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Cognitive bias

Chapter · June 2017

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_1244-1


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1 author:

Fernando Blanco
University of Granada


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Cognitive Bias assumption of rationality (see, e.g., the Homo

Economicus theory in Economics).
Fernando Blanco However, this traditional view has been chal-
Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, Spain lenged in the last decades, in light of evidence
coming from Experimental Psychology and
related areas. Thus, a growing body of experimen-
Definition tal knowledge suggests that people’s judgments
and decisions are often far from rational: they are
Cognitive bias refers to a systematic (that is, non- affected by seemingly irrelevant factors or fail to
random and, thus, predictable) deviation from take into account important information. More-
rationality in judgment or decision-making. over, these departures from the rational norm are
usually systematic: people fail consistently in the
same type of problem, making the same mistake.
Introduction That is, people seem to be irrational in a predict-
able way (Ariely 2008). Therefore, a theory that
Most traditional views on human cognition pro- aims to model human judgment and decision-
pose that people tend to optimality when making making must, in principle, be able to explain
choices and judgments. According to this view, these instances of consistent irrationality or cog-
which has been pervasive in many cognitive sci- nitive biases.
ences (particularly Psychology and Economics), We can begin to examine the concept of cog-
people behave like rational, close-to-optimal nitive bias by describing a similar, easier to depict,
agents, capable of solving simple as well as com- type of phenomenon: Visual illusions. Figure 1
plex cognitive problems, and to maximize the represents a famous object configuration, the
rewards they can obtain from their interactions “Muller-Lyer illusion” (Howe and Purves 2005).
with the environment. Generally, a rational agent The reader must observe the picture and decide
would weight potential costs and benefits of their which of the two horizontal segments, a or b, is
actions, eventually choosing the option that is longer.
overall more favorable. This involves taking into In Western societies, most people would agree
consideration all the information that is relevant in that segment b looks slightly longer than seg-
for solving the problem, while leaving out any ment a. In fact, despite this common impression,
irrelevant information that could contaminate the both segments a and b have exactly the same
decision (Stanovich 1999). Whole research areas length. These segments only differ in the orienta-
in social sciences have been built upon this tion of the adornments that round off the edges (i.
# Springer International Publishing AG 2017
J. Vonk, T.K. Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_1244-1
2 Cognitive Bias

a they originate. Here, we list some of the

approaches that have tried to account for cognitive
b biases: limited cognitive resources, influence of
motivation and emotion, social influence, and
Cognitive Bias, Fig. 1 The Muller-Lyer illusion heuristics. They will be examined in turn.
(Adapted from Howe and Purves (2005) by the author)

e., “arrows” pointing inward or outward), which Limited Cognitive Resources

are responsible of creating the illusion that they
have different lengths (Howe and Purves 2005). First, an obvious explanation for many reported
This example of a very simple visual illusion cognitive biases is the limited processing capacity
illustrates how people’s inferences can be tricked of the human mind. For example, since people’s
by irrelevant information (the adornments), lead- memory does not possess infinite capacity, we
ing to systematic errors in perception. A similar cannot consider any arbitrarily big amount of
situation can occur across a variety of domains information when we make an inference or deci-
and tasks, revealing the presence of cognitive sion, even if all this information is relevant to the
biases not only in perception but also in judgment, problem. Rather, we are forced to focus on a
decision-making, memory, etc. subset of the available information, which we
Typically, the consequence of cognitive bias is cannot process in detail either. Therefore, in
a form of irrational behavior that is predictable most complex problems, the optimal, truly ratio-
(because it is systematic). Cognitive biases have nal solution is out of reach and we can only aim at
been proposed to underlie many beliefs and “bounded rationality” (Kahneman 2003), that is,
behaviors that are dangerous or problematic to making the best decision after taking into consid-
individuals: superstitions, pseudoscience, preju- eration a limited amount of information. This
dice, poor consumer choices, etc. In addition, explanation works well to explain certain
they become specially dangerous at the group- instances of cognitive bias, such as the problems
level, since these mistakes are systematic rather associated to thinking with probabilities. In par-
than random (i.e., one individual’s mistake is not ticular, research has documented that people tend
cancelled out by another one’s), leading to disas- to neglect base rate information when making
trous collective decisions such as those observed Bayesian inferences (i.e., a cognitive bias). How-
during the last economical crisis (Ariely 2009). ever, the same problem is solved much more
easily when it is formulated in terms of frequen-
cies, rather than in probabilities (Gigerenzer and
Hoffrage 1995). The calculations become simpler
Potential Causes in the latter case just because of the more natural
presentation format, and the bias seems sensitive
Traditionally, research on cognitive biases has
to this manipulation.
tended to elaborate taxonomies, or lists of exper-
imentally documented biases, rather than focusing
on providing explicative frameworks (Hilbert
Emotion and Motivation
2012). Consequently, this is the way in which
many textbooks and introductory manuals
Another potential cause for at least some cogni-
approach the topic: e.g., Baron (2008) lists a
tive biases is emotion or affect. Traditionally,
total of 53 biases in his introductory book to
research on decision-making understands ratio-
Thinking and Deciding.
nality as “formal consistency,” conforming to the
Nonetheless, some authors attempted to offer
laws of probability and utility theory. Then, emo-
coherent conceptual frameworks to understand
tions are left out the rational decision-making
what all these biases share in common and how
process, as they can only contaminate the results.
Cognitive Bias 3

