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Poblacion, Lobo, Batangas



A Research Presented to Lobo Senior High School

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Strand

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Practical Research 1

Custodio, Joshua Caleb C.

Macatangay, Julia Mae P.
Ramos, Mary Jade L.

G-11 STEM Kyanite

June 2023

“A veritable gateway to holistic development.”

Poblacion, Lobo, Batangas



1.1. Introduction

Basic Calculus is confirmed to have different adversities that influence

the way of life of grade 11 STEM learners in Lobo Senior High School.

Individuals faced the hard reality of the adversities within this subject as

education struggle to provide solutions to the difficulties that hinder the

excelling skills of the learners. These adversities are the diminish foundation

and lack of knowledge towards the past lessons of geometry and algebra,

wrong attitude of students towards Basic Calculus and the lack of confidence

of students towards the said subject. These adversities has detrimental

influence on mental health and time management of the grade 11 STEM


These adversities brought changes and influence the actions of Grade

11 STEM learners. Some of the students already have mental health

problems such as anxiety and depression. While the others may seem strong

in the outside appearance but mentally they are already beaten and full of

inner wounds.

The different adversities also has a profound influence on how students

manage their time. Because of the lack of understanding towards the

different lessons in Basic Calculus, many Grade 11 STEM learners give up

their time in bonding with their families, they surrender the time of playing

games and
“A veritable gateway to holistic development.” 1
Poblacion, Lobo, Batangas

socializing with the other people. In addition, they cannot focus on the other

subjects due to the reason that their time was already taken by this subject.

1.2 Background of the Study

Basic Calculus is the mathematical field of study concerning continuous

change as well as how things change (Riley Kench, Gerald Lemay 2022). The world

is currently changing because of the influence brought by Basic Calculus. Basic

calculus concepts influence the transformation of our architecture, not just the

present buildings but also the necessary infrastructures.

Rightnow, there are more professional workers in the field of math with

more expertise in pure calculation, measurement, and things concerning with cre

atIng and building. In terms of business-related fields such as business and

finance, the lessons like trigonometry and geometry plays a vital role. In regards


11 STEM learners particularly for those students whose future occupations are en

gineering, scientists, and technologist, their knowledge was now more beyond

and highly at a whole new level. The importance and significance of this

specialized subject is getting more defined and clearer. However, there had been

persistent problems of students in the said subject. Students are struggling in

trying to learn new topics which leads to high failure rate in the course. As a

result, many of these students are advised to enroll in Pre-Calculus in anticipation

that this will allow them to build their mathematics skills in preparation for success
“A veritable gateway to holistic development.” 2
Poblacion, Lobo, Batangas
in Calculus (Leomarich F. Casinillo and Ma. Rachel Kim L. Aure 2018). This

outcome can be caused by the diminish foundation and lack of knowledge

towards the past lessons of

geometry, algebra and other mathematics lessons, behavior of the students in

regards to Basic Calculus, family problem, lack of time to study the lectures of

Basic Calculus which are all necessary in this specialized subject.

The Philippines is greatly affected by these adversities since Basic Calculus

is one of the specialized subject in the STEM strand. Failure can only lead to

deduction of future engineers, mathematicians which can lead to the deficiency of

possible workers and professionals in the future. This can also lead to major

damage in the everyday life since STEM students are needed especially by the

Philippines who mostly need new, develop and advance technologies for it's

different fields.

Hence this study aimed to explore the adversities affecting the excelling

skills of those students who have failing marks in Basic Calculus. In addition, the

purpose of this study is to build the foundation of every struggled students and to

improve their academic skills in the subject of Basic Calculus. The result of this

study will also influence the teachers who teach Basic Calculus since it will provide

knowledge regarding what to improve and what to remove in their way of teaching

education to Grade 11 STEM students.

Basic Calculus is a major subject that affects the world, it's benefits and

the adversities within will either result to success or failure. Basic Calculus brought
“A veritable gateway to holistic development.” 3
Poblacion, Lobo, Batangas
change to this world. Calculus is used in the field of engineering to determine the

amount of material needed for construction of curved shaped objects, the exact

length of cable needed to connect substations, or to determine the optimal velocity

and flight path for rockets and space probes.

