Self Assesment

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Escola Andorrana de batxillerat UP1.2ANG.17.

Comunicació en llengua anglesa

Self-Assessment Sheet: Narrative checklist

Rate the following requirements from 1-5, 1 being “poor” or “missing” and 5 being “excellent”. Whenever needed, please give
your classmate a suggestion for how to improve.


Interesting title 12345

Well-developed plot that includes: exposition, conflict, rising 12345

action, climax, falling action and resolution
Clearly and effectively structured text (chronological, flashback or 12345
“in media res”)
Vivid vocabulary and use of powerful words 12345

Use of figurative language (metaphors, comparisons, etc.) 12345

Use of sensory details (appeal to 5 senses) 12345

Use of transition words and conjunctions 12345

Spelling mistakes 12345

Syntax mistakes 12345

Extra comments:

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