However, subsequent research shows that emo- crime exhibited biased processing of contingency
tions play a substantial role in decision-making information to eventually align with their initial
(Bechara and Damasio 2005) and suggests that attitudes toward gun control (i.e., “motivated
without emotional evaluations, decisions would numeracy”) (Kahan et al. 2012). This could
never reach optimality. After all, emotions are explain many other instances of bias in reasoning
biologically relevant because they affect behav- and behavior.
ior: e.g., we fear what can harm us, and conse-
quently decide to avoid it. Several cognitive
biases could be explained by the influence of Social Influence
emotions. For instance, the loss-aversion bias
(Kahneman and Tversky 1984) consists of the Certain cognitive biases could be produced, or at
preference for avoiding losses over acquiring least modulated, by social cues. For instance,
gains of equivalent value, and it could be driven Yechiam et al. (2008) examined the risk-aversion
by the asymmetry in the affective value of the two bias in a gambling task: typically, the bias consists
types of outcomes. Other examples concern moral of people preferring a sure outcome over a gamble
judgment. Many typical studies on moral judg- of equivalent or higher value. Crucially, the
ment consist of presenting participants with ficti- researchers found that the bias was reduced
tious situations such as the famous “trolley when participants were observed by their peers.
dilemmas” (Bleske-Rechek et al. 2010). In one Other cognitive biases possess a more fundamen-
simple variant of the problem, participants tal link to social cues. It is the case of the band-
would be told that a trolley is out of control, wagon bias, which describes the tendency of
barreling down the railways. Close ahead, there people to conform to the opinions expressed ear-
are five people tied up to the track. The participant lier by others, and which has strong influence in
could pull a lever to divert the trolley to a side collective behaviors, such as voting in elections
track, in which there is one person tied up and (Obermaier et al. 2015). So far, we do not know
unable to scape. Would the participant pull the whether the contribution of social cues to this and
lever? From a rational viewpoint, the utility cal- related biases are due to people’s preference to
culus seems straightforward: it is preferable to conform to their peers or because people use
save 5 people (and kill one) than the opposite others’ opinions as a source of information to
outcome. Most people behave according to this form their judgments.
utilitarian, rational rule. However, we know that
the participants’ decisions in these dilemmas are
sensitive to affective manipulations: for example, Heuristics and Mental Shortcuts
if the person who lies on the side track is a close
relative of the participant (or their romantic part- Perhaps the most successful attempt to provide a
ner), this would affect the decision (Bleske- coherent framework to understand cognitive
Rechek et al. 2010). Therefore, emotions can biases is Kahneman and Tversky’s research pro-
drive some systematic deviations from the rational gram on heuristics (Kahneman et al. 1982). The
norm. rationale of this approach is as follows. First,
A related potential source of bias is motivation. making rational choices is not always feasible, or
Research has shown that people’s inferences can even desirable, for several reasons: (a) it takes
be biased by their prior beliefs and attitudes. That time to effortfully collect and weight all the evi-
is, they can engage in motivated reasoning dence to solve a problem; (b) it also needs the
(Kunda 1990): when solving a task, they choose investment of lots of cognitive resources that
the beliefs and strategies that are more likely to could be used for other purposes; and (c) quite
arrive at conclusions that they want to arrive at. often a rough approximation to the best solution
For example, participants who had to judge the of a problem is “good enough,” whereas keeping
effectiveness of gun-control measures to prevent on working to get the optimal solution is so
4 Cognitive Bias

