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A report on Attracting Gen Z customers

Afolabi Adio
1. Executive Summary

For business owners and marketers knowing the differences and personality traits of each generation
is part of the challenge. Gen Zs simply do not respond to offers and marketing campaigns the same
way other generations do. Understanding Gen Z audience helps us craft the right message on the
right channels.

2. Introduction
This report is to examine and recommend how to make the newly launched Delicosa restaurant
appealing to the Generation Z audience. The information in this report will be gathered from
marketing books, market reports, journals, social media and company reports. The report will analyze
Gen Z consumer behavior as well relevant marketing theories.

3. Market Trends Analysis 

With Generation Z beginning to outnumber Millennials, Generation Y and the generations prior to
that, Marketers and Strategists have begun to anticipate a change in consumer behaviour (Varsha
Jain, 2014). The focus of the market will be on the Gen Z market segment, Gen Z will comprise of
people born between 1996 and 2010.

Delicosa will be operating within the fast-casual niche of the restaurant industry. They will be offering
fast food as well as more traditional sit down restaurants.
The market segment is focused on the distinct Gen Z group
 Generation Z both spend an outsized portion of their income on eating out, mobile devices
 The Gen Z researches extensively about the place they wish to dine at. They like to plan their
meal in advance.
 They also look for more healthier and pocket-friendly options when dining out or ordering food
 Also, Gen Z prefers eating at an off-peak time if they are offered some discount. This is also
great for any restaurant owner to increase sales during off hours.
 The attention span of Gen Z is also significantly less. Thus, coming up with eye-catchy
restaurant marketing campaigns that deliver the message quickly is important.
Delicosa operates within the relatively new fast-casual segment. This segment has grown in response
to the increased need for quality food, in a sit down environment, but with fast service. This is a
recognition that many of the customers are dining out because they do not have the time to cook

Gen Z buying patterns typically revolve around several different factors:

 Technology: Gen Zers have no recollection of a world without cell phones,

computers, or the Internet. They are educated in tech-saturated schools and are
most comfortable communicating with each other via technology. If Delicosa is going
to capture this market, they need to have a strong digital presence.
 Diversity: Gen Zers have grown up in a multicultural world and embrace food
diversity. This generation is quite adventurous with food wants to try ethnic foods. If
the menu offers a mash-up from multiple cultures, all the better.
 Health: Gen Zers are health conscious and will most likely align with brands that
support healthy causes and planet friendly initiatives.
 Urgency: Gen Zers want things now. Strategies such as a mobile presence or pay-
at-table, will help attract this generation.
 Individuality: Gen Z wants to feel special. One size does not fit all. Creating a one-to-
one way of reaching out is an effective way to appeal to this generation.
4. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP)
Buyers in any market differ in their wants, resources, locations, buying attitudes, and buying
practices. Through market segmentation, companies divide large, diverse markets into
smaller segments that can be reached more efficiently and effectively with products and
services that match their unique needs (Armstrong et al., 2017)

The theory of Segmentation Targeting and Positioning is about dividing the market audience into
distinct audience based on different buyer traits, target the selected customer segments according to
the buyer traits and preferences then position the company’s marketing strategy to satisfy those
buyer traits and preferences.


Delicosa Restaurant will through segmentation determine what will be the market, its size, what part
of the market to focus on and importantly, how the market will be divided. The market will be
segmented using
 Demographics; Delicosa restaurant will be looking to cater to people of a certain age, referred
to as the Generation Z, therefore the market will be segmented on the basis of the variable of
age. This will be combined with behavioral traits to get valuable insights to better understand
their buying personality.


The target market will derive from the customer segments selected from the market segmentation
(Gen Z). The is a very important stage because it will determine the product offerings, location,
ambience of the restaurant.


