Topic 3 Linear Systems

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Topic 3

Linear systems

The focus of this topic is systems of linear equations and inequalities.



3.1 Linear equations in one variable

3.2 Systems of linear equations in two variables
3.3 Linear inequalities in one variable
3.4 Systems of linear inequalities in two variables

Theme 3.1 Linear equations in one variable

Learning objective On completion of this theme you should be able to solve an

equation in one variable algebraically.

3.1.1 What is an equation in one variable?

An equation in one variable is a statement containing an = sign, with algebraic expressions

to the left and right of the sign, using only one variable. The values of the variable that make
the statement true are called solutions or roots of the equation.
A few examples should make this definition clear. In each case the values on the right (the
solutions) make the statements on the left (the equations) true:

Equation Solution(s) or root(s)

2x + 3 = x + 4 x=1

A+1=3 A=2

The process of determining which values of the variables make the statement true is known as
solving the equation.

3.1.2 Solving linear equations in one variable algebraically

Video: Watch the video “LinEqV1” on the first part of solving linear equations in one

Video: Watch the video “LinEqV2” on the second part of solving linear equations in one

Linear equations are equations in which the unknown variable only appears to the power one:

3x + 1 = 4x + 3
5A − 40 = 0
−5s + 2 = s+8

Solving linear equations is simply a matter of juggling and manipulating the equation
until the variable is alone on the left-hand side.
The golden rule is that we can perform the same operation on the expressions on both sides of
the equal sign without altering the solution.
More specifically, we may

1. add (or subtract) the same number or expression to (or from) both sides of the equation;
2. multiply (or divide) both sides of the equation by the same non-zero number or expression.

The new equation obtained by any one of these operations is equivalent to the original equation.



The following eight steps can be used to solve a linear equation in one variable:

Step 1 Remove the brackets, if any.

Step 2 Add like terms.

Step 3 Eliminate any constants on the left-hand side of the equation

by adding its additive inverse to both sides of the equation.

Step 4 Add like terms.

Step 5 Eliminate any variable on the right-hand side of the equation

by adding its additive inverse to both sides of the equation.

Step 6 Add like terms.

Step 7 If the coefficient of the variable is not one, multiply each side
of the equation by the reciprocal of the coefficient.

Step 8 Solve the equation.


1. Solve for x in
3x + 5 = 2x − 3.
Step 1 Remove the brackets, if any.

Step 2 Add like terms.

Step 3 Eliminate any constants on the left-hand 3x + 5 − 5 = 2x − 3 − 5

side of the equation by adding its additive
inverse to both sides of the equation.

Step 4 Add like terms. 3x = 2x − 8

Step 5 Eliminate any variable on the right-hand 3x − 2x = 2x − 8 − 2x

side of the equation by adding its additive
inverse to both sides of the equation.

Step 6 Add like terms. x = −8

Consider step 5. Because 2x is a positive number, the phrase “adding the additive inverse
of 2x to both sides” of the equation has the same meaning as “subtracting 2x from both
sides” of the equation.
Note that the associative and commutative laws of addition allow us to enter the term that
we are adding at any position on each side of the equation. For example, whether we write

2x − 8 − 2x or − 2x + 2x − 8 or 2x − 2x − 8,

the result is the same.


2. Solve for A in
4A − 25 = 0.
Step 1 Remove the brackets, if any.

Step 2 Add like terms.

Step 3 Eliminate any constants on the left-hand 4A − 25 + 25 = 0 + 25

side of the equation by adding its additive
inverse to both sides of the equation.

Step 4 Add like terms. 4A = 25

Step 5 Eliminate any variable on the right-hand

side of the equation by adding its additive
inverse to both sides of the equation.

Step 6 Add like terms.

1 4 1
Step 7 If the coefficient of the variable is not one, × A = × 25
4 1 4
multiply each side of the equation by the
reciprocal of the coefficient.
Step 8 Solve the equation. A =
= 6

Consider step 3. Because −25 is a negative number, the phrase “adding the additive inverse
of −25 to both sides” of the equation has the same meaning as “adding 25 to both sides”
of the equation.

From the previous examples it is clear that not all eight steps are always followed when solving
an equation in one variable. It depends on the nature of the problem. It is also not necessary to
write down the steps. The steps were only given for explanation purposes.

5s − 6 = 10 − .
Add 6 to both sides:
5s − 6 + 6 = 10 − +6
5s = 16 −
Add to both sides:
s s s
5s + = 16 − +
 6 6 6
5+s = 16
where we have used the distributive law to add the two terms containing the s.


Writing 5 as a fraction with 6 as the denominator, gives . Therefore, the equation becomes
nnn 6
30 1
+ s = 16
6 6
s = 16.
Multiply both sides by :
31 6 31 6 16
× s = ×
31 6 31 1
6 × 16
s =

Solve the following:

1. p in 6 − 4(p + 3) = 2(p − 1)
4 − 5h 1 − 2h 13
2. h in − =
6 3 42
5 25
3. q in =
3q 27


1. The equation is
6 − 4(p + 3) = 2(p − 1).
Remove the brackets:
6 − 4 × p − 4 × 3 = 2 × p + 2 × −1
6 − 4p − 12 = 2p − 2.
−6 − 4p = 2p − 2

Add 6 to both sides:

−6 − 4p + 6 = 2p − 2 + 6
−4p = 2p + 4
Subtract 2p from both sides:
−4p − 2p = 2p + 4 − 2p
−6p = 4
Divide both sides by −6:
−6p 4
−6 −6
p = −


