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according to some estimates by the year

2050 renewable energy will be the

primary source of electricity in the

world however current solar and wind

farms will be supplemented with new

power sources that don't rely on weather

conditions for instance osmotic power

will enable us to take advantage of the

salinity gradient between seawater and

freshwater from river outlets in Reverse

electrodialysis a non porous membrane

repels the negative salt ions allowing

only the flow of positive ions that

travel to the other side to compensate

the salinity gradient this translates

into a potential difference that

generates a voltage the seas are poised

to become one of the main sources of

renewable energy in this regard wave

power is becoming one of the most

promising research fields the movement

of the waves causes the boys hanging

from several arms connected to the main

platform to rise and fall there an

electric turbine is activated my visitor

technology that harnesses the kinetic

energy of waves albeit with a structure

laying on the seabed the waves push the

air within a set of membranes through a

pipe moving a turbine in the process

organic waste is another potential power

source thanks to the activity of living

organisms while feeding on waste

bacteria release electrons that can be

used to produce electricity biomass or

even coffee waste could thus fuel these

power stations but perhaps the future

will bring even more advanced solutions

such as harvesting energy from outer

space out there the Sun never sets and

orbitals solar power stations could

eventually relay that energy to any

location on

the planet through electromagnetic waves

all these alternatives bring us a step

closer to a fossil fuel free world


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