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Gamma Function (Γ)

1. Evaluate e −auu 3/2 du, where a > 0.

2. Evaluate (a) 3Γ(5/2)/2Γ(1/2) and (b) 3Γ(5/4)/2Γ(1/4)

3. Evaluate xe −a x d x, where a>0 in terms of a gamma function.

4. Evaluate (ln x)n d x, where n > -1, in terms of a gamma function. [Hint: Let ln x = − z]

5. Evaluate x m e −x d x, where m and n are positive integers, in terms of a gamma function.

Beta Function (B)


1. Evaluate x 4(1 − x)3d x

2. Prove that B(x,y)=B(y,x)

1 ∞
y ( p−1)
∫0 ∫0
p−1 q−1
3. By definition, B(p,q)= x (1 − x) d x. Prove that B(p,q) = . [Hint: let
(1 + y)( p+q)

4. Evaluate x 2(2 − x)1/2 d x.

5. Evaluate x 4(a 2 − x 2 )1/2 d x.

π π/2

∫0 ∫0
6. Evaluate cos 6(θ )d θ. [Hint: We know that B(x,y)=2 (sin θ )2x−1(cosθ )2y−1d θ and

cosine function is a periodic function.]

Error Function (erf) and complementary error function (erfc)

1. Prove that erf(x) is an odd function of x

e −at dt π
2. Show that = ( )1/2 e a x erfc( a x)
t + x2 a

Delta function (δ)

The meaning of the delta function occurs when multiplying a continuous function under an

integral sign. For example, f (x)x δ(x)d x = 0. The result is often express as a shorthand

notation, x δ(x) = 0. Show the meaning of the following shorthand notations for the delta

1. x δ′(x) = − δ(x)

2. x 2 δ′′(x) = 2δ(x)
3. δ(a x) = δ(x)

4. Show that
δ( f (x)) = δ(x − a)

where f′(a) is the derivative of f (x) and f (a) = 0. [Hint: Use the fact that f (x) ≈ f′(a)(x − a) for
x ≈ a and then use the relation δ(a x) = δ(x).]

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