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Cyclotron Based Unidirectional Space Propulsion with Acceleration and Deceleration Phases in

Opposing Directions.

Cyclotrons are sub-lightspeed particle accelerators that are mainly used in the daily industries of
medicine. Cyclotronic systems are mainly based on the acceleration of protons, radioisotopes and
rarely on the acceleration of electrons in a spiral path in a 2D circular structure. A synchronized AC,
alternating current is used for step-by-step acceleration of ions of interest in pulses through a spiral
structure. Ion beams are released linearly out of the Cyclotron. Although, only about 18% of power
consumption (input power) is converted into ion beam energies, with the advancement of super-
conductors, and with the advancement of better fast-paced synchronization systems, the efficiencies
are expected to improve drastically.

The invention of interest accelerates protons (electrons are massless for momentum requiring
purposes) in a helical, rather than in a spiral cyclotron, where the V-shaped electric field region cross
dissects the helical 3D Conical structure right in the middle. While the protons are accelerated through
the helical structure from the cone tip to the cone base, about 1/6 of their momentum in the linear
direction towards the growing cone of the helical structure is harvested for propulsion in the opposite
direction. Fully accelerated protons reenter into the cyclotron through the reversed magnetic field in
the opposite direction. In the opposite direction, towards the pointing tip of the helical cyclotron, high
speed protons are decelerated, speed-broken through the electric field region gradually transferring
about 1/6 of their linear momentum into the system. The net outcome is the transfer of the proton
acceleration energy (momentum-based portion of the ion output) that is about 1/6 of the overall
kinetic energy in a particular direction. Also, through deceleration, speed breaking of the protons in
the opposite direction another 1/6 of the kinetic energy is transferred into the system for a (1/6) x 2 =
1/3 efficiency of momentum transfer towards a specific direction of interest.

Acceleration and deceleration of ions, particularly protons in a helical structure in a forward and a
reverse manner continuously results in extreme angular momentums that add up on each other, rather
than cancelling each other out. Reversing proton direction at the base of the cone structure trough an
S-shaped conveyor may counter-act this extreme angular momentum. However, the mathematics
should be studied in detail.

Two such systems running in opposite rotational configuration (clockwise for acceleration/counter-
clockwise for deceleration and counter-clockwise for acceleration and clockwise for deceleration) will
resolve the angular momentum problem on a spaceship of interest. Furthermore, that configuration
adds a gyroscopic stability to the system of interest.
Since the ions, protons will be recycled continuously in acceleration and deceleration phases within
the system, i.e. not leaving the system, there won`t be a loss of the ionized propulsive material. Once
the ionization threshold energies are reached, they will be preserved within the system. Heating due
to side effects of intense magnetic and electric fields will not only preserve the ionization energy but
also will lower extra energy consumption required for ionization.

The efficiency of the system depends i) on the design of the helical structure, ii) choice of the ions
(charge/mass ratio, ionization energy) and iii) electric and magnetic field generation efficiencies that
will be functions of future superconductors and electronic synchronization systems.

With the upcoming advanced fusion energy technologies, such as that of the Helion Systems (1), the
invention of interest is promising for long duration space missions. A rough, ball point estimation as
of 2023 is that between 7-15% of the total electrical output power of an on-board fusion reactor can
be converted for unidirectional continuous acceleration of the spaceship of interest. That is orders of
magnitude higher than that of the ion thrusters of today.

A Ball Point Calculation:

A proton mass is 1.673*10^(-27) kg.

A 10 MeV acceleration requires = 1.602*10^(-12) J.

This implies 0.14485 c or 43,424.9km/sec. 44x galaxy escape speed for the proton!

We can harvest 14,47 km/ sec, 1/3 of that speed from the proton.

Momentum Transfer.

0.1 gr of proton requires 10^11 Joules of energy to accelerate up to the speed of 43.424 km/sec in
one second.

However, in Megahertz cyclotrons acceleration occurs orders of magnitude faster and hence,
power consumption is significantly reduced in terms of, Watt/second calculations.

For simplicity, momentum transfer per second is taken as the basis for continuous acceleration of the
worst-case scenario.

The actual dynamics will be much faster than described here.

