Homoeopathic Treatment of Typhoid Fever: A Case Report: January 2022 8 (2) :2-7

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January 2022;8(2):2-7

Homoeopathic Treatment of medicine - Natrum Muriaticum was prescribed in

centesimal scale starting with 200C in single dose.
Typhoid fever: A Case Report

Follow Up:
Dr. Vandana Shukla
MD (Homoeopathy) Treatment proceeded for a half year and 4 follow up
Practice of Medicine were finished during this period. To assess the status
Correspondence: and Widal test is done after 6 months that presented
shuklavandana34@gmail.com a normal study.

ABSTRACT The case shows the potential advantages and utility
Homoeopathy is the most solid sort of helpful framework
of Homeopathic treatment in Typhoid fever.
and its treatment give a patient delicate and perfect fix here
I am going to introduce an instance of Typhoid fever of 28
years of age female. I endorsed her Natrum muriaticum. INTRODUCTION:
Based on her psychological manifestations, physical Typhoid fever is the communicable type of disease.
general and individuation this medication is endorsed. It is one of the important causes of mortality. Mostly
found in developing country due to poor sanitation
INTRODUCTION and poor hygienic conditions1. Rate of typhoid fever
Typhoid is a multisystemic sickness. It is a kind of for the most part found in United States yet after
bacterial contamination because of the particular sort
1900 its frequency diminishes3. Presently in the
of microscopic organisms that causes manifestations
mellow to serious. event that we see the records, its occurrence rate
The viability of Homeopathic medication in typhoid diminished to fewer than 400 cases for each year.
fever had shown a case report with supporting This all occur because of better natural conditions.
archives. But in developing countries like India and Pakistan
the high rate of cases can be seen.
Case history:
A 28 years old female complaint of fever from last 2 Source of infection5: - There are two types Source
years fever on measuring 1010f. Both limbs are cold of infection: -
with bodyache. 1020f fever from last 2 to 3 days
nausea and vomiting. Thirst in extreme quantity. On Primary Source: -A. Faeces B. Urine. Secondary
examination especially on palpation hepatomegaly, source: contaminated water, contaminated food,
Splenomegaly seen. In front of eyes: Blurred vision contaminated Finger.
– Supraorbital pain.
Transmission Route: - Fecal oral route.
On seeing report WIDAL test is positive. Reservoir of infection: - The only reservoir of
infection is man.
Case analysis:
Selection of remedy based on the Repertorisation of Incubation Period: - Usually 10-14 days with a
the case. On the basis of totality of the symptoms range of approx. 2month.

and reportorial analysis and consult it with Materia


Medica6 by follows the principles of organon of

Indexed in:
January 2022;8(2):2-7

Peak Incidence: - Reported during July, • Headache

September. There are 2 reasons: - • Constipation, lassitude and malaise
• Anorexia, Nausea and vomiting
1. Rainy Season • Cough and sore throat.
2. Increase in fly population. • Pulse: - Relative bradycardia.
• Abdomen- Tumid.
Etiopathogenesis: • Epistaxis present.
The organism enters the body by ingestion. • Coecal gurgling present: - Due to fluid
Generally these organisms enter the stomach but faeces and gas.
gastric juice cannot destroy it. So these organism • Spleen: - Palpable.
now enter the intestine where it invade the mucosa • Rashes: -Present at the end of first week.
and go into the intestinal lymphatic through peyer’s • WIDAL test in first week if done then result
patches. Before reaching the blood this organism is negative.
generally proliferate in mesenteric lymph nodes and
spleen. Bacteremia occurs and sign and symptoms Second Week:
appear. In 2 week the antibodies appear so infection • High Fever (1040f)
now localized in liver, gallbladder and peyer’s • Mentally patient is dull and weak
patches. BACILLI now get entry into the intestine • Rose spots appears. It can be seen in lower
along with bile from liver. Peyer’s Patches & area of chest and abdomen.
Lymphoid Follicle, Becomes Hyperemic proliferate, • Pulse: - Tachycardia.
after it necrosed and ulcerated. ULCER is oval in • Abdomen distended with gas.
shape. Long axes of ulcer present along the long • Spleen: -Enlarged.
axes of gut. After treatment these ulcer heals • Liver enlarge (on investigation
completely without any scar. transaminases raised)
• Lung: - Bronchitis, bronchopneumonia.
Sign and Symptoms • Constipation replaced by looseness of bowl.
(Peasoup Diarrhoea)
First Week:
Fever-Gradual rise of temperature. (Step Ladder Third Week: -
Pattern) • Temperature drops down.
• Patient becomes more dull sometimes reach
in coma state.

