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UST College of Science 

MODULE 1  Domain Archaea 

  ● Distinguished from Bacteria by unique rRNA gene 
Microbiology: Is defined as the study of  sequences 
● Lack peptidoglycan in cell walls 
organisms too small to be seen by the  ● Have unique membrane lipids 
unaided eye.  ● Some have unusual metabolic characteristics 
● Many live in extreme environments. 
Is an ancient biological science in which identi cation 
and characterization of microorganisms and their 
interactions with the surrounding environment are  Domain Eukarya 
studied.   ● Protists - generally larger than Bacteria and Archaea 
  ○ Algae - photosynthetic 
Why Microbiology Matters?  ○ Protozoa - may be motile, “hunters, grazers” 
○ Slime molds - two life cycle stages 
● Keeps the planet healthy 
○ Water molds - devastating disease in plants 
○ Plays a major role in recycling essential 
● Fungi 
○ Yeast - unicellular 
● Agriculture and Food 
○ Mold - multicellular 
○ Enables farmers to increase yield and 
productivity in a sustainable way 
● Combating diseases 
○ Etiology and epidemiology, control and 
● Industry and biotechnology 
○ Antibiotics and vaccines as well as other 
pharmaceutical products 
○ Genetic engineering 
Earth: Home to 1 Trillion Microbial 
Types of Microbial Cells   
● Prokaryotic cells lack a true membrane-delimited 
○ This is not absolute (Planctomycetes are an 
● Eukaryotic cells have a membrane-enclosed nucleus, are 
more complex morphologically, and are usually larger 
than prokaryotic cells. 
Classi cation Schemes 
● Three domain systems based in 
comparison of ribosomal RNA genes, divides   
microorganism into 
○ Bacteria (true bacteria)  PROKARYOTIC 
○ Archaea 
○ Eukarya (eukaryotes)  BACTERIA  ARCHAEA 
● Typically 0.2 - 5 μm  ● Typically 0.2 - 5 μm 
Domain Bacteria  ● Heterotrophic.  ● Heterotrophic. 
● Usually single-celled  Some are  Some are 
● Majority have cell wall with peptidoglycan  phototrophic (e.g.  phototrophic 
● Most lack a membrane-bound nucleus  Cyanobacteria)  ● Not generally 
● Ubiquitous and some live in extreme environments  ● Some are associated  associated with 
● Cyanobacteria produce signi cant amounts of oxygen.  with diseases  diseases 
  ● Major inhabitants of  ● Associated with 
  the human  extreme 
  microbiome  environments 
UST College of Science 

What are FUNGI? 

● Eukaryotes 
● Microscopic Fungi: Yeast and Molds (10-100 μm) 
● Macroscopic Fungi: Mushrooms 
● Yeast and Molds  ● Protozoa,  ● Nutrition: Heterotrophic 
● Variable 10 - 100 μm  Microscopic algae,  ● Some are associated with diseases 
● Heterotrophic  slime molds, water 
● Some are associated  molds 
with diseases  ● Variable 10 - 100 μm 
● Heterogenous  ● Heterotrophic.   
group, with  Some are   
macroscopic forms,  phototrophic  What are PROTISTS? 
ie. mushroom  ● Some are associated  ● Eukaryotes, mostly unicellular 
with diseases  ● Microscopic Protists: Protozoa, microscopic algae, 
● Heterogenous  slime molds, water molds (10-100 μm) 
group, with  ● Macroscopic: Seaweeds 
macroscopic forms,  ● Nutrition: Chemoheterotrophic, photoautotrophic 
ie. seaweed  ● Can be free-living or as parasites 

● Typically 20 - 200 nm. Giant viruses up to 1 μm   
● Need host for survival   
● Some are associated with diseases  What are VIRUSES? 
● Heterogenous in structure despite being acellular  ● Acellular 
  ● Size:20-200 nm, giant viruses up to 1 μm 
What are BACTERIA?  ● Needs host for survival, do not multiply outside the host 
● Prokaryotes  ● Some are associate with diseases (can infect all cell 
● Size: 0.2-5 μm  types) 
● Shape: cocci, bacilli, spiral, comma-shaped, pleomorphic 
● Nutrition: Heterotrophic, some phototrophic 
● Some are associated with diseases. 
● Basic structure 
○ Genetic materials are localized in the nucleoid   
○ Motility: agella   
○ Attachment: Fimbriae and Pili  Other acellular infectious agents 
○ Survival strategy: Endospore    
Viroids - simpler than viruses 
● Consists only of small single-stranded, circular RNA 
● Needs host for survival 
● Associated with plant diseases 
  Satellite Viruses - subviral pathogens that are entirely dependent 
What are ARCHAEA?  upon the replication machinery of their helper viruses 
● Prokaryotes  ● May infect animals, protists and plants 
● Size: 0.2-5 μm  ● May alter symptoms caused their helper virus 
● Shape: cocci, bacilli, spiral, star/branched-shaped,   
pleomorphic  Prions - multiply by converting normal protein molecules into 
● Nutrition: Heterotrophic, some phototrophic  pathogenic ones by inducing the normal molecules to change their 
● Associate with extreme environments.  shape 
● Associated with animal diseases 
How did it start? 
Based on chemical and fossil evidence, microbes are ancient and 
  were the only inhabitants of our planet for billions of years. 

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Sustainable Agriculture and 

Industry/Energy Source 
● Sewage treatment 
● Source of biofuel 
● Composting recycle vital soil nutrients 
● Biocontrol agents 
● Food security using genetic engineering 
● Bioterrorism 
Important Events in Microbiology 

History of Microbiology 
● Development of ideas about microbes 
○ Germ theory of disease (relationship between 
microbes and diseases of plants, animals, and 
○ Controversy on spontaneous generations 
○ Immunology 
○ Microbial ecology (unique physiology, 
enrichment culture) 
○ Industrial microbiology (fermentations, 
● Development of tools used to study them 
○ Microscopes 
○ Culture techniques 
○ Molecular genetics 
○ Genomics 
Fermentation is the oldest and most popular 
technology used by humankind, dating back to the 
Neolithic period. Its exploitation was mostly used in dairy 
products, baking, wine making, and brewing. 
● Alcoholic beverages from barley, berries, etc. 
Basic and Applied Microbiology 
● Soy sauce from soybeans 
● Basic aspects are concerned with achieving a deeper 
● Creates the aroma, avor and rich color of chocolates 
understanding of the workings of the microbial cell 
● Angkak (red yeast rice) - may lower cholesterol 
○ Microbial physiology 
○ Microbial ecology 
Various milk products are made with microbes 
○ Genetics and molecular biology 
○ Taxonomy and Systematics of various groups of 
Baking bread requires yeast; sour dough, uses a special strain 
of yeast. 
● Applied aspects are concerned with practical problems 
○ Medical microbiology 
Medicine  ○ Food microbiology 
● Bacteria are grown on bioreactor to harvest vitamins  ○ Industrial microbiology 
● Fungi tapped as source of novel drugs   
● Used to develop vaccine and even cosmetic products   

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Major Fields in Microbiology 

● Medical microbiology 
Notable Persons in History 
○ Diseases of humans and animals 
Oswald Avery 
● Public health microbiology 
● Oswald Avery and his colleagues set out to discover 
○ Control and spread of communicable diseases 
which constituent in the heat-killed virulent 
● Immunology 
pneumococci was responsible for transformation. 
○ How the immune system protects a host from 
● The publication of these studies by Avery, C. M. 
MacLeod, and M. J. McCarty in 1944 provided the rst 
● Agricultural microbiology 
evidence that DNA carried genetic information. 
○ Concerned with the impact of microorganisms 
Martinus Beijerinck 
on agriculture 
● Martinus Beijerinck was one of the great general 
○ Food safety microbiology 
microbiologists who made fundamental contributions 
○ Animal and plant pathogens 
not only to virology but to microbial ecology as well.  
● Microbial ecology 
● He isolated aerobic nitrogen- xing bacteria (Azotobacter 
○ Relationship of organism with their 
spp.), a root nodule bacteria also capable of xing 
nitrogen (genus Rhizobium), and sulfate-reducing 
○ Less than 1% of the Earth’s microbial 
population has been cultured 
● Beijerinck and Winogradsky also developed enrichment 
● Industrial microbiology 
culture techniques and selective media, which have been 
○ Fermentation 
of great importance in microbiology. 
○ Antibiotic production 
Charles Chambeerland 
○ Production of cheese, bread, etc. 
● Paved way for the discovery of viruses and their role in 
● Microbial physiology 
○ Studies metabolic pathways of microorganisms 
● Constructed a porcelain bacterial lter in 1884. 
● Molecular biology, microbial genetics, and 
● Invented the autoclave 
● Water puri cation device used to discover virus 
○ Nature of genetic information and how it 
● Developed Pasteurella vaccine 
regulates the development and function of cells 
● Chamberland Filter - lter had pores that were smaller 
and organisms. 
than bacteria, thus making it possible to pass a solution 
○ Microbes are a model of the system of 
containing bacteria through the lter, and having the 
bacteria completely removed from the solution. 
Ferdinand Cohn 
Molecular and Genomic Methods 
● Discovered that the heat-resistant bacteria recognized by 
● Led to a second golden age of microbiology (rapid 
English physicist, John Tyndall were species capable of 
expansion of knowledge) 
producing bacterial endospores. 
● Discoveries 
● Cohn later played an instrumental role in establishing a 
○ Restriction endonucleases (Arber and Smith) 
classi cation system for bacteria based on their 
○ First novel recombinant molecule (Jackson, 
morphology and physiology. 
Symons, Berg) 
● First to classify algae as plants 
○ DNA sequencing methods (Woese, Sanger) 
Anton De Barry 
○ Bioinformatics and genomic sequencing and 
● He is a founding father of plant pathology as well as the 
founder of modern mycology. 
● He was the rst one who proved that fungi could infect 
Careers in Microbiology 
and attack healthy plants. Before that time, it was 
● Microbiologists are important in industry 
generally assumed that fungi appeared only after the 
○ Manufacturing 
plant had become diseased in some way or another. 
■ Food and beverage 
● We owe to him the terms heteroecism, autoecism, 
■ Pharmaceuticals 
teleutospores and aecidiospores, saprophytism and 
■ Cosmetics and personal hygiene 
parasitism, and symbiose. 
Paul Ehrlich 
○ Testing Laboratories 
● The modern era of chemotherapy began with Paul 
● Microbiologists can be Researchers in various elds 
Ehrlich’s work on drugs against African sleeping sickness 
● Microbiologists can have a career in academe 
and syphilis. 
● Microbiologists as policy makers 
● Ehrlich was fascinated with dyes that speci cally bind to 
● Microbiologists as technical specialists. 
microbial cells. He reasoned that one of the dyes could 
  be a chemical that would selectively destroy pathogens 
  without harming human cells. 
● In 1909 Paul Ehrlich introduced an arsenic derivative, 
  arsphenamine or salvarsan, as therapy. 

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● Co-discoverer of antibodies, antigens, and chemotherapy  Esther Lederberg 

