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1. Follow the link provided below and watch the selected video.

2. Aided by the LESSON 4 material and the selected video, answer the following questions:

A. Is an action good because God desires it, or God desires the action because it is good?
Explain first the difference between the two statements. Then, choose and explain which
seems to be more plausible.

Action is good because God desires it, for example, we consider the ten commandments as good
because we all believe that God wants it or God thinks it is good. God desires the action because it is
good, for example , you are doing a good deeds like donating to the people in need/helping those in
needs, these are the actions that is good which we think that God desires.

Furthermore, I believe it is true that "God desires the action because it is good," as there are
some things that are perceived as being good independently without God. Yes, God's desire would, at
best, be a helpful approach to determine what is good and what is wrong, but it would not reveal
anything beyond that. Considering that, what if God has a negative desire? Is it now good because of
that? Therefore, I think that God wants something to happen because it is good.

B. Is ethics possible without a supernatural being or religion? Yes or No? Explain your

Yes, but first what is ethics? Ethics is the set of our moral conducts or principles. However, there
are other potential origins or bases for our moral ideas according on the previous topics. For
example, cultural relativism asserts that our moral principles are based on or dependent on our
culture. Additionally, subjectivism believes that our morality is based on our own beliefs, feelings,
and judgments. Therefore, I believe there would still be ethics despite the absence of supernatural
beings or religion.

Criterion Excellent Very Good Good Needs SCORE
(9-10) (7-8) (5-6) Improvement
Completeness All necessary Most of the Some (less than Very few or no
ideas are clearly necessary ideas 50%) necessary necessary ideas
presented. are clearly ideas are clearly are clearly
presented. presented. presented.
Coherence Extremely Coherent Somewhat Incoherent
coherent writing writing coherent
Grammar No grammatical Some errors in Many errors in Many errors in
flaw Grammar grammar (4-5) grammar that
(2-3) hinder
TOTAL SCORE _____/30

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