It affects different systems of body.
It can be seen in 30% cases: -

• Bronchitis

• Bronchopneumonia.

NOTE: -20 evening rise and 10 morning fall. 2. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: -

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January 2022;8(2):2-7

• Myocarditis Prevention: Prevention and elimination of

• Thrombophlebitis. typhoid fever is within the scope of modern public
• Circulatory failure. health.
3. GASTRO INTESTINAL SYSTEM: There are three lines of defense against typhoid
• Hemorrhage. fever: -
• Perforation.
• Peritonitis. • Control of reservoir.
4. NERVOUS SYSTEM: - • Control of sanitation.
• Meningitis. • Immunization.
• Convulsion.
1. Baptisia tinctoria.
INVESTIGATION: - 2. Belladonna.
3. Bryonia.
Blood Culture: -This is positive: - 4. Gelsemium.
5. Rhus Tox.
• 90% cases: - In first week.
6. Arnica
• 75% cases: - In Second week.
7. Lachesis.
• 60% cases: - In third week.
8. Chininumsulph.
Stool Culture: - Positive throughout the course of
Miasmatic Approach: - There should be psora-
the disease.
syphilitic miasm.
Urine Culture: - Less valuable than stool and
Psora: - In Initial state there may be presence of
blood culture.
psora when fever lassitude and nausea vomiting,
WIDAL AGGLUTINATION TEST: -This is positive sore throat, rosy spots appear.
from second week rises up to third and 4 week
Syphilis: - In later and end stage of typhoid there
after which it declines.
may be presence of syphilis due to perforation and

Patients Name: - XXXXX
Age/sex/Religion: - 28/Female/Hindu
Address: 47/39 Hatiya Kanpur
Occupation: Housewife.
Marital Status: Married.
Presenting complaints
• Patient having fever from two years. Fever
on measuring 1010 f.

• Extremities: - Both limbs are cold.


• Bodyache.

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January 2022;8(2):2-7

• Thirst in extreme quantity.

• 1020 f Fever from 2-3 days with nausea and Mental General:
vomiting (In vomiting mucus come out) • Patient is introverted type.
• On seeing report WIDAL test is positive. • Irritability can be seen very easily.
• On examination especially on palpation: - • Anger also noticed at trifle matters.
hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly seen. • Anxiety about health.
• In front of eyes: Blurred vision – • Patient is very loyal in relationship.
Supraorbital pain. • Great sense of responsibility
• Sensitive to music.
Past Complaints • Biting finger nails.
• At 14 years age- chicken pox fever history • Indolent type: Aversion to work.
also found in patient. • Complaints aggravated at sun < heat.
• Emotionally strongly attached but does not
Personal History: - show it.
• Constitution: - Lean, thin, irritable • Memory Sharp
• Food Habit: - Vegetarian. Physical Examination
• Addiction: - No Addiction. General Examination
• Habit: - Sedentary /Active/hard labour: - 1. Inspection: - Done
Active. 2. Palpation: - Done: - Hepatomegaly,
• Extra marital Relation: -No Splenomegaly.
3. Percussion: - Done: - no any abnormality
Family History: - seen.
• Father: Cervical gland enlarged. 4. Auscultation: - Done.
• Mother =No. Pulse: -70/MIN
• Social Status: - BP: -110/70mmhg
• Nutritional Status: - Poor. Temperature: -1010f
Respiratory rate: -13 breaths per min.
Systemic Review: -
GENERAL SYMPTOMS Eye: - Blurred sensation
Vision: - Myopia.
Physical General: -
Appetite: - Decreased. ORAL CAVITY
Thirst: - Increased.
Desires: - Bitter, Salty. Mouth
Aversion: - No. Tongue – slightly white coated.
Sleep: - Sleeplessness. Teeth
Dream: forget (yaad nahi rahta) Left side dental caries.
Perspiration: - Profuse (Daytime) Gastro Intestinal tract.

