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• Samples are usually complex mixtures. In order

to identify and quantify the components of a
Ch. 23 Fundamentals of Analytical mixture, we have to separate the components in
Separations the mixture.
• Separation methods
– Extraction
– Chromatography
– Electrophoresis

Solvent Extraction Extraction Efficiency

• The transfer of an analyte from one phase to a second • A solute S has a partition coefficient of 3 between
based on the relative solubility of the analyte in two toluene and water. If you have 100 mL of a 0.010 M
immiscible liquids. solution of S in water.(1)What fraction of the solute
S 2 (1 q )m / V2 remains in H2O after a 500 mL extraction with toluene?
K (2) What fraction of the solute remains in H2O after a 5-
S 1 qm / V1 100 mL extractions with toluene?
V1 100
q q 0.062 6%
V1 KV2 100 (3)(500)
At equilibrium: K: the partition coefficient for distribution of 100
q 0.00098 0.1%
S between the two phases; q: the fraction of S remaining in 100 (3)(100)
phase 1; n: the # of extractions.
It is more efficient to do several small extractions
If q = 1/4, then 1/4 remains in phase 1 after one extraction than one big extraction.

pH Effects pH Effects
• The charge changes of an acid or base is dependent on pH. • K for an amine B is 3.0 and the Ka for BH+ is 1.08×10-9. If
• Distribute coefficient (D): an alternate form of the 50.00 mL of 0.010 M aqueous amine is extracted with 100
partition coefficient. mL of solvent, calculate the % remaining the in aqueous
phase in M at (1) pH 10.00; (2) pH 8.00.
Total conc. in phase 2 C2
Total conc. in phase 1 C1
KKa 3.0 1.0 10 9
pH 10.00 : D 2.73
[ B ]2 KKa Ka [ H ] 1.0 10 9 1.0 10 10
[ B ]1 [ BH ]1 Ka [ H ]
V1 50
[ B ]1[ H ] [ B ]2 q 0.15 15%
( Ka ;K ) V1 KV2 50 2.73 100
[ BH ]1 [ B]1
KKa 3.0 1.0 10 9
[ HA]2 K[H ] pH 8.00 : D 0.273
Ka [ H ] 1.0 10 9 1.0 10 8
[ HA]1 [ A ]1 Ka [ H ]
V1 50
[ A ]1[ H ] [ HA]2 q 0.65 65%
( Ka ;K ) : fraction of the species (P.191) V1 KV2 50 0.273 100
[ HA]1 [ HA]1

Extraction with a Metal Chelator Extraction with a Metal Chelator
•Usually neutral complexes can be extracted into organic •Commonly used: dithizone, 8-hydroquinoline, and
solvents. Charged complexes (e.g. MEDTA2-) are not very cupferron.
soluble in organic solvents. •Crown ethers can extract alkali metal ions and can bring
•Commonly used: dithizone, 8-hydroquinoline, and them into non-polar solvents.

Extraction with a
• A separation process based on the various partitioning
Metal Chelator coefficients of different solutes between the two phases.

•Each ligand can be presented • Involving the interaction of solute(s) and two phases
as a weak acid, HL. • Mobile phase: A gas or liquid that moves through the column.
•Mn+ is in the aqueous phase
and MLn is in the organic • Stationary phase: A solid or liquid that remains in place.
•The distribution coefficient
(D) for metal ion extraction
depends on pH and [ligand].
•By select a pH, you can bring
the metal into either phase.

Type of Chromatography Type of Chromatography

• Based on the mechanism of interaction of the solute • Based on the mechanism of interaction of the solute
with the stationary phase with the stationary phase

(2) Partition chromatography

(1) Adsorption chromatography
- Solute is adsorbed on the surface of - GC
the stationary phase (solid).
- The stronger a solute adsorbs, the - the partitioning of solutes
between a mobile phase (gas)
longer it takes to travel through the
chromatography column and bonded liquid stationary

Type of Chromatography Type of Chromatography
• Based on the mechanism of interaction of the solute • Based on the mechanism of interaction of the solute
with the stationary phase with the stationary phase

(3) Ion-exchange
chromatography (4) Molecular Size exclusion
- ionic interactions to separate ions.
- a stationary phase of anions will -size exclusion, gel filtration, or gel
separate cations and vice versa. permeation chromatography
-separate molecules by size
-large molecules pass through
faster (they do not get caught up in

Type of Chromatography The Chromatogram

•A plot of detector response with time.
• Based on the mechanism of interaction of the solute
with the stationary phase •Volume flow rate (flow rate): vol. of solvent pass through the
(5) Affinity chromatography
-Specific interactions of one kind of solute molecule to a second •Linear flow rate: the length of the column passed though by the
molecular that is covalently attached to the stationary phase solvent
-Most selective (e.g. use antibodies to select out one protein from a
•tm: unretained mobile phase travels through the column in the
mixture of hundreds)
minimum possible time
enzyme t substrate •tr: retention time, the time for each component needed after injection
of the mixture onto the column until that component reaches the
•tr’: adjusted retention time, tr’=tr-tm
•Vr: retention volume, volume of mobile phase required to elute a
solute to a maximum from a column. Vr= tr*flow rate

