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I joyouslij dedicate this book to the thousands of people who

studied these principles of cosmic magnetism with me in Carnegie

Hall and who have used the miracle of the magic power circle in
their daily lives, to find health, happiness, riches, and abundance.
W h a t Thi s B o o k Ca n
Do f o r You

This book, that you now hold in

your hands, is the “open sesame” to a thrilling new life. When you
master the principles of cosmic magnetism and learn how to use
the miracle of the magic power circle, you will have a perpetual
passport to a life of happiness, riches, health, and enchantment.
It will help transform your life immediately and no matter what
limitations may exist at present, they will dissolve, as if by magic.
You will literally come into a completely new life experience.
In my many years of lecturing at world-famous Carnegie Hall,
I gave this secret of cosmic magnetism to thousands of people. I
saw the miraculous results it produced; bringing them fame, per­
sonal power, better health, inner contentment, romantic fulfill­
ment, and riches.
This cosmic power worked like magic— so I named it Cosmic
Magnetism: The Miracle of the Magic Power Circle.

Millionaires and geniuses used this secret cosmic power

This book will show you how to release the creative magnetism
of your own mind and expand the horizons of your world. You will

learn how to use the same cosmic magnetism that has been tapped
by millionaires and geniuses throughout history. You will learn
how to release a floodtide of cosmic power in your own life that
will cause you to rise on wings of imagination into realms of
inspiration and great achievement.
In this illumined age, science has at last tapped the secret
power of cosmic magnetism. Man has learned how to rise above
the gravity pull of earth and race to the moon and stars in outer
space at the unbelievable speed of 17,000 miles per hour.
We see the miracles of cosmic magnetism in the transmission
of power from the sun and moon and stars in our galaxy. The
amazing gravity pull of the moon moves billions of tons of water
in our earth’s seas; it causes seed to grow in the soil, under the
impetus of the magnetism of the sun and moon.
The transmission of electricity from outer space is due to this
invisible cosmic magnetism, that gives us power and illumination
from the magic circle radiance of the sun. All cosmic magnetism
is transmitted to us from outer space on invisible rays.
We listen to music and voices on our radio and television sets,
and they are beamed into millions of homes simultaneously. This
is truly a cosmic miracle and makes us realize that this cosmic
power exists in the invisible world all around us and is capable of
producing miracles that modern science cannot explain.

Cosmic magnetism is the spark of life

Cosmic magnetism exists throughout our entire universe. It is
the spark of life that powers the dynamo of the heart and brain.
It is the invisible cosmic beam of life energy that illumines your
soul and starts you on this mystical journey through time and
Cosmic magnetism radiates in tidal waves of power from outer
space. When you once learn how to harness this great creative
power you will truly be able to rise above the gravity pull of
earth’s limitations and become anything you wish.
It was in 1945 that scientists discovered the true reality of
cosmic magnetism, although I had been teaching this secret to
thousands of people years before. Dr. Felix Erenhaft presented
his findings on cosmic magnetism before a group of scientists at

Columbia University, in which he proved for the first time, the

existence of a mysterious cosmic element that existed in every
atom and cell of the universe. Man too, he proved, possesses this
cosmic magnetism, which for want of a better name, he called
magnetism. However, this secret cosmic power was known to the
mystics and philosophers of the Far East, India, China, and Tibet
for generations.
It was in a little town named Magneta, in Greece, that the first
magnetic substance was discovered back in the days of Socrates
and Plato. This magnetic substance had the power to attract to
itself other matter which vibrated to its own cosmic pattern. The
Greeks named this cosmic power, magnetism.

You, too, possess this cosmic power of magnetic attraction

You have been given this same quality of cosmic magnetism
that exists throughout time and space. When you learn how to
surround yourself with the magic power circle of cosmic mag­
netism, you truly become like a powerful magnet, which can
attract into your life anything that you desire.
You will learn in this study, how to radiate so much of this
cosmic magnetism in your personality, your voice, your facial
expression, that you will be able to command the attention of
important people, who will all want to help you achieve your life
You will so charge your mind and body with magnetism, that
you will soon become a veritable dynamo of psychic energy and
creative activity.
It was this secret power of cosmic magnetism that all the great
leaders and geniuses of history possessed.
It is this cosmic power of the magic circle that many movie
stars use to command vast salaries and big audiences at the box
Thousands of new millionaires have risen in America in the past
20 years. All of them used this secret power of cosmic magnetism
to obtain their creative ideas and to attract to themselves fame
and fortune.
Based on accurate scientific knowledge of the cosmic laws that
rule the universe, I applied the secrets of cosmic magnetism to

people's lives. I reasoned that if this invisible power of the cosmos

can be harnessed and implemented by man, it can perform its
living miracles in the orbit of everyday human experiences.
These past 30 years of teaching Cosmic Magnetism to my thou­
sands of lecture members at world-famous Carnegie Hall, proved
that my assumption was correct.
People have literally worked miracles with this power of cosmic
magnetism. They have changed their lives from drab, mediocre
ones to radiant, successful, and happy ones. They have emerged
rich and famous; they have attracted friends and loved ones,
becoming socially popular and desirable.

How cosmic magnetism works in nature

This principle of cosmic magnetism works in all of nature under
known cosmic laws. This exact same principle also works in your
own life. Its positive polarity can attract into your life experience
riches, fame, power, health, friends, and love-fulfillment; o n t h e
o t h e r h a n d , the negative polarity of cosmic magnetism, which is
r e p a h i o n , can push away good fortune, friends, health, and happi­
ness. You have been given the power to magnetize the positive
polarity of cosmic magnetism in your own personal magic circle
and attract to yourself o n ly th o s e g o o d a n d f o r t u n a t e e v e n t s o f
life th a t y o u c h o o s e .
This book will show you how to use the positive polarity of
cosmic magnetism to attract into your life experience only that
which is good for you. You will also learn how to use the law of
negative polarity or repulsion, to push out of your life anything
that you do not wish and that you consider undesirable.

You stand at the crossroads of your destiny

You now stand at the crossroads of destiny. It is the moment of
truth for you— for I now place in your hands the priceless secret
of magnetic power which, like an atomic blast, can shatter the
mold of past negativity, poverty, lack, and limitation, and bring
you into a new cosmic perspective of power, peace, plenty, riches,
and abundance such as you never dreamed existed.
Here is what you can expect to do with cosmic magnetism, the
miracle of the magic power circle:
You can expand the horizons of your consciousness so that you

will build your own magnetic empire of power, beauty, love, and
You will be able to motivate the forces of your life, by using
cosmic magnetism to bridge the time gap between the present
and the future. You can make the miracles happen n o w and
accelerate time, so you do not have to wait years for the fulfill­
ment of your life’s dream.
You will learn how to concentrate a golden magic circle of
cosmic magnetism around your body, attracting tidal waves of
cosmic energy, dynamic power, and vitality. This will help im­
prove your body’s health, giving you a life force that can survive
100 years or more in good health.
You will discover the universal principle of cosmic magnetism
that you can use like a giant magnet to attract into your personal
life the people you want to meet. These people, obeying the subtle
and magnetic dictates of your mind, will be willing to help you
socially and in business. They will gravitate in the sphere of your
personality, without knowing the secret power that you use to
propel them into your magic circle.
You will be shown how to use cosmic magnetism to charm and
enchant members of the opposite sex. You will be able to attract
your true soul-mate— one who vibrates to the same cosmic rhythm
of love and beauty that you have magnetized in your own personal
magic circle.
You can command the riches of the universe, when you once
learn how to project cosmic magnetism in the creative centers of
your mind. You can become as rich as you wish to be. You will
learn the millionaire’s secret power for magnetizing money, and
using it wisely to enrich your life.
You will learn to shape your own inner world with the cosmic
magnetism of cosmography— the ability to create mental pictures
and project them to the outer world. These can be for owning
your own business, building your dream home, having fine cars,
stocks and bonds, land, jewels, furs, and treasures of every kind.
You can tap astral and cosmic powers to build a superior mind
and become a creative genius. Do you wish to paint beautiful
pictures? Write stories for television and movies? Compose songs
and beautiful music? Invent something that will make you rich?
Cosmic and astral powers ceaselessly flow in the universe, im­

printing upon your mind the millions of secret magnetic thoughts

of geniuses of history. You can tap these cosmic and magnetic
pulsations, very much like a television set receives pictures from
outer space on invisible magnetic rays.
Use these secrets of cosmic magnetism wisely, and o n ly for
good purposes. Your mind and body and soul will be enriched
and blessed all the more with every treasure of the universe when
you release this secret power of cosmic magnetism in your own
personal magic circle aura, to help others in their quest for happi­
ness, peace, and abundance.

A .N .

ONE: Cosmic Magnetism—The Miracle Power That Can Make

Your Dreams Come True • 21
Y o u r p a th to co m p lete a ch ie v e m e n t • H ow n eg a tiv e fo rc e s sh a tter th e
m a g ic circle •How co sm ic m a g n etism m a d e a g irl b e a u tifu l • C o sm ic
m a g n etism c h a n g e d h e r life • You ca n b u ild y o u r o w n m a g ic c irc le of
p o w er a n d en ch a n tm en t • W e live in a w o rld o f m y stery a n d m a g ic •
T h e p ro g ra m fo r b u ild in g y o u r p erso n a l m a g ic c irc le • H o w a n a d ­
v ertising m an in c rea se d his in c o m e 1 0 0 p e r c e n t in o n e y ea r • C ultivate
th e m a g n etic e y e • K n o w le d g e bu ild s th e m a g ic c irc le p o w e r • H o w
to live in th e g o ld e n light o f th e m a g ic c irc le • T h e m a g ic circ le star
quality • M em o riz e th es e m a g ic c irc le m otivators • Su m m a ry of
C h apter O ne

TWO: How to Magnetize and Attract What You Want in

Life • 35
Y o u will attract w hat you are •You ca n ch o o se any destin y y ou w ish •
H o w to c h a n g e y o u r idea s a b o u t y o u rself a n d y o u r life go a l • H ow a
girl b e c a m e a co n cert pianist th ro u g h this m a g ic c irc le p o w e r • T h r e e
co n ditions n e e d e d in y o u r m a g ic c irc le • A salesm an c h a n g e d his life
th ro u g h this system • Step -by -step g u id a n c e fo r p ro jec tin g y ou r m a gic
circ le • U nlock p o w er th ro u g h co sm ic rh a p so d izin g • H o w o n e w om an
w on love th ro u g h this m e th o d • A fa m o u s artist u s e d this m e th o d to
cre a te • S u m m a r y o f C h a p t e r T w o

THREE: The Miracle Power of Cosmography to Picture and

Shape Your Future Destiny • 45
T h e cosm ic m em o ry ba nk o f th e u n iv e rse • H ow to p ro ject cosm o-
g ra p h s fo r th e rig h t ty p e o f w ork • H o ic an eleva tor o p era to r c h a n g e d
his o ccu p ation • H o w a p lu m b e r b e c a m e a n artist th ro u g h this m a gic
circle p ro jectio n • H o w to p ro jec t co sm o g ra p h s fo r financial secu rity •
Hoto to p ro ject co sm o g ra p h s fo r h ealth, y o u th fu l e n e r g y , a n d lon g
life • H ow to p ro jec t y o u r co sm o g ra p h s fo r love h a p p in ess • H ow a
w om an w on b a ck h e r h u s b a n d ’s love th ro u g h this m eth o d • Su m m a by
of C h apter T h ree

FOUR: The 20 Golden Rules for Building Your Magic Power

Circle • 54
R id e n u m b e r o ne • R u le n u m b e r tw o • R u le n u m b e r th re e • R ule
n u m b e r fo u r • R u le n u m b e r five • R u le n u m b e r six • R u le n u m b e r
se v e n • R u le n u m b e r eig h t • R u le n u m b e r n in e • R u le n u m b e r te n •
R u le n u m b e r e le v e n * R u le n u m b e r tw elv e • R u le n u m b e r th irteen •
R ule n u m b e r fo u rte e n • R u le n u m b e r fiftee n • R u le n u m b e r six­
teen • R u le n u m b e r s e v e n t e e n • R u le n u m b e r e ig h te e n • R id e n um ber
• R u le n u m b e r tw en ty • S u m m a r y o f C h a p t e r F our
n in e te e n

FIVE: How to Attract Riches Through Cosmic Magnetism • 73

T h e secret o f co sm ic m a g n etism u s e d by th e w orld’s rich est m e n • An
a b u n d a n ce o f trea su res in th e u n iv e rse • W h a t w e re th e se crets o f the
w o rld s rich est m e n ? • T h e m a g n etic re g im e to u se fo r gro w in g rich •
A c a rp en ter built his fo rtu n e this w ay • $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 teas m a g n e tiz e d by
faith • H o w o n e w om an m a g n e tiz e d s u cc es s • S u m m a r y o f C h a p t e r
F iv e

SIX: How to Project Cosmic Magnetism to Attract and Influ­

ence People • 85
H o w to u se y o u r co sm ic m a g n etism fo r p ositive p u rp o s es • T h e six
m a g ic key s to co sm ic m a gn etism that attract a n d in flu en ce p e o p le •
H o w to p ro ject y o u r co sm ic m a g n etism to attract a n d in flu en ce p e o ­
p le • S u m m a r y o f C h a p t e r S ix

SEVEN: How to Work “Miracles” with Your Magic Power

Circle • 99
T h e th re e co sm ic crea tiv e co m m a n d s that h elp y ou w ork m ira cles • Ask
w hat you will o f y o u r co sm ic m a g ic g e n ie • C o sm ic will d ro v e this

SEVEN: How to Work “Miracles” with Your Magic Power

Circle ( C o n t.)
boy into b e co m in g an a rch itect • T h e re g im e to relea se m a g ic circle
co m m a n d s fo r ev ery d a y m ira cles in y o u r life * H o w a m an b e c a m e
rich w h e n h e in v o k ed th e co sm ic will to h a v e * Su m m a r y o f C h apter
S e v en

EIGHT: How to Set Your Cosmic Time Clock to Achieve a

Great Destiny • 109
T h e law of cosm ic im provisation • Yo u r destin y is set b y th e co sm ic
tim e clo ck • C o sm ic laws o f ca u se a n d e ffe c t • H o w to set y o u r co sm ic
tim e clo ck fo r im m ed ia te a n d fu tu re b en efits • H o w a m a n p ro jec ted
$ 2 7 ,0 0 0 • H o w to set y o u r co sm ic tim e clo ck fo r th e th in gs y ou d esire •
S u m m a r y o f C h a p t e r E ig h t

NINE: How to Rejuvenate Your Mind and Body with Dynamic

Cosmic Rhythm Cycles • 121
L e t th ere b e light! T h e first co sm ic c o m m a n d • M a n c o m m a n d e d th e
e le m en ts a n d h e re a c h e d th e m o o n • Y o u r crea tiv e co m m a n d s ca n
crea te n ew w orlds fo r you • The m a g n etic p ro p erties o f ligh t • You
ca n in crea se th e d y n a m ic co sm ic rh y th m cy cle s o f y o u r bra in a n d
b o d y • H oiv to u se co sm ic m a g n etism to reju v en a te y o u r m in d a n d
b o d y • T h is m a n w as a fa ilu re u ntil h e le a rn e d th e s e c r e t o f co n trollin g
n erv o u sn ess • S u m m a r y o f C h a p t e r N in e

TEN: How to Achieve Psychic Power to Know Your Future

Through Astro-Cosmo Wavelengths • 131
H o w this p sy ch ic p o w er w orks in n a tu re • C o sm ic p o w e r ca n w ork
m ira cles fo r you • H e d id not trust his p sy ch ic p o w e r • In visib le co sm ic
fo rc es m otivate th e u n iv erse • H o w to relea se p sy ch ic p o w e r th ro u g h
astro-cosm o w a v elen gth s • S u m m a r y o f C h a p t e r T en

ELEVEN: How to Create Good Luck Cycles with Cosmic

Magnetism • 141
T h e co sm ic law o f th e p e n d u lu m in n a tu re • H o w to c h a rg e y o u r m a g ic
c irc le w ith th e m a gn etism o f g o o d luck a n d g rea tn ess • W h y disaster
fo llo w ed a m a n ev e ry w h e re in life • I think, th e re fo re I am • T h e
re g im e fo r crea tin g p erp e tu a l g o o d lu ck cy cles th ro u g h y o u r m a g ic
c irc le • S u m m a r y o f C h a p t e r E l e v e n

TWELVE: How to Tap Astral and Cosmic Powers for a

Superior Mind • 153

T h e g o ld e n to u c h that ca n m ak e y ou rich •Y o u m ay h e an u n d e v e lo p e d
g e n iu s • Y o u ca n a ch ie v e th e co sm ic illum ination o f a g e n iu s a n d
b e c o m e g re a t • Positive step s to a ch iev e co sm ic illum ination • H o w
y ou ca n b rin g astral a n d co sm ic p o w e r to th e spiritual p ro d u c tiv e
p la n e • S u m m a r y o f C h a p t e r T w e l v e

THIRTEEN: Dynamic Laws of Cosmic Magnetism That Can

Improve Your Life • 162

H o w overton es o f co sm ic m a g n etism a ffect y o u r life • T h e se cret

co sm ic p o w er that ca n c h a n g e y o u r life • T h e se v e n dijnam ic laws of
co sm ic m a gn etism • S u m m a r y o f C h a p t e r T h ir t e e n

FOURTEEN: How to Have Health and Long Life Through

Cosmic Magnetism • 177

T h e co sm ic life fo rc e is sh o rt-circu ited • H o w to b u ild health a n d long

life w ith co sm ic m a g n etism • S u m m a r y o f C h a p t e r F o u r tee n

FIFTEEN: How to Command Cosmic Abundance to Enrich

Your Life • 187

Y o u r m in d is like a p o w e rfu l m a g n e t • H o w a m a n p ro je c te d his p ic ­

tu re o f a b u n d a n ce to reality • Y o u r th o u g h ts set u p m a g n etic fields of
action • H o w to tap th e so u rce o f co sm ic a b u n d a n c e • Su m m a r y of
C h a p t e r F if t e e n

SIXTEEN: How to Make Your Cosmic Miracle Happen

Now • 197

H o w you ca n b rid g e th e co sm ic tim e g a p im m ed ia tely • T im e is not

law • H ow a w om a n p ro je c te d h e r o w n resta ura n t • H o w to p ro ject
th e m ysterious p o ic e r o f th e m a g ic c irc le • L iv e in th e etern a l now •
T h is m ystic su b sta n ce ca lled tim e • Y o u r bra in is a co sm ic cy clo tro n •
Y o u ca n crea te a co sm ic ivhirlpool o f e n e r g y • A sim p le p ro g ra m fo r
b rid g in g th e co sm ic tim e g a p fo r g re a te r p o ic e r • S u m m a r y o f C h a p t e r
S ix t e e n

SEVENTEEN: How to Achieve Serenity and Inner Power

Through Cosmic Ascendancy • 209
T h e spiritual m ou nta into p o f seren ity • H ow to a ch ie v e co sm ic a sc e n ­
d a n cy • H ow to w ea r th e m a g ic c irc le cro w n o f co sm ic p o w e r • The
se v e n m agic circle jew els o f spirit • Y o u a re now triu m p h a n t o v er life •
Su m m a r y o f C h a pter Seven teen

C o s mi c M a g n e t i s m — The
M i r a c l e P o w e r T h a t Ca n
M a k e Y o u r D r e a m s C o me Tr ue

When you were bom, you were

given a miracle power that is hidden within your brain and body
cells. This miracle power is the life force of c o s m ic m a g n e t is m
and life i n t e ll i g e n c e which flows ceaselessly throughout the entire
You have the power to control and direct cosmic magnetism
into creative channels that give you complete command over the
outer circumstances of life.
You can use cosmic magnetism to attract into the aura of your
personal magic circle, any person or situation you desire.
You can magnetize your brain and body and literally become
like a powerful magnet, capable of attracting money, fame,
power, friends, love-fulfillment— all the things that you dream

Cosmic magnetism is the miracle power of life that can make

your dreams come true.
This secret power of cosmic magnetism was released to you the
moment you were born. As a baby, in the magic circle of your
mother’s loving arms, with your very first breath, you began to
use the dynamic power of cosmic magnetism. Your first outcry
proclaimed your cosmic identity, as much as if you had literally
said, “I am here! Life and power are now mine to command.”
The cosmic intelligence which created you accepted the fact
that you were a living, loving, creative human being, with the
undeniable right to health, happiness, riches, and love. The world
cannot deny you that right; it is yours.

Your path to complete achievement

You will probably never possess this magic circle of complete
command and control as strongly as you had it when you were a
baby. In the magic circle of your magnetic presence, you radiated
a glorious sense of well-being and joyous expectation of your own
good. You knew intuitively that you were born to greatness and
that you were on your way to a magnificent rendezvous with
destiny. Your eager feet were set upon a path to golden glory.
Great preparations had been made for your arrival on this
earth. How people rushed to meet your every need! You com­
manded nurses and doctors and loving relatives, like a little
potentate. Clothing was laid out for you; a warm bath awaited
you; a glorious feast was prepared for you by cosmic intelligence,
in the magic circle of your mother’s breast. You were treated like
a royal prince, and all the elements you needed for this mystical
journey of life were waiting for you when you were bom.

How negative forces shatter the magic circle

People who lose this magic circle of cosmic magnetism, into
which they were born, are usually conditioned early in life to
the negative forces of fear, worry, hate, poverty, lack, and limita­
tion. Soon after they learn to speak, they are told they will fail,
or be unhappy, or become sick, or poor. They are often told
people are unfriendly and vicious.
These negative forces shatter the flow of cosmic magnetism

and short-circuit the power of the mind and body. The child
becomes weak and vacillating, fearful and timid, inferior and
frustrated— just the opposite polarity to the positive pole of
cosmic magnetism.

How cosmic magnetism made a girl beautiful

An example of how this short-circuiting can affect a person’s
life had to do with a girl, Mary L. who was bom into a family
where there were two other girls— both of whom were very
attractive. Mary was the least attractive; she had a rather large
mouth, and she had to wear thick glasses to correct her myopic
vision. From the beginning, the parents of this sensitive child
jokingly referred to her as their “ugly duckling.”
This girl came to me for personal counselling when she was 22
years old. She told me, “All my life I’ve heard people rave about
my two beautiful sisters. They both had dates when they were
young, and I was always alone. They are both married and now
have children of their own. I keep thinking that I’m not attractive
and that no man will ever love me.” Then she looked at me
pitifully and asked, “Am I going to have to go through life alone,
never marrying, never having a home of my own— never knowing
After hearing Mary’s story, I gave her a personal schedule for
using cosmic magnetism to build the power of her own magic
circle so she could attract love-fulfillment.
Here, briefly, was the schedule I gave her for her own personal
I told her to forget her physical appearances and to realize that
beauty is an inner quality of magnetism that radiates from the
soul, not the body. I explained to her that most of the women
of history, who had great influence over men, were not necessarily
beautiful women. I also pointed out that people in our own age
like Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, the
Duchess of Windsor— were not physically beautiful, but de­
veloped cosmic magnetism, which radiated to the outer world
and made them magnetic and capable of attracting people. I told
Mary L. that paintings and statues of Lincoln show him to be a
man of plain appearance, but that some inner illumination—

which is cosmic magnetism in action, transforms his features and

makes him dynamic, powerful, and attractive.
Then I gave Mary L. a program to start working on daily.

1. Build inner qualities of good, beauty, love, and joy, and

express these in your personality. They will give you
cosmic magnetism and make you attractive.
2. Start a process of acculturation in which you study art,
music, read great literary works and poetry. Make the
magnetic thoughts of great minds part of your own men­
tal equipment, and you will radiate this greatness in your
own personal magic circle.
3. Lower the pitch of your speaking voice; study singing and
music, so you can adopt the rhythm of cosmic mag­
netism in your speaking voice and project it in your
4. Smile more frequently— for a smile is magnetic, a frown
is unmagnetic and distorts the beauty of the face.
5. Get contact lenses and rid yourself of the thick glasses
which make your eyes look small. The eyes are truly the
windows to the soul, and can be made to reflect mag­
netism. However, I pointed out to her that many people
who d o wear glasses are magnetic despite them— for mag­
netism does not depend on the physical form alone, but is
a quality that shines through the personality and tran­
scends the physical. It is a spiritual quality that lends
charm and beauty to the personality.
6. Wear a long hairdo that covers the heavy, square jaws
that make your face look overbalanced.
7. Learn the art of conversation and make people feel at ease
in your presence. Charge your magic circle with happiness
and laughter, for people automatically are attracted to
those who have the cosmic magnetism of joy strongly
8. Radiate love in your personal magic circle and project the
thought that you love everyone who comes into your orbit
of experience. Love is magnetic and makes your face

Cosmic magnetism changed her life

This girl began at once to build her magic circle of cosmic
magnetism. She began to work in a community center, helping
put on plays and musical events. She met a young man who was
the director of the center, and who was an attorney during the
daytime. With her new personality, her confidence in herself and
her new appearance, this girl became quite graceful and attrac­
tive. Within six months time the attorney and Mary L. were
married, and now she is the gracious hostess in his home where
they entertain many people who are politically prominent.
The secret of cosmic magnetism, radiating in this girl’s magic
circle, turned an ugly duckling into a captivating and magnetic
You can build your own magic circle of power
and enchantment
When you once understand the secret of cosmic magnetism,
you can build your own magic circle of power and enchantment.
Magnetism is the mysterious and cosmic power that holds our
earth and sun and moon and stars up in space. We do not see
this magnetic substance, which is a part of gravity, but we see
our earth spinning around the sun at the rate of 1000 miles per
hour, as it rotates on its axis, hurtling through time and space at
incredible speed. We see the moon also on this mystical journey
in the heavens, held in place by the gravity pull of the magnetism
of the sun and earth.
The sun has more of this magnetic power of gravity than the
earth and exerts an attraction or pull on our earth. The earth is
a bigger mass and has more magnetism than the moon and thus
attracts it.
Likewise, some people have built more cosmic magnetism in
their minds and bodies and are able to attract into their orbits
of life experience, important people, riches, fame, power, and
love happiness.
Some people have the limited cosmic magnetism of a moon—
and are doomed to gravitate in the outer periphery of success
and happiness all their lives.

Others are like powerful suns, possessing such vast funds of

cosmic magnetism that they exert a powerful attraction to every­
thing that is magnificent in life. These are the people who get
the richest rewards; they are the darlings of fate who are popular,
beloved, and upon whom fate showers fame and fortune.
When you once learn how to increase your gravity pull of
cosmic magnetism, you also can become a powerful sun— the
center of your solar system in life— and the magic circle you build
will be magnetic and attract to you everything that you desire in
your life.

We live in a world of mystery anti magic

Truly, we live in a world of mystery and magic! All life revolves
in cycles or circles. The sun and moon and earth are round. We
speak of the family circle, social circles, business circles. The
magic circle of the mother’s breast sustains and nourishes the
infant, and is a fountain of life. When we learn how to concentrate
this power of cosmic magnetism in a magic circle around us, we
can tap the greatest power in the world and channel it to com­
mand the forces of nature to do our bidding.

The program for building your personal magic circle

1. To build your magic circle of magnetism and dynamic

power, go into a room where you will be alone for at least one
hour without being interrupted.
Stand before a mirror and study yourself thoroughly and ask
yourself these questions:

What type of personality do I project to the world?

What do people really see when they look at me?
What type of character am I playing on the stage of life?
Am I a villain or a hero?
Do I project the image of a successful person or of a failure?
Do I show a happy personality or am I gloomy, sad, and nega­
tive in appearance?
Do I slouch when I sit or walk, or do I hold my posture as if I
were wearing a crown?

Are my facial muscles drooping in a perpetual frown or are my

cheeks uplifted as though I am about to smile?
Do I project charm in my personality or do I repel people with
an attitude of indifference and aloofness?
Do I have a friendly, loving attitude towards others or am I
hostile and unfriendly?
Do I smile enough or am I self-conscious and inferior?
Do I project a sense of relaxation or tension?
Am I the type of person I would like to know and have as a close

2. Choose the part you wish to play on the stage of life. When
you have once made the decision as to the role you wish to play
in life you can begin the process of magnetizing your personality
so it accurately reflects all the qualities you wish to incorporate in
your magic circle.
Emerson said: “What you are, speaks so loudly that I cannot
hear what you say.”
You must be the star in your own life drama. You are either a
tragedian or a comedian.
You can become a romantic lover or a villain.
You are a prince or a pauper; a success or a failure; rich or poor;
happy or miserable; a clown or a dignified person, who commands
respect and admiration from his friends and loved ones.
You will work now to adorn your magic circle presence with
beauty of thought; you will wear a smiling, radiant expression on
your face; you will have a feeling of confidence in yourself, the
thought that you have some great gift to give to the world— and
if you do not have, you will discover what your creative talents
are and project them to the outer world.
3. Emphasize the positive polarity of cosmic magnetism in your
magic circle instead of the negative. Magnetism is a part of the
gravity attraction and must be expressed in your personality.
When you radiate this positive magnetism in your magic circle
presence, others will immediately sense it and you will be able to
attract into your orbit of experience those persons and situations
that vibrate to the same cosmic rhythm as yourself.

The law of cosmic magnetism states, “Like attracts like.” Also,

you have heard the saying, “Birds of a feather flock together.”
These proverbs express the universal truth of the law of attraction
which is released by cosmic magnetism when it is built into your
personality. We hear these truths about magnetism all through
our lives, never realizing their true meaning. “Nothing succeeds
like success.” “Money goes to money.” “Show me a man’s friends
and I will tell you what kind of a man he is.” “What you are, you
To invoke this power of cosmic magnetism in your own life, it
is necessary that you build the following positive magnetic forces
in your own magic circle and radiate them to the world.
Stand before a mirror and say these positive, magnetic state­
ments out loud. Do this every day, and change the statements to
fit your own personal needs.
I am a romantic hero in my life, courting a beautiful destiny. I
therefore feel, think, and act in a pattern of high idealism and
beautiful emotions.
I present a happy, smiling face to the world and magnetize
friends and loved ones in the polarity of my magic circle.
I reflect a prosperous and successful atmosphere in my magic
circle. I think, look, talk, and act as though I am already a great
I build the magnetic qualities of happiness and optimism in
my magic circle and radiate good cheer to everyone I meet.
I walk as though I wore a crown on my head, for I know that
I am spiritually an heir to a kingdom and I now accept my cosmic
heritage and act with nobility, honor, and dignity.
I am poised, confident, and calm in every situation and I show
strength of character and definiteness of purpose.
I wear an expression of joy and expectation on my face at all
times, knowing that life will always present me with exciting new
experiences and give me rich rewards.
4. When you have repeated the above positive magic circle
statements, put them into action for that entire day. Keep this up
until it becomes a mental and physical habit to always present
this magnetic side of your nature to the world.

How an advertising man increased his income

100 per cent in one year
I remember a young man who came into one of my Magic
Circle classes in Carnegie Hall, who worked for an advertising
firm but was very dissatisfied with the salary he received.
He was a very serious person and projected the negative
polarity of magnetism in his magic circle. He worried about his
appearance and wondered if people liked him. He seldom smiled,
and frowned a good deal and looked worried. He spoke in a timid,
high-pitched voice which had no authority or persuasion in it.
This young man, not yet 30, wanted to improve his situation
in life. He was married and had two children; he wanted more
money and a better life, with a home of his own.
I gave him the Magic Circle program to work on at home, and
he began to practice these principles before his mirror every day.
He forced himself to smile; he spoke on the magic wavelength of
magnetic command. This was achieved by talking in a range of
several notes, starting with the lowest note on the scale in which
he felt comfortable. By raising his voice from that note to the next
five notes in the scale he achieved variety in his tones and his
voice sounded sincere and charming.

Cultivate the magnetic eye

He learned about the magnetic eye; how to hold his gaze
steady, without excessive blinking when talking to a person. He
would fix his gaze between the person’s eyes, so it appeared that
he was looking into the eyes, for it is impossible to look into two
eyes at the same time.
He practiced the magic circle principles before his mirror every
day; his face lit up with a smile; he walked back and forth as if
he wore a crown, with his head erect, his spine straight, his body
magnetically tensed, as if about to go into action, but n o t stiff.
After this young man had acquired the magic circle principles,
he changed his entire mental outlook. Soon he was selling more
advertising space than two other men in his office. Within six
months he had increased his lead over the other salesmen by 100
per cent! In one year this man was offered a chance to come into

a new advertising agency as a junior partner, and soon he was

making more money than he had ever dreamed possible. His
magic circle power was so strong and dynamic that others who
came into his presence, felt his persuasive powers and were
anxious to give him their business.
5. Now that you have chosen the role you shall play in life,
and have practiced the magic circle principles before your mirror,
establishing them as habit patterns in your daily thinking, you
must begin to magnetize your mind and body through a regime
of positive thinking. Positive thoughts create vast quantities of
magnetism, and the projection of this personal magnetism in your
magic circle aura, creates the outer, visible image of yourself that
people see.
An empty mind is unmagnetic and unattractive. A mind that is
magnetized with great thoughts, lofty sentiments, a noble and
idealistic philosophy, becomes automatically more dynamic than
a mind that is filled with low standards and common, petty

Knowledge builds the magic circle power

Begin to build a higher consciousness, if you want the magic
circle power on the highest plane of expression. Read good books
on self-help; memorize beautiful and meaningful poetry; study
philosophy, psychology, personality development. Be conversant
with history, modern science and its achievements; the great
creative works in art, music, literature, and drama— past and
present. The thought forms that you build with this magnetic
regime of study will help stimulate your brain and body cells and
will radiate in your magic circle aura, giving you the power to
magnetize and attract people of high calibre.
6. After you have established your magic circle qualities, you
must build your personal magnetic aura. This is the kingdom over
which you rule and which becomes your magic circle of power
and control. Stand before the mirror again, and extend your arms
straight out at your sides, as far as you can reach. Now turn
around in a circle, keeping your arms outstretched. This marks
the boundaries of your kingdom, which you will magnetize and

How to live in the golden light of the magic circle

Visualize this magic circle now filled with golden light, as if a
spotlight were turned on you. You are now the star on the stage of
life where you will control most of the actions that emanate from
your personal magic circle. This limiting of your magic circle area
is essential in giving you the concentrated power you require to
project magnetism to the outer world. If you worry about what
is going on outside the area which you control, your thoughts
become vacillating, weak, and your magnetism is scattered. This
is why you limit your powers of concentration to that small king­
dom which is y o u r personal magic circle.
Now visualize yourself wearing a golden crown, like a monarch
and carrying an invisible scepter in your hand, which gives you
the mental power to turn “pumpkins into coaches and mice into
horses.” Half of all your life experiences will occur o n ly in your
mind, and the magic circle is built in your imagination and
radiates through your personality.

The magic circle star quality

When I gave this secret of cosmic magnetism to the movie stars
in Hollywood, I would make them stand on a small, circular raised
platform on which a bright spotlight shone. I would tell them,
“Concentrate all your magnetism and power in that area of the
magic circle. You are on the stage of life, and you are a star— all
the eyes of the world are upon you; act with confidence, dignity,
charm, poise, and command.”
These actors, who were then unknown, soon acquired this secret
of cosmic magnetism, and began to radiate the magic circle prin­
ciples in the limited realm of their own personal kingdoms. By
concentrating all their magnetism and power on this area sur­
rounding their bodies, they built the magic circle presence so
strongly that people immediately felt their magnetism and power.
Most of the great stars of today have this secret of cosmic mag­
netism which I gave them when they were beginning actors.
Others acquired it unconsciously, and use it as part of their
technique of acting; they are able to command fabulous salaries
and the adulation of the world.

Some of the movie stars to whom I have given this magic circle
and who retained their fame over the years are: Bette Davis,
Susan Hayward, Elvis Presley, Jimmy Stewart, Claudette Col­
bert, Hedy Lamarr, William Holden, Joan Crawford, Loretta
Young, Lucille Ball, Bob Hope, Rock Hudson, Elizabeth Taylor,
and literally hundreds of other stars. The magic circle helped
change them from ordinary individuals into radiant personalities
who have commanded the adoration of millions.
7. Now visualize your magic circle aura around you body like a
golden light, moving with you everywhere you go in life. Never
lose consciousness of the fact that you are surrounded by this
magnetic whirlpool of golden, dynamic life force. It is in every
breath you draw, and you can use the cosmic magnetism of the
universe to charge this golden aura of your magic circle with
such magnetic power you will literally become like a magnet. You
will inhale each breath as though it were the golden elixir of life
— which it really is. And as you charge your brain and body cells
with this cosmic magnetism, you will stir the atoms of your brain
and body into dynamic, energetic lines of magnetic force. This
will give you a commanding presence and impress those who
come into your personal magic circle.

Memorize these magic circle motivators

8. Memorize the following magic circle motivators, and say
them aloud, until they become a part of your consciousness.
I am now in the magic circle of dynamic and magnetic power.
I am filled with the golden life force that radiates from my
magic circle of golden light and power.
I radiate the magnetic quality of joy in my magic circle aura
and attract those who vibrate to the same cosmic rhythm.
I vibrate to beauty and radiate its magnetic aura to the outer
world, attracting to myself only beautiful experiences.
I am filled with the consciousness of success and riches and
magnetize my magic circle aura to attract money, goods, and
I magnetize my personal magic circle aura with the magnetic
qualities of peace, goodness, truth, love, and beauty, and
these forces of attraction now work in my personality.

