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Jawaban B.

She wanted to test the sheiks’ taste

Questions: C. She wanted to see the sheiks’ reaction

1. The three sheiks were not … D. She wanted to make a joke of the sheiks

A. rich B. young C. strong D. gloomy E. E. She wanted to repay the sheiks’ kindness
Tujuan the queen memberikan makanan
Untuk memilih jawaban yang tepat, serupa seperti yang diterimanya dari para
perhatikan Paragrah ke-2: ___ all Syeikh adalah untuk melihat reaksi para
equally young and handsome, rich and stron Syeikh, sehingga jawaban yang tepat C.
g. Yang tidak terdapat di dalam kalimat itu
adalah glommy. Jadi jawaban yang tepat D 4. The main idea of paragraph six is …

2. Which statement is true about the queen? A. Hakim was unselfish person

A. The queen was the most powerful queen B. Hakim was served with succulent meat
in Africa C. Hakim was satisfied with the food served
B. The queen was very proud of her beauty D. Hakim wanted to share the food with the
and riches. sheiks
C. The queen herself served the sheiks with E. Hakim had made the queen find the
delicious food. resolution of her problem
D. The queen was very careful in deciding Paragraph ke-6 adalah
whom she would marry. sebuah resolution (lihat Generic Structure
E. The queen was very satisfied with the teks Narrative), sehingga jawaban yang tepat
food given by the sheiks. adalah E.

Perhatikan Paragraph ke-1: Maura, ___ 5. The text tells the story of …
queen of Arabia,had many suitors. A. a fox B. a goat C. a fox and a goat D. an
Kemudian lihat Paragraph terakhir, Kalimat old man and the fox E. the goat and old man
terakhir: “So it is Hakim I Perhatikan Paragraph ke-1, jelas sekali
will marry.” Jawaban yang tepat D bahwa disebut 2 tokoh dalam cerita tersebut
yakni a fox dan a goat. Jawaban yang
3. The queen ordered her servants to give tepat C.
the sheiks the same kind of food she got
from them the evening before because … 6. Paragraph 2 mainly tells …

A. She wanted to entertain her guest A. how the fox helped the goat

B. why the fox got into the well

C. how the fox got out of the well C. a fight between the security forces and
the slum
D. the fox’s idea how to get out of the well
D. a clash between the security forces and
E. how both the goat and the fox got out of the slum dwellers
the well
E. a clash between the police officers and
Paragraph ke-2 menyebutkan: ___ the fox the security
said, “I have a good idea”. Ini
Pertanyaan itu menanyakan ide pokok dari
merupakan kata kunci, sehingga jawaban teks tersebut di atas. Untuk
yang tepat D.
mencari ide pokok bacaan, lihat Paragraph
7. “The goat did as he was asked …” ke-1, terutama kata kerja
(Paragraph 3) What does the above sentence
mean? (verb)-nya. Verb yang dipakai
adalah clashed, antara security forces dan
A. The goat drank enough and looked round
slum dwellers, sehingga jawaban yang
B. The goat came down to the well and tepat D.
9. The clash happened because …
C. The goat called out loudly after the fox
got out A. illegal slum dwellers resisted the
demolition of their homes
D. The goat waited someone who might help
him B. the police officers and the soldiers shot
the dwellers
E. The goat stood on his hind legs and put
his forelegs against the side of the well. C. nine people were killed by the security
Makna kalimat di atas, terutama pada
kata did (present do=mengerjakan), D. the police officers firing the dwellers

tentu terkait dengan Paragraph sebelumnya, E. the people dwelled on private land
yang dikatakan fox yaitu: You
Penyebab terjadinya clash terdapat pada
stand on your hind legs and put your Paragraph ke-1: ___ clashed with
forelegs against the side of the
dozens of slum dwellers who resisted the
well. Jawaban yang tepat E. tearing down of their homes ___