Biologists utilize differential calculus to determine the growth rates of

bacteria. The entire field of physics is simply an application of calculus and its

multiple rules. Some physics outcomes that rely on calculus are center of mass,

center of gravity, moments of inertia, velocity, and momentum. Calculus is also

used in statistics to analyze different types of continuous data. Graphic artists utilize

calculus to determine how 3-dimensional objects react to continuous changes.

These practices often arise in video games to construct realistic environments.

Chemists use calculus to determine the rates of chemical reactions as well as to

analyze other continuous properties such as radioactive decay. Credit card

companies use calculus to create their interest rates and minimum payments for

their customers.

The field of epidemiology also utilizes calculus to determine the spread of

diseases as well as how diseases originate. Simply walking across the street

utilizes calculus to determine the correct speed at which to walk in order to avoid

being hit by oncoming traffic.(Riley Kench, Gerald Lemay 2022).

The are a lot of benefits in Calculus specifically Basic Calculus with

lessons regarding continuous change, limits , differential and integral which give

way to most of the fields to innovate and rise. However, there had been persistent

“A veritable gateway to holistic development.” 4

Poblacion, Lobo, Batangas
problems of students in the said subject. Students are struggling in trying to learn

new topics which leads to high failure rate in the course. As a result, many of these

students are advised to enroll in Pre-Calculus in anticipation that this will allow them

to build their mathematics skills in preparation for success in Calculus (Leomarich

F. Casinillo, Ma. Rachel Kim L. Aure 2018). This outcome can be caused by the

diminish foundation

and lack of knowledge towards the past lessons of geometry, algebra and other

mathematics lessons, behavior of the students in regards to Basic Calculus, family

problem, lack of time to study the lectures of Basic Calculus. The purpose of this

study is to look at the various adversities that are encountered by the grade 11

STEM learners in Lobo Senior High School and to provide suggestions and

solutions in regards to these difficulties.

In the Philippines ,like the other countries has struggled in the

development of math knowledge and the strategies to address the common

difficulties faced by the STEM learners. These adversities greatly affects the future

engineers and mathematicians in this country, hence solutions are needed to

enlighten and to open up new doors of knowledge. In Lobo Senior High School

many of the 11 STEM students are encountering difficulties and hardships towards

Basic Calculus. Many had already expressed their experiences, failures to their

classmates and the need of peers who will teach them the different lessons that

resides in the subject of Basic Calculus.

“A veritable gateway to holistic development.” 5

Poblacion, Lobo, Batangas
The purpose of this study is to comprehend the difficulties that prevent

Grade 11 STEM students at Lobo Advanced Secondary School from improving in

fundamental math. The information will be gather through using the method of

interview. This study aims to identify the underlying factors behind these learning

challenges, which primarily affect STEM students in grade 11. Finding the root

cause of these adversities would be a great help in solving the following problems

and negative effects of the different challenges.

This study aims to understand how STEM students in Grade 11 handle

the specialized subject of Basic Calculus. Every 11 STEM students in the track of

STEM addresses the different situations according to their knowledge however

some of their acts only makes the situations worse and difficult. Finally, this study

will offer solutions for dealing with the problems raised by this topic. Solutions will

be provide based on the personal experiences of STEM students.

The research will target the Grade 11 STEM students of Lobo Senior High

School who got failing grades in Basic Calculus. Purposive sampling will be use to

match the individuals who match the eligibility requirements of the research. For this

qualitative data, thematic analysis will be use. The result will affect not just the 11

STEM students but also the teachers who are teaching them Basic Calculus, this

makes the research an interesting study to be conduct by the researchers. Many

struggles would be address and the root cause of these learning adversities will be

discover and be solve by various possible solutions and suggestion provided by the


“A veritable gateway to holistic development.” 6

Poblacion, Lobo, Batangas

1.3 Statement of The Problem

The study aims to assess the learning adversities in Basic Calculus

among Grade-11 STEM Students.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following research question:

1.What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Grade

2.What are the difficulties that prevent Grade 11 STEM students from

improving in fundamental math?

