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1. It is defined as one who repeatedly commits an act that is against the norms or mores
observed by the society.

a. Juvenile delinquent c. Juvenile delinquency

b. Youthful offender d. Delinquent person

2. What theory explains deviance in terms of the process by which a person acquires a negative
identity, such as “prosti” or “ex-con” and is forced to suffer the consequences of outcast status?

a. Strain theory c. Differential association theory

b. Social disorganization theory d. Cultural deviance theory

3. The child begins with petty larceny between 8 and sometime during the 12th year.

a. Conflagration c. Exploration
b. Emergence d. Explosion

4. Under the social control theory, there are factors of attachment, commitment, involvement,
and belief. How are these called?

a. Social behavior c. Social bonds

b. Social learning d. Social contracts

5. Sending convicted offenders to secure incarceration facilities so that punishment is severe

enough to convince offenders not to repeat their criminal activity.

a. General Deterrence Theory c. Labelling Theory

b. Biological Theory d. Specific DeterrenceTheory

6. This theory views crime and delinquency as a result of the frustration and anger people
experience over their inability to achieve legitimate social and financial success.

a. Strain theory c. Psychological theory

b. Labeling theory d. Control theory
7. Crime control policies that depend on the fear of criminal penalties, such as long prison
sentences for violent crimes; the aim is to convince law violators that the pain outweighs the
benefit of criminal activity.

a. General Deterrence Theory c. Labelling Theory

b. Biological Theory d. Specific DeterrenceTheory

8. One of the circumstances that people used as a defense in the course of insanity. The Juvenile
Justice and Welfare Act also exempts children (15) years old or younger from criminal liability.
The rationale behind these circumstances can be traced back during the 18th century. Which
school of thought conceptualized this?

a. Classical c. Neo-classical
b. Positivist d. Latent trait

9. What theory explains that social interaction to behavior, which the original cause of crime
cannot be known, no behavior is intrinsically criminal, and behavior becomes criminal if it is
labeled as such.

a. Labeling Theory c. Social Disorganization Theory

b. Social Control Theory d. Social Conflict Theory

10. Lea was born and raised in a slum area. Josie was born and raised in the suburbs. Lea’s set of
values differ from Josie. Accordingly, lower class people have different sets of values that tend
to conflict with the values of the middle class. Consequently, when lower class persons conform
to their own value system, they may be violating the conventional or middle class norms. This
theory was claimed by:

a. Strain theory c. Differential association theory

b. Social disorganization theory d. Cultural deviance theory

11. Links delinquent acts to the formation of independent subcultures with a unique set of
values that clash with the mainstream culture.

a. Culture Deviance Theory c. Social Disorganization Theory

b. Social Control Theory d. Social Conflict Theory
12. Riz wanted to pursue her studies in college but due to poverty, her parents cannot afford to
send to school. Riz thinks of some strategy, she works as a GRO at night and student at daytime.
This best explains the theory of?

a. Labelling c. Strain
b. Control Theory d. Anomie

13. This focuses on the decision to commit crime involving weighing the costs and benefits
associated with that crime.

a. Classical Theory c. Choice Theory

b. Strain Theory d. Utilitarianism

14. One of the views of criminologists in studying delinquency is the conflict view; they state
that law is a tool of the ruling class and that the law is used to control the underclass. If we
connect it to theory, this simplifies the thought of?

a. Social conflict c. Somatotyping

b. Containment d. Social bond

15. Argued that criminal behavior may also be related to anger and frustration that result when
an individual is treated in a way he or she does not want to be treated in a social relationship.

a. Psychological Theory c. Psychiatric Theory

b. Social Learning Theory d. Social Disorganization Theory

16. Sean grew up from a well-disciplined family. However, due to friends’ influence in school he
turned out to be a delinquent individual. This is the notion of?

a. Imitation c. Social Bond

b. Cultural Deviance d. Differential Association

17. What is that old code or law that severely punishes children who run away, children who
disowned their parents, and sons who cursed their fathers?

a. Roman law and Canon law c. Ancient Jewish law

b. Code of Hammurabi d. Anglo Saxon Common law
18. What refers to the security given for the release of the person in custody of the law,
furnished by him/her or a bondsman, to guarantee his/her appearance before any court?

a. Bail c. Corporate surety

b. Recognizance d. Probation

19. This refers to a family consisting of a father, mother and children.

a. Nuclear Family c. Joint Family

b. Extended Family d. Household

20. What refers to the program that the child in conflict with the law is required to undergo
after he/she is found responsible for an offense without resorting to formal court proceedings

a. Diversion c. Intervention
b. Diversion program d. Intervention Program

21. This refers to the marriage between one person of one sex and a minimum of two persons
of the other sex.

a. Polygamy c. Monogramy
b. Polygramy d. Monogamy

22. It refers to a series of activities which are designed to address issues that caused the child to
commit an offense. It may take the form of an individualized treatment program which may
include counseling, skills training, education, and other activities that will enhance his
psychological, emotional and psycho-social well-being

a. Diversion c. Intervention
b. Diversion program d. Intervention Program

23. This is a marriage where a woman marries the deceased husband’s brother. There is a
similar custom of the ancient Jews by which a dead man’s brother is obligated to marry the
widow if there were no sons.

a. Adoptive Marriage c. Levirate Marriage

b. Sororate Marriage d. Endogamy Marriage
24. It seeks to obtain reparation for the victim; reconciliation of the offender, the offended and
the community; and reassurance to the offender that he/she can be reintegrated into society.