The Chromatogram Retention Parameters

• Adjusted retention time t ' tr tm
- Time spent in the stationary phase (or ts) r
• Relative retention
- ratio of adjusted retention times for any two components
- the greater the relative retention, the greater the
separation t' r2
t r' 1
• Capacity factor (or retention factor):
- the longer a component is retained by the column, the
greater is the capacity factor. t t
k' r m


• Example: Calculate the adjusted retention time and Retention Time and Partition Coefficient
capacity factor for benzene and toluene in the GC
experiment? Methane (as a solvent) peak is at 42 s; • The capacity factor is equivalent to the time the solute spends
benzene at 251 s and toluene at 333 s. in the stationary phase over the mobile phase and can be
related to the partition coefficient:
CV V t t t V V
k ' s s
K s
k ' r m r r m

CV V t t V
For Benzene For Toluene m m m m m m
• Relative retention can be related to retention time, capacity
t r' tr tm 251 42 209 s t r' tr tm 333 42 291 s factor, and/or partition coefficient
t r' 2 k 2' K 2
t r' 1 k1' K1
tr tm 251 42 tr tm 333 42 • Physical basis of chromatography: the greater the ratio of
k' 5.0 k' 6.9
tm 42 tm 42 partition coefficients between mobile and stationary phases,
the greater the separation between two components of a

• Example: If use the open tubular chromatography column, Scaling Up

where methane (as a solvent) peak is at 42 s and benzene
peak at 251 s. Calculate the partition coefficient (K) for •Analytical and preparative
benzene between stationary and mobile phases and the •Keep column length constant
fraction of the time benzene spends in the mobile phase.
•Cross-sectional area of column ~ mass of
Cross - sectional area of column analyte ~ volume flow rate (if maintain
V m
r 1
(124) 2
4.83 10 4
m 2 constant linear flow rate) ~ sample volume
applied to column
Cross - sectional area of coating
V s
2 r 2
thickness 2 (124.5) 1 7.8 10 2
m 2
•If change the column length, then the mass of
t t 251 42 V sample can be increased in proportion to the
k ' r m
5.0 K s
K 310 increase in length
t m
42 V m
t t t
k ' r m s
t kt

t m
t m
s m
Scaling equation:
Fraction of time in mobile phase : 2

t t 1 1
Mass 2 Radius 2
m m
t s
t m
kt '
t m
k '
1 5.0 1 Mass 1 Radius 1


•One main cause of band broadening is diffusion.

•Diffusion coefficient (D): measures the rate at which a substance
moves randomly from a region of high concentration to a region
of lower concentration.
•Std deviation of diffusive band spreading:
2 Dt

Efficiency of Separation Efficiency of Separation

Solutes moving through a column can spread into a Gaussian

distribution with a standard deviation, (K is a constant). Resolution A resolution of 1.5 gives an essentially complete separation of A and B.
of two peaks:
t V 0.589 t t V 0.589 t
Resolution r r r
Resolution r r r

w av
w1 / 2 av
w1 / 2 av

Column Efficiency-Theoretical Plates (N) • Example: A solute with a retention time of 407
2 s has a base width of 13 s on a 12.2 m column.
Plate Height
H Find the plate height and number of plates.
Number of Theoretical Plates
L 16t 2
(16)(407) 2

N N r
1.57 10 4

L H w 2

• Martin & Synge (1941): L Lx 16 L2
Treated a chromatographic
N 2 L 12.2 m
H w2 H 0.78 mm
column as if it were similar N 1.57 10 4

to a distillation column made =w/4

up of numerous discrete but
contiguous narrow layers 16t r2 t r2 5.55t r2
(theoretical plates). w2 2
w12/ 2

Factors Affecting Resolution Factors Affecting Resolution - Column Length

Resolution ( 1)
: separation factor

Increase resolution:
– Increase column length (Square root of N)
– Change phase interaction
– Increase capacity factor (Increase fraction of time solute spends
in stationary phase)
Doubling the column length increases resolution by (2)1/2

Column Efficiency- van Deemter Equation

• van Deemter (Dutch, 1956):

H A Cu

- H is plate height
- u is the flow rate through the column
- A, Multiple paths (Eddy diffusion)
- B/u, Longitudinal diffusion (molecular diffusion)
- Cu, Equilibration time (resistance to mass transfer)

Multiple Paths (Eddy Diffusion) Longitudinal Diffusion

•Solute diffuses from the high

concentration within the band
to regions of lower
concentration on the edges of
the band.
•Is inversely proportional
In a packed column, analyte can diffuse through with flow rate
many different paths around the stationary phase.

