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Karma, innocence and social media.

When I was 13, I downloaded an app that consisted in uploading and watching posts anime-related and chatting people with those
interests. I met someone under the nickname “Karma” and eventually ended up catching feelings for them, but obviously they ended
up not being who they had told me they were. I was hiding the fact that I was chatting this person from my family, and when they
found out, I was taken to the nearest police station in order to sue Karma. Due to this I ended up having a traumatic respond that
made me unable to walk past by that police station without having an anxiety attack during the following 10 months.
The first mistake I committed was downloading that app because I had already heard stories from people that had been scammed in it,
but at the same time I was too innocent to believe that something like that would happen to me.
At the same time, I wish I hadn’t kept responding to Karma after all the things that they said and asked me for. If this happened to me
now, I would report them to the police immediately.
Something that would’ve changed if I had acted differently is my capability of trusting other people and my parents’ way perception
of me, because I was seen as a liar. But at the same time, things like these are the ones that have made me be the person I am
nowadays, and I’m somehow grateful for that.

Words: 250.

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