Although we have been working step by step here, there is no reason why you cannot use
short cuts and add several terms at once:
6 − 4(p + 3) = 2(p − 1)
6 − 4p − 12 = 2p − 2
−6 − 4p = 2p − 2
−6 − 4p + 6 − 2p = 2p − 2 + 6 − 2p
−6p = 4
−6p 4
−6 −6
p = −
However, if you are at all unsure, rather be on the safe side and work step by step.
2. The equation is
4 − 5h 1 − 2h 13
− = .
6 3 42
Multiply all the terms by 42 because 42 is the smallest number that is divisible by 42, 6
and 3 (42 = 7 × 6 = 7 × 3 × 2):
42 4 − 5h 42 1 − 2h 42 13
× − × = ×
1 6 1 3 1 42
7(4 − 5h) − 14(1 − 2h) = 13
28 − 35h − 14 + 28h = 13
14 − 7h = 13
14 − 7h − 14 = 13 − 14
−7h = −1
−7h −1
−7 −7
h =
3. The equation is
5 25
= .
3q 27
Multiply both sides by 27q because 27q is the smallest number that is divisible by both 3q
and 27:
27q 5 27q 25
× = ×
1 3q 1 27
9 × 5 = 25q
45 = 25q
25q = 45
25q 45
25 25
q =
= 1


3.1.3 Solve by x-intercept

Linear equations can be solved with a step by step method, but there is no reason why you cannot
use short cuts and add several terms at once. However, if you are unsure about using alternative
methods, rather be on the safe side and work step by step.
There is another method of solving linear equations in one variable. Any linear equation,
ax + b = 0,
can be solved by determining the x-intercept of the line y = ax + b.

Step 1 Manipulate the linear equation, using operations, until it is in the form
ax + b = 0.

Step 2 This equation is solved by adding −b to both sides to get

ax + b − b = −b
ax = −b.

Step 3 Divide by a, assuming a = 0, to obtain the root or solution

x = − .

The equation x = − is the equation for the intercept on the x-axis of the linear function
y = ax + b. This intercept occurs at y = 0.
In other words, we can always interpret the root of a linear equation in one variable as the
x-intercept of the corresponding line as shown below:

The equation of this line is
y = ax + b.
At this point, y = 0, therefore
ax + b = 0 and the value of x is
x= .

Solve the following by writing them in the form ax + b = 0:
1. 5x + 6 = −3x − 10
2. 1,1x + 3,4 = 2,5x + 1,3



1. The equation is
5x + 6 = −3x − 10.
Add 3x + 10 to both sides:
5x + 3x + 6 + 10 = 0
8x + 16 = 0 20
y = 8x + 16
We see that a = 8 and b = 16. Therefore, 16

nnn nnn
x = − 8x + 16 = 0 8
= − x
8 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3
= −2. −4



2. The equation is
1,1x + 3,4 = 2,5x + 1,3.
Add −(2,5x + 1,3) to both sides:

1,1x − 2,5x + 3,4 − 1,3 = 2,5x − 2,5x + 1,3 − 1,3

(1,1 − 2,5)x + 3,4 − 1,3 = 0
−1,4x + 2,1 = 0 y

We see that a = −1,4 and b = 2,1. Therefore,


nnn nnn 4

b 3
x = −
a 2
−1.4x + 2.1 = 0
x = 1
= 1,5. −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5
y = −1.4x + 2.1



3.1.4 Word problems

The following example demonstrates setting up your own linear equation. A linear equation can
be formed by converting a word statement to a linear equation:
“The first number is three less than two times the second number. If their sum is increased by
seven, the result is 37. Find the numbers.”

Determine the second number

Let x be the second number: x

“The first number is three less than two

times the second number.”
So, the first number is three less than two times x,
giving the first number as 2x − 3

“If their sum...”

The sum of the first and second number is (2x − 3) + x = 2x − 3 + x
= 3x − 3

“If their sum is increased by seven, the result is 37.”

This gives the equation (3x − 3) + 7 = 37
3x − 3 + 7 = 37
3x + 4 = 37
3x + 4 − 4 = 37 − 4
3x = 33
3x 33
3 3
x = 11

So, the second number is 11.

Determine the first number

The first number is (2x − 3) = 2 × 11 − 3

= 22 − 3
= 19

So, the first number is 19.

Check the numbers

These numbers can be checked as follows:

It is true that 19 = 2(11) − 3, → The first requirement, “the first
number is three less than two times
the second”, is satisfied.
it is true that 19 + 11 + 7 = 37. → The second requirement, “if
their sum is increased by seven,
the resultis 37”, is satisfied.


Rewrite the following word statements in the form of a linear equation and solve for the
unknown variable.
1. If one half and one third of a number are added to the number, the result is 44. Find the
Suppose the number is x. Add one half and one third of x to x and solve for x.
5 1
2. A person travelled of the distance by train, by bus and the remaining 15 kilometres by
8 4
boat. Find the total distance that he travelled.
Start by setting the total distance travelled by the person equal to d and solve for d.


1. Setting and solving the equation gives

1 1
× x + × x + x = 44 The number is 24.
2 3
6 1 6 1 To check: One half of 24 is 12,
× × x + × × x + 6 × x = 6 × 44
1 2 1 3 one third of 24 is 8 and
3x + 2x + 6x = 264 12 + 8 + 24 = 44.
11x = 264
11x 264
11 11
x = 24.

