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)-To spread by telling other people(लोग� को बता

कर फैलाना)

e.g.-The organization has peddled the myth that they are

supporting the local population.

2.Conspicuous(Adj.)-Noticeable, prominent(स्पष्ट)

e.g.-He was conspicuous as usual with a big yellow bow tie.


e.g.-A vociferous opponent of gay rights, he is well-known for

his right-wing views.

4.Fulmination(N.)-denunciation, tirade, diatribe,

condemnation, strong criticism (�नंदा)

e.g.-Stewart doesn't deserve such outraged fulminations.


e.g.-A conclave of political leaders.

6.Tenor(N.)-Character,pattern,general meaning(सामान्य

e.g.-What was the general tenor of his speech?

7.Dither(V.)-To be unable to decide,hesitate(�नणर्य लेने म�

असमथर् होना/ �हच�कचाना)

e.g.-Stop dithering and make up your mind !

8.Fringe(N.)-the outer or less important part of an area, group,
or activity(�कसी �ेत्र समूह या ग�त�व�ध का कम महत्वपण ू र्

e.g.-The southern fringe of the city.

9.Gainsay(V.)-deny,dispute(इनकार करना)

e.g.-The impact of the railways cannot be gainsaid.

10.Feed off(Phrasal verb)-to use something in order to

continue to exist or become stronger(लगातार बने रहने के �लए
या अ�धक मजबत ू होने के �लए प्रयोग करना)

e.g.-Both sides in the conflict feed off old suspicions.

11.Perennial(Adj.)-perpetual, everlasting, eternal


e.g.-A perennial fear.

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