for disease  ● Esther Lederberg was a major pioneer of bacterial 
● Together with Behring, they demonstrated that  genetics. She discovered the lambda phage, a bacterial 
protection could be transferred from one animal to  virus which is widely used as a tool to study gene 
another using serum alone   regulation and genetic recombination. 
Alexander Fleming  Joshua Lederberg 
● Alexander Fleming accidentally rediscovered the rst  ● Joshua Lederberg discovered bacterial recombination 
true antibiotic, Penicillin in 1928.  and started a new eld of research. 
● Penicillin was rst discovered in 1896 by Ernest  ● A pioneer in the eld of bacterial genetics, who shared 
Duchesne.  the 1958 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. 
Fanny Hesse  ● discovered that bacteria can mate and exchange genes, 
● Is the wife of Walther Hesse.  not just clones 
● She provided agar as a better solidifying agent than  Joseph Lister 
gelatin as gelatin can be digested by many microbes and  ● Lister successfully introduced carbolic acid (now known 
can also be melted at temperatures above 28°C.  as phenol) to sterilise surgical instruments and to clean 
● Agar was not attacked by most bacteria. Furthermore, it  wounds.  
did not melt until reaching a temperature of 100°C and,  ● Applying Louis Pasteur's advances in microbiology, 
once melted, did not solidify until reaching a  Lister championed the use of carbolic acid as an 
temperature of 50°C; this eliminated the need to handle  antiseptic, so that it became the rst widely used 
boiling liquid.  antiseptic in surgery. 
Robert Hooke  Louis Pasteur 
● Credited with publishing the rst drawings of  ● Louis Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist 
microorganisms in the scienti c literature.  whose work changed medicine. He proved that germs 
● In the year 1665, he published a highly detailed drawing  cause disease; he developed vaccines for anthrax and 
of the fungus Mucor in his book Micrographia.  rabies; and he created the process of pasteurization. 
Edward Jenner  ● To expound on that, his discovery led to the knowledge 
● The rst scienti c attempts at arti cial immunizations  that microbes were responsible for souring alcohol and 
were made in the late eighteenth century by Edward  came up with the process of pasteurization, where 
Jenner (1749–1823).  bacteria are destroyed by heating beverages and then 
● He investigated the basis for the widespread belief of the  allowing them to cool. His work in germ theory also led 
English peasants that anyone who had vaccinia (cowpox)  him and his team to create vaccinations for anthrax and 
never contracted smallpox.  rabies. 
Robert Koch  ● Debunked spontaneous generation/Showed that 
● Identi ed Mycobacterium tuberculosis as the causative  fermentation, spoiling, and contamination was due to 
agent of tuberculosis.  microbes 
● The rst direct demonstration that bacteria cause disease  ● Proved germ theory of disease 
came from the study of anthrax by the German  ● showed that sterilization or ltration can maintain 
physician Robert Koch.  organic material in sterile condition without microbial 
● His criteria for proving the causal relationship between a  growth  
microorganism and a speci c disease are known as  Richard Petri 
Koch’s postulates.  ● In 1887, Julius Petri invented a simple pair of nesting 
- Pathogens accounts for features of disease and  glass dishes, ideal for keeping specimens of growing 
must be found in every case of disease   bacteria sterile—the 'Petri dish. 
- Pathogen is not found in other non diseases as  Ronald Ross 
non pathogen, bacteria must be isolated from  ● British doctor who received the Nobel Prize for 
the host with the disease in pure culture   Physiology or Medicine in 1902 for his work on malaria. 
- After being isolated and passed in pure culture,  ● His discovery of the malarial parasite in the 
pathogen can induce disease   gastrointestinal tract of the Anopheles mosquito led to 
- Same pathogen must be re-isolated from the  the realization that malaria was transmitted by Anopheles, 
experimental animal.  and laid the foundation for combating the disease. 
Elie Metchniko   Ignaz Semmelweis 
● The rst immune system cells were discovered when Elie  ● Discovered the cause of purple (puerperal) fever which is 
Metchniko (1845–1916) found that some white blood  some form of “putrid matter” from autopsies carried on 
cells could engulf disease-causing bacteria. He called  the hands of the physician handling pregnant women 
these cells phagocytes and the process phagocytosis  ● Discovered antisepsis. Found that washing hands with a 
(Greek phagein, eating).  dilute, chlorinated lime after performing autopsies 
● Provided initial description of innate immunity  helped reduce mortality rate of purple fever 
● Con rmed that phagocytosis by neutrophils and   
macrophages was an essential part of innate immune   
response in humans   

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John Snow 
● Founding Father of Epidemiology 
● Was able to identify the source of Cholera that it is 
waterborne or foodborne (contaminated water)  
● Highest number of cholera cases near river 
Edward Tatum 
● Proved that human’s genetic code, genes, govern the 
information of enzyme 
● Discovered the occurrence of genetic  
recombination, or “sex,” between Escherichia coli 
bacteria of the K-12 strain 
● One gene, one enzyme 
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek   
● Father of Microbiology  Types of Light Microscopes 
● Laid the foundations of plant anatomy  ● Bright-Field Microscope 
● First to observe microorganisms   ○ Uses viable / non-viable cells; shows the 
● Discovered protozoa  specimens dark on a bright background. 
● Contributes to the development of microscopes.  ● Dark-Field Microscope 
Emil Von Behring  ○ Not culturable organisms; shows the 
● Development of serum from immune horses against  specimens bright on a dark background. 
diphtheria and tetanus  ● Phase-contrast 
● Founder of Immunology  ○ Used to view transparent specimens without 
● Savior of children  staining them; can be used to view living cells. 
Selman Waksman  ● Polarization Microscopy 
● Discovered streptomycin which was the rst  ○ Looking at di erent crystal formations; shows 
antimicrobial agent developed after penicillin and the  the specimens bright on a dark background. 
rst antibiotic e ective in treating tuberculosis    ● Fluorescence 
Chaim Weizmann  ○ Makes use of exciter and bio lters. 
● Father of industrial fermentation  ● Compound Microscope 
● Discovered how to use bacterial fermentation   ○ Has two magnifying lenses 
● Acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation process that   
produces acetone  Compound Light Microscopes 
Sergei Winogradsky  - Uses two lenses. The eyepiece or the ocular lens coupled 
● Invented Winogradsky column  with the objective lenses. 
● Discovered chemosynthesis  - Enhances the image better with the use of the two lenses. 
● Founded microbial ecology, where the interactions of  - Either monocular or binocular. 
microbes in cycles with their natural environments  - Limit of resolution: 0.2 μm (micrometers) or 200 nm 
● Discovered and isolated nitrogen xing bacteria in soil  (nanometers) 
that make nitrates available to green plants   
Antonio Luna  Electron Microscopes 
● Contributed to the leading Pharmacy scienti c journals.  ● Uses electron beams 
● First environmental science research in the Philippines  ● Electromagnets function as lenses. 
which included the bacteriological studies of Pasig River   
water.  Types of Electron Microscopes 
● Pasig River is un t for drinking water  ● SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) 
● therapeutic and chemical properties of Sibul Spring  ○ Forms an image through radiation that has 
water and the rst study on Philippine forensic science,  passed through a specimen - resolution 7nm or 
where he did a study on using human blood as evidence  less; air-dried material can be examined directly. 
in judicial proceedings.  ○ Produces excellent images of the surface of cells 
  and small organisms. 
MODULE 2  ○ Excellent for studying surface morphology of 
  organisms, or any other suitable material under 
Microscopes: Seeing the invisible.  ○ Electron beams scan over the surface of the 
Microscopes were invented for us to be able to view these  sample. 
small organisms.  ○ Based on scattered e- / produces images by 
  detecting secondary e- which are emitted from 
Light Microscopes were the rst invented and most commonly  the surface due to excitation by primary 
used microscopes.  electron beam. 

UST College of Science 

● SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) 

○ Lower resolution than TEM (2nm - average; 
Staining: Enhances the viewing 
0.2nm - special)  experience of specimens under 
○ Depth of eld: High  observation. 
○ Magnifying power: 100,000x 
○ Specimen contrast: by electron adsorption 
○ Produced 3D black & white images.  Staining Specimens 
○ Uses sputter coating (coating of  ● Fixation - process by which internal and external 
electrically-conducting material; eg. gold).  structures of specimens are preserved and xed in 
  position; inactivates enzymes disrupting morphology 
● TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope)  and toughens cell structures. 
○ Produces very clear images.  ● Heat xation - bacteria/archaea; a lm/smear of cells is 
○ Wavelength 100,000 times shorter than the  gently heated (destroys proteins in subcellular structures 
visible light.  which may distort appearance) 
○ Electron dense areas are darker.  ● Chemical xation - chemical xatives penetrate cells and 
○ Negative Staining and Shadowing are utilized.  react with cellular components, usually proteins and 
○ Freeze-etching procedure.  lipids - used to protect ne cellular substructure and 
○ To study the ultrastructure of a cell & its  morphology. 
components.  ● Dyes and Simple Staining 
○ Can see objects as small as a protein molecule /  ○ Chromophore Groups 
at nano level.  ○ Cells bind via ionic, covalent, or hydrophobic 
○ Provides details about internal composition of  bonds. 
cells / any suitable material under study.  ● Ionizable dyes - basic (e ective under basic conditions) 
○ Electron beams pass through the samples.  and acidic (e ective under acidic conditions when 
○ Based on transmitted electrons / produces  proteins etc. carry a positive charge) 
images by detecting primary e- transmitted   
from the sample.  Staining Methods 
○ High resolution (10nm - average; 0.5nm -  ● Simple Staining 
special)  ○ Begin with a heat- xed emulsion 
○ Depth of eld: Moderate  ○ Cover the smear with a stain (use a staining 
○ Magnifying power: 5 million x  tray/beaker to catch excess stain) 
○ Specimen contrast: by electron scattering.  ○ Grasp the slide with a slide holder 
○ Produced 2D Black and White images.  ○ Rinse the slide with water 
  ■ Dispose excess stain 
● Electron Cryotomography  ○ Gently blot dry in a tablet of bibulous 
○ Freezing; creating an image. 
paper/paper towels. Do not rub. 
Scanning Probe Microscopy  ● Negative Staining 
● Scanning Tunneling Microscope  ● Di erential Staining 
○ 100 million x magni cation  ○ Gram staining 
○ Needle-like probe on specimen  ■ Di erentiating cells based on their 
■ Probe lowered for electron clouds to  cell wall structures. 
touch the surface of atoms of a  ○ Acid fast staining 
specimen; if a voltage is applied, and a  ■ Uses acidi ed alcohol to identify 
highly sensitive ow of electron  acid-fast characteristics (colo remains: 
occurs.  acid-fast). 
■ Tip is moved back and forth over the  ○ Endospore staining 
specimen.  ■ Heat is used to drive dye into 
● Atomic Force Microscope  endospore; hard to stain, though 
○ Probe moves over the surface while keeping  when stained, it is highly resistant to 
distance between probe and surface constant.  decolorization. 
○ Can be used to study surfaces that don’t  ○ Capsule staining 
conduct electricity very well.  ■ Negative staining .w/India ink or 
  nigrosine dye (cell/capsule remain 
  light because they’re hard to 
  ○ Flagella staining 
■ Coating agella with mordants (i.e. 
tannic acid and potassium alum) then 
staining with a dye. 

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Staining: Gram Staining  Bacterial Cell Organization 

● Developed by Hans Christian Gram, a Danish  ● Common Features 
Microbiologist / Bacteriologist.  ○ Cell envelope 
● Primary Stain.  ■ Plasma membrane 
● Applicable only to bacteria.  ■ Cell wall 
● It divides the bacterial group to gram (+) and gram (-).  ■ Capsule or Slime Layer 
● Treatment with iodine solution (iodine acts as mordant -  ○ Cytoplasm 
helps bind dye to a target molecule).  ○ External Structures 
● Washing with alcohol.   
● Gram (+) retain primary stain; Gram (-) becomes  Common Bacterial Structures and Their Functions 
  Plasma membrane 
Bacterial Cell Structure  ● Encompasses the cytoplasm 
● Absolute requirement for all living things 
● Bacteria and Archaea have long been clustered together 
● Selectively permeable barrier, mechanical boundary of 
as prokaryotes. 
cell, nutrient and waste transport, location of many 
● Stanier and van Niel (1962) - described prokaryotes in 
metabolic processes (respiration, photosynthesis), 
terms of what they lacked: membrane-bound organelles 
detection of environmental cues for chemotaxis. 
as well as nucleus, a cytoskeleton and internal 
membranous structures (i.e. ER and Golgi apparatus). 
Lipid Bilayer 
● Planctomycetes causes con ict: membrane-bound 
○ Amphipathic lipids 
genetic material and organelle called anammoxosome. 
■ Polar ends (hydrophilic - interact with 
○ Anoxic ammonia oxidation - important in 
the nitrogen cycle 
■ Non-polar tails (hydrophobic - 
insoluble in water) 
Shape, Arrangement and Size 
■ Phospholipid bilayer 
Most common: Cocci and Rods 
○ Peripheral Membrane Protein 
● Cocci (s., coccus) - spheres 
■ Loosely attached; can be easily 
○ In pairs / diplococci (ex: Neisseria) 
○ In chain (ex: Streptococcus) 
○ Integral Membrane Protein 
○ Grape-like cluster (ex: Staphylococcus) 
■ Amphipathic (embedded within the 
○ Tetrads - 4 cocci in a square (ex: Micrococcus) 
membrane); carry out important 
○ Cubic con guration of 8 cocci (ex: Sarcina) 
● Bacilli (s., bacillus) - rods 
● Transporter 
○ Varies in length-to-width ratio and 
● Receptor 
● Enzyme 
○ Coccobacillus - short rods (ex: Acinetobacter) 
● Anchor 
● Comma-shaped (ex: Vibrios) 
○ Bacterial Lipids 
● Rigid, spiral-shaped (ex: Spirilla) 
■ Saturation levels of membrane lipids 
● Flexible, spiral-shaped (ex: Spirochetes) 
re ect environmental conditions such 
● Stalked (ex: Caulobacter crescentus) 
as temperature. 
● Pleomorphic - organisms that are variable in shape. 
■ Bacterial membranes lack sterols 
(present in eukaryotes) but do not 
Size - Shape Relationship 
contain sterol-like molecules, 
Does size matter? 
The smaller the microorganism, the bigger 
■ Stabilize membrane. 
the surface to volume ratio. The bigger the ratio, the 
○ Nutrient Uptake 
more e cient the nutrient uptake. 
■ They only take what they need. 
Large size and odd shape may be a protective 
■ Macroelements (macronutrients) - 
mechanism against predation. 
required in relatively large amounts. 
● C, O ,H ,N ,S , and P - 
Prokaryotic Cells 
found in organic molecules 
● Cells that do not have a true nucleus or any 
(proteins, lipids, 
membrane-bound organelles. 
carbohydrates, and nucleic 
Eukaryotic Cells 
● K, Ca, Mg, and Fe (cations) 
● Cells with a true nucleus as well as membrane bound 
- serve in a variety of roles 
including assisting enzymes 
and biosynthesis and energy 