8. What is the passage about? Jawaban yang tepat A.

A. an illegal gunfire 10. Raul Gonzales said that …

B. a demolition of illegal slum dwellers A. ten police officers had to be evacuated

B. ten police officers were killed in the C. The truck driver didn’t use his light
D. The truck driver didn’t see the car
C. ten police officers were injured during the
fighting E. The car tried to overtake the bus

D. some of wounded people needed surgery Penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan adalah

(lihat pada Paragraph ke-1,
E. more than ten police officers were killed
and injured in the fighting. Kalimat ke-3): The police believed the
car had been trying to overtake
Raul Gonzales said that …, terdapat pada
Paragraph ke-3 dilanjutkan pada the bus ___. Jawaban yang tepat E.

Paragraph terakhir: ___ were wounded, 13. “If the passengers had brought their
including 10 police officers ___. identity cards, the police would have been
easy to identify the names of the victims”.
Disebut oleh Gonzales,terdapat belasan yang (last sentence)
terluka (wounded=injured)
The sentence above means …
termasuk 10 police officers, sehingga
jawaban yang tepat C. A. the victims’ names were not known

11.The text mainly reports that there B. the victims were easy to be identified
was/were… C. the passengers brought their identity
A. a car accident B. careless drivers C. a cards
small Japanese car D. the police had no difficulty in identifying
D. victims of an accident E. the function of the victims
an identity card E. it was easy for the police to identify the
Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan ide pokok. victims of the accident
Lihat pada Paragraph ke-1, Kalimat Kalimat di atas merupakan Conditional
pertama: ___ a collision between a bus, a Sentence tipe ke -3, strukturnya:
car, and a truck ___.
If S + had + Verb-III, S + would have +
(Collision=accident) artinya kecelakaan, Verb-III, artinya
sehingga jawaban yang tepat A. (maknanya) fakta berbanding terbalik
12.What was the cause of the collision? dengan pernyataan. “Jika para penumpang
membawa klartu identitas diri, polisi akan
A. The truck came from the opposite mudah mengidentifikasi nama-nam
direction korban”. Faktanya : nama-nama korban
tidak diketahui. Jawaban yang tepat A.
B. The car carried more than five people.
14. Who said that the accident was caused Sehingga jelas bahwa profesi yang
by the car? berhubungan dengan press adalah journalist.
Jawaban yang tepat C.
A. The police B. The victims C. The
reporter 18.The fifth paragraph tells …

D. The truck driver E. The bus passengers A. about the Paris

Yang berkata bahwa kecelakaan itu B. the origin of the word Paris
disebabkan oleh mobil, terdapat pada
Paragraph ke-1, Kalimat ke-3: The C. thee location of Notre Dame
police believed the car had been trying to D. a village built a thousand years ago
overtake the bus ___. Jawaban yang tepat A.
E. an island in the middle of the Seine River
15.How often did the writer eat a day?
Paragraph ke-5 menceritakan tentang
A. Three times B. Seldom C. Twice “Paris is named ___”. Is named artinya
D. Never E. Once diberi nama, sehingga Paragraph itu
menceritakan tentang asal mula kata Paris.
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, lihat Jawaban yang tepat B.
Paragraph trakhir, ___I enjoy ate once a day
___. Jawaban yang tepat E. 19.What is the oldest and most well known
part of the city?
16.“…mitigation team chief Alwi Shihab.”
(Paragraph 1) A. The Seine River B. The Pont Neuf C. The
The synonym of the underlined word is …
D. The right bank E. The left bank
A. decreaser B. lightener C. reliever
Perhatikan Paragraph ke-3, Kalimat ke-2:
D. developer E. writer The oldest and perhaps the most well-
known is Pon Neuf, ___. Jawaban yang
Sinonim kata mitigation adalah lighterner. tepat B.
Jawaban yang tepat B.
20. From the text we know that Notre Dame
17.What is the writer’s occupation? is located…
A. A social worker B. A volunteer C. A A. on the left bank
B. near left Louvre
D. presenter E. A TV reporter
C. on the right bank
Siapakah profesi saya di dalam teks tersebut,
dapat dilihat pada Paragraph ke-1, terlebih D. outside the city of Paris
pada kata ___ went to the press center ___.
E. in the middle of the Seine River
Kata Notre Dame terdapat pada Paragraph A. to describe the Bukit Dua Belas National
terakhir, Kalimat ke-2: They built ___ in the Park
middle of the Seine River ___, dilanjutkan
pada Kalimat ke-4: It is where Notre B. to persuade readers about National Park
Dame located. Jawaban yang tepat E. Zone