2. Setting and solving the equation gives

5 1
× d + × d + 15 = d The total distance travelled is 120 km.
8 4
8 5 8 1 5 120 600
× × d + × × d + 8 × 15 = 8 × d To check: × = = 75,
1 8 1 4 8 1 8
5d + 2d + 120 = 8d 1 120 120
× = = 30 and
4 1 4
7d + 120 = 8d
75 + 30 + 15 = 120.
7d + 120 − 120 − 8d = 8d − 120 − 8d
−d = −120
−d −120
−1 −1
d = 120.


Theme 3.2 Systems of linear equations in two variables

Learning objective On completion of this theme you should be able to solve

simultaneous linear equations in two variables algebraically.
In this theme we consider linear equations in two variables. Such an equation has the form
ax + by = c.
The graph of a linear equation in two variables is a straight line. A solution of a linear equation
will be any (x; y) point that will make the equation true.
To illustrate, consider the graph of the line:
y =− x+2
Consider point (0; 2).
Substitute x = 0 into equation
6 3
y = − (0) + 2
3 5 = 2.
y =− x+2 If x = 0, then y = 2, which is true.
Consider point (2; 2).
3 Substitute x = 2 into equation
y = − (2) + 2
2 4
= 0,5.
1 If x = 2, then y = 0,5, which is not
equal to 2 and therefore, not true.
−2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Consider the point (0; 2) on the line:

Equation of the line y = x+2
Substitute x = 0 into the equation y = ×0+2
= 2
So, if x = 0, then y = 2, which is true.

Consider the point (2; 2) not on the line:

Equation of the line y = x+2
Substitute x = 2 into the equation y = ×2+2
= −1,5 + 2
= 0,5
So, if x = 2, then y = 0,5, which is not equal to 2 and therefore not true.


In fact, all the points on the line y = x + 2 are solutions of the linear equation. There is actually
no limit to the number of solutions, since there is no limit to the number of points on the line.

Every point on the line graph is a solution of the linear equation and
any solution of the linear equation is a point on the line graph.

3.2.1 Systems of equations

A system of linear equations in two variables is a set or collection of linear equations whose
common solutions are looked for. The simplest linear system is one with two equations and two
variables. We can also refer to it as simultaneous linear equations or a linear system.
Consider the following system with two linear equations and two variables:
y = x−5
y = −x + 1

Since the two equations are in a system, we work with them at the same time. In particular, we
can graph them together on the same set of axes.

3.2.2 Solving systems of equations

A solution for a single equation is any point that lies on the line for that equation. A solution
for a system of equations is any point that lies on each line in the system. For example, the
point (2; −3) is not a solution of the system, because it is not on either line.

2 y = x−5

−2 −1 1 2 3 4 5


−3 y = −x + 1
(2; −3)



The point (0,5; 0,5) is also not a solution of the system, because it lies on only one of the lines,
not on both of them.

2 y = x−5
1 (0,5; 0,5)

−2 −1 1 2 3 4 5


−3 y = −x + 1


The point (1,71; −0,71) is a solution of the system, because it lies on both of the lines.

2 y = x−5

−2 −1 1 2 3 4 5
−1 (1,71; −0,71)


−3 y = −x + 1


In particular, this point is the intersection of the two lines. Since this point is on both lines, it
thus satisfies (or is a solution of) both equations, so it satisfies the entire system of equations.

For systems of equations, the solutions are the points of

intersections of the corresponding lines.

You can confirm the solution by plugging it into the system of equations, and confirming that
the solution satisfies each equation.


Three methods can be used to solve linear equations in two variables. To learn about them, watch
the following videos:

Method of solution Video to watch

1. Graphing SystemsSolveGraphs
2. Substitution SystemsSub
3. Elimination SystemsElimV1_HD

The method for solving a systems of linear equations using substitution, is as follows:

Step 1 Isolate a variable in an equation.

Step 2 Substitute the result of step 1 into the other equation and solve
for one variable.
Step 3 Substitute the result of step 2 into the result of step 1 and solve
for the other variable.
Step 4 State the solution.


Use the method of substitution to solve the following system of linear equations:
5x − y = 1
4x − y = −1
Step 1 Isolate y in the first equation: 5x − y = 1
(Subtract 5x both sides.) −y = −5x + 1
(Divide both sides by −1.) y = 5x − 1
Step 2 Substitute result of step 1, (y = 5x − 1), 4x − y = −1
into the second equation and find value of x:
(Substitute y = 5x − 1 in.) 4x − (5x − 1) = −1
4x − 5x + 1 = −1
(Subtract 1 both sides.) −x + 1 − 1 = −1 − 1
−x = −2
(Divide both sides by −1.) x = 2
Step 3 Substitute the result of step 2, (x = 2),
into the result of step 1, (y = 5x − 1), y = 5x − 1
and find the value of y:
(Substitute x = 2 in.) y = 5(2) − 1
(Calculate and simplify.) = 10 − 1
= 9
Step 4 Since x = 2 and y = 9, the solution is (2; 9)


When the lines are drawn you can see that they intersect at (x; y) = (2; 9):



9 (2; 9)

2 5x − y = 1

−2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4x − y = −1

Now, the method of elimination will be demonstrated on the same system of linear equations:

5x − y = 1 (1)
4x − y = −1 (2)

Multiply each term in equation (1) by −1:

−5x + y = −1

to obtain equation (3). Consider equations (3) and (2):

−5x + y = −1 (3)
4x − y = −1 (2)

Adding equations (3) and (2) gives

−5x + 4x + y − y = −1 − 1
−x = −2
x = 2.