I live under the impetus of love, and its cosmic magnetism now
energizes every atom and cell of my brain and body, making
me a magnet to attract persons who vibrate to the same
cosmic rhythm of love.
9. After you have built your own personal magic circle aura,
you are ready to build your own sense of value and importance.
Remember— the world judges you by the standards which you
set for yourself and which you express in your magic circle. Cer­
tain thoughts are more magnetic than others. Begin to imprint
these thoughts of value and importance on your brain cells at
Think of yourself as being idealistic and of high standards.
Avoid vulgarity in every form; try to keep your thoughts high
and beautiful, even when you see ugliness around you.
Help build your sense of value by adopting a cultural program
in which you listen to beautiful music, look at great art, and read
fine, inspiring books. Study poetry and classical literature, to
grasp the most magnetic thoughts of the geniuses of the past.
Then try to build in your own magic circle aura the great thoughts
and inspirations that these men and women have released to the
world in their own creative magic circles of cosmic magnetism.
1. The secret power of cosmic magnetism that is hidden
within your brain and body cells and how you can release
it in your own personal magic circle aura to change your
2. How you can build the positive force of your magic circle
and avoid the negative gravity pull that causes you to be
unhappy and unsuccessful.
3. Cosmic magnetism changed a girl’s entire life, when she
began to radiate the image of beauty in her magic circle.
4. How the mysterious power of cosmic magnetism flows to
earth from the outer spaces of the universe and motivates
your life with the gravity pull of magnetism.
5. How to harness the magnetism of the sun and become a
great center of magnetism and power, around which
others gravitate.

6. The program for building your personal magic circle

aura to make you attractive, successful, and magnetic.
7. The law of cosmic magnetism which causes you to attract
into your life anything that you personally magnetize.
8. How to build cosmic magnetism by giving yourself mag­
netic suggestions before your mirror.
9. An advertising man used these magnetic principles and
was able to increase his income 100 per cent in one year.
10. How to live in the golden light of your magic circle and
be a star on the stage of your own life, winning fame,
fortune, adoration, and love.

H o w to M a g n e t i z e a n d
A t t r a c t W h a t Yo u W a n t i n Li f e

There is a magnetic core of cos­

mic power within your higher mind centers which you can stir
into creative action, attracting anything you want in life.
This center of dynamic power can be charged, just like a
battery, with cosmic magnetism. When this cosmic core of your
mind is filled with magnetism, it creates a mysterious aura around
your body— a magnetic field, which is capable of attracting into
your orbit of daily experience: the money you want, the love you
desire, the friends you would like, your right type of work, and
the mental, material, and spiritual treasures that you long for.
This process of magnetizing the inner core of your being can be
deliberately cultivated and strengthened with a daily regime of
positive thought and magnetic action.
You can. then project this magic power circle to the outer world,
like a beam of golden light, and it will make your personality

attractive and alluring. People cannot resist one who is mag­

netically illumined.
You will attract what you are
Remember this first dynamic law of cosmic magnetism: You
w ill a ttra ct w h a t y o u a re .
What you put into your higher mind, the thoughts you secretly
think, the knowledge you absorb, the cultural ideas you fill your
higher mind with, the positive emotions and attitudes you hold—-
all these things create the magic circle of magnetism which you
radiate to the outer world. Under the universal law of cosmic
magnetism you will only attract that which you put into the mag­
netic centers of your being.
If you magnetize your mind with the thought of r i c h e s , your
mind will vibrate to the wavelength of riches and you will begin
to attract more money, or receive ideas from the creative mind
centers, of h o w to m a k e m o r e m o n e y .
If you put into this higher mind the magnetic thought that you
will succeed in your life work, you will automatically attract the
elements that m a k e y o u s u c c e s s fu l.
If you charge the higher centers of your mind with the mag­
netic rhythm of lo v e and project this emotion in your personal
magic circle aura, you become a magnet of dynamic, loving
action, and attract people who vibrate to this cosmic rhythm of
universal love.
If you charge your magnetic centers with the dynamic power
of good, beauty, happiness, peace, kindness, and friendship, these
magnetic vibrations will attract into your personal magic circle
the people, situations, and elements that create w h a t is in y o u r
m en ta l m a g n et.

You can choose any destiny you wish

You can direct this magic circle power into any channel you
choose. You can set any goal in life that you wish to achieve. You
need never doubt that cosmic intelligence will guide you to the
fulfillment of that life goal, for it will send you the intuitive
guidance through some higher cosmic mind, which can direct
your every move and lead you to fame, fortune, and success.

Most people limit themselves by not believing they have this

magic circle power of creative intelligence. They are afraid to
set high goals for themselves. They listen to the negative thoughts
of those who tell them they cannot achieve high goals, that they
were born to fail, that they can never become rich, successful,
happy, healthy, and fulfilled.

How to change your ideas about yourself

and your life goal
To project your magic circle power to the outer world and mag­
netize the things you wish to attract, it is necessary that you first
change your ideas about yourself and your life goal.
Believe that you can do anything you want to do.
This is the first requisite in building your magic circle aura of
power and confidence.
Believe in yourself and your ability to achieve any goal in life
that you desire.
How a girl became a concert pianist through
this magic circle power
One girl who used this magic circle power to build a great
career, was born in a poor family. She always loved music and
from the earliest days she could remember she wanted to become
a concert pianist. Her mother brought her to one of my lectures in
Carnegie Hall, and this little girl heard me say that one can
become anything he wishes to be, if he really believes it.
The inner desire to become a concert pianist was so strong in
her mind that she began to project in her magic circle the desire
for a piano. Her father was out of work, for this was during the
second world war, and the parents were too poor to afford a piano.
The mother began to tell everyone she knew about her daughter’s
desire to become a pianist. One day her telephone rang and a
friend said, “We are moving and cannot take our upright piano
with us. You can have it if you will pay for the cartage.”
This was the beginning of a chain of magnetic events which led
to this girl’s getting a scholarship in a music school that had been
established for those who could not afford to pay for a musical

Now the girl began in earnest to project the desire she had to
succeed as a concert pianist. She had faith in herself, she seemed
to be driven by some higher power to practice, to study music and
harmony, until finally, after several years of dedicated application,
she was ready to begin her career, She had concentrated her
magic circle power on giving a concert someday in Carnegie Hall,
and finally, a few short years later— a much shorter time than
needed for the average pianist to prepare himself for a concert—
she gave a concert in that famous hall and the critics acclaimed
her as a most promising newcomer to the concert field!
Three conditions needed in your magic circle
There are three conditions that you need to project in the magic
circle of dynamic power that surrounds your life like a golden
1. Have faith in the magic circle power of your higher mind
to guide you to your right life goal.
2. Sit quietly in meditation and ask for divine guidance as
to the steps you should take to achieve your goal.
3. Refuse to listen to the discouraging remarks of your friends
or relatives, who might tell you that you cannot achieve
the goal you have set for yourself.
A salesman changed his life through this system
A man who came to me for guidance was a salesman in house­
hold appliances, where it was necessary to contact large retail
outlets that carried his company’s products. He was married and
had two children. He was worried, fearful, and uncertain of his
future. He had a timid and retiring personality, and told me in
that first interview that he should never have become a salesman.
He would approach his prospective customers with a negative,
hesitant attitude and usually said the wrong things. “I suppose
you’re too busy to see me now.” He would often say, and instantly
receive the answer, “Yes, come back some other time.”
After two interviews with this man, I gave him the complete
magic circle principles, and showed him how to build the aura
of confidence, poise, and power around himself. I told him to use

the positive approach of a smile, a casual discussion of the other

person’s needs, problems, and activities.
“Hold in your mind,” I told him, “the thought: I have some­
thing valuable to sell you that will increase your sales and benefit
your customers.” This unspoken thought radiated a quality of
value in his magic circle. There were other things I told him to do,
such as think of himself as being important— that he was an
ambassador of good will for his company, and that his products
were superior and worthy of purchase. I made him stand in front
of a mirror and smile at his image. I told him to use the magic
circle affirmations that would project his personality in a positive,
dynamic manner. “I am doing you a favor. I now command your
attention. I have something of value to give to you. You will listen
to me. I share my good with you and will help you achieve suc­
cess and riches.” Of course, all these affirmations were incor­
porated in his personality and radiated in his personal magic
circle. He naturally did not say these affirmations aloud to his
prospective customers, but they were there in his consciousness,
and radiated their power and magnetism in his entire aura.
O n ly w h e n y o u h a v e a c h i e v e d c o n q u e s t o v e r y o u r i n n e r s e l f d o
y o u h a v e c o n q u e s t o f o t h e r p e o p l e ! Your magic circle aura will
radiate this power and confidence if you really believe what you
are doing is something constructive and great.
Step-by-step guidance for projecting your magic circle
1. Every day when you get up in the morning, establish your
magic circle presence. See yourself surrounded by the golden
light of truth, love, beauty, peace, power, and joy. Establish your
dominance over the negative forces of life by giving yourself
positive suggestions, such as: I am power; I am life; I am joy; I
am youth; I attract friends; I radiate confidence; I am a success;
I now rule over my inner kingdom.
2. Build your sense of value, so that you will be able to radiate
this value in your magic circle aura. Study books on self-improve­
ment. Go to the library, look up the lives of the world’s greatest
men and women and learn of their accomplishments. Duplicate
their good points; profit from their mistakes.

Goethe said, “If you would create something, you must be


Unlock power through cosmic rhapsodizing

This radiatory quality of the magic circle I have named Cosmic
Rhapsodizing. This means that you are in harmony with the
cosmic qualities of radiance, magnetism, power, intelligence, love,
and beauty which play upon the instrument of your mind, heart,
body, and soul through your positive emotions. It is like a mag­
nificent rhapsody— giving you rhythm in your life energy, and
putting you into harmonious attunement with the magic circle
power of the cosmos.

How one woman won love through this method

A woman who came into our work was using the negative forces
that repelled men. She was overly aggressive, dominating, and
intrusive. Her personality was just the opposite to that which the
magic circle should be. I analyzed her and told her what she was
doing wrong. She wanted love, to marry, have a family of her
After three sessions, in which I gave her the magic circle aura
of true love and romance, she began to soften in her approach
to people. She used cosmic rhapsodizing to subdue the qualities of
aggressiveness and dominance which irritated other people— espe­
cially men. I told her to visualize the romantic magic circle of the
silvery moon— and to rhapsodize with its cosmic message of
beauty, peace, and lambent loveliness. Soon this woman’s entire
personality changed; she became truly charming. She learned how
to project her magic circle of beauty and love to surround those
whom she met. One day she attracted a handsome bachelor at a
party and he fell in love with her. A few months later they were
married. This woman never lost her magic circle from that day on.
She is still happily married to the same man, and has three beauti­
ful children. Her destiny is complete.
3. Build the quality of inner vision through having a highly
developed and active imagination. Most of the world’s richest
and greatest men were visionary. They put into their magic circle
auras the day-dreaming qualities that envisioned into existence

the wheel, one of the greatest inventions of all time; the auto­
mobile, telephone, radio, motion pictures, television, the splitting
of the atom, and the harnessing of electricity, the building of
spaceships and the modern technology which should make this
earth a paradise.
Have the future vision of the great destiny you will have and
set your goals high. Have faith in your ability to achieve them
and know that even greater miracles still are possible in the future.
4. Mentally create the prototype of the life you wish to live in
the future. See yourself surrounded by the type of people you like
and who will help you. Mentally charge your aura with the qual­
ities of magnetism that will attract to you important and success­
ful people who will be your friends. Concentrate for a few
moments on thoughts of beauty; hold in your mind all day the
pattern of goodness and generosity, which will reflect in your
magic circle aura like golden light.
5. Each day, before going into the outer world, close your eyes
for five minutes and visualize the golden magic circle of the sun,
shedding its magnetism and beauty on the earth. Think of its
magnetism being transmitted to your mind, and visualize your
magic circle like that sun— shining and radiant, giving light,
beauty, peace, and happiness to everyone you meet that day.

A famous artist used this method to create

A man I gave this magic circle power to, uses it to create
beautiful pictures which he sells for a big price. He sits in his
magic circle aura of beauty and radiance and visualizes the
cosmic light igniting his brain with inspiration; in this way his
hands seem to be guided in creating beautiful pictures.
Another man came into our lecture work and learned of this
dynamic magic circle power; he wanted to be a songwriter. He
visualized this golden light translating itself into beautiful har­
mony and rhythm and soon he was composing magnificent songs.
In a short time he had created two best-selling songs in the
popular field and one symphony which was performed by one of
the country’s leading orchestras.
6. To project your magic circle power to the outer world, you
must first control the nervous energy of your brain and body.

You can hardly achieve your life goal if you fritter away your
magnetism and cosmic power in useless actions, unnecessary mo­
tions, negative emotions, or other forms of wasted energy. Prac­
tice at least 15 minutes a day for a full month to achieve absolute
mastery of your muscular and nervous energy. Sit quietly with
your hands folded in your lap. Now breathe deeply, visualizing the
air you inhale as being filled with the golden elixir of fife— as it is,
for it contains magnetism, electricity, and other radioactive sub­
stances which nourish and sustain your body. You can live for
several days without food or water, but only a minute or two
without air!
7. You must implant in your own consciousness first the qual­
ities and elements that you wish to project in your own personal
magic circle aura.
When you have chosen the goal you wish to achieve, you must
have inspiration to create the dynamic power which will take you
to that high goal.
If your life goal is to be a successful businessman, incorporate
into your consciousness the qualities that great men in business
have used. Study the lives of the world’s richest men and see how
they built the magic circle characteristic that attracted to them
great fortunes. Study the lives of Morgan, Carnegie, Schwab, Edi­
son, Ford, Hearst, Getty, Hughes, Vanderbilt, and Rockefeller.
Try to duplicate some of their magic circle qualities in your own
life, and these qualities will magnetize your magic circle and
attract similar vibrations to you— the same ones that made them
rich and successful.
When you incorporate in your personal magic circle aura the
thoughts of great minds, whom the world acclaims as geniuses,
you will be given the same cosmic inspiration that they originally
used to make them great.
8. Use the power of cosmic momentum to create power in your
personal magic circle. Just as a snowball gains momentum when it
once starts rolling downhill, so too your magic circle power will
expand and grow when you start to build a pattern of great
thoughts in your mind. These great thoughts will create a chain
effect in communicating your mental energy to the nerves, mus­
cles, and organs of your body. Cosmic power starts to flow into

your mind and body the moment you are aware of it and begin
to use it each day.
Study the lives of these great men to absorb their magic circle
power, and use the momentum they created to start you on the
highroad to successful achievement.
Study the life of Columbus, and determine how his magic circle
gave him the power he achieved.
Investigate the discoveries of Galileo, and use his cosmic mo­
mentum for discovery in your own life.
Check on the lives of Copernicus, Pasteur, Burbank, Edison,
Socrates, Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Voltaire, Lincoln, and
Churchill. Study the pattern of thinking that helped them pro­
duce cosmic momentum and then duplicate the positive forces
that they absorbed in their thinking; soon your magic circle will
glow with magnetism and added power.
1. How to project your magic circle for riches, fame, honors,
glory, and recognition— what the world calls your life
2. How you can duplicate the cosmic creative power of the
memory bank in the universe and illumine your life.
3. Finding and utilizing the mystic design back of the uni­
4. How you can choose the destiny you wish and project
your magic circle power to create greatness.
5. How one girl became a concert pianist through using this
principle of the magic circle.
6. The three conditions you will require to project your
magic circle power to the outer world.
7. A salesman changed his entire life by discovering his
magic circle of power and projection.
8. How to establish your magic circle presence daily to
project qualities of youth, joy, friendship, and happiness.
9. The importance of developing vision and imagination.
10. How to duplicate the magic circle power of the sun, and
build your personal aura of charm, magnetism, and en­

11. How one woman won love through projection of her

magic circle radiance to the man of her choice.
12. An artist changed his creative power to a positive, suc­
cessful one by building his magic circle aura of beauty
and radiance, through cosmic inspiration.
13. How you can use cosmic momentum in building your
magic circle aura through creating a pattern of great

The M i r a c l e P o w e r of
C o s m o g ra p h y t o P i c t u r e
a nd Shape Your Future Destiny

A magnetic whirlpool of golden

power flows earthward from the magic circle of the sun. This
storehouse of cosmic magnetism and dynamic power inspires
every form of life to create in its image and likeness. Whatever
the seed contains, this cosmic magnetism will release so as to
form the perfect prototype of what the seed contains.
“As ye sow, so shall ye reap,” is a dynamic statement of this
law of cosmic magnetism.
Cosmography is the science of creating mental thoughtforms of
the things you want in life and projecting them to the cosmic
mind, where they can be given form and substance.
An idea is as real as a bridge or a skyscraper.


The destiny you shape within your mind is the cosmograph

which will magnetize that destiny and attract it to you.

The cosmic memory bank of the universe

In the invisible cosmic memory bank of the universe there is a
pattern or cosmograph of everything that has ever been created.
When cosmic intelligence wants to create an oak tree it does not
have to start all over again; the blueprint of that oak tree is stored
in the cosmic memory bank in magnetic and electrical pulsations.
The cosmic mind, which man calls God, releases the cosmograph
that is hidden within the acorn, and vast forests of future oak
trees pour forth from the cosmic fountain of creativity.
Man cannot duplicate this mysterious process in his laboratory;
it is the magic circle of the sun’s radiance, producing its alchemy
with air, water, and soil that is able to magnetize the seed, assem­
ble all the elements from the earth, and create all living things.
When you desire something in your own life, you can use this
same method to create your own magnetic cosmographs, and they
will attract to you that which you project in your mental patterns.
Your higher mind is under the dictates of a cosmic intelligence,
which knows how to produce anything you magnetize with your
How to project cosmographs for the right type of work
1. Sit quietly in the silence and mentally project the cosmo­
graphs of the type of work you wish to do, or the business you
would like to own.
Mentally project definite pictures; an artist is totally different in
concept from a garage mechanic. Give this accurate picture to
the cosmic mind by writing down your desire, then mentally
visualizing doing that type of work; then project the image each
day into the cosmos by regular periods of meditation.
Most people depend on their parents to choose their life work
for them. The father is a lawyer or a doctor and he forms this
image for his son. Very often a person is better off doing some
other kind of work, and he must form his own mental picture of
what he wishes to be and do, otherwise he will spend his entire
life in regret.
If you are now engaged in work y o u d o n o t lik e , you can change

you occupation with this system of forming cosmographs. You

must begin immediately to change your mental picture of what
you are to what you wish to be, and then project this new visual
image to the cosmic mind in periods of daily meditation of half
an hour to one hour.
The moment you make your d e fin it e d e c i s io n about the work
you wish to do the rest of your life, you will summon cosmic
magnetism, under the law of attraction, that will begin to mo­
tivate you in the direction of w h a t y o u h a v e c h o s e n .

How an elevator operator changed his occupation

A young man of 25 was an elevator operator who became dis­
satisfied with his work and wanted something better from life. He
felt he could not marry and rear a family on the small salary he
received. He came to my lectures a few times and learned of this
principle of the magic circle projection for forming cosmographs
for his future work. He began to sit in meditation for half an hour
a day, asking for guidance as to what he should do for his life
His education was limited to high school; his family had been
too poor to send him to college. He really had no great talent for
anything, and when he took stock of his mental equipment he
found he had no special gifts. He wanted the better life—more
money, a chance to fulfill himself— but he knew that this would
be impossible in his limited work.
One day he wras strolling down the street when he suddenly
noticed a sign that said, “School of Photography. Become a
fashion photographer.” Something made him stop— and he had
the inner feeling to go into that building and inquire about taking
a course in photography. Something within him compelled him to
take this action— his higher mind had already communicated with
the vast intelligence of the cosmic mind, and his cosmographs-the
seeds, he had planted in his subconscious mind-had already
begun to sprout in the direction of his hidden possibilities. This
man had never consciously thought of being a photographer— lie
knew nothing about that field—but he felt a strong, positive
feeling of rightness within him as he went into that office and
made inquiries about taking a course in fashion photography.
He told me later that it was like acting out a part in a dream—

that interview and the subsequent enrollment in the photography

school in an evening course, seemed like a predestined event in
his life. He continued working by day and studying at night until
he had finished his course in photography. He kept on projecting
his cosmographs, but now with more definiteness— visualizing
himself working for a top concern in the fashion photography
field. When he was ready to obtain a position, he depended on
the same intuitive guidance from the cosmic mind.
A friend of his, a young lady of 20, who was a model, one day
told him about a position that was open where she worked. He
applied for the job and got it! Soon he was making more money
a year than he had ever dreamed possible, and later, he branched
out in his own business and is currently making $15,000 to $20,000
a year.
2. As you concentrate on the cosmographs of what you want
to be and do in life, remove the negative mental barriers that keep
you from projecting positive pictures of a successful goal. This
means you must rigidly discipline your mind to keep the dis­
couraging thoughts of other people out of your consciousness.
Negative thoughts are like weeds and insects that destroy the
tender young shoots in your garden. Discouraging remarks of
your friends or relatives are apt to kill your dreams and aspirations
before they can grow strong roots in your garden of destiny.

How a plumber became an artist through this

magic circle projection
A man who was 35 years of age had gone into the plumbing
business because his father was a plumber. When he was a young
man in school this boy drew pictures and was very much inter­
ested in becoming an artist. When he revealed his artistic ambi­
tions to his family, his father laughed at the idea and discouraged
him, telling him that he must become a plumber, like he was—
there was big money in the plumbing business while most artists
earned so little they practically starved to death.
This young man let the discouraging ideas planted by his father
dissuade him from his true ambition to become an artist. He went
into the plumbing business, hating every moment of it— and he
was miserable. Gradually, as he became a full-fledged plumber—

he was making big money, married and had two children, bought
a beautiful home, owned everything he had ever dreamed of—
except he was engaged in work he detested.
The turning point came to this man when he was 35 years of
age. One day he and his wife came to a lecture I gave on the
magic circle, and he told me later that it hit him like a thunder­
bolt. He heard me say that he could become anything he wanted
to be, if he could project the right cosmographs to the higher
cosmic intelligence. He enrolled the next week in the Art Stu­
dent’s league in New York City, where he studied art at night,
after his day’s work. All those years of suppression of his creative
imagination suddenly faded away under the impetus of joy at the
discovery of his new talents. Soon this man was painting pictures
that delighted his friends and amazed his teacher. He was a
changed man, and although he could not give up his work as a
plumber right away, he had added another dimension to his life.
His artistic talent grew to such an extent that within two years
he held a one-man show and sold most of his paintings!
How to project cosmographs for financial security
1. Sit in the silence for a period each day and concentrate on
the cosmographs of things money can do for you. Money is a
commodity which is useful for obtaining things you want or doing
things you could not do without money. Project the cosmograph
of the thing you want money for.
2. If it is to send your children through college; project that
picture. See your children getting a higher education, see their
talents evolving, see them happy, successful, integrated adults,
living their lives, doing their chosen work and being happy.
3. If you want money to travel, visualize yourself taking trips
to countries you want to visit. Obtain travel literature featuring
round the world trips, see yourself in Hawaii, Europe, the Mid­
east— study about the countries you wish to visit. Study a foreign
language, prepare your mind with the visual pictures of how you
will use the money you attract for travelling to foreign countries.
4. If you want money to buy a car or a fur coat, or a house in
the country, form the cosmographs mentally by cutting out pic­
tures from magazines of the car, the coat, the house— and paste

these pictures in a scrapbook of Destiny. Concentrate on these

pictures, for they are the cosmographs which you are now pro­
jecting to cosmic intelligence. Visualize yourself driving that new
car; see yourself wearing that fur coat— or jewelry, or gown—
imagine yourself living in that house, entertaining your friends,
caring for the garden—visualize it in every detail. Furnish it by
cutting out pictures of the carpets, furniture, and other things you
want in that home.
How to project cosmographs for health, youthful
energy, and long life
Full details for building a healthy, strong body are given else­
where in this book, but for the present, to learn how to project
cosmographs for perfect health and youthful energy, follow this
1. Your body cells vibrate to the thoughts you think. Your
thoughts are magnetic and electrical. Mental magnetism and
electricity flow throughout your body and imprint upon your
body cells the pictures that you hold in your mind about your
body’s health, vitality, and longevity.
Science has at last proved that our minds can make us sick or
keep us permanently healthy and young. Cellular activity de­
pends on the magnetism that you send from your brain cells to
your body cells. Every organ of your body is controlled by a
different area of your brain; when these brain areas are stimulated
and magnetized with your positive thoughts, you will project
cosmic magnetism to every atom and cell of your body.
Begin now to form cosmographs of your perfect, healthy, youth­
ful body. Realize that age is a s ta te o f m in d . So is youth. Picture
yourself being active and living a useful, long life. Give your mind
the cosmograph of 100 years or more of energetic, healthful living
and it will communicate this thought to the cells of your body.
2. Have a high master motive for which you live and this will
give your body cells the magnetism to create health and long life.
Have a desire to do something constructive for others; to help
humanity; to serve your family. When your brain is motivated
by a desire to do good for others, the cosmic life force flows to
every cell and atom of your body.

How to project your cosmographs for love happiness

1. Emerson gave a wonderful formula for attaining fulfillment
and happiness in love. He said, “Love and you shall be loved, for
all love is as mathematically just as the two sides of an algebraic
To achieve happiness in love be loving and kind. Sit in medita­
tion and dwell on the several aspects of love. There is love of man
for woman, love of family, love of friends, love of country, and
love of God. Form cosmographs embracing these five aspects of
cosmic love and you will be magnetizing your life force with the
energizing, uplifting emotion of love in every department of life.
2. Strive to be worthy of love. Visualize yourself doing things
that attract friends and loved ones. This is especially true after
you have married the one you love, for to keep love alive through­
out the years you must use the magic circle principles of sur­
rounding yourself with a romantic aura which will survive the
trying years of marriage.

How a woman won back her husband’s love

through this method
A woman who came to me for counselling in her marriage, told
me she had been married for ten years, and suddenly found out
that her husband was going around with another woman he had
met in his business. Upon talking to her, I discovered that this
woman had neglected herself and her marriage after the birth of
three children. She had not bothered to do the little things that
create the magic circle of love and keep it alive. She was less
interested in sex, after her last child was born, and was completely
devoted to her household duties and caring for her children, with
the consequence of giving less time and attention to her husband
and his physical needs. She tired easily and when he would want
to go out for a social evening, or even a movie or a dance, she
found some excuse to refuse. She let herself become heavy, un­
tidy, and irritable, and she put all the blame on the fact she was
overworked and could not find time to keep herself looking smart
and tidy.
Naturally, when her husband began to fall in love with a woman

who was charming, attentive, slender, and without a worry in

her mind, this married woman was frantic and felt she wanted to
get a divorce. I advised her against this procedure, for the sake of
her children. I told her she could rebuild the image of a perfect
marriage, and I gave her the magic circle regime for doing this.
I told her to change her habits of thinking and make the mar­
riage seem important once again in her mind.
She was put on a diet by her doctor and lost 20 pounds in a few
months. She began to pay more attention to her clothes, and her
personal appearance.
She began to visualize herself as being charming and beautiful
as she had been when her husband courted her and married her.
She did not mention the fact that she knew about the other
woman, to her husband.
She began to go out evenings, and in the romantic atmosphere
of a ballroom she once more took on the role of a woman who is
in love and showed that love and affection.
Soon her husband began to be more romantic towards her and
he found her emotionally responsive and anxious to please him.
In a short time this man, who had been ready to break up his
marriage, confessed that he had been having an affair with an­
other woman, and begged his wife to forgive him and continue
their relationship. She wisely did so and from that time on they
lived in the magic circle of their new-found love contentedly.
1. How to use the magnetic power of cosmography and
create mental thoughtforms of anything you wish to
2. You can use the cosmic memory bank of the universe and
create invisible patterns that will magnetize the things
you desire.
3. How you can project cosmographs to bring you into your
right life work and achieve success in your chosen pro­
4. How an elevator operator changed the pattern of his
thinking and became a top-notch fashion photographer
by using this method of cosmography.

5. The method to use to remove the negative barriers that

keep you from attracting the things you desire.
6. An example of how a plumber became an artist by using
cosmic magnetism and the projection of positive cosmo-
7. The method to use for projecting cosmographs to win
financial security and have riches of every type in your
8. You can use cosmographs to build a perfect, healthy,
youthful body and magnetize your brain and body cells
with dynamic patterns of cosmic energy.
9. The method to use for magnetizing your brain centers
with the cosmographs of love happiness, marriage, and
acceptance by those you want to attract into your per­
sonal life.
10. A woman won back her husband’s love through using this
method of projection of cosmographs in her magic power

The 20 G o l d e n Rul es f o r
Building Your Magic
Po we r Circle

Life’s richest rewards go to those

who know how to build a strong and magnetic magic power
circle around their bodies.
Concentrated magnetism can only be built by a regime of study
and effort, which help channel this cosmic power into dynamic
lines of force and energy.
People who possess strong, dynamic magic circles, are able to
control others; they are like powerful magnets, able to attract into
the orbit of their influence anything they desire.
There are thousands of people in life who are deprived of
riches, happiness, love-fulfillment, and friendship because they do
not know how to build the magic power circle that magnetizes
and attracts good things in life.

Magnetism can be built by a regime that can be practiced daily.

Just as the body must be fed, and the lungs must have air in order
for the body to live, so too must the brain and body have large
quantities of cosmic magnetism in order to function efficiently.
There are 20 golden rules for building your magic power circle.
You can begin now to use these rules and little by little, you will
begin to see their results in every sphere of action in your life.
Take each of these 20 golden rules and write them on little filing
cards which you can carry in your pocket. Take one card a day
and practice the golden rule that you have written on it. At the
end of 20 days you will have invoked all 20 of these golden rules,
and they will become a part of your consciousness. Then review
these golden rules every month or two, being sure that you prac­
tice them in your daily magnetic regime.

Rule number one

B e li e v e T h a t Y o u W e r e B o r n f o r a G r e a t D e s t in y . Magnetism
is built by your brain when you k n o w that cosmic intelligence
wants you to have the greatest of life’s rich rewards and treasures.
Your personal magic power circle is weakened when you be­
lieve you are inferior, or when you believe that lack of education
or an unfortunate early environment, keeps you from achieving
a high goal in life.
It is true that we cannot choose the circumstances of our birth
or our parents, but the fact that you were born in a poor family
or lacked a higher education need not keep you from achieving
a great destiny.
Most of the geniuses of history were self-taught; knowledge is
available in this day and age in evening schools, college extension
courses, and correspondence courses by mail. Magnetism is built
by activating your brain cells with knowledge.
Have a study program throughout your entire life. W h e n
through with your formal education take courses in art, music,
foreign languages, public speaking, drama, short-story writing—
anything that interests you. It is not so much the actual knowl­
edge you gain that improves you, it is the fact that you are
magnetizing the various brain centers with new power, and the

flow of magnetism to your body cells helps improve your health

and gives you greater energy to do more in life.

Rule number two

H a v e a H i g h G o a l o r D r e a m B a c k o f Y o u r L i f e . Such a high
goal will give purpose to your life and cause magnetism to flow
to sustain you until you have achieved that goal.
A desire to become rich is n o t a goal in itself. But a desire to be
rich to help others is a magnetic goal.
You can have a dream to educate your family; to build a new
home for their comfort; to help your community; to work for the
cause of world peace; to help orphans or war veterans— all these
and many other goals are desirable, and give purpose and mean­
ing to life.
A person who has no goal in life is usually lacking in magnetic
force or intensity.
There can be more than one goal for the future; in fact, there
should be many small goals which you can achieve, and then go
on to new and higher goals for the future.

T h e C a se o f R a lph E.

Ralph E. was a man without a goal for the future. He came to

me for counselling when he was 34 years old. He had been a
drifter, going from one job to another; he had never married for
he was afraid he could not support a family. He came from a poor
family and believed that he could never get anywhere in life
because he was not a college graduate.
Ralph E. lacked personal magnetism and drive. He was weak
and vacillating and showed clearly the evidences of his unmag-
netic thinking in life.
I gave him a one-year program of study, after finding out his
capacities and limitations. This included taking a course in public
speaking in evening high school. He was to work daytimes, at any
job he could find, and study at night.
At the end of three months study Ralph E. reported to me
again, and I could tell the moment I saw him that he had set into
motion powerful magnetic forces within his brain and body. He

was neat in appearance; he smiled with confidence; his handclasp

was firm and sincere; his eyes had a look of friendliness and
warmth; and his voice was so improved that it was a minor
Now Ralph E. was eager for progress and he was anxious to
conquer new worlds. He wanted to know how he should continue
in his program of study and growth. I told him to continue going
to school but to shift to a drama study course, so he could learn
how to walk, stand, talk, and project his magnetism to others.
His public speaking had already trained his voice and he was
ready for this next step in his study of magnetism.
Ralph E. did not report to me again— he didn’t need to. for his
efforts to improve himself worked amazingly well. I turned on
my television set one night and there in a small part was Ralph E.,
playing the role of a policeman in a modern drama! On his own,
with his new-found magnetism and new goal firmly set, he was
achieving a career that he desired.

Rule number three

E x e r c i s e t h e P o w e r o f Y o u r I m a g in a t io n . Creative imagination
is back of all man’s achievements in industry, science, art, and
Cosmic magnetism flows more readily in a mind that has de­
veloped the imagination, than in one that is literal and unimagina­
All great geniuses of history had strong imaginations.
Develop your imagination by passing mental pictures through
your mind each day of things you want to do and be.
Visualize yourself owning your own business.
See yourself attracting good luck, instead of bad.
Imagine yourself taking a trip to Europe for a vacation.
These acts of imagination will help release magnetism to the
creative centers of your brain and eventually bring about the
very things that you imagined.

Rule number four

B u i ld S e l f- c o n f id e n c e a n d F a i t h in Y o u r s e l f a n d Y o u r T a le n ts .
A weak, vacillating personality can never be magnetic and power­

ful. To have a continuous flow of personal magnetism in your

personality you must build self-confidence and faith in yourself
and your talents.
I knew a very wonderful girl singer, who should have been
famous and successful, but she lacked confidence in herself and
her talents. She had a fine voice; her voice teacher tried to inspire
this girl to go on to try for opera, but feelings of inferiority, which
came from her early childhood, kept her from ever achieving her
goal. She finally gave up singing and went into secretarial work,
where she can never use her God-given, beautiful voice.
Build self-confidence by setting little goals for yourself, which
are possible for you to achieve. After attaining such a goal, strive
to achieve others, until gradually you build confidence and faith
in yourself and your gifts.

Rule number five

D e v e l o p S t r o n g W ill P o w e r to I n c r e a s e M a g n e t i s m . Magnetism
flows to the creative centers of your higher mind by a conscious,
volitional act of w ill. The will to live causes man to struggle
against obstacles and survive. The will to succeed makes some
millionaires. The will to love causes the race to propagate itself.
The will to be healthy can keep you healthy.
To develop will power set tasks for yourself that you must
achieve. Have a daily schedule in which you set out for yourself
certain things you must do; such as, write a letter you have long
put off; stop smoking for a week, until you prove your will power
is strong enough to go on and stop forever; force yourself to save
a certain amount of money each week for something you want to
buy. Will yourself to ignore people who irritate you or make you
angry. In little ways such as this you can exercise the power of
the will until it is strong enough for you to achieve any goal that
you set for yourself.

Rule number six

H a v e a n A m b it io n to B u i ld a M a g n e t i c P e rs o n a lity . Cosmic
magnetism flows most readily when it is channeled for some
definite purpose. When the nerves of the body and brain are
stimulated with a desire to become a strong, magnetic personality,

cosmic magnetism flows along the nerves more readily and creates
a whirlpool of mental and psychic energy.
Stand before a mirror and give yourself positive, magnetic
statements to stimulate cosmic magnetism.

I am a center of magnetic power.

I project friendliness and joy to every one I meet.
I now breathe deeply of the golden elixir of life and it stirs
every atom and cell of my brain and body.
I am youthful. I am joyous. I am powerful. I am a dynamo of
vibrant power.

Create vibrancy in your personality by thinking beautiful and

lofty thoughts. Magnetic power flows in undulating waves when
you thrill to beautiful and inspiring music; it is created in the
brain cells when you are stirred to emotional ecstasy at scenes of
beauty in nature; it flows vibrantly when you share any positive
emotion with others. Share your happiness; share your good: share
your peace and harmony with friends and loved ones.
Rule number seven
B u i ld a M a g n etic A u ra o f C o s m ic K n o w led g e and P o w e r.
Everything in the universe gives off a magic circle or magnetic
A rose possesses its magic circle in its radiant color and perfume
which it gives to the world.
The moon has its silvery aura of magic circle power, and lovers
thrill to its celestial message of magnetism.
A songbird projects its magic circle aura in its song.
A majestic tree raises its leafy arms in exultation towards the
cerulean blue sky, with its magic circle.
You too can build a magnetic aura by creating higher centers
of vibrancy in your brain centers through absorbing the power
that knowledge gives.
Study a little of all the branches of learning through books that
you can obtain in your public library. Know something of astron­
omy, philosophy, psychology, literature, music, art, the theater,
and opera. As you build knowledge, you build your magic circle
aura of cosmic magnetism.