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■ Trace elements (micronutrients) -  Microcompartments 

required in trace amounts.  ● Large polyhedrons formed by one or more proteins  
● Mn, Zn, Co, Mo, Ni, and  ● Enclosed within protein shell are one or more enzymes 
Cu.  ● Include ethanolamine utilization (Eut) 
● Often supplied in  microcompartments, propanediol utilization (Pdu) 
water/media components;  compartments and carboxysomes 
ubiquitous in nature.  ● Carboxysomes are present in cyanobacteria and carbon 
● Part of certain enzymes, aid  dioxide xing bacteria  
in catalyzing reactions  - Polyhedral coat is composed of 6 di erent 
● Maintain protein structure.  proteins and is 100 nm in diameter  
■ Growth Factors  - Carbonic anhydrase converts carbonic acid to 
● Molecules that cannot be  carbon dioxide; carboxysomes shell prevents 
synthesized by the cells.  carbon dioxide from escaping; it stores it. 
● Organic compounds  Nucleoid 
● Must be supplied by the  ● The location of chromosomes and associated proteins 
environment if the cell is to  ● Bacterial chromosome: circular or linear 
survive and reproduce.  double-stranded DNA molecule 
● Classes include:  ● Supercoiling and nucleoid proteins (di erent from 
● Amino acids - needed for  histones) aid in folding 
protein synthesis  ● Usually not membrane-bound except for phylum 
● Purines and pyrimidines -  Planctomycetes 
needed for nucleic acid  ● Localization of genetic material (DNA) 
● Vitamins - function as  Plasmids 
enzyme cofactors.  ● Extrachromosomal, small, circular, double stranded 
■ Methods for Uptake of Nutrients  DNA molecule 
● Microbes can only take in  ● Exist and replicate independently of chromosome 
dissolved particles across  ● Important in genetic recombination and gene cloning 
selectively permeable  ● Confers selective advantage to the organism 
membranes.  ● Classi cation via mode of existence, spread, and 
■ Transport Mechanisms  function. 
● Passive di usion   
● Facilitated di usion  Periplasmic space 
● Primary and secondary  ● In typical Gram (-) bacteria, contains hydrolytic enzymes 
transport  and binding proteins for nutrient processing and uptake; 
● Group translocation  in typical Gram (+) bacteria, may be smaller or absent. 
Gas vacuole  Cell wall 
● An inclusion that provides buoyancy for oating in  ● Protection from osmotic stress; helps maintain cell 
aquatic environments.  shape. 
  ● May contribute to pathogenicity. 
Ribosomes  ● Mainly made up of Peptidoglycan (murein) 
● Site of protein synthesis  ○ Rigid structure lying just outside the cell 
● Made of complex protein and RNA molecules  plasma membrane. 
● Bacterial ribosomes are composed primarily of ribosomal  ○ Peptidoglycan structure - Mesh-like polymer of 
RNA (rRNA) molecules  identical subunits forming long strands. 
● Bacterial ribosome = 70S ribosomes  ■ Two alternating sugars 
(50S and 30S subunits)  ● N-acetylglucosamine 
● Small subunit contains the 16S rRNA,  (NAG) 
● Large subunit consists of 23S and 5S rRNA  ● N-acetylmuramic acid 
Inclusions  ■ Alternating D- and L- amino acids 
● Granules, crystals, or globules  ■ Stands are Cross-linked: 
● Made of organic or inorganic material that are stockpiled  ● Peptidoglycan strands have 
by the cell for future use  a helical shape 
● Storage of carbon, phosphate, and other substances; site  ● Peptidoglycan chains are 
of chemical reactions (microcompartments); movement.  cross-linked by peptides for 
● Some are enclosed by a single-layered membrane  strength 
○ Membranes vary in composition  ● Interbridges may form 
○ Some made of proteins; others contain lipids 

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● Peptidoglycan sace -  Slime Layers 

interconnected networks  ● Not easily observed under the microscope. 
● Various structures occur  ● Slime may facilitate motility. 
○ Two types of bacteria based on Gram stain   
■ Gram-positive (+): purple stain, thick  Cytoskeleton 
peptidoglycan  ● Bacterial Cytoskeleton (Homologous to eukaryotic 
■ Gram-negative (-): pink or red stain;  cytoskeleton) 
thin peptidoglycan + outer  ○ Actin laments - made from actin 
membrane  ○ Microtubules - made from tubilins 
○ Mechanism of Gram Stain Reaction  ○ Intermediate laments - one or more members 
■ Gram stain reaction due to nature of  of the di erent classes of proteins 
cell wall  ● Functions (similar to eukaryotes): 
■ Shrinkage of the pores of  ○ Participate in cell division 
peptidoglycan layer of Gram (+) cells  ○ Localize proteins 
■ Constriction prevents loss of crystal  ○ Determine cell shape 
violet during decolorization step  ● Best Studied Bacterial Cytoskeletal Proteins 
■ Thinner peptidoglycan layer and  ○ FtsZ - common in most bacteria 
larger pores of Gram (-) bacteria do  ■ Tubulin homologue (eukaryote) 
not prevent loss of crystal violet  ■ Forms ring during septum formation 
■ Alcohol may also remove/extract  in cell division 
some lipids from the outer layer of  ○ MreB - many rods; not found in cocci 
Gram (-) cell wall, making crystal  ■ Actin homologue 
violet dye removal easier.   ■ Determine cell shape in rods; helps in 
● Cell walls protects cell from osmotic lysis  chromosome segregation, motility, 
○ Hypotonic environments:  cell polarity 
■ Solute concentration outside the cell  ○ CreS (crescentin) - rare, maintains curve shape 
less than inside the cell.  ■ Lamin and keratin homologue 
■ Water moves into the cell and the cell  ■ Caulobacter crescentus 
■ Cell wall protects from lysis  Intracytoplasmic Membranes 
  ● Observed in many photosynthetic bacteria such as 
○ Hypertonic environments:  cyanobacteria 
■ Solute concentration outside the cell  ● Observed in many bacteria with high respiratory activity 
is greater than inside the cell.  such as nitrifying bacteria 
■ Water leaves the cell  ● Function: provide larger surface for more e cient 
■ Plasmolysis occurs.  metabolic activity 
● Components Outside the Cell wall   
○ Outermost layer in the cell envelope  Fimbriae (s., mbria) and pili (s., pilus) 
○ Glycocalyx - network of polysaccharides; aids  ● Function: Attachment to surfaces, DNA uptake 
in attachment to solid surfaces  ● Short, thin, hairlike, protein appendages (upto 1,000 
■ Capsules  cell) 
■ Slime layers (ex. bio lms)   
○ S-layers (Surface protein layer)  Sex pili (s., pilus) - Type IV pili 
■ Functions:  ● Motility and gene transfer 
■ Protect from ion and pH uctuations  ● Longer, thicker, less numerous (1 to 10/cell) 
■ Maintains shape and rigidity  ● Genes for formation on plasmids 
■ Promotes adhesion to surfaces  ● Required for conjugation 
■ Protects from host defenses  ● Bacteria conjugation and bacterial transformation 
■ Potential use in nanotechnology   
Capsules  ● Swimming and swarming motility 
● Well organized and not easily removed from the cell.  ● Ultrastructure composed of three parts: 
● Usually composed of polysaccharides (others, proteins)  ○ Filament extends from the cell surface to the 
● Visible in light microscopy.  tip 
● Protective advantages: Resistance to phagocytosis,  ○ Basal body is a series of rings that drive 
Protect from desiccation, exclude viruses and detergents.  agellar motor 
  ○ Hook links lament to basal body 
Slime Layers   
● Similar to capsules except di used, unorganized, and   
easily removed.   

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Patterns of Flagella   Bacterial Motility 

● Monotrichous - single agellum   ● Spirochete motility 
● Polar Flagellum - one or more agella arising from one or  ○ Multiple agella form axial bril which winds 
both poles of the cell  around the cell 
● Amphitrichous - One agellum coming from each end  ○ Flagella remain in a periplasmic space inside the 
of the cell (or two agella in total)  outer sheath 
● Lophotrichous - Several agella form a tuft that comes  ○ Corkscrew shape exhibits exing and spinning 
from one or both ends of the cell.  movements 
● Peritrichous - evenly spread on the whole cell surface   ● Twitching and gliding motility 
  ○ Observed when cells are on solid surfaces 
Endospore  ○ May involve type IV pili and slime 
● A survival strategy  ○ Twitching (social motility) 
● Complex, dormant structure formed by some bacteria  ■ Pili at the ends of the cell 
● Various locations within the cell  ■ Short, intermittent, jerky motions 
● Resistant to adverse environmental conditions  ■ Pili extend and retract 
(including heat, radiation, chemicals, desiccation) due  ■ Group of cells move together in a 
to:  coordinated fashion 
○ Calcium (complexed with dipicolinic acid)  ○ Gliding (adventurous motility) 
○ Small, acid-soluble, DNA-binding proteins  ■ Smooth movements 
(SASPs)  ■ Single cells move independently 
○ Dehydrated core  ● Chemotaxis 
○ Spore coat and exosporium  ○ Move toward chemical attractants such as 
● Survival under harsh environmental conditions.  nutrients; away from harmful substances 
● Endospore structure  ○ Move in response to temperature, light, 
○ Spore surrounded by thin covering called  oxygen, osmotic pressure, and gravity 
○ Thick layers of protein from the spore coat 
○ Cortex - beneath the coat, thick peptidoglycan 
Archaeal Cell Structure 
● Features in common with Bacteria: 
○ Core has nucleoid and ribosomes 
○ Genes for metabolism 
● Sporulation 
● Other elements are unique to Archaea. 
○ Process of endospore formation 
○ Unique rRNA gene structure 
○ Occurs over several hours 
○ Capable of methanogenesis 
○ Normally commences when growth ceases 
● Highly diverse with respect to morphology, physiology, 
because of lack of nutrients 
reproduction, and ecology 
○ Complex multistage process 
● Best known for growth in anaerobic, hypersaline, pH 
extremes, and high-temperature habitats. 
● Formation of Vegetative Cell 
○ Activation 
■ Prepares endospores for germination 
● Phyla 
■ Often results from treatments like 
○ Crenarchaeota 
○ Euryarchaeota 
○ Germination 
○ Thaumarchaeota 
■ Environmental nutrients are detected 
(by germinant receptors) 
Archaeal Morphology 
■ Spore swelling and rupture of the 
● Much like bacteria, cocci and rods are common shapes 
spore coat 
● Other shapes can also exist 
■ Increased metabolic activity 
○ No spirochetes or mycelial forms discovered yet 
○ Outgrowth 
○ Branched / at shapes 
■ Emergence of vegetative cell 
● Sizes vary (typically 1 to 2 x 1 to 5 μm for rods, 1 to 3 μm 
in diameter for cocci) 
Bacterial Motility 
● Smallest observed is 0.2 to 0.4 μm in diameter 
● Flagellar movement 
● Largest (so far) is a multicellular form that can reach 30 
○ Flagellum rotates like a propeller 
mm in length. 
● Swarming 
○ Occurs on moist surfaces as a type of group 
behavior by bacteria 
○ Most swarmers have peritrichous agella 
○ Production of molecules that aid movement is 

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Archaeal Cell Envelopes  The Nucleoid 

● Di er from bacterial envelopes in the molecular makeup  ● Usually not membrane bound (there are few exceptions) 
and organization  ● Location of single circular chromosome and associated 
○ S-layer may be only component of the cell wall  proteins. 
○ Some lace cell wall  ● Some evidence for polyploidy in some archaeons 
○ Capsules and slime layers are rare  ● Nucleoid-Associated Proteins (NAPs) and Histones - 
  compacting chromosomes (Euryarchaeota) 
Archaeal Membranes  ● NAPs (no histones) only for Crenarchaeota 
● Composed of unique lipids   
○ Isoprene units ( ve carbon, branched)  Archaeal External Structures 
○ Ether linkages rather than ester linkages to  ● Pili 
glycerol  ○ Some composed of pilin protein and 
● Some have monolayer structure instead of bilayer  homologous bacterial type IV pili proteins 
structure  ○ With central lumen 
● Lipids: Polar phospholipids, sulfolipids, glycolipids, and  ○ May be involved in archaeal adhesion 
unique lipids are found in archaeal membranes  mechanisms 
  ● Cannulae 
Archaeal Membranes and Lipids  ○ Hollow, tubelike structures on surface of 
● Glycerol diether lipids  thermophilic archaea in genus Pyrodictium 
○ Two hydrocarbons are attached to glycerol (3)  ○ Function unknown 
● Diglycerol tetraether lipids  ○ May be involved in formation of networks of 
○ Two glycerol residues are linked by two long  multiple daughter cells. 
hydrocarbons (1 & 2)  ● Hami 
  ○ Not well understood 
Archaeal Cell Walls  ○ ‘Grappling hook’ appearance suggests… 
● Lack peptidoglycan  ○ Involvement in cell adhesion mechanism. 
● Most common cell wall is S-layer   
● May have protein sheath external to S-layer  Archaeal Flagella 
● S-layer may be outside membrane and separated by  ● Flagella (archaellum) 
pseudomurein  ○ Thinner than bacterial agella. 
● Pseudomurein may be the outermost layer - similar to  ○ Composed of more than one type of agellin 
Gram (+) microbes.  protein. 
  ○ Filament is not hollow. 
Archaeal Cells and Nutrient Uptake  ○ Hook and basal body are di cult to 
● Archaeal cells use many of the same nutrient uptake  distinguish. 
exhibited by bacterias.  ○ More related to type IV bacterial pili. 
○ Passive di usion  ○ Growth occurs at the base, not the tip. 
○ Facilitated di usion  ○ Rotation propels the cell, driven by ATP 
○ Active transport (primary and secondary)  Hydrolysis. 
○ Group translocation   
■ The phosphoenolpyruvate: sugar  MODULE 3 
phosphotransferase system (PTS) 
group translocation mechanism has 
been found in some archaea.  Eukaryotic Cell Structure 
  ● Prominent members of ecosystems. 
Ribosomes  ● Useful as model systems and industry. 
● Bacterial and archaeal ribosomal RNA = 70S  ● Some are major human pathogens. 
○ 16S in small subunit   
○ 23S and 5S in large subunit  Two groups of Eukaryotes commonly possess microbial 
○ At least one archaeon has additional 5.8S  members: 
rRNA (also seen in eukaryotic large subunit)  ● Protists 
● Proteins in ribosomes vary  ● Fungi 
○ More protein than in bacteria   
○ Archaea more similar to eukarya than to  Highly diverse in morphology. 
bacteria, but there are some that are unique to 
○ Archaeal ribosomes are impervious to 