expensive that it does not pay off. Therefore, the lead to conclusions that approximate a good
mind uses heuristics, or mental shortcuts, to arrive enough solution most of the times, they can also
at a conclusion in a fast-and-frugal way. A heuris- lead to systematic mistakes.
tic is a simple rule that does not aim to capture the A great deal of experimental research has
problem in all its complexity or to arrive at the documented several heuristics that could underlie
optimal solution, but that produces a “good many cognitive biases. Perhaps the most famous
enough” solution quickly, and minimizing the ones are the representativeness heuristic, the
effort. At this point, we can recover the example availability heuristic, and the anchoring-and-
of the Muller-Lyer illusion that we described adjustment heuristic (Gilovich et al. 2002).
above, to realize that it can be explained as a
heuristic-based inference. In real life, people’s Representativeness This heuristic is based on
visual system must handle three-dimensional similarity or belonging and can be intuitively for-
information to make inferences about distances mulated as “if A is similar to B (or belongs to
and depth. This is highly demanding in terms of group B), then A will work in the same way as B
resources. However, the task can be simplified by does.” That is, when an exemplar is perceived as
looking for simple rules. Our cognitive system representative of the group, all the features that are
seems to interpret the visual input by making use typical of the group are attributed to the exemplar.
of certain invariant features of the environment. In An example could be that of deducing that a given
a three-dimensional world, two segments that person is smart, just because he studies at the
converge at one point (as in Fig. 1) usually indi- university or because he wears glasses. This heu-
cate a vertex (e.g., the edges formed by adjacent ristic can explain why people commit certain
walls and ceilings typically display this configu- errors when solving Bayesian reasoning prob-
ration). The orientation of the edges can be used to lems, such as the base-rate neglect (Bar-Hillel
predict whether the vertex is incoming (panel a) or 1980).
outgoing (panel b) (first invariant). Furthermore,
an edge far away from the observer will look Availability The availability heuristic is based on
smaller than one that is near (second invariant). the ease with which a representation comes to
In the real world that we navigate most of time, mind. If a certain idea is easy to evoke or imagine,
applying these two simple rules serves to correctly then it is incorrectly judged as likely to happen. A
infer depth and distance, without implementing a classical example is the reported overestimation
costly information processing procedure. How- of the likelihood of an airplane crash after
ever, Fig. 1 is not a three-dimensional picture, watching a movie about airplane accidents. This
and this is why applying the simple rules (heuris- heuristic can account for many common biases,
tics) leads to an error or an illusion: incorrectly such as recency bias: the piece of information that
perceiving depth in a flat, bi-dimensional arrange- is the last in being presented is also the most easily
ment of lines and, thus, incorrectly judging the remembered, and therefore it is usually weighted
sizes of the segments. Nonetheless, Fig. 1 can be more heavily than other pieces of information,
thought of as an exception, whereas most of visual which can lead to serious errors in many domains
configurations we see everyday actually confirm (e.g., judicial). Another instance of the operation
the simple rules, which explains why the heuristic of the availability heuristic is the evaluation of
is useful. In conclusion, as illustrated by the visual near-win events: the fourth runner in crossing
illusion example, judgment can be biased by the the finish line in a race often feels worse than the
operation of heuristics that exploit regularities or tenth one. This happens because this person can
invariants in the world. These heuristics are sim- vividly imagine him/herself as being the third.
ple rules that can be expressed in an intuitive
manner (such as “distant objects are seen Anchoring and Adjustment This is sometimes
smaller”) and need little time and effort to reach considered as a special case of the availability
a conclusion (i.e., they are economic). While they heuristic. Knowing a tentative answer to a
Cognitive Bias 5