To obtain the value of y, the value of x = 2 can be substituted back into equation (1) or equation


To demonstrate that is does not matter which one of the two equations is used, both will be used:
Substituting x = 2 into equation (1) gives Substituting x = 2 into equation (2) gives
5x − y = 1 4x − y = −1
5×2−y = 1 4 × 2 − y = −1
10 − y = 1 8 − y = −1
−y = 1 − 10 −y = −1 − 8
−y = −9 −y = −9
y = 9. y = 9.

We have the same solution as obtained previously, namely (x; y) = (2; 9).

Use the method of elimination to solve the system of linear equations:

2x + 5y = 13 (1)
3x + 4y = 9 (2)

It does not matter which terms are eliminated from the equations first. In this case the x-
terms will be eliminated first. The coefficients of the x-terms need to be the same (but with
different signs), in order for the x-terms to be eliminated from the equations. Therefore,
multiply each term in equation (1) by 3 and multiply each term in equation (2) by −2:

2x × 3 + 5y × 3 = 13 × 3 (1)
3x × −2 + 4y × −2 = 9 × −2 (2)

to obtain equations (3) and (4). The x-coefficient of equation (3) is 6 and of equation (4)
is −6:
6x + 15y = 39 (3)
−6x − 8y = −18 (4)

Add equations (3) and (4) and solve for y:

6x − 6x + 15y − 8y = 39 − 18
7y = 21
y =
= 3
Substitute y = 3 back into any one of the original equations, (1) or (2), to obtain the value
of x. Choose equation (2):
3x + 4y = 9
3x + 4 × 3 = 9
3x + 12 = 9
3x = −3
x = −1
The solution is (x; y) = (−1; 3).


3.2.3 Word problems

There are many situations or problems in the business environment where the values of some
unknown quantities have to be found. We can represent the unknown quantities by the names of
two variables and form two linear equations involving the variables.


A company publishes two magazines, namely Fresh Food and Big Bite. It costs R4 to print a
copy of Fresh Food and R6 to bind it. It costs R5 to print a copy of Big Bite and R3 to bind it.
The budget of the company only allows R21 000 for binding and R20 000 for printing.
Set up two linear equations that will determine how many copies of each magazine can be pub-
Let x represent the number of Fresh Food magazines that are published.
Let y represent the number of Big Bite magazines that are published.


The budget of the company only allows R20 000 for printing. It costs R4 to print a copy of Fresh
Food and R5 to print a copy of Big Bite.
The equation that represents the cost and budget for printing is

4 × Fresh Food printed + 5 × Big Bite printed = 20 000

4x + 5y = 20 000.

So, the equation that represents the cost and budget for printing is

4x + 5y = 20 000. Name this equation one.


The budget of the company only allows R21 000 for binding. It costs R6 to bind a copy of Fresh
Food and R3 to bind a copy of Big Bite.
The equation that represents the cost and budget for binding is

6 × Fresh Food bound + 3 × Big Bite bound = 21 000

6x + 3y = 21 000.

So, the equation that represents the cost and budget for printing is

6x + 3y = 21 000. Name this equation two.


The price of a pen is R11 more than the price of a pencil.
The price of a pen is represented by P and the price of a pencil is represented by R.
If you add R3 to the price of the pen and R3 to the price of a pencil, the price of the pen
will be twice the price of the pencil.
Without solving, write down two linear equations that will determine the values of P and

If the price of a pen is R11 more than the price of a pencil, then

price of pencil + R11 = price of pen

R + 11 = P
R − P = −11
P − R = 11.

Add R3 to the price of a pen and R3 to the price of a pencil. Therefore, the price of a pen
is equal to P + 3 and the price of a pencil is equal to R + 3. But the price of a pen will
be double the price of a pencil, or the price of two pencils will be equal to the price of one
pen. Thus, the mathematical expression is

new price of pen = 2 × the new price of a pencil

P + 3 = 2 (R + 3)
P + 3 = 2R + 6
P + 3 − 2R = 6
P − 2R = 6 − 3
P − 2R = 3.

The two equations are

P − R = 11
P − 2R = 3.


3.2.4 Summary

• A system of linear equations in two variables is just a set of two or more equations.
The simplest case is two linear equations in two variables. The graph of such a system is a
pair of lines in the Cartesian plane.

• The solution of a system of two linear equations can be classified as follows:

No solution The slopes of the lines are the same, but their
y-intercepts are different.
The lines are parallel.
The lines do not intersect at any point.

One solution The slopes of the lines are different.

The lines intersect at exactly one point.

Infinitely The slopes of the lines are the same, but their
many solutions y-intercepts are also the same.
The two equations represent the same line.
The lines intersect at infinitely many points.

• Word problems. Sometimes the equations are not given directly, but instead a description
of a real life problem is given. The given sentences need to be translated into more than
one equation. If there are two unknown variables then at least two equations are needed to
solve the variables.

Exercise 3.1

Solve the following systems of equations:

1. 7x + 5y = −4 and 3x + 4y = 2
2. 2x + 2y = 3 and 5x + y = −6
3. x + 4y = 49 and − 2x + y = 1


Theme 3.3 Linear inequalities in one variable

Learning objective On completion of this theme you should be able to solve a linear
inequality in one variable.

