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Pillar 1: Dynamic Transformational, and Responsible Leadership

pillar 1 dynamic transformational and responsible leadership empower academic and

administrative leaders by following the core principles of good governance to create
collective growth and unity here i would like to highlight an innovation by introducing the
development of an integrity management plan to assess plan and implement anti-
corruption strategies that will secure the institution against corruption and abuse
likewise asset management and resource generation will be aggressively pursued to
ensure productivity and finance the implementation of the plans and projects

Pillar 2: Responsive and Innovative Curricula and Instruction

for the university pillar 2 responsive and innovative curricula and instruction we aim to
provide world-class polytechnic education that responds to national and globalneeds by
developing intellectually challenging curricula and design academic programs that are
based on industry demands to provide the learners with adequate and relevant
competencies and skills prepare them for a successful and rewarding careers in a
rapidly changing world we recognize the paradigm shift in curriculum to outcome-based
education with life-long learning approach. pillar 2 also sits on the framework of
internationalization of Philippine higher education through transnational education by
promoting academic mobility among faculty and students and global dimension into
the curricula and teaching process

Pillar 3: Enabling and Productive Learning Environment

pillar 3 enabling and productive learning environment following education in industry

4.0 we aim to increase and enhance the use of new technology to enable student
learning and engagement as well as advanced teaching process and methodology
through new and state-of-the-art facilities that will support the overall learning and
teaching experience in the university pillar tree likewise includes campus development
and the provision of conducive learning centers and facilities for students and faculty

Pillar 4: Holistic Student Development and Engagement

pillar 4 holistic student development and engagement we will empower students as

well as rounded learners and active young leaders as we open opportunities for various
academic mobility and venues for honing skills and personal development being the
principal stakeholder of the university recognize academic freedom as a form of self-
expression and a platform to showcase students intellect skills and creativity

Pillar 5: Empowered Faculty Members and Employees

pillar 5 empowered faculty members and employees likewise we are looking into the
holistic development of our faculty and employees as productive competent and
experts in their respective fields we will encourage our faculty roster through formal
education capacity building research and extension initiatives faculty immersion and
other academic engagements both local and abroad we will ensure that both our faculty
and employees will have a vibrant career development path as public servants in this
state university

Pillar 6: Vigorous Research Production and Utilization

pillar six vigorous research production and utilization we will continue to strengthen
the research culture in the university by promoting discovery and innovation through
increasing disciplinary and collaborative research integration across academic
disciplines to create new knowledge utilize research findings and develop innovative
products dealer

Pillar 7: Global Academic Standards and Excellence

7 global academic standards and excellence achieve the highest levels of recognition in
quality and compliance standards from ched aku and other international accrediting
and regulatory bodies for higher education we will intensify our efforts to achieve and
sustain better academic performance and continue to excel as a top performing school
in various professional licensure examinations and produce board top notches as well
as sustain our status of being the most preferred graduates of employers likewise we
aim to establish and to be recognized as centers of development and excellence in our
academic programs
Pillar 8: Synergistic, Productive, Strategic Networks and Partnerships

pillar 8 synergistic productive strategic networks and partnerships synergize enforce

strategic linkages in partnerships across all sectors of society and the global
community in line with the overall plans and programs of the university established
alliance with the government industry sector ngos and the academy will lead to
resource sharing program support and research collaborations beneficial for all

Pillar 9: Active and Sustained Stakeholders’ Engagement

pillar 9 active and sustained stakeholders engagement harness a healthy and

harmonious organization by empowering all its stakeholders both internal and external
through open communication networks consultative and participative undertakings and
team building activities recognizing that all stakeholders can greatly contribute towards
the betterment of the university

Pillar 10: Sustainable Social Development Programs and Projects

pillar 10 sustainable social development programs and projects expand access to

education knowledge building and information dissemination through sharing of
expertise and resources for community development support inclusivity approach and
education by embarking on education on wheels which aims to bring access to
education closer to communities following the principle of no one will be left behind as
the university of the people we should bring the university closer to their hearts to serve
their needs and extend assistance in mainstreaming public service our institution must
continue to stand as one for the values that we have inculcated for the past 115 years
we have exemplified our quest for truth excellence equity relevance effectiveness
integrity and academic freedom lastly i call upon each and every one to join me in this

may the 2 points let us pass this last obstacle

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