Rule number eight

L e a r n H o w to C o n s e r v e t h e M a g n e t i s m T h a t I s in Y o u r B r a in
a n d B o d y . Your brain and body possess vast funds of cosmic
magnetism naturally, and if you learn how to conserve this mag­
netism you will become highly magnetic and powerful in your
magic circle aura.
The scattering of mental and physical magnetism occurs by
making unnecessary gestures when you talk; by blinking the eyes
unnecessarily; by toying with a handkerchief or keys, or other
objects when talking to other people. Nervous mannerisms short-
circuit personal magnetism and should be carefully avoided.
Learn how to hold the body still for five minutes or more at a
time in practice sessions.
Hold a full glass of water in your hand and walk about the
room, trying not to spill it. This helps control magnetism.
Hold your mind still and do not let thoughts control you, but
rigidly control your thoughts so you can think one thing at a
Look at a spot on the wall and try to hold your eyes still, with­
out blinking for a count of ten. Then increase the time until you
can hold still to a count of fifty or a hundred.

Rule number nine

U s e t h e P r e c io u s G o ld e n H o u r s o f E a c h D a y W is e ly . Time is
the magnetic substance of life. The way you use your time will
determine what you create in life. A time schedule for each day
will help you avoid doing things that waste time and energy.
Magnetism is built in those precious hours that most people
fritter away each day.
Do not look at television for more than two hours a day. Those
extra two hours that you spend could be more usefully engaged
in study, social activities, or concentrating on building your men­
tal and physical magnetism.
Avoid going to most movies and plays; select o n ly those that
are truly entertaining, uplifting, inspiring, and educational. Avoid
those plays and movies that cater entirely to sensuality and
violence, for these excessive emotions of abnormality short-circuit

your brain and body magnetism and coarsen the entire conscious­

How a B o y B e c a m e a n O l y m p ic C h a m p io n

A young man I once knew, who instinctively built a magnetic

personality, had set his goal from boyhood to become a swimmer
of renown. Not only did he want to achieve something worth­
while, but he wanted a strong, healthy, and magnetic body. Other
boys spent time in poolrooms, bowling, going to movies, night­
clubs, dancing, but this boy spent most of his spare time swim­
ming in his local YMCA pool. By the time he was in college he
had become so outstanding in his chosen sport that he was se­
lected to compete for the Olympic games, and was chosen to go
to the World Olympics in Mexico City, where he won outstanding
honors for America in the swimming contests.

Rule number ten

C o n d it io n Y o u r M i n d to S u c c e s s — R ic h e s — H a p p in e s s . You be­
come that which you think most often. You can build your magic
power circle in the image and likeness of that which you hold in
your consciousness, and soon you will magnetize the elements that
bring you fulfillment of your desires.
Begin now to condition your mind to the image of success.
Successful people think, act, and look a certain way. When
people look at you, they see the mental image you have built.
Magnetize the image of success by f e e l i n g successful and a c t i n g
successful. Even if you do not have a big bank account, a c t as
though you owned the iv h o le w o rld . You d o own it, as much as
any other person alive.
Mentally take possession of the free parks; the reasonable trans­
portation system of your city or town. That bus or subway is yours
for that small sum you pay, and is chaulfeured for you by com­
petent drivers.
Walk through your art galleries, museums, and public libraries
and claim them as y o u r p e r s o n a l p r o p e r t y . This thought of riches
and abundance will magnetize the cells of your brain and body
with feelings of opulence and wealth and soon you will actually
begin to grow richer. The books, art objects, and treasures in

public buildings are all yours to use and enjoy. Claim your
inheritance from life and begin to a c t as t h o u g h y o u w e r e a lre a d y
a m illio n a ire .

Rule number eleven

B i u ld a R a d ia n t, C h e e r f u l , a n d O p tim is tic P e rs o n a lity . Your
personal magic circle aura reflects the thoughts you secretly think.
When you see a motion picture in which your first view is a
ghostly house, with a window flapping in the wind, chains rattling,
and bats flying out the windows, you prepare yourself for a
chilling mystery story. The atmosphere has been created to make
you feel a sense of mystery.
Likewise, people build a mental and physical atmosphere which
proclaims to the world the thoughts that haunt them.
Put into your magic circle aura an atmosphere of radiant good
cheer and optimism. Think cheerful thoughts most of the time,
and do not let yourself subscribe to the pessimistic philosophy
that things are going to get worse, that the world is going to blow
up, that war is inevitable and perpetual— or any of the other
unmagnetic and negative thoughts that motivate millions of
See the world as a bright and happy place, in which there is a
cosmic intelligence that is working out your destiny perfectly.
See people as predominantly friendly and honest, and convince
yourself that those who are criminal or vicious are in the minority
and are psychologically unsound.
Use cheerful, positive, and happy words when you talk to peo­
ple, and avoid morbid, obscene, and pessimistic ones. Magnetism
flows in a golden aura that is visible to others when you maintain
a cheerful, happy, and optimistic attitude towards life and people.

Rule number twelve

B u i ld a C o s m ic C o n s c io u s n e s s T h a t E m b r a c e s a U n iv e r s e . Most
people live in a world of limited vision and thought. In an age
where man has used the force of cosmic magnetism to fly to the
moon and back, these people are still living in the horse-and-buggy
state of consciousness which circumscribes their world and their
creative power.

Build your consciousness to embrace the entire universe.

Be aware of the mysteries of life beyond the limits of the
material horizons which shut off the flow of cosmic power.
Someone has said:
And when you’ve reached the golden summit of
your dreams,
Know that there are sights beyond the veil.
This cosmic consciousness makes you aware of the sights and
sounds that are invisible to the average, earthbound mortal.
Be big and generous in your viewpoint of life. Give value to
the important issues of life. Do not become caught up in the
backwash of petty quarrels, minor issues, and nonessentials. See
the overall goal or purpose back of life and live with the view­
point of foreverness. This sense of cosmic continuity will provide
a feeling of unity and cohesiveness to every act of your life and
bring you concentrated cosmic power to fulfill yourself and your

Rule number thirteen

A n t i c ip a t e W o n d e r f u l T h i n g s H a p p e n i n g to Y o u E a c h D a y .
There is magic and power in the emotion of anticipation. When
you have something to look forward to, that you await with eager
anticipation, it gives meaning and purpose to each day’s activity.
People who settle down into routines of dullness and mediocrity
seldom express joy and magnetism in their personalities.
Look forward to each day as a joyous adventure. See life as
being full of pleasant surprises. When you condition your mind
negatively to expect o n ly the worst, you use your precious mental
and spiritual magnetism to fashion a world of calamity, disaster,
and misfortune. As a spider spins a web out of the substance of
its own inner self, so too man fashions the world of his choice
from the inner magnetic substance of his aspirations.

T h e W o m a n W h o A l w a y s A n t ic ip a t e d t h e W o r st

A woman who came to my lectures in New York City, was the

type of woman who always anticipates the worst. She was woe­

begone and forlorn. Her clothes reflected her morose and sad
nature. She wore shades of drab brown or black, with never any
relief of color in kerchief, handbag, or shoes. The corners of her
mouth were pulled down in a perpetual frown. Her eyes wore a
melancholy look, as if she had lost her last friend.
This woman had lost her husband and was alone in the world—
cause enough for sadness, as she told me in her first interview.
But the colorless life she lived antedated the loss of her husband.
She was brought up by spartan parents, who taught her that all
pleasure was somehow sinful, and that she must be perpetually in
a state of sackcloth and ashes to atone for mankind's sins.
I pointed out to this woman that God created a joyous universe
and festooned it with a canopy of cerulean blue for a sky, and
golden clouds, and crimson sunrises and sunsets; that he splashed
upon the cosmic canvas of life glorious reds and blues, purples
and greens, and wove a tapestry of dreams for man’s immortal
soul to ponder. I told her of the invisible music of countless ocean
waves lapping a million shores; of the mystery and magic of night
with its myriad sounds; the hidden magic in every robin’s nest;
the wonder of moonrise and sunset, and man was placed here on
earth to be the recipient of all these miracles of the creative
cosmic mind.
After two or three interviews with this woman, I began to
detect subtle changes in her personality and appearance. She
began to wear brighter colors in her apparel. She lost her look of
loneliness and fear and the corners of her mouth were more fre­
quently pulled up into a magnetic smile. Her face became softer
and more lovely, her eyes lost their haunted look and began to
look like the innocent, blue, wondering eyes of a child. This
woman became quite attractive in six months time, and her magic
circle attracted a retired merchant at one of my lectures, who fell
in love with her and married her. A new and enchanting chapter
began for her with that marriage, and soon she was sailing away
on a honeymoon cruise to Europe. Something that would have
been utterly impossible for her to conceive until she changed her
entire consciousness.

Rule number fourteen

K n o w T h a t t h e U n iv e r s e I s F i l l e d to O v e r flo w in g w it h E v e r y
Magnetism flows most
T y p e of T rea su re T ha t Y o u C a n H a v e.
abundantly when your mind is aware of the fact that the universe
teems with abundance and that you have been given the power
to attract anything you really need.
Look about you in the realm of nature and realize this truth;
the very atmosphere is filled with magnetism, electricity, and life-
giving oxygen to sustain your precious life force. The earth teems
with fruits, vegetables, and herbs for man’s healing and enjoy­
ment. The sea is filled with fish, diamonds, gold, and pearls. Man
is just now beginning to tap vast pools of oil under the seas, and
find other treasures that will feed the earth’s teeming billions in
years to come.
Lumber, iron ore, coal, silver, gold, uranium, and oil in abun­
dance are located within the earth. Man has been given the power
to tap these storehouses of valuable treasures and use these riches
for every good purpose. The air is filled with atomic power which
can turn our motors, run our industries, and furnish work for
countless millions in the future.
Know that you have truly inherited the earth and all therein.
The Bible gives us this magnetic statement of fact: Know ye not
that ye are heirs to a kingdom?
Rule number fifteen
C r e a t e Y o u r M a g i c C i r c le M a s k o f B e a u t y a n d E n c h a n t m e n t .
To keep yourself in the steady awareness of your soul’s inner
magnetism and beauty, build the magic circle mask of beauty
and enchantment and wear it proudly for all to see.
A legend is told in the mystic lands of the Far East about a
powerful king, who was cruel and ruled over his kingdom with an
iron hand.
A nearby province was ruled by a beautiful princess. The king
ordered his soldiers to conquer this province and bring the prin­
cess to him, as he wanted to make her his queen.
When this was done, the king approached the princess to ask
her to be his bride, but his face wore such an expression of cruelty
and arrogance that the princess shrank away from him in terror.

This grieved the king and he called in his wise men to find out
how he could win the hand of the beautiful princess.
They told the king, “We shall make a magic mask that you will
wear, and on it we shall engrave the qualities of love, gentility,
and goodness, which the princess will admire. As long as you
wear the magic mask no one will see your true character.”
The wise men made a mask of fine wax and painted in its con­
tours all the admirable traits of character they wanted the king
to assume. They molded it to the king’s face. When he looked
into the mirror he was pleased and said, “Now I shall court the
princess and win her for my bride.”
As he was leaving, one of the wise men said, “There is one thing
we must caution you about— you must hold in your mind all the
qualities that we have molded into the magic mask of love, good­
ness, gentility, kindness, peace, and beauty. If you hold any con­
trary thoughts to these, they will shatter the magic mask and our
deception will be known.”
After a few days, when the king sought out the princess and
she saw the amazing change that had come over him, she was
amazed. He courted her with gentility and love and soon won
her hand and she became his queen.
But after a few weeks the king became troubled and once again
called in his wise men and said, “I cannot continue this deception
of my queen any longer; remove the magic mask and let her see
me as I really am.”
The wise men removed the magic mask from the king’s face,
and they gasped in astonishment— for upon the king’s face were
all the positive, magnetic qualities that had been imprinted on
the magic mask!
The king’s face now reflected all the mental qualities that he
had imprinted on his mind, and he and his queen lived happily
ever after.
Your magic mask of beauty and enchantment can have built
in it any qualities that you mentally desire.
You can be a hero on the stage of life, not a villain.
You can radiate love and beauty of mind and soul.
You can have friendliness and the magnetic charm of a smiling
countenance instead of a frown on your face.
You can hold beautiful and inspiring thoughts in your mind and

they will weave their magic on your face and in the hearts of

Rule number sixteen

U s e t h e P o sitiv e a n d M a g n e t i c E m o t io n a l D r i v e s to M o tiv a te
Misdirected emotional energy often short-circuits a
Y o u r L ife .
person’s magnetism and causes him to lose his positive force and
Learn how to use positive and magnetic emotional drives to
motivate your entire life.
Love and sex, when combined, can furnish the most powerful
master motive for magnetic action in life. When you fall in love
and marry, with the intention of rearing a family, you are enabled
to harness the magnetic force of the cosmos and channel it into
constructive and creative forms that build happiness and fulfill­
The magnetic emotional drive to d o g o o d and to b e g o o d , can
furnish you with motivation for achieving every single dream you
The emotional drive to be kind, considerate, and to encourage
others, will magnetize your mind and body with magnetic lines
of force that bring you a sense of well-being and harmony.
The magnetic and emotional drive to create beauty for the
world to enjoy, can make you a creative genius.

Rule number seventeen

C h o o s e Y o u r R ig h t L i f e W o r k f o r F u l l e r E n j o y m e n t o f L i f e .
Throughout your life you will be engaging in some form of crea­
tive work or activity. Select the work that your own inner instinct
tells you is right for you.
Many great creative talents are lost because men and women
listen to their parents, who select the work their children should
I knew a girl who was struggling to become a ballet dancer,
because her mother was a frustrated, stagestruck girl who made
up her mind that her daughter would become a star. This girl was
forced to study acting, music, and ballet— all to no avail. Her
heart was n o t in it. She wanted to become a nurse and minister

to the sick. Finally, after I advised her to give up her aspirations

for the stage and enroll in a course of nursing, she did this and
changed her entire attitude towards life from one of defeatism
to radiant joy. No one can choose your future life work but
y o u r s e lf.

Rule number eighteen

B u i ld th e M a g n etic Q u a lity o f E n t h u s ia s m in Your M a g ic
Enthusiastic people are usually magnetic and attractive.
C i r c le .
This is a quality of youth, and if you wish to become more youth­
ful and radiant, build enthusiasm as a daily emotional stimulant.
Find something you can truly like and be enthusiastic about.
Look forward each day to making new friends and be enthusi­
astic about sharing your experiences with them. This gives radi­
ance and magnetism to your personal magic circle aura.
Try to be enthusiastic about your work— and if you are n o t,
change it; for you will never be happy until you are able to radiate
this positive emotion of enthusiasm.
Have something that you are constantly looking forward to
that you can arouse enthusiasm over; such as, a party you will
attend; an outing to the country; the buying of a new car, or a
new summer outfit to wear; plan your dream home, and share it
with your beloved; get travel literature and plan your next vaca­
tion to some foreign country.
The magnetic emotion of enthusiasm furnishes the psychic and
mental drive to achieve the things you build in the world of
fantasy and imagination. You can vastly expand the horizons of
your world by exercising this magnetic emotion each day.

Rule number nineteen

L e a r n to U s e t h e M a g n e t i c L a w o f C o s m ic C o o p e r a t io n in Y o u r
When you learn how to cooperate with the cosmic
D a ily L i f e .
laws of the universe, everything flows smoothly in your life.
When you violate these laws and fail to cooperate, the forces
of nature take their toll in sickness, misery, and poverty.
Do everything in moderation; do not overeat, overwork, over­
sleep, or overplay. Nature demands that you obtain at least seven
to eight hours sleep each night after a hard day’s work. But if

you sleep ten or more hours, you actually harm the body. This is
the latest scientific finding— you cannot rest too much for it
weakens the body instead of refreshing it.
If you work very hard, you must balance work with some re­
laxation and play each day.
To balance mental work, you should have some hobby or sport
that gives you a chance to build physical magnetism through
You must cooperate with the cosmic law in the universe in
every sphere of action in your life. If you want to receive from
life, you must first give. The closed hand, heart, and mind, do not
give anything, but neither d o t h e y r e c e i v e a n y t h in g . The miser
grows rich but becomes poorer than the poorest person.
Give kindness and gain friendship.
Give service and become rich.
Give consideration and happiness and you gain love.
Give y o u r s e lf a n d g a in t h e w o rld .

Rule number twenty

U se t h e M a g n e t i c L a w o f C o s m ic I n t e g r i t y . Dishonesty, lying,
cheating, and immoral conduct violate one of the basic laws of
the universe— the law of cosmic Integrity.
Civilization has been built on the moral and spiritual codes
found in the Ten Commandments and The Sermon on the Mount.
Study these two great documents in the Bible and live your life
according to their cosmic rules.
Apply the golden rule to your life— do unto others as you would
have them do unto you— and you will be putting your mind, body,
and soul into a magnetic state of action that will cause everything
to fall into its correct place in your future life.
When we violate this magnetic law of cosmic integrity we be­
come mentally and physically sick, and suffer from every form of
disorientation and ailment which afflicts humanity today.
1. Life’s richest rewards are for those who build a strong
magnetic magic power circle around their bodies.

2. Believe that you were born for greatness and you will
release magnetism to achieve it.
3. How to shape the goal or dream back of your life and
create magnetism to attract what you desire.
4. How Ralph E. was able to build a new career when he
magnetized his mind with the thought of achieving a
high goal.
5. How magnetism is created through a powerful imagina­
6. Building strong will power to create magnetism in the
personality and environment.
7. The magnetic aura of cosmic knowledge and power and
how it helps shape your life for greater power and joy.
8. How to shape the precious golden hours of each day into
the magnetic substance of life and gain more from life.
9. How a college boy became an Olympic champion through
a regime of magnetic action and conservation of time.
10. How you can create a radiant, cheerful, and optimistic
personality and build tremendous cosmic magnetism in
your personality.
11. The hidden treasures of the universe and how you can
magnetize them by using the cosmic law of anticipation.
12. The magic mask of beauty and enchantment and how to
adorn your face and body with eternal youth, beauty, and
13. Using the positive and magnetic emotional drives that
can motivate your entire life to success, health, happi­
ness, and peace.
14. The laws of cosmic cooperation and cosmic integrity,
and how to shape your life into positive lines of magnetic
force through honesty, goodness, moderation, enthusiasm,
and cooperation with the laws of the cosmos.

H o w t o A t t r a c t Ri ches
T h r o u g h Co s mi c M a g n e t i s m

You have been given an inborn

desire to become successful and have financial security for the
The treasures of the universe were created for y o u to use and
There is no poverty in nature— poverty is man-made, and due
to selfishness and the destruction by man of the natural resources
which cosmic intelligence created in abundance.
Every inch of space in the universe is filled to overflowing with
hidden treasures: oil, gas, coal, steel, silver, gold, copper, dia­
monds, and pearls— in the earth, in the sea, in the air around us,
the cosmic mind has planted treasures which give man life and
sustain him. The earth teems with cosmic riches and when you
plant a seed, it matures under the laws of nature into a crop of
abundance, producing food to eat, lumber to build our homes,

clothing to wear, fuel to warm us, and priceless jewels with which
to adorn ourselves.
Truly, the cosmic mind intended for you to be as rich a s y o u
w ish to b e .

The secret of cosmic magnetism used by

the world’s richest men
I studied the lives of the world’s richest men to discover how
they accumulated their riches.
In every instance, these rich men used the secret of cosmic
magnetism to build their fortunes.
Most of them wanted to make a fortune so they could h e l p
o th e rs w ith t h e i r w e a lth . When they wanted money for its own
sake, they became misers and were usually poorer than the poor­
est person, for their money did them no good.
Most of these rich men started out in life being poor. They
realized that without money they could not achieve the high goals
they set for themselves. They desired money and this desire
helped magnetize the higher cosmic centers of their minds, mak­
ing them literally like magnets, capable of attracting wealth into
the orbit of their life experience.
All of these wealthy men projected the secret power of mag­
netism through their personalities; they were able to command
and control people. They charged the very atmosphere with a
sense of their magnetic power and dynamic moneymaking energy.
They learned the ancient alchemist’s secret of transmutation, and
were able to convert their mental substance into the glittering
gold of life.
Most of these wealthy men used a high degree of intuition,
contacting the higher cosmic intelligence, which showed them
how to increase their mental capacities and become successful and

An abundance of treasures in the universe

To build your magic circle in the image of riches, and mag­
netize material possessions, b e l i e v e that there are priceless, un­
tapped riches in the universe.
There is enough lumber, gold, silver, oil, diamonds, and other

treasures in the Amazon Basin alone, to give every family in the

entire world a fortune of a million dollars! These treasures have
n o t y e t b e e n t a p p e d b y m a n . Know that there is more than enough
in the world if you can magnetize your magic circle to attract to
yourself the little you must have and you need never fear that
the Rockefellers, Kennedys, Johnsons, and Onassises have all the
world’s wealth. There is more than enough to go around.
When you are assailed by doubts that cosmic intelligence has
not created wealth for you and your family, change that negative,
unmagnetic thought, into its opposite, positive, and magnetic
thought of r i c h e s a n d a b u n d a n c e . There is enough wealth in the
world for you to become a millionaire!
Begin today to magnetize money and material possessions, by
charging your magic circle with the aura of wealth and success.
Have a positive conviction that you will become rich, if that is
what you wish— and that the riches a re a lr e a d y in e x is t e n c e .
John D. Rockefeller the First, believed this about oil and
tapped the vast treasures of the earth which laid the foundation
for the billion dollar fortune of the Rockefellers.
Andrew Carnegie built the concept of wealth around the steel
industry, and magnetized one of the greatest fortunes the world
has ever known because of this faith in steel.
Goodrich did the same thing with rubber, and he tapped vast
sources of this treasure which made him rich.
Hilton had faith in hotels and giving good service to the public,
and he built his vast hotel empire on this magic circle principle
of creating comfort and luxury for others.
J. P. Morgan magnetized money through stock market invest­
ments that made him one of the world’s richest men. Bernard
Baruch did the same thing, and his intuition guided him to invest
in the right stocks that made him a fortune.
Helena Rubenstein, Elizabeth Arden, and Charles Revson, of
Revlon products, built the magic circle of beauty for women, and
were able to magnetize vast fortunes through their products.
Henry Ford put America on wheels and gave of his mental and
physical energies so he could perfect the automobile. When he
died, he left a fortune of 500 million dollars!
The Wright Brothers set the stage for our space age, with their

first heavier-than-air machine, and not only became wealthy, but

Walt Disney gave the world his magic circle of creative beauty
and enjoyment, and charmed the minds of millions with his ani­
mated cartoon-films of Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Snow White
and the Seven Dwarfs, and other wholesome, family-style enter­
tainment. He used this magic circle power to enrich the lives of
millions and in so doing, he was enriched with millions of dollars.
William Randolph Hearst, Paul Getty, Huntington Hartford,
Vanderbilt, Astor, Onassis, and Howard Hughes— all multimil­
lionaires, and all using this same identical magic circle power of
creative mind— have given value to the world and the world has
given them recognition and riches.

What were the secrets of the world’s richest men?

In studying how the world’s richest men used this magic circle
power to build their vast fortunes, I have discovered that they all
used eight dominant golden keys to open the doors to the hidden
treasures of the universe.


The magnetic regime to use for growing rich

1. To magnetize your mind so you can attract riches you mus

increase the power of your imagination. Someone has said, “The
imagination is God’s workshop.” This is a true statement of cosmic
intelligence as expressed in the realm of nature.
Your imagination is the cosmic matrix into which cosmic intel­
ligence pours its illimitable supply of ideas and creative patterns.
Each day visualize yourself doing the work you wish to do; see
yourself in your own business; project the magnetic idea that

there is a plentiful supply of this world’s goods for you to use and
enjoy the rest of your life.
To stimulate your imagination for attracting more riches, cut
pictures out of magazines and paste them into a scrapbook, which
you call your scrapbook of destiny— these pictures can be of the
home you wish to live in, the car you desire, the furnishings you
want for your home, and other items which you wish to attract.
To further stimulate the imagination begin a cosmic treasure
chest, into which you put cosmic seed of that which you desire.
Cut pieces of paper up into the shape and size of money; write in
the four corners the amount of each bill, let us say $100; then put
in as many of these big bills as you wish to attract for your future
security. You might begin with $100,000— and increase the amount
as your faith continues to grow.
Also, simulate deeds for a home and land that you wish to own.
Put into this cosmic treasure chest pieces of paper on which you
have written the names of some outstanding blue chip stocks such
as United Steel, General Electric, IBM , General Motors, Standard
Oil of New Jersey, Bethlehem Steel. Write down on that stock
certificate the name of the stock, the amount of stock you wish to
have, and the purchase price.
Then put into your cosmic treasure chest a small piece of gold,
or simulated gold— a pearl, ruby, emerald, diamond, or sapphire
— they can be only bits of colored glass, but every time you look
into that cosmic treasure chest visualize them as being authentic
jewels and that you now possess them . Remember— all these trea­
sures and more are in the cosmic treasure chest of the universe
and are as much yours as anyone elses.
2. Use the cosmic key of desire to build your cosmic magnetism
and attract what you want.
Desire is the cosmic key which opens many doors to the trea­
sures of the universe.
A desire to become successful motivates most people who
achieve success and riches. A desire for fame and fortune is back
of most careers.
Use the secret power of cosmic motivators to help implement
your desires. A desire to help your family, educate your children,
bring peace and prosperity to the world— these cosmic motivators

create more magnetism than a mere desire to be rich so you can

live a better life.

A carpenter built his fortune this way

I once knew a carpenter in Hollywood who worked in the

motion picture studios and was always in need of an extra source
of income, for when a slump came in pictures he would often be
out of work for weeks and months. He had a growing family to
support, and there were no savings to fall back on.
This man and his wife came to a few of my lectures, especially
the magic circle of dynamic power, which I gave once a month.
He learned about this invisible matrix of the imagination, and
began to visualize himself making more money from other sources.
Later he told me that one sentence I had used in that particular
lecture impressed him deeply. It was from the Bible and said:
“What hast thou in thine house?”
He began to concentrate on what special gifts he possessed,
and as it was around Christmas time he began to imagine how he
would use his special gifts to create toys for his three children.
Being a carpenter, he tried to imagine how he could use this
gift to create toys. He found a pile of discarded lumber in his
workshop in the basement. He started to cut out figures of ducks,
chickens, rabbits, and other animals. He painted them in bright
colors. He made little figures of Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs, with their pointed caps and beards, and painted them.
On Christmas morning his children were delighted to find an
assortment of charming and original toys under their Christmas
tree. Some of these creations had handles and wheels on them,
and were toy carts on which the children could pull each other.
When other parents in the neighborhood saw these original
toys, they immediately wanted to know where they could buy
them. Soon this man was making these toys for his neighbor’s
children, and money began to pour in. Then when he sat in
meditation, wondering how he could increase his output and
make even more money, he got the bright idea of distributing
these toys to department stores, and orders began to come in so
thick and fast that he had to hire a man to assist him. From this
lowly beginning the carpenter hired two men, rented a loft, and

turned it into a manufacturing center. His imagination soon sup­

plied him with other original ideas, to make colorful decorations
for people’s lawns from plaster, and now this man has a profitable
business grossing $20,000 a year, and it is still growing!
3. There is tremendous magnetism in the emotion of faith.
Faith is literally a miracle-working power. If you believe in your­
self and your ability to become rich, you will radiate a magic
circle of dynamic magnetism in your environment and attract the
elements you need to succeed.
The magnetism of faith is back of every great fortune. Faith in
chewing gum made Wrigley rich.
Faith in rubber built a fortune for Goodrich.
Faith in writing made Tennessee Williams a millionaire.
Faith in ships created a vast empire for Onassis.
Faith in computers by the head of IBM built a company that is
one of the biggest in the world.
$ 4 0 ,0 0 0 was magnetized by faith
Mrs. Gladys S. was a member of my New York lecture group
and learned these secrets of cosmic magnetism which helped her
project the cosmograph of $40,000.
She had been left a widow with only a few thousand dollars of
insurance money. She needed more money in order to live com­
fortably. She projected the desire to accumulate a fortune through
stock market investments— a highly dangerous and speculative
method to grow rich.
She sat in meditation and asked the cosmic mind to guide her.
One day she found a small book titled, Buy L ow — Sell High. It
gave a list of 30 stocks which were at a low point. She chose six
of these stocks and invested all her money in them.
Within one year she had made $20,000 on her original invest­
ment. She reinvested that $20,000 in other low-priced stocks given
in the book, which were on the American Stock Exchange, and
within another year she made $20,000 more. By concentrating
her mind on accumulating a fortune, she magnetized the centers
of her brain to attract money. If it had not been through the stock
market, the cosmic mind would undoubtedly have created some
other channel through which Mrs. S. could have built that fortune.

4. Use the magnetic quality of determ ination to help build

riches. This quality that most rich men have used, charges the
brain and body cells with cosmic magnetism and causes you to
respond to the challenge of growing rich by doing something
Each day, before you begin your work, give yourself these
magnetic suggestions and hold them in your mind all day:
I am determined to succeed in everything I do today.
I shall attract money to meet my needs.
I now magnetize riches and abundance and attract the con­
ditions and persons that can make me rich.
How one woman magnetized success
A woman who came to my lectures in New York, was a widow
of 65. She had a small income from a trust fund her husband had
left, but she needed more money with which to buy little luxuries
she could not afford on her limited income. She learned how one
can magnetize money through this method and she began to work
mentally to project in her magic circle, the desire to make extra
One day when she was sorting out her things to throw away
old clothes she no longer needed, she came across a box of old
feathers, beadwork, and pieces of silk and satin she had been
saving for years. An idea suddenly came to her. She had been
giving four hours a week as a volunteer in a children’s hospital,
and she knew how desperately these little waifs needed toys. So
she took the feathers, jewels, and materials she had, and began to
make little dolls, with comical faces that would amuse children.
When she took her first batch of comical toys to the hospital they
were an instant success. But strangely enough, the nurses were
even more intrigued than the children! They wanted to obtain
these little comical dolls, animals, and insects that she had skill­
fully created out of feathers, beads, and cloth and wear them for
lapel pins.
When this woman saw how popular her wares were with the
nurses she approached a man who was in the wholesale notions
business, to find out if there was an outlet for the original objects
she had created. She found there was a market for everything she

could turn out and soon the money poured in, giving her the
extra little luxuries and comforts that she wanted.
5. Learn how to harness the power that has made so many
people rich— the emotion of curiosity. When you begin to wonder
why certain things happen, and how you can improve or change
things in life, you will be using the magnetic power of curiosity.
Burbank, Fleming, Eli Whitney, Fulton, Galileo, and Columbus
— as well as most of the greatest geniuses in history, used this
quality to achieve success.
Look about you in your own work and see how you can improve
what you are doing.
Stir the magnetic centers of your brain with creative activity
by having an idea a day, which you carefully write down, for
changing and improving your life.
Analyze the great things that others have created and try to
reason out the methods they used.
The man who discovered the button hole made a fortune. The
can opener was a natural result of the invention that put food into
cans— one of the great inventions of all time.
Fortunes have been built through man’s curiosity. Harness this
creative power and you will build a fortune.
6. Have confiden ce in yourself, your talents, your personality,
and your future destiny.
Magnetism is built by self-confidence; it is shattered by feelings
of self-consciousness, inferiority, and negativity.
List your assets and liabilities on a sheet of paper. Put down
the things you know to be true about yourself; your skills, your
knowledge, your personality traits, and then work to correct the
negative forces and change them into positive ones.
7. Condition your mind with positive success conditioners that
will charge your brain centers with more cosmic magnetism, and
create a magnet of attraction to success and riches.
There are two types of magnetic conditioners; one is positive,
and attracts to you only that which is good and positive; the
other is negative, and short-circuits your cosmic magnetism, cre­
ating failure and poverty.
Counteract the following negative conditioners with positive
magnetic conditioners by repeating the statements given under

the positive column. Whenever doubt or fear or inferiority creeps

into your mind, and you have a tendency to think or say any of
the negative conditioners, change them immediately by repeating
several times one of the positive conditioners.

Unmagnetic and Magnetic and

Negative Conditioners Positive Conditioners
I know I’ll fail. I can succeed in doing anything
I wish to do.
I’m afraid of life and people. I have confidence in myself and
my destiny.
I feel weak and inferior. I am surrounded by the magic
circle of poise, power, peace,
and beauty. No negative force
can touch me.
I know I’ll be sick. I am now in the magic circle of
good health, vitality, and en­
I feel old, tired, and dis­ I draw on cosmic magnetism. This
couraged. golden fountain of life now
gives me youth, health, and
I know it’s impossible to I am now in the magic circle of
ever become rich. cosmic abundance. Riches are
now mine. I accept the uni­
verse and all the treasures
I am uneducated and un­ I draw on cosmic intelligence
worthy of success. and my brain is illumined with
inner light and knowledge.
I am fearful, worried, and I am in the magic circle of cosmic
uncertain about my future. power and reflect confidence. I
can master the negative forces
of life and achieve fulfillment.

8. The first law of the cosmos is order. We set our clocks on

earth by the stars in the heavens, because they operate under the
great universal law of order.

Most of the world’s richest men were able to bring order and
harmony into their lives through their organizational ability.
When you arise in the morning make out a schedule for that
day. Apportion certain hours for certain things. Keep to this
schedule as much as possible.
Make out a blueprint for the future; list on it all the various
things you want to do in your life. Put down the amount of
money you desire for various things; the trips you want to take;
the business moves you wish to make; the friends and social life
you want; the home you want to attract; the love partner you wish
to marry. This blueprint is essential if the cosmic mind is to know
your true desires and help you achieve them.
Budget your time as carefully as you budget your money. Do
not spend four or five hours a day looking at television, or in aim­
less pursuits, but organize your entertainment, your leisure hours,
your hobbies, so there is balance and constructive use of the
golden hours which most people fritter away in useless pursuits.
“Time is money.” This is a true magnetic statement. Use your
time wisely if you wish to become rich.

1. The world is full of treasures that can be yours when you

once learn the secret of using cosmic magnetism to mag­
netize money and material possessions.
2. How the world’s richest men used their magic power
circles to magnetize money and build vast fortunes.
3. How the power of cosmic intuition can help achieve
riches by directing one to the treasures hidden in the
4. The billions of dollars in wealth that are hidden in the
Amazon Basin, in South America, and how to inspire
yourself with the belief that you can achieve anything
you can conceive.
5. The secret magnetic power used by the world’s richest
men and how you can duplicate their blueprint for
6. How you can use the magnetic power of your imagina­

tion to magnetize money and draw it into your sphere

of influence.
7. How to create your scrapbook of destiny and your trea­
sure chest, which will help stimulate the flow of wealth
to you.
8. Using the magic key of desire to build your cosmic
magnetism and attract the treasures of the universe.
9. How a carpenter began his flow of wealth using these
magnetic principles for building a fortune.
10. How you can magnetize your brain centers with the
magic circle emotion of faith that can start the flow of
wealth to you.
11. Using the emotion of curiosity, which the great geniuses
of history used for creating new products and growing
12. How to use the magnetic positive conditioners to over­
come the unmagnetic negative ones which keep you from
13. The law of order and organization and how you can in­
crease riches through their use.

H o w to P r o j e c t Cosmi c
M a g n e t i s m to A t t r a c t
and Influence People

You can project cosmic magne­

tism into a magic circle aura that surrounds your body like
golden light. As a moth is attracted to a flame, so too, people are
attracted to one who projects this quality of dynamic cosmic
magnetism in the outer radiance of his personality.
You can use cosmic magnetism to attract into your environment
people who are charming, intelligent, and prosperous.
You can influence and motivate people for good with your
magic circle power.
You can attract those in high places in business and social
circles and make them want to befriend you.
In this magic circle of your personality you can project charm,
poise, beauty, and love. You can raise the rate of vibration of your
mind with waves of cosmic magnetism, and have control over

other people, instead of letting them control you. Magnetic people

throughout history have been able to use this power to influence
others to do their bidding.

How to use your cosmic magnetism for positive purposes

This power of cosmic magnetism is so strong that it can be

projected by some people for evil purposes. When you misuse
this power, it can be destructive and harm you as well as others.
Electricity can give life or take it; the atomic power released by
splitting the atom can be harnessed for peaceful purposes or
used to destroy millions in one atomic blast.
It is perfectly natural for you to want to use cosmic magnetism
to better your situation in life; to attract friends who will help
you, to improve yourself socially and financially. There is nothing
wrong in attracting famous and important people who will have
a desire to help you.
You can magnetize your magic circle so you will attract more
money; this is a natural and good purpose for using your cosmic
magnetism. Money is not evil— only the love o f m oney is said
to be evil in the Bible.
The positive polarity of cosmic magnetism is attraction; the
negative polarity is repulsion. You will learn how to build the
qualities of cosmic magnetism which make you attractive, and
attract friends instead of repelling them, as some people do.