Worst case scenario is a 10-ton space craft accelerating 1,447 m/sec^2 constantly using 0.1gr ionized
gas in the closed system. Detailed Energy calculations in terms of Watt/hour, should be done by
necessary power/ time required for one cycle.

That heavily depends on the system architecture.

Detailed calculations are to be done by the experts in the field according to the upcoming
advancements in the superconductors and synchronizers.

1- A 3D, V-shaped electric field region as a cross section of a helix for ion (mainly protons)
acceleration and deceleration, wherein ions are accelerated and decelerated in a helical path
in reverse directions allowing harvesting of certain proportion of their momentum changes for
unidirectional linear propulsion in space.

2- A structure of claim 1, wherein the magnetic field is parallel to the cone axis of the helix and
perpendicular to the cone base of the helix.

3- An application of the claim2, wherein the magnetic field has an intensity that of a gradient.

4- An optional application of the claim 2, wherein the magnetic field has a constant, linear

5- An application of claim 1, wherein at the base of the helix cone protons are redirected into the
helical system via a reversed magnetic field.

6- An application of claim 5, wherein the redirection of the protons into the system occurs at the
base of the helical cone perpendicular to the cone axis and does not decelerate protons.

7- An application of claim 5, wherein redirected protons proceed in the opposite direction into
the helical cone structure in a reverse rotation and a reverse direction towards the tip of the
helical cone structure.

8- An application of claim 5, wherein in the reverse rotation and reverse direction path ions
(protons) are decelerated, transferring their momentum into the system allowing the harvest
of their kinetic energy for the unidirectional propulsion.
9- An application of claim1, wherein at the tip of the helical cone structure point reversal of the
magnetic field allows protons to renter into the acceleration phase for the continuous cycles
of acceleration and deceleration for constant propulsion.

10- An Application of claim 1 and 2, wherein the helical cone structure, magnetic field architecture
as well es electric field dynamics are designed together for the most efficient outcome.

11- An application of claim 10, wherein the height of the helix cone and helix turn numbers are
correlated to the proton charge/mass ratio, to the magnetic field strength, to the magnetic
field gradient dynamics as well as to the AC electric field strength and to AC synchronization
for the most efficient outcome.

12- An application of claims 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, and 11, wherein about %15 of the proton kinetic
energy is harvested for unidirectional propulsion in space.

13- An application of claim 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11, and 12, wherein hot plasma from the on-board
fusion reactor can be employed as well as cold gas can be super-heated for proton generation.

14- An application of claim 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11, 12, and 13, wherein heating due to extreme
electric and magnetic fields reduces ionization energies and can be captured for heating and
energy generation purposes.
Figure 1.

V-Shaped Electric Field Generator within the Helical Cone Structure. A) Side-View of the V-Shaped
electrode structure of the electric field generator. Dark dots represent helix entry and exit points. B)
Top view of the helical cone structure. Electric field generator cuts through the helical cone right in the
middle. The helix enters and exits the electric field at every 𝝅-turn. C) Diagonal view of the V-shaped
electric field generator. Cross sections of the helical path is visible as dark lines. D)Basic Depiction of
the V-shaped electric field generator superimposed on the helical proton path.

A) B)

Figure 2)

Helical Proton Path on the Cone Structure. Red lines depict a possible helical proton path. To harvest
optimum linear momentum along the cone axis from the kinetic energies of the accelerating protons
helix turn number, path inclination, electric field, and magnetic field dynamics should be thoroughly
simulated. Cone height (h) / path length (l) is the most important determinator of the efficiency of
the system.

Figure 3.

Counter-clockwise Proton acceleration path (red) and clockwise proton deceleration path (green).
Protons are accelerated from the tip of the helical cone structure up to the base along the red path in
a counter-clock fashion. Proton deceleration occurs along the green path from the cone base down
to the cone tip in a clockwise fashion. Magnetic lines are shown with dark arrows.
Figure 4.

Angular Direction Reversal Scheme of the Protons. From acceleration to deceleration and vice a
versa. A) S-shaped Directional conveyor. B) At fast speeds protons angular direction is reversed at the
base of the conical helix through the wider S-shaped conveyor. At the tip of the helical cone structure
angular direction reversal of already decelerated protons are done through a narrower S-shaped



1. Helion Systems:

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