a. Justice c. Restorative Justice

b. Just Desert d. Due Process of Law

25. It is not an unconditional gift, but was usually a part of a wider marriage settlement.

a. Dowry c. Modern Customs

b. Bride Price and Dower d. Taxation

26. It refers to offenses which discriminate only against a child, while an adult does not suffer
any penalty for committing similar acts.

a. Crime c. Status Offense

b. Offense d. Delinquency

27. The ceremony that marks its beginning of marriage.

a. Wedlock c. Marriage
b. Matrimony d. Wedding

28. It is a 24-hour child-caring institution managed by accredited local government units and
licensed and/or accredited non-government organizations providing short-term residential care
for children in conflict with the law who are waiting for court disposition of their cases or
transfer to other agencies or jurisdictions.

a. Youth rehabilitation center c. Rehabilitation center

b. Youth detention home d. Tahanan ng kabataan

29. Offences which discriminate only against a child, while an adult does not suffer any penalty
for committing similar acts. These shall include curfew violations; truancy, parental
disobedience and the like.

a. Child offense c. Delinquency

b. Status offense d. All of these

30. What refers to offenses where there is no private offended party?

a. Victimless crime c. Conventional crime
b. Violent crime d. Private crime

31. Both parents work and have control positions outside the home, and both share child
rearing responsibilities within the home.

a. Patriarchal Families c. Military Families

b. Egalitarian Families d. Family

32. It is an undertaking in lieu of a bond assumed by a parent or custodian who shall be

responsible for the appearance in court of the child in conflict with the law, when required.

a. Recognizance c. Bail
b. Corporate Surety d. Cash Deposit

33. This is a term used to describe a large number of disapproved behaviors of children and

a. Juvenile delinquent c. Juvenile delinquency

b. Youthful offender d. Delinquent person

34. It is an alternative, child-appropriate process of determining the responsibility and

treatment of a child in conflict with the law on the basis of his social, cultural, economic,
psychological or educational background without resorting to formal court proceedings.

a. Diversion c. Diversion Program

b. Intervention d. Intervention Program

35. It is a person who has not reached adulthood or the age of majority

a. Juvenile c. Minor
b. Youth d. All of the above

36. Police Corporal Cruz responded to the call of a concerned citizen stating that there is a
minor who allegedly stabbed another minor. There he immediately contained the situation and
disarmed the alleged suspect. The said officer is doing what?
a. Arrest c. Initial Contact with the child
b. Custody d. Child at risk

37. It was the first house of Corrections in England and confined both children and adults
considered to be idle and disorderly

a. Hospice of San Michele c. House of Refuge

b. Bridewell Prison d. Borstal Institution

38. It refers to any form of detention or imprisonment, or to the placement of a child in conflict
with the law in a public or private custodial setting, from which the child in conflict with the law
is not permitted to leave at will by order of any judicial or administrative authority.

a. Detention c. Deprivation of Liberty

b. Deprivation of freedom d. Deprivation of Rights

39. A type of gang in which it concentrates on drug use and sales, forgoing most delinquent
behavior, except vandalism.

a. Party Gang c. Social Gang

b. Organized Gang d. Serious Delinquent Gang

40. A system dealing with children at risk and children in conflict with the law, which provides
child appropriate proceedings, including programs and services for prevention, diversion,
rehabilitation, reintegration and aftercare to ensure their normal growth and development.

a. Wergild system c. Juvenile justice and welfare system

b. Dory system d. Juvenile system

41. A person who repeatedly commits an act that is against the norms or mores observed by the

a. Identity Crisis c. Status Offense

b. Delinquent Person d. Recidivist

42. A barangay tanod who has arrested a minor who committed violation of law is considered
a. Law enforcement c. Law enforcement Officer
b. Police d. Agent of persons in authority

43. . A person who has not reached adulthood or the age of majority. The term covers a child,
an adolescent, a minor, a youth, or a youngster below 18 years old.

a. Child c. Juvenile
b. Youth d. All of the above

44. As enshrined in RA 9344, this refers to a family court or, in places where there are no family
courts, any regional trial court.

a. Regional trial court c. Court

b. Family court d. Women's Desk

45. People come into contact with “definitions favorable to violations of law” and definitions
unfavorable to violations of law. The ratio of these definitions determines whether a person will
engage in criminal behavior.This statement came from what theory?

a. Reinforcement Theory c. Differential Reinforcement theory

b. Differential Association theory d. Conditioning Theory

46. These are programs provided in a community setting developed for purposes of intervention
and diversion, as well as rehabilitation of the child in conflict with the law, for reintegration into
his family and community.

a. Diversion program c. Intervention program

b. Community-based program d. Police community relations program

47. This principle claims that only pleasure motivates us.

a. Rationality c. Hedonism
b. Punishment d. Determinism

48. The totality of the circumstances and conditions which are most congenial to the survival,
protection and feelings of security of the child and most encouraging to the child's physical,
psychological and emotional development.
a. Interest of the child c. Child’s welfare
b. Best interest of the child d. Child’s protection

49. He believes that punishment is in the form of infliction of pain, should always be justified in
terms of a greater good?

a. Jeremy Bentham c. Cesare Lombroso

b. Enrico Ferri d. Henry Goddard

50. A child who is vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal offenses because of
personal, family and social circumstances.

a. Child at risk c. Youth at risk

b. Delinquent d. Deviant

51. Offenses which discriminate only against a child, while an adult does not suffer any penalty
for committing similar acts. These shall include curfew violations; truancy, parental
disobedience and the like.