3.3.1 Introduction

Greater than/less than

The concept “greater than” is denoted by the symbol >.

The concept “less than” is denoted by the symbol <.

We say b is greater than a if and only if the difference b − a is positive.

Thus, b>a means b − a > 0.

For example 4 > 2, 4 − 2 = 2 and 2 > 0.

We say b is less than a if and only if the difference b − a is negative.

Thus, b<a means b − a < 0.

For example 2 < 4, 2 − 4 = −2 and −2 < 0.

If b = a or a = b, then a and b are the same number.

Greater than or equal to/less than or equal to

Sometimes the symbol = is combined with > or < as follows:

b≥a means b − a ≥ 0, b is greater than or equal to a,

b≤a means b − a ≤ 0, b is less than or equal to a.

If we replace the = sign in any equation, or system of equations, with a

>, <, ≥ or ≤,
then we obtain an inequality or system of inequalities.

The inequality, or system of inequalities, is linear or non-linear depending on whether the functions
involved are linear or non-linear.

3.3.2 Solving an inequality

As is the case with equations, a solution to an inequality is a value that makes the inequality
For example, if the inequality
5x − 15 < 0
had to be solved, it means that you have to determine the values of x for which this statement is


How is this done? You can solve inequalities in the same way you can solve equations, by following
these rules:
Rules to solve inequalities

Rule 1 If b is greater than a, then a is less than b.

Rule 2 If b is greater than a and a is greater than c, then b is greater than c.

Rule 3 You may add the same number to both sides of an inequality.

Rule 4 You may multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by any positive

Rule 5 When you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative

number, reverse the direction of the inequality sign.

Rule 1

If b is greater than a, then a is less than b.

If b>a then a < b.

Example: 4>1 and 1<4

Although you might say that this is obvious, it is nevertheless very useful at times when we want
to interchange the left- and right-hand sides.

Rule 2

If b is greater than a and a is greater than c, then b is greater than c.

If b>a and a>c then b > c.

Example: 23 > 21 and 21 > 20 therefore 23 > 20

If your sister is older than you and you are older than 20 years, then your sister must also be
older than 20.

Rule 3

You may add the same number to both sides of an

inequality. This number can be positive or negative.

For any c, if b>a then b + c > a + c.

Example: 4>1 then 4+3 >1+3 or 7>4

Also: 4>1 then 4−5 >1−5 or −1 > −4


Rule 4
You may multiply or divide both sides of
an inequality by any positive number.

For any c > 0, if b>a then b × c > a × c.

Example: 4>1 then 4×8>1×8 or 32 > 8

Also: 4>1 then 4 ÷ 20 > 1 ÷ 20 or 0,2 > 0,05

Rule 5

Regarding multiplying or dividing both sides of an inequality by a negative number, consider the
On the number line, the rule of order states that any number on the number line that is to the
right of another number, is greater than that number that is to the left of it.


Consider the inequalities 3 > 2 and −1 < 4:

3 is to the right of 2. −1 is to the left of 4.

3 is greater than 2. −1 is less than 4.
3>2 −1 < 4

−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4

Multiplying or dividing by a negative number switches the numbers to the opposite side of the
number line relative to zero:
3 × −1 = −3 4 × −1 = −4

−1 × −1 = 1

2 × −1 = −2

−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4

The numbers end up on opposite sides of each other:

−3 is to the left of −2. 1 is to the right of −4.

−3 is less than −2. 1 is greater than −4.
−3 < −2 1 > −4

−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4

When you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number,

reverse the direction of the inequality sign.



Solve the inequality 5x − 15 < 0.

Inequality in one variable 5x − 15 < 0

Add +15 both sides 5x − 15 + 15 < 0 + 15
5x < 15
5x 15
Divide both sides by 5 <
5 5
x < 3

This is indicated on the number line by highlighting all the points for which the inequality is true.
The arrow shows that all the values on the number line less than 3 are in the solution. Since the
point x = 3 is not included, it is shown by means of an open circle:


−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x

If the solution had been x is less than or equal to 3, the circle would be a dark or a shaded


−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x

How can we check our answer?

We cannot use 3 to substitute in the inequality, because it lies outside our solution. To check, we
can choose any value that lies in the solution and substitute it into the inequality. Let’s use −2:

5x − 15 < 0
5 × −2 − 15 < 0
−10 − 15 < 0
−25 < 0,

which is correct. Our substitution gave a correct result, so −2 is a solution of the inequality.


3.3.3 Miscellaneous

Greater than

With a greater than inequality, all numbers larger than x, but not equal to x, satisfy the
inequality. Consider
x > 2.
Any number larger than 2 satisfies the inequality.
For example 2,1; 2,2; 3; 4; 17; . . .

−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x

Less than

With a less than inequality, all numbers smaller than x, but not equal to x, satisfy the
inequality. Consider
x < 2.
Any number smaller than 2 satisfies the inequality.
For example 1,9; 1,8; 1; 0; −1; −100; . . .

−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x

Greater than or equal to

With a greater than or equal to inequality, all numbers larger than x, and equal to x, satisfy
the inequality. Consider
x ≥ 2.
Any number that is 2 or is larger than 2 satisfies the inequality.
For example 2; 2,1; 2,2; 3; 4; 17; . . .

−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x

Less than or equal to

With a less than or equal to inequality, all numbers smaller than x, and equal to x, satisfy
the inequality. Consider
x ≤ 2.
Any number that is 2 or is smaller than 2 satisfies the inequality.
For example 2; 1,9; 1,8; 1; 0; −1; −100; . . .