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Common Features of Eukaryotic Cells  ● Cell wall 

● Membrane-delimited nuclei  ○ Unlike the peptidoglycan in the cell wall of 
● Membrane-bound organelles that perform speci c  Bacteria and Archaea, many eukaryotes lack or 
functions.  have a chemically distinct cell wall. 
● Large membrane surfaces allow greater respiratory and  ○ Photosynthetic algae: cellulose, pectin 
photosynthetic activities.  ○ Fungi: cellulose, chitin, or glucan 
● Intracytoplasmic membrane complex serves as a  ● External coverings (eg. glycocalyx) 
transport system.   
● More structurally complex and generally larger than  Cellular transport 
bacterial or archaeal cells.  ● Passive di usion 
  ● Facilitated di usion 
Structure of Two Representative Eukaryotic Microbes  ● Primary and secondary Active Transport 
  ● Endocytosis 
Eukaryotic Cytoplasm 
● The most important part of the cell as it is the location 
of important biological processes. 
● Composed of cytosol (liquid portion) and organelles. 
○ Cytosol - liquid component of the cytoplasm; 
many organelles are located here. 
● Location of many metabolic processes. 
● Endocytic and Secretory Pathway 
○ Endoplasmic reticulum (Smooth ER and 
Rough ER) 
○ Golgi apparatus 
○ Lysosomes 
● For Genetic Control 
○ Nucleus 
Common Eukaryotic Structures and Their Functions 
○ Ribosomes 
Eukaryotic Cell Envelopes 
● For Energy Conservation 
● Plasma membrane 
○ Mitochondria 
○ Is a lipid bilayer 
○ Chloroplast 
■ Sphingolipids 
■ Sterols (eg. cholesterol and ergosterol) 
■ Phospholipids 
● Composed of actin laments, intermediate laments and 
○ Microdomains (“lipid rafts”) participate in a 
variety of cellular processes. 
● Provides cell structure and movement. 
○ Mechanical cell boundary. 
● Helps cells maintain their shape and internal 
○ Selectively permeable barrier with transport 
● Provides mechanical support that enables cells to carry 
○ Mediates cell-cell interactions and adhesion to 
out essential functions like division and movement 
● Vast networks of interconnected laments. 
○ Secretion and Signal transduction. 
○ Actin laments (micro laments) - involved 
○ Other structures embedded in the Plasma 
in amoeboid movement, endocytosis, 
cytokinesis, and the movement of some 
■ Integral membrane proteins 
structures within the cell 
■ Other lipids 
○ Intermediate laments - structural functions; 
the role in eukaryotic microorganisms is 
○ Microtubules - form the spindle apparatus 
that separates chromosomes during mitosis 
and meiosis; motility (cilia and agella) and 
support (rigid pseudopodia). 

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○ Synthesis of secreted proteins by ER-associated 

● Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (Smooth ER) 
○ Devoid of ribosomes 
○ Synthesis of lipids by ER-associated enzymes. 
Eukaryotic Ribosomes 
● Organelle for Genetic Control 
● Protein synthesis 
● More mass than the 70S bacterial and archaeal 
● 80S in size: 60S + 40S subunits 
● May be attached to Endoplasmic Reticulum or free in 
cytoplasmic matrix. 
● 60S is bound subunit to Endoplasmic Reticulum 
Endocytic and Secretory Pathway 
● Rough ER ribosomes: integral membrane or secreted 
● Endocytic Pathway - movement of materials into the 
cell from the outside. 
● Free ribosomes: nonsecretory / non membrane proteins 
○ Used by all eukaryotic cells. 
○ Some proteins are inserted into organelles. 
○ Used to bring materials into the cell. 
○ Solutes or particles taken up and enclosed in 
Golgi apparatus 
vesicles pinched from the plasma membrane. 
● Involved in Secretory pathways. 
○ Used as a feeding mechanism. 
● Membranous organelle made of cisternae stacked on 
○ Entry of pathogen (eg. virus) to eukaryotic 
each other (rare exceptions will have non-stacked 
○ In most cases, materials are then delivered to 
○ Typical example for non-stacked cisternae: 
lysosomes for digestion. 
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 
● Secretory Pathway - from inside of the cell out and 
● Dictyosomes = stacks of cisternae 
within the cell. 
● Involved in modi cation, packaging, and secretion of 
○ Used to move material to various sites within 
the cell, as well as to either the plasma 
● Lysosome formation 
membrane or cell exterior 
○ Proteins destined for the cell membrane, 
endosomes, and lysosomes or secretion are 
synthesized by ribosomes on rough 
● A degradative organelle involved in the Endocytic 
endoplasmic reticulum (RER). 
● Functions: 
○ Intracellular digestion 
■ Hydrolases - enzymes which 
hydrolyze molecules; function best 
under slightly acidic conditions. 
● Degradation of Proteins in Cells 
● Maintain an acidic environment by pumping protons 
○ Quality control mechanisms 
into their interior 
○ Unfolded or misfolded proteins are secreted 
● Eukaryotic microbes: lysosomes = vacuoles, phagocytic 
into the cytosol and tagged for destruction by 
vacuoles, of food vacuoles 
ubiquitin polypeptides. 
○ Functions: 
○ Proteasomes destroy targeted proteins. 
■ Storage of calcium ions, phosphate, 
and amino acids and components of 
Endoplasmic reticulum 
the endocytic pathway. 
● Involved in the Endocytic pathways. 
● An irregular network of branching and fusing 
membranous tubules and attened sacs (cisternae - s., 
● Organelle for Energy Conservation 
● Powerhouses of most eukaryotic cells. 
● Functions: 
● Site of tricarboxylic acid cycle activity also known as the 
○ Transports proteins, lipids, and other materials 
Krebs cycle. 
within the cell. 
● Site where ATP is generated by electron transport and 
○ Major site of cell membrane synthesis. 
oxidative phosphorylation 
● Rough endoplasmic reticulum (Rough ER) 
● About the same size as bacterial cells 
○ Ribosomes attached 
● Reproduce by binary ssion similar to bacterial cells. 

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● Energy production through the use of the tricarboxylic  Chloroplasts 

acid cycle, electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation  ● Organelle for Energy Conservation. 
and other pathways.  ● Type of plastid. 
● Mitochondrial Structure  ○ Pigment-containing organelles observed in 
○ Outer membrane  plants and protists. 
■ Contains porin proteins similar to  ● Site of photosynthesis reactions. 
Gram (-) bacteria.  ● Contains chlorophyll. 
○ Inner membrane  ● Surrounded by double membrane. 
■ Highly folded to form cristae (s.,  ● Photosynthesis - trapping light energy and forming 
crista)  carbohydrates from CO₂ and water. 
■ Location of enzyme and electron  ● Chloroplast Structure 
carriers for electron transport and  ○ Stroma (a matrix) within the inner membrane. 
oxidative phosphorylation.  ■ Contains DNA, ribosomes, lipid 
○ Matrix enclosed by inner membrane  droplets, starch granules, and 
■ Contains ribosomes, mitochondrial  thylakoids. 
DNA, enzyme of tricarboxylic acid  ■ Site of dark reactions of 
cycle and catabolism of fatty acids.  photosynthesis (formation of 
carbohydrates from water and CO₂) 
○ Thylakoids 
■ Site of light reactions of 
photosynthesis (ATP and NADPH 
● Organelle for Genetic Control 
● Repository for genetic information. 
● Membrane-bound spherical structure that houses 
genetic material of eukaryotic cells (chromosome). 
● Contains dense brous material called chromatin. 
○ Complex of DNA, histones, and other 
○ Five types of histones form nucleosomes: 
  ■ H1 
Hydrogenosomes  ■ H2A 
● Small organelle for Energy Conservation in some  ■ H2B 
anaerobic protists.  ■ H3 
● Double membrane, no cristae, usually lacks DNA.  ■ H4 
● ATP is generated by the fermentation process rather  ○ Chromatin condenses into chromosomes 
than through respiration.  during division. 
○ CO₂, H₂ and acetate are products 

Nuclear Envelope 
● Double membrane structure that delimits nucleus. 
● Continuous with ER; outer membrane covered with 
● Penetrated by nuclear pores 
○ Associated proteins make up the nuclear pore 
○ Pores allow materials to be transported into or 
  out of the nucleus. 

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Nucleolus  80 nm diameter) that are enriched in cholesterol and 

● Ribosomal RNA synthesis  membrane protein caveolin - vesicles budded from 
● Ribosome construction  caveolae are called caveolin-coated vesicles. 
  ○ Has been implicated in signal transduction, 
Cell wall and pellicle  transport of macromolecules and small 
● Strengthens and gives shape to the cell.  molecules such as folic acid. 
  ○ Toxins such as cholera may enter cells via 
Cilia and agella  caveolae. 
● Structures for Motility  ● Macroautophagy involves nonselective digestion and 
● Flagella (s., agellum)  recycling of cytoplasmic components (including 
○ 100 to 200 μm long  organelles and mitochondria) 
○ Move in undulating fashion generating planar  ○ Helps maintain cellular homeostasis. 
or helical waves originating at either the base or  ○ Also used to destroy pathogens that have 
the tip.  entered the cell by endocytosis. 
○ Types: Tinsel and Whiplash Flagella  ● Residual body - lysosome containing undigested 
● Cilia (s., cilium)  materials. 
○ 5 to 20 μm long   
○ Beat with two phases: 
■ Moving like oars (e ective stroke) 
Viruses and Other Acellular Infectious 
■ Bend and pull cell forward (recovery  Agents 
● Ultrastructure of Flagella and Cilia 
Virology: The study of viruses, a unique 
○ Membrane-bound cylinders approximately 0.2  group of infectious agents. 
μm in diameter.   
○ Axoneme: set of microtubules in a 9+2  Their distinctiveness lies in their simple, acellular 
arrangement  organization and pattern of multiplication. 
○ Movement power by ATP   
○ 10 - 40 strokes per second  Acellular Agents 
● Viruses - protein and nucleic acids 
● Viroids - only RNA 
● Satellites - only nucleic acids 
● Prions - proteins only 
● Can exists extracellularly or intracellularly 
● Major cause of disease 
○ Also importance as a new source of therapy 
○ New viruses 
● Important members of aquatic world 
  ○ Move organic matter from particulate to 
Vacuole  dissolved. 
● Temporary storage and transport.  ● Important in evolution 
● Digestion (Food vacuoles)  ○ Transfer genes between bacteria and others 
● Water balance (Contractile vacuole)  ● Important model systems in molecular biology. 
Endocytosis is observed in all eukaryotic cells.  Virus can infect all cell types 
● Bring cells in from the outside.  ● Bacterial viruses called bacteriophages (phages) 
  ● Few archaeal viruses 
Types of Endocytosis  ● Most are eukaryotic viruses 
● Phagocytosis: use of cell surface protrusions to  ○ Plants, animals, protists, and fungi 
surround and engulf particles.  ● Classi ed into families based on: 
● Pinocytosis: cells take up solutes.  ○ Genome structure 
● Clathrin-dependent endocytosis: clathrin-coated pits  ○ Life cycle  
in the membrane invaginate to form endocytic vesicles.  ○ Morphology Genetic relatedness 
○ Used to internalize hormones, growth factors,   
iron, and cholesterol.   
○ Observed in fungi.   
● Caveolin-dependent endocytosis: involves caveolae   
(cup-shaped invaginations of the plasma membrane, 50 -   

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The Structure of Viruses  Virus Envelopes and Enzymes 

