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Over Ripe Bananas Used as an Alternative Fertilizer

On Growing White Onions

(Allium Cepa)

Lorenzo Sarmiento Sr. National High school

The researchers
Erick John T. Punayan
Aang Jeneano Lucero

Research Adviser
Maricel G. Navales

February 2023
Chapter 2
Background Of The Study


Currently, these days many Filipino farmers are struggling on how to

increase the growth and production of their white Onions(Allium Cepa).
Two main reasons of this is, (a) slow production, (b) lack of good and
efficient fertilizers for growing white Onions.

Recent researchers show that in 2019 the white onion

consumption in the Philippines is approached per capital reached 2.29 kg,
according to (Faostat). This is 7.29% less than in the previous year due to
over consumption this year 2022 according to Historical Philippine statistics
Authority (PSA) data.

These data shows that there is great need for an alternative

fertilizer which is organic and eco-friendly and more efficient.

One choice of a fertilizer is an “over-ripe banana”, talking about

bananas, over Ripe banana is a great substitute for fertilizer because of its
high potassium rich peels and high carbon dioxide based composed body
that are excellent for plant like white Onion.
Statement Of The Problem

 Low production and shortage of white Onions because lack of good

and efficient fertilizer
 High consumption of white Onions because of high population growth
 Disposal of over Ripe Bananas because of no alternative use and
over production

Review of Related literatures

The main objective of this research is to promote the reuse of waste

resulting from different manufacturing processes such as fruit (.e.g banana
and orange ) as substitute (at least partially of mineral fertilizers said (Mona
Nossier, 2020)
( Hariyono, Mulyon, 2021) as said that Banana peel is an organic waste,
which has nutrients that are useful for plants.
(Brosban City Council, 2022) said that Banana contain calcium, which
promotes root growth helps add oxygen to your soil.
(Jasper Y. Arcalas, 2022) as this article sai the Philippines is projected to
suffer this year a shortage of key ingredient in making Filipino dishes, such
as white onion(Allium Cepa)
(Jordeene B. Lagare, 2022) local onion produces said their stocks of white
onions has been depleted as early as July, but assured the public of
enough supply of red until before the holiday.

Null hypothesis is being used that
There is no difference between the two methods used on Growing White
onions including the foliage and length of the crop.
Significance of the Study

The importance of this study is to make white Onions production

much faster using over Ripe Bananas as an alternative fertilizer.

Lessens the disposal of over Ripe Bananas and increase the

growth and production of white onions. The findings of this study will also
rebound to the benefit of the society considering that food play as an
important role in our daily lives.

Scope And Limitations

Scope of the study

This study is focusing on how over Ripe banana can effect the growth
rate of white onion(Allium Cepa). This study will be done by comparing
synthetic fertilizer treated with soil and soil treated with over ripe Bananas.
Limitations of the study
This study will not cover the other problems that are not necessarily
connected on pest control and other plant perspective and not having any
connection about fertilizer


Research Design

Research Method
Quantitative Research Method
Descriptive Method is Being used in this study

Research Instrument/tools
This research uses a large amount of tools in gardening and farming to
properly analyze and gather data.
 Shovel
 2 Pots
 NPK Fertilizer
 Bananas/Tundan
 Knife
 Bowl
 Soil
 2 White Onion (Allium Cepa)
Research Locale

The study was conducted at Purok 2 Poblacion Mawab Davao De Oro

Source: Google Maps.
Conceptual Frame work
Mass of potassium
of an Over ripe
 Plant Growth
 No. Of leaves
 Length of the
Control variable
NPK fertilizer
Amount of water
1. Gathering tools and materials
The researchers gather some of the tools/instruments and materials
for this study to analyze and gather data.
One of the important tools to aquire is the main subject white
onion(Allium Cepa) and the main study the Over ripe bananas, gather the
remaining tools to start the process.

2. Creating and initiating the procedure

Ready the white onions(Allium Cepa) for planting it later,
Aquire the over ripe bananas and chop it diagonaly to easily mash it
later with a mortar, also don’t throw the peels the researchers will use
it later.

2.1. Get the mortar and slowly smash the two bananas to complete
the 2nd procedure.

Dice the remaining banana peels with a knife and cut it into
small size. Then add the banana peels into the bowl full of over
ripe bananas.
3. Planting procedure
Prepare the two pots with soil name the two pot (pot a) and (pot b)
put the mixture of banana and peel in the pot a and in the pot b put at
least a two table spoon of NPK then plants the two white onions in
the two pots and wait for the results.
The two subject will be observe after 20 to 40 days

Plant A Plant B
The plant grow about Plant B grows about 8 to 8.3
9 inches inch
No. Of leaves. No. Leaves.
3 leaves 1-2 leaves

After 20-40 days it shows in the diagram that the plant a has
more potency than the plant B

The researchers confirmed that this study will end in 2-4 months in

Mona Nossier, 2020

Hariyono, Mulyono, 2021
Brisban City Council, 2022
Jasper Y. Arcalas, 2022
Jordeene B. Lagare, 2022

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