−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5 6 x


Variable on right side

If you need to solve an inequality, but the variable is on the wrong side of the inequality sign,
what do you do?
Solve 10 > m + 3.

Solve the inequality 10 > m+3

Add −3 both sides 10 − 3 > m+3−3
7 > m
Rewrite this inequality m < 7

Reason If b is greater than a, then a is less than b.

If the variable is on the wrong side of the inequality,

swop the sides and reverse the inequality sign.

Multiply or divide by a variable

We can multiply and divide both sides of an inequality by any positive or negative number.
However, when we multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a variable (an unknown
value) we need to be more careful.
Solve hx < 4h.

Solve the inequality for x hx < 4h

Divide both sides by h, but h > 0 or h < 0

hx 4h
If h is positive <
h h
x < 4

2x 4×2
Say h = 2 <
2 2
x < 4

hx 4h
If h is negative, reverse the inequality sign >
h h
x > 4

−2x 4 × −2
Say h = −2 >
−2 −2
x > 4

You cannot divide an inequality by a variable unless you are sure of its sign
since you do not know whether you must reverse the sign of the inequality.

When dealing with an inequality, you must always ask yourself whether you know what the sign
of the variable is before dividing or multiplying.


3.3.4 Word problems


Jacob has R2 000 in his savings account at the beginning of the holiday. He wants to have at
least R600 in his account by the end of the holiday. He withdraws R280 each week for snacks
and entertainment. For how many weeks can he withdraw money from his account?
Write an inequality that represents Jacob’s situation.
Let n be the number of weeks.
Unravel the inequality from the information given:

Information Inequality

He started with R2 000. 2 000

He withdraws money from R2 000. 2 000 −

He withdraws R280 every week. 2 000 − 280 × n

He wants to have R600 left in his account by the end 2 000 − 280 × n 600
of the holiday.

It must be at least R600. There must be R600 or more 2 000 − 280 × n ≥ 600
than R600 left in his account.

How many weeks can Jacob withdraw money from his account?
Solve the inequality to find the value of n:

Solve the inequality for n 2 000 − 280n ≥ 600

Add −2 000 both sides −280n ≥ 600 − 2 000

−280n ≥ −1 400
−280n −1 400
Divide by −280, so reverse sign to get ≤ ≤
−280 −280
n ≤ 5

Therefore, Jacob can withdraw money from his account for five or less weeks and will still have
R600 or more left in his account.


Key words

When you are solving word problems, pay close attention to the key words given below. These
keywords will help you to write the inequality.
Once the inequality is written, you can solve it using the following steps:

Step 1 Read through the entire problem.

Step 2 Highlight the important information and key words that you need to
solve the problem.

Step 3 Identify your variable.

Step 4 Write the inequality.

Step 5 Solve.

Here are a few key words that we associate with inequalities:

Key words Meaning

at least
is not less than greater than or equal to ≥
is not smaller than

at most
is not more than less than or equal to ≤
is not greater than

is more than
is greater than greater than >
is larger than

is less than
is smaller than less than <


3.3.5 Summary

• Many simple inequalities can be solved using the techniques of adding, subtracting, mul-
tiplying or dividing both sides of the inequality until you are left with the variable on its

• We discussed the following rules:

If b > a then a < b.

If b > a and if a < c, then b > c.

If b > a then b + c > a + c for any c.

If b > a then b × c > a × c and b ÷ c > a ÷ c for any c > 0.

If b > a then b × c < a × c and b ÷ c < a ÷ c for any c < 0.

If you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative

number, reverse the direction of the inequality sign.

• Word problems. Sometimes the inequality is not given directly, but instead a description
of a real-life problem is given. The given sentences need to be translated into an inequality.

• If you want to swop the expressions on either sides of an inequality, remember to reverse
the inequality sign.

• You cannot divide an inequality by a variable unless you are sure of its sign since you do
not know whether you must reverse the sign of the inequality.

Exercise 3.2

Solve the following:

1. 11 ≥ 6 − 4x
2. 4x + 4 < 1,5x − 6


Theme 3.4 Systems of linear inequalities in two variables

Learning objective On completion of this theme you should be able to solve a system
of linear inequalities in two variables.

3.4.1 Linear inequalities in two variables

Although the rules in the previous theme may be applied to linear inequalities in two or more
variables, they are not of much use when it comes to solving a system of linear inequalities in
two or more variables. The trouble is that the solution is not generally a single point, but usually
an infinite sequence of points. In fact, in the two variable cases it is usually even more than that
– it is a whole area or region in the x–y plane. This means that the most successful approach to
solving linear inequalities in two variables is by means of graphs.
Suppose we have to draw a graph with a set of points that obey the inequality

−x + 2y − 2 ≥ 0.