● Virions are tiny (Approximately 10 - 400 nm in  ● Many viruses are bound by an outer, exible, 
diameter) and most viruses must be viewed with an  membranous layer called the envelope 
electron microscope.  ● Envelope lipids and carbohydrates are usually acquired 
● All virions contain a nucleocapsid which is composed  from host cell plasma or nuclear membranes. 
of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) and a protein coat  ● Envelope proteins are coded by viral genes 
○ Enveloped virus  Viral Envelope Proteins 
○ Non-enveloped / naked virus  ● Coded by viral genes 
  ● May project from the envelope surface as spikes or 
Size and Morphology of Select Viruses  peplomers 
Capsids  ○ Involved in viral attachment to host cell 
● Large macromolecular structures which serve as protein  ○ Used for identi cation of virus 
coat of a virus.  ○ May have enzymatic activity 
● Made of protein subunits called protomers.  ■ Examples is neuraminidase of 
● Protect viral genetic material and aid in its transfer  in uenza virus 
between host cells.  ○ May play a role in nucleic acid replication. 
● Capsid symmetry: helical, icosahedral, or complex   
  Viral Genomes are Structurally Diverse 
Icosahedral Capsids  ● A virus may have single or double-stranded DNA or 
● An icosahedron is a regular polyhedron with with 20  RNA 
equilateral faces and 12 vertices  ● The length of the nucleic acid also varies from virus to 
● Capsomers - assemblages of protomers  virus 
○ Pentamers (pentons) - 5 subunit capsomers  ● Genomes can be linear or circular 
○ Hecamers (hexons) - 6 subunit capsomers  ○ Some RNA viruses have segmented genomes 
● Example: Adenovirus   
  Viral Multiplication 
Capsids of Complex Symmetry  ● Mechanism used depends on viral structure and genome 
● Neither helical or icosahedral capsids  ● Five-step Life Cycle 
○ Poxviruses - largest animal virus; ovoid to  ○ Attachment (Absorption) 
brick-shaped exterior  ■ Interactions occur within virion 
○ Large bacteriophages - binal symmetry (head  surface molecules (ligands) and 
resembles icosahedral, tail is helical)  receptors (which are on the host’s 
Complex Capsid Symmetry  ■ This often causes conformational 
● Bacteriophage  changes in virion proteins that 
○ Binal Symmetry  facilitate interaction with secondary 
■ Icosahedral head  receptors, entry into the host, and 
■ Helical tail  uncoating. 
  ■ Receptor speci city is partially 
Types of Endocytosis  responsible for virus preferences for 
● Phagocytosis: use of cell surface protrusions to  hosts. 
surround and engulf particles.  ■ Viruses have evolved such that they 
● Pinocytosis: cells take up solutes.  use host receptors that are essential 
● Clathrin-dependent endocytosis: clathrin-coated pits  for the host’s functions and are 
in the membrane invaginate to form endocytic vesicles.  always present 
○ Used to internalize hormones, growth factors,  ■ Lipid rafts (eukaryotic cells) are 
iron, and cholesterol.  thought to be involved in virion entry 
○ Observed in fungi.  ■ Host cell receptor distribution varies 
● Macroautophagy involves nonselective digestion and  at the cellular level, some are 
recycling of cytoplasmic components (including  concentrated in lipid rafts  
organelles and mitochondria)  ■ Distribution at the tissue level plays a 
○ Helps maintain cellular homeostasis.  role in determining virus tropism and 
○ Also used to destroy pathogens that have  infection outcome (a virus with 
entered the cell by endocytosis.  receptors in the lungs will cause lung 
● Residual body - lysosome containing undigested  disease, etc.)  
materials.  ■ Plant viruses: exception for receptors 
  – viruses enter plants through 
  damaged areas; they are usually 

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deposited as plant-eating insects  ■ Middle proteins – participate in 

devour plant tissues  replication of the viral genome or 
  activation of expression of late genes  
○ Entry into the Host and uncoating of  ■ Late proteins – usually include capsid 
genome  proteins and other proteins involved 
■ Entire nucleocapsid enters host  in self-assembly and release. 
■ Some, such as bacteriophages, only  ○ Assembly - late proteins are involved in 
have nucleic acid enter   mature virion assembly, such as 
■ Some bacteria shed their capsid  nucleocapsid proteins. 
proteins as they enter host cytoplasm  ■ Assembly process can be complex 
in a process called uncoating   with multiple 
■ Three modes of entry are usually  independently-functioning sub 
followed by animal viruses o fusion of  assembly lines that converge in later 
viral envelope w/host plasma  steps to complete nucleocapsid 
membrane; o entry by endocytosis; o  construction. 
release of viral nucleic acid into host  ■ Packasome – a complex of proteins 
cytoplasm  that incorporates DNA into 
■ Uncoating is assisted by endosomal  bacteriophage prohead o consists of 
enzymes and a low pH level.  the portal protein and the enzyme 
○ Synthesis Stage   
■ Di ers dramatically among viruses  ○ Virion Release 
because genome dictates events that  ■ Two common mechanisms: lysing the 
occur  host cell and release by budding. 
■ dsDNA viruses have similar synthesis  ■ Release by lysis: common with 
stages due to the typical ow of  bacterial viruses and some non 
information in cells; the genetic  enveloped animal viruses; involves the 
information is stored in DNA and  activity of viral proteins, such as 
replicated by enzymes called DNA  lysozyme, which attacks host 
polymerases, recoded as mRNA  bacteria’s peptidoglycan and holing, 
(transcription) and decoded during  which creates holes in host plasma 
protein synthesis (translation)  membrane. 
■ RNA viruses – cellular organisms  ■ Budding: frequently observed for 
lack the enzymes needed to replicate  enveloped viruses – envelope 
RNA or synthesize mRNA from an  formation and virion release are 
RNA genome – RNA viruses must  frequently concurrent 
carry necessary enzymes in their  ■ Host cell may survive following 
nucleocapsids, or must have them  release via budding, and continue to 
synthesized during infection  release virions 
■ Some viruses bring about  ■ Envelopes of animal viruses are 
reorganization of host cell  derived from host cell membranes 
membranes to protect synthesis and  through a multistep process. 
assembly stages from host defenses  ● Virus-encoded proteins are 
● Structures called viral  incorporated into the 
replication complexes are  membrane  
formed; these appear as  ● Nucleocapsid is 
vesicles, tubular structures,  simultaneously released and 
and other forms  the envelope is formed by 
■ Some viruses carry out synthesis and  membrane budding. 
assembly in areas unenclosed by  ● In several virus families, M 
membrane – they concentrate and  protein attaches to plasma 
form areas called viroplasms o  membrane and aids in 
viroplasms viral replication complexes  budding. 
are referred to as virus factories   ■ Some viruses do not release into the 
■ Genes are regulated – early, middle,  environment – they move directly to 
and late genes; they encode proteins  another host cell. 
as early, middle, and late proteins    
■ Early proteins – involved in taking   
over the host cell    

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Types of Viral Infections (Bacteriophage)  normally functions to protect against infection 

● Virulent phage - multiplication upon entry to host cell;  by RNA viruses - during which, dsRNA is 
followed by release from host by lysis (ex: T4 phage)  detected and cut into fragments and is used to 
● Temperate phage - can act like a virulent phage or stay  destroy target mRNA molecules or prevent 
inside the host without destroying it (ex: Bacteriophage  their translation. 
lambda)  ● Viroids take over by hybridizing to host 
○ Prophage - viral nucleic acid that remains  mRNA molecules to which they have a 
inside the host cell  complementary nucleotide sequence, resulting 
in the destruction of host mRNA and silencing 
the host gene. 
○ This may lead to disease in the host 
● Infectious nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) 
○ Satellite viruses encode their own capsid 
proteins when helped by a helper virus 
○ Satellite RNAs/DNAs do not encode their 
own capsid proteins. 
● Encode one or more gene products 
  ● Require a helper virus for replication 
  ○ Human hepatitis D virus is a satellite 
Viroids  ○ Requires human hepatitis B virus 
● Infectious agents composed of closed, circular ssRNAs   
● Does not encode gene products  Prions 
● Replication requires host cell  ● Proteinaceous infectious particle 
● DNA-dependent RNA polymerase  ● Causes a variety of neurodegenerative diseases in humans 
● Causes plant diseases.  and animals 
Two families  ○ Scrapie in sheep 
● Pospiviroidae  ○ Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or 
○ Have circular RNA that exists as a  “mad cow disease.” 
rod-like shape due to intrastrand base  ○ Human diseases: Kuru; Fatal familial insomnia, 
pairing, which forms double-stranded  Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), and 
regions with single stranded loops;  Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome 
replicate in the nucleus.  (GSS) 
  ● How they work is unclear, though the scrapie prion has 
● Avsunviroidae  been studied. 
○ Shaped like a rod with a highly 
branched structure at one end, like a 
tree trunk with its roots; replicates in 
plant plastids such as chloroplasts of 
each branch are formed by 
intramolecular base pairing of the 
RNA that creates a stem loop 
● RNA of viroids does not encode any gene 
products, so they cannot replicate themselves; 
they use a host cell enzyme called a 
DNA-dependent RNA polymerase. 
○ DNA-dependent RNA polymerase: 
usually functions in the host cell to 
synthesize RNA using DNA as a 
template during transcription, 
though uses viroid RNA as a 
template when infected. 
● May cause latent infection in plants (no 
symptoms), or severe disease. 
● Some cause disease by triggering a eukaryotic 
response called RNA silencing, which 

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● Work to assist enzymes (cofactors) 
● Carbon 
○ Most abundant element in all classes of 
● Nitrogen 
○ Second major element (proteins, nucleic acids, 
etc; in nature can be found in organic and 
inorganic (ammonia, nitrate, N₂) forms 
● Phosphorus 
○ Occurs in nature as organic or inorganic 
phosphates - required for the synthesis of 
nucleic acid and phospholipids. 
● Sulfur 
○ Structural component of amino acid (cysteine 
and methionine), present in some vitamins and 
in coenzyme A 
○ Mot cell sulfur comes from inorganic sources 
(sulfates or sul des). 
● Potassium 
○ Required by a variety of enzymes esp. Those 
involved in protein synthesis. 
● Magnesium 
○ Stabilized ribosomes, cell membrane and 
nucleic acids; required for the activity of many 
● Calcium 
○ Helps stabilize bacterial cell walls and 
contributes to heat stability of endospores. 
● Sodium 
○ Not required by all organisms 
○ Determines habitat (marine microorganisms) 
● Iron 
○ Major role in cellular respiration as a key 
  component of cytochromes and iron-sulfur 
  proteins involved in electron transport. 
MODULE 4  Micronutrients (Trace Elements) 
● Cobalt 
Nutrition and Metabolism  ○ Vitamin B12 
  ○ Transcarboxylase (propionic acid bacteria) 
Microbial nutrition and nutritional types:   ● Copper 
a.) Chemoorganotrophs  ○ Certain proteins especially those involved in 
b.) Chemolithotrophs  respiration or in photosynthesis 
c.) Phototrophs  ● Manganese 
Overview of metabolism:  ○ Activator of many enzymes 
● Molybdenum 
a.) Catabolism 
○ Present in various avin-containing enzymes 
b.) Anabolism 
● Nickel 
c.) ATP 
○ Most hydrogenases 
d.) Redox reactions 
○ Coenzyme F₄₃₀ of methanogens 
e.) Electron carriers 
○ Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase 
In the lab, nutrients are provided to microbes by growth  ○ Urease 
● Zinc 
media or culture media  
○ Present in enzyme carbonic anhydrase 
○ Alcohol dehydrogenase 
… in plates, tubes, or flasks and in liquid or solid form 
○ RNA and DNA polymerase and many 
DNA-binding proteins 

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Growth Factors 
● Organic compounds that the cell cannot 
● Vitamins, amino acids, purines, and 
pyrimidines, heme 
Microbial cells are highly-ordered and need energy to 
maintain their structures and activities of growth 
Transport work  Consequences of Microbial Growth 
● Uptake of nutrients, elimination of wastes, and  ● In uence the well-being of plants, animals, and humans 
maintenance of ion balances.  ● Commercial applications in food and industry 
Mechanical work  ● Contribute to the global cycling of carbon, nitrogen, and 
● Cell motility and movement of structures within cells  sulfur in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems 
Chemical work   
● Synthesis of biomolecules or cellular material  Importance of Microbial Growth 
  ● Chemolithoautotrophs 
Sources of Carbon, Energy, and Electrons  ○ Contribute to the chemical transformations of 
  elements (eg. the conversion of ammonia into 
Carbon Sources  nitrate or sulfur to sulfate) that continually 
● Autotrophs  occur in ecosystems 
○ CO₂ sole or principal biosynthetic carbon  ○ Important primary producers in ecosystems 
source  ● Chemoorganoheterotrophs (chemoheterotrophs) 
● Heterotrophs  ○ Important in biogeochemical cycle (carbon and 
○ Reduced, preformed, organic molecules from  nitrogen cycle) 
other organism  ○ Industrially important microbes (food and 
Energy Sources  beverage; antibiotics) 
● Phototrophs  ○ Most pathogenic organisms are COH 
○ Light   
● Chemotrophs  Overview of metabolism 
○ Oxidation of organic or inorganic compounds.  Metabolism is the total of all chemical reactions in the 
  cell - It is divided into two parts 
Electron Sources 
● Lithotrophs 
○ Reduced inorganic molecules 
● Organotrophs 
○ Organic molecules 
Major Nutritional Types of Microorganisms 
There is logic in metabolism: Catabolism and anabolism are 
coupled to each other 
Comparison between Catabolism and Anabolism 
Catabolism - Breakdown of complex molecules to simple 
subunits is accompanied by oxidation steps 
● Generates energy and reducing power 
● Exergonic 
Anabolism - Biosynthesis of complex compounds from simple 
  building blocks is accompanied by reduction steps. 
Fueling Reactions  ● Requires energy and reducing power 
Convert an Organism’s Carbon, Energy, and Electron  ● Endergonic 
Sources into Precursor Metabolites, ATP, and Reducing Power   

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Both require enzymes in multi-step chemical reactions called  The Structure ATP, ADP, and AMP 
biochemical pathways.  Adenosine 5’triphosphate (ATP) 
Role of ATP in Metabolism  - Energy currency of the cell 
● ATP is formed by exergonic reactions and then used to  Structure: 
drive endergonic reactions.  ● Nitrogen base 
● ATP is formed from energy made available during  ● 5-carbon sugar (ribose) 
chemoorganotrophic, chemolithotrophic-, and  ● Phosphate group 
phototrophic growth.   
● Its breakdown to ADP and phosphate makes chemical,  The two red bonds are more easily broken and release considerable 
transports, and mechanical work possible.  energy that can be used in endergonic reactions. 