The six magic keys to cosmic magnetism that

attract and influence people
Cosmic magnetism is an inner quality which is projected
through your mind, into your personality. These six magic keys
will give you access to vast funds of cosmic magnetism. You must
practice using these qualities every day of your life, and they will
project into the magic circle of your environment the magnetic
properties of cosmic magnetism.
Concentrate on each of these six magic keys for about a minute
each day, giving the thought time to sink into your consciousness.
Then carry the magnetic force of that thought throughout the
entire day, as part of your mental equipment.

1. T he C osmic Key of H appiness

We see this quality of cosmic magnetism in all of nature; birds
sing, nature is aflame with life and color, the sun radiates its magic
circle power to earth for man’s use— everywhere in the cosmos
we see the magnetism of life and joy expressing itself abundantly.
Only when man enters the scene with his wars, ugliness, pris­
ons, hospitals, and poverty is this cosmic quality of joy blighted.
Nature creates abundantly for all its creation; there is no poverty,
lack, or limitation in the cosmos. When you learn how to project
the magnetic cosmic quality of happiness in your personality you
become a dynamic magnet, attracting to yourself only that which
is good.
Find something each day to be happy about. Life may not be
perfect, but remember, the cosmic mind is trying to evolve all
things to a state of perfection. See that potential of perfection in
everything about you and realize that by holding a positive
attitude and radiating joy and good will, you will be using one of
the most potent keys of cosmic magnetism that can unlock many
doors to future fulfillment.

2. T he C osmic Key of Good

A good person is automatically a magnetic person. There is
something about goodness that creates a magnetic quality in the
magic circle of the personality and causes the entire world to seek
out such a person.
Most great men of history, who had an abundance of cosmic
magnetism, were good men. Lincoln was such a man. His rugged
face was not handsome, but his inner magic circle quality of good­
ness gave a sense of nobility and beauty to his features that made
him handsome.
Each day strive to use this cosmic key of goodness in your life.
Think good thoughts and your actions will be right.
Repeat several times a day this powerful magnetic statement
from the Bible: “G od is good.” Try to live up to this spiritual con­
cept of Godliness or goodness all day.

3. T he C osmic Key of B eauty

When your mind is illumined with a sense of beauty, you will
radiate in the magic circle of your personality, a vibrant quality
of cosmic magnetism that will make you irresistible to everyone
you meet.
Socrates said, “Oh, God, I pray thee, make me beautiful
This inner sense of beauty radiates in the expression of your
face, your eyes, your voice, and gives the illusion of beauty to the
features even when they may not be too well-formed. This is the
secret magnetic power of most beautiful women in history— they
possessed the cosmic magnetism of thinking thoughts of beauty,
and holding the mental image of loveliness in their consciousness
— giving their features an inner luminosity that transformed even
plain features and made them appear beautiful.
H ow One Plain Girl B ecam e Beautiful: I once met a girl at one
of my lectures in Carnegie Hall who had this inner quality of
cosmic magnetism. Her features were not beautiful, but there
was a quality that radiated from her face that made her seem
beautiful. She had a charming smile and the true magic circle
qualities of poise, grace, radiance, and warmth. I asked her the
secret of her startling magnetism and she told me the following
When she was about 12 years of age, she suffered from shyness
and feelings of inferiority, for she saw that her features were not
as beautiful as other girls. One day her mother told her to stand
before the mirror and look at herself; she was told this by her
mother, “You may not have beautiful outer features— this you
cannot help— but God has given you a beautiful soul and He has
implanted the signature of His love, beauty, and immortality upon
your soul. Each day, when you awaken in the morning, stand
before your mirror and look at yourself— see the radiant image of
His divine love and beauty stamped upon your character and your
features. Let that inner beauty shine and say to yourself, 1 have
a secret: I am beautiful and I am beloved/ ”
This simple secret of cosmic magnetism kept this inner spark

of beauty alive in this girl’s mind forever, and it actually worked

to transform her features and give the impression of radiant
To release the cosmic magnetism of inner beauty, search each
day for beauty in your environment. Be aware of the beauty in
nature; see the trees and flowers, mountains, and rivers; the pro­
fusion of color in sunset and sunrise— and realize that the cosmic
mind that created all this beauty, did it for you.
Read and study books that express thoughts of beauty and
idealism; poetry, drama, and great literature of the past. Avoid
expressing ugly thoughts, and using words that are obscene,
coarse, and vulgar. As you absorb more and more beauty from
life you will become transcendentally beautiful in mind and spirit,
and you will shine with a golden inner light that will transform
your face and reflect in your environment.

4. T he C osmic Key of Generosity

Cosmic magnetism is released by a generous and unselfish heart.
People who are generous and enjoy sharing their good with others
usually have many friends. People are attracted to a generous
person and are repelled by one who is miserly, grasping, and
The sun pours forth its cosmic magnetism, sending its life-
giving rays 93 million miles to earth, causing everything to grow
that man requires to sustain him on this planet. By some strange
law of the cosmos, the sun’s bulk does not diminish, but keeps
replenishing itself at the rate of millions of tons daily. This same
law of cosmic replenishment occurs in your own life if you operate
under the law of generosity and give of yourself and your sub­
stance. You will attract m ore as you give more. This does not
mean in terms of money or material goods alone, but it relates
also to giving kindness, love, praise, and consideration. These
elements release a magnetism of mind and body which make you
stronger for having given.
The Bible speaks of this cosmic law of generosity in these
words: “Give, and it shall be given unto you, good measure,
pressed down and running over shall be given into your bosom.

For with what measure you mete withal, it shall be measured

unto you again.”

5. T he C osmic Key of F aith

Faith generates cosmic magnetism quicker than any other emo­
tion, with the exception of love. It is truly a miracle worker and
one of the most magnetic forces that you can put into your outer
magic circle.
Have faith in the cosmic mind that created the universe and
which gave you birth.
Have faith in yourself and your destiny.
Express faith in your daily living by believing that everything
will turn out right and know that the Divine Mind, working
through your mind as Intuition, will guide you to your right life
Have faith in other people and express that faith daily, by
admitting them into the magic circle of your life and sharing your
life experiences with them.
Have faith in God and use prayer and meditation as golden
keys that can unlock the mystic doors to all of the secret treasures
of mind and spirit.

6. T he C osmic Key of L ove

Love is one of the most potent sources of cosmic magnetism.
When you express love in your daily life, you will radiate the
magnetism that attracts into your orbit of experience all that is
good and worthwhile in life. Love is the most sacred emotion that
man may express. Love is not mere sexual attraction, but is ex­
pressed on many planes of consciousness. There is love of family,
love of friends, love of country, love of man for woman, and love
of man for God. All forms of love release cosmic magnetism, and
when love is elevated to its highest and noblest concept, man truly
becomes Godlike and inspired. The Bible defines God in these
words: “God is love.” When you are expressing the cosmic emo­
tion of love you soar above the limitations of earth and become
truly magnificent.

How to project your cosmic magnetism to

attract and influence people
1. Cosmic magnetism must be built and projected through your
brain and personality. Magnetism flows most readily when you
hold brain patterns that are positive, dynamic, and beautiful.
If you build a mental posture of happiness, it will show in your
personal magic circle aura and people will be attracted to you like
moths to a flame.
The world may not seem to be a very happy place, but you
must find a pattern of existence that gives you joy. If you have
been in the habit of thinking the world is an ugly place and that
things are getting worse instead of better— change that unmag-
netic negative pattern of thought, and believe that cosmic intel­
ligence knows what it is doing, that the world is still a wonderful
place, and that the future is bright and fortunate.

How One Girl C hanged H er E ntire P ersonality

A girl of 22 who came to my lectures, told me that she had been
brought up by very strict parents who thought the world was
a wicked place and that mankind must suffer and be repentant
for their sins. To feel happy and gay was a sin, according to this
girl’s parents.
She seldom smiled; she felt guilt if she danced or listened to
gay music. She did not date boys for she thought this was wrong.
She saw loving, happy people all around her but she couldn’t find
the happiness that she desired.
I changed this girl’s entire personality in a short time by giving
her a regime for building her personal magnetism in the image
of radiant happiness. I made her stand before her mirror and say,
“I am happy. I love the whole world. I radiate joy to others.”
Then I gave her the complete magnetic regime to change her
I wish you could have seen the change in that girl’s face within
two weeks time! She changed so that people hardly recognized
her. But better still, at the end of six months, during which time
she actually became beautiful in her magic circle of love and

happiness, she attracted a young man who fell in love with her
and proposed marriage. She never again lost her magic circle and
finally married her young man and got away from her negative
parents, building her own magic circle of love and fulfillment.
2. Remember that your magic circle is projected in your per­
sonality and creates an aura around you which is either magnetic
or unmagnetic. To build your magnetism you must have a feeling
of importance and ego-satisfaction. This does not mean you should
act egotistically, but that you should build mental value and
project it to the outer world.
How do you build this magnetic quality in your mind2 Study
and evolve your mind. Read good books of quality, listen to
classical music that has survived. It is alright to listen to modern
music, if you do not limit your tastes to this sound alone. Look at
great art in the galleries; study philosophy, psychology, science—
any subject which can polish the facets of your mind. This process
of acculturation gives a glow to your personality, and causes your
mind to radiate value and importance to the outer world.
3. The way you speak either projects the magic circle quality
or shows your mental and emotional limitations. Avoid talking in
a nasal, high-pitched, or whining voice, for this quality makes you
unattractive to others. Try to talk in a soft, low, well-modulated
tone, which is magnetic and charming. Women, especially, must
be careful to avoid unmagnetic voices.

How H er W hining V oice D estroyed H er M arriage

To show you the vital importance of your speaking voice let me
tell you of a true-life experience with a woman who had driven
her husband away because he couldn’t stand her shrill, whining,
nasal voice. It seems like a little thing, but remember— it’s the
little things that most often break up marriages!
This woman was 30 years of age and she had been married
seven years. When she came to me for help it was already too
late to save her marriage, for her husband had left her, and
wanted a divorce. This woman spoke in a high-pitched, whining
voice that was placed high in her nose, giving it a brittle, nasal
quality. To be in her presence was a most irritating experience
for her voice gave her a constant complaining quality.

She never knew why her husband had lost interest in her; but
as she told me in her whining voice of his lack of interest and his
gradual seeking out of other women, I began to put together the
entire story. I told her that she had set the stage in her home for
irritability, nervousness, and quarrels by the mental attitude she
had. This negative approach had affected her voice, making her
talk in a highly unnatural way.
She told me, “But I always talked like this. My mother and I
have the same identical voice; it’s a family characteristic!” Then
the woman went on to tell me how her mother had also had a
broken marriage, and how as a girl she had been brought up in
an environment where constant complaining, nagging, and quar­
relling was the normal routine. She had merely copied her
mother’s pattern of negative thinking— voice and all— and this
had led to the breakup in her marriage.
I gave this girl a complete magic circle regime to follow so she
could project her mental qualities into her personality. Then I
started her on a series of exercises to give her the magic circle
voice, facial expressions, and bodily postures.
It took this woman three months to bring about noticeable
changes in her personality and in her voice— for habit patterns
were so fixed from a lifetime of negativity, that it was not easy
for her to change. Gradually, however, she began to talk in a
deeper tone of voice and she removed the whining, complaining
quality from her voice. Her face was lit up with a smiling expres­
sion, her head was carried high and proud, and she walked with
a sense of rhythm that looked as if she heard beautiful music and
kept time to it.
At the end of six months this woman’s entire social life had
changed. She thought she could never fall in love again, but when
she built her magic circle qualities, she met a man, and he fell in
love with her. He was also divorced and also came to my lectures
and knew about the magic circle, so it changed him. When these
two people met they felt a keen sense of sympathy for each other,
for their problems had been similar; they fell in love and were
married. They are still happy to this day, and that was over five
years ago.

T he M agic C ircle V oice

To acquire the magnetic low tones that attract people, sing the
word ME up and down the scale, saying the word M E-M E-M E-
M E-M E-M E, and holding the E-E-E for a few seconds. This will
help release a gentle humming sound and place your voice in the
frontal zone or mask of your face, giving it pleasant overtones
when you speak.
You can also vary the sound by singing up and down the scale;
If you can study singing, so much the better; the rhythm and
magnetism that you acquire will help you speak more perfectly
and project the magic circle quality in your entire personality.

T he Secret of the M agnetic E ye

4. Learn how to use the secret of the magnetic eye when you
talk to people you want to attract and influence.
Hold your eyes steady, and do not let them roam around the
room when talking to someone you have just met. Magnetism is
projected through the eyes and through the facial expressions.
Hold your gaze steady and look at the person with a pleasant
expression on your face, holding your eyes at a position between
the person’s eyes. As it is impossible to look at both eyes at the
same time, you can shift your eyes first to one eye, then the other,
giving the impression that you are actually looking into his eyes.
Do not stare steadily, as this is not magnetic, but break your
glance occasionally, then bring it back to the same position. Show
interest in your expression when talking to others, rather than
adopt a blank expression.
The magic circle expression requires that you smile more than
you frown, and that you show interest in what the other person
says. Allow him to make remarks without cutting in on his
thoughts. People who hog the entire conversation are seldom
magnetic or charming, as conversation should be a give-and-take
process in which both persons are able to exchange ideas.
5. Make it a point in conversing with others to build the other
person’s ego. Make him feel important. Find something in his
work or his personality that you can sincerely praise, and tell him

how you feel. People like sincere praise and respond with friendli­
ness and animation.
6. Do not openly criticize a person whom you are trying to
attract or influence. Few people can stand even honest criticism,
for it disturbs them and can often prove depressing. They are apt
to freeze up and withdraw, making it impossible to ever establish
a friendship with them. Try to see the good side to the person’s
character and ignore the defects.
7. Adopt the magic circle rhythm in the way you speak and
walk. There is a cosmic rhythm which you can express in your
personal magic circle and this is a sense of timing and projection
of rhythm which is like music. When you walk, adopt a regular
rhythm, and feel that you are listening to the strains of invisible
music. The rhythm of youth is like a three-four beat in a waltz.
You should adopt this as your rhythm in walking so you can
project the magnetism of youth in your personality.

P ositive T houghts C reate M agnetism

Magnetism flows from the higher mind centers and radiates to
the outer personality by the thoughts we think. When those
thoughts are positive and dynamic, you become more magnetic
and people feel your presence strongly.
When you habitually think negative thoughts you create the
negative polarity of magnetism, which is repulsion.
A girl I once knew who was very unpopular when she went to
parties, and had few friends, complained to me that she simply
couldn’t attract people. She was lonely and unloved, and desper­
ately wanted a social life.
She told me how she operated when she went to social gather­
ings. When she first met a person she would try to capture atten­
tion by criticizing something about the person that she did not
like. She never praised anyone; she never told a woman how
beautiful her gown was, or how attractive her new hairdo was.
Soon this girl noticed that people began to shun her, and she
sought me out for advice on this problem.
She told me in that interview, “I am 25 years old and no man
has ever so much as proposed to me. What is the matter with

I gave this girl the magic circle rules to follow and she began
to practice them daily. She began to praise people. She stopped
criticizing them, even when their faults were obvious. She became
kinder in her remarks, more considerate of the feelings of others.
Instead of wearing a superior and sarcastic expression on her face,
she practiced before a mirror until she acquired the uplifted
smiling countenance which made her look younger, more pleasant,
and happier.
Within two weeks this girl reported to me once again on her
progress, and I was amazed at the change in her appearance. She
positively beamed with the magic circle qualities. Soon men
began to date her and this girl will undoubtedly marry soon and
find the happiness she desires.
8. Stimulate your imagination when talking with people you
meet. If you are trying to make friends of them, remember to
make yourself show vital interest in them and their lives. Use
your imagination to create patterns of interesting conversation.
Try to discuss their work, their families, their hobbies, their
children. Everyone is interested in himself and his activities, and
you can project more interest if you show yourself to be aware of
their life activities.
9. It is unmagnetic to be boastful or to show off your prowess
or your possessions. It may be alright to show pride in your home
or your accomplishments, but try not to make them the center
of conversation. A magnetic person usually is modest and lets his
accomplishments and possessions speak for themselves.
10. Be sincerely interested in people, for you cannot fake this.
People sense immediately when you are patronizing or conde­
scending in your approach. To charm people be charming; to
magnetize them be vitally interested in their welfare. You will
have many friends if you radiate this quality of dynamic interest
in their welfare.
11. Make an effort to remember the names of those you meet
at social gatherings. Nothing disturbs a person more than to be
called Mr. Fox, when his name is Wolfe. If you cannot remember
names, take some kind of memory course or fix the name in your
mind by associating it with something outstanding about the

12. When you are at a party or on a plane or boat, make it a

point to introduce yourself to others. Do not wait for them to
take the first step, for sometimes people are timid and afraid to
be aggressive. They are usually as anxious to be friendly as you
are, and they will appreciate it if you take the first step.
13. One of the best ways to establish yourself as a friend to
someone is to write short thank you notes when they do something
kind, or a congratulatory letter when the person has done some­
thing deserving of recognition. Many beginning friendships are
cemented into lifelong relationships through such letters of praise
or congratulation.


1. How you can project qualities of charm, magnetism, and

beauty in your magic circle to be more attractive to
2. The invisible, magnetic brain currents which radiate in
your personality when you possess the magic circle
3. The regime for building your magic circle qualities to
attract and influence everyone you meet.
4. How a 22-year-old girl changed from a drab, mousey,
unattractive girl into a radiant, magnetic one and at­
tracted love and marriage.
5. How to create feelings of importance and ego-satisfaction
within yourself that radiate in your magic circle aura.
6. The magic circle voice that commands attention and
which magnetizes other people, causing them to do your
7. How to adopt the magic circle rhythm in walking and
look and feel ten years younger than you are.
8. Building the magic circle expression and holding people
with the magnetic, hypnotic eye.
9. How to build the other person’s ego and make him feel
important and valuable.
10. Projecting imagination in your magic circle to give you
more magnetism and charm when you meet others.

11. How women may project beauty in their magic circles,

and men may project the thought that they are handsome
and attractive.

H o w to W o r k " M i r a c l e s "
wi t h Y o u r M a g i c P o w e r Circle

You possess the power to com­

mand the cosmic mind that rules the universe and cause it to
work mircles in your own, everyday life.
Man commanded the cosmic power locked up in the invisible
atom, and he released the power of a thousand suns that can give
him immeasurable benefits for generations to come.
Man dared command the outer spaces of the cosmos to bend
to his will, and our spacemen sped to the moon and back using
cosmic magnetism and gravity to propel them at the incredible
speed of 17,000 miles per hour.
People who have a superabundance of this creative cosmic
power are called geniuses. They are able to convert cosmic mag­
netism into creative patterns of greatness and achieve magnificent
goals. These geniuses become cosmically illumined. The higher
centers of their brains release such radiant magnetism that they

change everything around them and create great things that help
advance civilization.

The three cosmic creative commands that

help you work miracles

The cosmic will is expressed through three creative commands.

When you project these three forces in your own personal magic
circle, you will release tremendous cosmic magnetism and be able
to perform seeming miracles in your life.

1. T he C osmic W ill to Be
The cosmic will to be rules your physical body; your health,
vitality, energy, and youthfulness come under its domain. It also
rules your will to succeed and to be emotionally secure.

2. T he C osmic W ill to H ave

This cosmic will to have, when expressed in your personal
magic circle, magnetizes the elements that you want in your life.
Invisible lines of magnetic force are projected outward to the
world by this cosmic will, and they attract into your life the
people, conditions, possessions, and elements that you need to
fulfill your life destiny.

3. T he C osmic W ill to Do
The cosmic will to do releases tremendous power in all depart­
ments of your life. It is the form of will that releases mental and
physical magnetism and creates vortices of magnetic energy in
your thoughts and actions. These magnetic forms of energy con­
tact the outer world and help shape events in the image of that
w hich you hold in your consciousness.

Ask what you will of your cosmic magic genie

You possess, within the hidden, secret places of your innermost

being, a magic genie, that is capable of carrying out your creative
commands in the outer world.
You can give this magic genie any instructions you wish, and
it will release the cosmic magnetism of your brain and body cells

and cause you to be superhuman in your personality and achieve­

You can trigger tremendous stores of cosmic magnetism for
every purpose in life by invoking the power of this cosmic magic
As your thoughts release magnetism and electricity to the brain
and body cells, they will be stimulated at all times with creative
energy, causing you to work without fatigue or effort.
The cosmic will to have, to be, and to do, must be invoked
daily, in a regime of magnetic action that embraces every sphere
of action. You will literally be able to command and control the
highest creative power in the universe— the cosm ic will, which
created all things and can help you create your own world of
splendor and achievement.
Cosmic will drove this boy into becoming an architect
An example of how this cosmic will works when we use it
creatively, concerned a young man I knew who wanted to be an
architect. His father was a lawyer and he naturally wanted his
son to follow in his footsteps, as most fathers do. The boy stub­
bornly insisted that he wanted to become an architect, and his
father told him he would not pay for his college education if he
did not study law.
The young man stubbornly clung to his dream however, and
when he was ready for college he worked nights as a waiter, made
his own money, worked during summer vacations, and was able
to send himself through Cornell University, where he took a
course in architecture.
This young man finished his course, took a job in a large firm
in New York City, and soon began making his mark as one of the
most advanced and progressive architects in the city. He faces a
brilliant future and now his father is proud of him because he
achieved his education without help from anyone. If the boy had
become a lawyer, he might have been an inferior one, but as an
architect he has the creative fire and inspiration which assures
him of a great future.
You can project your magic circle power in waves of magnetism

to the minds and bodies of other people; you can charm and
attract them, and they will do your bidding.
You can become the center of potent and magnetic wavelengths
of power, which emanate from the magic circle of your mind,
body, and soul, and which embrace other people with warmth,
love, and affection. You will appear irresistible and alluring to
others. You will be able to command and control the actions of
other people, without their being aware of the tremendous power
you are using.

The regime to release magic circle commands

for everyday miracles in your life

1. Every day of your life you must invoke the creative and
magnetic power of your will. All the energies of your mind and
body are summoned to do your bidding when you command these
higher creative centers of your brain.
The cosmic magnetism of outer space flows in tidal waves of
dynamic power through every living thing in the universe.
You have the power to summon vast quantities of this cosmic
magnetism by exercising your God-given will to experience a
rewarding life, health, and happiness.
There are seven cosmic channels through which you can ex­
press this dynamic cosmic will. You can channel power to your
life through any of these forms of will.
You can perform seeming miracles by commanding the power
of the cosmic mind to express itself through one of these channels.
Every genius whose life I studied used one of these seven avenues
of creative expression to achieve his fame and fortune.

A. The will to live.

B. The will to be healthy.
C. The will to love.
D. The will to succeed.
E. The will to be friendly and sociable.
F. The will to create beauty for others.
G. The will to be happy.

2. Each day of your life start the creative flow of cosmic power
by giving your higher mind these commands. They will tend to

summon up vast stores of reserve power and energy which will

help you achieve fulfillment of your desires:
I will my body to release life force and energy to k e ep m e
strong, healthy, and vital. I project now the m agic circle p ow er o f
life and express that life force in positive thoughts and acts. I
com m and the cells o f my brain and b od y to b e filled w ith life
energy and cosm ic pow er and h ea l m e o f any and all disturbances.
I will m yself to b e loving and kin d to everyone I m eet. I shall
attract love and kindness in return.
I will my higher m ind to give m e success and accom plishm ent
in everything I do this day. I think success and am successful.
I release friendly thoughts and w ords to others and am, in turn
befrien d ed . I am m agnetic and charm ing and others find m e
1 express the will to create beauty in my life that will reach out
and bless the lives o f those w ho tou ch my life.
I radiate happiness, and the will to b e joyous will com m unicate
to other p eo p le creating w avelengths o f happiness and joy every­
w here I go.
3. Use the power of your creative imagination to change the
situations you cannot control or will into existence. As you create
in your imagination, so you will externalize in your outer circum­
stances of life. Indulge in the art of Fantasia— the ability to re­
create the situations of life that are not to your liking, into mental
and spiritual equivalents which reflect happiness and perfection.
4. Add the spiritual plus to every situation in life that is un­
fortunate or unfavorable. Literally command the forces of life to
bend to your will, and refuse to yield to negative situations or
circumstances. When you see an ugly situation, add the spiritual
plus of beauty; when you see someone acting in an unkind way,
mentally add the spiritual plus of friendship; when you contact
hatred, add the spiritual plus of love; if there is lack and limitation
and you need more money, mentally add the spiritual plus of

How a W oman of 60 W as H ealed T hrough T his Regime

A woman I know who had lost her husband, around whom
her fife revolved, was rapidly becoming sick and old in appear­

ance. She was 60 years of age, and when she came into my
lectures she frankly told me she had no reason for living and had
lost her energy and zest for life.
She had developed many physical complaints, could not eat,
had pains and aches, and felt that soon she would die.
I gave this woman a daily regime which consisted of expressing
the will to live. Every day she repeated the positive magic circle
statements, implementing the will to live, to be healthy, to love,
to succeed, to be friendly, and to be happy.
By concentrating her complete mental power on these positive
forces she was able to convert the negative will to be sick, to be
old and to die, into its opposite, positive polarity to be healthy,
to be young and to live.
Soon this woman was functioning daily without pain. She found
work in a foundling home, where she gave and received the love
of little children. She radiated happiness and in turn was made
happy. In radiating the spiritual plus of service, good, love, and
health, she was healed completely in three months time, and was
like a changed being. She is now on the road to supremely happy
5. Meet the challenges of life instead of trying to escape from
them. Exert the magic circle power of will that radiates from
your higher mind, and express the dynamic power of your will
through creative commands that can alter the situation, or make
it possible for you to live with it with more peace of mind and
inner tranquility.
6. Give creative commands in a subtle way to those with whom
you work or live, causing them to want to help you, to cooperate
with you, to yield to your will. But first be sure that you are only
expressing the creative commands that are for the good of others
as well as for yourself.

A Salesman W ho W ouldn’t T ake “NO” for an Answer

A real estate salesman who was using the wrong approach to
selling homes, once told me of his failure. He couldn’t understand
why he was making so few sales. “I tell them how important it is
that I make a sale, that I won’t keep my job if I don’t and that my
wife and children are desperately in need of help,” he told me.

Then he went on and said how he tried to force the sale on the
customers, and how few of them bought the homes.
I told him to change his entire approach to selling. To use his
magic circle power and creative commands, but in a subtle and
appealing way emotionally. He changed his story from telling
about himself and how desperately he needed to make a sale, to
a type of approach which stressed the importance to the person
of buying that particular home. He used such sentences as: “This
house is ideal for you and your family. The neighborhood is quiet
and the people around here will make good neighbors and friends.
It is peaceful and quiet and your children will have a pleasant and
healthy environment in which to mature. This is the type of dream
home you must have wanted all your life— now it is yours!”
This positive approach placed the person in a positive position
with regard to the future home. It conditioned his mind to the
benefits he would derive from buying it. The salesman and his
problems were completely left out of the situation, and the
prospective customer was shown how he could benefit by buying
the house.
This salesman soon became so successful that he branched out
and opened his own real estate office, employing several salesmen.
Today he is one of the top salesmen in that field.
7. Use cosmic programming to obtain maximum benefits in
your life. Your higher mind is like a modern computer. It records
everything it sees, hears, reads, or is told. Like the magic circle
genie of the lamp, it has all power— all knowledge— all intel­
ligence within its structure. You should spend at least half an
hour a day in programming your future events. You can write
down these positive programs and keep the list where you can
read it at least twice a day. Change the list whenever you need to,
and add other commands to it.
8. Express the cosmic will to have in your life daily. Instead of
seeing the world as a barren place, in which only a few fortunate
people have all the wealth, change your mental law of attraction
and visualize an abundance in every department of your life.
Know that cosmic mind is generous and wants you to have health,
happiness, wealth, and peace of mind.

How a man became rich when he invoked the

cosmic will to have

An example of how this cosmic will to have can make one rich,
is that of a man and his wife who came to my lectures in Los
Angeles some years ago. This man was a construction worker, and
he had developed a chronic bronchial ailment, which had become
so serious he could no longer work.
This man and his wife had come to some of my lectures and
had absorbed some of the philosophy of the magic power circle.
One day he told me that he had to stop working and go to a dry,
hot climate for his lung condition. He said, “We’re going to live
somewhere in the desert in a trailer we own. When I get better
we ll be back.”
It was not until three years later that I met this couple once
again. They told me their amazing story, and frankly admitted
that they were under the influence of Divine Guidance when they
carried out their plan.
They had gone to a place in the desert near Los Angeles called
Palm Springs, which was not too heavily populated in those days.
The man had his savings and some insurance money to fall back
on. They lived reasonably in their small trailer and began to prac­
tice the principles of cosmic magnetism which he had learned in
my lectures. There in the peace and tranquility of the desert, he
began to come close to nature. He walked beneath the startlit
heavens at night, and his soul became in tune to the cosmic
rhythm of the soul of the universe. He said that a sense of great
serenity and peace came over him.
He gave himself the creative cosmic commands he had learned
in my lectures, and directed the healing currents of the cosmos to
heal his sick body. Soon he was energetic and active. He suddenly
got the idea of buying a small plot of ground to build a house on.
Then he saw other lots that he liked and he began to put small
deposits on this land, until finally he owned several acres of
empty, desert land.
His wife was frantic, for she saw no value in that desert land,
but some strange, inner compulsion made this man continue to
invest in as much land as he could afford.
Within the next three years there was a tremendous boom in

Palm Springs; land prices went sky high, and this man, who had
found the cosmic power of creative life in the desert, became
enormously rich overnight! Now he lives in a beautiful home in
Palm Springs, which has become a playland of the rich, owns a
fine motel, has two strong, healthy children, and he and his wife
have found the miracles of health, wealth, and inner contentment.

1. How you can command and control the cosmic forces

which created you and choose any pattern which you
wish to create for your future.
2. The three cosmic creative commands that can help you
work the miracles of health, wealth, and happiness in
your life.
3. The cosmic will to b e and how to release its magnetism
in your life.
4. The cosmic will to have and how to express it in your
daily life.
5. The cosmic will to do and how to release its magnetism
to shape your world in the image of the things you desire
in life.
6. Your magic genie and how it can help you build cosmic
magnetism to attract the things you desire in life.
7. How a young man became an architect through using
and expressing these forms of cosmic will.
8. How you can involve in consciousness the cosmic mag­
netism that flows in time and space and shapes the
invisible world.
9. The seven cosmic channels of building magnetism to give
you the will for health, love, success, happiness, and
10. How the spiritual plus of life can magnetize situations
and make them positive and constructive.
11. How a 60-year-old woman used this magnetic regime to
reform a sick existence.
12. Cosmic programming, the method for channelling cosmic
magnetism to every act of your life.
13. How a woman became rich by invoking the cosmic will
to have more abundance.

H o w to Set Y o u r Cosmi c T i m e
Cl ock to A c h i e v e a
Great Destiny

You can control many events of

the future when you learn one of the greatest secrets of cosmic
There is a cosmic time clock which causes the universe to
operate under laws of perfect order and harmony. Nothing comes
too early or too late in this universal rhythm of the cosmos!
There is a vast cosmic intelligence which works in all of nature.
This cosmic mind also works through your mind, and it regulates
and controls your conscious and subconscious minds. This cosmic
intelligence works under the impetus of your own will and is
influenced by your desires.
You have the power to set this cosmic time clock for the various
events that you want to take place in your life. When you know

how this cosmic mechanism works, you will realize that it is like
a giant electronic computer— when you feed certain data into a
modern computer, it can automatically trigger certain results,
which would take many men weeks to deduce.
See how this cosmic time clock works in nature. The seed is
planted in the spring; it is harvested in the fall. Summer is the
period of its growth and maturity; winter is the season of rest
and preparation for another springtime.
The moon and earth rotate in their orbits around the sun on a
time schedule of perfect cosmic order. The billions of planets in
our universe are held up in space by magnetism, and rotate in
their spheres without ever varying in their courses. In fact, astron­
omers can predict where these planets will be 100 or 1000 years
from this moment.
The law of cosmic improvisation
This cosmic mind works under definite laws, which man may
also duplicate and use. The law of cosmic improvisation provides
for all elements in nature to evolve to their perfect stage of
growth and maturity. A chick matures in an egg without outside
aid— guided by the computerlike intelligence of a cosmic mind,
it produces feathers, beak, brain, heart, and lungs in the incredibly
short time of 21 days. Then, when this period of incubation is
over, the cosmic mind triggers a miraculous computer of the
universe which tells the chick, “Peck your way out of that shell
and live!”
The great miracle is not that the chick is born in 21 days but
that cosmic intelligence knew enough to provide fo o d in the egg
that could create the perfect chick. What a cosmic miracle this is!
Your destiny is set by the cosmic time clock

You have it within your power to set this cosmic time clock to
produce the type of destiny you desire.
This same dynamic creative power of cosmic mind is within
your own mind, body, and soul. It can schedule events which you
want to occur in your life; it takes care of your growth and evolve-
ment; it knows your mental and physical needs and rushes to meet

those needs—when you once master the simple laws of cosmic

However, if you violate the cosmic laws and interfere with the
perfect functioning of this cosmic time clock, your life force is
short-circuited and the cosmic mind cannot perform its miracles
for you.
Two examples show how man may interfere with this cosmic
In Germany several thousand pregnant women took a drug that
caused their children to be born without normal limbs.
Gardeners can produce perfect stunted miniature trees by
wrapping wire around the main trunk, where the branches jut off
it, and thereby curtail the flow of life force to the branches.
In a similar manner people restrict and divert the cosmic mag­
netism that could cause them to be healthy, successful, happy,
and rich. They fill their minds with negative emotions, which
act as chemical poisons, stultifying the flow of cosmic intelligence
to their brain and body cells. Thoughts of fear, worry, hate,
revenge, jealousy, anger, intolerance, and greed, are such destruc­
tive forces that account for most of the illnesses that plague the
human race.
Cosmic laws of cause and effect
Cosmic magnetism flows earthward from our solar system, con­
trolled and directed by a great cosmic mind, which man worships
as God. This cosmic intelligence has set the cosmic time clock
of your own life to bring you rich rewards throughout every
season of your life— just as this power works in the realm of
Youth is for growth, education, and preparation for family life.
Maturity is for marriage, rearing a family, maturing one’s gifts,
and engaging in productive work. Middle age is for intellectual
growth, accumulation of spiritual treasures, and the development
of inspiration and culture. The wintertime of life is a spiritual
preparation for the cosmic journey into the mystical realms of
time and space for the beginning of another great cosmic adven­

How to set your cosmic time clock for immediate

and future benefits
You can set your personal cosmic time clock for all the present
and future benefits that you desire. You can begin now to shape
the events of your future destiny and enjoy health, happiness,
riches, and love-fulfillment every day of your life, as part of your
natural cosmic heritage.
You will learn how to set your cosmic time clock for good things
and they will pour forth from the cosmic cornucopia and bless
your life with good.
You can now set this cosmic time clock for success and fame,
social prestige and recognition, love and marriage— and the in­
visible magnetic pulsations of your brain will trigger the great
cosmic computer that controls all life, showering you with every
good and wonderful thing that you desire.
You have the power to project a certain sum of money into this
cosmic time clock and you will so magnetize your own magic
circle aura, that it will transmit your desire for money into dy­
namic pulsations of radarlike power which will tend to materialize
that money or its equivalent value.

How a man projected $ 2 7 ,0 0 0

One man who studied with me in New York, projected to the
cosmic mind through this method the desire for $27,000 he
needed to pay off his mortgage. He wanted to clear his home so
he and his wife could retire on his pension when he reached the
age of retirement. He knew of no way to raise that large amount,
but he had a confident expectation that the cosmic mind w ould
find a way to provide for his needs.
Within three months this man received a notice that a highway
was being built where his home stood and that condemnation
proceedings had started, which would cause him to give up his
At first he was distressed by the news and began to think that
something had gone wrong with his cosmic timetable. Then he
remembered a quotation he had heard at one of my lectures.

God works in a mysterious way,

His wonders to perform.
He sets His footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.
He suddenly realized that in some mysterious way this con­
demnation action would be the fulfillment of his cosmic desire for
the money.
Within a few months time this man was given the sum of
$54,000 for his property— the full amount he owed on the mort­
gage and a substantial profit over what he had paid for the
property 20 years before!