question is known to bias further attempts to any other mechanism) were selected by evolution
answer (these answers become closer to the because they actually offer advantage for survival.
anchor). For instance, imagine that you are asked In ancestral environments, there is a pressure to
the question: “in which year did Albert Einstein make important, life-or-death decisions quickly
visit the USA for the first time?”. Let us assume (e.g., it is better to run away upon sighting a
that you do not know the answer, so you must potential predator than to wait until it is clearly
guess. Most people would pick up a number like visible, but perhaps too close to scape). These
“1950.” Now, imagine that you are given a tenta- conditions foster the development of decision
tive range of years to answer. Research shows that mechanisms that (a) work fast and (b) produce
people who are given a range of 1200 to 2000 the so-called “least costly mistake.” In this exam-
actually answer with lower numbers than those ple, it is better to mistakenly conclude that a
who are given a range of 1900 to 2000. Respon- predator is in the surroundings than the alterna-
dents seem to use the range as a tentative response tive, i.e., mistakenly conclude that there is no
(anchor) and adjust their judgment away from it. predator. We know this because the two errors
The anchoring effect has been extensively studied have very different consequences (it could be
in consumer behavior. For example, arbitrary unnecessary waste of time in the former case and
numbers (i.e., the last digits of the participants’ death in the latter) (Blanco 2016). Sometimes the
social security numbers) can act as anchors to least costly mistake is the less likely mistake, as it
affect the amount of money that participants are happens with the Muller-Lyer illusion above:
willing to pay in exchange for a series of items most of times that we interpret colliding lines as
(Ariely et al. 2003). three-dimensional vertexes, and as a cue to depth
A further elaboration of the heuristics approach perception, we are right. In general, many cogni-
is the dual-system theory of human cognition tive biases seem to systematically favor the con-
(Kahneman 2013). According to this theory, the clusion that aligns with the least-costly mistake,
mind has two working modes: System I is fast, formulated in any of these ways.
intuitive, heuristics-based, automatic, and frugal, Additionally, exhibiting certain cognitive
whereas System II is slow, rational, optimality biases can even produce other type of benefits,
oriented, and resource-greedy. People perform particularly in emotional terms. For example, one
many everyday tasks under System I: when the well-known cognitive bias is the illusion of con-
task is easy, when we need a quick solution, or trol (Langer 1975), which consists of the mistaken
when an approximate solution (not optimal) is belief that one can exert control over outcomes
good enough. However, certain task demands that are actually uncontrollable. The emotional
can activate System II. For instance, manipula- consequences of this bias are noteworthy: a per-
tions that reduce cognitive fluency, such as pre- son who thinks that there is nothing that one can
senting the problem in a nonnative language, can do to affect a relevant outcome might feel despair,
lead to more thoughtful, rational, and bias-free or even depressed, for it is a sad realization that
solutions (Costa et al. 2014). one has no control over his/her life. In contrast,
those who develop the illusion of control (incor-
rectly) attribute to themselves any positive out-
come that may happen, so they feel confident and
An Evolutionary Perspective
safe. Furthermore, they will even feel motivated to
keep trying and producing actions to affect the
A complementary line of research focused on
environment (i.e., the illusion of control produces
understanding why cognitive biases appeared in
behavioral persistence). In fact, evidence suggests
first place in the evolution course, by analyzing
that mildly depressed people are less likely to
their associated benefits. Thus, the error-manage-
show the illusion of control (i.e., the depressive
ment-theory (Haselton and Nettle 2006) proposes
realism effect, Alloy and Abramson 1979), which
that cognitive biases (produced by heuristics or by
6 Cognitive Bias

highlights the connection between cognitive workshops to improve critical thinking and rea-
biases and positive emotions. soning skills.
In sum, at least some cognitive biases (like the One common obstacle that debiasing efforts
illusion of control) seem to be associated to pos- have encountered is called the “blind spot bias”
itive outcomes, or to the long-run minimization of (Pronin et al. 2002): While people can readily
costly mistakes, that could have represented an identify biases in others’ arguments, they find it
evolutionary advantage for our ancestors. There- difficult to detect similar biases in their own judg-
fore, the traits that underlie the bias would have ment. This is why transmitting the scientific
been selected through our evolutionary history. knowledge about how cognitive biases work
Nonetheless, the error management theory has (and which factors affect them) can be a useful
been received with some skepticism. Admittedly, tool to complement debiasing strategies. In sum,
typical cognitive biases not always align with the advancing in our understanding of cognitive
least-costly mistake. For instance, the same bias biases is in the interest of all society (Lilienfeld
that facilitates the quick detection of a hidden et al. 2009).
predator (e.g., clustering illusion), thus protecting
us from a serious threat, could also produce dan-
gerous decisions in a different context, such as
believing that a bogus health treatment, such as
quackery, works (Blanco 2016).
▶ Base-Rate Neglect
▶ Decision-Making
▶ Muller-Lyer Illusion
▶ Perception
▶ Problem-Solving
Cognitive biases have been defined as a general
▶ Rationality
feature of cognition. As such, they are pervasive
and can be observed in a vast variety of domains
and tasks. Much has been studied about the impact
of these biases on several key aspects of life. For References
example, cognitive biases could underlie highly
societal issues, such as prejudice and racial hate Alloy, L. B., & Abramson, L. Y. (1979). Judgment of
contingency in depressed and nondepressed students:
(Hamilton and Gifford 1976), paranormal belief, Sadder but wiser? Journal of Experimental Psychol-
or pseudomedicine usage (Blanco 2016), and ogy: General, 108(4), 441–485. doi:10.1037/0096-
more generally, the prevalence of poor decisions 3445.108.4.441.
in many contexts, like consumer behavior (Ariely Ariely, D. (2008). Predictably irrational: The hidden
forces that shape our decisions. New York: Harper
2008). Collins. doi:10.5465/AMP.2009.37008011.
Thus, it is not strange that researchers have Ariely, D. (2009, August). The end of rational economics.
tried to find out ways to overcome cognitive Hardvard Business Review, 87(7), 78–84.
biases, a practice commonly known as Ariely, D., Loewenstein, G., & Prelec, D. (2003). “Coher-
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2012). Different strategies have been used to (1), 73–106. doi:10.1162/00335530360535153.
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Games and Economic Behavior, 52(2), 336–372.
fect) approaches to a problem. Finally, other doi:10.1016/j.geb.2004.06.010.
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Cognitive Bias 7

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