Reduction-Oxidation (Redox) Reactions 
● Transfer of electron between two compounds (an 
electron donor to an electron acceptor) 
● The more electrons a molecule can give, the more energy 
rich it is 
● Redox half reactions: GEROA / LEORA   
● Conjugate Redox Pair:   
Redox reactions in the Electron Transport Chain 
  ● The electron tower arranges redox pairs with the most 
● Standard Redox Potential: tendency of a half reaction  negative E₀ on top 
to lose Electrons (E₀) ● The electron donor will always be higher in the tower 
than the acceptor 
● Aerobic respiration is represented by the movement of 
electrons from glucose (topmost) to oxygen 


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● Electron Transport Chain  MODULE 5 

○ Series of highly organized electron transfers 
○ Avoids random and non-productive reduction 
of molecules in the cell  Nutrition and Metabolism 
○ Thus energy is conserved and more ATPs are   
produced.  1. Fueling reactions in Chemoorganotrophs 
● Location of Electron Transport Chain  ○ Aerobic respiration 
○ Bacteria and Archaea  ○ Anaerobic respiration 
■ Plasma membrane and  ○ Fermentation 
intracytoplasmic membrane  2. Fueling reaction in Chemolithotrophs 
○ Eukarya  ○ Sulfur oxidation 
■ Inner membrane of mitochondria or  ○ Ammonia oxidation 
chloroplast  3. Fueling reactions in Phototrophs 
Metabolism is Organized into Pathways.  ○ Oxygenic 
○ Anoxygenic 
● Biochemical pathways can be linear, branched, cyclic 
○ Rhodopsin-mediated 
● Each step is catalyzed by an enzyme 
4. Selected anabolic pathways 
● Pathways often overlap or feed into each other 
○ Calvin cycle 
○ Nitrogen xation 
Fueling Reactions 
Convert an Organism’s Carbon, Energy, and Electron 
Sources into Precursor Metabolites, ATP, and Reducing Power 
Energy Source 
● Chemoorganotroph - organic molecules 
● Chemolithotroph - inorganic molecules 
● Phototroph - light 
Carbon Source 
● Biochemical Pathways - sets of linked chemical 
● Autotroph - Carbon dioxide 
● Heterotroph - organic molecules 
● Substrate - starting molecule in a reaction 
● Metabolites - products of chemical reactions 
Electron Source 
● Pathway Intermediate - metabolites in between 
● Organotroph - organic molecules 
● Enzyme - catalyze the reaction 
● Lithotroph - inorganic molecules 
Metabolic pathways are interconnected and form a complex 
● In the diagram, each black circle represents a metabolite 
formed by reactions in the network. 
● Each line represents the enzyme-catalyzed reaction 
that converts one metabolite into another. 
● Anything that hinders enzyme function will hamper the 
metabolism and physiology of the cell. 
1. Microorganisms need nutrients for growth:   
macronutrients, micro-nutrients, growth factors  Chemoorganotrophic Fueling Processes 
2. The organisms’ unique sources of energy, carbon, and  Energy Source: Organic compound 
electrons de ne the major nutritional types of microbes   
3. Microbial cells require energy to fuel chemical  1. Aerobic respiration 
reactions, transport processes, and mechanical work.  ○ Final electron acceptor is oxygen. 
4. ATP, the major energy currency in cells, is formed  2. Anaerobic respiration 
during chemoorganotrophic, chemolithotrophic, and  ○ The nal electron acceptor is a di erent 
phototrophic growth.  exogenous acceptor such as NO3-, SO42-, CO2, 
5. Energy transformations are governed by redox reactions  Fe3+, or SeO42-. 
and transfer of electrons from donor to acceptor.  3. Fermentation 
6. Chemical reactions in cells are organized to form  ○ Final electron acceptor is an organic 
biochemical pathways that feed into each other.  compound. 

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  ● Produces ATP via the activity of the electron transport 

Nutritional Type  Carbon  Energy Source  Electron  chain high energy electron carriers and chemiosmosis 
Source  Source  ● Uses oxygen as the nal electron acceptor. 
Chemoorganoheterotroph  Organic  Organic  Organic e-  STEP 1. The Embden-Meyerhof Pathway 
chemicals, often  donor, often  (Glucose to Pyruvate) 
same as the  the same as 
Carbon source  the Carbon  ● Most common pathway for glucose 
source.  degradation to pyruvate 
● Found in all major groups of microorganism 
  ● Functions in presence or absence of oxygen 
Chemoorganoheterotrophs (chemoheterotrophs)  ● Occurs in the cytoplasm 
● Important in biogeochemical cycle (carbon and nitrogen  ● Two Phases 
cycle)  ○ Six carbon phase 
● Industrially important microbes (food and beverage,  ○ Three carbon phase 
● Most pathogenic organisms  GLUCOSE → PYRUVATE 
  (6-carbon) (3-carbon) 
Microbial Examples   
● Aerobic microbes 
○ Bacteria, Archaea, protists, and fungi 
● Anaerobic bacteria 
○ Sulfate-reducing bacteria 
○ Nitrate-reducing bacteria 
● Anaerobic microbes 
○ Many bacteria, yeasts, and molds. 
Pathways used by chemoorganotrophs to catabolize organic  What is an amphibolic pathway? 
energy sources   
  ● This is a metabolic pathway that functions both 
These pathways funnel metabolites into the glycolytic  catabolically (breakdown) and anabolically (synthesis) 
pathways and the tricarboxylic acid cycle, increasing metabolic   
e ciency and exibility.  Example: 
● The enzymes in Embden-Meyerhof pathway 
are freely reversible 
● During glycolysis (breakdown of glucose) an 
enzyme catalyzes the reaction in a catabolic 
● During gluconeogenesis (glucose production) 
another enzyme catalyze the reverse, anabolic 
● The cell has to “make a decision” which 
pathway it will follow depending on its needs. 
Glycolytic Pathways: Glucose to Pyruvate 
● The Embden-Meyerhof Pathway is only one of the 
processes that breakdown glucose 
● The Entner-Doudoro Pathway produces pyruvate 
from glucose following a di erent route. This is found 
Aerobic Respiration 
only in some bacteria. 
● A process that can completely catabolize an organic 
● The Pentose Phosphate Pathway is a major producer 
energy to CO2 
of reducing power (NADPH) used for anabolic 
● 3 Steps 
a. Glycolytic pathways (ex. Embden-Meyerhof 
b. Tricarboxylic acid cycle (or Krebs cycle) 
c. Electron transport chain with oxygen as the 
nal electron acceptor 

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Speci cs of Embden-Meyerhof Pathway 

Glucose is phosphorylated at the expense of one ATP, creating 
glucose 6-phosphate, a precursor metabolite and the starting 
molecule for the pentose phosphate pathways. 
Isomerization of glucose 6-phosphate (an aldehyde) to fructose 
6-phosphate (a ketone and a precursor metabolite) 
ATP is consumed to phosphorylate C1 of fructose. The cell is 
spending some of its energy currency in order to earn more in 
the next part of the pathway. 
Fructose 1, 6-bisphosphate is split into two 3-carbon molecules, 
one of which is a precursor metabolite. DHAP is readily 
converted to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. 
Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is oxidized and simultaneously 
phosphorylated, creating a high-energy molecule. The electrons 
released reduce NAD1 to NADH 
ATP is made by substrate-level phosphorylation
Another precursor metabolite is made. 
Another precursor metabolite is made. 
The oxidative breakdown of one glucose results in the 
formation of two pyruvate molecules. Pyruvate is one of the 
most important precursor metabolites. 

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STEP 2. Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle  ● This proton and charge gradient is called the proton 
(Pyruvate to CO2)  motive force (PMF), a form of energy in the cell 
● Also called Citric Acid Cycle and Krebs  ● Take note that O2 is the nal electron acceptor. 
cycle  ● Oxidative phosphorylation is the process by which 
● Common in aerobic bacteria, free-living  ATP is made as a result of electron transport. 
protozoa, most algae, and fungi  ● The chemiosmotic hypothesis states that ATP 
● Occurs in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes and  synthesis is driven by the electrochemical gradient 
the mitochondrial matrix in eukaryotes  formed through the ETC. 
● A source of carbon skeletons for use in  ● As the protons ow back into the 
biosynthesis  cytoplasm/mitochondrial matrix through ATP 
● Generates ATP, NADH, and FADH.  synthase, it is down the concentration gradient and is 
able to drive ATP synthesis. 
● 1 ATP is synthesized per 3 protons passing via ATP 

Summary of TCA Cycle   
For each acetyl-CoA molecule oxidized, the TCA cycle generates:  Anaerobic Respiration 
● 2 molecules of CO2  ● The chemoorganotrophic process whereby an 
● 3 molecules of NADH  exogenous terminal or nal electron acceptor other 
● One FADH2  than O2 is used in electron transport. 
● One ATP or GTP (Guanosine triphosphate -  ○ Final electron acceptor is not OXYGEN 
energy important in protein synthesis)  ○ Exogenous materials/compounds such as: 
STEP 3. Electron Transport Chain and Oxidative 

● The ETC is a series of e- carriers, operating together to 
transfer e- from NADH and FADH2 to a terminal e- 
acceptor, O2 
● e- transfer is accompanied by proton movement across 
the membrane, generating a proton gradient. 
● Generate the most number of ATPs.   
● e- transfer is accompanied by proton movement across   
the cell membrane or inner mitochondrial membrane.   
● It creates a proton gradient and a charge gradient across   
the membrane.   

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● Uses an ETC forming PMF  ● Reduction of pyruvate to lactate 

● May use the same catabolic processes of glycolysis and  ● Pyruvate is the acceptor of electron coming 
TCA as in aerobic respiration.  from NADH 
● The use of alternative nal electron acceptors has  ● Occurs in bacteria, some protists, and animal 
ecological consequences in anoxic habitats (ex. Aquatic  skeletal muscle 
sediment, waterlogged soil) and global cycling nitrogen  ● Ex. Lactic acid bacteria in yoghurt 
and sulfur  ○ Streptococcus thermophilus 
● Practical application in wastewater treatment, i.e.  ○ Lactobacillus delbrueckii subs. 
removal of nitrates.  Bulgaricus 
● In the absence of oxygen, nitrate is used as the terminal   
electron acceptor.  Two types of LA fermenters: 
● Nitrate is reduced to nitrogen gas (N2) using di erent  ● Homolactic fermenters 
reductases.  ○ Use EM pathway 
● Note that PMF is formed  ○ Converts most of the pyruvate to lactate using 
● Less ATP is formed with anaerobic respiration  lactate dehydrogenase 
● ATP is formed via oxidative phosphorylation  ● Heterolactic fermenters 
● Other facultative anaerobic microorganisms carry out  ○ Use the PP pathway 
denitri cation.  ○ Produce lactate + Other products (Ethanol and 
● Nitrate becomes unavailable for the cell to construct  Common Microbial Fermentations 
N-containing molecules such as amino acids and  1. Lactic acid bacteria (Streptococcus, Lactobacillus), 
nucleotides  Bacillus, enteric bacteria (Escherichia, Eneterobacter, 
  Salmonella, Proteus) 
DENITRIFICATION  2. Yeast, Zymomonas 
● Process of reducing nitrate and producing gaseous  3. Propionic acid bacteria (Propionibacterium) 
nitrogen.  4. Enterobacter, Serratia, Bacillus 
  5. Enteric bacteria 
Fermentation  6. Enteric bacteria 
● Does not involve and ETC  7. Clostridium 
● A chemoorganotrophic f ueling process in which an  8. Enteric bacteria  
organic molecule is oxidized without an exogenous  9. Enteric bacteria 
electron acceptor.   
● A catabolic by-product such as pyruvate and related  Enteric bacteria carry out Mixed Acid Fermentation 
compounds serves as the electron acceptor  producing ethanol, formic acid, acetic acid, lactic acid CO2, H2. 
● No electron transport chain is involved   
● NADH is oxidized to NAD  ● Fermentations produce valuable commercial products 
● Oxygen is not needed  such as alcoholic beverages and fermented food. 
● Produces ATP via substrate level phosphorylation  ● The di erent fermentative capabilities can also be used as 
○ The synthesis of ATP by phosphorylation  diagnostic characteristics to help identify certain bacteria 
coupled with the exergonic breakdown of a  (ex. MRVP test: acid production, acetoin production) 
high-energy organic molecule 
A Close look at Lactic Acid Fermentation 