a. Child offense c. Delinquency

b. Status Offense All of these

52. Republic Act No. 9344 is otherwise known as:

a. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006

b. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2007
c. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2008
d. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2009

53. This gang is equally unsuccessful in legitimate as well as illegitimate means. Members are
known as double failures, thus they move into a world of sex, drugs and alcohol.

a. Criminal gang c. Conflict/Violent gang

b. Retreatist gang d. Organized gang

54. A Family Court Law

a. RA 8369 c. RA 7610
b. RA 9344 d. RA 9262

55. It is defined as the responsibility of the courts and the state to act on behalf of the child and
provide care and protection equivalent to that of a parent.

a. Patria Protestas c. Guardian ad ie tem

b. Foster Parents d. Parens Patriae

56. The New Child Labor Law.

a. RA 8369 c. RA 9231
b. RA 9745 d. RA 9262

57. They have weak ego, asocial, experienced early and severe parental rejection. They are
disorderly, confused and not dependable with pathological disturbance.

a. Occasional delinquents c. Maladjusted delinquents

b. Psychiatric delinquents d. Emotionally maladjusted delinquents

58. Which among the following is not included as a description of the child at risk?

a. being out of school c. being a member of a syndicate

b. being a street child d. living in situations of armed conflict

59. These youths become delinquents as a result of distortions in their personality and their
ideas and perception of the world around them. They commit delinquent acts because of their
insecurities about their masculinity.

a. Socialized delinquents c. Psychotic delinquents

b. Neurotic delinquents d. Sociopathic delinquents

60. A child who is alleged as, accused of, or adjudged as, having committed an offense under
Philippine laws.

a. Delinquent c. CICL
b. Juvenile Delinquent d. Deviant
61. John was asked by his mother to clean the dishes. After hearing that, John automatically
went outside the house to play with his friends. In the statement, John manifests what kind of
pathway to delinquency?

a. Authority-conflict pathway c. Covert pathway

b. Overt pathway d. Defiance pathway

62. It refers to any act or omission whether punishable under special laws or the Revised Penal

a. Felony c. Crime
b. Offense d. Delinquency

63. The marriage of a person below 18 years of age even with the consent of the parents are

a. Articulo Mortis c. void ab initio

b. Null d. Voidable

64. The right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
punishment; the right not to be imposed a sentence of capital punishment or life imprisonment,
without the possibility of release; and the right to bail and recognizance are examples of:

a. Rights of the child in conflict with the law

b. Rights of the child
c. Constitutional rights of the child
d. Statutory rights of the child

65. Is required if either or both of the contracting parties is/are between the age of 21 and 25.

a. Parental Consent c. Parental Advice

b. Parental Guidance d. Marriage License

66. A child ____ at the time of the commission of the offense shall be exempt from criminal

a. 15 years of age or under c. 15 years of age or below

b. 15 years of age d. 15 years of age but below 18
67. Is required if either or both of the contracting parties are between the ages of eighteen and
twenty one .

a. Parental Consent c. Parental Advice

b. Parental Guidance d. Marriage License

68. A child above fifteen (15) years but below eighteen (18) years of age shall likewise be
exempt from criminal liability and be subjected to __, unless he/she has acted with

a. an intervention program c. community-based program

b. a diversion program d. counseling program

69. A special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered into in
accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and family life.

a. Marriage c. Wedding Ceremony

b. Cohabitation d. Legal Union

70. Any person contesting the age of the child in conflict with the law prior to the filing of the
information in any appropriate court may file a case in a summary proceeding for the
determination of age before the __.

a. Court c. Family Court

b. RTC d. Sandigan Bayan

71. Mark is taking a high-stakes university exam and is sitting next to the smartest student in the
class. Mark can clearly see his classmate’s response but refrains from copying the answers.
Which of the following is affecting Mark’s behavior?

a. Super Ego c. Instinct

b. Ego d. Id

72. Any contest when it comes to the age of the child must be resolved within how many hours?

a. 18 hours c. 24 hours
b. 12 hours d. 8 hours
73. A petition for legal separation may be filed only by the husband and wife, as the case may
be, within______________ years from the time of the occurrence of any of the grounds for
legal separation.

a. 2 years c. 4 years
b. 3 years d. 5 years

74. A Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council (JJWC) is hereby created and attached to the__ and
placed under its administrative supervision.

a. DOJ c. DOH

75. is a legal process by which a married couple may formalize a de facto separation whilst
remaining legally married.

a. Judicial Separation c. Legal Separation

b. divorce a mensa et thoro d. All of the above

76. Who among the following is not a member of the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council?

a. Department of Education c. Commission on Human Rights

b. Bureau of Corrections d. Integrated Bar of the Philippines

77. It is a legal procedure for declaring a marriage null or void.

a. Dissolution of Marriage c. Annulment

b. Divorce d. Legal Separation

78. JJWC shall be chaired by an undersecretary of the :

a. DOJ c. DSWD
b. DOH d. DILG

79. All statements, EXCEPT ONE, are correct:

a. The family becomes a cause of juvenile delinquency when parents find it hard to balance
their jobs with their parental responsibilities
b. Peer group is a factor to juvenile delinquency
c. Parental rejection causes juvenile delinquency
d. It is only within the family that a child must learn his life values

80. What unit in our society is responsible for the primary nurturing and rearing of children
which is critical in delinquency prevention?

