WKS-8-technical-bulletin-drill-rigs SONDAJ MAKİNELERİ

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January 2020

Drill rigs

This technical bulletin is aimed at PCBUs and workers who use drill rigs.

WorkSafe New Zealand were recently notified of
a serious incident involving the use of a drill rig,
causing harm. A worker had been using a crawler
mounted drill rig to drill blast holes in a quarry for
approximately 1.5 hours, when the drill mast broke
away from the boom and fell towards the control
panel, striking the operator. It was established
that the pivot pin which connects the boom to
the mast had failed, most likely due to fatigue
failure of the weld.

Drill rigs
Drill rigs are commonly used in construction,
mining and quarrying applications for drilling
blast holes. They are large, heavy and generally FIGURE 1: Crawler mounted drill rig with operators cab
slow moving units. They are complex machines
and their operation requires a high level of
knowledge and skill.

The safe use of a rig is heavily dependent on

competent operators and a high standard
of maintenance.

Types of drill rigs commonly used

– Crawler mounted drill rigs – with either an
enclosed operators cab or an open-air operation
position (side or rear). Refer to Figures 1 and 2.
– Truck mounted drill rigs. Refer to Figure 3.

FIGURE 2: Crawler mounted drill rig with side mounted

WSNZ_3637_Jan 20

operating platform

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PCBUs and operators of drill rigs should:
– Undertake thorough commissioning checks prior
to putting the drill rig into operation. If the drill rig
has been purchased second-hand, the PCBU should
ensure that any known wear points on the machine
or historic failures are thoroughly checked. Some
components such as the mast pivot pin may need
further inspection, given the difficulty in visually
inspecting these components.
– Ensure appropriate training is provided to drill rig
operators. Only authorised and competent operators
should operate and move drill rigs.
– Ensure maintainers are adequately trained to carry
out any servicing or maintenance in accordance with
FIGURE 3: Truck mounted drill rig original equipment manufacturer (OEM) maintenance
strategies and guidelines.
– Develop or implement maintenance strategies as
Risks associated with the use of drill rigs specified by the OEM for drill rigs, including specific
– Cab operated drill rigs offer protection to the attention to known failure areas or components.
operator through use of a protective structure and – Risk assess the operating area of the drill rig, and ensure
positioning of the operating area. The side operated demarcation barriers are in place. This will prevent other
drill rigs do not offer this protection to the operator. vehicle and pedestrian traffic inadvertently being put
– Permanent hearing loss can result from inadequate at risk within the operational zone.
noise management. – Ensure the mast is lowered into a horizontal position
– Moving a rig with a raised mast may cause crushing when moving the drill rig (tramming), which will
injuries or death through failure of fatigued mast significantly reduce the loading and fatigue of the
components. pivot pin.

– Drill rigs may tip over if used on uneven or unstable – Display warning signage illustrating hazardous areas
ground, or if it makes contact with overhead associated with the drill rig.
structures such as bridges. – Carry out risk assessment prior to use of the drill rig
– Contact with powerlines can result in electrocution to identify hazards.
and the destruction of the rig by fire. – Carry out thorough pre start checks.
– Loose clothing or uncovered long hair can become – Use fit-for-purpose tools and establish a safe operating
caught in rotating or moving machinery, resulting procedure for removal and fitment of the drill strings.
in serious injuries. – Ensure rotating and moving parts are guarded in
– Manual handling of heavy equipment can cause accordance with applicable ASNZS standards.
musculoskeletal injuries.
– Pneumatic and hydraulic hoses can be damaged, For more information
causing uncontrolled movements of heavy
Our website has further guidance on overlapping duties
and risk management:
– Dust and other airborne contaminates associated
with the drilling process may cause long term Quick guide
health effects if not adequately managed.
Overlapping duties
– There may be slip or trip hazards associated
with ground conditions through mounting and
dismounting the rig. Website
– Drilling into previous holes containing unexploded worksafe.govt.nz/managing-health-and-safety/
charges or intersecting pockets of dangerous managing-risks
contaminates of gas.
Good practice guidelines
Health and safety at opencast mines and quarries

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