How to set your cosmic time clock for

the tilings you desire
1. To set your personal cosmic time clock for the destiny you
desire, enter the inner realm— the fourth-dimensional realm where
dreams are made. Remove your thoughts from the outer world
of reality, confusion, war, and discord, by closing your eyes and
saying to yourself, “Peace, be still, and know that I am God.”
When you repeat this statement a few times, a sense of inner
stillness will come over you and your mental forces will be in
equilibrium with the cosmic forces of order, harmony, and
2. Mentally concentrate on cosmic forces rather than on earthly
things, such as money, jobs, physical love, or objects. Try to put
into your higher mind thoughts of beauty, good, spiritual love,
truth, happiness, charity, and idealism. Raise the level of your
vibrations as high as you can, until you achieve the rhythm of
the cosmic soul of the universe, which works on this high plane
of spiritual action.
3. Mentally visualize your magic circle power radiating about
your body like an aura of golden light. Hold in your mind’s eye
the picture of the sun, riding high in the heavens, radiating its
magic circle of dynamic power, and sending to earth a vibrant
stream of creative life energy. You are like that golden sun; serene
in the divine center of your magic circle of dynamic power, you

are now projecting to the cosmic intelligence the master blueprint

which you wish to have it carry out for you.
4. Now that the level of your concentration has reached a point
of exhilaration and ecstasy, you are ready to begin the work of
transmitting to the cosmic time clock the events that you wish it
to set into motion for your own life.
5. Repeat the following positive statements aloud or to your­
self, saying each one several times, until you feel the sense of
power and command which the words imply.
I am now in tune w ith the cosm ic intelligence w hich created
the universe and all therein.
I control the creative pow er o f my m ind and now project to the
cosm ic intelligence the directions w hich I w ish it to carry out on
my behalf.
I wish to set the cosm ic tim e clock for the events that m ake up
the pattern o f my destiny.
I desire creative m ental gifts w hich will increase my m ental and
intellectual capacity.
1 w ish to project in my personality a sense o f dynam ic pow er,
m agnetism , and com m and w hich will cause others to be attracted
to m e and do m y bidding.
6. When you have set the cosmic time clock in this general way
for your future well-being, you may program into this higher mind
the specific events, sums of money, persons, conditions, objects,
and experiences that you want to transpire in your life.

How a W oman U sed T his P ower to M eet

a C ertain M an
One woman who came to my lectures in New York City, pro­
grammed into her cosmic blueprint of destiny that she wished to
meet a certain type of man. She wrote down the qualities he
must possess; that he would fall in love with her; that he would
be of high character, honest, kind, idealistic, and spiritual. She
told me later, that she thought, even as she wrote these conditions
in her cosmic blueprint of destiny that she found her conscious
mind thinking they were impossible. However, she removed the
negative charge from her consciousness and began to visualize

this unknown man coming into her orbit of experience, falling in

love with her and marrying her.
In her blueprint of romantic fulfillment this woman had even
labelled the type of man she wanted to meet as being a lawyer!
Now there would hardly be a chance in a million that she would
attract a man who would have all the sterling qualities she de­
manded of a future mate and also be in the legal profession.
After the woman had done her cosmic projection of her blue­
print, she had implicit faith that cosmic intelligence would know
how to bring about her meeting with such a man. She waited
expectantly for the event to occur as she had pictured it.
A few weeks later an elderly aunt of hers, who knew she was
in the business world, as secretary to an executive in a manufac­
turing firm, asked her if she would find a lawyer for her, as she
had some legal problems about which she needed advice. The girl
got busy and telephoned several acquaintances, asking them to
recommend a good lawyer. Finally one of her business associates
told her of a young lawyer, who had recently opened offices in her
building, and who would probably be good, as he was trying to
build his practice.
The girl went with her aunt on the first interview' with the
young attorney, and, she later told me, the moment she saw the
personable, pleasant young man behind his desk, something
within her clicked and it was like a voice saying, “This is the
man you are going to marry!”
From that moment on events seemed to be taken right out of
her hands. She saw the young man several times. After being sure
that he w^as single, and that he wras serious about her, she kept
the picture in her mind that they would one day be married. After
three months, during which time they went steady, he proposed
marriage— and she said, he even used the words that she had
begun to project in her mental blueprint!
Today this couple is happily married and have two children.
They are ideally mated, and this girl is convinced that some
higher cosmic mind took over after she had projected her request
for a suitable husband.
7. Do not be afraid to put into this cosmic time clock of your
future many different things that you want to materialize. Re­

member, it is able to create everything that the universe needs

and uses, and you are a part of the universe, and your needs will
also be met. Ask for talents to unfold, such as painting, writing,
music, singing, and designing— I know many artists, musicians,
poets, and other creative artists, who depend on this cosmic intel­
ligence for their inspiration. Simply ask this higher power to
make you a channel for its creative spirit to manifest through, and
then sit quietly in periods of development, waiting for the Divine
Inspiration to flow.

How a M echanic B ecame a Singer

A man of 30, who used to come to my lectures and who learned
of this magic circle power, had always wanted to become a singer,
but he met with the usual discouraging remarks from his friends
and family. He worked as a garage mechanic, was married, and
had two children. It was no time to give up his steady job for
something so speculative. But when he became convinced that
he could motivate his destiny through using the cosmic higher
mind, he began the regime for communicating with this power.
Within six months time, after studying voice with a teacher of
popular singing, he was led by this higher mind to make a contact
with one of the leading television shows that presented new
talent. He sang a song that he had composed, and it was well
received. Soon he was appearing on other shows, and then en­
gagements began coming in for nightclub appearances; soon he
had worked out a suitable act with jokes and talk in between
songs. Now this young man, who didn’t seem to have a chance a
few months ago, is recording for one of the big companies and
has a bright future ahead of him.
When you once release your inner dreams and desires to this
higher cosmic intelligence, and set that cosmic time clock, your
destiny seems to seek you out with less effort than it would nor­
mally take to succeed.
8. To communicate with this cosmic intellgience in simple,
direct language, write down lists of things you want it to do for
you. Have a daily program, in which you put down the events you
wish to transpire for that day. Do not worry if they do not always
occur exactly the way you put them down, for the cosmic mind

knows better than you how these things should occur. The main
thing is for you to project the pattern to the cosmic intelligence
and it will arrange events to suit the timetable of your particular
Events that may take a longer time to occur, should be fed into
the cosmic computer with expectation that they will mature in
your life according to schedule.
Have a one-year program; a five-year program, and one for
long-range activities, covering every period of your life.
If you put into this cosmic computer the sum of one million
dollars, remember, it will take more than a month or two to ma­
terialize that large sum of money. For this cosmic intelligence
works under natural laws and cannot set aside universal laws just
to meet your needs. If you want larger sums of money, begin with
a small sum— one that is easy for you to conceive, such as $1000—
then gradually, as you build your faith and confidence in this
power, ask for bigger sums, until you finally have set into motion
the law of cosmic acceleration, which can speed things up and
give you the rewards you ask for in much shorter time.
9. Use cosmic activators to help the flow of creative power from
the cosmic mind to your creative mind centers. These cosmic
activators should be defined clearly in your mind. Some of these

A. Your desire to help your family, educate your children,

furnish your family with a better home or more security.
B. An unselfish desire to help evolve the world towards peace
and the elimination of war.
C. A creative desire to give beauty to the world through
your own creative actions.
D. A desire for a large fortune so you can establish a scholar­
ship for orphans, or build a hospital wing, or help service­
men who have given so much for their country. When
great men make fortunes, such as Carnegie or Rockefeller,
they usually create foundations to help the world.
E. A desire to grow culturally, intellectually, and spiritually,
so you will be able to benefit the world and better serve

10. Set your personal magic circle rhythm to the cosmic rhythm,
so the cosmic time clock will automatically tick off the events and
situations that will form the tapestry of your destiny. There is a
cosmic rhythm of peace; live your life in a pattern of peace.
Overcome temper and anger and hate.
There is a cosmic rhythm of beauty; reflect beauty in your per­
sonality, your environment, your clothing, and your grooming.
Speak in words that convey beautiful images, not ugly ones.
There is a cosmic rhythm of good. God is good. Act and think
in patterns of goodness and you will reflect this cosmic good in
your own life and people will react to you with goodness.
There is a cosmic rhythm of love in the universe; act out this
pattern in your own relationships with others. Be loving, kind,
merciful, and compassionate, and you will in turn magnetize this
divine emotion and attract love.
There is a cosmic rhythm of happiness; we see it in every cell of
the universe. If you removed warring humanity from the face of
the earth there would be eternal peace, and the cosmic rhythm
of happiness would express itself in all nature. Each day strive
to duplicate this cosmic pattern of happiness, and express joy to
everyone you meet. When there are events of sadness or tragedy,
try to convert them into joyous ones by seeing the spiritual lesson
back of the event.
There is a cosmic rhythm of creative action in all the cells of
the universe. Strive to keep your brain and body cells working in
this rhythm. In the science of geriatrics, dealing with the proc­
esses of aging, scientists found that people who literally retire at
the age of 65 or earlier, die within three to five years! The cosmic
blueprint of dynamic action is in all living cells. When a thing
ceases to be useful, nature causes it to disintegrate. Set the rhythm
of health, youth, and long life by creative mental and physical
activity until you are 100 years of age or more!


1. How the cosmic time clock works to make your dreams
come true, and how you can attune yourself to this
cosmic plan.
2. The dynamic creative power that is within you and how

it can make you a mental giant and bring you a great

3. The negative forces that work to upset the schedule of
your cosmic time clock, creating, failure, poverty, sick­
ness, and misery in life.
4. The cosmic tide in your affairs that can lead you on to
achieve fame, fortune, love, happiness, and fulfillment.
5. How one man set his cosmic time clock to project the sum
of $27,000 and attracted double that amount.
6. You can communicate your instructions, desires, and
commands to the cosmic mind and cause it to transmit all
your requests into creative action and fulfillment in your
7. The regime for setting your cosmic time clock in the
fourth-dimensional realm where dreams are made.
8. The cosmic commands to give the cosmic mind in order
to create a golden stream of positive events that can
enrich your future life.
9. How one woman projected a desire to meet a certain man
who would marry her, and how it came to pass.
10. You can use the law of cosmic acceleration to speed up
the process of attracting into your orbit the things you
11. The magic circle rhythm that can put you in tune with
the same cosmic rhythm as the soul of the universe,
causing your life to vibrate with peace, beauty, good,
and abundance.

H o w to R e j u v e n a t e Y o u r M i n d
and Body w i t h Dynamic
Cosmi c R h y t h m Cycl es

T h e re is a d y n am ic co sm ic
rhythm in the universe which flows throughout every cell and
atom of the cosmos.
This cosmic magnetism crystallizes under the impetus of a
Divine Will into billions of different forms. We see this cosmic
rhythm in the delicacy of a snowflake or fern; in the convolutions
of the nautilus seashell and in the profusion of trees, flowers, and
fruits of nature.
When nothing interferes with this flow of dynamic cosmic
music, it continues to create patterns of useful and productive
products which man may enjoy.
You have been given the power to conduct these dynamic and
creative forms of cosmic rhythm into creative patterns in your
brain and body cells. You can use these cosmic rhythm cycles to

rejuvenate your mind and body. You can overcome fatigue and
build tremendous reserves of energy that will keep you healthy
and vital all your life.
This process of rejuvenation and regeneration should be a daily
exercise, so as to keep the negative elements of fatigue, stress,
and age from corroding the body and creating conditions of debil­
ity and illness.

Let there be light! The first cosmic command

The first dynamic cosmic command given in the Bible, that
started the entire creative process of life is given in Genesis 1,
verses 1 to 4.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And
the earth was without form, and void: and darkness was upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face
of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God
saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from
the darkness.
With that first dynamic cosmic command, tremendous forces of
atomic power and cosmic magnetism were released to the uni­
verse. All creation follows in the path of such dynamic cosmic

Man commanded the elements and he reached the moon

When man learned how to use this power of cosmic command
over the dynamic cosmic magnetism of the universe, he was able
to command the elements of time and space and reach the moon.
Man grew wings and was able to fly, when he learned how to
harness this creative power of cosmic magnetism.
Man split the atom and released the dynamic power of the
cosmos to do his bidding, when he learned how to work with the
dynamic cosmic rhythm cycles that are back of all matter.

Your creative commands can create new worlds for you

You can use these dynamic cosmic rhythm cycles to change
your world and create new and wonderful things for your future.

You can rejuvenate your mind and body by harnessing these

dynamic cosmic rhythm cycles in your own life.
You can literally command the invisible cosmic force and mag­
netism to do anything you desire and it will work for you under
cosmic laws that are as unchanging as gravity, which keeps our
planets spinning in their orbits around the sun.
Light is synonymous with cosmic magnetism or power. When
you release the creative light of cosmic magnetism in your brain
and body cells, tremendous cosmic whirlpools of energy are re­
leased that can work miracles for you.

The magnetic properties of light

Light possesses mystic and magnetic properties which science

is just now beginning to understand.
When potatoes are stored in a dark basement, if there is a
crack in the wall or a small window that admits light, the potatoes
will send out sprouts, and they will invariably turn in the direction
of that beam of light. They are motivated by the invisible cosmic
rhythm cycles of the universe which gave them life, and they
instinctively turn to their source of life and power.
Sunflowers will follow the cosmic magnetism of the sun all day.
In the morning their faces are turned towards the east, where the
sun rises. All day they turn to follow the sun. At night they face
the west, where they absorb the last, lingering rays of the cosmic
light of the sun.
You can increase the dynamic cosmic rhythm
cycles of your brain and body
You have been given the power to increase the cosmic rhythm
cycles of your brain and body and absorb the golden light of
cosmic magnetism in every atom and cell.
When you use the positive rhythm cycles of cosmic magnetism
and build this power, you will be rejuvenated every moment of
your life. You can overcome the gravity pull of age, sickness,
fatigue, and negative emotions by building this cosmic magnetism
through a regime of thinking, breathing, and exercising.

How to use cosmic magnetism to rejuvenate

your mind anti body

1. Cosmic magnetism is the life force that exists in the atmo­

sphere all about you. It is in every breath that you draw; it is in
your brain and body cells, giving you the power of dynamic life
and action. Your first act in life was to breathe, and with that first
breath you began the dynamic cosmic rhythm cycle which con­
tinues the rest of your life.
B e aw are o f your breathing in regular periods of daily exercise.
Breathe deeply, and hold the breath for a count of five, giving
yourself creative suggestions as you breathe.
As you exhale the breath say aloud:

I am releasing cosmic magnetism in every cell of my brain and

I establish the cosmic rhythm of life in my brain and body cells.
I now com m and the forces of life to do my bidding.
I am life. I am joy. I am health. I am good.

How C osmic B reathing H elped H enry R. to Success

When I met Henry R. he was in desperate need of help. He

was a used car salesman, married, and the father of two children.
He had a weak, vacillating type of personality, and was so unmag-
netic that he could hardly make a sale in his work. The other
salesmen were all outselling him, and the manager was just about
to drop Henry R. from the payroll, when he sought me out for
I found that the reason Henry R. was so unmagnetic was be­
cause he breathed only with the upper half of his lungs. Also he
was an excessive smoker, which made him highly nervous and
lacking in energy and drive.
I gave him a magic circle regime to completely rebuild his
personality, with the addition of regular cosmic breathing ex­
ercises, which he was to do every half hour while he worked.
No one was aware of this, for he seemed to breathe perfectly
naturally, with only this difference: whereas he had been breath­

ing with only the upper part of his lungs, I showed him how to
breathe with his full lung capacity, allowing the cosmic mag­
netism to flow throughout his bloodstream while he held his
breath for a count of five. This he did for ten or 15 times and
then relaxed completely.
I also told him to repeat creative cosmic commands to himself
all day when he had a few moments idle time. These were simple,
short statements: I am life. I am joy. I am health. I am now
magnetic and dynamic. I will myself to make more sales. You will
buy from me. I like you—you will like me.
Henry R. began to notice changes immediately. He had more
energy; the first day he sold three cars. The next week he was
kept by the manager, for his boss noticed the amazing change in
Henry R, In a few weeks time this man slowed down his smok­
ing, for with his deep, magnetic breathing he found he did not
need the stimulus of cigarettes and I know that soon he will not
need them at all. Henry R. is on the way to a lifetime of success,
health, and happiness because he learned these simple secrets for
increasing his cosmic magnetism.
2. Set up these dynamic cosmic rhythm cycles in your daily
activities. When you walk, do so with a sense of rhythm and feel
that you are walking to imaginary music. You need not walk
rapidly but you should keep the pace even and not allow yourself
to adopt a broken rhythm, for this leads to fatigue and gives you
the posture of age. The posture of youth is to keep the head erect,
as if wearing a crown; the spine should be straight, without being
too stiff or rigid; the breathing should be deep and diaphrag­
matic, not shallow. Cosmic magnetism flows when you adopt a
regular rhythm to your walk.
3. Establish dynamic cosmic rhythm cycles in your mind and
body by keeping your emotions positive. Negative emotions short-
circuit cosmic magnetism and establish broken rhythms in the
brain and body cells which lead to sickness, accident, and prema­
ture old age. The positive emotions are: optimism, joy, love, good­
ness, compassion, charity, and idealism. The negative emotions
that should be avoided are: fear, hate, worry, greed, selfishness,
revenge, jealousy, and anger.

How a H ousewife R evitalized H er B ody T hrough

B uilding C osmic M agnetism
Myrtle B. was a housewife with three children who complained
constantly of chronic fatigue and vague pains and aches, for which
there was no physical cause.
In her first interview with me she told me she was constantly
irritable and highly nervous. She lost her temper and lashed out
at her children without cause. Her husband complained and had
grown cold emotionally. She suspected he was seeing another
woman. She was on the verge of a complete breakdown mentally
and physically when she sought me out.
I discovered the cause of this woman’s terrific maladjustment.
She had lost the cosmic rhythm of love, because she had become
so caught up in the daily routine of irritating problems and
material details of living. She did nothing about building her
fund of cosmic magnetism, and her continued nervousness and
irritability led her to act in such a way that her husband could
not respond emotionally to her. This had led her to become sloppy
in the house, and her work was so excessive she had no time for
personal grooming. Her voice had become an irritating, complain­
ing whine, which shattered all her personal magnetism.
It took three months for Myrtle B. to rebuild her cosmic mag­
netism and overcome many of her personal faults. She worked on
the regime I gave her: cosmic breathing; keeping positive emo­
tions of joy, love, compassion, idealism, good, peace, and beauty-
the magnetic emotions; she did her magnetic tensing exercises
daily. Soon she had adopted a completely new philosophy of
magnetic positiveness to replace the negative one she originally
had built up. Her husband soon noticed this difference in her
personality and began to respond more emotionally. Mrytle B. is
on the way to achieving a happy and complete destiny.
4. Keep the dynamic cosmic rhythm cycles flowing through
your brain and body cells by toning your muscles with magnetic
tensing. This means that you should exercise daily, tightening the
muscles of the entire body as you breathe deeply, and then after
a count of five, relax the body completely. You can start this

magnetic tensing with the head and shoulder muscles, and

gradually work on down to the chest, arms, abdomen, thighs, and
legs, until every muscle in your body has received a thorough
magnetic tensing. If you will watch a cat stretch, you will see
the principle of magnetic tensing at work. The act of tensing the
muscles helps release fatigue and age acids into the bloodstream,
where they are flushed out with the fresh intake of oxygen and
magnetism which you inhale through your dynamic breathing.
5. Establish the dynamic cosmic rhythm cycles in your daily
habits and actions. Order and harmony are the first laws of the
universe. The stars obey these imperative cosmic commands and
remain always in their orbits, never deviating from their magnetic
Have rhythm in your life cycles; have regularity in your daily
activities. Rise at a certain time in the morning; have your break­
fast; plan your day; set up your schedule for business appoint­
ments; regulate your social life, your entertainment, your financial
affairs; budget your time, as well as your money; have a plan for
the next five years, and then make another plan for the five years
By establishing this cosmic continuity in your life you will be
working with the dynamic cosmic rhythm cycles of the universe
and your life will reflect order, harmony, and growth.
People who fail to adopt this type of cosmic rhythm live in a
fog of perpetual confusion and are not able to command the forces
of life to do their bidding.
6. Adopt the dynamic cosmic rhythm cycles in the outflow of
your mental magnetism. Strive to remain poised and in control of
your nervous energy at all times. People who are highly nervous,
and have certain mannerisms, such as toying with keys or gloves,
who do not keep their eyes steady, but glance nervously around
a room when talking to someone— usually destroy their magnetism
and are weak and vacillating. The magnetic person keeps his eyes
steady, without blinking excessively, and controls the movements
of his hands, feet, and body at all times. Nervous magnetism is
kept in reserve and gives a sense of lambent power and dynamic
energy at all times.

This man was a failure until he learned the secret

of controlling nervousness

Laurence P. was a highly nervous person, who toyed with keys

when people talked to him. In his office, where he had a job as a
personnel manager, he played with a paper knife when interview­
ing applicants for jobs. He did not look at his prospective em­
ployees, but his eyes roamed around the room and he acted as
though he was relieved when they had filled out their applications
and left.
During the day he was so impatient for the time to pass that he
looked at his wrist watch at least 100 times a day. It became such
a nervous mannerism that others noticed it. While he sat in my
office, he glanced at his wrist watch at least ten times.
Naturally Laurence P. could not build and store cosmic mag­
netism with such highly nervous mannerisms. His voice was high-
pitched and strained; his expression was fretful and worried; and
when promotions came up, Laurence P. was overlooked in favor
of other men, who had not been with the company as long as he
I knew this man’s problems before he spoke a word; for he had
completely short-circuited his cosmic magnetism and was de­
pleted and exhausted constantly.
I immediately gave Laurence P. a deep-breathing regime,
coupled with a method for controlling his nervous magnetism and
building reserves of positive magnetism. I made him adopt a pose
of quiescence and peace for half an hour at a time; he learned
magnetic statements which he mentally repeated to himself all
day; he stopped playing with keys and paper knives and learned
how to fix his eyes on his prospective employees with a magnetic
and interested glance.
In just three short months, Laurence P. had so galvanized his
brain and body with cosmic magnetism that he was a completely
changed person.
Laurence P. developed such poise and magnetism, his voice was
so altered, and it had in it such a sincere ring of authority and
command, that the head of the company gave him a new job. He
told him, “I’ve been keeping my eye on you now for some time. I

felt you had potential, and lately, in some subtle way you’ve
changed. I think you’re just the man we need to take over our
branch office in Rochester.” The new job paid Laurence P. a sub­
stantially bigger salary and he’s on his way to achieving his

C onstructive Steps for D ynamic C osmic R hythm

7. Build this dynamic sense of cosmic rhythm in your speaking
voice. People who talk with a high-pitched voice, usually shatter
their cosmic magnetism and irritate others. The same is true of a
voice that is pitched too low. Learn to enunciate your words
clearly, and practice diction before your mirror so that your lips
form the words clearly and make pleasant expressions on your
face when you talk and smile. The true magnetic voice is one that
reflects the lowest key in which you can speak comfortably and
fluently. To find this key, go to a piano and sing the notes up and
down the scale, until you find the one that you feel most com­
fortable in when you speak. The voice should be varied up and
down the scale, for at least five notes to give one true cosmic
rhythm and tone.
8. Establish the dynamic cosmic rhythm in your personal magic
circle aura of smiling frequently. A smile releases more of this
magnetic power than a frown, and you will find that people who
are popular socially and well-liked in business circles, are those
whose faces are brightly illumined with a sincere, natural smile.
9. Establish this dynamic cosmic rhythm in your choice and
use of words when conversing. Magnetism is released by the emo­
tional overtones that are set into motion when we speak. The first
emotional and magnetic reaction of a child is to the sound of his
mother’s voice. Such words as mother, home, love, peace, joy,
beauty, and good, set up cosmic overtones of magnetism that
establish a cosmic atmosphere of positive, surging power in the
entire brain and body mechanism.
Avoid words that convey emotional states of despair and hope­
lessness. Never discourage people; use criticism sparingly, for it
is found that people can be short-circuited by the use of wrong
words. Doctors are trained to avoid using such words as heart
disease, apoplexy, high blood pressure, and cancer in front of their

patients, for these negative statements tend to arouse extreme

anxiety and short-circuit the lifegiving funds of magnetism and
electricity in the brain and body cells.

1. How to tap the dynamic cosmic rhythm of the universe

and use it for rejuvenating your mind and body.
2. The first cosmic command in the universe: Let there be
light. How the creative process of your life can begin
immediately to shape a completely new destiny for you.
3. How you can increase the dynamic cosmic rhythm cycles
of your brain and body for greater power, energy, and
youthful vitality.
4. How you can use cosmic magnetism through breathing to
build magnetism in every cell of your brain and body for
greater energy and vitality.
5. How one man used cosmic breathing to help break the
cigarette-smoking habit and changed his entire per­
sonality and life.
6. How to build positive cosmic rhythm cycles of mag­
netism to create constructive and positive emotions for
every purpose.
7. How to avoid short-circuiting of cosmic magnetism which
produces fatigue, nervousness, sickness, and premature
old age.
8. The power of magnetic tensing to rejuvenate the body
and establish the cosmic rhythm cycles of youth and long
9. The secret of achieving cosmic continuity in your daily
life to establish cosmic rhythm cycles for order, harmony,
and evolvement.
10. How to build cosmic magnetism by controlling and con­
serving the nervous and muscular magnetism of the body.
11. The magic circle personality, voice, magnetic eye, and
posture that convey magnetism to your personal magic
circle aura.

H o w to A c h i e v e Psychic P o w e r
to Know Your F u tu re T h r o u g h
A s t r o - C os m & W a v e l e n g t h s

Can man know the future and

predict events that are scheduled in the cosmic timetable of the
Can you receive clairvoyant and psychic visions in dreams, that
accurately foretell future events?
Can you be guided by a higher cosmic mind to the events that
will make up the mystical pattern of your future destiny?
Someone has said, “Coming events cast their shadows before.”
In my study of cosmography, the science of cosmic phenomena,
I discovered an amazing thing; there are astro-cosmo wavelengths
of cosmic and magnetic power that come to earth from the sun,
moon, and stars, which transmit thoughts, mental images and

vibrations, similar to the transmission of television and radio

Just as a Telstar satellite can be used to transmit wavelengths
of sound and pictures all over the world instantaneously through
magnetic and electrical pulsations, so too cosmic intelligence
utilizes the wavelengths of time and space as a vast universal
network of mental and spiritual communication with humans. A
thought projected into this pulsating, intelligent cosmic mind will
continue to vibrate and radiate throughout eternity.
“Soul speaks to soul, as star to star.”
You are both a sending station and a receiving station of these
cosmic pulsations which can give you psychic power, mental
telepathy, clairvoyance, and ability to know the future, just as
you know the past.
How this psychic power works in nature
We see this astounding form of cosmic communication in the
realm of nature, where tiny creatures are guided by some cosmic
instinct that causes them to build their nests, reproduce their
kind, and perform their functions perfectly without any conscious
thought on their part.
A certain species of black beetle lives in the mud of shallow
streams. Suddenly this cosmic instinct, which we call intuition in
man, tells these little creatures to crawl out into the sunshine.
They leave the mud and lie in the sun for a short time. Soon their
shells become dry and brittle and finally crack open. Out of that
shell comes a dragonfly with iridescent wings and 1700 eyes! That
flying creature is totally different from the crawling insect it was a
few moments before in the mud. How did it know that it could
perform the metamorphosis from a crawling bug into a resplen­
dent, flying creature?
The cosmic voice spoke to that dragonfly and told it the glorious
future that awaited it while it was still down in the mudbanks of
that lake.
Cosmic power can work miracles for you
This psychic power of the cosmic mind can also work miracles
for you. It can shape your future destiny perfectly; it can guide

you to the right type of work; it can reveal how to develop new
gifts and talents; it can make you a genius with a superior mind,
capable of building a great future.
This cosmic intelligence can tell you whom to trust; how to
attract the right business associates; how to make friends and
fulfill yourself socially, financially, and romantically.

He did not trust his psychic power

An instance of how this psychic power tries to break through
the clouds of disbelief and doubt, sometimes to no avail, occurred
for a man who wanted to go into business with another, who
offered to put up half the money to form a partnership.
Something in the personality of this man made the first man
distrust him. He had been to some of my lectures on psychic
phenomena and knew the laws under which it works. He sat in
meditation and asked for guidance.
The same psychic reaction kept coming through: “Do not trust
this man. He will sue you within four months.”
But the man could not believe this psychic information about
his new business partner, and he went ahead and formed the
partnership, despite this psychic warning.
Immediately after the business was going well, his partner
became discontented and wanted to take his money out of the
venture to go into another business with a friend. The man ob­
viously refused to let him out of his contract, and within four
months to the day, this man sued his partner, just as the psychic
premonition had told him he would in his psychic reverie! This
man did not win the lawsuit, which was for $100,000, but it cost
the other man lawyer’s fees and many headaches, which could
have been avoided if he had listened to the voice of psychic
Invisible cosmic forces motivate the universe
You live in a universe that is motivated by invisible cosmic
forces; most of the great powers of the world are invisible. You
cannot see electricity, and yet it is the power which can turn
machinery, give us light, and which vibrates through our nerves
transmitting brain impulses to the muscles of our bodies.

You cannot see magnetism, but great wavelengths of it vibrate

in invisible space, holding our earth up in empty space, causing
it to revolve around the sun at 1000 miles per hour.
You cannot see capillary attraction, and yet it is the cosmic
power within the earth that assembles all the elements needed by
the growing seed to create white cotton, yellow lemons, and pink
Some great psychic power is being transmitted by the psycho-
astro wavelengths of cosmic intelligence every moment of the day
and night, and when the forces of nature are channeled correctly
this power can motivate and shape your life, revealing for you
cosmic secrets that make you a superbeing.

P sychic P ower I s Similar to T elevision W avelengths

This radiation of psychic power through psycho-astro wave­
lengths is similar to the invisible rays that are capable of transmit­
ting color, sound, and pictures in your television set. Fifty million
screens at one single moment can receive the same identical pic­
tures throughout the world! Your mind is greater than any
machine, and you can also receive and transmit thoughtforms,
messages, and pictures from your psychic centers, using the same
laws of psychic phenomena that all living creatures use in the
natural realm.

How to release psychic power through

astro-cosmo wavelengths
1. Realize that there is a cosmic memory bank in which all
vibrations, thoughts, and formulas for creating matter are stored.
You may tap this cosmic memory bank and receive any mental
images or thoughts you desire. Go into the silence by sitting alone
in your room, where you will not be disturbed by anyone as you
do your psychic work.
Hold your mind still. To achieve this inner stillness say to your­
self several times this sentence from the Bible:
Peace, be still, and know that I am God.
2. When your mind is perfectly still concentrate on receiving
thoughtforms or messages from other minds. Hold the face of

someone you wish to communicate with in your mind. Say the

person’s name, just as if you were talking to him in person. “John,
I wish to communicate with you. I want to discuss something im­
portant to both of us.” Then try to receive that person’s thought
vibrations, or concentrate to project your thoughtforms to him.

How a W oman F ound H er L ong-L ost Sister T hrough

P sychic C ommunication
A woman who came to my lectures in New York City, had been
out of touch with her sister for ten years. She did not know if she
was alive or dead, and after hearing me say in a class lesson that
people can communicate with distant friends or relatives, she
began to sit daily for 15 minutes, sending out the message, “Louise,
get in touch with me. I am anxious to see you again. Contact me
at once.”
She repeated this daily psychic exercise for three weeks, hold­
ing the face of her sister in her mind as she daily communicated
with her psychically. Her husband had died and she wanted her
sister to reconcile and come live with her.
One day her telephone rang. The voice at the other end said,
“This is your sister Louise. I got a strange urge to look your num­
ber up in the telephone book and I found it.”
The two sisters were reconciled from that moment on. They had
become estranged because of a quarrel over their father’s will, in
which he had favored one of the daughters over the other. From
that time on they were extremely close.
3. After you have projected your message, sit still for a few
moments and try to probe the cosmic memory bank for that
person’s mental thoughtforms. You may receive a whole long
monologue from that person’s psychic centers, telling you his
reactions, inner feelings, and plans for the future. You wall not
question whether these thoughtforms are his or yours; just receive
them, and do not rationalize them. Mental telepathy does not
depend on conscious processes, but comes from the subconscious
or superconscious minds. As you perceive with your conscious
mind, you may believe that these thoughts issue from your own
mind. As you achieve skill in receiving these psychic impressions,
you will be able to sort out the mental impressions that come

from other minds and those that issue from your own conscious
4. To receive guidance from the astro-cosmo wavelengths of
the cosmos, sit in the silence and ask of this higher cosmic intel­
ligence definite questions, framed as they would be if you were
asking someone on earth for advice. The format of these questions
can be as follows:
What type of work am I best suited to?
How can I get the dollars I need to pay my bills?
Where can I meet my true soul-mate for fulfillment in love
and marriage?
Should I trust this person to go into business with me?
Should I live in New York City, Florida, or California?
How can I become a composer of songs? ( Or painter, author,
musician, actor, or go into my own business?)
Help me overcome the habit of smoking ( or drinking, or any
other negative habit that is destructive).
How can I overcome the illness that bothers me?
What steps should I take to improve my finances?
Where can I go to meet friends and have a better social life?
5. After you have asked one or more of the above or other
questions, give the cosmic mind time to answer you, and listen
to that inner voice that responds when you ask a question. It will
work through your regular mental processes, so be sure to listen
to that guiding voice.
6. If you wish to tap cosmic intelligence to receive higher
guidance, such as that received by the geniuses of the past, you
can go into the silence, and then ask to receive the type of psychic
guidance that motivated a Burbank, an Edison, a da Vinci, or
Newton. Ask this cosmic mind, “Give me information for an inven­
tion” or “Send through music and words for a popular song.” The
same cosmic power that Beethoven or Chopin drew on is still in
existence in the cosmos; you may tap this same identical psycho-
astro wavelength and receive great inspiration.
7. To use psychic power through clairvoyant visions, go into
the silence as you do when you wish to receive psychic thoughts

or send them. But instead of receiving thoughts or words, con­

centrate on receiving clairvoyant pictures on the screen of your
mind. This requires the power of visualization, and to develop this
power, pass through your mind a series of imaginative pictures
as an exercise to strengthen this part of your higher mind.
Visualize yourself on a boat or plane going to Europe. Project
pictures that you have seen in travel literature or motion pictures,
of Madrid, Hawaii, Greece, or Italy. See yourself in those pictures.
Project a picture of yourself making large sums of money, bank­
ing it or spending it.
See your dream home, furnish it, live in it, entertain your
friends, and in other ways make it come to life.
This process of mental telepathy I have named cosm o-kine-
m atics, for it is the higher action of the mind and spiritual energy
over matter. To bring into focus on the screen of your mind the
images of your future activities, hold your mind still and let these
flashing mental pictures come and go, without trying to control

How O ne W oman P rojected a P sychic P icture of

H er O wn B usiness
One lady who came to many of my lectures, tried using this
psychic method for receiving clairvoyant pictures and sat faith­
fully every day for an hour, practicing receiving cosmo-kinematic
flashes on the screen of her mind. She was surprised in one of her
practice sessions to see herself in a tropical place, where tourists
flocked through a shopping center— it seemed to be Hawaii. She
had never been to Hawaii, but this made her curious and she took
a trip to the island, staying two weeks. She fell in love with the
place, and soon made friends. She returned to California, where
she lived, and sat again in psychic meditation, to get more clair­
voyant information on the plan that was being shaped by a cosmic
mind for her future. She saw herself in the International Market
Place, where there are many shops that cater to tourists, and she
seemed to be running a business! She had no intention of going
into business, but as her husband had died the year before, and
she had a small insurance policy to tide her over, she began to

ask her higher mind for guidance as to what she should do— as
she was still a young woman— in her forties. She kept getting the
projection of Hawaii and a small store where she was selling
tourists souvenirs.
Then one day a letter came from a friend she had met in
Hawaii, a woman who was also a widow, offering her a chance to
go into business for a small capital investment. She said in her
letter, “I have found a place in the International Market which I
can lease and I need a partner to help me in handling a line of
merchandise for tourists.”
This letter crystallized the woman’s plan. She was on a plane
within two weeks heading for Hawaii, began her business part­
nership with her friend, and was soon making a comfortable
income— and fulfilling the promise of her clairvoyant vision.
8. Sometimes psychic or clairvoyant guidance may come to you
in flashes, such as a warning not to do a certain thing, or to not
take a trip at a certain time. It will pay you to observe these
sudden flashes of cosmic guidance, for you may avoid danger
through them. If the thought comes persistently and with a deep
conviction, you may be sure it is from the deep wellsprings of
your higher mind and can play it safe by observing its warning.

How a W oman W as Saved from D eath T hrough

a P sychic F lash
A woman I know was walking one evening with her twin
sister in the country, where they were visiting down South.
Suddenly darkness descended and they seemed to have lost their
way. They came to a section of the country that had many trees
and as they were walking there was a sudden flash of light. Both
sisters saw this light in front of them, became frightened, and
instantly stopped. Then they turned and walked in the opposite
direction. After the women reached home they told members of
the family about their strange experience. The next morning, in
daylight, they retraced their steps of the night before, and at the
exact place where they had seen the light, was a sharp drop of
several hundred feet; if they had gone just a few steps further
they would both have fallen to their deaths!