a. Parents c. Family
b. School d. Church

81. Parental authority is deemed terminated upon:

a. death of the parents c. emancipation of the child

b. death of the child d. All of the above

82. The __ shall play an active role in the promotion of child rights, and delinquency prevention
by relaying consistent messages through a balanced approach.

a. media practitioner c. Mass Media

b. School d. Church

83. In case of separation between parents of the child, a child of such age is given by the court
the preference to choose between either parents.

a. under 9 years of age c. 7 years of age

b. 10 years of age d. 5 years of age

84. If it has been determined that the child taken into custody is fifteen (15) years old or below,
the authority which will have an initial contact with the child has the duty to immediately:

a. Release to the custody of the DSWD

b. Release to the custody of parents
c. Release to the custody of guardians
d. All of these

85. What are the two essential requisites of a valid marriage?

a. Legal capacity of the couple to marry and consent freely given in the presence of the
b. Marriage license and authority of the solemnizing officer
c. Authority of the solemnizing and the consent freely given in their presence
d. Marriage license and consent freely given in the presence of the solemnizing officer

86. Immediately but not later than __ after apprehension, turn over the custody of the child to
the Social Welfare and Development Office or other accredited NGOs.

a. 6 hours c. 8 hours
b. 7 hours d. 14 hours

87. The following are the grounds for legal separation, except:

a. Imprisonment of the respondent for more than six years, even if pardoned;
b. Drug addition of the respondent before the marriage
c. Sexual infidelity or perversion
d. Adornment of the petitioner for more than one year.

88. The Recognizance Law in the Philippines

a. RA 612 c. RA 6036
b. RA 9231 d. RA 7610

89. Ms. Ana Lisa wanted to finally end her single life through marriage with her favored
boyfriend. However, in contracting their marriage, what is the possible requirement since both
of them are still at the age of 21?

a. Parental Guidance c. Parental Love

b. Parental Consent d. Parental Advice

90. The Anti-Torture Law.

a. RA 6127 c. RA 6036
b. RA 9231 d. RA 9745

91. In marriage, repeated violence or grossly abusive conduct directed against the petitioner, a
common child, or a child of the petitioner and physical violence or moral pressure to compel the
petitioner and physical violence or moral pressure to compel the petitioner to change religious
or political affiliation is a ground for dissolution or separation of husband and wife. To be
specific, the aforementioned violence is applicable for the filling of ____.

a. Marital Cohabitation c. Legal separation

b. Divorce d. Annulment of marriage

92. Once the child who is under eighteen (18) years of age at the time of the commission of the
offense is found guilty of the offense charged, the court shall determine and ascertain any civil
liability which may have resulted from the offense committed. However, instead of pronouncing
the judgment of conviction, the court shall place the child in conflict with the law under :

a. Automatic suspension c. Both a and b

b. Suspended Sentence d. Probation

93. Under RA 9344, what is considered as an alternative to imprisonment?

a. Diversion c. Intervention
b. Automatic suspension d. Probation

94. Otherwise known as the probation Law of 1976.

a. PD 603 c. PD 968
b. RA9344 d. Act No. 4221

95. Criminal Liability shall be attached to any parent who?

a. Conceals or abandons the child with intent to make such child lose his civil status.
b. Sells or abandons the child to another person for valuable consideration
c. Neglects the child by not giving him the education which the family’s station in life and
financial conditions permit.
d. All of the above

96. The chapter 2 of the family Code provides the following marriages exempted from license
requirement, except:

a. Marriages in artiiculo mortis or at the point of death

b. Marriages in remote places
c. Marriages between Muslims or among members of the ethnic cultural communities
d. Marriages between parties who have already license

97. It is a document issued, either by the church or state authority, authorizing a couple to
marry. This refers to ____.

a. Marriage Contract c. Marriage Permit

b. Marriage License d. Marriage Agreement

98. It is a Latin phrase which means “from table and bed”, although it is often translated as
“from bed and board.” The Latin phrase is known as ___.

a. Mensa et thoro c. Mesa de gallo

b. Mere de gloto d. Mesa de kama

99. This family, the father works outside the home and has control over others, while the
mother stays at home and raises the children.

a. Egalitarian c. Nuclear
b. Blended d. Patriarchal

100. According to Robert Agnew the following are the strain producing events, except?

a. Strain caused by failure to achieve positively valued goals

b. Strain caused by the removal of positively valued stimuli from the individual
c. Strain caused by the presentation of negative stimuli
d. None of the above

101. It is a theory that explains that society creates deviance through a system of social control
agencies that designate certain individuals as delinquent, thereby stigmatizing youths and
encouraging them to accept this negative personal identity.

a. self-labeling c. labeled
b. Stigmatized d. labeling theory

102. Under the Social Control Theory, _______ ties a person to the institutions and processes of
a. social bond c. criminal atavism
b. free will d. Drift

103. Kids who are attached to their families are less likely to get involved in a deviant peer
group and consequently less likely to engage in criminal activities. This is an element of social
bond called:

a. involvement c. attachment
b. Commitment d. Belief

104. It is a pathway to a delinquent career that begins with minor underhanded behavior, leads
to property damage and eventually escalates to more serious forms of theft and fraud.

a. authority conflict pathway c. overt pathway

b. covert pathway d. self-labeling

105. What do you call that stage of delinquency where a child, aged between 8 and to 12 years
old, begins to commit petty larceny?

