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Strand 1- Designing Test Methods (Survey)

1. Is my Info graphic informative enough? Why or Why not?
Nia: Yes, I think your infographic is informative. The information in the
infographic s straight forward and does not bore the reader as it is not too
much info.
Leyla: Yes I felt it really showed the information well
Lena: I really like it. I like the consistent theme and the colour palette. I
enjoy the pastel colours as well.
Sneha: They are perfect and match the aesthetic and purpose of the message

2. What is your opinion on the colour scheme and visuals? (eye catching,
visually pleasing, organized? etc.)
Lena: I really like it. I like the consistent theme and the colour palette. I enjoy the
pastel colours as well.
Leyla: Loved it. It is very eye-catching
Nia: The infographic is really beautiful but I think you could have used a different
colour other than white as the backround. Otherwise, I think the photos you used
make the infographic very eye catching and in terms of aesthetics, I think it is very
Sneha: They are perfect and match the aesthetic and purpose of the message

3. Does the info graphic present information quickly and clearly? 

Leyla: Yes the information was very easy and simple to read
Sneha: Yes
Nia: Yes, the info graphic presents information clearly.
Lena: Yes

4. What do you like the most?

Lena: The pictures and icons of activities look aesthetically pleasing.
Leyla: I like how informative yet simple it is and the colours used.
Nia: I really like the photos of Tahiti that you used in the info graphic.
Sneha: The way that the information is displayed in such a fun and
interesting way.

5. What could be improved?

Sneha: It's perfect, there is nothing to improve in it
Leyla: I really liked it to be honest.
Nia: The text at the top of the info graphic “my essential vacation” is a bit
random and doesn’t make sense. The font is a bit random as well.
Lena: Nothing, I think it all looks great.

6. Overall rating
Lena: 10
Leyla: 8
Nia: 7.5/10
Sneha: 9

Strand 2- Evaluate the Success of Product

1. According to one of the people I surveyed, I could change the colour white as
the background to something else, as it may have looked bland.
2. The pictures that I used in the info graphic satisfied the audience as all of
the people surveyed mentioned positive things about them.
3. The information was not clustered and was well organized. It was easy to
read and informative.
4. The audience liked the colours that were used for the info graphic and
mentioned that they were beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.

Strand 3- Explain How the Solution Improved

Specifications Exceeds Meets Partly Meets Doesn’t Meet
Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications
1 Aesthetics Yes
2 Target Audience Yes
3 Duration Yes
4 Function Yes
5 Construction Yes

The aesthetics partly met the specifications because I completely changed the colour
theme of the info graphic from bright, beach-like colours to dark, mellow colours
instead. But, I did add eye catching pictures and the info graphic was not clustered.
The duration was partly met because I took a little longer making the info graphic
than expected because of a build-up of tasks and other things. To avoid this in the
future, I will make a timetable and give myself certain amounts of time to work on
tasks depending on the difficulty. This will also help improve my time management
Construction was partly met because I did not need to download any software’s or
add a bibliography, but I did add text, diagrams and images.

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