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Question 1




Rules of 3


Rhetorical question

Personal anecdote

First Person pronouns and plural inclusive

Compare & contrast

Fact, Stats


Question 2 : which speech was more persuasive (1- ½ pg)

Obama speech

oBmam gies an inaugural speech to an audience iin

 Emotive language-Adjectives
- Appalling, Wonderful, Heavenly, Magical and Tragic.
Abstract Nouns - Freedom, Pride, Justice, Love and Terror. Verbs - Destroyed,
Vindicated, Saved, Betrayed and Adored
 Rhetorical question
 The use of the first person inclusive pronoun "we"- importance
 The use of facts and figures
Based on the persuasive devices you have learnt in class, which speech was more persuasive? Explain your answer.
You are to present this using a PowerPoint.
Presentation layout: 5marks
Content: 15
Presentation skills : 5


Pink- facts

Blue- fact

Yellow- use of we

Persuavsive- red
Abstract nouns: green

Adjectives: purple

Verbs: grey

Adverb- orange

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