a. Explosion c. Conflagration
b. Exploration d. Emergence

106. Rita is a junior high student who was involved in the shoplifting incident in a convenience
store near their barangay.. Her involvement has been negatively labeled because of her
participation, or alleged participation, in deviant or outlawed behavior, which is called?

a. self-labeling c. labeled
b. stigmatized d. Scrutinized

107. Andrew Ey enjoys shoplifting a bottle of beer in a convenient store where there is absence
of staff that would look after the goods and merchandise in the store. In the scenario, Andrew
Ey becomes a motivated offender whenever he sees a suitable target and commits the crime
because of the absence of people that would deter his action. This explains the theory of:

a. Rational Choice Theory c. Phrenology

b. Labeling Theory d. Routine-Activity Theory
108. A theory that views crime and delinquency as a result of the frustration and anger people
experience over their inability to achieve legitimate social and financial success.

a. Labeling Theory c. Strain Theory

b. Social Control Theory d. Differential Association Theory

109. A principle in classical theory which explains that people weigh the benefits and
consequences of their future actions before deciding on a course of behavior.

a. free will c. trait theory

b. classical criminology d. Utilitarianism

110. According to general strain theory, anger, depression, disappointment, fear, and other
adverse emotions that derive from strain are called?

a. negative states c. negative affective states

b. negative frustrations d. affective states

111. One of the categories of family dysfunction where it disrupts the family’s role as an agent
of social control and has a powerful influence on delinquent behavior.

a. family break-up c. family conflict

b. family deviance d. family neglect

112. The negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child by a parent or caretaker under

circumstances indicating harm or threatened harm to the child's health or welfare is known as:

a. Child Abuse c. Child Dilemma

b. Child Neglect d. Child in Conflict with the Law

113. Which of the following is an act committed by a juvenile for which an adult could be
prosecuted in a criminal court?

a. Adult offense c. Delinquency offense

b. Status offense d. Children in Conflict with the Law

114. What is the legal doctrine establishing the court as the determiner of the best environment
for raising a child which is an alternative to the Parens Patriae Doctrine?
a. Rights of Society c. Best Interest of the Child Rule
b. Parental Obligation d. Miranda Doctrine

115. What is the legal doctrine preventing unemancipated children from suing their parents?

a. Parens Patriae Doctrine c. Family Immunity Doctrine

b. Equal Protection d. Poisonous Tree Doctrine

116. These are offenses which discriminate only against a child, while an adult does not suffer
any penalty for committing similar acts.

a. Crime c. Status offense

b. Offense d. Delinquency

117. Stacy has been a consistent honor student since elementary. Now that she will be
graduating from high school, she took the entrance examination in order to be admitted into a
prestigious college university, which she dreamed of. Stacy was disappointed because she failed
the said qualifying examination and was denied for studying in the said university. The
frustration that Stacy experienced as a result of doing poorly on an exam is a type of strain
under what theory?

a. Strain Theory c. Social Control Theory

b. General Strain Theory d. Differential Association Theory

118. It is the rational component of the social bond as described by Travis Hirschi where this
refers to the extent that children participate in productive activities.

a. Attachment c. Commitment
b. Belief d. Involvement

119. What theory states that people in all strata of society share the same success goals but
those in the lower-class have limited means of achieving them?

a. Social Disorganization Theory c. Culture Deviance Theory

b. Differential Association Theory d. Differential Opportunity Theory
120. Carlo’s wife died of breast cancer. A year later, Carlo marries his deceased wife’s sister,
Carla. What kind of marriage does Carlo and Carlo have?

a. Levirate Marriage c. Sororate Marriage

b. Adoptive Marriage d. Endogamy Marriage

121. The first and most important social unit to affect children. It is also a basic social institution
which public policy cherishes and protects.

a. Family c. Church
b. School d. Community

122. This family model describes the father as the chief executive officer while the mother as
the operating officer, where she implements the father’s policy and manages the staff (children)
that in turn have privileges and responsibilities based on their seniority.

a. Team Model c. Corporate Model

b. Boarding School Model d. Theatrical Model

123. What refers to the program that the child in conflict with the law is required to undergo
after he/she is found responsible for an offense without resorting to formal court proceedings?

a. Diversion c. Intervention
b. Diversion Program d. Intervention Program

124. A system dealing with children at risk and children in conflict with the law, which provides
child-appropriate proceedings, including programs and services for prevention, diversion,
rehabilitation, re-integration and aftercare to ensure their normal growth and development.

a. Wergild System c. Juvenile System

b. Dowry System d. Juvenile Justice and Welfare System

125. According to a British psychologist, John Bowlby, even a short absence on the part of the
mother could have deleterious effects on the psychic well-being of a child. A child who is
deprived of his mother goes through three phases:

a. Protest, despair & detachment c. Commitment, Despair & detachment

b. Protest, frustration & attachment d. Attachment, despair & protest
126. John’s parents are warm but firm towards them. Their parents deal with them in a rational,
issue-oriented manner and engage them in discussion and explanation over rules and discipline.
John’s parents are deem:

a. Authoritarian parents c. Indulgent parents

b. Authoritative parents d. Indifferent parents

127. In repairing the harm done by a child in conflict with the law (CICL), the agencies shall exert
all efforts to apply the principle of ________ justice.

a. Juvenile c. Restorative
b. Retributive d. Criminal

128. Kirsten was conceived and born outside a valid marriage of her parents. Under Article 165
of the Philippine Family Code, she is deem to be:

a. A legitimate child c. A legitimated child

b. An adopted child d. An illegitimate child

129. These are programs provided in a community setting developed for purposes of
intervention and diversion, as well as rehabilitation of the child in conflict with the law, for
reintegration into his family and community.