With the target group of Gen Z decided on, the next task is how to reach out to them. What message
can be passed across to them to give them an idea of the restaurant’s offerings. The value
proposition will give a clear and succinct information about what Delicosa is offering its target
audience. Information about its menu offer, type of service, the cost of meals, ambience and why the
restaurant stands above competition.
5. Customer Persona
 21 years old
 Single
 Lives in Central London
 Full time Business management
student, part time worker

 Household income of £30,000
 Super conscious on what he spends
his money on
 Prefers to use his credit/debit cards

 Facebook is his lifeline
 Active on Instagram, twitter and tiktok
 Looks for coupons and good deals on
cool new experiences or restaurants


 A place to de-compress after a hectic
Ade Student day/week
 A cool place to work on his laptop
“I need to be able to go somewhere to relax,
not distracted by his messy room
re-focus, and get inspired without breaking  A good deal to make him feel better
the bank” about purchases
 Cool new experiences or adventures


A DAY IN THE LIFE OF ADE  His friends and colleagues
 Social media
•Early mornings, afternoon hangouts, late  Magazines, blogs and articles
night dates describes his daily routine
•He goes to school and works freelance jobs MAKE HIS LIFE EASIER
 Funky atmosphere that’s inviting and
•He’s a carefree college student
•His house is never in order, fridge is empty  Deals and coupons
and he’s always buried in his laptop  Cozy seating with plenty of charging
 He takes the train or ubers everywhere  Order meals to-go online or through an
 Social media engagements incentives
for discount
6. Recommendations

Marketing Mix Recommendations Justification - how Academic marketing

(Marketing Mix) does this meet Gen Z theory to support the
customer needs? recommendation
Product It will be pointless to Don’t try to sell a Benz Product is the most
develop a product that when all the customer important element of
Gen Z’ers are unwilling to wants is a Volkswagen. the marketing mix.
buy. Delicosa have to The product must always The entire marketing
take time to develop be tailored towards strategy of the
quality products that is customer needs. It must company is centered
responsive to the needs provide value for the around its product
of its desired target customer. offering. Marketing mix
market. They must be given what planning begins
The product is food, The they want not what the with building an
visual presentation restaurant think they offering that brings
matters a lot to the target want. value to target
audience. Product profile customers. This
should include Street offering becomes the
food, chicken, vegetarian basis on which the
and non-vegetarian company builds
menu, snacks and pizza. profitable customer
Presentation and quality relationships
need careful (Armstrong and Kotler,
consideration. Food 2017)
quality and ingredients
must meet customer
Price This is the value of the Gen Zs are price price is the sum of all
menu in monetary terms. sensitive and consider the values that
When Setting a price for cost over any other customers give up to
dishes in the restaurant`s generation. They will pay gain the benefits
menu, management must for only what suits them of having or using a
understand how much the and have low brand product or service
target customers are loyalty. Hence the (Armstrong and Kotler,
willing to pay for such constant review of 2017)
product. The pricing pricing strategy. Price positions the
strategy must be business in the
reviewed often to ensure market. The price
product pricing reflects determines the
the brand and position in expectations of the
the market. Price must be customer. The higher
competitive not the price the higher
necessarily meaning the the expectation
Promotion For promotion strategy, The promotional channel Promotion refers to
the restaurant should must grab the attention activities that
adopt a 3 pronged of the target customers communicate the
approach of and easily relatable. Gen merits of the product
1. Advertisement: Z are digital natives and and
Social media the most relatable persuade target
channels should be platforms to reach and customers to buy it
exploited. capture their attention is (Armstrong and Kotler,
Platforms like social media. They are 2017)
TikTik, Instagram, also lovers of loyalty Communicating what
facebook. Also programs. a company does and
magazines and what it offers
blogs customers is very
2. Sales promotions: important, from
Customers should branding, advertising,
be rewarded with PR and special offers.
loyalty schemes- The result of
Discount coupons, promotion is to
gifts, meal capture the attention
vouchers of customers and give
3. Word of mouth: a consistent

Place This represents the Because Place serves Place refers to the
channel used in delivering as the distribution point distribution of the
product to the customer. for the business i.e that product and the
The location of the is the product can be availability of the
restaurant must create purchased. It only makes service. (Armstrong et
convenience for the sense that reaching the al., 2017)
customer. Because we Gen Z target audience The ambience and
are in a digital age and will be easily achieved location of the
the target customers are by situating the location restaurant should
digital nomads the of the restaurant around relate with the target
concept of place will be schools of higher customers.
expanded across multiple learning because they
channels: Place will cover hold a sizable number of
online presence where the GenZ population.
the product can be
accessed. In addition to
physical interaction where
customers physically able
to get the product.
In selecting a location, the
following should be
1. Competition
2. Customer access
3. Population of the
target audience