21.The text mainly tells us about… C. to tell the readers what had happened in
the forest
A. forest people B. National Park C. forest
conservation D. to entertain readers with a story about
Anak Dalam
D. illegal logging E. illegal operation
E. to inform readers about illegal logging
Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan ide pokok,
lihat Paragrapg ke-1: “___ if our forests Teks tersebut tergolong jenis Report. Tujuan
were gone?”. Yang berbicara memakai teks Report adalah to describe (the way
kata our pada kalimat itu adalah they are things are). Jawaban yang tepat A.
forest people. Keterangan berikutnya juga 24. The tribesmen who are not included in
bisa dilihat pada kalimat penjelas, juga the protest are from…
memberikan penjelasan tentang forest
people. Sehingga ide pokok pada teks A. Terap B. Jambi C. Air hitam
tersebut adalah forest people. Jawaban yang
D. Kedasung E. Mangkekal
tepat A.
Perhatikan Kalimat terakhir: The tribesman
22.Who were fighting for the conservation
live in Mangkekal, Kedasung, Air
of forest?
hitam, and Terap. Yang tidak termasuk
A. Members of local Anak Dalam adalah Jambi. Jawaban yang tepat B.

B. Tribal chief and his partner. 25.We can taste any kind of food because
C. Women and children
A. the good smell of food
D. Adult and children.
B. the four main kinds of taste
E. Tribesmen
C. the taste-buds in the tongue
Lihat Paragraph ke-2, kalimat ke-3:
“Adult as well as children are D. the senses of smell and sight

fighting for the conservation of this forest,” E. the taste-buds round the tip of the tongue
___. Jawaban yang tepat D.
Perhatikan Paragraph ke-1, Kalimat ke-2:
23. The purpose of the text is… We taste with the help of taste-

buds in the tongue. Jawaban yang tepat C.

26.When we eat very hot or cold food, … Jenis teks tersebut adalah Explanation.
Tujuan teks Explanation adalah
A. the food will lose its taste
to explain.
B. the food won’t smell good
29.What is the writer intention? To …
C. the taste of the food increases readers to do something good.
D. the taste-buds will be sensitive A. inform B. explain C. describe
E. the taste-buds will be very responsible D. entertain E. persuade
Paragraph terakhir menyebutkan : Food that Pertanyaan di atas menayakan tujuan teks.
is too hot or too cold, when Karena jenis teks tergolong jenis Exposition,
placed in the mouth, will have no tastes at sehingga tujuan teks adalah to persuade.
all. Have no taste artinya lose Jawaban yang tepat E.

its taste. Jawaban yang tepat A. 30.According to the writer, more dust bins
… in every ten meters.
27. The senses of smell and sight…
A. should be decorated
A. increase the taste of the food
B. should be painted
B. affect the taste of the food
C. should be placed
C. make food more delicious
D. are unnecessary
D. make the food look good
E. are not required
E. make food attractive
Perhatikan Paragraph ke-3, kalimat ke-5:
Perhatikan Paragraph ke-7, Kalimat More dust bin should be put
pertama: The senses of smell and
____. Should be put sama artinya
sight can affect taste. Jawaban yang tepat B. dengan should be placed. Jawaban

28. The purpose of the text is … Yang tepat C.

A. to explain how we can taste any food in 31. What is the writer’s argument on a
the mouth sufficient number of dust bins?