a. Diversion program c. Intervention program

b. Community-based program d. Police community relations program

130. The totality of the circumstances and conditions which are most congenial to the survival,
protection and feelings of security of the child and most encouraging to the child's physical,
psychological and emotional development.

a. Interest of the child c. Child’s welfare

b. Best interest of the child d. Child’s protection

131. What is the legal doctrine that unless the mother is "unfit", very young children should be
placed in custody with their mother following a divorce?

a. Tender Years Doctrine c. Illegitimacy

b. Psychological Parent Doctrine d. Poisonous Tree Doctrine

132. What is declared of a temporary or permanent termination of parental rights in the best
interest of the child usually for reasons of abandonment, abuse, or neglect, but also including
mental illness, addiction, or criminal record?

a. Unfit Parent c. Mental Disturbance

b. Psychological Incapacitation d. Child at risk

133. Children who are vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal offenses because of
personal, family and social circumstances are considered:

a. Abused Children c. Children in Conflict with the Law

b. Neglected Children d. Children at Risk

134. Parental authority terminates permanently in the following circumstances except:

a. Upon emancipation of the child c. Upon unemancipation of the child

b. Upon death of the parents d. Upon death of the child

135. Shirley is a maltreated child. She is made to work under conditions not conducive to good
health. What type of neglect is present in Shirley’s case?

a. Emotional neglect c. Neglect

b. Physical neglect d. Neglected

136. It includes general measures to promote social justice and equal opportunity, which tackle
the perceived root causes of offending. These shall include programs on advocacy, and
socio-economic, health and nutrition, 8 training and education services.

a. Primary intervention c. Tertiary intervention

b. Secondary intervention d. Primary prevention

137. It is hereby made a policy that in preventing juvenile delinquency and addressing the harm
done by CICL, what programs shall be the primary mode of intervention?

a. Center-based programs c. Intervention

b. Community-based programs d. Restorative
138. The programmatic approaches or systematic social protection programs for children under
RA 9344 as amended have three levels, EXCEPT:

a. Primary intervention c. Tertiary intervention

b. Secondary intervention d. Diversion

139. A private person taking into custody a child in conflict with the law shall deliver the child to

a. Nearest city jail c. Nearest court

b. Nearest police station d. Nearest hospital

140. Under this circumstance, parents physically leave their children with the intention of
completely severing the parent-child relationship.

a. Neglect c. Child abuse

b. Abandonment d. Battered child

141. It asserts that criminal behavior is learned primarily within interpersonal groups.

a. learning theories c. general strain theory

b. social disorganization theory d. differential association theory

142. An institution or person assuming the care, custody, protection and maintenance of
children for placement in any child-caring institution or home or under the care and custody of
any person or person for purposes of adoption, guardianship or foster care.

a. Child placing agency c. Detention home

b. Shelter home d. Child caring facility

143. Independence of a minor from his or her parents before reaching the age of majority.

a. Adolescent c. Emancipation
b. Child d. Youth

144. The Differential Association Theory provides a good illustration of a social learning
approach perspective in Criminology. Criminal behavior according to this theory is:
a. result of an emotional disturbance
b. An inmate quality of goodness or badness
c. Learned and not inherited
d. An excess of wisdom
145. Some criminology theorists have linked physical characteristics with personality. Among
these theories is William Sheldon’s Somatotyping theory. He classified body physique into three
categories as the endomorphic, the mesomorphic and the ectomorphic body. Of the following
statements, which appropriately describes the mesomorphic?

a. The twin and fragile with withdrawn behavior

b. The muscular and hard physique
c. The attractive and beautifully shaped
d. The fat and soft body type

146. The following will have the authority over the child in case of separation and death of both
parents except:

a. Guardian appointed by the court

b. Grandparents of the child
c. Surviving parent of the child
d. A guardian who is 18 years old

147. A family consisting of a husband and wife and their children.

a. Truncated family c. Joint family

b. Nuclear family d. Extended family

148. A child in conflict with the law shall only be searched by a law enforcement officer of the
same ______, as prescribed in Section 21 of RA 9344.

a. Weight c. Face
b. Height d. Gender

149. It is the stage after initial contact, when the law enforcement officer gathers relevant
evidence including the testimonies of witnesses, documents, object evidence, local knowledge
and review of scenes when a crime allegedly involving a child is reported.
a. Progress report c. Initial investigation
b. Initial report d. Final report

150. One family background predictors in juvenile delinquency is broken home. The term
broken home can be characterized by:

a. Inadequate type of family structure

b. Anti-social type of family structure
c. Discordant or disturbed family structure
d. Disrupted or incomplete family structure

151. Any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic worth and
dignity of a child as a human being is called:

a. Child neglect c. Abuse

b. Child abuse d. Child Trafficking

152. The act of buying and selling of a child for money, or for any other consideration, or barter
constitute the crime of:

a. Child abuse c. Child trafficking

b. Child neglect d. Child selling

153. It is viewed that behavior is modeled through observation.

a. Differential association c. Theory of imitation

b. Social learning theory d. Social bond theory

154. The age of a child in conflict with the law may be determined from the following
documents, EXCEPT:

a. Baptismal certificate c. Parents’ marriage contract

b. Birth certificate d. Form 137 in DepEd

155. The process by which a person who has been negatively labeled accepts the label as
personal role or identity.

a. Self-fulfilling prophecy c. Stigmatized

b. Self-labeling d. Stigmatization

156. These are those delinquents described as pro-social as they participate in a group. They
have common or similar characteristics. They do what others are doing.