Compounds other than glucose can also be used as carbon 

and energy sources by microorganisms 

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The catabolic pathways for proteins and lipids funnel  Phototrophy 

metabolites into the glycolytic pathways and the tricarboxylic acid  The use of light energy to fuel a variety of cellular 
cycle, increasing metabolic e ciency and exibility.  activities but not necessarily CO2 xation 
  (ex: Photoheterotrophs) 
Chemolithotrophy - “Eating Rocks’ 
The synthesis of ATP by oxidizing reduced inorganic 
compounds with an electron transport chain 
● Oxygen is a common terminal electron acceptor 
● ATP is made via oxidative phosphorylation 
● Only members of the Bacteria and Archaea can carry out 
● Most are autotrophic, using CO2 as carbon source 

The process of capturing light energy for the synthesis of 
ATP and reducing power (NADPH), which are then used to 
reduce and incorporate CO2 into the cell (carbon dioxide 
● The oxygen in our atmosphere has accumulated as a 
  result of the activities of oxygenic photosynthetic 
  bacteria, the cyanobacteria 
3 Major Groups of Chemolithotrophs  ● Today, the atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide levels 
1. Hydrogen-oxidizing (Alcaligenes, Hydrogenophaga,  are modulated by photosynthetic organism, which carry 
Pseudomonas spp.)  out half of the global photosynthesis (the other half by 
2. Sulfur-oxidizing (Beggiatoa, Thiobacillus, Sulfurovum  green plants) 
3. Ammonia-oxidizing (Nitrobacter, Nitrosomonas)  Phototrophic f ueling reactions 
Ammonia Oxidation:  Three types of Phototrophy: 
Nitri cation  ● Oxygenic Photosynthesis 
● Oxidation of ammonia to nitrate by nitrifying bacteria  ○ Oxygen is generated and released into the 
Ammonia →→→→→ nitrite →→→→→ nitrate  environment when light energy is converted to 
(Nitrosomonas) (Nitrobacter)  chemical energy 
  ○ Most important pigment: chlorophyll 
Sulf ur Oxidation:  ○ Triggers electron ow from the photosynthetic 
● Elemental sulfur/H2S/thiosulfate →→→ sulfuric acid  pigment to an ETC, which is cyclic or 
(Sulfolobus, Thiobacillus, Acidithiobacillus)  non-cyclic, forming PMF. 
  ● Anoxygenic Photosynthesis 
Reverse Electron Flow in Nitrobacter  ○ Molecules other than water are used as an 
electron source and therefore O2 is not 
○ Pigment: Bacteriochlorophyll 
○ Triggers electron ow from the photosynthetic 
pigment to an ETC, which is cyclic or 
non-cyclic, forming PMF. 
● Rhodopsin-based phototrophy 
○ Is di erent in that the PMF is formed 
directly by the light-absorbing pigment. 
Photosynthesis can be oxygenic or anoxygenic 


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● Use alternative electron donors: H2S, elemental sulfur, 

organic molecule. 
● Not all anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria are able to x 
carbon dioxide 
● Some are photoorganoheterotroph, using organic 
material as carbon source 
*It is therefore more appropriate to use the term anoxygenic 
Major Pigments 
● Chlorophyll is the major photosynthetic pigment 
● A large planar molecule with four pyrrole rings with a 
Rhodopsin-Based Phototrophy 
central magnesium atom associated with the nitrogen 
● Rhodopsins are found in certain bacteria (e.g. 
atoms of the pyrrole rings 
Flavobacteria), and Archaea (Halobacterium salinarum) 
● Pyrrole rings are associated with various chemical 
● Best studied is the archaerhodopsin of Halobacterium 
groups, which is unique for every kind of chlorophyll or 
bacteriochlorophyll molecule 
● Archaerhodopsin has retinal, a kind of carotenoid 
● R-group aids in attachment to membranes 
● It is a light-driven proton pump 
● Absorb light in the red and blue range of the visible 
● Membrane-bound 
spectrum, green light is transmitted 
● PMF drive ATP synthesis 
● H. salinarum is a chemoorganotroph that shifts of 
Accessory Pigments 
phototrophy under high light and low oxygen 
● These pigments help trap light energy and transfer it to 
the pair of chlorophylls in the reaction center 
● They absorb light in a range di erent from that of 
Selected Anabolic Pathways 
1. Calvin-Benson cycle was chosen because of the huge 
● They protect the microbes from intense sunlight which 
impact of photosynthetic microbes on the levels of 
could damage the photosynthetic apparatus 
atmospheric CO2 and oxygen 
2. Nitrogen xation was chosen because it is a uniquely 
● Phycocyanin - cyanobacteria and red algae 
prokaryotic metabolic pathway that impacts the global 
● Phycoerythrin - cyanobacteria and red algae 
● Fucoxanthin - diatoms, dino agellate 
● Carotenoids - cyanobacteria, protists, plants 
The biosynthesis of complex compounds from 
Oxygenic Photosynthesis - Photosystem II 
simple ones with the input of energy and reducing power 
● The photosynthetic apparatus is membrane-bound 
● The cell structure is made up of macromolecules that are 
○ Cell membrane of prokaryotes 
synthesized from simple monomers or precursors 
○ Thylakoid membrane in chloroplasts of 
● Precursor metabolites are the carbon skeletons used in 
● Photosystem II (P680) absorbs light and chlorophylls are 
energized and lose electrons 
● The electrons ow from one carrier to another 
generating PMF 
● Electrons lost from chlorophyll are replaced by electron 
from water, mediated by OEC enzyme (Oxygen evolving 
● O2 and protons are waste products 
Anoxygenic Photosynthesis 
● Involve membres of 5 bacterial phyla: 
○ Proteobacteria (purple sulfur and purple 
nonsulfur bacteria) 
○ Chlorobi (green sulfur bacteria) 
○ Chloro exi (green nonsulfur bacteria) 
○ Firmicutes (heliobacteria) 
○ Acidobacteria 
● Major pigments is bacteriochlorophyll 
● Associate with the cell membrane or vesicles called 
● Single photosystem 
● Mostly are strict anaerobes 

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The 12 Precursor Metabolites 

● Chemoorganotrophs produce these by the central metabolic pathways 
● Autotrophs use CO2 xation and other pathways to make precursor metabolites 

CO2 Fixation: Reduction and assimilation of CO2 carbon  ○ Recall that carboxysomes are cell inclusions 
● Autotrophs use CO2 as their sole or principal carbon  enclosed by a protein shell 
source  ○ 3 Phases of the Calvin-Benson Cycle 
● CO2 xation require energy and reducing power  i. Carboxylation phase 
● Comprises the Dark Reaction of photosynthesis  ● CO2 + RUBP 
● Autotrophic organism belong to  ii. Reduction phase 
○ Phototrophs  ● PGA to G3P 
○ Chemolithotrophs  iii. Regeneration phase 
● Eukaryotic and most prokaryotic autotrophs use the  ● RUBP is reformed 
Calvin-Benson cycle  2. Reductive TCA cycle (Aquificae, Proteobacteria, 
● There are other pathways for CO2 xation  Nitrospirae, Chlorobi) 
  3. Acetyl-CoA pathway (methanogens) 
CO2 xation pathways in autotrophic microorganisms  4. 3-hydroxypropionate bi-cycle (Chloroflexi) 
1. Calvin-Benson cycle (algae, most photosynthetic  5. 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate pathway 
bacteria)  (Sulfolobales) 
○ Also called the reductive pentose phosphate  6. 4-hydroxybutyrate cycle (Thermoproteales, 
cycle and Calvin cycle  Desulfurococcales) 
○ Occurs in the stroma of chloroplasts of   
eukaryotic phototrophs  Nitrogen- xation: N2 to NH3 
○ Occurs in carboxysomes in cyanobacteria,  The reduction of gaseous nitrogen (N2) to ammonia (NH3) 
nitrifying bacteria, and sulfur-oxidizers  ● Few bacterial and archaea can perform this 

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3 Major categories 
● Free-living bacteria 
○ E.g. Azotobacter, Klebsiella, Clostridium 
● Bacteria in symbiotic association with plants such as 
legum, forming root nodules 
○ E.g. Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium 
● Cyanobacteria 
○ E.g. Anabaena, Nostoc, Trichodesmium 
Growth and Control 
1. The in uence of environmental factors on growth: salt 
concentration, pH, temperature, oxygen requirement, 
2. Quorum sensing and the formation of bio lms 
3. Generation or doubling time 
4. De nition of terms in microbial control 
5. Mechanisms and application of the di erent physical 
methods of microbial control 
● Heat-moist and dry ltration, HEPA lter,   
radiation - UV and ionizing, osmotic pressure,   
desiccation of drying, pH 
6. Mechanism and antimicrobial applications of  
● Phenolics, alcohols, halogens, heavy metals, 
quaternary ammonium compounds, aldehydes. 
Sterilizing gases 
7. Conditions in uencing the e ectiveness of antimicrobial 
agent activity 
8. E ciency evaluation of chemical agents   
  ● Protein FtsZ assemble into a ring-like structure at the 
Control of Microbial Growth  center of a cell 
  ● Multiple ssion by cyanobacteria Stanieria forming 
How do microbial cells grow?  baeocytes 
● Most bacterial and archaeal cells reproduce by binary 
● Other strategies: 
○ Budding 
○ Multiple ssion 
○ Spore formation 
○ Intracellular o spring 
● Molecular mechanisms of bud formation in bacteria are 
● Many eukaryotic microbes: 
not known 
○ Asexual reproduction (mitosis) 
● FtsZ are placed near both cell poles 
○ Sexual reproduction (meiosis) 
○ Often alternate between haploid and diploid 
stages in their life cycle 

● Spore formation by Streptomyces coelicolor 

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● Multinucleoid laments are formed that eventually  1. Salt concentration 

divide to form unicleoid spores  ● Halophiles  
● Spores are dispersed like the lamentous fungi  - grow optimally in the presence of NaCi or 
  other salts at a concentration above about 
Eukaryotic Cell Production  0.2M 
● Extreme halophiles 
- Requires salt concentrations of 2M and 6.2M 
- Extremely high concentrations of potassium 
- Cell wall, proteins, and plasma membrane 
require high salt to maintain stability and 

Environmental Factors on Growth 
● Most organisms grow in fairly 
moderate environmental conditions 
● Extremophiles - grow under harsh 
conditions that would kill most other 
● Growth range and optimum  Solute concentration 
condition   ● Water activity (aw) - indicates free water for 
● Ex. Salmonella  the microorganisms to use 
Temperature range: 5 - 45°C 
Optimum growth temperature of 35 
- 37°C 

● Osmotolerant - they grow over wide ranges of 
water activity but optimally at higher levels 
● Xerophiles grow best at low aw 
2. pH - is a measure of the relative acidity of a solution and 
is de ned as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion 
concentration (pH 0-14) 
● Acidophiles - growth optimum between pH 
● Neutrophils - growth optimum between pH 
● Alkaliphiles (alkalophiles) - growth optimum 
between pH 8.0-11.5 
Drastic variations in cytoplasmic pH can harm 
- Damage plasma membrane 
- Inhibiting the activity of enzyme and 
membrane transport proteins 


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Temperature ranges for Microbial Growth 

● psychrophiles/cryophiles - 0°C to 20°C 
● psychrotrophs/psychrotolerans - 0°C to 
● Mesophiles - 15°C to 45°C 
● Thermophiles - 45°C to 85°C 
● Hyperthermophiles - 85°C to 113°C 

pH Tolerance Mechanisms of Microbes  Adaptations of Thermophiles  
● Most microbes maintain an internal pH near  ● Protein structure stabilized by a variety of 
neutrality  means 
- The plasma membrane is  - More H bonds 
impermeable to proton  - More proline 
- Exchange potassium for protons  - chaperons 
● Acidic tolerance response  ● Histone-like proteins stabilize DNA 
- Pump protons out of the cell  ● Membrane stabilized by variety of means 
- Some synthesize acid and heat shock  - More saturated, more branched and 
proteins that protect proteins  higher molecular weight lipids 
● Many microorganisms change the pH their  - Ether linkages (archaeal membranes) 
habitat by producing acidic or basic waste   
products  4. Oxygen concentration  
  ● Growth in presence of di erent oxygen 
3. Temperature  concentrations depends on a microbe’s 
● Microorganisms cannot regulate internal temperature,  metabolic processes, electron transport chains 
therefore easily a ected by external temperature  (ETC), terminal electron acceptor used 
● E ects enzyme-catalyzed reactions, membrane structure  ○ Aerobe - grows in presence of 
● Organisms exhibit distinct cardinal growth temperatures  atmospheric oxygen (O2) which is 
- Minimal  20% O2 
- Maximal  ○ Obligate aerobe - requires O2 
- optimal  ○ Anaerobe - grows in the absence of 
○ Obligate anaerobe - usually killed in 
presence of O2 
○ Microaerophile - requires 2-10% O2 
○ Facultative anaerobes - do not 
require O2 but grow better in its 
○ Aerotolerant anaerobes - grow with 
or without O2 