P sychic D reams O ften P redict the F uture

Sometimes this cosmic intuitive power works through psychic
dreams, which accurately foretell an event that is scheduled by
the cosmic timetable. A preview of these events may come in
dreams, weeks or months before the actual occurrence takes place
in reality.
A woman I once knew, had a psychic dream that the side of a
hill came down on her home, and buried it completely. She was so
alarmed about this dream that she insisted to her husband that
they abandon the house and locate elsewhere. The husband
laughed at her dream and refused to sell, as it meant a terrific
upheaval in their lives. That winter, there were terrific rain­
storms in Southern California, where they lived, and one night
this couple were awakened by a tremendous crash; they rushed
to their bedroom window and saw the entire side of a hill sweep­
ing down upon their house. They could not escape, and remained
in the house. Fortunately for them, the mountain of earth that
descended only caught part of their house, destroying it, but
they were unharmed. The mental shock of such an accident can
have a terrific emotional impact on a person’s mind and body.
They might have averted this if they had obeyed the instinct to
move, which the psychic dream accurately conveyed.

1. How coming events cast their shadows before; you can

know your future and predict events through tapping the
psycho-astro wavelengths of the cosmic mind.
2. The psychic communication that exists in all of nature, and
which you may utilize to predict events for your own
future life.
3. You possess a greater power than all other forms of crea­
tion, and you have the psychic power to shape your
destiny and motivate invisible forces to do your bidding.
4. How you can release psychic power through the psycho­
astral wavelengths that tap the memory bank of the cos­
mos for ideas, formulas, inventions, and creative power.

5. How you may still your mind and focus on its screen the
clairvoyant visions and thoughtforms which can bring you
important revelations, warnings of danger, and other in­
6. The format that you can use to ask any question of this
higher psychic power and receive guidance for your per­
sonal, business, romantic, and social life.
7. How one woman received clairvoyant pictures of a busi­
ness she would open in Hawaii, and how it was projected
into reality.
8. How psychic and clairvoyant power can save you from
danger and protect you and your loved ones in the future.

H o w t o C r e a t e G o o d Luck
Cycles with Cosmic

You have been given the power

to create good luck cycles with cosmic magnetism. Bad luck is a
reversal of the natural cosmic law which is constantly progressing
and evolving everything in the universe to a greater state of per­
You have seen people who seem to have nothing but good luck.
Everything they touch turns to gold. They win love easily, they
are admired by their friends and families and business associates.
They prosper in everything they do. We often say of such people,
“They were born under a lucky star!”
Actually, these lucky people, consciously or subconsciously, use
a great cosmic principle which causes them to radiate a magic
circle of power and magnetism. They attract good fortune because

they follow the cosmic cycles that favor good fortune. They are
healthy, happy, and prosperous because they follow the cosmic
laws which work throughout nature. When man goes contrary to
these great cosmic principles, he becomes sick, poor, confused and
has what we call misfortune or bad luck.

The cosmic law of the pendulum in nature

You can work with the cosmic law of the pendulum that
operates throughout the universe and catch these cosmic cycles
at their high tide of dynamic, creative action. You can ride the
crest of the waves of good fortune and avoid the swing of the
pendulum in the direction of failure, poverty, and unhappiness.
This law of the pendulum in nature is known as periodicity. We
hear of seven years’ good luck followed by seven years’ bad.
We know that certain times of drought occur, which are followed
by long periods of rain; during some seasons crops will fail, other
seasons, the law of cycles works to create an abundance of every­
thing man needs. Man has learned how to overcome many of
these negative cycles in nature; he stores his grain and food when
he has abundance, and rides out the negative cycles of nature.
He has learned how to dig wells and obtain water, when there is
a cycle of drought.
Likewise, by working with the laws of nature, you can equalize
these cosmic cycles, taking advantage of the swing of the pendu­
lum in the direction of good, happiness, health, riches, and
Everything in the universe strives to equalize or neutralize
everything else. There is no action without a corresponding reac­
tion. If the action is negative, the reaction must be negative. If
it is positive, the reaction must follow suit. If you fill your life
with the magnetic thoughts of goodness, honesty, love, and
altruism, you will be working with the cosmic cycles of good.
You will then so magnetize your own personal magic circle that
you will attract only that which is in your own consciousness.

How to charge your magic circle with the magnetism

of good luck and greatness
You will learn now how to always charge your personal magic
circle with the positive type of cosmic magnetism that will act

like a magnet, attracting to you the people who respond favorably

and help you achieve your goal.
You will be able to work with the law of the cosmic pendulum
and control the cycles that operate in time and space. You will be
able to channel into your mind and body, the cosmic magnetism
which can create a healthy body, a happy mind, and a prosperous
You can learn how to avoid the bad luck cycles, and by invok­
ing the law of the pendulum, swing the cosmic cycles in the
positive polarity of good fortune.

Why disaster followed a man everywhere in life

Some people have built such a whirlpool of negative psychic

and magnetic energy that it destroys everything they try to build.
Their negative thinking cancels their good luck.
Such an instance was that of a lecture member, Leslie M. He
told me himself, in our first interview, “I am like the kiss of death
in everything I touch. I invest money in the stock market and it
goes down instead of up. I take a boat trip on my vacation and
the boat catches fire. I was engaged to marry a wonderful woman,
and she had an accident and died. Am I doomed to forever have
bad luck?”
I soon discovered that Leslie M. focused only on the negative
things that happened in his life and made them the big reality,
whereas the good things that happened he ignored or seldom
talked about. He lived in the negative polarity of the magic circle,
in shadows, fear, worry, anxiety, and limitation.
This, I learned after much probing of his mental processes, was
due to the fact that his mother was a religious fanatic who ex­
pected the world to come to an end momentarily. She told Leslie
when he was a child that everything he did was evil, that Satan
would win his soul, and that he would have a miserable life, for
God would punish him for being evil. The negative conditioning
of his subconscious mind affected his entire personality, and made
him deliberately create situations that were doomed to end disas­
trously. He had the normal amount of negative experience in his
life, but he converted it into perpetual negative patterns.
When I showed him that he was his own worst enemy, he began
to change his negative thought patterns into positive ones. He

realized then that he pushed the pendulum of life into the nega­
tive polarity by his own thoughts of failure, sickness, accident,
unhappiness, and misery. Soon he had built so much of this posi­
tive magic circle power that he radiated a totally different
personality. Within a year’s time his luck had seemingly changed
from bad to good; he had a steady job, became engaged to a
wonderful woman who loved him, and is now on the way to
having the perpetual good luck of which he dreamed.

I think, therefore I am
The famous French philosopher Descartes said, “I think, there­
fore I am.” The essence of this positive philosophy, which is the
main attribute of our magic circle, is that we create our mental
images in outer actions and in our environments.
Think that you are lucky and you will probably be.
Believe that you will make big money and you will.
Imagine that you will make friends, win love, have a home of
your own, and you will swing the cosmic pendulum in the direc­
tion of these positive achievements.
Create your own good luck cycles, and refuse to recognize the
bad luck cycles, and in that way you will give them no power over
your life.
If a person has a dozen faults and one good trait, concentrate
on that one good point and ignore the others.
If you have some wonderful experiences in life and a few nega­
tive ones, review in memory the good ones and ignore the bad.

The regime for creating perpetual good luck cycles

through your magic circle

1. There are two forces in magnetism— repulsion and attrac­

tion. When the cosmic pendulum swings in the direction of repul­
sion, it creates a psychic momentum in the direction of failure,
unhappiness, sickness, and general negativity.
Put into your magic circle projection only the positive magnetic
force which will cause the pendulum to swing to the positive
polarity. This magnetic force is made up of your thoughts and
actions. If you think and act positively, you will create a swing
of the pendulum in the polarity of health and happiness.

2. Express the emotion of happiness instead of misery.

3. Fill your magic circle aura with the emotion of love.
4. Radiate glowing self-confidence and poise in your aura.
5. Talk in a voice that is authoritative and avoid having a
whining, high-pitched, sharp, or sluggish voice.
6. Smile as often as is consistent with common sense, and avoid
the negative polarity of frowning or showing expressions of doubt,
fear, anger, and hostility, which incline towards the negative
polarity and short-circuit your magnetism.
7. When you wish to push the pendulum in the direction of
more prosperity and riches, intensify your desire to become a
success and achieve riches. Visualize the things you wish to buy
and have, and increase the cosmic momentum towards these
8. Have a desire to help others and do good with your money;
this desire will push the pendulum in the direction of greater
success, for you are working with the cosmic law of generosity and
this tends to increase your own wealth and good.
9. Increase the swing of the cosmic pendulum in the direction
of health, vitality, youth, and energy by having a high master
motive for living. A desire to help your family; educate your chil­
dren; improve living conditions for the world; abolish war and
have peace; help the blind, the war veterans, orphans, and others
in need— these are all good master motives that help swing the
cosmic pendulum in the positive polarity of action and reaction.

How the W ill to L ive Saved H er from D eath

A woman who was very sick and seemed to be dying had lost
her will to live, although she had two young children and a loving
husband. The doctor spent an hour talking to her in a soft tone of
voice, telling her how her family loved her and n eed ed her and
how she must implement the will to live so she could be of value
to her family. The woman fell into a deep sleep, awakened, ate
a hearty meal, and was soon out of bed and completely healed
of her afflictions! The doctors have seen many such miracles of
healing when the person was inspired to live for some definite
10. Observe the cycles in nature, and follow them in your own

personal life. Spring is for planting seed, summer for growth of

the crop, fall for the harvest, and winter for rest and assembling
of the life force for the coming spring.
Similarly, in your personal life the springtime of youth is for
falling in love, marrying, and rearing your family. Summer, is the
time for the growth of the intellect, the development of the mind,
and accumulating knowledge. Summertime is the period in which
we cultivate the intellect, bring to fruition our mental capacities,
and expand the horizons of our minds through a process of accul­
turation and inner growth.
The fall life cycle is when we reach our mental and intellectual
maturity, and begin to harvest the fruits of our labors.
We also have a wintertime in the cycles of life, when we are
matured and reach the sunset years, where we may enjoy our
friendships, our grown children, the security which we have
worked for and the pleasures that we can now enjoy without the
struggle and uncertainty that often disturb youth. It is in that
wintertime of life that the soul matures, and we cultivate the
spiritual values of faith, peace, and inner serenity which prepare
our souls for the mystical journey into the future.
11. Equalize the so-called bad luck cycles or unfortunate pe­
riods in your life, with those that bring you happiness and
pleasure. The saying, “Into every life some rain must fall” may be
a true one, but remember also that there can be much sunshine
in your life— polarize your mind in the direction of the light, not
the shadows. Make more of a reality of good than evil; see the
positive polarity of love, and negate hate; build the spiritual
reality of eternal beauty within, and neutralize the ugliness that
may exist in the outer world; see peace, not war; live in the aware­
ness of riches and abundance, not lack, limitation, and poverty;
swing the pendulum of your mental reality in the direction of the
highest ideals, not the lowest degrading emotions of lust, ani­
malism, greed, and selfishness. Magnetize your magic circle with
the positive magnetism of radiant happiness, health, charity, com­
passion, peace, and mercy. You will soon completely overcome the
negative swing of the pendulum in the direction of negativity
where most people spend their lives in shadow-filled valleys of
despair and hopelessness.
12. If grief or tragedy should strike, as it does in every life, do

not see this as being evidence that fate has chosen you for an
unfortunate and tragic destiny. Instead, realize that death is a
part of the experience of life; that some shadows must exist in
life, and what we see as bad luck may only be a negative aspect
of fate which is trying to make us stronger or discipline us so we
will have greater capacity and spiritual discernment.
In the time of the Buddha in India, a woman who had lost her
only child in death, sought out the great teacher and asked him to
restore life to the child. The Buddha said, “Go throughout your
village and find one home where death has not visited and I shall
bring your child back to life.” The woman searched throughout
the village but could not find one home which death had not
visited. Only then did she understand the message that the great
Buddha was trying to give her: death is as universal an experience
as life, and we cannot expect the one without the other.
13. Invoke the law of cosmic reversal when you have polarized
misfortune, bad luck, unhappiness, and other negative manifes-
tions. This means that you do not dwell on misfortune or bad luck
and continually relive it in your mind. Use the metaphysical prin­
ciple which states: reverse, do not relive your misfortunes. You
will then tend to swing all your mental and physical energies in
the direction of positive action which can help neutralize and
banish the negative forces that brought you your bad luck.
14. Project into your magic circle the power known as a psychic
equalizer, which can help sustain you in times when you are
depressed, low in energy, unhappy, and things seem to be going
all wrong. This force works in your mind like a thermostat which
regulates heat, pressure, or other chemical or mechanical forces
in nature. Set your psychic equalizer to the plus values of life,
and not the minus ones; love is a plus, hate is a minus; success is
a plus, failure is a minus; good is a plus, evil is a minus; health is
a plus, sickness is a minus. Soon, as you set your psychic equalizer
on these positive values, you will notice that the cosmic pendulum
will appear to swing more in the direction of the plus signs rather
than the minus ones.
15. If you have committed acts which cause you to have deep
subconscious feelings of guilt, this may make you prone to sickness
or accidents.
In a study of industrial accidents and absenteeism due to ill­

ness, it was found that only 10 per cent of the workers had 90
per cent of the accidents and illnesses!
This proved that certain types of people had chronic bad luck.
These were people who were unhappy in their marriages or who
were frustrated emotionally and had feelings of guilt because of
wrongs committed in the past.
These accident-prone people had a deep need to punish them­
selves for moral or mental infractions, and they built up a negative
polarity within which caused them to be sick or to have accidents
more frequently than others.

How W e C reate Our O wn B ad L uck

There are some people who are accident prone. These are the
people who seem to will themselves to fall, to be sick, or to have
misfortune so they may punish someone, or themselves. These
people can transform this tendency to sickness and accident to
one of good fortune, if they deliberately avoid doing the things
that hurt them and change the mental guilt that drives them into
situations of sickness or danger.
Mrs. S. was constantly falling and hurting herself. She had
broken a hip, a leg, and her right arm over a period of 20 years.
When she came into my lecture work and told me of her chronic
misfortunes she said with a grimace, “I don’t know what’s the
matter with me. I guess I was just born unlucky!”
Then I learned that she had married a man for a meal ticket
20 years before and had regretted it ever since. She was subcon­
sciously punishing herself for her emotional transgression by hurt­
ing herself, and also punishing her husband, who she felt was a
failure as a spouse.
When I pointed out this deliberate self-harm, the woman
changed her way of thinking and began to heal herself of this
need to inflict punishment on herself and her husband.
It has been five years now since her last accident, and she seems
to be completely cured of this psychosomatic illness.
16. If you have had negative habit patterns of failure, sickness,
misery, lack of love, or any other bad luck pattern in your child­
hood, you must break this cycle of negativity and establish once
again positive habit patterns. You can magnetize your magic circle
to attract only good experiences, happy people, fortunate events—

and in that way you will diminish the effect of your early child­
hood subsconscious habit patterns, if they are negative.

W hy J ohn L. C ould N ot F ind M arriage H appiness

An instance of how we often build our own bad luck is illus­
trated in the experience of John L. who came to me for advice
when his third marriage failed. He had two children from each
marriage, and his three wives each took the children, leaving him
alone, bitter, and miserable.
W ith a wry smile John L. told me in that first interview, “I guess
I was just born to lose! Everything I do turns sour.” Then he
rolled up his sleeve and showed me those words tattooed on his
right arm. “BORN TO LO SE.”
“I had that put on my arm one night when I was in the navy
and had been drinking,” he explained. “It’s been the keynote of
my entire life.”
Not only did John L. have bad luck in his marriages, but he
had gone into a small business three times, and each time had
lost all his money.
I finally traced this man’s bad luck cycles to his early youth.
He had a father who drank excessively and abused his children
and wife. He had little love from his mother, for she soon became
involved with another man and left her home and children.
John L. knew nothing but loneliness, defeat, and misery in those
early years. He became antisocial and really wanted to punish
women, who represented the mother image. He took this revenge
motive out on the women he married and deliberately was cruel,
inconsiderate, and unloving, until he achieved his objective of
self-flagellation for his guilt feelings and punishment of the women
who represented his mother-image.
I gave John L. a complete retraining program in which he
learned to build the magic circle qualities in his personality of
love, consideration, forgiveness, and understanding. It took him
six months to work out of his past negative habits and establish
new thought patterns. At the end of that time he sought out his
last wife, who was not yet legally divorced, and reconciled with
her. He was a changed person, she later told me— the essence, of
kindness, consideration, and love!
17. If you have the belief that you were born inferior and will

always have bad luck because of lack of early education or an

unfortunate early environment, or limitations because of condi­
tions of birth, remove this negative mental barrier.
18. Build in your consciousness a high and idealistic dream that
you can live up to. When you strive for high achievement, you
automatically swing the cosmic pendulum in the direction of
great events and a high destiny.
19. Build the power of your imagination and live in the realm
of fantasy a little each day, in which you visualize yourself as a
prince, not a pauper; see yourself healthy, not sick. Visualize
yourself becoming rich, famous, healthy, and happy and you will
build the cosmic magnetism to achieve these things.
20. Develop the power of cosmic will to push yourself in the
direction of good luck experiences, and minimize the bad ones.
21. Overcome the negative tendency to complain, find fault,
criticize, and otherwise make yourself an unattractive person.
Remember that cosmic magnetism is built in your personal magic
circle by incorporating qualities of kindness, consideration, love,
generosity, unselfishness, and happiness. People will be attracted
to you if you magnetize your higher mind centers and your per­
sonality with these radiant and magnetic qualities.
22. Live under the mental, moral, emotional, and spiritual laws
which tend to swing the cosmic pendulum in the direction of good
luck and prosperity. These principles, which radiate magnetism
in your magic circle, are: idealism, honesty, beauty, forgiveness,
tolerance, sympathy, charity, and altruism.
When your personality is insulated with these positive, mag­
netic, and cosmic qualities, you will become like a magnet, attract­
ing to yourself only those persons and conditions which vibrate to
this cosmic pattern that you have set.


1. The reason why some people seem to have good luck and
others are doomed to live in misery, poverty, sickness, and
2. How to charge your magic circle with elements of good
luck and greatness, and how to magnetize your mind to
bring you happiness, love, riches, and success.

3. How the law of the cosmic pendulum works in nature

equalizing and maturing all things, and how to cause it to
swing in the direction of good luck and prosperity for you.
4. How to use the regime of cosmic magnetism to create
perpetual good luck and minimize the bad luck cycles that
might occur.
5. The two forces of repulsion and attraction in cosmic mag­
netism and how you can create psychic momentum in the
direction of positive events.
6. How to push the cosmic pendulum in the direction of
prosperity and riches, by intensifying your desire to be­
come successful and rich.
7. How a dying woman was given the psychic propulsion
that created a new life force of magnetism within her
body, healing her of a seemingly fatal illness.
8. The positive cycles in nature that you can observe to bring
you the full four cosmic seasons of productivity and crea­
9. The magnetic method for equalizing the bad luck cycles
and changing them into positive, happy ones through using
the cosmic principle of adding the plus values rather than
the minuses of life.

How to Tap A s t r a l a n d Cosmic

Pow ers for a S uperior Mind

You can tap the astral and cosmic

powers of the invisible universe and become a creative genius, no
matter what your present limitations are.
You can invent some object that will make you rich, paint pic­
tures, write stories and plays, compose music, or do any of the
great creative things you have always wanted to do, if you once
learn how to tap the astral and cosmic powers that geniuses
throughout history have used.
You can use this same miracle power of the superior mind to
go into your own business, discover hidden treasures, invest in
the stock market or real estate— and you will unerringly be guided
to take the right steps that can make you rich.


The golden touch that can make you rich

The great geniuses of history were able to tap this strata of

cosmic and astral power and achieve greatness.
Columbus had a guiding light of cosmic intelligence which told
him there were worlds beyond the limited horizon of his day.
Socrates had this power to tap the cosmic secrets and bring
forth his brilliant philosophy.
Pasteur saw a vast invisible world through his superior mind,
when he got in tune with the cosmic and astral wavelengths of
time and space.
Galileo was guided to his amazing discoveries of the telescope,
the law of the pendulum, and the fact our earth circled around
the sun because he was on the cosmic beam of higher mind power.
Always, throughout history great men like Lincoln, Edison,
Burbank, Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci had this cosmic
awareness of new dimensions of the mind and soul, which caused
them to tap tremendous cosmic power and bring it into creative
focus in their minds.
This golden cosmic touch can be given to you also, when you
are once aware of the magic circle power that is in the invisible
universe and you let it flow through your mind centers, giving you
intuition, inner illumination, and superior mental, physical, and
spiritual powers.

You may be an undeveloped genius

Perhaps you are an undeveloped and undiscovered genius. You
possess potentials within your mind which you can unlock, if you
use the same cosmic and astral forces that the world’s great people
have tapped.
I have seen people come into a study session on this secret and
develop great gifts overnight, achieving high goals.
A young man had always wanted to be a scientist, but he did
not have the money to finance his education. He asked the higher
cosmic mind for guidance, and within three months he won a
scholarship to one of the country’s leading universities. Today he
is one of our finest research scientists with a large foundation and
doing the work he loves.

A girl of 15, whose mother brought her to my first lectures in

Carnegie Hall, wanted to become a child doctor, but there had
been no doctors in the family and everyone discouraged her. She
drew upon some hidden source of power within her mind, when
once cosmically inspired, and today, 20 years later, this lady is
one of the great specialists in child diseases.
When you wish to build your magic circle power to encompass
higher dimensions of intellect and thought, you can tune in on
this great cosmic mind and actually channel to your own mind
and personality, great funds of magnetism and intelligence.
I have seen men and women come into cosmic power study
sessions who were weak, vacillating, and even mediocre, suddenly
change and become illumined, radiating qualities of poise, con­
fidence, and intelligence that startled their friends and co-workers.
This dynamic cosmic power, which I have named the magic
circle, because it works like magic— is in the air all about you.
There are cosmic and astral overtones in the universe which you
may channel in your own mind, body, and personality. Every­
thing you are is the result of these higher vibrations that are
absorbed unconsciously by your mind. When you consciously use
this cosmic power, you enormously increase your mental and
spiritual stature and add new dimensions of the mind and soul to
your life experience.
You can achieve the cosmic illumination of
a genius and become great
You have the power to channel so much cosmic magnetism in
your creative mind centers that you will achieve cosmic illumina­
tion and become a true genius. Cosmic illumination is the radia-
tory power of mind that all great geniuses of history projected
and used.
Positive steps to achieve cosmic illumination

1. Do not live for material and physical things alone. Cosmic

illumination comes when you raise the rate of vibration of your
mind and body. Concentrate at least half an hour a day on mag­
netizing the higher centers of your brain. This is done through a
daily regime of study and acculturation. Read self-help books

to improve yourself; study the biographies and autobiographies of

great geniuses of history in art, music, literature, science, industry,
exploration, and philosophy. Make the thoughts of geniuses your
Someone has said, “To be Voltaire you must think like Voltaire.”
2. Avoid the modern trend of degrading your mind by in­
dulging in immoral or obscene activities, such as reading novels
that dwell only on animalistic emotions, or art that caricatures
classical beauty. Avoid listening only to music that violates all the
laws of harmony and beauty, and listen occasionally to the great
works of Beethoven, Chopin, and Mozart.
3. Read the great classics, the works of authors who have sur­
vived the test of time. Study the epic poetry of the past and make
its magnetic beauty part of your own consciousness.
4. Build your own cosmic illumination by duplicating the high
ideals and cultural standards of men and women who have
achieved worldwide recognition in their fields of endeavor. Be
conversant with their works and lives, and strive each day to
emulate their high moral and ethical standards.
5. Realize that man does not live by bread alone. You are more
than a one-dimensional, physical being. You have mental and
intellectual needs that must be filled. Develop your mind power,
your memory, your ability to visualize and imagine the great
things you want to b e and do. Enlarge your vocabulary, so you
may better express yourself in words that are positive and power­
ful. Build the quality of your intellect by having a wide range of
subject matter on which you can converse with ease.
Very often, when you build your fund of cosmic magnetism
mentally, you can change the currents of your life dramatically.

How a T ypist C hanged H er W hole L ife

Marian N. was a typist in a business office, where she did rou­
tine work that bored her. She lived a one-dimensional life, in
which she had no outside interests in life other than getting up
in the morning, going to work, coming home at night, looking at
television, and then going to bed. This type of monotonous routine
was broken up one night when a friend brought her to a lecture
of mine in Carnegie Hall. For the first time she learned of the

new dimensions of the mind; how we can project a blueprint for

the future to the higher cosmic mind and make events occur that
we want to happen.
This made her begin to think. She had always wanted to live in
France, but there seemed to be no way of achieving this objective.
She sought me out for a private consultation, and I appraised her
potentialities, telling her to enroll in a night course in a high
school and take French lessons. There seemed to be no oppor­
tunity for her to utilize French at that time, but I knew of her
desire to live in France and I knew that she had to give this
cosmic mind the necessary materials to work with.
Marian N., following my advice, went to school for two years
and began to expand her interests in other directions also. She got
a new job, met a young man who worked for a big cosmetic firm,
fell in love with him, and married. Later, after their honeymoon,
he was sent to Paris, France, to work in the cosmetic office there,
and his wife naturally went along with him. Her knowledge of
French helped her immediately, and soon she was working in the
same cosmetic office with her husband, meeting fascinating people
and living the international type of life she had been previously
visualizing and projecting to the cosmic mind!
6. Build your personal magic circle power by using the cosmic
forces of idealism and altruism. Have a desire to help others, and
you will be using one of the most valuable cosmic forces that
exists in the universe. The great geniuses of history were all
dedicated men and women who had this cosmic urge to serve
humanity and God.
7. Emulate the patterns of thought and action that have been
projected by some of the great statesmen of history, as well as our
own age. These dedicated men, have been under the impetus of a
higher cosmic will to serve humanity, and their lives are shining
examples of how cosmic magnetism is created through good deeds
and unselfish service. You will find the inspiration and guidance
to create a brilliant pattern of destiny by studying the lives of
such great men as Washington, Lincoln, Disraeli, Churchill, and
8. Meditate on the idealism and high standards that have been
set by the greatest intellects of history. Let these be the stars by

which you guide your ship of self on the cosmic seas of eternity.
Socrates and Plato; Shakespeare and Bacon; Byron, Keats, and
Shelley; Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo; Galileo and Coper­
nicus; Pasteur and Einstein— these and others acclaimed as
geniuses by the world, have used the great cosmic force of mag­
netism and released to the world their great works for the good of
humanity. Their examples of goodness, faith, charity, compassion,
service, and love should inspire you to achieve the same miracle
of cosmic creativity in your own life.
9. Cosmic power often expresses itself through the emotional
plane. We have been given the emotions as channels of creative
power to release the dynamic wavelengths of beauty and celestial
vision that God has implanted in the human psyche. When this
creative power is stifled or subverted, the mind loses its intel­
lectual and creative vigor and, in some cases, becomes unbalanced.
Scientists have now found that people who hold in their emo­
tions and never cry, or get angry, or vent their feelings with an
occasional explosion of temper, often get ulcers, build high blood
pressure, or go insane easier than those who express their various
emotions daily.
10. Make it a point each day to call upon your emotions for
some creative expression. For example, you might give yourself a
different emotion for each day of the work, and you can write
this down on a card, and let it be your emotion for the day. Mon­
day might be for expressing happiness all day. Tuesday could be
your day of charity, in which you do good for someone. Wednes­
day could be called your imagination day, in which you try to
work the miracle of releasing imaginative power to change your
day’s experiences from bad to good. Thursday could be your
friendship day, in which you are friendly to everyone you meet.
Friday could be your day of faith. All that day have faith in your­
self, in your future, in your country, your friends, and in God.
Saturday might be called your day of optimism, in which you see
the whole world through rose-colored glasses. Sunday might be
called your day of love, in which you bless everyone you meet
with Divine Love.
11. Cosmic and astral power are released through the positive
emotions, and you should strive to express as much as possible the

positive emotions, curtailing the negative ones of fear, worry,

hate, and revenge. The negative emotions create a short-circuiting
of the magic circle power that comes from the cosmos, and should
be avoided through discipline of your mind.
12. Use music and color therapy to help you release the cosmic
life force, for when the psycho-neuro centers of your higher mind
are stirred by beautiful music, soft lights, incense, or perfume, it
helps your mind release creative energy. Many people meditate
in an atmosphere of soft lights, music, and incense, to put them­
selves into an emotional state where they are receptive to the
higher vibrations of the cosmic mind.

How you can bring astral and cosmic power to

the spiritual productive plane
1. Each day you should spend a few moments in silent medita­
tion on the true mystery of God and life. The day should begin
with a silent prayer to God, thanking Him for the gift of life and
blessing you with the capacity to know Him and love Him.
2. Try each day to be guided by intuition in any important
decisions that you may have to make. The voice of the Infinite
speaks to man in the stillness of his own soul. Give that voice a
chance to speak to your higher mind by going into the silence
each day for a few moments and waiting for the cosmic mind to
reveal its plans for that day’s action.
3. Learn to depend on the Divine Will and not on human will
for your pattern of destiny. Too often we obstruct this flow of
astral and cosmic power with the human ego which makes de­
mands on life for things that might be harmful. Remove this
human ego and will by saying quietly as you begin each day,
“Father, Thy will be done, not mine.” Then wait for perfect still­
ness to come over your mind. The clarity of vision that will follow
will give the Divine W ill a chance to express itself in a cosmic
pattern that will fit your destiny.
Have a deep spiritual philosophy which you follow daily that
includes faith in God, the expression of that faith in daily acts of
g : dness and loving service, and some form of worship in which
. : n indulge as a part of your life pattern. This can be done by
following the tenets of the religion of your choice, for all the

revealed religions have great truths, which if followed, could

bring humanity great spiritual blessings.
4. Live for the dimensions of the soul, rather than just for the
mind and body; have a dream of immortality and eternity, rather
than a limited concept of life on this earth plane and its conclusion
in what we call death. Believe in a hereafter and the soul’s con­
tinuity in an afterlife, for this helps release the cosmic and astral
forces of soul-power and dynamic spiritual energy, which can
focus the Divine Mind in your mortal mind and bring you closer
to the spiritual realm where the true cosmic power resides.
In the words of James Terry White, find the beauty and inspira­
tion of life through mystic contemplation and soul values.

If thou of fortune be bereft

And in thy store there be but left
Two loaves, sell one and with the dole
Buy hyacinths to feed thy soul.


1. How to tap the power that exists in the astral and cosmic
interspaces of the universe and use them for your daily
2. How you can tune in on the cosmic and astral overtones
in the universe and channel them to your own mind,
body, and personality for constructive purposes in your
3. The four cosmic dimensions of life and how they may be
tapped for greater power in your personal magic circle
4. The physical and material realm of cosmic power and
how it affects friends, social acquaintances, physical
health, love, and monetary rewards.
5. The mental and intellectual dimension of your life and
how it can enrich you, bringing new dimensions to your
life experience.
6. The psychic and emotional plane of expression and how
you can use this cosmic power to preserve life, heal the
body, and achieve fulfillment with others.

7. How you can channel the cosmic and spiritual plane of

cosmic intelligence and bring it into focus through the
forces of faith, prayer, and meditation.
8. The regime for bringing astral and cosmic power to the
physical and material plane of existence and enriching
your life.
9. How you can channel cosmic power to the mental and
intellectual plane of existence and use it for self-develop­
ment, intellectual gifts, and achieving high goals.
10. How the psychic and emotional plane can produce tre­
mendous energy for creative work, for bringing health
and dynamic power to the mind and body.
11. The weekly regime for channeling astral and cosmic
power through the emotions of happiness, charity, imagi­
nation, friendship, optimism, and love.
12. The spiritual benefits to be obtained by following a
regime of silent contemplation on the mystery which is
God, and using prayer as a means of channeling astral
and cosmic power.
13. How to use the Divine Will to help create a more brilliant
pattern of destiny for yourself and your loved ones.
14. The soul and its immortality; living with a concept of
eternity rather than a limited earth goal.

D y n a m i c L a w s of Cos mi c
M a g n e t i s m T h a t Can
Improve Your Life

Every living person has an innate

desire to achieve health, happiness, prosperity, and love-fulfill­
ment in his life.
Everyone wants to look his best and project youth, beauty, and
enchantment in his personal magic circle.
Every woman dreams of being beautiful and desirable and
every man wants to be thought of as handsome, dignified, and
attractive. This is a natural, innate desire in all humanity.
By using the dynamic laws of cosmic magnetism you can
achieve every goal that you set for yourself. If you are not happy
with your present situation in life, you can change yourself so
dramatically that your entire life will be radically altered for the

How overtones of cosmie magnetism affect your life

The universal rhythm that has been set into motion by the
cosmic mind, sets up magnetic overtones that play upon the
hearts, minds, and souls of all humanity. We all respond to certain
cosmic stimuli in the same way.
When you listen to beautiful music and respond emotionally it
is because your mind registers the overtones of the music, and
you feel a sense of surging exhilaration and excitement. Cosmic
magnetism has been released in your mind and body through your
emotions and you vibrate to the cosmic rhythm of the melody
you hear.
When you see some beautiful scene, such as a sunrise or sunset,
in which the golden ball of the sun pauses on the horizon, filling
the sky with crimson flame and shimmering gold, you feel a sense
of joy which is almost transcendental. Cosmic magnetism is re­
leased in your mind and body by scenes of beauty, and overtones
of beauty and inspiration are released in your own personal magic
circle aura.
When you respond to the deep urgings of love for some person,
you touch responsive chords in that loved one’s mind and heart
and soul, which causes you to share a divine emotion too beautiful
to express in words. The emotion of love releases these cosmic
overtones of magnetism in your personality and makes you re­
spond to love.
Every thought and emotion you have sets up cosmic overtones
that vibrate throughout eternity.
You cannot think a thought or perform an act, which will not
have its cosmic overtone and affect the lives of others. When you
five under these dynamic laws of cosmic magnetism your personal
magic circle will radiate with beauty, and you will have the power
to attract into your environment those who vibrate to the same
cosmic overtones as yourself.

The secret cosmic power that can change your life

This secret cosmic power that flows throughout the universe
can be channeled through your higher mind centers, and give you
a glowing, radiant personality. It can release vast amounts of

energy into the cellular structures of your heart, lungs, and other
organs, giving you the overtones of health, vitality, and youthful
This same cosmic magnetism, when channeled by your higher
mind into constructive forces, can motivate your intellect, inspire
your imagination to creative activity, give you great knowledge,
and increase your talents tenfold.

The seven dynamic laws of cosmic magnetism

We shall study these seven dynamic laws of cosmic magnetism
and learn how to use them to release power in our personal magic
L aw N umber On e : C osmic Attraction
We see this great cosmic law at work in the entire universe. In
the soil it is known as capillary attraction. A seed of com is put
into the ground and it has inherent in its secret center the ability
to attract from the soil all the elements it needs to become a stalk
of corn, bearing several ears.
The law of the harvest is to always reap more than you sow.
Your thoughts, when they are positive, become like little mental
magnets, filling the magic circle of your presence with positive,
dynamic attraction power. People sense this cosmic magnetism
and respond to it with positive actions.
A good man sends out cosmic magnetism of goodness.
Successful thoughts radiate cosmic magnetism of success.
Thoughts of being rich will attract money to you eventually.
R egim e for Using the Law o f Cosm ic Attraction
1. Each day put into your subjective mind the thoughts or
seeds of the things you want to attract. Your subjective mind is

the higher, creative intelligence, which obeys the dictates of your

conscious, volitional mind. This is the core of magnetic power
within you that can magnetize anything you desire and attract it
into your environment.
Your higher mind will feed these thoughts with the cosmic
magnetism they need to mature. You need not worry how these
creative patterns of thought will be communicated to the outer,
objective world— just know that they will. You see how this
cosmic magnetism works in the acorn to attract from the earth
and air, all the elements it needs to become an oak tree. Similarly,
your higher mind, when it is magnetized with the seed of desire,
will know how to assemble the atoms and elements you need to
complete yourself perfectly.
The perpetual magnetic thought that you will b e a success will
communicate itself to the nerves and muscles of your body through
your sympathetic nervous system, causing you to do the things
that create success. You will become like a success m agnet attract­
ing into your environment the persons, situations, ideas, and
conditions that bring the image of success to fruition.
The magnetic thought that you will attract love, inspires the
higher mind to cause you to act in a loving manner. Under the law
of attraction, you must attract others who vibrate to this same
magnetic rhythm of the cosmic overtones of love.
2. Each day strive to put into your consciousness the thoughts
you wish to externalize in your life.
Start your day with positive suggestions to the higher mind for
every department of your life. When you say positive words that
are the result of your positive thoughts, these words communicate
their emotional and magnetic charge to your body cells and come
into manifestation through your nervous system.
Start your day with such positive words as these, or make up
some of your own:
I radiate thoughts of happiness and optimism today; my actions
shall be positive and courageous. I overcome all tendencies to dis­
couragement and negativity.
I think thoughts of health, youth, and vitality and my body cells
reflect the cosmic magnetism and life force that can keep me
healthy and young.

I think thoughts of attracting my right work, a suitable income,

and eventual security, and I am confident that I shall be guided to
money, power, advancement, and creative activity.

