Stay away from my land!," said the South Giant. "Leave and look for your own land 
to conquer!"
"You must be mistaken! I  am here first!," answered the North Giant. "If you want, you leave!"
"This cannot be happening!" shouted the South Giant with a stomp. The whole ground shook. Since it ha
s just rained, the ground was muddy. The giant scooped mud from the ground and threw it on the other 
giant. The North Giant also scooped and formed his own balls of mud and threw it back on his opponent
The battle of the two giants became intense. Balls of mud were thrown back and forth. The townspeople 
gathered to watch the two opposing giants. Each one used all of his might to best the other. No one gav
e up until both of them ran out of energy. Because of the exhausting duel, both of the two giants fell on 
the ground and died. What was left of their heated fight were hills of mud from the thrown mud balls.  S
ince then, the townspeople lived peacefully on their land along the hills.

During the summer seasons, these hills seem like chocolate candies, especially  from top view. This is the 
reason why it became known as chocolate hills. During the rainy seasons, however, these hills become co
vered with lush green vegetation.

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