Final Group Presentation 1. 1

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1/2 Final Oral Presentation (Recording)

(15 -20 minutes )

І: (INTRODUCTION) ( 洪奕祥 洪碩辰 許峻維)

1 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name’s ___ 洪碩辰___. As you can see
from the slide, the topic for my presentation is
Ecological health on earth climate change.
There are three main ideas in our presentation.
Global warming ; Impacts of climate change and ecology


Main point 1: As you may all know , protecting the land may be able to change
your perspective__. So the purpose of my presentation is the effect of
climate change
I will begin by what impact our live. Then (I’m going to) take Amazon for
example and wild live.

At the end, I will talk about 1.5 degree target.

Since I was born, climate change was talked by teachers, television,

even podcast. Also, global warming was talked with it. At that time, I was a n
innocent kid. The only thing I wondered was happiness. How impact of climate
change I would notice. Until now,I do not understand clearly about it. As we know,
climate change cause the earth’s ecology destroyed. For instance, Amazon is a
household name. Let’s talk about else impact that climate change brought about.
The impact is easy to be found. The lower impact like the temperature rising which
we can obviously feel, the serious like ice sheet melt to ocean in the North Pole.
Both are around the same thing. That is greenhouse gases emissions. Greenhouse
gases make the heat absorbed by the ground, it cause the temperature not too
much cold. But its growing was so fast especially carbon dioxide, what the damage
impacted our live is the temperature too warm, tha is , the heat reserve too much
on the earth.
Besides,we are now losing natural spaces. High temperatures, lack of precipitation
and desertification are depriving areas of rain. This means river levels in these areas
are falling, causing lakes, ponds and wells to dry up, and even disappear in some
places. The impact on the environment is obvious, and also for humans, who have
fewer places to visit in summertime to cool down, deal with the heat and enjoy

Increasingly scarce and expensive food. Over the past century, supermarkets in many
parts of the world have become places of superabundance, where food from all over
the world, regardless of the growing season, can be purchased. But this era of
convenience is coming to an end as climate change disrupts global food production.
Soon, it might be hard to find or afford staple crops like rice and wheat products,
fruits such as peaches and cherries, and seafood like sardines and scallops.

Finally,More traffic jams are the problem. Climate change affects us when we travel
by car and we are having to endure an ever-increasing number of traffic jams. Why is
this? Well, as weather patterns become more erratic, materials and transportation
infrastructure are facing increasing stress. And what happens when a road, bridge or
tunnel has problems? The traffic conditions worsen until it is repaired.

Main point 2: Talk about the effect on Amazon.


Deforestation in the rainforest disrupts several natural cycles. The first we want to
introduce is the water cycle. Once trees are felled, evapotranspiration
reduces, as does the return of moisture to the atmosphere. This leads
to less convection rainfall, drier conditions and the climate becomes
warmer, harming activities such as agriculture that the forest is
cleared for.
Secondly, Nutrient Cycle
About 80% of the rainforests nutrients comes from trees and plants. That leaves 20%
of the nutrients in the soil. The nutrients from the leaves that fall are
instantly recycled back up into the plants and trees. When an area of
rainforest is clear-cut, conditions change very quickly. The soil dries
up in the sun. When it rains, it washes the soil away. The rainforest
never fully recovers. When land is cleared for grazing and plantations,
it quickly becomes infertile, leading to further forest clearance.

Lastly, Soil Erosion

When vegetation is removed, the soil is left exposed to the heavy equatorial rainfall
and is rapidly eroded. The removal of topsoil means little vegetation
will grow. Also, soil erosion leads to flooding as the soil becomes
deposited on river beds.
The image below shows the brown water of the Amazon, coloured by suspended
sediment from soil erosion.
In addition, why is the Amazon forest so important. For instance, filtering and
reprocessing the world’s harmful carbon dioxide output
Trees have hidden attributes that play a key role in reducing pollutant levels. Take
carbon dioxide (CO2) for example, a gas emitted from both natural and human
sources. Over the last 150 years, humans have been pumping massive amounts
of CO2 into the air by burning fossil fuels, coal, oil and natural gas - this is a
major driver for global climate change.
Under natural conditions, plants remove CO2 from the atmosphere and absorb it for
photosynthesis, an energy-creating process that yields:
Oxygen, which is released back into the air
Carbon, which allows the plant to grow.

So, without tropical rainforests the greenhouse effect would likely be even more
pronounced, and climate change may possibly get even worse in the future
Amazon rainforests and carbon dioxide
What forests take from the air, they can also give back. When forests burn, tree
carbon matter is released in the form of CO2, which pollutes the atmosphere, and
of which there are already excessive quantities.

With the forests gone, CO2 is no longer transformed through photosynthesis, and the
crops that replace forests only absorb a fraction of CO2 compared to rainforests.
Along with industrial pollution, rampant deforestation in South America and
elsewhere has significantly increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere

Main point 3 Finally, Let me start with 1.5degree target.
In the past, this concept was not talked by people in that generation.
We could pull back the nineteenth century, Industrial Revolution. At that time, fossil
fuels was used to almost things such as cars, boats, and industry. Due to burning the
fossil fuel, the emissions of carbon dioxides which increased most in greenhouse
gases made the heat reserved too much that not only we felt so hot, but the ice sheet
in Arctic melt more than past. Nowadays, we are at 1.0 degree. To achieve 1.5
degree target, it is not the scientists’ response but all people lived on the earth
needed to put a little mind to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. Besides, carbon
capture technology also helped us to reach 1.5 degree target. This was experimented
that it was useful to reach 1.5 degree target.
Besides, lets talk about the importance of 1.5 degree target.
Because climate change is real and climate change is here.
Each of the last four decades was hotter than any decade since 1850.
While two degrees of difference might not be noticeable for the average human being
gauging the weather outside, these small numbers have a huge impact when it comes
to global average temperatures.
“Every tenth of a degree matters,” is a phrase that climate scientists around the world
keep repeating.
“The 1.5°C figure is not some random statistic,” the World Meteorological
Organization secretary-general has said. But “rather an indicator of the point at which
climate impacts will become increasingly harmful for people and indeed the entire
“We never had such a global warming in only a few decades”, explained climate
scientist Daniela Jacob at the Climate Service Center Germany. “Half a degree means
much more extreme weather, and it can be more often, more intense, or extended in

To conclude my presentation, I’d like to sum up my main points and make a
reflections & recommendations.
The main points I talked about were: firstly, climate change make our daily live
become worse, secondly, Amazon is deforested to begin and conclude soil
erosion, finally, we talk about 1.5 degree target.
Nowadays, globle warming in the earth becomes severe. The flood in southeast Asia,
the forest fire in tropical area are becoming more and more frequently.We have
to protect our island, following the policy of united nations , reducing the carbon
dioxide we used
making next generation has a better living environment.

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