L aw Number T w o : M agnetic Action

To set up cosmic overtones in your personal magic circle, utilize
the law of magnetic action.
A magnetic act is one that radiates confidence, positiveness,
good, and optimism.
To set the whirlpool of cosmic magnetism into dynamic, crea­
tive action, you should project into your personal magic circle
quiet poise and confidence. Set daily goals that are easy to achieve
and gradually build your magnetic power by setting higher goals.
When these are accomplished you can set your goals even higher,
and gradually achieve every one of them.

H ow to Use the Law o f M agnetic Action

1. Do something positive and constructive each day that helps
you towards the achievement of your goal. It may be to write a
letter to someone who can help you. It may be to study a lan­
guage, take a course in typing, or learn interior decorating; what­
ever it is you wish to be or do, take one step at a time by doing
something each day that leads you to the achievement of that
2. Avoid the negative suggestions of others, for criticism and
discouragement can kill your mental and physical magnetism and
pave the road to failure.
Children were given simple tasks to perform; one group was
praised and told the problems were simple and they could do
them with ease. The other test group was discouraged, criticized,
and told the problems were difficult and they could not do them
with ease. When chemical tests were taken of the first group that
had been praised and encouraged, it was found that their blood
sugar was higher, and they had made fewer mistakes than the
second group that were discouraged and criticized.
3. Seek out people who have faith in you, who praise and
encourage you, and ignore those who try to dampen your enthu­
siasm with their negative suggestions. Write on a card this quota­

tion from Marcus Aurelius and look at it whenever you feel the
short-circuiting effects of others’ criticisms:
“If a man stand by a pure spring and curse it, the spring does
not cease to send up wholesome water.”
Your perpetual flow of cosmic magnetism need not be curtailed
by the discouragement of others; if you praise yourself, have faith
in yourself, and inspire yourself with high goals and ambitions,
you will almost certainly achieve your goal.
4. Magnetism is created in your brain and body cells when
you are full of joy and the feeling of doing something good for
humanity. This sense of well-being makes you a magnetic center
of power and the cosmic overtones from this type of mental
attitude can create a great and happy destiny.

L aw N umber T h ree : C osmic T ransmutation

This is the dynamic cosmic law which can change one sub­
stance or form of energy into another. It can take sunlight, oxygen,
water, and soil and create a pink rose, a yellow orange, or a giant
spruce tree. In other words, it is able to convert the magic circle
power of the sun into thousands of different forms of created
You possess this same power in your magic circle radiance. You
can project your mental and spiritual energy to the outer world
of matter and literally change the face of the whole world.

H ow to Use the L aw o f Cosm ic Transmutation

1. Realize that all mental energy has its equivalent in matter.
Matter is also convertible into energy. Your mind is the cyclotron
which splits the atoms of thought and sends them forth as a
radiant creative force capable of changing the world. You can
begin this process of cosmic transmutation within your mind first.
Each day sit quietly and meditate on what changes you want to
produce in your life; then hold the picture for a few moments
within your mind and let your mental energies play over the
For example: You may be dissatisfied with your present work.
You wish to be in another position. Mentally fix that position in

your mind and let your mind form mental images of yourself in
the new job. Visualize yourself being interviewed and being told
that the new position is yours. Then experience the emotion of
joy. Make this mental image a reality and soon you will be taking
the steps which lead you to the new job.
A C om plete N ew C areer W as A ttracted by This Man: A young
man of 23 who came into our lecture work in New York City, had
not even graduated from high school. He was working as a waiter
in a restaurant and was highly dissatisfied. He wanted to progress
to a better job. He began to meditate on being in some other field
of work—he didn’t know exactly what—but he wanted something
in an office, working with machinery. He knew nothing about
computers, until one day a friend of his told him he was a
computer operator. This young man enrolled in an evening course
in that field and later, when he had finished his course, was placed
in a position with a large manufacturing firm where he worked in
an office, exactly as he had projected in his visualization. His
salary was nearly double what he had made as a waiter.
2. Your emotions are able to transform cosmic energy into crea­
tive forces that can change your body, your environment, your
finances, and your work.
The emotion of fear and worry will transmute cosmic power
into sickness and failure.
The emotion of confidence, when daily expressed, crystallizes
cosmic energy into creative action and leads to success.
The emotion of desire transmutes emotional power and creative
energy into substance. The desire to become rich makes some men
millionaires. The desire to give something to the world has led to
some of our greatest inventions, discoveries, and creative efforts.
It has produced great art, literature, drama, music, and poetry.
It has also built our spaceships, given us the electric light, our
industrial systems, and built our present technology to its point of

L aw N umber F our: T he L aw of C osmic L ove

We have discussed some of the benefits of this cosmic law of
love but now let us study this law separately to see how you can
release its cosmic light and power in your everyday life.

1. Study the several aspects of love so you may utilize this

divine emotion on all planes of consciousness.
First there is love of the family, beginning with the child’s love
of mother, who gave him life. This extends from the mother love
to the family love and embraces all members of the family. Then
love should extend to other people, and this leads to love of
friends and associates. But this is not as personal as love should
be, and soon the evolving consciousness discovers the need for
love of a member of the opposite sex to complete the cycle of
procreative love to propagate the race. This is one of the strongest
urges in the human soul and if love is correctly used, it is one of
the greatest means for cosmic transmutation. Almost all great
things have been created by man inspired by the love of some
But love does not stop in the intimate relationship of man and
woman in the holy bonds of matrimony; it must then extend to
the world, and finally express itself as cosmic love, to include
God, the Creator of the Universe.
2. If you do not have someone you love to inspire you, then
use love as a cosmic force, and be inspired to create for the good
of the world.

L aw Number F iv e : T he L aw of C reative I magery

One of the great cosmic laws is that of creative imagery. It is
through the imagination that the cosmic intelligence has created
everything in the universe.
The imagination is the only place where man may have an
image. It is important then, to stimulate the imagination daily, to
create new forms and images, and to release creative cosmic
power into these new channels of expression.

H ow to Use the Law o f Creative Im agery

1. Exercise your imagination each day, just as you would
exercise your muscles by using them. Sit for a few moments a day
running mental images through your mind of the things you want
to do for that day. Imagine yourself seeking out new contacts in
business; see yourself mentally making bigger sales, if you are a

salesman. If you are an artist, visualize yourself creating some

new and exciting pictures, using new color schemes. If you want
to travel, imagine yourself on a ship or airplane going to some
other country.
2. Mentally see yourself having more money and imagining
how you will spend it. See yourself going to a store and buying
the clothes, jewelry, furs, and other items you want. See yourself
driving in the new car. Cut out pictures of the things you want to
own, such as homes, cars, clothing, refrigerators, and paste them
into a scrapbook of destiny. Each day browse through this book
and mentally imagine yourself owning and using these objects.
3. To imprint the mental image of money in your subconscious
mind cut out of paper several sheets the size of a $10 bill, and
mark in the four comers $10,000. Stack these up, as many as you
wish to imagine, count them, and imagine they are money. This
will help imprint the mental equivalent of money in your higher
H ow One Man U sed This Secret o f Im agery to M ake a Fortune:
I know one man who used this same secret cosmic power of
imagery to build a fortune. I gave a class on how to create the
mental images of large sums of money, which I called, The
Million-Dollar Secret— and told the students to go to the Chase
Manhattan Money Museum, at 50th St. and 6th Ave. in New York
City, where there is on exhibition a $10,000 bill. They were to
mentally photograph that bill and project it in their imagination,
doubling or tripling it, depending on how big a fortune they
wanted in the future. Something within their higher minds made
most of them demonstrate sums of money within a few weeks
This one man had such faith in this power of mental imagery
that he began to go to the Money Museum every day at lunchtime
to concentrate on that $10,000 bill. He worked for an advertising
agency making the usual weekly salary. Suddenly, after about
two months’ concentration in which he imagined himself growing
richer and richer, he got an idea for a television commercial that
he sold to a big company. He received exactly $10,000 for this
idea! Then, he kept working on mental imagery, seeing more of

those $10,000 bills rolling in. In a few more weeks he received

another $10,000 bonus for a big television commercial. Within
one year this man formed his own advertising company, and was
written up in a national magazine, telling how the new company
already had 25 million dollars worth of advertising contracts in
their first year!

L aw N umber Six : T he L aw of C osmic R eciprocity

There is a constant exchange going on between all the elements
of the universe. The magic circle power of the sun reaches the
earth and is changed into brilliant creative patterns through the
elements in nature: trees, flowers, plants, fruits-birds, insects, ani-
mals-rivers and mountains, earth and sky— all aflame with the
incandescent celestial fire of creative cosmic spirit, manifesting
in every element of the universe its constant power of growth
and expansion.
You are a part of this cosmic law of reciprocity; you have been
given glorious life, but you must give something back to the
cosmic spirit that created you. You have been given the universe,
but you must till the soil, plant the seed, reap the crop, to fulfill
your part of the bargain. The earth yields its treasures of gold,
silver, oil, iron ore, and coal-as well as its lumber with which to
build our homes and cement and gravel with which to build
highways-but we must imprint upon these elements, with our
higher creative intelligence, the shape and form which we wish
them to take— then we have what we call riches.
When we give labor and time, we create money.
When we give ideas, we create substance. The creative idea
of an automobile built vast fortunes for millions of people and
created jobs for millions more.

H ow to Use th e Law o f Cosm ic R eciprocity

1. Realize that you were born to receive from the world, but
also to give something of value: your talents and gifts, your per­
sonality, your charm, your smiles, your encouragement, your
inspiration, your love and friendship— life is a two-way street on
which you travel, and on which you meet other strangers who are
traversing the mystical pathway of life. You must be aware of the

needs of others and help fulfill those needs, as well as wanting

your own needs filled.
2. Each day of your life strive to give something of yourself
to those close to you. This means do this first in your own home;
meet your relatives and mate halfway— do not expect them to do
everything for you without doing something in return to show
your gratitude and appreciation. Then extend this reciprocity to
those you meet in your business; give encouragement, praise,
when it is deserved, and share your happiness, smiles, and op­
timism with those who are your co-workers. Cosmic magnetism
flows to every cell of your brain and body when you are generous
and outgoing in your personality, and is stifled when you are
selfish and ingrown.
3. Give the world your inner beauty by projecting qualities of
idealism in your magic circle aura. People judge you by what they
see expressed in the outer personality you project; this means your
voice, your facial expressions, your clothing—try to express beauty
in these outer manifestations of your personal magic circle. Keep
the corners of the mouth raised in a half smile, rather than pulled
down in a perpetual frown— for this is a gauge of your inner
mental attitude towards life and people. Search for beauty in
every experience of life and try to inspire the conduct of others
on high planes of expression. Use positive words, have a radiant,
friendly expression on your face— for this tends to communicate
itself to other people and causes a cheerful, happy response.

L ight D isp eb Darkness

A legend is told in the Mid-east of how a deep, dark cave com­
plained in a loud voice of the darkness that plagued its life. The
sun, shining brightly outside, heard these complaints and entered
the cave. “Where is the darkness of which you speak?” said the
sun. Of course, the light had instantly dispelled the darkness. The
sun knew nothing but the positive force of light; the cave dwelt
only in darkness.
You will receive from the world that which you radiate in your
magic circle: good or bad; beauty or ugliness; peace or conflict;
riches or poverty; joy or misery— one force, the positive, is the
light that exists in your cosmic consciousness; the other is the

darkness of ignorance, superstition, lack and limitation, fear,

worry, hate, and other negative emotions which destroy the light
of the cosmic mind.

L aw Number Seven : T he C osmic L aw of F aith

and P rayer
Your magic circle which projects your inner qualities to the
outer world can be enhanced and strengthened by the use of the
cosmic expression of the law of faith. This law is inherent in all
creation, for faith in a Creative Principle is involved in the very
fact that creation exists. As some philosopher said: “There cannot
be a watch without a watchmaker.”
Similarly there cannot be a creation without a Creator. Faith
in this creative cosmic power must exist in your mind at all times.
Faith with prayer and supplication is a sure way to tap the cosmic
power which can be a healing force in your life, giving you health,
prosperity, peace of mind, love-fulfillment, and joy. You need
never feel that you are alone in life, struggling against obdurate
physical and material forces which you cannot control.

H ow to Use the Cosm ic Pow er o f F aith in Your L ife

1. Express your faith in God, the cosmic intelligence, each day
of your life. Turn in the stillness of your own mind, to this guiding
light and say, “God, what is Thy will for me this day?” Then listen
to that inner voice of intuition that speaks to you. When you use
human will and mortal mind, you will make many mistakes in
your life. Have faith in that power within to guide you through
your daily activities, knowing that the overall master plan of the
cosmic intelligence is right for you and will gradually express
itself if you follow the guiding light of cosmic intuition.
2. Live your faith each day; do not just do lip service to it.
Instead of repeating over and over, “I am successful,” act success­
ful. Do not merely say, “I am rich,” but fe e l rich. Look about you
at the free gifts of life that you now possess, and realize they were
created for you to use and enjoy now.
Do not affirm merely “I am happy,” but fe e l happy. If there is
nothing in your life to be happy about, invoke the law of imagina­
tion and find something that makes you happy.

These living acts of faith generate the magnetism that will

make your life glow with cosmic power.
Every time you plant a seed in the ground, you know that it
will produce its abundant crop. This is an expression of faith in
the miracle power of the cosmic spirit that can make a rose or an
oak tree.
This same expression of faith in your daily life can produce the
cosmic magnetism and life force that will cause your every move
to be in the direction of health, prosperity, happiness, and fulfill­
ment of your destiny.
3. The miracle-working power of faith, when used with prayer,
can generate vast stores of cosmic magnetism in your brain and
body cells, and give you dynamic power for every act of life.
Dr. Alexis Carrel, a famous surgeon and experimental biologist,
tells in his book, Man, the Unknown, how he has discovered the
power of prayer is a force as real as terrestrial gravity. He tells
of how he has witnessed open wounds heal miraculously in a
short time, under the magnetic force of faith and prayer. He has
seen tumors disappear and other ailments healed through the
power of faith and prayer.
A Presbyterian minister wrote a book in which he told of how
he and his congregation prayed over wheat and corn, and the
seed yielded many times more than seed that was not prayed
over. Truly faith is a miracle worker.

1. How you can set up cosmic overtones of your magic

circle which bring new excitement of living.
2. Cosmic magnetism to motivate your intellect and inspire
your imagination for greater creative power.
3. How you can use capillary attraction to magnetize
money, people, and situations you wish to attract in your
4. The cosmic law of magnetic action which can motivate
others and bring you fulfillment of your desires.
5. The law of cosmic transmutation for changing bad luck
to good, and bringing into focus the elements you wish
to change your life into a positive, radiant one.

6. The great cosmic law of love and how it works to create

greatness for those in tune with its dynamic magnetism.
7. How to use creative imagination to channel cosmic power
for great discoveries, inventions, and making money.
8. How one man used cosmic imagery to build a million-
dollar fortune in the advertising world.
9. How you can use the law of cosmic reciprocity to give
you great talents, magnetize your personality, and make
you worthy of greatness.
10. The miracle-working power of faith and prayer, and how
they can release tremendous invisible power to mold
every event of your life.

H o w to H a v e H e a l t h and
Long Life Throug h
Cosmi c M a g n e t i s m

You have the power to attune

your magic circle to the cosmic rhythm cycle of the universe and
channel cosmic magnetism to your body for perfect health and
long life,
Science says that man should live to be 150 years of age or
more, at this stage of his evolution. The heart, which is the
strongest muscle of your body, uses the life force of cosmic mag­
netism to establish its rhythm and pump the blood to every part
of your body.
When this life force of cosmic magnetism is disrupted for any
reason, the cosmic rhythm is broken, and man becomes sick.
Some scientists have now discovered, what I have been teach­
ing for over 30 years— that the body cells are kept alive and

healthy by magnetism and electricity! When something happens

to disturb the magnetism of the brain and body the cosmic rhythm
of health is broken and man knows every type of sickness.
A violin that is out of tune may be a valuable Stradivarius,
but it cannot make sweet music unless it is properly tuned.
So it is with your brain and body— you have been given the
pulsating rhythm of the cosmos in the beating of your heart and
the circulation of the blood which nourishes your body organs,
and also the electromagnetic power of the sun to keep your body
functioning perfectly as long as you have a desire to live. When
this desire weakens, or you lose the purpose to live, this cosmic
magnetism weakens and the body begins to deteriorate.
Why is it that humanity is so subject to illness? Why do hun­
dreds of thousands die each year prematurely of heart disease
and other causes? Why are half the beds in the hospitals filled
with the mentally sick?
Over 85 per cent of illness is psychosomatic— induced by men­
tal and emotional factors which occur when a person is out of tune
with the cosmic rhythm cycles of the universe.

The cosmic life force is short-circuited

Tire vital cosmic life forces of magnetism and electricity, which

radiate from the sun and other planets, is short-circuited by man
and the resistance of the body is lowered, making it easier for
invading bacteria to gain a foothold in the body and make one
In a conference of 5000 doctors from all over the world, they
discussed at length the various causes of illness.
The consensus of opinion by these learned men was that man’s
negative emotions help create sickness of all types and lay the
foundation for every known human ailment.
This is a startling, but true fact; your body is kept healthy and
alive by the magnetic and electric currents which you draw from
the magic circle radiations of the heavens. When you are in tune
with the cosmic rhythm cycles of the universe, and you live in
positive emotions, you set up little cycles of healthful rhythm
patterns in your brain and body cells, which stimulate your glands
and create the condition known as health.

When you short-circuit these cosmic, magnetic, and electric

wavelengths through your negative emotions, you induce a
broken rhythm in your heartbeat and body cycles which makes
you sick.

How to build health and long life with cosmic magnetism

1. Establish once more the cosmic rhythm of confidence and

faith that create health, youth, and energy in your body.
This is done by ridding your mind of the emotion of fear. Fear
is one of the most dangerous enemies of good health.
Fear short-circuits the cosmic magnetism that flows throughout
your body; it inhibits the cells and creates poisons that are highly
injurious to your body organs.
A woman was walking under a tree one summer and a tree frog
dropped into the front of her dress, giving her such a shock of
fear that she developed sugar diabetes.
Thousands of people have gallbladder trouble, indigestion, high
blood pressure, heart disease, and other serious ailments because
they have lived under the negative emotion of fear for years.
Your body cannot perform its proper functions when you labor
under this negative emotion.

How to O vercome F ear

Instead of fearing things, take positive steps to overcome those
things you are afraid of, such as failure, poverty, loss of love, or
danger of accident. Adopt a positive regime to protect yourself;
insulate yourself by practicing spiritual therapy, in which you
affirm every day that you are under God’s love and protection and
that you will be safe.
Memorize the 23rd Psalm and the 91st Psalm, and repeat these
whenever you wish to build the magnetism of confidence and
break the negative grip of fear.
2 . Build the positive emotion of love in your consciousness, and
let its cosmic magnetism flow throughout your brain and body.
This will counteract the negative effects of hatred, which often
short-circuit the magnetism of your brain and body cells and
create sickness.
A man who had hated his mother-in-law for two years de­

veloped ulcers and became so seriously ill that he underwent

surgery for his condition. When he learned, from a study of these
magnetism principles in my lectures, that he was a victim of his
own hatred, he changed his entire philosophy of life, and began
to radiate patience, understanding, and tolerance towards his
mother-in-law. He never again suffered a recurrence of his ail­
Another man who came to my attention was so filled with
hatred that he began to overeat, and soon gained 50 pound in
weight. This man hated his work, his boss and co-workers, and
felt he was not getting enough pay for his services.
One day he went into a state of shock and was rushed to the
hospital, where it was found he had developed diabetes. His
hatred for years had unbalanced the glandular system of his body.
This man undertook psychotherapy for one year, was finally
healed of diabetes, and no longer had to take insulin. He regained
his normal weight, and began to live a normal, useful life. He
obtained another job and changed his pattern of thinking from
negative to positive, with amazing results in good health and
3. One of the most destructive emotions that short-circuits
cosmic magnetism and creates sickness is perpetual worry. I do
not mean normal concern about things we can change, but the
abnormal type of worrying and fretting about things that we
cannot always change, such as the type of body you were born
with, or the fact that your eyes are too small or your nose too
big— these and many other worries cause people to short-circuit
the cosmic magnetism of the body and produce many types of
One woman who came into our lecture work, had worried for
years because she had an automobile accident that disfigured her
face. She was married at the time, and she worried that her
husband would leave her for a more attractive woman. She had
three children, and her husband did not leave her, but remained
loyal throughout the years. However, this persistent worry caused
the woman to develop a serious heart condition, which made her
a semi-invalid.
When this woman was told, in a private consultation, that her
persistent worry had short-circuited her magnetism and gave her

heart trouble, she changed her entire attitude and once again
established the rhythm of health and happiness in her mind, and
she was healed of her troublesome condition.

How to U se M agnetic Suggestions to M aster W orry

Give yourself positive suggestions every day when you arise
in the morning and face your day’s activities. Some of these sug­
gestions will help you establish the cosmic rhythm of health once
more and overcome worry:
I am the cen ter o f dynam ic cosm ic m agnetism and pow er. My
problem s are even now being solved and I am gloriously confident
that everything will b e alright.
I now release m agnetism in my brain and body cells, w hich
will strengthen m e and overcom e fear, worry, hate, and all other
negative emotions. I supplant these negative em otions with con­
fidence, love, and inner peace.
I now change all negative situations into positive ones through
the m agnetism o f my brain. I a d d the spiritual plus to my prob­
lem s and they dissolve. I know that the law o f passing tim e will
solve all problem s and unwanted conditions in my life.

4. Cosmic magnetism is often short-circuited by the negative

emotion of selfishness. Many people think only of themselves;
they live in a world of lack and limitation, and expect the world
to revolve around them.
To keep your body healthy and young, it is vitally important
that you adopt the magnetic rhythm of unselfishness.
Think of other people and try to help them every day. Try to do
loving acts and have a loving heart, for this unselfish attitude will
help release more cosmic magnetism in your body cells.

How Selfishness D estroyed T his M arriage

A woman I once knew was completely selfish. Her mother had
brought her up to think of men as meal tickets, and told her over
and over that she must make a good marriage. When she was 23,
she married a businessman she did not love because he was suc­
cessful and a good provider. She had a miserable marriage for
three years and then divorced this man.
She went to Florida and met another man who had a good

income. She figured he was a good “catch” so she married him

and continued her selfish ways, giving little of herself, but ex­
pecting everything from her husband. He finally tired of her luke­
warm type of love and divorced her.
This woman had three marriages before she learned she was
violating cosmic laws with her selfish attitude. She came into a
study of metaphysics in my lecture group, and learned that the
cosmic law of reciprocity demands we give something for every­
thing we receive. She had another marriage, this time based on
true love, and this marriage proved very successful. For the first
time in her life she is living for someone else, and she is healthier
and happier than she has ever been before.
5. Cosmic magnetism is short-circuited by the destructive emo­
tion of greed. Many people are sick and miserable because they
never get enough of this world’s goods. They envy the rich, they
hate their bosses, they want more and more, never knowing when
they have had enough.
Strive to achieve balance in your emotions, and do not destroy
your peace of mind and your body’s health by wanting more than
you can use in life. You need a certain amount to live in comfort,
and while making money and working enjoy life to the full, using
cosmic magnetism to attract into your life orbit everything you
need for a full, rich, happy, and healthy life.
A miserly, greedy person may become rich, but he will remain
always poor in consciousness, for he cannot use the wealth he
so laboriously accumulates.

How Greed K illed a M an

I once knew a man who invested in real estate on Wilshire
Boulevard in Hollywood, California, when property was very
cheap. Years later he sold the property for one million dollars. He
was middle-aged, and he and his wife had struggled all their lives
to make money, dreaming of the day when they could take a
trip around the world.
A friend one day suggested that he take time off from his work
to enjoy that long-deferred trip. The man replied, “But I can’t
stop working now. I need another million to back up the million I

He worked for five more years and made his second million,
then he agreed to take the long-delayed trip. He was then 68
years of age. He bought the tickets for his wife and himself, and
that night his wife went to bed with the happy thought that the
next day they would begin their wonderful trip around the world.
When she went to awaken her husband the next morning she
found he had died in his sleep!
6. Set up the cosmic rhythm cycles in your daily life that give
vibrant good health and release magnetism and electricity to your
brain and body cells. This cosmic and universal pattern is shown
in every cell of the universe and must be reflected in your daily
ORD ER: Live your life in an orderly manner. Make out a
schedule which you follow in your daily health habits, such as
exercising at certain times. Do deep breathing whenever you can,
especially when you are fatigued, for this helps put pure oxygen
into your bloodstream and remove the carbon dioxide from your
body cells. Eat at regular times; sleep at least seven or eight hours
a night; rest when fatigued; do not overeat or overdrink. If you
smoke, try to limit yourself to a few cigarettes a day. If you can
stop smoking entirely, do so, for this has been proved destructive
to the body’s health.
HARMONY: Everything in the universe operates under the
law of cosmic harmony. Your body cells must have this element
of harmony and peace within, or they become sick. This means
you should be in tune with the natural laws of the universe. Eat
as much as possible of the natural, organic foods; avoid unnatural
and processed foods if you can. Be in harmony with your environ­
ment and with people. Try to be involved in work you like; if
you do not like it, change your work.

How a M an 's U lcers H ealed A fter Switching

to W ork H e L iked
A certain salesman disliked his work so much that he constantly
felt a sense of chronic fatigue and developed ulcers that refused
to heal. When he was told that hatred of his work was making
him ill, he gave up his job and took another position where he
operated a machine in a manufacturing center that manufactured

household articles. Despite the fact that he worked harder here

than at his previous job, this man’s health improved and in six
months his ulcers disappeared completely! His emotions were
making him sick. When he changed from disliking his work to
enjoying it, this had a healing effect on the cells of his body and
he was cured.
7. Be unselfish and generous in sharing your life experiences
with others. This has a salutary effect on the body chemistry and
produces health, other conditions being right. A stingy, miserly
person inhibits the glandular flow and seldom is such a person
happy or healthy. Give of yourself daily, share your smiles, your
happiness, your kind acts, and soon you will establish the cosmic
rhythm cycles of life and generosity that make for vibrant good
8. Give your body cells a positive treatment each day by setting
up cosmic wavelengths of positive magnetism through affirma­
tions that you state each morning upon arising:

I am healthy and strong and youthful.

All day I shall b e in harm ony w ith the cosm ic forces o f love,
generosity, goodness, and beauty.
I am one w ith p ea ce and serenity and am now strengthened by
the cosm ic rhythm o f health, vitality, and dynam ic energy.

9. Whenever you walk, set up a rhythm which you observe; it

need not be fast, but it should be steady. It may be the three-
quarter rhythm of a waltz or the four-four rhythm of a more
sedate pace which you establish, with deep breathing at each
step, as you need it. This helps draw into your body the cosmic
magnetism and electricity that is in the air all about you. This
magnetism is then released as dynamic power in the magic circle
of your aura, which people see as your outer personality.
10. Live under the positive law of expectation daily. Expect
your good; expect other people to treat you with dignity and
respect. Show in your mental attitude that you are positive and
radiate self-confidence and poise. This gives your mind and body
a rhythm that is cosmic and universal.
11. Be loving in your daily conduct, for love is the most crea­
tive emotion man can express. Love can be personal or imper­

sonal; when it radiates in your magic circle it not only is a healing

force to your body cells, but gives a sense of power and radiance
to your magic circle aura that makes you magnetic and attractive.
12. Use the cosmic law of creative action to keep your brain and
body cells healthy and alkaline. Negative thoughts create acidity
in the body cells; positive thoughts create the alkalinity of good
health and energy. Positive thoughts are those that are optimistic,
hopeful, patient, loving, kind, and generous.
13. Physical action is as important as mental positive action to
keep the cosmic rhythm cycles flowing in your body cells for
perfect health. It has now been found by scientists in a study of
the aging processes, that those who do hard physical labor all
their lives usually live longer and are healthier than those who
take life easy and do not get enough muscular exercise— the
bodies of people who do not exercise enough age quicker and they
do not live as long as those who do strenuous work or take plenty
of physical exercise. The first law of the universe is action; mental
and physical action sets up wavelengths of cosmic magnetism in
your brain and body which give you the rhythm of life, energy,
and youth that can keep you alive for 100 or more years of
healthy, vital living.
1. The cosmic rhythm cycles of the universe which can
keep you healthy, strong, and cause you to live to be 100
years of age or more.
2. How to avoid the negative forces that short-circuit the
cosmic life force of your magic circle, creating sickness
instead of health.
3. The effect of fear on the cosmic magnetism of your brain
and body, and how it produces every known type of
4. How you can treat and overcome fear with a positive
regime that strengthens the mind and body, immunizing
it to sickness.
5. The negative emotion of hatred and how it creates sick­
ness and short-circuits the body magnetism.
6. The causes and cures of worry, and how it can change the

glandular balance of the body producing many types of

7. The destructive negative emotion of selfishness and how
to treat it by establishing cosmic wavelengths of positive
self-confidence, inner poise, and power.
8. The effects on the brain and body of the emotion of
human greed, and how to treat it with the magic circle
wavelengths of cosmic power and magnetism.
9. Anger and bad temper can cause mental blocks and
physical sickness; the causes of anger, and how to cure
this destructive emotion through a regime of cosmic
10. The positive regime that can build your magic circle
power of health and long life through establishing the
seven cosmic principles of: order, harmony, generosity,
unselfishness, positive affirmations, using the law of ex­
pectation, and creative cosmic action both physically
and mentally.

H o w to C o m m a n d Cosmi c
A b u n d a n c e to E n r i c h Y o u r L i f e

There is a cosmic “open sesame”

which you can use to start the flow of riches and abundance from
the cornucopia of the invisible universe.
This mystical command, which begins the outpouring of cosmic
magnetism into your higher brain centers, will open all doors to
the hidden treasures of the universe and enrich your life.
In the story of Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves, you will recall how
Ali Baba saw the doors to a hidden cave swing open at a mystical
command with the magic password, “Open sesame!”
Similarly, the cosmic mind that controls and produces all the
treasures in the universe, responds to those who know how to use
this mystical power. This metaphysical “Open sesame” can trans­
mute your thoughts into gold. You can start a cosmic chain
reaction which will bless your life with abundance. You can


cultivate the same power that others have used throughout history
to tap the cornucopia of cosmic abundance.

Your mind is like a powerful magnet

You can charge the invisible atoms of your brain with a cosmic
magnetism that literally makes it a magnet. The electrical vibra­
tions that you project from your awakened mind go out into the
universe and stir the minds of others who are similarly attuned to
this higher cosmic power. They respond to you, and obey your
subtle commands. They will help you achieve fame, honors, for­
tune— all the good things you desire in life. Everything comes to
you through people—you can only achieve the fulfillment of your
destiny through the help of others.
You need love— this can only come through others.
You need money— and this too comes from people who buy
your products or pay you for your big ideas.
You need health and vitality to pursue your goals in life and this
is maintained by people who raise your food, care for your streets,
buses, trains, and public institutions.
You can form a powerful link in the great cosmic chain of cause
and effect which will improve your life, raise your standards, and
complete your destiny.
How a man projected his picture of abundance to reality

Ralph H. worked in a large office connected with a manufac­

turing firm, where he was only one of several hundred employees.
He drew an ordinary salary, but he had a dream of one day being
a big executive in some firm and making a bigger salary.
This dream did not crystallize in any definite form until one day
he and his wife accidentally wandered into one of my lectures
on Metaphysics in Carnegie Hall. It was a whole new world that
opened up to him when he heard me tell of the great cosmic mind
power that exists and how we can achieve anything of which we
When he shook hands with me at the door, Ralph H. said, “I
believe in this power you’re talking about and I’m going to begin
using it from this moment on.”
He and his wife continued to come to my lectures regularly

every Sunday afternoon at 5:30 pm in Carnegie Hall. He spoke

to me frequently but it was not until six months later that he told
me of the amazing demonstration he had made by releasing this
magic circle power.
He told me that he started visualizing his name on an office
door in his firm. He projected himself into a job as a junior execu­
tive, even though there were other men there who had been with
the firm longer than he had. He wrote down on a piece of paper
the command to his higher mind, “I shall win promotion to an
executive position within six months, with an office of my own,
and a big salary.” He concentrated on the head man in the firm,
who had the power to choose his executive assistants, and men­
tally talked to him each night before going to sleep, telling him
he felt qualified to have the first executive position that came up.
Within exactly six months’ time, one of the executives was trans­
ferred to a Mid-west branch of the firm, and Ralph H. was called
in by the top executive and given the post that he had visualized!
Ralph H. had made such a strong mental reality of that execu­
tive job that he had even had a nameplate made up with his name
on it, which he kept up in his room at home and looked at every
morning and every night, projecting it as a reality. When he won
this promotion it was no surprise to him; he had expected it, and
was ready for the new job. He is still working for this same firm,
and is now one of the top executives with the company.

Your thoughts set up magnetic fields of action

Magnetism and electricity are indivisible units of all life cells.

Your brain is made up of billions of cells; these are capable of
being charged with cosmic magnetism, which comes to you direct
from outer space, from the dynamos of magnetic power: the sun,
moon, and billions of other planets in our galaxy.
Subtle magnetic fields are set up in your brain and body cells
when you infuse them with the thought currents that send electro­
magnetic vibrations to your nerves and muscles. They respond
with psychic overtones of cosmic magnetism which trigger vast
fields of magnetic action within your brain and body.
Just as the filaments of an electric light bulb are lifeless, until
the electricity is turned on— then you see those filaments glow

with atomic energy that gives us light— so too, the higher brain
centers are lifeless until this flow of cosmic magnetism is released
in dynamic creative patterns through the filaments of your brain.
The cosmic mind that created all life, bombards time and space
with cosmic magnetism. You are in this magnetic field of cosmic
action. When you are in tune with this higher cosmic power, all
the lines of magnetic energy in your brain and body cells flow in
harmony with this universal power. Then you are impelled in the
direction of success and fulfillment.

How to tap the source of cosmic abundance

1. D esire success, health, happiness, and riches. Desire is one
of the great magnetic forces that can attract all the atoms of the
invisible into visible forms of created substance.
The cosmic desire to perpetuate the race and create in their
image and likeness, causes men and women to be sexually at­
tracted to each other through the magnetism of love.
2. Realize that there is an abundance of everything you will
ever need already in the universe. To attract any of this abun­
dance you must first be aw are that it exists. Then focus the image
in your mind that you will be able to attract to yourself whatever
you concentrate on, and spend at least half an hour a day on
visualizing yourself having the money, riding in the car, living in
the house, marrying the right mate, finding the right work. As you
magnetize your magic circle aura with this projection of the more
abundant life picture, you will be propelled in the direction of
the things you most ardently desire and picture.
3. Program your higher mind with the magnetic thoughts that
you want to project to the outer world. The cosmic intelligence
will be directed to manifest for you whatever you program in the
inner, subjective realm. This is called the dream back of life, and
the dream has power to externalize.
This process of psychic programming is similar to a” inOuenr
computer into which one feeds data and information, and then it
releases a whole new set of facts and combinations of ideas that
present a complete program for action.
To use psychic programming, sit quietly by yourself, where you
will not be disturbed for at least half an hour or an hour, and

either write down on a piece of paper, or say the following for­

mulas for your psychic computer to manifest.
HEALTH: I desire vital good health, youth and energy. I in­
struct my higher mind to send this message of health to my brain
and body cells, giving them proper nourishment and healing them
of all disturbances. I now express life, health, youth, energy, and
grow strong and healthy.
MONEY: I instruct my higher psychic centers to program
abundance: money, goods, objects, houses, land, a car of my own,
security for the future, education for my children; all these things
that I require to fulfill my life destiny, are now being programmed
by my higher mind. I am confident that there is an abundance
for all, and I claim my share of the world’s wealth.
LOVE-HAPPINESS: I now program in my higher psychic
centers the image of perfect love. I wish to attract a mate who has
the qualities of goodness, morality, kindness, and spirituality. I
shall attract love on all planes of existence: friendship, compan­
ionship, marriage, community, the world, and of God.
RIG H T WORK: I now ask guidance of my higher psychic
centers to perform my right creative work, where I can give of my
talents to the world and win remuneration and recognition for
that work.
YOUR RIGHT HOME: I now ask of my higher psychic centers
to be guided to my right home environment. I wish to live in a
home where there is beauty, order, and harmony. I project the
perfect picture of the ideal home, and have confidence that I shall
be guided to my right place.
To add to these psychic images, you can further magnetize that
perfect home by cutting pictures out of a home magazine of the
ideal place you want, including the furnishings. Paste these
pictures in your scrapbook of destiny, and every day look at them,
or any other objects you wish to manifest in your life, and you
will be magnetizing your mind to attract them.
4. Begin to think and act like a millionaire, even though you
do not have a large fortune. The magnetic idea that you are
already the owner of the entire universe can magnetize your
brain and body and attract greater wealth into your environment.
Wear your best suit or dress when you go out; eat in the best

restaurants you can afford; beautify the home you now live in,
no matter how small; build your consciousness of riches and suc­
cess by sitting occasionally in the lobby of a luxury hotel, watch­
ing the people who have fortunes and absorbing the atmosphere
of culture and wealth. Magnetize the brain cells by going to art
galleries, museums, libraries where you can absorb the true riches
of the ages in the art, literature, sculpture, and great ideas of the
Read the W all Street Journal, Fortune magazine, the financial
page of the newspaper, and absorb the big ideas of how fortunes
are built. As you magnetize the centers of your higher mind, you
will be given ideas of how to build your own fortune, go into your
own business, or attract an idea for a new product, invention, or
some other discovery that can make you rich.
5. Make a psychic inventory of all the things you would like to
possess; walk down the main shopping district of your city, look­
ing in the windows at the jewelry, furs, household appliances,
automobiles, and other objects you would like to magnetize and
attract. Then confidently ask your higher psychic centers to ma­
terialize these things for you.
6. Set certain time limits on the various things you wish to
magnetize and attract. Ask for a home within three or five years;
ask for $10,000 within two years; ask for a trip to Europe or
Hawaii or some other point of interest within one year; ask for a
certain job within three months; a raise in salary within a month.
As you put these various requests into the computer of your
higher mind, they will automatically begin to magnetize the cells
of your mind and body, and you will be propelled in the direc­
tion of these desires. The time element may not always be accord­
ing to the one you set, for this higher mind knows when you are
ready for the demonstration.

