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A cataclysm is a sudden and violent change or event that causes great destruction or upheaval.

It is
often used to describe natural disasters such as earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes or floods, but can
also refer to man-made disasters like wars or industrial accidents.

Cataclysms have the power to wipe out entire populations, destroy cities and alter landscapes. They
can also have long-lasting effects on the environment, economy and society. For example, a
tsunami can cause massive flooding which can contaminate drinking water, damage infrastructure,
and lead to the spread of diseases. Wars can lead to the displacement of millions of people, cause
economic destabilization and lead to political unrest.

While cataclysms can be devastating, they can also bring about positive change. In some cases,
they have led to advancements in science and technology, and have spurred communities to come
together and rebuild.

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