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Analyze the case in Lesson 1. Use the following format.

I. Case Summary
One of the best memories of a child during his childhood is having joy with his comfort
foods or favorite food. Every food that meets our cravings and suits our appetite create impact
in each of us. Sugar and sweets in particular are a key part of our food focus no matter what the
culture is. Thus, in this study, we are going to tackle two of the most visible American exports,
the twin brands of Dunkin Donuts and Baskin Robbins.
Today, these twin brands have been sold globally for more than thirty-five years. Today,
the firm has more than 14,800 points of distribution in forty-four countries with $6.9 billion in
global sales. These two brands has reached the global market but then pulled out franchises
especially in Russia after being exacerbated by other stores which sells liquor and meat pies
alongside coffee and crullers. businesses are mindful of these issues and monitor their
overseas operations and partners. One of the key challenges for many companies operating
globally with different resellers, franchisees, and wholly owned subsidiaries is the ability to
control local operations.
This wasn’t the first time that Dunkin’ had encountered an overzealous local partner who
tried to customize operations to meet local preferences and demands. Dunkin’ Donuts and
Baskin-Robbins have not always been owned by the same firm. One of the overall strategies
was to have the morning market covered by 36 Dunkin’ Donuts and the afternoon-snack market
covered by Baskin-Robbins. It is a strategy that worked well in the United States and was one
the company employed as it started operating and expanding in different countries. They were
initially unprepared for the wide range of local cultural preferences and habits that would
culturally impact its business
Along their journey, the company food often did not categorize as morning food but an
afternoon snack especially in many Asian countries. Local cultures also impacted flavors and
preferences. For Baskin-Robbins, the flavor library is controlled in the United States, but local
operators in each country have been the source of new flavor suggestions.
When reviewing local suggestions, management conducts a market analysis to
determine if the global market for the flavor is large enough to justify the investment in research
and development and eventual production. In addition to the market analysis, the company
always has to make sure they have access to sourcing quality flavors and fruit.
A challenging balance for Dunkin’ Brands is to enable local operators to customize
flavors and food product offerings without diminishing the overall brand of the companies.
II. Case Problem
One of the key challenges for many companies operating globally with different resellers,
franchisees, and wholly owned subsidiaries is the ability to control local operations. Many
countries which have already have branches of Dunkin’ Donuts and Baskin-Robbins do not
cater local flavors or food innovations especially when it comes to the products that they sell.
Some cultural factors often affect the product line. Also, some local operators find it hard when
making decisions concerning flavors of the food and items to be sold.

III. Case Facts

 Every food that meets our cravings and suits our appetite create impact in each
of us
 One of the key challenges for many companies operating globally with different
resellers, franchisees, and wholly owned subsidiaries is the ability to control local
 Each culture has different engrained habits, particularly in the choices of food
and what foods are appropriate for what meals.
 The company was initially unprepared for the wide range of local cultural
preferences and habits that would culturally impact its business
 Local cultures also impacted flavors and preferences
 When reviewing local suggestions, management conducts a market analysis to
determine if the global market for the flavor is large enough to justify the
investment in research and development and eventual production.
 In some markets, one of the company’s brands may establish a market presence

IV. Alternative Courses of Action

Dunkin Brands should allow local operators to make their own decisions concerning
flavors for ice creams, donuts, and other items to be sold, however, the brand should evaluate
and study thoroughly the proposed flavor ice cream, donut, and other items to be sold that
would benefit the business. Giving each suggestion a timeframe trial of the product will be
accepted by the customer with delight. In a business taking a risk is a must in order to develop
the business
Material Culture is one of the factors that need to be considered because some
countries have limited resources in sugar cane, it is hard to produce that flavored in some
countries which creates an impact on the sales of the business. Cultural preferences are also
one of the factors that needed to be assessed as each country has a different culture, the
business has to consider if their product flavor is in line with their target customer preferences
V. Evaluation of Alternatives and Solution to the Problem
Expanding to the international market takes a lot of time and planning, however, the firm
must be considered other factors and it must be well planned before executing the said
expansion of the business. Factors like Cultural factors which is the preference and taste of the
target customer and materiality factors which is the natural resources that would be needed in
the operation of the production must be studied thoroughly in the target country for them to
establish a strong business even if they are new. it is best for Dunkin’s Brand and Baskin-
Robbins to listen to the suggestion of their local partner to enhance their cooperation as well it
would help them study the culture of the said country. With the information that they gathered;
they can make better strategic planning that could help them in future decision making.

VI. Recommendation
The companies localize their menu in different territories, presenting them to the
customer in English and translating the menu entries in the language of the operating country.
The brand name remains the same. Dunkin’ Donuts and Baskin-Robbins remain a global
success because it is able to adapt their products and information to fit the preferences of
consumers in all their international markets. The company also includes the suggestion of their
local partner in decision making like adding a new flavor in the product line and others. With the
opened mind of the decision-makers, they can help the company to develop more.

VII. Conclusion
A global policy is necessary when it comes to expanding a business, global policy
enables the business to understand and decipher the culture, with a policy there would be a
positive effect to the entity and the country. Listening to a suggestion is the best way to know
about the specified taste that the customer wants. s. Each situation should be assessed on a
case-by-case basis of whether or not they should be allowed to regulate a global policy, there
are certain factors that are needed to be considered, on a local level and in the international

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