How O ne W oman Magnetized a T rip to E urope

A young woman I know, who had studied these magnetic prin­
ciples in my lectures in New York, worked as a secretary for a law
firm. She had a lifetime dream of one day visiting the British Isles,
Scotland, and Ireland. She did not make a big salary and had no

outside means to help her, as her father was dead and she and her
mother were alone.
However, she kept projecting this dream, and making it a
reality. She went to a travel agency and obtained colored folders
showing all the places she wanted to visit. She read up on the
history of these countries, from which her ancestors had come.
She magnetized her higher mind centers with the emotion of
desire. Then she sat in regular periods of meditation, in which
she invoked the aid of the cosmic mind to guide her to a way for
Three months later, a friend of hers told her she knew of an
elderly woman who was going to Britain for two months and who
needed a travelling companion. This woman applied and got the
job. Soon she was taking the dream trip she had wanted for many
years and being paid at the same time!
If she had not projected this idea for travelling to her higher
mind centers, magnetizing it and giving it an infusion of life force,
it might have been years before she actually could afford to take
the trip.
7. Use the magnetic law of cosmic action to materialize your
dreams in the outer, objective realm. As action is the first law of
the universe, you must begin the process of magnetic action by
thinking something into being.
This cosmic law of dynamic action that entitles you to inherit
the world and all therein is given in the Bible in Genesis 1, verses
So God created man in His own image, in the image of God
created He him; male and female created He them. And God
blessed them, and God said unto them. Be fruitful, and mul­
tiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
In this powerful statement from the Bible, five laws of cosmic
magnetism are given— all verbs o f dynam ic action.


These five principles of cosmic magnetism are in back of all the

creation of riches and abundance.
TO BE FR U IT F U L : Every person must become a productive
channel of good. Before you can produce something, a mental
seed must be planted, and the cosmic magnetism will be chan­
neled to create whatever crop is inherent in the seed.
TO M U LTIPLY: This law of cosmic magnetism decrees that
everything in the universe has the power to increase itself and
produce abundantly whatever man needs for his complete fulfill­
ment. The law of the harvest is to reap more than you sow; when
you plant a pint of wheat, you reap a bushel. A kernel of corn can
produce several heads; always this law of cosmic magnetism mul­
tiplies its products for the good of mankind.
Work with this cosmic law and increase your talents; refine your
personality; develop your intellect, and utilize your gifts and
talents to increase the beauty and good of the world. You will
constantly be refreshed and renewed when you give of your
creative efforts to the world, for this law of cosmic magnetism
never fails those who use it constructively.
TO REPLEN ISH : There is a law of cosmic magnetism known
as reciprocity. When you take something from the soil, such as a
crop, you must replenish the soil and enrich it, so it will produce
more abundantly in the future.
When you expect riches from the cosmic mind, you must first
give something to the world, in the way of effort, talent, creative
inspiration, beauty, and goodness— then, this law of the cosmos
works to constantly replenish you and enrich you.
The late John D. Rockefeller received riches from the soil in
the form of oil, and when he became a multimillionaire he gave
back to the world through the Rockefeller Foundation and other
channels, much of the wealth he had accumulated.
Henry Ford built a fortune of 500 million dollars, but he gave
America reasonable transportation.
Andrew Carnegie made hundreds of millions of dollars through

steel, but he gave back most of this wealth to the world. He left
1200 public libraries, Carnegie Hall, and many other institutions
for man’s cultural, artistic, and creative arts. He replenished the
world, and fulfilled the law of reciprocity.
TO SU BD UE: This cosmic law relates to man’s own erratic
nature, which must be refined, subdued, and spiritualized. Very
often man is inclined to selfishness, greed, envy, and hatred. It is
impossible to achieve true riches of mind, or spirit, until these
forces of animalism have been subdued.
TO HAVE DOMINION OVER: We must first have dominion
over ourselves and conquer our own natures, by a process of edu­
cation and study. Then we must conquer the natures of others,
who might tend to lead us into negative paths. We must also
have dominion over the forces of mass consciousness which tell us
we are beginning to be old at 40, or that we must remain poor and
in misery all our lives. People who conquer the forces of life are
able to use this powerful law of cosmic magnetism and rise above
lack and limitation, into a realm of abundance and riches.
When you utilize these five cosmic principles of magnetism you
will work with the laws that control the universe. You will then
see a steady flow of abundance coming to you from the vast
cornucopia of the cosmos, enriching your life with every good and
beautiful thing that you desire.

1. You have been given the power to tap the source of cosmic
abundance and channel riches of all kinds into your life.
2. How to build the magic circle power like a magnet that
attracts to you wealth, friends, love-happiness, health, and
3. Your mind is more powerful than a magnet, for it can
select the things you wish to attract and make them a
living reality.
4. How you can use this magnetic power to tap the cornu­
copia of cosmic abundance in your daily life and attract
the things you visualize.
5. Desire, the first key to becoming a magnetic center of
power and attraction.

6. How to program abundance and riches into your higher

psychic centers and become a magnet. You can program
health, money, love, right work, a home of your own— all
these things can be yours through cosmic magnetism.
7. Think, talk, and act like a millionaire, and soon you will
be able to attract wealth, security, and happiness.
8. How one lady magnetized a month’s trip to the British
Isles, and was paid while she took it.
9. The five dynamic magnetic laws of action given in the
Bible, which can release tremendous creative power for

H o w to M a k e Y o u r C o s m i c
M i r a c l e H a p p e n Now

One of the greatest things I dis­

covered when I began to teach people how to use the miracle of
cosmic magnetism was that they could make the cosmic miracle
happen now.
They did not have to wait years for achieving life’s rich rewards.
I learned, what you must now know— tim e is not law.
Man has learned how to telescope time and space. He has
bridged the time gap in his use of cosmic magnetism to reach the
moon and outer space. By accelerating the life force of magnetism
in your brain and body, you can bridge the time gap on earth
and bring future events into the cosmic timetable of the eternal
If you are young, you need not wait until you’re old to become
If you’re old and fe e l you have not su cceed ed , you will learn

how to telescope time and make your success happen now. Some
of the world’s greatest fortunes were built by people past 60 and
When I gave this magic circle principle to young actors in
Hollywood, the studios wanted to make them stars immediately—
they could not wait for some distant day in the future to cash in
on their box office potentialities. I learned that overnight, people
could acquire this magic circle principle and begin immediately
to attract fame, fortune, and material riches.
How you can bridge the cosmic time gap immediately

It is good to have a future dream that you want fulfilled, but

why wait for an uncertain future when you can bridge the cosmic
time gap immediately and project those dreams into the eternal
This moment that you are now living, was the future just a short
time ago. The future that you look forward to expectantly is like
amoving stream of time in consciousness. Even as you concentrate
on the future, it has already slipped past the shores of conscious­
ness and becomes the present.
Begin to live in the awareness of time as always being the
eternal now— and act accordingly. You can make the future hap­
pen in the present by adopting the cosmic timetable, and knowing
that it is a matter of consciousness rather than a matter of time.
Time is not law
On a sheet of paper write down these words: T IM E IS NOT
LAW. Keep it handy where you where you can see it several times
a day.
Also put down on the same sheet of paper according to your
I would like $1000 ( or as much as you w ant).
I want to take a trip to Europe.
I desire a home of my own.
I want a better job and more money.
I want to develop talent as an artist (or a writer, inventor,
composer, poet, e tc .).
I want to meet my future marriage partner.
I want to sell the property I own.

Any of the above requests or others that fit your personal needs
should be put into your cosmic timetable and projected by the
method we shall now study, to the cosmic mind, where you will
bridge the cosmic time gap between the present and the future
and begin to demonstrate the conditions you request.
Remember—from the moment you write down your cosmic
requests they are on their way to happenin g for you\ Therefore,
they are being projected as very real, present-day events, not
some future, distant happenings.
How a woman projected her own restaurant

A woman who worked in a New York suburb was a waitress.

She began coming to my lectures and learned of the magic circle
principle and this cosmic law. She began immediately to project a
dream to the cosmic mind that she would own her own restaurant.
The coffee shop she worked in was an ideal location. She saw
herself owning it. She didn’t have any money, for she was sup­
porting a teen-age daughter, and her husband had left her two
years before. There was seemingly no way for her to ever purchase
her own place of business. But she kept projecting the cosmic
picture that she now ow ned that restaurant.
The owner of the building where the restaurant was located had
his lunch there daily. He suddenly said to her one day, “Why
don’t you get someone to come in with you and I’ll give you a
long lease on this building. The man who owns this coffee shop is
not going to renew the lease.”
Like a bolt out of the blue this woman saw her dream already
fulfilled. She talked to another waitress she knew, and together
they signed the lease, opened the coffee shop under their names,
and today are doing a thriving business! Now the second dream
this woman had is going to come true; she projected a college
education for her daughter, and the money will be there for that
How to project the mysterious power of the magic circle

You can project the mysterious power of the magic circle and
bridge the cosmic time gap between the present and the future.
You can focus your psycho-astro powers on the present and the
future and fuse them together into the eternal now.

Three hundred years before motors came into existence a great

artist named Leonardo da Vinci, spanned the time gap to the
twentieth century by inventing and building the first airplane.
The church, however, condemned the new invention as a tool of
the devil and it was destroyed— man might have flown sooner
than he did if the people of that era had believed in da Vinci.
Columbus used this same technique for bridging the time gap
between the present and the future, when he had his vision that
the world was round, not flat, and that he could discover new
lands beyond the limited horizon of his day.
Galileo was another genius who used his magic circle power to
bridge the cosmic time gap. He invented his telescope which
brought the planets closer to earth so man could study them and
learn how they orbited around each other.

Live in the eternal now

When you have learned this mystical secret for bridging the
cosmic time gap between the present and the future, you will
learn to live in the eternal now. You will not wait for an uncertain
future, you will not believe that you must be old before you are
rich, or healthy, or happy; you will use your magic circle power
to magnetize the elements of your life and focus your dreams and
goals of the future into the immediate present.
It took Columbus 60 days to sail the oceans of his day, and
come to the new world. Now, our jet planes span the same distance
in four hours and soon will be doing it in two hours or less!
It took months for our ancestors to cross the continent in their
covered wagons. Now our jets travel the nearly 3000 miles in four
In Jules Verne’s time it was thought a daring feat to circle the
globe in 80 days; the same feat can now be performed in a little
over 24 hours.
It is the same ocean as it was in Columbus’ time; the same
world that Jules Verne wrote about, but there is one important
difference now— man has accelerated the rhythm of his mind and
body, and has learned how to bridge the time gap between the
past, present, and future. He has telescoped time through the

magic circle power of his imagination and the projected inner

dream into the cosmic realm, he has overcome the barriers of
matter, time, and space and made a reality of the eternal now.

This mystic substance called time

You can now project your mental images into this cosmic stream
of time, and materialize the things you imagine and create within
your consciousness. You can magnetize this mystic substance
called time and bring into the immediate future, all the great
things that you want to be and do in the future.
You can slow down time or accelerate it at will.
You can project a sum of money into the future, and magnetize
it so it will materialize immediately.
The Master Metaphysician, Jesus, knew well this law of im­
mediate and instantaneous demonstration. W ith His miracle of
the loaves and fishes He multiplied substance and fed the mul­
By accelerating the vibrations of the body and brain cells, He
was able to channel cosmic life energy into sick bodies and cause
them to become healed and perfect.
An unknown author has written about this mystic substance of
tim e:
Time is
Too slow for those who wait,
Too swift for those who Fear,
Too long for those who Grieve,
Too short for those who Rejoice;
But for those who Love,
Time is Eternity.
You can accelerate time and make events transpire in the
immediate now or you can slow time down and cause an event to
linger fondly on the memory screens of the brain.
You have the power to raise the rate of vibration of your soul
to such glorious heights of consciousness, that you can be aware
of the entire cosmos and reflect the dynamic magnetism and
power that exist in invisible time and space.

You can slow down the aging processes of the brain and body,
creating a younger and more vital you, looking from ten to 15
years younger than you really are by calendar years.

Your brain is a cosmic cyclotron

Just as the atom has been split in our giant cyclotrons, releasing
the power of a thousand suns, so too your brain and your soul
have the power of a cosmic cyclotron. They can create new
dimensions of power which elevate you to your rightful place in
the universe.
It was man’s accelerated cosmic mind power that caused him to
dream of conquering space and going to the moon and other
You can create a cosmic whirlpool of energy

You have been given the power to create a cosmic whirlpool of

creative and dynamic energy through your own mind. You possess
tremendous power that can affect your mind, your body, and your
destiny by setting into motion a vast whirlpool of magnetism and
electricity, which will profoundly affect your body, giving you
health, youth, and long life; it can also affect your environment,
creating an atmosphere of happiness, success, and fulfillment.
This cosmic whirlpool can inspire your higher mind, causing
you to become a great genius giving to the world your hidden
talents and creative gifts.
You can achieve cosmic awareness and tap the hidden power of
the universe, elevating you to lofty heights of achievement.
You can attune your mind to the cosmic mind and receive the
inspired thoughts and inspirations of the greatest geniuses who
ever lived and duplicate their power and their works.

A simple program for bridging the cosmic time

gap for greater power

1. Expand your thinking to embrace the entire cosmos; see

yourself as part of a vast chain that links the entire universe in
one cosmic unit, governed by a universal mind that works under
definite laws. Realize that you are a part of this cosmic network
of intelligent action, and that everything you think and do has its

echo in some other invisible dimension of time. Live as though

you will live forever, and know that in this cosmic plan every
provision has been made for your perpetuity and progress.
2. Accelerate the rate of your thinking and acting. Do not sit
back and wait for something to happen to change your destiny,
but start the law of cosmic action into motion, knowing that you
can create your own personal cosmic whirlpool of energy and
dynamic action. Cultivate the mind; study and increase your
knowledge of the world in which you live; break through the
limited barriers of past educational patterns and habits; believe
that you can achieve anything you can conceive.
3. Be aware that the cells of the cosmos are like your body
cells, made up of billions of planets— just as your brain and body
are made up of billions of cells— and that these cells reflect cosmic
magnetism, electricity, and life force. You can stir vortices of
power in these brain and body cells by thinking health; thinking
youth; thinking wealth. No thought is without its corresponding
action; action produces reaction, so all progress, all health, all
wealth, all happiness, must begin in the action of your brain cells.
Then these magnetic and electric pulsations are transmitted to
your body through the sympathetic nervous system, and they
create their corresponding reaction.

How a Y oung M an C hanged H is L if e with

T his C reative P rinciple
A young man I met in my lectures was a teacher of French in
a high school. He desperately wanted to travel to foreign coun­
tries and have high adventure while he was still young.
Shortly after studying these principles he began his magic
circle schedule and projected the dream of foreign lands, espe­
cially in the Mid-east. He kept projecting the picture of advance­
ment in his work, knowing that one day he would gravitate in the
direction of his mental magnet.
Within one year’s time this man received an offer to teach
French in the exotic, little-known country of Afghanistan. It was
the beginning of the fulfillment of his dual dream— to travel and
to write books about strange lands.
Plis work was fascinating in that little-known land, for he was

soon friends with the royal family and began to teach the young
prince French and English. Two years later, when the prince left
to study in Paris, before marrying, this teacher made contacts that
took him to another fascinating outpost, Saudi Arabia. He was
already writing his book about Afghanistan, and had a new con­
tract to live and work in Saudi Arabia, at a much better salary
than he had received in America. Now he is on the way to finish­
ing that contract, and another book, which will undoubtedly be
sold to motion pictures— his second dream.
We never know what stratas of cosmic power we tap when we
build our magic circle of positive thoughts and actions.
4. Each day accelerate the rate of your thinking by stating the
creative laws under which you shall live your life. Make powerful
positive affirmations which your higher mind will pick up and
transmit to the cosmic mind that rules the universe, making them
a reality. Memorize or repeat the following affirmations whenever
you feel you need additional cosmic power:
I now accelerate the rate o f vibration in my brain cells.
I create the cosm ic w hirlpool o f dynam ic creative action.
I desire p ow er to carry out my pattern o f creative work.
I w ish to b ec o m e an artist (or an author, inventor, com ­
poser, businessm an -w hatever you w ish to b e) an d I now
stir the psychic centers o f my higher m ind into action. I
ask fo r inspiration to carry out my m aster plan fo r the

5. Attune your mind to greatness, by studying the cosmic laws

pertaining to geniuses. You can do this by studying the lives of
great men who have created and discovered great things in the
past. Make their thoughts a part of your consciousness. Build your
thoughts in the cosmic pattern, by being aware that you are a
channel for the release of dynamic creative and cosmic energy.
Approach every task in your life as if it were a step leading to
some great climax in your future.
6. Attune your mind to beautiful things; see the beauty in the
universe and nature; hear the beauty of great music from the past
and present; be aware of the wonders of great masterpieces in the
art galleries; see the historic march of progress in the museums,

planetariums, and scientific laboratories of our world; try to

emulate the thinking that led to the discovery of the power of
electricity, automobiles, radio and television, printing presses and
typewriters, computers and electronic microscopes— see in this
vast network of scientific skill and power the orderly march of
mankind through the centuries, and try to use this same cosmic
power that reveals a world of wonders and miracles in every
robin’s egg, every blade of grass.
7. Release the cosmic power of your creative imagination; see
the future, fulfilled and complete, as you picture it. Project your­
self into the dimensions of the past, and live in the mental world
where you visit the historic sites of the past, and consort with the
immortals of all time. You can enter this mystic realm of cosmic
timelessness on wings of imagination and be transported through
time and space, into the cosmic stratosphere where the pure
essence of spirit resides.
Visualize the new life you want to live and project it into the
See the large fortune you want to create and visualize that
money coming from some great creative idea you will have in
the present. Do not live in the future, but in the now, for this is
the only dimension that exists for your mind. In this way you
will telescope time and begin to enjoy every act of fife, and live
as though you will live forever.

How a Y oung L ady B ecame an E ditor

A young lady who came to some of my lectures in Carnegie
Hall, had studied writing in college, and had the dream of becom­
ing an editor on the staff of a woman’s fashion magazine. She set
her mental sights on one of the biggest magazines in the field. She
was so charged with this magnetic idea that when she was inter­
viewed for the job, as a beginning writer for that publication, she
so impressed the managing editor that she got the job over 20
other applicants.
She asserted to herself every day, “time is not law,” and began
to project the future into the present. She did not want to wait
the long period of time that it took most women to become editors
in that field. She acquired as much knowledge about the field

as she could; she wrote articles on makeup and clothing styles,

fill-ins for the magazine which other girls hated to do. At the end
of six months’ time, one of the editors left for another position and
this girl was advanced to a high position as one of the editors!
Miracles can happen here and now if you have faith in miracles.
If you keep telling yourself that others may be able to do these
astounding things but that you are limited by conditions, you
will never magnetize your magic circle with the magnetic prin­
ciple of instantaneous success.
8. Turn your thoughts inward and discover the true world of
reality. It is with this inner power that you create your outer
world of reality. The inner dream is more real than the outer.
Things in the outer world tend to erode and change; the inner
reality of spirit remains forever the same. The physical rose wilts
and dies in the fall and winter, but the spirit of the rose is a cosmic
reality; it will bloom again in another springtime. When it disap­
pears from the earth, hidden by a blanket of snow, somewhere
in the cosmic repository of all power, that rose still exists and has
form, dimension, and reality, even though invisible.
So too, in the resplendent vision of your soul, there is the cosmic
reality of your own immortality. The signature of God has been
imprinted on this invisible soul substance, and even though age,
sickness, and death intervene, the glorious cosmic dream of your
immortality is enthroned within the realm of mind and spirit. You
can project yourself into this spiritual dimension by concentrating
on the permanent values of life and refusing to be intimidated or
confused by the seeming erosions of time, age, and death.


1. How you can bridge the cosmic time gap between the
present and the future, bringing into focus now the things
you dream of having and doing in the future.
2. How to enjoy life in the eternal now and magnetize the
elements of your life, bringing your dreams and goals into
focus in the present.
3. How you can accelerate or slow down time at will, bring­
ing money, health, power, love, and anything else you

desire into immediate focus upon the screen of conscious­

4. How to use your brain as a cyclotron, so you can create
new dimensions of power and elevate yourself to your
right place.
5. The invisible currents of magnetism that hold our earth
up in space, and how you can create a cosmic whirlpool
of magnetism in your life, giving you tremendous power
to change matter, demonstrate money, and attract great
6. How you can expand your thinking to embrace the entire
cosmos and become a vast chain that links the entire
universe, using the universal mind for dynamic action in
your life.
7. Your brain and body are like the cosmic body, in which
billions of stars are its cells; you can motivate these cells
with dynamic cosmic currents for health, power, youth,
and long life.
8. Positive affirmations that help accelerate the rate of your
thinking, so you can live under dynamic creative laws
for better health, youthful vitality, and energy.
9. The process by which you attune your mind to cosmic
intelligence, to release creative genius in your brain cells.

H o w to A c h i e v e S e r e n i t y
and inner Power Through
Cosmic Ascendancy

You have been given the power

to rise above the gravity pull of this earth’s suffering and mis­
fortune and ascend into the cosmic realm of absolute peace and
You can use cosmic magnetism to build such reserves of inner
power that you can master every negative situation in life and
turn it into the shimmering gold of cosmic spirit.
You can dissolve your problems by using the power of cosmic
ascendancy, and you can rise to planes of consciousness where
you are immune to ail of life’s petty irritations and frustrating

The spiritual mountaintop of serenity

You can use this magic circle power to elevate yourself above
this earth’s recurring catastrophes. You can discover the moun­
taintop of serenity where you can achieve cosmic ascendancy over
the disturbing and violent forces of life.
Here, in this sanctuary, you may use your magic circle power
to project the ideal life into focus in the dimension of mind and
soul. You may dream the golden dream of immortality and
permanency, amidst life’s conflicts and burdens.
When you ascend into the lofty realm of inspiration and ideal­
ism, in the quiescence of your own immortal cosmic soul, you can
hear the cosmic voice that guides you to the unfoldment of your
true destiny.
You were created in the cosmic stillness of the mother’s womb
and achieved perfection in nine month’s time.
In the stillness of the womb of mother earth, the acorn sprouts
and grows, becoming a giant oak tree that is able to weather the
storms of its material existence. Likewise, you must seek out the
realm of cosmic stillness to know your spiritual rebirth and cosmic
ascendancy over the storms that rage in the outer world of matter.
All creative processes occur in the peace and serenity of cosmic
The creative artist hears his silent melodies within the inner
stillness of his consciousness, and out will pour the symphonies
of a Mozart or Beethoven.
A great artist like Rembrandt or Michelangelo, sits within the
silence of his own creative spirit and receives the cosmic pulsations
of color, form, and rhythm which create great masterpieces.
When you wish to rise above the misfortunes of life and find
inner peace, security, and serenity, you cannot remain in the
shadowed lowlands of physical and material forces. You must rise,
through cosmic ascendancy, with wings of the soul, into the
cosmic realm where you can survey all earthly things in their
true perspective.
How to achieve cosmic ascendancy
When you rise in an airplane above the earth to a height of
20,000 feet, all things on earth— houses, people, cars-even moun­

tains— gradually flatten out, and appear one-dimensional. Tlie

prisons, hospitals, insane asylums, battlefields, and graveyards are
still there, but you have achieved a perspective that makes them
Cosmic ascendancy is the mystical process by which you can
achieve elevation above the problems and tragedies of life, and
rise on wings of the soul into the eternal realm where only pure
spirit exists.
You can surround yourself with the golden light of your magic
circle and completely shut out the world of misfortune and
tragedy. You can give yourself the suggestions that will achieve
this cosmic ascendancy in a few second’s time. Whenever you are
faced with a severe problem, have some misfortune, or tragedy
strikes, you can withdraw your sense perceptions from the outer
world of matter and retire into the innermost cathedral of your
soul, where you will find inner peace and serenity.
You can achieve this cosmic ascendancy by saying to yourself
daily the following power statements:

1 now ascend the spiritual mountaintop of serenity, and

withdraw my senses from the shadowed lowlands of life. My
problems, fears, worries, and misfortunes now recede into
mystical time and space, and grow distant and dim.
I rise on wings of the sold over the outer world of harsh
reality. I becom e one with cosmic intelligence; I enter the
realm of absolute peace, infinite joy, cosmic bliss, and I am
enfolded in the golden magic circle of Divine Love. I am
now impervious to life’s insults and dangers and am safe and
at peace with the world and with myself.
I now put myself in the center of my golden magic circle
and withdraw my sense perceptions from earthhound things.
My umbilical cord of spirit now connects me with the cosmic
mind, and I am nourished and sustained by pure spirit. I groio
strong, resilient, and the life force flows through me, sustaining
and strengthening me to meet the challenges of life.

After you have achieved absolute stillness and your mind is

quiet, and truly serene, at peace, you will receive the Divine In­
tuition to act in such a way that you can help solve the problems
that are afflicting you at that moment.

T he St ep -by -Step R egime for C osmic A scendancy

1. Go into the silence each day for at least half an hour for
spiritual study and meditation. You can still your conscious mind
by saying the Lord’s Prayer, the 23rd Psalm, or by simply repeat­
ing this sentence from the Bible several times:

“Peace, be still, and know that I am God.”

2. When you have achieved absolute stillness of your mind and
body, you are ready to begin the spiritual process of achieving
cosmic ascendancy over the physical and material forces of life.
Visualize in the distance a beautiful mountain rising thousands
of feet into the atmosphere. You have probably seen pictures of
Mt. Everest, which rises 29,000 feet above the Tibetan-Nepal
border in the Himalayas. This is the highest point on earth. Men­
tally see this towering mountain, crowned with snow, and tell
yourself that you are going to ascend that mountain to the summit
where there is eternal peace and quiescence. As you mentally
begin to rise to the spiritual mountaintop, affirm to yourself: “I
now rise above the limitations of mortal mind. I ascend into the
realm of cosmic power where all my problems, fears, worries, and
negative experiences fade away.”
3. As you begin your spiritual ascent up the magic mountain of
peace and serenity, visualize yourself rising slowly above the
lowlands and shadows at the base of the mountain. These repre­
sent the mortal mind realm of man’s deepest anxieties, fears,
hatreds, and limitations. Soon, as you ascend the mystic mountain
to your magic circle realm of absolute peace, these lowlands will
be shrouded with mist and will recede from consciousness.
You have now reached that realm of ascendancy where mortal
mind no longer holds you captive in the dark prison house of
flesh, material things, jobs, and earthly burdens. You now enter
the mystic realm where dreams are made, and will take on a kind
of spiritual euphoria, where everything will seem dreamlike and
unreal. The problems and anxieties that seemed so monumental
will gradually begin to fade into the shadows at the base of the
spiritual mountaintop, and you will feel a sense of joy and release.
4. When you have reached the midway point in your cosmic

T he Ste p -by -Step R egime for C osmic A scendancy

1. Go into the silence each day for at least half an hour for
spiritual study and meditation. You can still your conscious mind
by saying the Lord’s Prayer, the 23rd Psalm, or by simply repeat­
ing this sentence from the Bible several times:

“Peace, be still, and know that I am God.”

2 . When you have achieved absolute stillness of your mind and
body, you are ready to begin the spiritual process of achieving
cosmic ascendancy over the physical and material forces of life.
Visualize in the distance a beautiful mountain rising thousands
of feet into the atmosphere. You have probably seen pictures of
Mt. Everest, which rises 29,000 feet above the Tibetan-Nepal
border in the Himalayas. This is the highest point on earth. Men­
tally see this towering mountain, crowned with snow, and tell
yourself that you are going to ascend that mountain to the summit
where there is eternal peace and quiescence. As you mentally
begin to rise to the spiritual mountaintop, affirm to yourself: “I
now rise above the limitations of mortal mind. I ascend into the
realm of cosmic power where all my problems, fears, worries, and
negative experiences fade away.”
3. As you begin your spiritual ascent up the magic mountain of
peace and serenity, visualize yourself rising slowly above the
lowlands and shadows at the base of the mountain. These repre­
sent the mortal mind realm of man’s deepest anxieties, fears,
hatreds, and limitations. Soon, as you ascend the mystic mountain
to your magic circle realm of absolute peace, these lowlands will
be shrouded with mist and will recede from consciousness.
You have now reached that realm of ascendancy where mortal
mind no longer holds you captive in the dark prison house of
flesh, material things, jobs, and earthly burdens. You now enter
the mystic realm where dreams are made, and will take on a kind
of spiritual euphoria, where everything will seem dreamlike and
unreal. The problems and anxieties that seemed so monumental
will gradually begin to fade into the shadows at the base of the
spiritual mountaintop, and you will feel a sense of joy and release.
4. When you have reached the midway point in your cosmic

ascendancy of the spiritual mountaintop, you will enter the realm

of pure mind and intellect.
You will now be aware of the eternal reality of mind and spirit
and the unreality of matter. You will see the stars twinkling in
the diadem of night; you will listen to the wind blowing gently
over the mountain slopes and you will read its mystic pattern and
know its cosmic message; you will feel the rhythm of rain and
snowfall, as it washes clean the lambent earth below. You will
sense the cosmic rhythm of the ocean waves as they gently kiss
the countless shores of earth. In this mystic design of mountains,
valleys, streams, and oceans, you will see the signature of the
cosmic spirit that man calls God, who created all these great
things for man’s enjoyment.
You will then rise ever higher on this spiritual cosmic moun­
taintop, to the realm of absolute peace. You can achieve the
heights and survey the earth and all therein with a sense of cosmic
detachment and serenity. No problems exist in this cosmic realm
of pure spirit. Problems exist only in mind and matter, and they
become obliterated when you rise on wings of the soul into the
realm of cosmic ascendancy over material things.
5. In this period of deep meditation, as you ascend the cosmic
mountaintop of eternal peace and quiescence, concentrate on the
celestial colors that adorn all creation. When you see a rainbow
spanning the heavens, you know that it is made up of the entire
spectrum of color visible to the human eye. In that rainbow you
see the symbol that the cosmic mind has given to man of God’s
eternal glory and mercy: “I do set My bow in the cloud, and it
shall be for a token of a covenant between Me and the earth.”
You may ascend that glittering rainbow of hope and reach the
celestial heights of peace and serenity when you adorn your life
with the spiritual spectrum of God’s eternal rainbow of hope,
faith, peace, truth, justice, beauty, idealism, happiness, and love.

How to wear the magic circle crown of cosmic power

To find this cosmic realm of absolute peace and radiant joy,

you can enter into a state of transcendental meditation, where you
concentrate on wearing the magic circle crown of power and glory.
This spiritual crown is made up of the seven jewels of cosmic

light. As you concentrate on each of the seven astral and cosmic

colors, in that celestial crown, your mind will soar into illimitable
heights of cosmic joy and you will achieve the highest prominence
of the spiritual mountaintop, where there is absolute power, ab­
solute peace, and absolute tranquility.
Concentrate for a few moments on each of the following seven
magic circle jewels of spirit. Hold each word in the forefront of
your consciousness, as though it were written in letters of pure
gold. Concentrate all the powers of your mind on the word and
then see its corresponding jewel, with its own astral color. As you
hold each magic circle jewel in consciousness, you will experience
the healing, soothing vibration of that particular jewel and color.
Hold each meditation for at least five minutes, and give your­
self this treatment for cosmic magnetism each day, until you have
absorbed the iridescent pattern of the magic circle jewels, and
they are emblazoned forever upon your brain, body, and soul.

The seven magic circle jewels of spirit

1. TRUTH. Symbolized by the opalescent pearl.

2. JU STIC E. Symbolized by the blood-red ruby.
3. GOODNESS. Symbolized by the delicate blue sap­
4. LOVE. Symbolized by the imprisoned splendor
and glittering radiance of all colors in
the diamond.
5. BEAUTY. Symbolized by the amethyst, with its
blending of red and blue, creating its
own glittering hues.
6. IDEALISM . Symbolized by the golden haze of the
7. HAPPINESS. Symbolized by the brilliant green of the

When you go into the mystic silence for achieving your spiritual
mountaintop of cosmic ascendancy, you will try to visualize all
these colors and more— see the glorious spectrum of the spiritual
rainbow, which is filled with colors that are beyond man’s normal
range of vision and may only be seen with psychic inner vision.

This cosmic realm is filled with beautiful sounds also, the

rhythm of the universe is in the upper reaches of the cosmos— it
is this rhythm that great composers such as Beethoven and Chopin
were able to hear and translate into glorious music.
It is the cosmic coloration of the universe that great artists like
Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were able to see with inner
vision and translate into glowing colors on canvas, which have
beguiled the senses of generations of men.
When you go into the mystic silence to ascend your spiritual
mountaintop, repeat ten times, “Peace be still. Be still and know
that I am God.”
Then let your mind and spirit soar into the transcendental realm
where all creative and spiritual processes begin.
In that celestial realm, you will be removed from the dark
shadow of earth’s reality and you will find the true, spiritual
values of life that give you conquest over the forces of nature,
bringing you eternal peace, beauty, and tranquility.
Whenever your peace of mind is shattered by the forces of
error, injustice, and suffering, instead of rebelling against the
negative elements of life, ascend above these limitations of matter
by repeating these statements over and over, until you achieve
perfect stillness within:
W hatsoever things are true, w hatsoever things are
honest, w hatsoever things are just, w hatsoever things are
pure, w hatsoever things are lovely, w hatsoever things are
o f g ood report; if there b e any virtue, and if there b e any
praise, think on these things. P h il . IV: 8
Truth is the gravitation principle o f the universe, by
w hich it is supported, and in w hich it inheres. W. M.
E varts.
Just as an oyster takes that grain of sand, which is an irritant,
and covers it with its translucent life force, creating a magnificent
pearl, so too your soul evolves and grows to the pearl of spiritual
perfection, when you take the elements of life and transform them
into the glittering substance of spirit. You grow stronger by meet­
ing these challenges of life and converting them into cosmic
beauty through truth.

You are now triumphant over life

Clothed now by the magic circle raiment of your spiritual nobil­

ity, and wearing the magic mask of beauty, you are able to rise
above the gravity pull of earth’s indignities and limitations.
You have set your celestial course by the North Star of truth,
and you have adorned your soul with the shining light of love.
You are mentally and spiritually equipped to set forth on this
triumphant journey on the mystic pathway of cosmic adventure.
You are a voyager upon a glittering star called earth, and your
thoughts may soar to the resplendent dimensions of cosmic time­
lessness. You are ageless and bound for eternal glory.
Wear your magic circle crown with dignity and confidence;
aspire always to the ideals which you have now enthroned; let the
celestial light of the astral colors illumine your mind, grace your
body, and radiate their golden splendor in the magic circle of
your presence.
You have discovered the mantle of your divinity; wear it in
perpetuity and with joyous radiance.
You have found the hidden splendor of your soul; release its
iridescent light to heal the world.
You have achieved release from the gravity pull of earth and
know the transcendental joy of cosmic liberation. Use your new­
found power wisely and help struggling, earthbound mortals to
find the celestial dream that now enfolds you.


1. You may ascend into the cosmic realm of absolute peace

and serenity through your magic power circle of cosmic
2. The creative power that flows to the higher centers of
your mind when you enter the mystic silence, can revolu­
tionize your life.
3. How to achieve cosmic ascendancy and rise above earth’s
problems, suffering, unhappiness, and tragedies.
4. The magic circle suggestions that can give you cosmic
ascendancy over the shadowed lowlands of life, removing
all worry, misfortune, fear, and hate.

5. The step-by-step regime for achieving cosmic ascendancy,

by repeating the 23rd Psalm and putting yourself into a
mood of quiescence and tranquility.
6. How to find the spiritual mountaintop where there is
eternal serenity and joy, where you receive cosmic guid­
7. How to contemplate the Divine mystery of creation from
the lofty planes of cosmic ascendancy and discover the
creative principle back of life.
8. How to use astral and cosmic colors to adorn your mortal
self with celestial power and utilize the spectrum of the
rainbow to give you added power and glory.
9. The seven magic circle jewels of spirit and how to en­
throne them in the magic circle crown that you wear

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