Process The systems and The process of Process must overlap

procedure put in place by delivering a service is with customer
the restaurant in very important for experience. It must be
delivering its product from customer satisfaction. seamless and specific
the serving time, payment Customers are only to achieve a smooth
systems and overall interested in if the customer journey.
operations should system works, the
prioritize technology efficiency of service and
innovation from online adequate customer
ordering, POS terminals support. The Gen Z
and self-operating audience is mobile and
payment systems in would prefer self-
addition to adequate servicing/mobile
information updates. channels
Process should be in
place for:
 Customer delivery
 Customer service
 Resolutions
 Incentives
 Feedbacks
People Delicosa must be Customers usually can
deliberate about how they not separate the product
want their employees to or service from the
impact the business. employee who delivers
Because the reputation of it. This goes to show the
the restaurant rests in importance of people to
people’s hands, the the company. The target
business must hire skillful audience are lovers of
people, appropriately train value-added services e.g
them and keep them advice/recommendations
motivated to have the in selecting products
right attitude.
Customer facing
employees must be
effectively managed to
ensure the right quality of
Physical The impression an If the premises and Physical evidence
Evidence organization gives in packaging of the communicates
terms of physical restaurant is not up to messages about
evidence must equate the standard, the perception quality, positioning
customer’s assumptions. of the customer with and differentiation,
A restaurant space with regards to the product and it helps both to set
clean tidy well decorated offered will be poor. and meet visitor
lounge area can be The customer cannot expectations.
reassuring for the Gen Z experience the product (Middleton, 2017)
target audience. It doesn’t of the restaurant before
stop at the store space purchase. Feedbacks
alone products (the food), from other people who
receipts, packaging, bags have purchased and
and other branded items used the restaurant’s
that can be seen and services can serve as
touched. reference materials.
7. Customer Journey Mapping
Experience maps look at a broader context of human behavior. They show how the organization fits
into a person’s life (J Kalbach 2016). The map shows the physical and emotional steps a customer
goes through when interacting with a company in achieving a particular goal. Customer journey map
matches customer expectation with delivery.

Benefits of CJM

The customer journey map shows how customers move through the sales process (from customer
awareness to when the customer takes action). This information helps the organization in maximizing
sales and also understanding customer experience.

While engaging in a customer journey map process, its is possible to see time consuming activities
for the employees or even expensive for the organization but yet adds little or nothing to improving
customer experience. Such activities and expenses can be removed, improving operation
inefficiencies, cost saving and an improved customer experience

Customer Journey Map Overview

My CJM will consist of 4 stages of Pre-ordering (Awareness & consideration), ordering (conversion),
Consuming and Sharing (retention and advocacy) reflecting digital platforms. The map will offer a 360
degree view of customer feedback. Experience will be measured in places:

 In-App
 Web-site
 On-site
Customer Journey Map

 Armstrong, G. and Kotler, P. (2017). Marketing: an introduction. Boston: Pearson.

 Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Lilly Anne Buchwitz, Trifts, V. and Gaudet, D. (2017).
Marketing: an introduction. Toronto: Pearson.
 MIDDLETON, V.I.C.T.O.R., 2017. Marketing in travel and tourism, ROUTLEDGE.
 McSweeny, R. (2019) Generation Z Food Trends and Eating Habits. 18 November.
Available at Generation Z's Favorite Food Trends and Eating Habits (
(Links to an external site.). (Accessed 16.08.21)
 Resendes, S. (2020) Upserve’s 2020 State of the Restaurant Industry Report: Sales
Trends, the Future of Hospitality, and More.12 November. Available at Upserve’s 2020
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 NPD (2019) Gen Zs Are Getting Older and Making Their Mark on Restaurants and
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Trends ( (Links to an external site.) (Accessed 16.08.21)
 Davis, D. (2020) Retail Is Courting Gen Z, Which Has a Spending Power of $143 Billion
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 Dinev, K. (2021). Takeaway & Fast-Food Restaurants in the UK. UK INDUSTRY (UK
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 Petropoulos, P (2021) Full-Service Restaurants in the UK (UK INDUSTRY (UK SIC)
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 Vivaldi Group (2020) Is your brand Ready to take on Gen Z. Available at: Is Your Brand
Ready to Take On Gen-Z ( (Links to an external site.). (Accessed
 Singh, M. Marketing Mix of 4P’S for Competitive Advantage. IOSR Journal of Business
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