11 May, 2022 (Part-01) - 7630454

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)-Understanding,perception, discernment

e.g.-The book gives a good insight into the lives of the poor.

2.Prevalence(N.)-Commonness, widespread presence,

ubiquity (व्यापकता)

e.g.-The prevalence of asthma in Britain and Western


3.Coercive(Adj.)-using force or threats to make someone do

something(�कसी को कुछ करवाने के �लए बल या धमक� के
प्रयोग से संबं�धत)

e.g.-Coercive threat.

4.Agnostic(Adj.)-Doubting,not having strong ideas


e.g.-The report is agnostic about nuclear power.

5.Implication(N.)-something that is suggested or said

indirectly(िजसका इशारा �कया जाए या िजसे परो� रूप से
कहा जाए; व्यंजना, आशय)

e.g.-The implication of what she said was that we had made

a bad mistake.

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