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ू )

e.g.-The work is a testimony to his professional



e.g.-The country was ruled by a brutal military dictator.

3.Thuggery(N.)-cruelty,savagery,atrocity(�नदर् यता/ क्रूरता)

e.g.-A cowardly act of mindless thuggery.


e.g.-Government coffers.

5.Overthrow(V.)-depose,dethrone,unseat(अपदस्थ करना)

e.g.-The government was overthrown in a military coup

three years ago.

6.Consequential(Adj.)-Important, significant,grave
ू )र्

e.g.-From a medical standpoint, a week is usually not a

consequential delay.
7.Thumping(Adj.)-Very big or great(बहुत बड़ा या �वशाल)

e.g.-The party won the elections by a thumping margin.

8.Strike a chord(Phrase)-cause someone to feel sympathy,

emotion, or enthusiasm(सहानभ ु �ू त महसस
ू करवाना)

e.g.-The issue of food safety strikes a chord with almost


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