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E ects of Di erent Oxygen Levels on Microbe  ○ Deinococcus radiodurans - 

Growth  extremely resistant to large doses of 
ionizing radiation 
○ Able to piece together its genome 
after it is blasted apart by massive 
doses of radiation  
● Ultraviolet (UV) radiation - short 
wavelength (approximately from 10 to 400 
nm) and high energy 
○ 260 nm - most lethal, the wavelength 
most e ectively absorbed by and 
damaging to DNA 
○ Singlet oxygen - generated when 
  photosensitizer transfers energy to 
Basis of Di erent Oxygen Sensitivities   - Highly reactive, quickly 
● Oxygen reduced to reactive oxygen species  destroys the cell 
(ROS)  - Carotenoids (accessory 
○ Superoxide radical  pigment) protects the cells 
○ Hydrogen peroxide  against singlet oxygen by 
○ Hydroxyl radical  absorbing energy from SO 
● Aerobes produce protective enzymes  and reverting it to and 
○ Superoxide dismutase (SOD) -  unexcited state 
catalyze the destruction of superoxide   
radical  Microbial Growth in Natural Environments 
○ Catalase - destroys peroxides  Bio lms 
○ Peroxidase - can be used to destroy  - Most microbes grow attached to surfaces (sessile) rather 
hydrogen peroxide  than free oating (planktonic) 
  - These attached microbes are members of complex, slime 
5. Pressure  enclosed communities 
● Microbes that live on land and water surface  - Bio lms are ubiquitous in nature in water 
live at 1 atm  - Can be formed on any conditioned surface 
● Some bacteria and archaea live in deep sea with  - Form a slimy matrix made up of extracellular polymeric 
very high pressures  substances (proteins, polysaccharides, glycoproteins, 
● Barotolerant - adversely a ected by increased  glycolipids, DNA) 
pressure , but not a severely as non tolerant  - Protects microbes, from UV and antibiotics 
organisms  - Can be found in surfaces submerged in water (rocks on 
● Barophilic (piezophilic) organisms - require  streams), toilet tiles, teeth 
or grow more rapidly in the presence of 
increased pressure. Change membrane fatty 
acids to adapt to high pressures 
6. Radiation  
● Ionizing radiation - one of the most 
damaging to microorganisms. Very short 
wavelength, high energy.   
○ 2 forms of ionizing radiation   
■ X-rays - arti cially  Bio lm Formation 
■ Gamma rays - emitted 
during natural radioisotope 
○ Low levels of ionizing radiation may 
produce mutations that indirectly 
result in death, whereas higher levels 
are directly lethal 
○ Breaks hydrogen bonds, oxidizes 
double bonds, destroys ring   
structures, and polymerizes some 

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● Microbes reversibly attach to conditioned surface and  Interdomain communication 

release polysaccharides, proteins, and DNA to form the  - Across domain 
extracellular polymeric substance (EPS)  - Association between plant and fungi 
● Additional polymers are produced as microbes  - Grows on the roots of the plant 
reproduce and bio lm matures  - Bene cial impact on plant 
  - Resistance to unfavorable conditions 
Quorum sensing  - Resistance to pests 
● Density dependent  - Droughts and stress 
● Allows members of the same species to communicate  - Increase absorption of nutrients from soil 
with each other  - In return the plant will provide the shelter and nutrients 
● Acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) is an autoinducer  for fungi to grow 
molecule produced by many gram-negative organisms   
○ Di uses across plasma membrane  Culture Media - a solid or liquid preparation used to grow, 
○ Once inside the cell, induces expression of  transport, and store microorganisms 
target genes regulating a variety of functions   

Culture Media (Chemical composition) 

● De ned or synthetic medium - chemical components 
are known. Used to culture photoautotrophs and many 


● Complex media - contain some ingredients of 
unknown chemical composition. Used to culture 
fastidious microbes 
Culture Media (Functional Types) 
● General purpose/supportive media - sustain the 
growth of many microorganisms 
○ Enriched media - forti ed supportive media 
(addition of blood and other nutrients) 

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● Selective media - allow the growth of particular  Measurement of Growth Rate and Regeneration Time 
microorganisms, while inhibiting the growth of others 
● Di erential media - distinguish among di erent 
groups of microbes and even permit tentative 
identi cation of microorganisms based on their 
biological characteristics 
Microbial Growth Curve in a Closed System 

The Mathematics of Growth 
● Generation (doubling) time (g)    
○ Time required for the population to double in 
○ Varies depending on species of microorganisms 
and environmental conditions 
○ Range from 10 minutes for some bacteria to 
days for some eukaryotes 

  Microbial Control 
● Growth rate constant (k)   ● Physical agents 
○ The number of generations per unit time   ● Chemical agents 
○ Expressed as n/t  ● Mechanical removal methods 
○ Reciprocal of generation  ● Biological agents 
De nition of Frequently Used Terms 
● Sterilization 
○ Destruction or removal of all viable (the 
growing, the dividing organism, the 
reproducing organisms) organisms, spores and 
infectious agents. 
○ Makes use of an autoclave to sterilize culture 
media and decontaminate culture media as well 
as glasswares in the laboratory. 
  ○ Autoclaving - Method or procedure in the lab 
  in which keeps the culture media free from any 
  ○ Makes use of very high temperatures (121°C 
  to be speci c). Expose the materials in high 
  temperatures at around 15 - 20 minutes in 
high pressure. 

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● Disinfection  Moist Heat 

○ Killing, inhibition, or removal of disease  ● It is established that the moist heat is more e ective than 
causing (pathogenic) organism  the dry heat. 
○ Disinfectants  ● Destroys viruses, fungi, and bacteria 
■ Agents, usually chemical, used for  ● Boiling will not destroy spores and does not sterilize 
disinfection  ● Degrades nucleic acids, denatures proteins, and disrupts 
■ Usually used on inanimate objects  membranes 
● Sanitization / Sanitation 
○ Reduction of microbial population to levels 
deemed safe (based on public health standards) 
● Antisepsis 
○ Prevention of infection of living tissue by 
○ Antiseptics 
■ Chemical agents that kill or inhibit 
growth of microorganisms when 
applied to tissue 
● Chemotherapy   
○ Use of chemicals to kill or inhibit growth of   
microorganism within the host tissue  Steam Sterilization 
● Agent that kill microorganisms or inhibit their  ● Carried out above 100°C which requires 
growth  saturated steam under pressure 
○ Cidal agents kill (-cide su x indicating agent  ● Uses an autoclave 
that kills)  ● E ective against all types of microorganisms 
■ Germicide kills pathogens and many  (including spores) 
non-pathogens but not necessarily  ● Quality control - indicator strip or an ampule 
endospores  of Geobacillus stearothermophilus 
■ Include bactericides, fungicides,   
algicides, and virucides  Pasteurization 
○ Static agents inhibit growth (-static su x  ● Controlled heating at temperatures well below 
indicates growth inhibiting agent)  boiling 
■ Include bacteriostatic and fungistatic  ● Used for heat sensitive products (milk, beer, 
  fruit juice and other beverages) 
● Process does not sterilize but does kill 
pathogens present and slow spoilage by 
destroying spoilage enzymes and reducing the 
total microbial load 
● Use steam and intermittent steril  
● Also includes 24-hr incubation in between 
sterilization to allow germination of spores 
● Used for products that may be contaminated 
with spores but cannot withstand the high 
temperatures of autoclave. 
Dry Heat 
Physical Control of Microbial Growth 
● Oxidizes cell constituents and denatures proteins 
1. Heat 
● Less e ective than moist heat sterilization, requiring 
○ Moist heat 
higher temperatures and longer exposure times 
○ Dry heat 
○ Ex. in dry heat oven, items are subject to 
2. Filtration 
160-170°C for 2 to 3 hours 
3. Radiation 
● Advantage over moist heat: does not corrode glassware 
○ UV radiation 
and metal instruments as moist heat does, and it can be 
○ Ionizing radiation 
used to sterilize powers, oil, and similar items. 
4. Osmotic pressure 
5. Desiccation or drying 
6. pH 

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● Reduces microbial population or sterilizes solutions of 
heat-sensitive materials by removing microorganisms 
● Also used to reduce microbial populations in air. 
● Membrane lters - porous membranes with de ned 
pore sizes that remove microorganisms primarily by 
physical screening. 
Air Filtration 
● Surgical masks 
● Cotton plugs on culture vessels 
● High-e ciency particulate air (HEPA) lters 
○ Used in laminar ow biological safety 
Ultraviolet Radiation 
● Wavelength of 260 is most bacterial (DNA absorbs)   
● Causes thymine dimers preventing replication and   
transcription  Phenolics 
● UV limited to surface sterilization because it does not  ● Commonly used as laboratory and hospital disinfectants 
penetrate glass, dirt lms, water, and other substances  ● Act by denaturing proteins and disrupting cell 
● Has been used for water treatment.  membranes 
  ● Tuberculocidal, e ective in presence of organic material 
Ionizing Radiation  and long lasting 
● Gamma radiation penetrates deep into objects  ● Disagreeable odor and can cause skin irritation 
● Destroys bacterial endospores; not always e ective   
against viruses  Alcohols 
● Used for sterilization and pasteurization of antibiotics,  ● Among the most widely used disinfectant and 
hormones, sutures, plastic disposable supplies and food  antibiotics 
  ● Two most common are ethanol and isopropanol 
Other Methods:  ● Bactericidal, fungicidal, but not sporicidal 
● Osmotic pressure  ● Inactivate some viruses 
● Desiccation  ● Denature proteins and possibly dissolve membrane 
● pH  lipids 
Chemical Growth of Microbial Growth  Halogens 
● Phenolics  ● Any of the ve elements: 
● Alcohols  ○ Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and 
● Halogens  astatine 
● Heavy metals  ○ Important antimicrobial agents 
● Quaternary ammonium compounds  ● Iodine 
● Aldehydes  ○ Skin antiseptic 
● Sterilizing gases  ○ Oxidizes cell constituents and iodinates 
○ At high concentrations may kill spores 
○ Skin damage, staining, and allergies can be a 
○ Iodophore 
■ Iodine complexed within organic 
■ Released slowly to minimize skin 
● Chlorine 
○ Oxidizes cell constituents 
○ Important in disinfection of wall supplies and 
swimming pools, used in dairy and food 
○ Destroys vegetative bacteria and fungi 
  ○ Chlorine gas is sporicidal 

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○ Can react with organic matter to form  E ciency Evaluation of Chemical Agents 
carcinogenic compounds   
  ● Phenol Coe cient Test 
Heavy Metals  ○ Potency of a disinfectant is compared to that of 
● E ective but usually toxic  phenol 
● Combine with and inactive proteins; may also  ○ Useful for screening but may be misleading 
precipitate proteins  ● Use dilution Test 
● E.g. ions of mercury, silver, arsenic, zinc and copper  ○ Determines rate at which selected bacteria are 
  destroyed by various chemical agents 
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds  ● Normal in-use testing 
● Detergents that have antimicrobial activity and are  ○ Testing done using conditions that 
e ective disinfectants  approximate normal use of disinfectant 
○ Amphipathic organic cleansing agents   
● Cationic detergents are disinfectants  END of Module 1 - 6 (Prelims) 
○ Kill most bacteria, but not M. tuberculosis or 
○ Safe and easy to use, inactivated by hard water 
and soap 
● Commonly used agents are formaldehyde and 
● Highly reactive molecules 
● Sporicidal and can be used as chemical sterilants 
● Combine with and inactivate nucleic acids and proteins 
Sterilizing Gases 
● Used to sterilize heat-sensitive materials 
● Microbicidal and sporicidal 
● Ethylene oxide sterilization is carried out in 
equipment resembling an autoclave 
● Beta Propiolactone and vaporized hydrogen peroxide 
● Combine with and inactivate DNA and proteins 
Conditions In uencing the E ectiveness of Antimicrobial 
Agent Activity 
● Population size 
○ Larger populations take longer to kill than 
smaller populations 
● Population composition 
○ Microorganisms di er markedly in their 
sensitivity to antimicrobial agents 
● Concentrations or intensity of an antimicrobial agent 
○ Usually higher concentrations kill more rapidly 
○ Relationship is not linear 
● Duration of exposure 
○ Longer exposure ⇒ More organisms killed 
● Temperature 
○ Higher temperatures usually increase killing 
● Local environment 
○ pH, viscosity, concentration of organic matter, 
etc. can profoundly impact e ectiveness 
○ Organisms in bio lms are less susceptible to 
many antimicrobial agents 


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