Now, if we ignore the > sign for a moment and just consider the = sign, we can easily draw a
graph of
−x + 2y − 2 = 0.
This is the straight line y = x + 1 depicted in the figure below:

4 −x + 2y − 2 = 0
3 (3; 3) 1
y = x+1
(−1; 2) 2 (3; 2) 2

1 (1; 1) (4; 1)
(−5; 0) (−2; 0)
−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5
(−4; −1)

Now any point on the line satisfies the original inequality (or rather the = part of it). Thus, all
points on the line are in the solution space. What about points not on the line? Well, the simple
approach is simply to test a few and see whether they satisfy the inequality or not.
Consider (1; 1). Substitute it into the left-hand side of the inequality, −x + 2y − 2 ≥ 0. It does
not satisfy the inequality since
−1 + 2 × 1 − 2 = −1
−1  0


(read this as “is not greater than or equal to 0”). Also note that it lies below the straight line
on the graph. So, too, do the points (4; 1) and (3; 2). Nor do they satisfy the inequality. On
the other hand, the points (3; 3), (−1; 2) and (−5; 0) all satisfy the inequality and all lie above
the straight line. For example, when (3; 3) is substituted into the left-hand side of the inequality,
−x + 2y − 2 ≥ 0, we find
−3 + 2 × 3 − 2 = 1
1 ≥ 0.
If we carry on in this fashion we will find that all points above the line satisfy the inequality,
whereas all points below the line do not. Thus, the line divides the x–y plane into two regions
– those that satisfy the inequality and those that do not. In this case the points on the line,
for example (−2; 0) and (−4; −1), also satisfy the inequality (since the = sign is included in the
statement). We can use this result as the basis of a prescription for graphing inequalities.

Video: Watch the video “LinIneq_myU” on linear inequalities in two variables.

Rules for graphing linear inequalities

Rule 1 Graph the line that results when the inequality is changed to an equality.

Rule 2 Select any point not on the line.

Rule 3 If the coordinates of the point satisfy the inequality, then all points on the same
side of the line satisfy the inequality.

Rule 4 If the coordinates of the point do not satisfy the inequality, then all points on the
opposite side of the line satisfy the inequality.

Rule 5 If the = sign is part of the inequality, then the points on the line also satisfy
the inequality, otherwise they do not.

This means that all you have to do in order to solve a single inequality in two variables is to draw
the corresponding straight line and to examine a single point in the plane.

Boundary line

Using the Cartesian plane is especially helpful for understanding the range of possible solutions
for inequalities with two variables. When a linear inequality with two variables is graphed in the
Cartesian plane, the full range of possible solutions is represented as a shaded area in the plane.
The boundary line for the inequality is drawn as a solid line if the points on the line itself do
satisfy the inequality, as in the cases of ≤ and ≥.
The boundary line for the inequality is drawn as a dashed line if the points on the line do not
satisfy the inequality, as in the cases of < and >.


3.4.2 Systems of two linear inequalities

Just as systems of linear equations can be formulated, so can systems of linear inequalities. When
solving a system, we must determine all points that simultaneously satisfy all linear inequalities
in the system.

A system of inequalities means that there is more than one line involved. The lines must
be drawn on one set of axes and therefore there is only one solution space.

Once again, the solution is generally a region in the x–y plane. This is demonstrated by an

Video: Watch the video “Systems” on solving systems of linear inequalities in two variables.

Consider the following system of inequalities:

−x + y − 1 ≤ 0 and 2x + y − 4 < 0

If we examine each inequality separately, we can graph its solution along the lines discussed in
the previous section. The solution of the first inequality is the region including all points on the
line −x + y − 1 = 0, and all those below and to the right of this line. The solution of the second
inequality is all points below and to the left of the line 2x + y − 4 = 0, but not the points on the
The two solutions are depicted graphically below, the first with vertical lines and the second with
horizontal lines.

−x + y − 1 = 0

3 (1; 2)


−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4



2x + y − 4 = 0

Now the region in the figure where the horizontal and vertical lines cross, the so-called cross-
hatched or grey space, is the region in which both inequalities are satisfied. It is, in other words,
the solution of the system of inequalities. Note that the first line is included in the solution
while the second is not, as is indicated by dashing the second line. An important point is the


corner of the region where the two lines intersect at (1; 2). This is known as an extreme point
of the region of solution.

To determine the solution of a system of inequalities, solve each inequality

separately and determine the region that is common to all solutions. This
region is known as the solution space of the system of inequalities.

Solve the system of inequalities graphically:

x + y + 2 ≥ 0 and −x + 2y + 2 < 0

The inequalities are

x + y + 2 ≥ 0 and −x + 2y + 2 < 0.

The solution of the first inequality is the region including all the points on, above and to
the right of the line
x + y + 2 = 0.
This is the region indicated by the horizontal lines in the sketch below. The solution of the
second inequality is the region including all points below and to the right of the line
−x + 2y + 2 = 0,
but not the points on the line. This region is indicated by the vertical lines in the sketch
below. The solution of the system of two inequalities is the cross-hatched region.

−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5
2 4 −1
− ;− →
3 3
−x + 2y + 2 = 0





Determine whether a point is a solution of the system of inequalities

A system of linear inequalities is a set of linear inequalities whose common solutions need to be
When solving a system of linear inequalities, you must determine all points that simultaneously
satisfy all linear inequalities in the system.
This is done by graphing each individual inequality and then finding the overlap of the various
solution spaces.
Any point that satisfies all the inequalities simultaneously will be in the area of this overlap.


Determine if the point (3; −1) is a solution of the system of inequalities:

x+y ≤ 6
2x − y > 4
Substituting (3; −1) into Substituting (3; −1) into
the first inequality gives the second inequality gives
x+y ≤ 6 2x − y > 4
3 + (−1) ≤ 6 2 × 3 − (−1) > 4
3−1 ≤ 6 6+1 > 4
2 ≤ 6. 7 > 4.

This is true. This is true.