3.What are the underlying factors behind these learning challenges, which

primarily affects STEM students in grade 11?

“A veritable gateway to holistic development.” 7

Poblacion, Lobo, Batangas
4.How STEM students in grade 11 handle the specialized subject of basic


1.4 Theoretical Framework

Resilience theory by Catherine moore (2019) Resilience theory argues

that it’s not the nature of adversity that is most important, but how we deal

with it. When we face adversity, misfortune, or frustration, resilience helps us

bounce back. It helps us survive, recover, and even thrive in the face and

wake of misfortune, but that’s not all there is to it.

Students deal with their adversities in different manner,some acts makes the

situation worsen ,and because of their wrong behavior and attitude toward

basic calculus a lot of challenges arises.

This is the point where resilience is necessary and plays a vital role.

Resilience helps students to grow and to fight their challenges. It changes

the outcome from negative to positive.

“A veritable gateway to holistic development.” 8

Poblacion, Lobo, Batangas

The purpose of this study
While qualitative data cannot be
foundationcounted andstruggling
of every
measured, a variety of methods
their including
skills in Bas
textual analysis and visual analysis, will be usedaffectin
aimed to challenges to
obtain the information for thisthose
study.students who have
1.5 Conceptual Framework
This portion of the research presented the visual

representation of process to obtain required information

as well as presenting the final output of the study. It

covered the required

resources to obtain the

information ang the final

output of the study.

“A veritable gateway to holistic development.” 9

Poblacion, Lobo, Batangas


Overcoming Adversities in Basic Calculus of Grade 11 STEM Learners

with failing marks in Lobo Senior High School

1.6 Significance of the Study

To the Teachers. This study can provide the teachers of basic calculus

some knowledges or information regarding what to add, improve and remove in

their way of teaching education to Grade 11 STEM learner.

To the readers. This study can be beneficial to readers by providing

experiences and insights on the adversities they are experienced in basic

calculus. It can also offer recommendations and potential solutions that will help

them to address this issue in the near future.

“A veritable gateway to holistic development.” 10

Poblacion, Lobo, Batangas
To the researchers. This study may contribute to the body of literature on

how to cope with adversity and its impact on learners and teachers.

To the future researchers. This study might also use as their reference

that can be help them to gain information and expand their knowledge of how

those overcoming adversities affect the grades of Grade 11 STEM learners in

Basic Calculus.


The study focuses on determining the adversities affecting the excelling

skills of Grade 11 STEM Learners that cause them to have failing marks in Basic

calculus at Lobo Senior Highschool SY 2022-2023. It also seeks to understand

how Grade 11 STEM learners manage the basic calculus.

The study was limited to the Grade 11 STEM learners with failing marks in

basic calculus of Lobo Senior High School. The main concern of the study is to

explore the struggled of every students and give some solutions on how to

improve their skills in the subject of Basic calculus. Solutions will be provided
“A veritable gateway to holistic development.” 11
Poblacion, Lobo, Batangas
based on the experiences of STEM students. This study will also discuss how

these STEM learners manage their struggle with basic calculus and the impact of

basic calculus on their student lives.


The highlighted words and phrases, together with their meanings, are part of

the research that underpins the definitions of terms. These are the words and

phrases that the researchers focused on.

Basic Calculus. Refers to the study of functions and limits and is broken

down into the two major branches:

differential calculus and

integral calculus (Riley Kench, Gerald Lemay, 2022)

“A veritable gateway to holistic development.” 12

Poblacion, Lobo, Batangas
Failing marks. It is the mark wherein it shows that someone has failed in a


Overcoming adversities. Defined as getting past on the obstacles that hinders

someone from continuing from their track.

Resilience theory. Is a psychological framework used to understand what

makes a person resilient or strong enough to withstand hardship in their life.

(Catherine Moore, 2019).

“A veritable gateway to holistic development.” 13

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