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Title Names/Nombres | Author Julia Alvarez

I chose this book because

I had difficulties opening or finding the other selection and my teacher recommended this one.
The title was also interesting and caught my attention.

Summarize the story in 3-5 sentences. What is the story about?

The story is about a girl named Julia who is from the Dominican Republic but moved to the U.S. She had to
accents and different pronunciations from Hispanic to English.
In class she was known as Judy but when a girl asked her to pronounce her whole name even though she
known as a Janes or Sally. In the end, Julia is proud of being born in Hispanic country.

The main conflict that this person faces is What kind of conflict is it? (Character vs
the acceptance of her ethnicity, name for character/self/society etc.)
example, which is not American and is difficult There is Character vs self conflict since Julia
to pronounce. doesnt like her Hispanic name and wants an
American one.

Making connections
I am like the narrator in the following ways.
I am like the narrator because I am not Portuguese either and being Russian in Portugal or
another country is not as cool as many people think. The pronunciation of my name is also a
problem because it's never written in the same way. The friend's problem is also something
that people experience.

I am unlike the narrator in the following ways.

I am unlike the narrator because I was always proud of being Russian and I had accepted
that fact. Unlike Julia I am from an eastern country and there are less middle names.

1 2 3
Examples When a classmate Her English teacher Her sister is named
of conflict asked Julia where mistook her name. Mauricia because it
she was originally. can't be translated.

How did the narrator Julia at first said that The narrator ignored Julia admitted that
respond? she is from New that but Julia needed her sister had the
York but when she to get used to her hardest time.
heard “originally” she misspoken names.
said the Caribbean.

What does this It reveals that the It reveals that the The narrator shows
reveal about the narrator is insecure narrator is shy and once again that she
narrator's at some point of now she needs to does not want a
personality? being originally from get used to it. Hispanic name and
the Caribbean nothing related to

How would I have I would have said I would have I wouldn't be

responded? that I am from corrected it because ashamed of my
Russia because it is I would not like a sibling's name
where I was born, teacher saying my because it's
lived there and name wrong. something that he
visited. should be proud of.

Based on what you have learned about mindset, does your narrator have a growth or fixed
mindset? Explain with evidence from the text.
The narrator has a fixed mindset because she does not want a Hispanic name but an
American one instead, so basically she is ashamed of her name. “My initial desire to be
known by my correct Dominican name faded. I just wanted to be Judy and merge with the
Sallys and the Janes in my class. But, inevitably, my accent and coloring gave me away.”
In this phrase we can see that she is ashamed of being Dominican.

Based on what you have learned about mindset, do you have a growth or fixed mindset?
Explain with examples from your own life connected to what you have learned in this lesson.
I believe that I have a growth mindset because even though I am not so good with math I
can learn it with someone’s help so it will turn out more interesting, which is an example of
me and math and biology tutoring. At first I hated it but now I understand it way better
which is way more interesting. About my name, I never felt ashamed of it and even if
people say it wrong I will correct them until they get it.
What message or theme do you think the writer is creating by sharing his or story? What
does the writer want readers to remember? Remember theme is expressed as a statement
( not a single-word topic)
The theme is that we shouldn’t be ashamed of where we are from and who we are and not
someone else. What readers remember or at least what I remembered is that Julia is
ashamed of her nationality, name and wants to be with an American “normal” last name.
The writer wants us to know that a single word can affect others and can change a whole
point of view of theirs.

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