a. Occasional delinquents c. Emotionally maladjusted delinquents

b. Maladjusted delinquents d. Psychiatric delinquents
157. This gang is equally unsuccessful in legitimate as well as illegitimate means. Members are
known as double failures; thus, they move into a world of sex, drugs and alcohol.

a. Organized gang c. Criminal gang

b. Conflict/violent gang d. Retreatist gang

158. What theory of criminality attributes delinquent and criminal behavior to a conscience so
overbearing that it arouses feelings of guilt, a conscience so weak that it cannot control the
individual’s impulses and needs immediate gratification?

a. Psychological Theory c. Psychoanalytical Theory

b. Social Learning Theory d. Psychiatric Theory

159. In Robert Agnew’s General Strain Theory, he identified the strain producing events. Which
of the following is not identified as strain producing events?

a. Strain caused by failure to achieve positively valued goals.

b. Strain caused by the removal of positively valued stimuli from the individual
c. Strain caused by the presentation of negative stimuli
d. Strain caused by failure to achieve negatively valued goals

160. Sending convicted offenders to secure incarceration facilities so that punishment is severe
enough to convince offenders not to repeat their criminal activity.

a. Differential Association Theory

b. Specific Deterrence
c. Routine Activity Theory
d. General Deterrence
161. Aljun wanted to finish college but due to financial constraints, he engages in dealing with
illegal drugs. Aljur demonstrates a positive goal in life but innovates the means of achieving
them. What mode of adaptation according to Robert Merton is this?

a. Conformity c. Retreatism
b. Innovation d. Rebellion

162. A legal relationship between two people not biologically related, usually terminating the
rights of biological parents, and usually with a trial "live-in" period. Once it is finalized, the
records are sealed and only the most compelling interests will enable disclosure of documents.

a. Adoption c. Common law relationship

b. Foster parenting d. Brotherhood

163. The act of being responsible for enforcing child support obligations is known as

a. Child’s care c. Child at risk

b. Parental Guidance d. Child support

164. The exemption from criminal liability of children under RA 9344 does include exemption
from civil liability.

a. The statement is correct. c. The statement is best.

b. The statement is incorrect. d. The statement is good.

165. A union between a 69 year old widowed grandfather married his 32 years old
granddaughter is considered void under the legal text of the Family Code of the Philippines by
reason of blood relationship between the contracting parties. Their marriage is known as _____.

a. Illegitimate marriage c. Void marriage

b. Invalid marriage d. Incestuous marriage

166. Anna and John, both 20 years of age, wanted to contract for marriage. What is the possible
requirements must be provided by them?

a. Parental guidance c. Parental love

b. Parental consent d. Parental advice
167. Parents who knows little about their child’s activities, show little interest in their child’s
experience at school and rarely consider the child’s opinion when making decisions are called

a. Indifferent parents c. Indulgent parents

b. Authoritarian parents d. Authoritative parents

168. It is the age at which youths begin their delinquent careers.

a. aging out process c. age of commencement

b. age of offset d. age of onset

169. What do you call measures other than judicial proceedings used to deal with a young
person alleged to have committed an offense?

a. Rehabilitation c. Individual response against bad behavior

b. Alternative measures d. Extra judicial proceedings

170. A term used to describe a clinical condition in young children who have received
non-accidental, inexcusable violence or injury, ranging from minimal to severe or fatal trauma,
at the hand of an adult in a position of trust, generally a parent or guardian.

a. Battered Child Syndrome c. Abuse Trauma Syndrome

b. Incapacitated Child Syndrome d. None of these

171. Who conducts an initial assessment in order to determine the appropriate intervention
and prevention programs, in consultation with the child and the person having custody over the
child, immediately after being notified of the apprehension of a child who is fifteen years old or

a. Medical Doctor
b. Local Social Welfare and Development Office
c. Law Enforcement Officer
d. Local Social Welfare and Development Officer

172. If the child in conflict with the law is above fifteen (15) years old but below eighteen (18)
years of age acted with discernment, the child shall proceed to:

a. Intervention c. Diversion
b. Community program d. Bail

173. This refers to a meeting or series of meetings facilitated by either the Punong Barangay,
law enforcement officer, prosecutor or a judge, depending on the level of diversion conducted,
with a view to having the parties involved in the offense come up with an agreement that will
benefit the concerned parties.

a. Diversion proceedings c. Preliminary proceedings

b. Judicial proceedings d. Intervention proceedings

174. The taking of the statement of the child in conflict with the law shall be conducted in the
presence of the following:

a. child’s counsel of choice or in the absence thereof, a lawyer from the Public Attorney’s
b. the child’s parents, guardian, or nearest relative, as the case may be
c. the local social welfare development officer.
d. member of the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC)
e. All of these

175. It is a Juvenile Justice Model where it adopts a positivistic approach that is based on the
assumption that juvenile wrongdoing is the product of social or environmental factors for which
the young person cannot be held individually responsible.

a. Welfare Model c. Minimum Intervention Model

b. Justice Model d. Restorative Justice Model

176. It is one of the goals of the restorative justice model where it encompasses the repairing of
the physical, emotional and psychological harm that may have been experienced.

a. Deterrence c. Incapacitation
b. Restoration d. Rehabilitation

177. Teachers, administrators, and babysitters who are viewed as having some temporary
parental rights & obligations are considered:

a. Guardianship c. In Loco Parentis

b. Order of Authority d. Parens Patriae
178. Which of the following is true about Rational Choice Theory?

a. Juveniles always choose the most rational actions.

b. Deviance is the result of high calculation of risks and awards.
c. It asserts that children are born good and learn to be bad from others.
d. Juveniles engage in crimes to defy society’s defined goals.