Therefore, the point (3; −1) is a solution of the system of inequalities.

The graph shows that point (3; −1) lies in the area of the overlap of the solutions of the inequalities
(the area that is shaded gray). Therefore, it is a solution of the system of inequalities.

x+y ≤6 4 2x − y > 4

−1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(3; −1)





3.4.3 Systems of more linear inequalities

So far we have only considered systems of two inequalities in two unknowns. However, it is
quite feasible, and in practice very often necessary, to consider systems with a greater number of
inequalities than the number of unknowns. This is illustrated below, where we consider a system
of five inequalities in two unknowns.
The procedure for solving the system is exactly as before, namely solve each inequality separately
and then determine which region is common to all solutions.


Solve the system of five inequalities graphically:

−x + y − 3 ≤ 0
x+y−5 ≤ 0
x−3 ≤ 0
x ≥ 0
y ≥ 0

We look at the last two of these inequalities first. The inequality x ≥ 0 simply means the region
to the right of and including the y-axis, whereas y ≥ 0 means the region above and including the
x-axis. Taken together, these two inequalities imply the first quadrant of the x–y plane, so we
can restrict our considerations to this region.
The first inequality is satisfied by all points on, below and to the right of the line

−x + y − 3 = 0
or y = x + 3.

The second is satisfied by all points on, below and to the left of the line

x+y−5 = 0
or y = −x + 5.

Finally, the third inequality

x−3 ≤ 0
or x ≤ 3

is satisfied by all points on and to the left of the vertical line x = 3.

The solution is the overlap region of the solutions of all these inequalities, that is the cross-
hatched area shown in the graph on the following page.
Note that the solution is called a closed or bounded solution, because there are lines on all sides
of the solution (i.e. the overlap region as indicated on the graph).



4 (1; 4)

2 (3; 2)

−4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5
−x + y − 3 = 0 x+y−5=0

3.4.4 Word problems


The Fit For Life running club is trying to raise money for new equipment. The men are selling
water bottles for R20 a bottle and the women are selling sweat bands for R40 each. The women
expect to sell at least 100 sweat bands. Jointly they must raise more than R8 000.
Let x represent the number of water bottles sold.
Let y represent the number of sweat bands sold.
Write a system of inequalities that represents this situation.

Write the inequality representing the income:

20x + 40y > 8 000 (More than R8 000 implies >.)
or 2x + 4y > 800

Write the inequality representing the sales of the sweat bands:

y ≥ 100 (At least 100 sweat bands implies ≥ 100.)

Write the inequalities representing positive or zero sales:

x ≥ 0 (You cannot sell a negative amount of water bottles.)
y ≥ 0 (You cannot sell a negative amount of sweat bands.)


Katie works part-time at the Fallbrook Riding Stable. She makes R50 an hour for exercising
horses and R30 an hour for cleaning stalls. Because Katie is a full-time student, she cannot
work more than 12 hours per week. She plans to earn not less than R450 per week.
Let x represent the number of hours Katie exercises horses.
Let y represent the number of hours Katie cleans stalls.
Write a system of inequalities that illustrates how many hours Katie needs to work at each

The correct system of inequalities is represented by

5x + 3y ≥ 45
x+y ≤ 12
x ≥ 0
y ≥ 0.

3.4.5 No solution

Find the solution of the following system of inequalities:

x+y ≤ −3
x+y ≥ 3

Drawing the lines and their solution spaces gives the following:

x+y ≥3

−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 1 2 3 4 5



x + y ≤ −3 −4


There is no place where the individual solution spaces overlap. The lines x+y = −3 and x+y = 3
never intersect because they are parallel lines with different y-intercepts.
Since there is no intersection, there is no solution.


3.4.6 Summary

• A system of linear inequalities is a set of linear inequalities whose common solutions are
looked for.

• The steps for graphing systems of inequalities are as follows:

Step 1 Graph the boundary line for the first inequality.

Step 2 Use a test point to determine which half plane to shade. Shade the
half plane that contains the solutions to the first inequality.

Step 3 Graph the boundary line for the second inequality.

Step 4 Use a test point to determine which half plane to shade. Shade the
half plane that contains the solutions to the second inequality.

Step 5 Do this for all the inequalities.

Step 6 Analyse your system of inequalities and determine which area

is shaded by the solution spaces of all the inequalities.
This area is the solution for the system of inequalities.

Step 7 Any point that satisfied all the inequalities at once will be in
the area of this overlap.

• If the inequality symbol is greater than (>) or less than (<), then you will use a dashed
boundary line. This means that the solutions are not included on the boundary line.

• If the inequality symbol is greater than or equal to (≥) or less than or equal to (≤), then
you will use a solid line to indicate that the solutions are included on the boundary line.

• If the solution space for the system continues forever in at least one direction, it is called
an unbounded solution.

• If the solution space for the system has lines on all sides, it is called a closed or bounded

• If the solution spaces for the individual lines do not overlap, the system has no solution.


Exercise 3.3

1. Draw the linear inequality

3x + y − 3 > 0
on a graph.

2. Draw the linear inequality

2x + 4y + 1 ≤ x + y − 2
on a graph.

3. Solve the following system of inequalities graphically:

2x + y − 5 ≤ 0
x−2 ≤ 0
y−4 ≤ 0
x ≥ 0
y ≥ 0

4. Solve
3x − 7 ≤ 5x + 2
and indicate your solution on the number line.

5. Solve
5x + y + 1 < −x − y − 1


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