Effect on patient and his complaints: Vomiting – nausea – Distension of abdomen.


Weather : - < hot weather Respiratory system: - No

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January 2022;8(2):2-7


Nervous System: - No INTO RUBRICS
Locomotor System: - No Mind –anger-trifle, at MIND
Skin: - No Mind –AILMENTS from Grief MIND
Mind – Sensitive-Music , to MIND
Mind – Biting –Nails MIND
OBS/GYNAL HISTORY Stomach-Thirst-Extreme Stomach
Menstrual History Perspiration-Profuse Perspiration
1. Menarche: -16 years.
Sleep –Sleeplessness Sleep
2. Duration: - 4 Days.
Vision-Blurred Vision
3. Flow: -Scanty. Abdomen-Enlarged-Liver Abdomen
4. Dysmenorrhea: -Present. Abdomen-Distension Abdomen
5. LMP: -20 Aug. Abdomen-Enlarged- Spleen Abdomen
Expectoration-Mucous Expectoration
Investigation Extremities-Coldness, Hands Extremities
Fever-Typhoid Fever
Widal Test: -Positive. Female Genitalia/Sex-Menses- Female
TO TH AH BH Scanty Genitalia/Sex
1/480 1/240 1/40 1/40

HB%: - 10.5gm.
Blood group: -A+
TLC: - 5300cumm.
Polymorphs =63%
Lymphocytes =29%
Eosinophil =7%
Monocytes =1%
Basophils = 0%
ESR: 32MM/1hrs.

Some more information about the patient: -

Patient does not want to live in village but after
marriage she has to live in village. Silent grief runs
through the whole case. With fever there is dullness
with irritability. Sensitiveness to sunlight also present
and headache with blur vision.

Discussion: - Patient is very hot with salty desire

and thirsty. There is distension of abdomen also

Evaluation of Symptoms: (Rubric formation)4

Indexed in:
January 2022;8(2):2-7

Fever. Communicable Disease Surveillance

and Response Vaccines And Biologicals.
df. Accessed June 19, 2018.
2. Radar 10: Schroyens F.,Synthesis 9.0
(English) by F Schroyens.
3. World Health Organization, 2015. Progress
on Sanitation and Drinking Water - 2015
Update and MDG Assessment. Available at:
Update_.pdf. Accessed November 1, 2016.
4. Kent JT. Lectures on Homoeopathic
Philosophy. 5th ed. New Delhi: B Jain
Publishers (P) Ltd.; 1989. p. 766-72.
5. Park, K. (2005). Preventive and social
6. Clarke JH. A Dictionary of Practical Materia
Medica. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers;
1999. p. 549-62.

Repertory Used: -Schroyens

F.,Synthesis 9.0 (English)2

Final Remedy Selection with justification: -

After repertorisation maximum score is gain by
Natrum mur and Patient is very hot and desire for
salty things so the final selection of remedy is Natrum

The case shows the potential advantages and utility
of Homeopathic treatment in Typhoid fever.


1. World Health Organization (WHO), 2003.


Background Document: The Diagnosis,

Treatment and Prevention of Typhoid

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