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During our time in culminating activity our teacher assigned us to do a

documentary, but before we proceed in planning to do a documentary, we first
watched any movies about documentation. We watched how to do a
documentary title and Kara David’s tips in making a documentation.
Our first week in creating a documentation, we first create a plan
including who will be the subject of our documentary, what will be our title, and
last is what techniques we would use to make a documentary. The idea that first
come up with our mind that would be our title is “OBET” but these ideas changed
by our group leader and she replaced the title of our documentation into Ma’am,
Sir CR. Lang po” in this title we want the students to act on their own to maintain
the clean conditions in the school restroom. The title that we made was finally
approved by our culminating teacher, after our teacher approved our title, we
start in working in our documentary.
In the past two weeks in making our documentary we went through
many trials such as lack of time, lack of cooperation, and taking video in a very
filthy restroom. After we film for our documentary, we gathered all the
shots/video that were taken and started editing. In editing it was also hard for us
because no one in our team that is good at editing a film, but despite of this we
tried our best in editing because we know that all the problems has a solution and
we know that we will overcome this situation of us. Finally, we accomplished
editing film with the help of ourselves and we passed the video film that we do to
our subject teacher in our culminating subject.
This documentation give reflect to me that how difficult is one
challenge it will be overcome if a one group will be united or work together as a

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