Equilibration Time Van Deemter Plot for Gas Chromatography

•Some solute is stuck in the •A minimal plate height of ~3

stationary phase, which falls mm is obtained with flow rate of
behind the solute in the ~35 mL/min.
moving forward mobile •Because longitudinal diffusion
phase. in a gas is much faster than
•Resulting in spreading the diffusion in a liquid, the
overall zone of solute optimum linear flow rate in gas
chromatography is higher than in
•Is propotional to flow rate
liquid chromatography.

Asymmetric Bandshapes Asymmetry and K
• Theoretically, the band coming off a column
should be Gaussian but this is not always the •Isotherm: a graph of Cs
case vs Cm at a given
•Overloading produces a
• This usually occurs when the partition gradual rise and an
abrupt fall of the
coefficient, K (Cs/Cm) changes during the run chromatographic peak
– K can become either bigger or smaller (load less solute).
– K becomes bigger when too much solute has been •A long tail occurs when
put into the column (overloading)-so much solute is some sites retain solute
dissolved that the stationary phase acts like the solute more strongly than other
sites (silanization to
– K becomes smaller due to tailing-this is when the block –OH).
solute binds strongly to some sites on the column

GC Process
• In gas chromatography, vapor-phase analyte is
swept through the column by a gaseous mobile
phase (carrier gas)
– Gas-liquid chrom (liquid stationary phase)
Ch. 24 Gas Chromatography (GC) – Gas-solid chrom (solid stationary phase)
– The mobile phase is usually He, N2, or H2
depending on the application

• The analyte is a volatile liquid or gas that is

injected through a septum (rubber disk)

Schematic Diagram of GC Open Tubular Columns

•Fused silica (SiO2) coated with a polyimide that can withstand

•Typically, inner diameters are 0.10-0.53 mm and lengths are 15-
100 m.
•Compared to packed columns: give higher resolution, shorter
Gaseous analyte is transported through the column by a analysis time, greater sensitivity, lower sample capacity
gaseous mobile phase.

Effect of Inner Diameter on Resolution
Effect of Column Length on Resolution

Effect of Stationary Phase Thickness on Open Tubular Columns

•Wall-coated: liquid
stationary phase on inside
wall of column
•Supported-coated: liquid
stationary phase coated on
solid support attached to
inside wall of column
•Porous-layer: solid
stationary phase on inside
wall of column (higher
surface area, handle larger

Stationary Phases

• Chosen based on the rule

that “like dissolves like”.
• The silica backbone and
the polarity.
• Strongly polar columns
are best for strongly polar
• As a column ages,
stationary phase bakes off
and Si-OH groups become
exposed (tailing peaks).

Retention Time The Kovats Retention Index (I)
• Retention index relates the retention time of a
solute to the retention times of linear alkanes
• For a linear alkane, I = 100×# of C atoms (ex. for
octane I=800; for nonane, I=900)

log t r' (unknown ) log t r' (n)

I 100 n ( N n)
log t r' ( N ) log t r' ( n)

Non-polar stationary phase: compounds elute mostly based on boiling

point. N: # of carbon atoms in larger alkane
n: # of carbon atoms in smaller alkane
Polar stationary phase: strongly retains the polar solutes (alcohols are
strongly retained).

• Example: If retention times for methane,

octane, and nonane in a GC run are 0.5,
14.3, and 18.5 minutes respectively, what is
the retention index for an unknown that
elutes at 15.7 minutes?

log15.2 log13.8
I 100 8 (9 8) 836
log18.0 log13.8

Temperature Programming
• The temperature of the column is raised during the Carrier Gas
separation to increase solute vapor pressure
• Decreases retention time • Helium is the most common
• Sharpens peaks carrier gas.
• The choice is mostly
dependent on the type of
detector used.
• H2 provides the fastest
separations and a better
resolution, but limited by it’s

Sample Injection Sample Injection

•Split injection: analytes are > 0.1% of the sample; impurities do not
•“Sandwich” injection technique
get onto the column in large concentrations.
•The air bubble before the sample: preventing sample from
volatilizing in the injector oven before you inject it. •Splitless injection: trace analyses < 0.01% of the sample.
•On-column injection: go straight onto the column rather than through
•The air bubble behind the sample: prevent sample and solvent from
an injector oven; for samples that thermally decompose.

Detectors Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)

• Most common:
– Thermal conductivity detector (TCD)
– Flame ionization detector (FID)
• Other detectors:
– Mass spectrometer (MSD)
– Infrared spectrometer (IRD) •Measures how much a substance can transport heat
– Electron capture (ECD) from a hot to cold region.

– Nitrogen-phosphorous (NPD) •Helium is the commonly used carrier gas (has a 2nd
highest thermal conductivity after H2)
– Atomic emission (AED) •When an analyte emerges from the column with it,
conductivity will decrease.
•Response to all analytes, but sensitivity is not very

Flame Ionization Detector (FID) Detector Figures of Merit

•The most common detector for GC
•Response nearly all analytes (insensitive to
•Has greater sensitivity than a TCD.
•Eluate is burned in a mixture of H2 and air.
Most carbon atoms (except C=O) produce
radicals that produce CHO+ in the flame:

•Measure the electron current produced,

which is proportional to the number of
molecules present.


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