B. to give a report about the sense of taste A. They can prevent litters

C. to inform how important the tongue is B. They can save janitor’s energy

D. to describe the use of the tongue C. Students are asked to clean them

E. to tell the tastes of the food D. They make school environment neat
E. Students can throw garbage away easily C. The second paragraph supports that
students need homework, but the
Argumen penulis dalam teks Exposition di
atas dapat dilihat pada fourth paragraph does not

Paragraph terakhir: When school is D. The second paragraph and the fourth
equipped with sufficient dust bins, paragraph argue that students do

___. Our school will be very clean and not need homework

become a nice place to study.
E. The second and the fourth paragraph do
Kata very clean dan nice place mengandung not say anything about the
arti environment neat.
Benefit of homework
Jawaban yang tepat D.
Paragraph ke-2 menyatakan tidak setuju
32. What is the writer’s suggestion? kalau siswa diberi home work (pekerjaan
rumah) dengan alasan:
A. To buy more dust bins
1. children have hobbies that they want to do
B. To hire more gardeners after school.
C. To use dustbins efficiently 2. a lot of homework is pointless
D. To ask parents to give more dustbins 3. doesn’t help the child learn at all.
E. To ask students to clean the school yard Sedang Paragraph ke-4 menyatakan bahwa
Jawaban pertanyaan tersebut dapat dilihat waktu belajar di sekolah sangat singkat
pada Paragraph terakhir: When sehingga perlu ditambah home work. Dua
paragraph tersebut saling bertentangan,
school is equipped with sufficient dust bins, Paragraph ke-2 setuju, sedang Paragraph ke-
___. Sufficient identik 4 tidak setuju. Jawaban yang tepat B.

dengan kata efficient. Jawaban yang tepat C. 34.How many reasons are presented by
those who are against homework?
33.How do we compare the second and the
fourth paragraph? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

A. Both paragraph argue that homework is D. 4 E. 5

necessary for students
Jawaban yang tepat C, sudah disebut pada
B. Unlike the fourth paragraph, the second pembahasan nomor sebelumnya.
paragraph argues that homework is
unnecessary 35.Those who are pro homework think that
the students can … in the evening
A. prepare for the next lesson that some
homework ___ should only given at the
B. review their lesson weekend ___.
C. enjoy their pastime 38.The purpose of the text is …
D. do their hobbies A. to describe a film
E. test themselves B. to describe how a film is made
Perhatikan Paragraph ke-3, Kalimat ke-3: C. to inform readers about a good film
They say that the evening is a
D. to entertain readers by telling a story
good time ___ they have learned in school.
Kalimat tersebut sama artinya E. to review a fill for a public audience

dengan review. Jawaban yang tepat B. Teks di atas termasuk jenis teks Review.

Tujuan teks Review adalah to
36. “A further point they make is that a lot
of homework is pointless and doesn’t help review. Jawaban yang tepat E.
the child learn at all.” (Paragraph 2)
39. After reading the review, how would
The underlined word is synonymous with… you judge this film?

A. terrible B. careless C. difficult A. Bad B. Fair C. Not bad

D. unimportant E. uninteresting D. Mediocre E. Excellent

Kata pointless sama maknanya Perhatikan kalimat terakhir: This film is

dengan unimportant. Jawaban yang tepat D. really worth watching. Kata worth
berarti bermanfaat, sehingga jawaban yang
37. What is the writer’s suggestion about tepat E.
40. What does the writer suggest to the
A. Homework is pointless audience?
B. Homework is badly needed A. The film is forgettable
C. Homework should be given at weekend B. They should watch the film
D. Student should not be given any C. They should neglect the film
D. They should make another film
E. Student must frequently have homework
E. The writer should promote the film.
Dalam teks Discussion, saran penulis
disebut recommendation atau conclusion, Pertanyaan ini terkait dengan pertanyaan
terdapat pada Paragraph terakhir: I think sebelumnya, karena filmnya
Excelent maka the writer suggests to the
audience, should watch the

film. Jawaban yang tepat B.

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