179. Jean saw her boyfriend with another girl; upon seeing her boyfriend, she felt so
depressed, jealous and in pain. She also questioned herself why her boyfriend did that to her.
So, to end her sadness and depression she decided to terminate her life. What mode of
adaptation is described in the scenario?

a. Rebellion c. Conformity
b. Retreatism d. Ritualism

180. What are the two essential requisites of a valid marriage?

a. Legal capacity of the couple to marry and consent freely given in the presence of the
solemnizing officer
b. Marriage license and authority of the solemnizing officer
c. Authority of the solemnizing and the consent freely given in their presence
d. Marriage license and consent freely given in the presence of the solemnizing officer

181. What refers to the program that the child in conflict with the law is required to undergo
after he/she is found responsible for an offense without resorting to formal court proceedings?

a. Diversion c. Intervention
b. Diversion program d. Intervention program

182. It is a 24-hour residential care facility managed by the Department of Social Welfare and
Development LGUs, licensed and/or accredited NGOs monitored by the DSWD, which provides
care, treatment and rehabilitation services for children in conflict with the law.

a. Youth rehabilitation center c. Rehabilitation center

b. Youth detention home d. Tahanan ng kabataan
183. It refers to any form of detention or imprisonment, or to the placement of a child in
conflict with the law in a public or private custodial setting, from which the child in conflict with
the law is not permitted to leave at will by order of any judicial or administrative authority.

a. Detention c. Deprivation of liberty

b. Deprivation of freedom d. Deprivation of rights

184. A barangay tanod who has arrested a minor who committed violation of law is considered

a. Police c. Law enforcement officer

b. Law enforcement d. Agent of persons in authority

185. The right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
punishment; the right not to be imposed a sentence of capital punishment or life imprisonment,
without the possibility of release; and the right to bail and recognizance are examples of:

a. Rights of the child in conflict with the law

b. Rights of the child
c. Constitutional rights of the child
d. Statutory rights of the child

186. A child ____ at the time of the commission of the offense shall be exempt from criminal

a. 15 years of age or under c. 15 years of age or below

b. 15 years of age d. 15 years of age but below 18

187. A child above fifteen (15) years but below eighteen (18) years of age shall likewise be
exempt from criminal liability and be subjected to __, unless he/she has acted with

a. an intervention program c. community-based program

b. a diversion program d. counseling program

188. Immediately but not later than __ after apprehension, turn over the custody of the child to
the Social Welfare and Development Office or other accredited NGOs.
a. 6 hours c. 8 hours
b. 7 hours d. 24 hours

189. All records and proceedings involving children in conflict with the law from initial contact
until final disposition of the case shall be considered:

a. Confidential c. Privileged
b. Privileged and confidential d. all of these

190. Once the child who is under eighteen (18) years of age at the time of the commission of
the offense is found guilty of the offense charged, the court shall determine and ascertain any
civil liability which may have resulted from the offense committed. However, instead of
pronouncing the judgment of conviction, the court shall place the child in conflict with the law
under :

a. Automatic suspension c. Imprisonment

b. Suspended sentence d. Probation

191. Who determines whether or not diversion is appropriate when the CICL is at least 15 years
and 1 day old but below 18 years of age, at the time of the commission of the offense, had
acted with discernment and the maximum penalty imposed by law for the offense with which
the CICL is charged is imprisonment of not more than 12 years and before arraignment of the

a. DSWD c. Prosecutor
b. Law Enforcement Officer d. Court\

192. It is frequently associated with groups in socially disorganized and deteriorated inner-city

a. Delinquents c. Subculture
b. Gang d. Delinquency

193. It is one of the goals under Classical Theory where wrongdoers should be locked up in jail
while imprisoned they cannot commit offenses against other people in the outside world.

a. Incapacitation c. Deterrence
b. Retribution d. Specific deterrence
194. The study that linked facial features with crime is called:

a. Phrenology c. Somatotyping
b. Physiognomy d. Anthropometry

195. According to Psychoanalytical theory, delinquent behavior is the result of a defective:

a. Id c. Superego
b. Ego d. None of these

196. John was frustrated because he found out that his girlfriend has been cheating on him for
the past 6 months. John felt that he was dumped by his girlfriend. What type of strain John is

a. Exposure to negative stimuli

b. Denial of previously attained achievements
c. Failure to achieve positively valued goals
d. Denial of responsibility

197. It is one of the techniques of neutralization according to David Matza that states that some
delinquents justify their illegal acts by claiming that they committed it in respect to a high

a. Denial of responsibility
b. Denial of injury
c. Appeal to higher loyalty
d. Denial of victim

198. Otto Pollak argued that women are actually as criminal as men but criminality is hidden or
“masked”. He describes this as:

a. Unadjusted girl c. Atavistic girl

b. Inferior girl d. Deceitful girl

199. It is a document issued, either by a church or state authority, authorizing a couple to

a. Marriage certificate c. Certificate of no marriage
b. Marriage license d. Birth certificate

200. It is a legal procedure for declaring a marriage null or void.

a. Divorce c. Separation
b. Annulment d. Nullification

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